Saturday, 14 June 2014

14 JUNE 2014

14 JUNE 2014 /  Saturday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you, all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, everyone, visitors, viewers, Nithya Dhyan Yoga participants, everyone sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing.  I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today’s satsangh, I wanted to expand on HOW TRUTH WILL BE, WHAT TRUTH IS WHEN YOU EXPRESS DIRECTLY, directly from the highest consciousness without mixing, matching, without mincing words.

Please understand, the experience of truth as it is, is so subtle, so beautiful, it can be transmitted just by the right words itself, please listen, it can be transmitted just by the right word.  Right listening of the right word is enough for you to experience the truth. 

All the cities sitting with us all over the world, please listen!  I didn’t read out all the cities names, not because I didn’t see you; I can see you;  but I just wanted to get into the satsangh directly, so I got into the satsangh.  If you can see me and hear me, just wave your hands for audio check.  (Online cities wave their hands).  Good! 

Listen!  Now listen!  Before the satsangh I was just sipping tea.  Suddenly I felt, exactly, directly, without waiting....  Without waiting for your listening if I speak, that is Upanishad.  Without waiting for my speaking if you start listening, that is Upanishad.  Without waiting for your listening if I just start speaking the truth as it is, that is what Dakshinamurthy is doing.  Whether you listen or not, he is showering!  He goes on!  Same way, whether Guru speaks or not, if you are sitting in the space of listening, you are in Upanishad.  A real Master goes on speaking whether the disciple listens or not.  A real disciple goes on listening whether the Master speaks or not.  I just thought, if I straight start speaking the truth as it is what I will speak, let me speak those words today without bothering about whether you understand or not, whether you listen or not.  Today I am going to speak that only, and I am speaking that only. 

Oneness, listen, Oneness is not one.  Please understand, Oneness should not be equated to one.  This understanding is very important.  Oneness is experienced.  One is a mathematical number.  Oneness is God, God is not one.  Oneness is God, God is not one.  The non-dual consciousness, with everyone, everything, please listen, the non-dual consciousness with everyone and everything is the purpose of life.  And the oneness you experience in the non-dual state cannot be equated to one.  When you try to equate that oneness to one, all the mess-ups start, dilution, destruction, delusion starts, then the fight whether “one” or “two” or “many” starts.  A very important thing you need to know, whether in Advaitha or Visishta Advaitha or Dwaitha, Oneness only is experienced.  Please understand, whether it is Advaitha, Dwaitha, Visishta Advaitha, Oneness only is experienced.  But when you try to equate that Oneness to one and establish a system, theory, instead of establishing a process....

A person who establishes a process for you to have that same experience is an “Enlightened Being”.  A person who establishes a system is a “Religious Leader”.  A person who establishes a theory is a “Philosopher”.  When the system or theory is getting established to reach that Oneness, if you try to equate that Oneness to one, then the problem starts.  Today I will try to expand on the process of Oneness.

Look into you and see whatever patterns, whatever ideas, whatever thoughts brings conflict into you, does not allow the experience of Oneness in you, start completing with that.  Listen!  I am establishing the process for Oneness.  May be, next few days, I will go on expanding on it.  Sit and go on penning down the patterns which make you move away from the original Oneness space, restful awareness, the state for which you are yearning without even knowing for which you are yearning, understand?  In all of us, there is a yearning for a certain state.  Without even knowing for what we are yearning, we go on yearning.  Sometimes we think, because the yearning was very deep, we think we are yearning for money, or we think we yearn for just physical satisfaction.  Sometimes we get scared and go crazy about that yearning.  I use the word “scrazy”.  You just get scared what for you are yearning, and go crazy about why you are yearning, what for you are yearning. 

Listen!  Whether you get scared of the yearning, or go crazy about the yearning, or get attached to what you yearn, ultimately you are yearning to a state of Oneness.  Non-dual consciousness!  “Ekatwa” is not “Eka”.  Listen!  Oneness is God, God is not one, be very clear.  All the religions which talk about “God is one”, “One God” theory, are not leading you towards Oneness of God.  So, I am not accepting the concept that God is one, or the theology that God is one; but, I am very clear, the fact, that reality is: God is Oneness. 

Listen!  God is Oneness and you are constantly yearning for that Oneness which is in you or you are part of that Oneness.  Sit and pen down all the patterns which make you feel you are away from that Oneness, which make you move out of that Oneness.  If you start penning down the idea that “I am the body”, that usually makes you move out of that Oneness.  “I am the mind” makes you move out of that Oneness.  Your association with different patterns, that makes you move out of Oneness.  Listen!  But the solution is not “I am not the body”!  That is the biggest mistake most of the Vedantis do.  Immediately they start punishing the body and start declaring ‘I am not the body!’, ‘I am not the body!’.  How much ever loudly you may shout and scream ‘I am not the body!’, your body only is screaming ‘I am not the body’!  Even in the scream ‘I am not the body!’, you associate yourself with the body!  It is too funny how the Vedantis commit conceptual suicide, understand?  “Conceptual suicide”, that is the right word I will use.  When you learn concepts, but you are not growing in the space of Oneness, you learn concepts, theories, but you are not growing into Advaitha, I call that as “conceptual suicide”, accumulating ignorance in the name of knowledge, acquiring ignorance in the name of knowledge. 

Listen!  Sit and pen down all the patterns which make you experience distance, which make you move away from the original non-dual consciousness, the state of Advaitha, state of non-duality, experience of Advaitha.  Sit and pen down all the patterns, all the reasons, all the identifications, all the ideas, all the thoughts you are having which make you experience restlessness, agitation, confusion, delusion, which make you move away from restful awareness. 

Listen!  I am directly establishing the process for you to experience the non-dual consciousness, the Advaitha, the state of Advaitha.  Today I am not talking about any Anacin, Metacin, how to remove your headache, knee pain, how to have good relationships with your family or teamily.  No!  I am not talking about any of that.  Listen!  I am very straight.  I am establishing the process for you to experience non-dual consciousness.  So listen!  Listen!  Come to the space of listening and listen!  This can directly take you to the non-dual state of consciousness.

