Tuesday, 27 January 2015

27th JANUARY 2015

27th JANUARY 2015 /  TUESDAY

There was no live satsangh telecast today.  Recorded satsangh of Tuesday, 20 January 2015 – “UPANISHADS MADE USER-FRIENDLY FOR SOCIETY” – was played.  Here is the transcript and the link to the video: http://www.nithyananda.org/video/upanishads-%E2%80%93-made-user-friendly-society#gsc.tab=0

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.  I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, everyone with us all over the world, sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

Cities sitting with us: Vancouver-Canada, Singapore-Singapuram, Warrington-UK, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Colombo-Sri Lanka, Los Angeles-Hollywood, Rajapalayam Aadheenam, Port Washington-New York, Minot-North Dakota, Vancouver-Canada, Enriching Temple-Bidadi, Oman-Sivagangai, St. Louis-Tirumala, Charlotte-Srisailam, Doncaster-UK, Houston-Kalahasthi, Nithyananda University-Paris, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Ohio-Prayag, Scottsdale-Arizona, Indrani-New Jersey, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Toronto-Thiru Kailasam, Seattle-Chidambaram, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Ohio-Prayag......and some more cities.....

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

UPANISHADS!  This first mantra, Shanthi Mantra of Ishavasya Upanishad, which is in the Fortieth Chapter of Yajur Veda, it is given first place in the series of Upanishads.  I should just say a few words about these Upanishads and mantras.

There are four major Commenatries on Upanishads.  Four major Commentaries: Neelakanta Shivacharya, Adi Guru Shankaracharya, Ramanujacharya, Madhwacharya.  All four of them are great enlightened beings, incarnations.  No question of comparing anybody with others.  All four of them made Upanishads user-friendly for a different type of group at different times.  So, please understand, the differences you see in the different Commentaries of the Masters is not because of the Masters, it is because of the disciples. 

When Neelakanta Shivacharya – he is the first one who wrote the Commentary, much earlier to Adi Guru Adi Shankaracharya, Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya – when Neelakanta Shivacharya was writing the Commentary, what was the need of the society, human society at that time, what needs to be highlighted for them, what is the best way they will all be able to experience the Upanishads, from that angle he presented the Upanishads.  And then comes Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya.  He is one of the greatest incarnations.  He reveals the Upanishads for that time and for that human society.  Please understand, ‘Why the differences between the Masters?’, should be understood. 

Somebody came to me.  He came for a debate, and straight he started asking, ‘Swamiji, even among our own acharyas there is no one conclusion.  How can we follow anything?  Hinduism is just chaos and confusion!’ 

I said, ‘Who funded your education?!!’

These people, the Hindus educated by the anti-Hindu forces, are most dangerous than any anti-Hindu forces!  These people confuse the common man and destroy Hindu Tradition, understand?  As an inheritor of Hindu wisdom – not “self-styled”; I am born Hindu, brought up as Hindu! – I am telling you, please understand, the differences between the acharyas’ Commentaries are not because all the acharyas’ “anubhoothi”, experience, was different.  No!  The need of the society, need of the disciples, need of the human society at that time was different!  So, when each acharya happened – the Upanishads are like an ocean – each one of them made the Upanishads user-friendly for that time and society.  The differences of the acharyas and their Commentaries should be taken as the richness of Hinduism, and not as chaos or confusion of Hinduism.  So, they provided paths for different mindsets.

When I was going through – fortunately I was able to access all the four: Ramanuja, Shankara, Neelakanta Shivacharya and Madhwacharya – all their “bhashyas”, Commentaries, I tried my best to find some difference between them.  Please understand, with all my integrity I am telling you, in the main core truths, all four of them are not at all differing!  Not at all differing!  When it comes to applying or achieving that experience, the methodology they are deriving, the methodology they are developing, asking us to practice to reach that space and trying to make those great truths into a user-friendly way of practicing, and trying to make that as a cognition of us, our inner-space, only at that point all four of them have their own methodology. 

Please understand, one acharya says, ‘Only when there is a green signal in the road, drive.’  The other acharya says, ‘When there is red, don’t drive.’  The other acharya says, ‘When there is yellow, don’t drive, but be ready to drive.’ 

These anti-Hindu intellectuals, they go on telling us that our acharyas are all different and there is no single conclusion.  I am telling you, our acharyas, neither they have conflict, nor they have confusion, or they are contradicting each other in the core experience.  When they tried to make it as user-friendly for each society based on that time, requirement, the instructions differ, explanations differ.  Like, one acharya says, ‘When there is a red light, don’t drive.’  Another one acharya says, ‘When there is a green light, only then drive.’  Another one acharya says, ‘When there is a yellow light, don’t drive, but be ready to drive.’  These anti-Hindu intellectuals, they go on saying, ‘See, see, see, all the acharyas giving three different versions!  Better you don’t drive on that road at all!  Come to our road!’  And, I tell you, the more acharyas’ “bhashyas” (Commentaries) you read, you will only have more clarity and depth.  I have not seen a single person who read Neelakanta Shiva’s bhashya, Shankara’s bhashya, Ramanuja’s bhashya, Madhwa’s bhashya, after reading all the four he says he is confused.  No!  I have not seen a single person like that!  After reading all the four, he only achieves the maturity to write his own bhashya! 

The Hindu Tradition was so pure, so vast, each of the acharyas made these Upanishads user-friendly at different times.  So, for that particular time’s human society, they revealed the truth as people can live it, radiate it, and achieve that original space of Completion, Complete Completion, the “Brahman Jnana”, “Atman Jnana”, “Shivapadha”, “Vishnupadha”.  Neelakanta Shivacharya is an Adi Shaiva.  So he calls it as “Shivapadha”.  Adi Shankara is a Smartha Brahmin.  So he calls it as “Brahman”.  Madhwacharya and Ramanujacharya, they call it as “Vishnupadha” – “achieving the space of Vishnu, grace of Vishnu”.  With different words:  Salokya Mukthi, Sarupya Mukthi, Samipya Mukthi, Sayujya Mukthi.  But, ultimately, the Commentaries are not written to establish their ego; it is written to cater as per the need of the human mind at that time. 