Sit and pen down all the patterns, ideas, concepts, theories, thoughts, which make you move away from the non-dual state, Advaithic state.  It can be as simple as “I am the body”, to as complicated as “I am my wealth”.  Sometimes people are ready to die, but not ready to give up their wealth, because their affiliation, association, idea of connection with wealth has become far more deeper than the idea “I am the body”!  A very funny thing: People start eating to be alive, but every year millions of people die because of eating!  People start eating to be alive, but every year millions are dying because of over-eating!  Because, by and by, they associate themselves with food more than their body, or the ability of their body to make the food into life.  Their ability to make the food into their life, ability to convert the food into life is far more important than just eating.  Many times, in the attachments and delusions, the purpose is lost.  As I said, you start eating for living; finally, just by eating you die!  You are ready to die, but not ready to reduce your eating.  I am not even asking you to give up your eating; just reduce your eating.

Just a few days before, I read an article.  Every year, at least three weeks’ fasting cures you from various illnesses, possible diseases, because the three weeks of fasting puts your body into the survival mode, it starts raising its immunity level and it starts raising the frequency of its existence by itself.  Our Nirahara Samyama is exactly three weeks!  Once in a year, Nirahara Samyama is really wonderful and good.  Listen!  Due to popular demand, and I also wanted to restart regular Nirahara Samyama in the morning satsanghs itself, from July 1st we will be starting, restarting the next batch of Nirahara Samyama.  I myself will be guiding.  Tons and tons of people, more number of people die by over-eating than by hunger.  And, surely, all of you who are listening now to the satsangh, whether directly or through video-conferencing or Nithyananda TV, your problem is surely not hunger, and you are not going to die by hunger.  Your problem, if at all, is only going to be over-eating.  So, I think, it is time that we start Nirahara Samyama.  Tons of diseases get cured.

Listen!  Thousands of people are more afraid of speaking on the stage than of death!  Please understand, it is a scientific study, survey, research report.  People are more afraid of speaking on stage than dying!  Why you know?  Because your attachment with your identity becomes more stronger than the attachment with the idea of body.  All I am trying to ask you, trying to tell you is, pen down all the patterns, ideas, concepts which you think is making you move out of this non-dual state of consciousness.  For example, if your list runs like “I am the body”, “I am the mind”, “I am the identity” and all that, don’t immediately start thinking “I am not the body” is the antidote.  No!  “I am not the body” is not the antidote; that is not the solution.  The moment you start thinking, ‘I am not the body’, you start torturing the body, punishing the body, and you think punishing and torturing and conquering the body will lead you to the non-dual consciousness.  No!  It does not!

Nirahara Samyama is not torturing your body, punishing your body, you need to know that.  Because, it is not fasting!  Understand, it is not fasting!  It is awakening one of the extraordinary powers of your body by the proper methodology, understand?  It is just awakening one of the greatest powers your body has – producing food directly from Nature!  If that power is awakened even fifty percent, that is enough!  It means.....I mean to say, even if your intake is reduced fifty percent, you will be free from diseases, old age, and sufferings of body-mind, sufferings of body-mind, sufferings of the body-mind combination. 

So, understand, don’t say, ‘I am not the body’, ‘I am not the mind’, ‘I am not my identity’.  No!  The idea “I am not the body”, “I am not the mind”, “I am not the identity” is not going to solve the issue.  Start completing.  Means, find the root when you started identifying yourself with the body strongly.  Start identifying the root incidents when you started identifying with your identity strongly.  Start finding out when you started identifying with your different fears, various identifications.  Find the root.  Start looking at the root.  Start looking at the root incidents.  Please understand, if you start screaming internally or externally, ‘Na aham deham’ – ‘I am not the body!’ ‘I am not the body!’ – you are only going to cut the branches of a tree which will make the tree flourish more; you are not going to destroy that tree.  But if you find out the root incidents when you started developing the identification with the body, identification with your mind, identification with your identity, pen down the incidents and run down through it.  Complete them.  Re-live them and relieve them.  Then you will see you are shaking the very root, the ignorance tree will be destroyed!  The tree of ignorance will be destroyed!

Listen!  How much ever you may scream, ‘I am not the body!’, ‘I am not the body!’ externally or internally, ‘I am not the body!’, ‘I am not the body!’, ‘Na aham deham’, ‘Na aham deham’, or even sing:

मनोबुद्धयहंकार चित्तानि नाहं........
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ।।
manobuddhyahaṃkāra chittāni nāhaṃ...........|
chidānandarūpaḥ śivo'ham śivo'ham ||

No!  The person who originally sang the verse, sang after Completion!  If you are using that, if you think that is the antidote for your incompletion, you are wrong. 

मनोबुद्धयहंकार चित्तानि नाहं, न च श्रोत्रजिव्हे न च घ्राणनेत्रे ।
न च व्योम भूमिर्न तेजो न वायुः, चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ।।
manobuddhyahaṃkāra chittāni nāhaṃ
na cha śrotrajihve na cha ghrāṇanetre |
na cha vioma bhūmir na tejo na vāyuḥ
chidānandarūpaḥ śivo'ham śivo'ham ||

When he sang, from the space of Completion he sang.  You go on repeating that!  You go on repeating that; that is not going to be the solution.

Understand, straight process for non-dual consciousness, Advaitha Anubhooti, is penning down all the thoughts and patterns which distances you from the space of Advaitha, and penning down the root incidents when you started developing those ideas; and sit and start re-living those incidents; complete and drop. 

I have seen so many thousands of human minds as it is.  Just a few days before, one young man, may be twenty-two or twenty-three, came to me weeping, crying, saying, ‘My uncontrollable lust, even I am ashamed of it!  I don’t know how to get rid of it.  I have started becoming perverted and started punishing my body.’  And he has even cut himself with the knife in the body and all!  It was so pathetic.  I just looked into him and gave him a very simple solution: 

‘For three days, just sleep in your mother’s lap.’  That’s all. 