Ishavasya Upanishad!  And this I have to mention, this first mantra:

पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदम् पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते |
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ||

Poornamadhah Poornamidham Poornaath Poornam Udhachyathey |
Poornasya Poornamaadhaaya Poornamevaavasishyathey ||

this mantra, all four acharyas were not able to write different Commentaries.  Please understand, all four of them, they are not able to write different Commentaries for this mantra!  Because it was so clear, you don’t need to write a Commentary!  You don’t need to write a Commentary!  This Upanishad, eighteen verses, only based on this Upanishad, Shri Krishna makes his Gita as eighteen chapters. 

And, as I already declared, I am not going to comment, I am not going to interpret, I am just going to intercept the conversations which happened about this sathya, truth, by the rishi who originally revealed this mantra, the “Sutrakaaraa”, then the great Masters who wrote Commentaries, the “Bhashyakaaras”, then the great Masters who wrote the Commentary on the Commentary, the “Teekakaaras”, “Varthikakaaras”.  See, the person who revealed the original Sutra is “Sutrakaara”; the person who writes the first “bhashya” (Commentary) is “Bhashyakaara”; the person who writes the Commentary on the Commentary is “Vartikakaara”; and the person who writes the Commentary on the Commentary of the Commentary is “Teekakaara”.  I am just going to intercept the conversations which happened at the level of Sutra, Bhashya, Varthika, and Teeka, and reveal the essence to all of you, share the essence with all of you.

I will recite the mantra.  I request everyone to recite the mantra along with me.  Then I will start revealing the Akashic Records.

ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदम् पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते |
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ||
|| ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ||

Om Poornamadhah Poornamidham Poornaath Poornam Udhachyathey |
Poornasya Poornamaadhaaya Poornamevaavasishyathey ||
|| Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthih ||

ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदम् पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते |
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ||
|| ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ||

Om Poornamadhah Poornamidham Poornaath Poornam Udhachyathey |
Poornasya Poornamaadhaaya Poornamevaavasishyathey ||
|| Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthih ||

I offer my respects to everyone who is responsible for this great truth, the rishis who revealed it, and the great Masters who wrote Bhashya, Varthika, Teeka, and their Sampradhaya Devathas.  I bow down to all of them, invoke all their presence, offer our respects to all of them, and enter into the Sutra.

“Completion, from Completion even if you think Completion has moved out, the Completion remains Complete!” 

Completion, even if you feel moved away from Completion, it remains Complete.  And Completion merging into the Completion remains Complete. 

All your incompletions are imaginary!  Listen!  All your incompletions are imaginary!  If you tell your DNA, your body, the source of your body, ‘All your incompletions are imaginary!’, you will walk out of any disease, because, disease is nothing but you strongly believing you are away from this Whole, understand?  For example, somebody comes to me with a stomach pain.  All I do is tell that stomach, ‘Hey, till yesterday you were producing whatever is required to function smoothly from this Cosmos, either from food or water or air.  Come on, now wake up!  Again do the same job!’  That is all I do.  And the body gets healed!  Unfortunately, that person has moved too much away from his stomach; the stomach listens to me, but not to him!  But if you have not moved away from your stomach, even YOU can tell your stomach.

Listen!  The Whole remains as Whole.  Completion remains as Completion.  Even when you think you have incompletion, the incompletion does not exist. 

On my Jayanthi Day I was explaining, whether you have a problem as simple as constipation, or as complicated as conflict with the Constitution of the country you are living in, it can be as simple as constipation problem or as complicated as conflict with the Constitution of the country you are living in, any level of the problem, this truth can be a great help, this sathya can relieve you from that problem and suffering, this sathya can liberate you.  Understand, on this one line, meditate: “Even when you strongly believe you have incompletions, they are not factual”.  See, I am not a crude, violent guy to tell when somebody comes to me with a problem, with a headache or suffering or pain or disease, ‘Hey, all your diseases are imaginary!’  I am not that crude a guy, understand?  I am not talking out of insensitivity.  And I am telling you, I am putting myself in your place, and what I will tell myself, I am telling you.

There is a very beautiful incident.  Once a great disciple of Ramana Maharshi, his name is Muruganar, he goes to Bhagawan, and he was sitting at the feet of Bhagawan, Ramana Maharshi.  A few devotees came from various parts of Tamil Nadu.  The conversation was happening.  I will have to tell the exact situation; only then you will understand.  The conversation was happening about many small things like “construction is going on in the ashram”, and, “food should be served to everyone”.  Like this some conversation was going on.  There was a question about some construction that was going on in the ashram, may be, I think, kitchen or extension of kitchen.  And then, Bhagawan was a micro manager, and he calls that disciple and asks, ‘Did you do the door frame and all that?’  That person was replying something.  And then Bhagawan makes a statement, ‘Go to Chettinad (a place in Tamil Nadu famous for its vintage traditional houses) and make the door frame exactly like that.’  Actually, there are references.  And, then, Bhagawan makes a beautiful statement; in Tamil he makes: வாசல் மட்டும் இல்லைடா, வரவேற்கவும் செட்டினாட்டிலேந்து கத்துக்கிட்டு வா(‘Vaasal mattum illaida, varaverkavum Chettinattilendhu Katthukkittu va’).  ‘Not only the door frame, even how to receive and how to take care of people, learn from Chettinad and come.’ 

Actually, I have sent ten of my sannyasis to Chettinad!  They are sitting there.  From Chettinad they are attending the satsangh!  Now they are on two-way from Chettinad!  Actually, with this same instruction I have sent them: ‘Go and learn hospitality and culture.’ 

Then suddenly the conversation turns to charity; means, giving away, giving.  So, using this chance, the great disciple, Muruganar, he asks Bhagawan, ‘O Bhagawan, you wrote beautiful verses on Arunachaleshwara.  Please give the meaning.  Give us the Commentary on those verses.’  And that disciple records this whole incident.  It seems suddenly Bhagawan’s face has become very shy and his face started blushing, understand?  A fifty-five-year-old great Advaithi, suddenly in the mood of blushing and shy!  And it seems he said, ‘It is too intimate.  I cannot speak about it!’  Because, that whole song is “Akshara Mana Maalai” – “Bridal Garland of Letters”.  Bhagawan put himself in Madhura Bhaava and wrote towards Arunachaleshwara; not even Arunachaleshwara, but Arunachala Hill!  Because, Bhagawan relates to that hill as Mahadeva.  Of course, he had high reverence and respect for that deity also, because, whenever that deity comes in the procession from the temple, he will go and stand, bow down, and stretch the hand and receive the vibhooti.  He was very respectful to that deity also.  It was not that he was disrespectful to that deity.  But he himself worshipped that whole hill as deity.  So, he could not comment, understand?  Now the punchline!  Listen! 

Then Muruganar asks, ‘If you say commenting on it, explaining it is so difficult, because it is too intimate you cannot comment on it, why did you reveal those verses to us?  Why did you write those verses?’

Bhagawan said, ‘When I wrote those verses and sang, whoever was around me, they were so dedicated, devoted disciples, I did not feel I am talking to somebody else; I felt I am talking to me!  So I wrote to me!  I revealed those truths to me!’

Understand, with that very same cognition, now whatever I am talking, I am talking to me, because, I feel all of you are part of me!  All of you are part of me!  “Ardhaangini”!  You guys are not even Ardhaangini for me; “Poornaanga”!  You guys are all part of me!  So, as part of me, I am telling you this truth!  I am not talking insensitively. 

In Tamil there is a proverb: தலை வலியும் பல் வலியும் தனக்கு வந்தால் தான் தெரியும் (“Thalai valiyum, palvaliyum, thanakku vandhaalthaan theriyum”).  “Whether it is a headache or tooth pain, only when it comes to you, you will know the suffering.” 

Understand, I am not talking out of insensitivity.  When I had a fracture in my hand what I told my own body and DNA.....   Please understand, it was a multiple complicated fracture!  My great adventure on my horse!  HAHAHAHAHAHA!  When there was a complicated multiple fracture.....  But within twenty-four hours I was out in the public continuing my responsibilities!  Within forty-eight hours I was delivering my satsanghs!  No pain-killer, nothing!  What I told to me to heal myself that quickly and come back to my normal life.......  And I guarantee with all my integrity, with Mahadeva as witness, I tell you, not even one moment there was pain!  No question of pain, any pain!  No physical pain, physiological pain, psychological pain!  The moment I fell from the horse, when I stood up, I didn’t even check the hand.  I saw there, Shanishwara (Saturn), standing with folded hands.  He said, ‘I have to execute the ordained frames of life.’  Because this physical body is in the physical plane, so it has to move through the physical rules and regulations.  And that was the “Janma Shani” time for me.  The साढेसाती” (“Saadey Saathi”), “ஏழரை” (“ezharai”) (the seven-and-a-half year cycle of Saturn) was going on.  So, he was standing there with folded hands and said, ‘I have to do my responsibility.’  And the moment I saw him I smiled, because the horse was a black horse, and I was smiling.  God, such a highly secured, tightly protected person like me!  See, at least five to ten sannyasis are all the time around me.  I cannot even slip and fall even if I want!  See, even if I want, if I slip also, I will fall only on my sannyasis!  Any side they will be holding me!  And such highly protected, tightly protected!  And, so beautifully this Shanishwara came and did his job and went!  HAHAHAHA!  And he also said, ‘I can never touch your consciousness, give any pain.  But the physical plane, whatever has to go through, has to go through.’  Understand, at that moment, what is the sathya, truth, that I myself used to heal me, recover myself, I am sharing that with you all.  Listen!  Don’t think this whatever I am going to share now is impractical or insensitive, and because you are having suffering I am giving this for you to work on it.  No!  When I had (a problem), what I used, I am sharing that with you.

Please understand, your DNA, your bio-energy, is always in the space of Completion.  Whether you think you have a stomach pain, headache, it can be as simple as a small scratch on the skin, to as difficult as cancer, tell your DNA, ‘You are Complete and get back to your Completion!  You are Complete and get back to your original state of Completion!’  Don’t go on imagining that there is some incompletion in you, understand?  Because, one moment you are convinced there is a disease in you, that cannot become a fact or the ultimate truth.  Listen!  Yes, at that time I had fracture.  There was a fracture, completely broken.  It was not a hairline fracture; completely broken!  Both bones fully broken!  Actually, the other part of the hand was separately hanging, because both the bones broke and came out of the hand through the skin.  Completely broken!  But, that was not the original state of me and that is never going to be the original state of me.  The power of suffering is, it will convince you that you are going to suffer forever!  That is the worst power of suffering.  Please understand, if you are convinced that the suffering is going to be with you forever, you are in hell!  That wrong conviction needs to be weeded out....needs to be weeded out.  The wrong conviction that suffering is going to be there with you forever, brings the disease again and again back to you....back to you.  If you convince your DNA, your bio-memory, that you are Complete, then Completion will be brought back to you, health will be brought back to you.  You may be an enlightened being or an incarnation.  It is not that Shani did not do his job.  And he was so sincere!  I was so happy!  Actually, I am going to have a Shani deity installed on that spot!  I am waiting for that work to be done.  I saw him standing with a smile and politeness, with all the joy and happiness that he did his job.  And a normal person, any normal person can never have such a big fracture, falling from a four-feet-high horse!  And, we even checked my bone density and all that.  There was no problem!  When he (Shani) wanted, he simply did it!  I asked him, ‘Why, hand?’  I asked Shani why did he choose the right hand?  He said, ‘Swamiji, only that hand has acquired a lot of punya (merits) by healing so many people.  So, it will get healed quickly because of that punya.  All the punya of healing so many people, all that goodness and merit is there in that hand, for that hand.  And, moreover, that hand has to be quickly repaired for the sake of so many people to get healed.  So, it will happen quickly.  That is why I choose the right hand!’

Understand, the exact attitude and truth which healed me, I am sharing with you all.  Any problem in your life is nothing but incompletion which is imaginary.  I-M-A-G-I-N-A-R-Y!  I am not in any delusion.  And I am not deluding you.  Our Upanishadic rishis who revealed this truth are not in delusion.  They are neither in delusion nor in the mood of cheating you, understand?  See, a great gold merchant, out of his love for Shiva he declares, ‘I will make hundred kilograms gold ornaments for Mahadeva!’  And he himself is a master of that science.  Will he cheat two grams gold from that hundred kilograms gold jewellery?  One, he knows the science, the quality checking.  Second, he is graceful; means, he is full of gratitude.  Neither he will cheat nor he will allow anybody else to cheat, because he knows the science.  Same way, I am telling you, the Upanishadic rishis, neither they can be in delusion nor they can put you in delusion, because they have nothing to gain by putting you in delusion.  This gold merchant has nothing to gain by stealing two grams gold from that hundred kilograms gold which he wanted to give to Mahadeva.  The Upanishadic rishis have put their whole life to humanity!  Sacrificed!  They are neither in delusion nor can put others in delusion. 