I asked him, ‘Whether your mother is loving, caring towards you?’ 

Which mother will not be caring and loving towards her son?  Even if the son is a robber, whatever may be the son, the mother will always be a good mother.  You can’t say whether son is a good son or not, but mother will always be a good mother. 

He said, ‘Naturally, Swamiji, my mother is good and loving mother.’

I said, ‘Just go and sleep on her lap for three days.’

And, I tell you, when he came back I saw in him a completely new being!  He himself said, ‘I don’t know how can this simple thing be a solution for such a big problem I was struggling with once!’ 

I said, ‘Nothing!  When as a child you are sleeping on your mother’s lap, suddenly if your mother has to run for something to attend, so she moved you out of her lap.  It was an unexpected blow for you to be moved out of your mother’s lap to which you are clinging very cosily, comfortably.  That moment when you started crying, she went to attend to something in the kitchen, when you started crying, that is the moment you developed the idea you are the body, and you need your own body to keep you in the space of Completion.  When you attend to the exact pattern, solutions are always as simple as even feeling stupid.’  Sometimes you may even feel solutions look stupid.  To an onlooker it will naturally feel, who has not seen the result of this solution, this will look stupid.  The young man comes and tells me, ‘Oh, I am suffering with so much of lust, even I am not able to handle myself!’, and this Swamiji says, ‘Go and sleep in the lap of your mother for three days.  It will become alright.’  And it becomes alright!  What to do?  HAHAHAHAHA!  Even if you really don’t want, it becomes alright!  It becomes alright!

Understand, I tell you, all your problems which move you out of non-dual consciousness will simply become alright just like this incident if you attend the root incident, if you re-live the root incident when you started developing that separation, that incompletion, that fear.  When this guy came back, he says, ‘Swamiji, suddenly I feel so content, so complete!  And all my every-day fantasy....’  He says, ‘I have that fantasy hour, that dream hour.  All that has suddenly melted down!’ 

I tell you, now whatever I am speaking if you just pen down when you started developing the patterns, ideas, moving out of your original Advaithic state and re-live, it will literally be like a miracle cure for tons of problems you have.  Tons of problems you have can be solved.  Even not having self-drive is a problem.  If you find out when you lost the Advaitha, that is the time you would have lost your self-drive for life.

Understand, just do this simple process:  First, pen down the ideas, patterns, concepts which make you feel you are away from your non-dual state.  Second, think and pen down when those patterns have started developing in you, how you developed those patterns, those incidents.  Third, re-live all those incidents.  Fourth, relieve and complete them.  Fifth, start living Advaitha, non-dual state of consciousness.  That’s all.

I tell you, if you are handling the problems, it is like plucking leaf by leaf to kill the tree; you are a fool!  By the time you pluck half of the leaves, the other leaves have started growing!  Attend to the root; that is the most intelligent way of solving your problem.

So, with this, I will move to the Kalpataru process.

All the participants who have come for Kalpataru Darshan in Hyderabad Bahyanagara and all over the world, please take up paper and pen.  Pen down one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the patterns, ideas, incompletions.  Pen down both.

(After a few minutes...........)

Now, sit straight.  Close your eyes.  Complete with all the incompletions you have and drop them.  Hold the space for what you want to create.  Hold on to the space for what you want to create.  Complete with all the incompletions you have and hold the space for what you want to create.  Visualize what you want to create after completing all the incompletions you have.  Namah Shivaya!


The space you want to create, let it become reality!  The space you created, let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!  Thathaasthu!  Thathaasthu!

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________



Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the visitors, viewers, devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, and Sannyasis, who are here for this satsangh.

I request you not to photograph, videograph, in any form.  It intereferes with the satsangh.  I even request, do not even spend your energy in trying to take notes.  End of the satsangh, you don’t need enlightened notebook, you need enlightened being.  So, listen!  Listen!

Rewrite your Future!  I am going to share a few practical, experiential, time-tested, foolproof methods, process, to help you rewrite your future.  Please understand, I am not going to waste your time in any of the intellectual debate.  I am not going to confuse you with any brain-candy.  I am very clear, I will be giving you the practical tools, practical method, to rewrite your future. Whatever I am going to share with you all will be the user-friendly version of Sanatana Hindu Dharma, please understand, the user-friendly version of Sanatana Hindu Dharma! 

What I mean by the word “Rewrite”?  Our future, till you wake up and take control over, till you decide to take control over, your future is accident!  Waking up and deciding to take control over your future, waking up and deciding to take control over your future, please understand.

Every one of us wants to control our future, wants to write our future as we want.  From time immemorial, human-beings entertained this desire to control the future, but, unfortunately, didn’t work in the right direction.  Sometimes you try in the wrong direction.  Sometimes, because you try in the wrong direction, you come to the conclusion that it (rewriting your future) is not possible. 

The first word I want to give all of you, with all my integrity I tell you, REWRITING THE FUTURE IS POSSIBLE!  I have done it!  I am sharing with you from my experience.  Rewriting your future is possible! 

The second word I want to give for all of you: IT IS NOT DIFFICULT! 


How you wrote your past is called “Karma”.  How it is affecting your present is “incompletions”.  How it is repeating, reproducing itself as your future is the “accidental unconscious life”, most of us are living.

Please listen!  How you wrote your past, how it is affecting your present, how it is reproducing itself as your future, knowing the context is the first step.  Knowing the context!  I will give you a very simple example.

Three men were working in a stone quarry.  All three of them are actually breaking stones.  One was doing it with so much of sadness.  The second one was doing it with comfortable level, peacefully.  The third one was doing it blissfully, joyfully. 

Somebody went and asked the guy who was working with a lot of sadness:  ‘Why are you so sad?  What are you doing?’

He said, ‘I am breaking stones.’

He went and asked the guy who is very peaceful: ‘What are you doing?’

‘I am making a pillar.’

He went and asked the third guy who was blissful: ‘What are you doing?’

‘I am building a temple.’