Understand, my job is the most difficult job.  I have to completely teach you the opposite way of thinking what society has taught you.  For example, you go to somebody and tell you have a headache.  And that person rolls on you and says, ‘You have a headache?  Aiyyo, aiyyo, aiyyo, aiyyo, aiyyo!  What happened to you?  This should not have come to you!’  And cries!  And wipes his face on your own saree!  Does all the dirt!  And you think, ‘Oh, how loving this person is!  How caring this person is!’  But, when you come to me, I have to tell you, ‘Please tell your inner-most being it is not the true state of you.’  Then you may think, ‘Oh, if YOU get this headache, then you will understand!  All your philosophy!’  You feel I am insensitive. 

Please understand, I am not insensitive!  I am sharing with you exactly what I did to me.  When I had a fracture, this is what exactly I did to me and got healed.  Morning seven o’clock I think I had the fracture.  Seven or seven-thirty.  Evening, by three-thirty or four-thirty, they have done the surgery.  Throughout, neither was there any pain, nor any pain-killer or any other medical care or support.  I was just sitting.  And not even one moment I was unconscious!  I am telling you, just tell yourself!  When you tell your DNA, ‘You are Complete!’, you walk out of diseases!  When you tell your relationship issues, ‘You are Complete!’, you walk out of relationship problems and have healed Complete relationships.  When you tell your desires, ‘You are Complete!’, much more than anything you desired life showers on you!  When you tell your fears, ‘You are Complete!, no harm can be done to you how many ever people may try to harm you!  I am not talking out of arrogance or ego, please understand.  I tell you, when you are Complete inside, no one can frighten you, no one can harm you!  Cosmos functions on intelligence.  It functions on Completion.  I am telling you!  I am telling you!

I will continue to expand on how Completion can be used as a power, a powerful life solution, a powerful solution for life, and methodology to fulfil life.  Understand, Completion is not just replacing your Anacin, Metacin, Paracetamol.  It replaces Anacin, Metacin, Paracetamol also; but it does much more than that.  Completion is God!

पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदम् पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते |
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ||

Poornamadhah Poornamidham Poornaath Poornam Udhachyathey |
Poornasya Poornamaadhaaya Poornamevaavasishyathey ||

This Completion can be practiced; you can live it, you can use it, you can assimilate it in your life.  You can digest it.  You can use the Completion and solve the problems of your life, whether it is a disease as simple as headache or as complicated as cancer, or the interpersonal relationships, as simple as a simple verbal fight or as complicated as divorce.  Same way, the problem of utter poverty, to not having enough time for shopping.  Rich people have another one poverty: they don’t have enough time for shopping!  Poor people don’t have enough money for shopping.  Whether it is a poverty of that to this, I tell you, Completion is a practical, user-friendly solution.  Rishis, the Vedic rishis, are not impractical people.  I tell you, every time I utter the word “Vedic rishis” and remember them, I am in love with them again!  What amazing beings to explain life so beautifully!  Their dedication, utter, utter dedication, dedication to the truths, dedication to life, making the solution as practical as possible! 

Please understand, when people have a knowledge about the common man’s problems, they only plan how to commercialize it.  I am telling you, everyone who has the knowledge, use that grey area for their vested interests.  Upanishadic rishis are the most authentic people, knowing the whole Cosmic Law, but never used any grey area for their vested interests!  A lawyer uses the grey area of Law to prove his necessity.  A doctor uses the grey area of Medicine to prove he is needed.  In each field, people who have knowledge about that area, try to prove, ascertain their vested interests using the grey area.  The Media, you don’t even have to tell!  In every field, when they have the knowledge, they use the grey area for their vested interests.  Upanishadic rishis, having the knowledge about the whole Cosmic Law, never used any grey area for their vested interests, but revealed the truth as it is with such utter dedication to the truth!  Again and again, I remember those great rishis and rededicate myself at their feet.  And, again and again, I commit I will reveal the truths as they expressed without any adulteration of any of my vested interests or any of my interference or interpretation.  This is my commitment to the Vedic rishis.

Mahadeva, the Adi Rishi, Adi Guru, let the truths be revealed in as pure way as you expressed!  O Mahadeva, Sadashiva, let your presence guide us all!  Let your presence reveal the great truths here!  Let you be here!

I will continue on Upanishads in further satsanghs.

Now, with this, I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing Living Advaitha, the eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!  Be blissful!


26th JANUARY 2015


There was no live satsangh today.  Recorded satsangh of Tuesday, 13 January 2015 – 38th Jayanthi Day Message – was played.  Here is the transcript and the link to the video: http://www.nithyananda.org/video/2015-jayanthi-message#gsc.tab=0

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.  I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, Balasants, everyone, sitting with us here in Bidadi Ashram, and all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing.  I welcome every one of you with my love and respects.

On this auspicious 38th Avatara Dhina, I bless everyone!  Let everyone radiate Shivoham, Living Advaitha!  In hundreds of places all over the world, people are celebrating.  With overflowing my being, overflowing of my being, I accept all your devotion, reverence, respect, offerings, everything. 

In Bidadi Ashram, 1008 naivedhyam Anna Koota is offered.  Charlotte-Srisailam is offering 32 naivedhyams.  Romania is offering 9 naivedhyams.  Hyderabad is offering 108 naivedhyams.  Philip Island, 28 naivedhyams.  Kathmandu-Nepal is offering 56 naivedhyams and one lakh deepams, laksha deepothsava.  Kathmandu has offered laksha deepa.  San Jose is offering 108 naivedhyams.  So many more cities and temples are offering so many naivedhyams and offerings.  Sri Lanka is offering 78 naivedhyams.  Atlanta-Georgia is offering so many offerings.  Dallas is offering 28 naivedhyams.  Houston, 31.  Malaysia-Palani is offering 108 naivedhyams.  All over the world, all the cities are celebrating.  Singapore is offering 146 naivedhyams and three days of Akhanda Japa of “Shivoham”.  I accept all the offerings, devotion, respect, commitment, everything, from all of you. 

O, Nithyananda Sangha, I bless you!  Let you live long, radiating this Shivoham experience to the universe, keeping the Master and the Dharma and Sangha alive!  O, Sangha, let you live and radiate to the whole world this great tattwa, sathya, of Shivoham, Living Advaitha!