Please listen!  All three are actually doing the same job, doing the same work.  But, when you don’t know the context, you feel tired, bored.  When you have somewhat little understanding about the context, you feel peaceful, comfortable.  When you know the larger vision of your life, you are blissful.  If your life is sandwiched between tiredness and boredom....  People wake up so tired, go to bed so fresh.  Because of our conflicting, contradicting lifestyle that we live, we wake up so tired, and go to bed fully awake!  If your life is sandwiched between tiredness and boredom, be very clear, let us be ready to face the stark reality, we don’t know the context of our life!  Why we are doing what we are doing?  Who we are?  Where are we heading?  Is my today’s life adding strength to me?  Is it helping me making me head towards where I am really going, or where I really want to go?  Is it pushing me towards where I want to go?

Please listen!  If you know every single day you are living is moving you towards where you want to go, you will never feel tiredness or boredom.  Tiredness is nothing but conflicts you are entertaining.  Boredom is nothing but contradictions you are entertaining.  Please listen!  All tiredness is nothing but conflicts we are entertaining.  All boredom is nothing but contradictions you entertain.  It is internal contradictions, internal conflicts that is responsible for tiredness.  All tiredness, all boredom, is the information you receive from your own inner-space that something is not right the way you are living.  Tiredness and boredom is the tip of the iceberg, please understand.  I may call tiredness and boredom as “representatives of Karma”.

I wanted you to understand this word “Karma”.  Karma is strong belief of impossibility....strong belief of impossibility!  Anything you start, the flow of life, flow of your thinking, starting with impossibility, or strongly locked in impossibility.  Please understand, it is like driving your car with the handbrakes on!  Without releasing the handbrakes if you drive your car, how it will be?  That is exactly!  Without releasing the impossibility, without completing with impossibility if you push your life, sometimes you may move, you may reach, but, listen, with a lot of difficulty. Completing with impossibilities, completing with impossibilities is the first step in life.  Completing with impossibilities is the first step in life.  I may call completing with impossibilities your “Chittha Shuddhi”, making your inner-space available to you. 

I may use a few technical terms; but I commit with you I will translate those words in a user-friendly way, the way you can use it, the way you can practically use it. 

Karma!  Karma means your strong beliefs of impossibility.  Your strong beliefs of impossibility is “Karma”.  Understand, there are thousands and thousands of definitions about Karma.  I am defining in such a way that it is directly useful to you, the definition is directly helpful to you. 

Let us see now how we built our past.  A very funny thing in our life is, not even how we built our past, whenever the new ideas to rewrite your future comes, you think, ‘Oh, how can these ideas work?  In the past they all did not help me.’  Please listen!  In the past you never used them, you never applied them in your life; but you go on believing that in the past you used them and they did not work for you.  This is what I call “delusion”.  The truths which you never applied, without even applying you reject it saying, ‘It will not be useful for me, because it was not useful for me in the past.’

Listen!  The worst dangerous thing in life is not even messing up your past.  All of us have messed up our past, please be very clear!  All of us!  Unless you are an enlightened being who came down with a clear purpose and vision, every human-being has messed up with the past.  Messing up with the past is usual.  That is not something big problem to be worried about, to be bothered about.  The biggest problem is, when the solutions are available to you, when the right truths are available to you, when the right methodology is available to you, when the right technology is available to you, you start thinking, ‘I already applied these thoughts, ideas in my past, and they did not work for me, and they are not going to work for me in the future.’  With this delusion, rejecting the possibility for rewriting the future is the biggest problem human-beings suffer.  You never applied these principles completely in the past, but you strongly believe you tried and it is not working for you, it was not successful for you in the past. 

Listen!  Many times, again and again and again, you discover a solution for a problem.  In three-four days you forget the solution, fall into the same problem, and think, think, think for one week and find the same solution.  After you find the same solution you feel, ‘Yes, what a great solution.  But I found the same solution two days before.  Why did I forget?’  And you try to retain this solution.  Again, in one week you forget the solution, fall into the same problem, the same rut, the same thinking trend of problem.  Again, after one week of thinking, thinking, thinking, contemplating, you find the same solution, and again you feel, ‘Why did I forget the same solution?  This time I will write the solution in a paper and stick it next to my bed.’  Whether you stick it next to your bed, or on your back, or on your face, or on your mirror, wherever you want you can stick it, but you fall into the same rut again, again you forget the same solution, and you are back to square one!  How many of you can honestly look in and see you have this problem?  Raise your hands.  (People raise their hands).  Great!  Please relax!  You are successful in the first step; means, diagnosing the problem.  Looking at the problem from the right context, looking at the problem from the right context gives you the possibility, gives you the possibility for solution.  It is like a whirlpool, caught in a whirlpool.  Again and again and again, you find a solution.  In a week you fall into the same incompletion.  In a week again you find the solution.  In a week, again you fall into the same incompletion.  It is almost like moon becoming New Moon and Full Moon – Amavasya and Poornima.

Karma means, believing life is impossible.  Whatever you believe as impossible, you have Karma in that space.  If you think health is impossible, if you believe strongly health is impossible, your Karma is on the health, you have Rahu on your health.  Rahu is impossibility.  The blind impossibility is Rahu, and the blind possibility is Kethu, in Indian Astrology.  Both have no logic, no rational substantiation.  That is why both of them are described as shadow, not as reality.  Believing strongly “impossible” without logical reason is Rahu.  Believing strongly “possible” without logical substantiation, logically substantiating it, is Kethu.  Seeing the reality as it is, is Guru. 

Please understand, I am neither going to teach you illogical impossibility or irrational possibility.  Irrational possibility is not solution for illogical impossibility.  Sometimes we start thinking irrational possibility is the solution for illogical impossibility; means, positive thinking is the solution for negative thinking.  In my experience, seeing millions of people all over the world, I have not seen a single person successful in positive thinking.  Even the people who preach positive thinking are suffering with negative thinking and come to me for solution!  I have seen many of these positive thinkers who teach, write about positive thinking, suffering deeply with negative thinking. 

One of the greatest positive thinking people of the world, Dale Carnegie, who wrote the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People”.....that book was sold next to Bible in the world!  Please understand, “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”, and “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, these two books are sold next to Bible!  Literally the Prophet of Positive Thinking!  You need to know his biography.  In the book, “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”, he teaches how to impress your wife, how to make your life more happy, how to have better relationships.  And in the second book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, he teaches how to get out of the suicidal tendency, suicidal instincts, life-negative patterns.  Unfortunately, he committed suicide, because he was not able to cope up with his wife! 

Please understand, what I am sharing with you is the truth, simple truth, simple truth straightaway!  First time when I came to Mumbai, this was the topic of the satsangh: “Simple truth straightaway”!  Please understand, I am sharing the simple truth straightaway.  Irrational positivity is not antidote for illogical impossibility.  There is no positive thinking.  Positive thinking is not solution for negative thinking, listen!  The solution is, first, finding out how did you develop this negative thinking, how did this pattern happen in you, how did this settle down in your system as your basic cognition, how the Karma is built in you.  Again I wanted to remind you, hundreds and thousands of definitions for Karma is given.  I am defining it in the most user-friendly way. 

In any field you believe impossibility, that is Karma.  If you believe you can never have Completion with your spouse, you have Karma in that space.  If you believe you can never achieve the wealth you wanted, you have Karma in that space.  Karma is a strong negative belief about your existence and life.  One good news is, you can change the Karma.  And the best news is, you can do it now!  Please understand, one good news is, you can change the Karma.  The best news is, you can do it now!  You may ask, ‘How can I change?’  Because, anything you created, you have the power to change.  Impossibility is created by you.  So, it can be changed by you.  May be, because you tried with the wrong methods, wrong techniques, wrong ideas and failed, that does not mean it is impossible.  As I said, the biggest obstacle in life is the delusion of you tried, you thinking, you coming to the conclusion that you tried all these new ideas, new possible thought-trend, new technology, and it doesn’t work for you; you coming to this conclusion without really sincerely trying it.  I can give you hundreds of examples....hundreds of examples.  You try half-heartedly some new method in a challenging way.  Please understand, that is the most funny thing.  You try in a very challenging way just to disprove that that technology is not going to work for you.  That is the most funny thing!

I have seen people when try to put their questions....  See, whenever people put their questions out of seeking, I am always available to answer, I am always available to share.  But sometimes people try to challenge to establish their supremacy over what I am teaching, or what I am sharing.  Even in the Kalpataru Darshan many times I have seen people come and ask me, ‘You teach that whatever space we create will become reality.  Now I am creating a space that I want hundred million dollars every month.  Will it become reality or what?’  Means, you are already so sure it will not become reality, and you are trying to establish the supremacy of you by challenging what I am sharing!  So, naturally, when you have decided it will not become reality, I say, ‘Thathaasthu!’, and it will not become reality, that is all!  Understand, just to challenge the science and establish your supremacy of impossibility when you throw a question or when you try to establish irrational debate....!  People who don’t even know they are irrational, but living in irrationality, thinking that is rationality, are only called as “Atheists”.  Please understand, I am defining “Atheists”.  Making irrationality as the rationality of their existence is “Atheism”. 

Understanding how you wrote your past and why you wrote the way you wrote.  If your past is filled with so many impossibilities, why you wrote your past with so many impossibilities?  Please understand, don’t ever think your past was dumped on you.  No!  Don’t ever think your present is dumped on you.  No!  Don’t ever think you have no power over your future, your future will be dumped on you.  No!  Your past was conscious choice.  May be you have forgotten why you chose the way you chose, why you wrote the way you wrote.  Understand, I am not at all insensitive to your suffering.  Please don’t feel I am insensitive to your suffering.  No!  I am neither over-sympathetic nor insensitive; I am looking at your suffering as reality.  Neither insensitive nor over-sympathetic; I am looking at your suffering as reality.  I just want you to know, what you wrote as your past is YOUR decision.  May be you forgot why you chose that.  Or, you chose that without understanding the side-effects and after-effects of it.  You chose your past without completely taking responsibility for it.

Let us look in why we wrote what we wrote, why we create certain patterns in our life the way we create.  Sometimes people come and tell me, ‘Swamiji, every time I am successful in a business, the moment profits start coming, I just leave the business and move to something else and struggle, struggle, struggle.  When the profit is about to come, again I leave that business and move to the next.  Why?’, people come and ask me.  Please understand, may be you started enjoying the struggle more than the life of smooth flow and success.  Please understand, sometimes you will be surprised to know your taste!  You will be surprised!  If you look in and try to identify the irrational taste you carry about life, it is so chaotic, confused.  Superficially you go on making others believe that you want peaceful life, life with restful awareness; but deep down you go on functioning, working for chaos.  Deep down you go on choosing, deciding, acting for chaos.  Superficially not only you make others believe, even you start convincing you that you want a life with restful awareness, you want a life with joy, you want a life with peace, but all your actions you enjoy the chaos.  Please understand, many times, in chaos you feel you are needed in life.  With chaos you feel you have a job.  If everything is going smooth, you feel you are not needed, or life is not exciting, and you just disturb your relationship.  If that is settled, you disturb your daily routine and your health.  If that slightly settles down, you disturb your mental peace and create chaos.  If that settles down, already you are ready to create chaos in some other dimension of your life.  So, you need to spend a little time with you intranalyzing. 

Please listen!  The word “intranalyzing”, you may be hearing for the first time.  It means, “analyzing to internalize”.  You have always learnt to analyze, only to throw it away, analyze and throw it away, analyze and throw it away.  But analyzing for the purpose of internalizing is “intranalyzing”.  Please listen!  Analyzing for the purpose of internalizing is intranalyzing.  Intranalyzing the real scrazy you.  Please understand, “scrazy” is a new word; means, scared and crazy!  The “scared” can be handled alone.  Feeling scared can be handled independently; but when these two merge – “scared” and “becoming crazy” – it is a deadly combination!  Understand, when you are scared and arrogant, no one can save you, because you are the first saviour of yourself.  Even if God wants to save you, he is going to use your own hand to save you.  Please listen, never expect an external hand is going to come and save you.  No!  Even if God wants to save you, he is going to use your own hands to save you.  This “scrazy” – new word, “scared” and “crazy” – you need to intranalyze the scrazy part of you.  Please understand, all of us have it: the frightened child inside us, that scrazy part of us:

‘Come what may, I am going to do this!’ 