St. Louis is offering 165 naivedhyams.  And, Australia is offering 144 naivedhyams.  Seattle, 38 naivedhyams.  It is continuing....continuing!  More and more Centres, hundreds and hundreds of our Centres and ashrams all over the world are joining.  Even though I am not reading all the Centres’ names, I wanted to send this message to all of you: I accept all your offerings.  I am seeing all of you..  I am there now with all of you here.  Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Mill Valley-Vairavan Koil!  I know all the Centres will be very happy if I read out your name.  Too many Centres, too many ashrams are joining!  Toronto is offering 108 naivedhyams.  I accept all your sincerity, devotion, commitment, offering, everything. 

Please remember, just like all of you are here for me, I want to tell you all, I am here in this body just for all of you!  Giving up life is very easy.  Dying for somebody, dying for some cause is very easy.  It is one minute’s job.  But, living for some cause, amidst all the tortures, is the most difficult thing!  I tell you guys, I just wanted to tell you guys, I am doing that most difficult thing just to send this message to all of you that I love you guys, I love you all!  Living for a cause amidst all the tortures is the most difficult thing.  I am doing it just to give this one message to all of you; just I wanted to tell only this one thing: I LOVE YOU ALL!  And I assure you guys, I will live forever!  At least hundred more years in this body, and in Akshardham forever, making myself available to all of you!  I decided to pick up the Shivoham “parashu” (battle-axe), the power of Shivoham experience!  This (Swamiji waves the “parashu” – battle-axe) actually symbolises Shivoham!  It is a symbol of the Shivoham experience, the strength of Shivoham experience. 

Today, more than a message, I wanted to give blessings to all of you.  First, my blessings to every one of you: Let everyone radiate Shivoham, Living Advaitha!  Understand, I am using the word “Living Advaitha”.  Means, you have to LIVE it!  Don’t just imagine; don’t just visualize; LIVE it!  It is LIVING, deciding to LIVE, that, that is the key point!  How much ever I may go on speaking, the moment you are moved to decide, when you are moved to decide, when you are moved to make decision to LIVE it, that moment is what I call “moment of initiation, deeksha”.  Decide to live every moment.  Look within: ‘Am I living Advaitha?’

Parashu is really doing its job!  HAHAHAHAHA!  The ayudha (weapon) has become independent intelligence!  HAHAHAHAHA!

Decide to LIVE, understand!  Remember this word, this one word as my message today.  This is the key to make my blessings into reality, as alive in you.  DECIDE TO LIVE, not just in small-small ways; decide to reform your cognition, thinking style, action style, based on the Advaitha Sathya of Shivoham. 

Understand, the first point to live Shivoham, the first instruction to live Shivoham is: Always be in Shiva Bodha, come what may, happen what may!  Decide to be in the Shiva Bodha, the joy of being Shiva!  Whether you think you are Jeeva, individual soul, whether you think you are Shava, dead, useless, whether you think, imagine about you as Jeeva, individual soul, or Shava, dead waste, the truth is, YOU ARE SHIVA!  YOU ARE SHIVA!  YOU ARE SHIVA! 

Understand, I am not talking any philosophy.  No!  I am not interested in any verbal jugglery.  No! 

I am starting the first Upanishadic mantra in this Upanishad Series, Living Advaitha satsanghs:

ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदम् पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते |
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ||
|| ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ||

Om Poornamadhah Poornamidham Poornaath Poornam Udhachyathey |
Poornasya Poornamaadhaaya Poornamevaavasishyathey ||
|| Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthih ||

Understand, the essence of this verse: The Whole, the Whole, the Cosmos, the Universe, comes from the Whole.  Even when it comes, it does not get separated; it continues to be established in the Whole.  When it goes back, it goes back to the same Whole.

Understand, “Living Advaitha” means, declaring there is no period of delusion, understand? 

The promise, message of Yoga Sutra is: ‘Now you are in delusion.  If you do this, you will be liberated in the future.’  That is “Yoga”.

‘No, no, no.  Even now you are liberated!  Even now you are free! You are not at all bound!’  That is “Tantra”.

‘Not only in the future or in the present, even in the past you were always free!’, is “Advaitha”.

Understand, there is no delusion period.  Your history has no dark page.  Cosmos never writes, Cosmos never makes a dark page in your history.  Out of your sheer stupidity you go on making some part of your life as a black part of your life, dark part of your life.  Understand, ‘There is no dark night in your history’, is the message of Advaitha. 

The Whole comes from the Whole.  Mahadeva comes from Mahadeva, and he is established in being Mahadeva, is the truth!  The earlier you start celebrating, the earlier you start enjoying life. 

In the world, there are three kinds of people:

·         People who go on feeling that life is poverty.  They live and leave life in poverty, utter powerlessness, and not having what they want, or not having enough.  That is one group.

·         Second: Living on OPM – “Other People’s Money”.  That is the second group.  Other People’s Money – OPM!  Never deliver anything to people.  Only by creating fear.  Blackmailers!  Blackmailers never deliver anything to the world.  Just blackmail, create fear, and grab.  Non-contributing members of the society.  Living on OPM – Other People’s Money.  Understand, when I say “Other People’s Money”, it is not only other people’s money, but also using all the resources of other people.  That is one group.  Their power, their intelligence, everything from others; but never contributing to them.  Living on OPR – “Other People’s Resources”.  Second group.

·         Third: This is the essence of the Universe.  The group which contributes, goes on sharing, enriching, radiating, living in utter richness of Shiva Bodha. 

Understand, enough has already been deposited in your DNA, in your bio-memory, in your muscle-memory.  It is now YOU who needs to start writing cheques and blank cheques and distributing to the world and start living it.  No one has been sent to the earth to live a poor life, living the life of powerlessness and resourcelessness.  No one has been sent to live on other people’s resources.  Thinking that you are resourceless!  I tell you, blackmailers are the most frightened, stupid fellows.  After seeing tons and tons of blackmailers in my life, I tell you, blackmailers are the most frightened chicks, because, they feel they don’t have enough resources.  Poor fellows, they need an Inner Awakening!  They need an Inner Awakening!  Whether you feel you don’t have enough resources....   Understand, money, strength, intelligence, power, all these are resources.  When you feel you don’t have enough, you live in utter disgrace and die.  That is the kind of lifestyle, what I say, you think of you as Shava (corpse); that is the Inner Image, Mamakaara you carry. 

Then there are a few people: ‘Yes, I don’t have.  But, I can swindle from others!’  The second group.  What is the group name?  OPM!  Living on other people’s resources!  Non-contributing elements of society.  Please understand, when this OPM has become too much large, that is the reason Bhagawan has to land, Krishna has to happen, and clear away the whole thing.  Otherwise there is no justification for the Mahabharata War.  Still we have not recovered from the Mahabharata War, please understand.  What we lost, what all we lost because of the Mahabharata War, still we have not recovered.  Still we are suffering from the after-effects and side-effects of the Mahabharata War.  We lost so much of knowledge, our planes, the technology, everything we had.  We lost everything!  Because, unfortunately, even the guys with the knowledge also got killed!  What we lost because of the Mahabharata War is unimaginable!  And no reason for a personality like Bhagawan, Shri Krishna, to conduct such mass destruction.  I will say, the Mahabharata War is equivalent to “Pralaya” (Dissolution of the Cosmos).  All the best things we had, got lost!  Whatever good things, the few things that are remaining, they escaped from that War; that is why it is there.  The only reason Krishna has to do this mass cleansing, an acid wash of this Planet Earth, is that the OPM group has become too much!  People living on Other People’s Money, other people’s resources – money, power, knowledge, work, whatever – people living on other people’s resources, non-contributing blackmailers!  I tell you, blackmailers are the most sick people on the Planet Earth!  Not just sickening people; sick people!  Listen, there is a difference.  “Sickening” means, you need to be angry towards them.  “Sick” means, you need to be sympathetic towards them!  I tell you, blackmailers are the most sick people, because, not only they feel powerless, they go on trying to swindle, live on other people’s resources.  Non-contributing blackmailers!

Listen!  The third group, the most intelligent, brilliant, is the group which realizes that ‘Whatever is required – intelligence, energy, knowledge, plan of actions, creativity – everything required for me to fulfil what I imagine as my life and mission, and more than that, is already there in my DNA, in my very bio-memory, in my very muscle-memory, in my very bio-energy.  Let me start living it.’  This is the group, the most intelligent, brilliant beings on Planet Earth.  I tell you, they are the salt of the earth!  They are the sugar of the earth!  They are the sweetness of the earth!  They are THE EARTH! 

I tell you, whoever accepts me as Guru, whether you accept me as a teacher, guru, whatever way – some may accept as a teacher who gives knowledge, some may accept as a guru who gives initiation, some may accept as an incarnation who gives experience of enlightenment, for some I may be “ishta devatha” – whatever way you accept, for all of you, please understand, this is the most important precious gift I can give you.  I feel grateful you have taken me as part of your life in some form.  Out of that gratitude and love, I am sharing this truth with you.  Please understand, I can do anything for you to understand this truth.  This one truth is, listen: “Whatever you need to feel fulfilled, whether it is a Mercedes Benz car outside your house in your portico, or all the time worriless mind, or all the time to be in the space of Shivoham, or happy relationships in life, or amazing health, or living with all the extraordinary spiritual powers and siddhis, whatever you imagine is the peak of your life, and which you cannot imagine, knowledge, creativity, power, resources, energy, everything, all the best things are already in your bio-energy, in your bio-memory, in your muscle-memory!  I tell you, you just have to start LIVING IT!  You don’t need to acquire it.  The requirement is not “acquiring”.  The requirement is “liquidating”!  The requirement is not “acquiring”.  The requirement is “liquidating”!  Don’t sit on the prime property worth rupees twenty-five-thousand-crores and die without having bread and butter or breakfast!  Don’t be the owner of the billion dollar property and die without having bread and butter for breakfast!” 

Understand, I am not teaching you any delusion.  I am the witness.  I have demonstrated the strength.  So, I have every right to speak on that strength.  Keeping that strength as a witness, I am telling you, I am not giving you any delusion or illusion.  Whatever is required for you to radiate Shivoham is ready, available in your bio-memory, in your muscle-memory, in your bio-energy!  Start LIVING IT!  Let us dedicate this year to start LIVING it!

Yesterday, in the Reception Centre, our Gurukul kids were keeping rose plants which have grown and dropped all the thorns because of their love and care.  And a few kids were sitting and doing the blindfold reading.  Don’t think it is something extraordinary.  I am revealing the truth now: No kid is taught any special meditation technique or process to do blindfold reading.  I just call them and tell them, ‘Hey, blindfold and read!’  They start reading!  That’s all!  Ask the Gurukul!  There is no syllabus, I am telling you!  There is no syllabus to train the kids for blindfold reading.  Already we have one-hundred kids who can read blindfolded!  There is no technique, method.  Shri Advaith (Gurukul Head) was telling, ‘We don’t know how to create the system for that, Swamiji.’  You cannot create that system!  It is just when the kids have that tremendous trust, I call them and tell them, ‘Hey, you can!  Just blindfold and start reading!’  Over!  They start reading! 

I am telling you, all powers, all energies, all the resources required, to tell you honestly, MORE THAN REQUIRED, is in your bio-memory, is in your muscle-memory. 

Listen!  Take the sankalpa for this year: “We will go on living, living, living it! LIVING IT!”  Deciding to live it every moment, ‘Come on, I AM Mahadeva!  Let me radiate the Shiva Bodha, the joy of being Mahadeva!  He is in my DNA programming!  He is in my bio-memory programming!  He is in my muscle-memory programming!  He is in my bio-energy programming!’  Nothing else can be the truth!

|| पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदम् पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते ||
|| Poornamadhah Poornamidham Poornaath Poornam Udhachyathey |

If the Whole comes out of the Whole, it has to be Whole!  There can never be a hole!  When the Whole comes out of the Whole, it has to be Whole!  There can never be a hole!

Listen!  Whatever may be the Mamakaara, Inner Image, you may carry yourself as Shava or Jeeva, the truth is: YOU ARE SHIVA, MAHADEVA!  Understand, you are the Whole!  From the Whole, even when you think you have become apart and got separated, you ARE the Whole!  You ARE the Whole!  You ARE the Whole, the “W”!  And this means, double victory, double “V” – VV (two “V”s joined together become “W”)!  When you feel you are the Whole, Cosmos, don’t think only you are celebrating; even the Cosmos is celebrating!  That is why double “V”, double victory!  Understand, when you feel Shivoham – “I am Mahadeva” – when you feel you are Mahadeva, don’t think only you become ecstatic; I tell you, from this side, Mahadeva is also ecstatic!  Cosmos is waiting to celebrate its glory towards you!  Understand, whenever you declare you are Mahadeva, don’t think Mahadeva is sitting there and saying, ‘How dare you tell you are Mahadeva without becoming pure and capable like me!’ No!  He is telling, ‘You are telling me “I am Mahadeva!”  Now I am sitting me in you!’