‘Arrey, it is equal to suicide!’ 

‘It is okay.  I will face it!’ 

When it comes, you will not be able to face!  That is what I call “scrazy”.  “Scared” and “Crazy”!  Never allow these two deadly combination to happen in you.  Please understand, never allow these to join in your cognition, thinking pattern. 

All the destruction in your life, trauma of your life, is created when you are scared and crazy.  I always tell people, ‘Don’t damage yourself permanently because you are temporarily upset.’  All your decisions, whether it is breaking in your business or breaking with your life partner, all the decisions which put your life in trauma, which bring permanent damage to you, are taken just because you are temporarily upset.  Please understand, this scrazy, this scrazy moment, scared and crazy, this deadly combination, these moments are the moments you are just ready to destroy something which you built by putting years of your effort, breaking friendships, breaking relationships, breaking businesses, breaking houses, breaking some of the best things you built for your life, spending so much of time, energy, breaking life-changing commitments, understand.  All great things happen in your life through commitment.

(break in internet connectivity at this point...........)

But you don’t know the real Ramana Maharshi.  Just because you have seen a few photographs, don’t think Ramana Maharshi was lying all the time.  Just because photographs are “still”, don’t think J. Krishnamurthy was still all the time.  I don’t want Advaitha to be associated with our inability, irresponsibility, impossibility and laziness.  That is why I created a new word – “Advaithic Activism”.  Advaitha should put you into the space of activism.  When you know why you wrote your past the way you wrote, you will naturally feel, you should be naturally feeling active, you should experience the self-drive to rewrite the future.  Please understand, if you know, if you understand why you wrote the past the way you wrote, the first thing you will experience is the self-drive; you will become active to rewrite as you want.  You will start asking, ‘How can I rewrite?’

I have seen in every Kalpataru meditation programme, people come and tell me, ‘Swamiji, last time when in the Kalpataru programme, Kalpataru meditation, I asked you this, I never imagined it will become reality.  It became reality!  How is it possible?’

(break in internet connectivity at this point...........)

For the kids grown up, Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial, this is the biggest disease with which all the grown-up kids are suffering.  Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial!  People are not ready to believe your mind has the ability to cause what you want as reality.  People are not ready to believe you have the ability to rewrite your future. 

I tell you, in my public life last twelve years, almost I have spent twelve-thousand hours speaking!  We have the recorded audio tapes, almost twelve-thousand hours!  When I look back once in a while and see what is the need for me to speak so many thousands of hours.....  I have already crossed Osho!  Osho has only eight-thousand hours of discourses.  I have already crossed!  It is not for pride.  It is not for pride, or out of arrogance, or for any superiority.  No!  I am just stating the fact!  Looking back – I am only thirty-six – I was contemplating: What is it really I spoke twelve-thousand hours?  We have released only less than twenty percent to the public.  As on now, only less than twenty percent is edited.  If I have to be very precise, eighteen percent only is edited and published.  I was wondering, what is the essence if somebody asks me, the essence of these twelve-thousand hours?  What should I say?  I tell you, now I am giving you the essence:  In that twelve-thousand hours, ten-thousand hours I have to speak to convince human-beings about their possibility!  Only two-thousand hours I gave how to do it!  Please understand, it took ten-thousand hours for me to convince that it is possible for you, only two-thousand hours to teach “how to”!  Because, the SDHD – Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial – is the biggest problem of human-beings.  The moment they smell, they are convinced about their possibility how to, it is very simple.  And all of you would notice if you observe, in this whole satsangh, till now, I have not started “how to”; I am only, till now, convincing you about possibility!  Still I have not started “how”!  Because, “how” is very easy and simple.   

Many times when I start telling people “how” directly, they think, ‘Oh, Swamiji does not know much I think.  It looks so simple.  How can it be so simple?  He does not know the complications of life I think.  May be he has not yet completely finished his education.’  No, really!  When I straightaway attend to the question of how to rewrite your future, people think, ‘Oh, this looks too simple.  Something is missing.’  ‘No, I went and heard Swamiji speaking.  It all makes sense, but it is too simple.  I think something is missing.’  Because your SDHD (Self-Doubt, Hatred, Denial) made you to believe your complications are too strong, your complications are too strong, you are not ready to believe solution can be too simple, “how to” can be too simple. 

As I said, ten-thousand hours it takes for me only to convince people that it is possible, it takes only two-thousand hours for me to show how to do, in those twelve-thousand hours when I look!  Because the human mind is so scrazy, scared and crazy!  Whenever a possibility is shown, it only wants to challenge it, it doesn’t want to use it!  It only wants to establish its supremacy saying, ‘You are saying it is possible; I will prove it is not possible.  May be possible because you are already on the throne.’  Only I know how much it takes to keep this throne stable!

Listen!  First step to rewrite your future is, understanding it is possible.  Next, intranalyzing the scrazy part of you.  You need to sit and intranalyze the moments you go scrazy; means, like you start telling yourself, ‘Come what may, I will do this!’  You are scared, but your arrogance takes over you.  You are scared internally, but your arrogance takes over you externally.  Those are the moments I call as moments of incompletion in your life, powerlessness.  Those are the moments you wrote your past the way it is existing now.  First step is intranalyzing those moments.  Whenever you go crazy, feeling scared, sit and pen down how you react, how you respond – how you perceive you, and how you perceive the world, how you show you to the world.  These three, sit and try to pen down.  Pick up at least five incidents in your life when you have gone scrazy, you are scared, but become arrogant; become arrogant due to the scared feeling.  Frightened child!  Frightened child!  Whenever you got into that mood, how you perceive you, how you feel about you, how you feel about the world, how you show you to the world, study these three.  Just five incidents.  You will know the exact pattern of how you wrote your past the way you wrote, why you wrote your past the way you wrote.  Please understand, why you constantly attract abusive relationships in your life, why you constantly attract people who cheat you in your life, why you constantly attract the mental patterns which put you in depression and powerlessness, why you constantly attract the lifestyle which puts you in disease.