Understand, Mahadeva is not an envying god.  No!  He is not saying, ‘What?  You say you are Mahadeva?  Have you done tapas like me?  Have you done all the qualification tests?  Have you passed all the qualifications?  How can you claim my throne?’  No!  The moment you say, ‘I am Mahadeva’, he says, ‘Wow!  I have one more body through which I can celebrate my existence!’  Understand, he is waiting for more and more people to declare Shivoham.  He is waiting for more and more people to become Gana.  “Gana” means, “embodying”.  In Sanskrit, “Gana” means, “embodying”.  He is waiting for more and more people to become Shiva Gana, embodying his very existence. 

Many of us think, ‘Oh, if I constantly remember I am Shiva’, one part of you itself will question, “Hey, I am not qualified.  I have not trained myself.  I have not done tapas.  How will Shiva accept me as him?’ 

Please understand, in “Akshara Mana Maalai”, there is a beautiful line Ramana Maharshi sings.  Ramana Maharshi is singing:

என்போலுந் தீனரை யின்புறக் காத்துநீ
யெந்நாளும் வாழ்ந்தரு ளருணாசலா

Yen Polum Dheenarai Yin Purakkaathu Nee
Yennaallum Vaazhndharul Arunachala

Understand, he says, ‘Even a person like me’, he is telling about himself – ‘என்போலுந் தீனரை யின்புறக் காத்துநீ (Yen Polum Dheenarai Yin Purakkaathu Nee)  ‘even a person like me, you are saving, establishing, protecting!  O, Arunachala, let you live long!’ 

Understand, I am telling you, through this statement Bhagawan (Ramana Maharshi) is not making himself low; he can never be low; he is revealing the truth: Even if you think you are a “dheena”, means, whatever worse Inner Image you have about you, He is here, Mahadeva is here to protect and celebrate himself through you. 

Understand, as an insider I am giving you this insider’s secret, the secret tip, the insider’s secret: The moment you decide, ‘I will live Shivoham, the truth, sathya, I am Mahadeva’, immediately Mahadeva starts expressing all the powers of him through your being!  He is not saying, ‘Qualify first; then I will give you.’  No!  You start living, you decide to declare, you decide to live, is the qualification! 

I will tell you a very small, a very sweet incident which happened in my quarters.  One of my Mahants made a paper mask like my face.  He wanted to make that and distribute it to the devotees for celebration, Jayanthi celebration, and so he made the mask.  And he wanted to show it to me and ask my suggestions and input.  He came and he was standing in front of me and putting that mask on himself.  He was showing and trying to check how much the holes in the eyes are required to see, how comfortable it will be.  And all that checking was going on.  Suddenly I went into such an ecstasy and joy and bliss!  I saw clearly, just when he put the mask on himself, I saw I am already filling him!  That guy was not able to understand why I am suddenly in such an ecstasy and joy.  I told him, ‘Even if you try to wear the mask of Mahadeva, he fills you!’

I tell you, I tell you as an insider, when he was trying to wear the mask, I found I have become him!  Means, I have multiplied, expanded, and I am so happy to fill myself in him and everyone!  I tell you, this is exactly the formula in which Mahadeva is functioning.  The moment you even remember Shivoham, he immediately rushes into you and fills you and starts experimenting, starts just radiating, starts just radiating!  Not just experimenting; experiencing and radiating, I tell you!  The moment he puts the mask, I know he wants to be me.  So let me fill him. 

This sacred ash, Vibhooti, and Rudraksha (sacred beads), is mask of Mahadeva, understand.  Vibhooti and Rudraksha is the mask of Mahadeva.  The moment you put that and say “Shivoham”, he is just filling you and radiating himself through you!

I tell you, Shivoham is not just some theory, concept.  It is the ultimate medicine for whatever may be the problem.  It can be as practical, most difficult, real problem like, today evening the fellow who gave the loan to you is coming to collect the interest, ten-thousand rupees; and you have only thousand rupees; and you don’t know what to do, how to manage the remaining nine-thousand rupees, which is a crucial problem, the most crucial problem, real problem!  I tell you, even for that problem, Shivoham is the solution!  I am giving you from my experience!  I apply Shivoham wherever I go, whatever I do!  Whether this morning brushing the teeth, or cleaning the stomach, whether constipation, whether I am dealing with constipation or the country’s Constitution, I apply only Shivoham, understand!  And Shivoham, Shivoham solves all my problems!  It can be as simple as your constipation, or as difficult a problem as conflict with the Constitution.  I don’t have conflict with the Constitution.  Projected conflict, forced on me, pushed on me!  I tell you, for everything I apply this one medicine: SHIVOHAM!  And it works!  Because, the owner of the medicine is waiting to make it work!  Understand, he is waiting to celebrate through every one of us.  He is waiting for just one missed call.  See, if you utter “Shivoham”, immediately feel the connection and start expressing the powers, it is a “live” call.  If you just utter mechanically, “Shivoham”, and nothing happens, it is a “missed” call!  But even if it is a missed call from your side, he never misses responding, replying, calling you back!  All of you have given missed call in your past birth; that is why I called you guys this birth!  Our Enriching Temple never misses a missed call.  We are the “missed call maniacs”, understand!  We never miss a single missed call! 

Even if you chant mechanically, try to remember mechanically, try to remember for the sake of argument, ‘If I am Shiva, let this wheezing problem become alright!’, even in that debating way if you are trying, understand, even in that debated practice, or challenged practice, each missed call will never go waste!  Kailasa never misses a single missed call!  Even for a debate, ‘If I am Mahadeva, let my eyes be healed, let me see!  I challenge!’, even in a challenging way, checking way, arguing way, debating way, playful way, how my kids try to check....  Many of my kids, you don’t know, they tell me, ‘Swamiji, sometimes I sit in the satsangh and declare, “If I am Mahadeva, now Swamiji will raise the left hand and speak”!’  And I am raising the left hand here!  ‘If I am Mahadeva, now Swamiji will adjust his dhoti and cross the leg!’  No, all these things these guys play!  And then they come back and report to me with a lot of pride!  ‘Today I did this in the satsangh.  And you exactly did as I wanted!’  Practising Shivoham playfully, understand, whether you practice it doubtfully, playfully, for the sake of argument or challenging, whatever way you may practice Shivoham, I tell you, whether it is a live call or a missed call, you will never be missed!  You will never be missed! 