(heavy buffering at this point..........)

I call these “aunty models”, “uncle models”.  Means, by forty-five, fifty, you come to the conclusion that all the mess you created, ‘Oh god, life is like this only!’  You come to terms with that mess, ‘Life is like this only!  Life is like this only!  Life is like this only!’  You come to terms, you start thinking, ‘This is the way life is!’  And you start justifying everything is okay.  It is like if there is an earthquake in your area, you wake up and see whether the four legs of your cot are on the ground, and you lie down and pull your blanket; that’s all.  ‘Everything is okay.  I am supposed to bother only about the cot in which I am lying down.  And that is balanced and stable.’  You just pull your blanket and lie down! 

The first step is studying the pattern with which you built your past.  Whenever you are scared and crazy, what kind of decisions you take, what is the approach you maintain towards you and life.

And the second step, I want you to know: Rewriting as you want is possible!  Rewriting as you want is possible! 

You immediately start saying, ‘No, no, no!  How can it be possible?  No, no, no!  How is it possible?  May be it is possible for you.  You spend so much of time in meditating, doing tapas.’

Please listen!  I wanted you to know, life is not difficult, but you have to do it.  It is not difficult as you think.  If you think it is difficult, you are wrong.  And if you think everything will happen by itself, you are wrong.  It is neither difficult, nor everything is going to happen by itself; you have to DO it!  Life is neither Art nor difficult Science; it is neither Science nor Art; it is Tech!  Understand, it is neither difficult Science nor automated Art; it is Tech, where your restful awareness is required, where you need to work on you, look inside you, spend a little time with you.  Not constantly singing, empowering your impossibilities and the victim mentality, ‘Oh, I am poor, I am sick, I am old!  I don’t have anybody!  Who will take care of me?’  Please understand, life is a mirror.  If you try to project victim mentality, life will say, ‘Thathaasthu!’  Don’t expect sympathy from life by showing yourself as victim.  No!  It will simply say, ‘Thathaasthu!  Let you be the victim as you described!  Let you be poor as you wanted!’  Life is a huge, eternal, perpetual “Thathaasthu”, “So be it”!  How you present yourself to life, it says ‘Thathaasthu!’  Never ever try to show yourself, try to perceive yourself as a victim.  Decide, ‘Victimhood is the past mistake.  I will never allow that to be a future reality.  Victimhood is the past mistake.  I will never allow that into the future reality.’  Goats will always be sacrificed; lions will never be.  In life, only goats will be sacrificed; lions will never be.  Decide to get out of this victim mentality, to get out of this impossibility; and be very clear, it is possible to get out.  You may just need to spend a little time with yourself.  You may just need to re-direct your energy towards your life.

When you know how you behave, respond, when you know how you behave and respond when you are scared and crazy, the moment you know the pattern how you behave, your standard response how you cognize, when you are scared and go crazy how you react, the moment you understand, decide, ‘I am not going to flow with this same pattern again.’  Get rid of it.  Complete with it.

Now the next question:  ‘How can I learn this Completion process?’

You have various ways.  One, you can go to my YouTube Channel – Life Bliss Foundation.  You will have beautiful, systematic methods to do Completion with this past pattern.  Second, tomorrow there is a Kalpataru programme.  You can experience Completion experientially in your life.  Third, various programmes, including Inner Awakening, we are offering, are all about experentially giving you the Completion process.  Understand, if you think you can do it on your own for various reasons, you can go to the YouTube channel; it is available free.  All the programmes I conduct, almost everything gets uploaded in YouTube.  And systematic step-by-step process on how to complete with your various patterns, the Completion Kriya, is available.  Please try.  As I said, life is neither difficult Science nor easy Art; it is Technique.  It is not difficult, but it cannot happen by itself; you have to DO it.  You have to DO it.  So, the whole technique, the Kriya is available.  Unfortunately, in two hours session I will not be able to give you exactly the whole methodology systematically step-by-step; I can only make you understand that it is possible and give you simple one or two steps for you to experiment with.  For experience, you may have to spend a little time with yourself.

The moment you start the Completion process, the Guru’s grace has started happening in your life.  Please understand, your self-effort brings Guru’s grace; Guru’s grace brings more self-effort!  Guru’s grace inspires you to start the Completion process.  Completion makes more Guru’s grace flow in your life.  It is a “virtuous circle”.  You may have heard only the word “vicious circle”.  Now I am introducing a new word – “virtuous circle”.  Love of the Master enters into you and inspires you to do the Completion process.  Then it turns as love for the Master.  When the Guru’s grace enters into you, it starts moving you towards the Completion process.  When you start the Completion process, automatically more Guru’s grace enters into you. 

Please understand, don’t ever be afraid.  Don’t say, “Oh God, I have so much incompletion!  How can I ever think I can complete and rewrite my future?’  No!  Don’t worry!  This is exactly like one ball of fire thinking, ‘How can I burn this whole forest?  I am only just 2’ x 2’ in size.  This forest is two-hundred square kilometres!  How can I burn it?’  If the fire thinks like that, the fire is stupid!  Start burning two trees.  You will see the number of enemies reducing becomes number of persons in your army.  When a fire starts burning a tree, not only the forest reduces, but the strength of the fire also gets added!  So, when you start doing Completion, you may have ten-thousand incompletions in front of you; but when you do even one Completion, two Completions, all the completed thoughts will become power of you.  Not only enemy is reducing, friend is increasing!  Opposite army is reducing, your army is increasing!  The pattern of completing with incompletion becomes your strength.  When you start walking or running, Day One don’t start thinking, ‘How can I run the marathon of fifty kilometres?’  First start running one kilometre, two kilometres.  The stamina your body builds, that will take care that you run twenty, thirty, forty, fifty kilometres.

(Heavy buffering at this point...........)

‘What are you talking?’  Even I am not able to understand; but that is the truth!  When you do any action, the mastery over the action happens to you and the strength brings extraordinary success.  Understand, even with Completion!  Even with Completion!

Don’t think, ‘There is so much of incompletion to be completed to rewrite my future!’  Start completion.  When the fire roars, it will understand that two-hundred square kilometre of forest is nothing, even though it (the fire) started as 2’ x 2’ in size.  Same way, when you start Completion, the whole incompletions in front of you is nothing.

Rewriting your future is possible.  First try to diagnose when you go scrazy how you behave.  Find the pattern.  Second, decide to complete with that pattern, never ever to repeat that pattern, never ever to allow that pattern to influence you.  Third, please understand, the third point is the important, may be last but not least, very important point:  Deciding not to allow the old pattern to influence your cognition.  Deciding not to allow the old pattern to influence your cognition.

The essence of what I wanted to share with you all through this satsangh, the essence is: Rewriting your future is possible.  And, diagnose how you react, respond, when you are scared and crazy.  Third, complete with that pattern.  Never ever allow that pattern to influence you in your future.  You will see simply your future will be rewritten as you want.  Your future will be rewritten as you want.

With this, I invite all of you to come and experience the Kalpataru meditation programme to move to the next level of rewriting your future, and come and experience Inner Awakening, the twenty-one day meditation programme to experientially rewrite your future.

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing the eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________

Friday, 13 June 2014

13th June (Recorded)

13th June 2014 / Friday

No live satsangh today.  Recorded satsangh of MONDAY, 5th MAY 2014, delivered at VARANASI, on “LIVING ADVAITHA TEAMILY PROCESS” played.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

12th June (Recorded)

12th June / Satruday

No live satsangh today.  Recorded satsangh of Monday, 2nd June, 2014, on LIVING ADVAITHA and RECREATING OUR REALITY played.

11th June 2014

11th June 2014 /  Wednesday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, two-way video-conferencing.  All the Thanedars and Kotharis, Mahants, Shrimahants, I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

The cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Houston-Kalahasti, Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Ohio-Prayag, San Jose-Madurai, Seattle-Chidambaram, Singapore-Singapuram, Toronto-Kailasam, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Tuen Mun-Hong Kong, High Point-North Carolina, Tallahassee-Florida, Warrington-UK, Belgium, Germany, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Ohio-Ma Shivananda, Port Washington-New York, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Melbourne-Australia, Nithyananda University-Paris, Gyaneshwor-Nepal, Oman, Philadelphia, Kathmandu-Nepal, Vancouver-Canada...........

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today I wanted to expand on “SELF-DRIVE”.

Understand, yesterday I ran a special meditation for all the Kotharis, Mahants and Shrimahants, and a special Completion session.  Today I wanted all the devotees all over the world to have the benefit of this Completion process. 

First thing, find out what stopped your self-drive.  Please understand, by your nature, when you are born, you are born with your high peak possibility self-drive.  See the kids; with no purpose they are driven!  Just they jump here and there, and whole day they are active, alive!  Even when they are sleeping, they are not powerless or tired.  They don’t sleep out of powerlessness or tiredness.  They don’t sleep out of powerlessness or tiredness.  Even while they are sleeping, they are not tired or powerless.  So, understand, you are born with high self-drive.  Where has it gone?  Look in, what all started curbing, stopping your self-drive, what all has started reducing your self-drive, what all has started cutting down your self-drive.  It can be as simple as your elder sister taking more marks in the school, or as complicated as some sexual abuse.  It can vary from anything to anything, but there is a reason why your self-drive has been curtailed.

Please understand, just like a dam stops the river flow, patterns stop the self-drive.  As I said, it can be as simple as your brother or sister has taken more marks, to as difficult as, as complicated as sexual abuse.  All of you need to know, whether YOU use your body or you abuse others body before the age of twenty-one, it will stop your self-drive, it will become patterns and patterns and patterns.  Twenty-one may seem to be too long that you have to wait, wait, wait, but unless your mind is also prepared to handle body, body being used before twenty-one, or abused.....  If you yourself use your body for your own pleasure, that is what I call “using your body”.  If somebody else uses your body for their pleasure, it is “abusal”.  Don’t allow before twenty-one, use or abuse.  Patterns built in the young age may be the reason for the self-drive being stopped. 

Now, today, let us all spend some time to dig out what all are the patterns which stopped your enthusiasm, excitement, self-drive.  From the time you remember you, from the time you know you, what are all the incidents, what are all the happenings which stopped your self-drive, look in.  I will guide you into this process today step-by-step. 

So, now, first step, take a paper and pen, listen to yourself, what all are the patterns, reasons, causes you think your self-drive has been reduced.  Anything which happened from your birth till the last moment, which stops your self-drive, reason for reduction in your self-drive, the pattern which stops your self-drive, pen down, start penning down.  I will give you a few minutes time, start penning down.

(After a few minutes...........)

Try to find all the root incidents, incidents from which these patterns got developed or strengthened.  Sometimes, the pattern may not get developed from the incident, but gets strengthened.  Your decision not to be self-driving, if it is strengthened by some incident, pen down this incident.  Like, you have done something; it has not been recognized; it has been thrown into the dustbin; even those incidents pen down.

(After a few minutes...........)

Now sit straight.  Start completing with all these patterns.  You can either use the mirror or your inner-space.  Relive and relieve.  Relive and relieve.  Come to the clear decision, ‘Self-drive will be my lifestyle!  Self-drive from the right context will be my lifestyle!’  Start!

(After twenty-one minutes...........)

Thathaasthu!  I bless you all to be complete with all the patterns which are stopping your self-drive, anti-self-drive patterns, and achieve complete peak possibility self-drive!

We will have the Kalpataru Darshan here for all the people who came to Bidadi.  Then a few minutes SMK meeting.

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________