Shivoham really can be a powerful solution.  Try that first.  Have whatever other solutions you think is solution.  I am not saying, “No”.  I am not denying.  I am not closing the doors of other solutions.  But, first this!  First this!  First this! 

Understand, this one Sathya, just this one Sathya!  I tell you, these great truths revealed in our Upanishads are not myth.  “Myth”, “mythology”, this word is the most abusive word given to our Puranas and Shaastras and Upanishads.  “Myth” is an abusive word.  I am telling you, the right word for our Puranas, Upanishads, Shaastras is “Subjective Truth”.  When Bhagavatham says Krishna lifted the whole Goverdhana Hill with his little finger, it is not myth or mythology; it is subjective truth!  A person who wants to live that truth, for him it IS truth!  Subjective Truth!  Understand, Shivoham is not myth, mythology.  No!  It is Subjective Truth.  Subjective Truth!  Whatever you remember in you, in your inner-space, can either suffocate you or make you blissful, expanded.  If you remember something painful, it suffocates you.  If you remember something blissful, it expands you.  Anything which suffocates you is a “pattern”.  Anything you remember, and it suffocates you, is “pattern”.  Anything you remember, and it expands you, is “Subjective Truth”.  “Shivoham”, “Aham Brahmasmi”, “Tat Tvam Asi”, “Prajnaanam Brahma”, “Soham Hamsa”, all these Maha Vaakyas are not myth; they are “Subjective Truth”.  Start living it!

Tsunamis don’t stop because of the plastic covers lying on the beach.  Shivoham does not stop because of a few stupid incompletions you are having in your being.  Anything which you remember, anything which suffocates you by remembrance, is “incompletion”.  Anything which expands you by remembrance, is “Subjective Truth”.  I tell you, tsunamis don’t get stopped by plastic covers lying on the beach.  “Shivoham Tsunami” does not get stopped by a few stupid incompletions lying in your being.  I am not just “Shivoham Tsunami”; I am “Super Shivoham Tsunami”! “Su-Tsunami”! Understand, this Shivoham Tsunami cannot be stopped by any of the incompletions you remember or don’t remember which is inside you. 

First of all, you need to understand, as a Constitutional setup of consciousness, listen.....  See, your consciousness has a Constitutional set up.  The basic Constitution of the consciousness does not allow incompletions to be inside it.  By its nature, they are ejected out.  Understand, a good DVD player, the moment you put a corrupt CD, as a setup it just ejects it out; it does not play.  It does not tolerate it.  Same way, the Constitutional setup of your consciousness does not play that incompletion.  By its very nature, it just ejects it, rejects it.  So, don’t be sitting and calculating the plastic covers and coffee tumblers (cups) lying in Marina Beach (the beach in Chennai), and thinking, ‘Such a dirty place!  How will the tsunami come?’  Tsunami cannot be stopped by the plastic covers.  Shivoham cannot be stopped by the small incompletions you think you are having!  As I said, start living!  Start living!  Start living!  That is the only key.  I can bless you tons of times; but only YOU can live it.  So, more than my blessings, you need YOUR blessings! 

This hand is always showing, ‘Victory!  Victory!  Victory!’, (Swamiji forms a “V” with the fingers of one hand) and wants to join.  This hand (Swamiji forms a “V” with the fingers of the other hand) also should decide to join.  Only then it becomes Whole (when the two “Vs” join together it becomes “W”).  So, this will become our new emblem and mudra to remember that when you feel victorious, Mahadeva feels victorious.  He wants you to be victorious, because, that is the way he feels victorious.  The Whole celebrates you feeling as Whole, because the Whole feels fulfilled when you feel you are Whole.   Understand, I am telling you the secret.  He wants you to experience Shivoham.  Otherwise, why should he come down from Kailasa?  He wants you to experience Shivoham.  There is no other reason for him to make himself available to you other than making you experience Shivoham, because, he also celebrates you experiencing Shivoham, understand?  Remember this one line: HE CELEBRATES WHEN HE IS ABLE TO MAKE YOU CELEBRATE!  Because, Mahadeva loves you!  This is the real meaning of “God loves you”, understand. 

The meaning of Bhagawan Ramana Maharshi’s line –

என்போலுந் தீனரை யின்புறக் காத்துநீ
யெந்நாளும் வாழ்ந்தரு ளருணாசலா

Yen Polum Dheenarai Yin Purakkaathu Nee
Yennaallum Vaazhndharul Arunachala

means, the meaning is not that Bhagawan is the worst person.  He says, ‘Even the worst persons are protected, saved, celebrated, lived.  O, Mahadeva, because you are doing this, let you live long!’  If he is a “dheena”, how can he bless Mahadeva?  Just understand.  Don’t you see the whole conflict?  He says in the first line:

என்போலுந் தீனரை
 Yen Polum Dheenarai

And in the next line:
யெந்நாளும் வாழ்ந்தரு ளருணாசலா
Yennaallum Vaazhndharul Arunachala

And he blesses him!  Understand, there is a powerful message in that one line.  Even if you think you are the lowest, you have the right and capacity to bless Mahadeva, because YOU ARE HIM, he celebrates through you!  When you celebrate, he celebrates through you!  When the microcosm dances, the macrocosm joins!  When you do “nata”, “natana” (dance), Nataraja (the King of Dance, Mahadeva) joins, understand!

How much ever I may speak, remind, repeat, repeat, repeat, ultimately you need to decide to bless yourself by starting LIVING IT!  And I bless you all today specially for that also!  Let everyone who heard this satsangh directly, who are going to hear the repeat telecast, let everyone live Advaitha!  Arrey, I tell you, it is simply possible to make this as a lifestyle!  I am not the guy who will waste time in talking some stupid, foolish, useless theories.  No!  I am telling you, I won’t waste time in talking some useless things.  I won’t waste my time and your time in talking something useless, impractical.  No!  I value my time, and I value your time.  I value my time, and I value your time, understand.  And I value my inner-space, and I value your inner-space.  See, when I value my time, I cannot disrespect your time!  When I am so careful about my inner freedom, I cannot interfere with your inner freedom.  So, with all responsibility I am telling you, the truth is: You are programmed for Shivoham!  You are programmed as Mahadeva!  You now just need to start living it, radiating it, radiating it, radiating it.

So, today, not just as a message, but as a blessing, I give for everyone!  Let everyone radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing Living Advaitha, the eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Nithyananda!  Nithyananda!