Saturday, 24 January 2015

11 JANUARY 2015


There was no live satsangh telecast today.  Recorded satsangh of Friday, 2 January 2015 – “WHO WROTE UPANISHADS?” – was played.  Here is the transcript and the link to the video:

10th JANUARY 2015


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

The cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Toronto-Thiru Kailasam, Ohio-Prayag, Seattle-Chidambaram, Houston-Kalahasti, Scottsdale-Arizona, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Nithyananda University-Paris, Charlotte-Srisailam, St. Louis-Tirumala, Morris Plains-New Jersey, Colombo-Sri Lanka, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Singapore-Singapuram, Vancouver-Canada, Jorpati-Nepal, San Jose-Madurai, London-Kashi, Philip Island-Australia, Port Washington-New York, Enriching Temple-Bidadi, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Los Angeles-Hollywood, Rajapalayam-Aadheenam, Ohio-Ma Shivananda, San Jose-Madurai, San Antonio-Texas, Winston-Salem-North Carolina.....and some more cities.......

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today, the seventh day of the Nithyananda Brahmotsavam!  The Leela of “Taking the Responsibility of Madurai Aadheenam”!  And, today, we have Chariot Festival, “Thiru Therottam”!  Chariot Festival also is there!

Let me enter into the satsangh after receiving the blessings of Mahadeva by offering Arathi to Mahadeva.


Let me enter into today’s satsangh.  Get ready!  I am going to enter into the Upanishad Mantras!  Prepare yourself! 

Please understand, these are the first, foremost, and final words given to the universe from the Universe, given to humanity from the Cosmos.  Listen!  This is the first and foremost, and final word!  Upanishads are not like Science, every day developing.  For example, today a scientist will come and declare something as truth.  Everyone will agree.  That will be considered as truth.  People will make their life’s decisions, align everything based on that truth.  In ten years, another scientist will come and prove that whole thing as false and declare something else as truth.  Then people will align their lives to that.  And then, after five years, somebody else will come and declare that as a lie and prove something else as truth.   Understand, if the truth is going to be changing tomorrow, it is not truth even today.  Upanishads are not like science which is evolving or changing.  It is like a scientist carries a lantern in a thick forest and tells the truths about the forest to the world, ‘There are ten trees, two snakes, and....dark.’  When you walk further, ‘No, no, the forest is not just ten trees and two snakes; it is more than twenty-five trees, and two elephants.’  When you walk further, ‘No, no, no, no, no, it is not even twenty-five trees.  Trees, trees, trees!  Any side we turn the lantern, it is trees, trees, trees all around, and different types of animals!’  This is what is Science!  But, Upanishads are a rishi sitting and seeing the whole forest in a flash of lightning and describing it!  Understand, the lantern descriptions will always change; but the rishi sitting in the peak of the hill, seeing the whole thing in one flash of lightning, and penning it down, is Upanishads!  Understand the difference between these two.  Upanishads are the first, foremost, and final word on truth!  First, foremost, and final word on truth! 

Nothing, nothing like Upanishads declare all the truths in so close a way to the heart, in such a closer way to the heart.  Such a beautiful way to live!  User-friendly! 

Understand, clean your whole cognition and keep it ready!  I am going to reveal the first, foremost, final words given to all of us directly by the Cosmos without any interference of sons or prophets or any ambassador.  No!  No ambassador!  Not even incarnations, avatars!  No!  I wanted all of you to know, Gita (Bhagavad Gita) is “considered” as Upanishad, not Upanishad!  Gita is “considered” as Upanishad, not Upanishad.  Even the words of the incarnations are not kept in the same level of Upanishads in Hindu Tradition.  “Shruti”, “heard”.  Understand, the Upanishads are not “said” by any rishis; it is “heard” by the rishis.  So get it!  It is Cosmos sang about itself!  So, no Son of God, no Ambassador of God, no Prophet of God, no Incarnation of God wrote this book.  It is directly the Universe declares about itself universally to the universe.  Clear up all your old cognitions about Life.  Clear up all your old cognitions about God.  Drop all your old cognitions about You.  Drop your old cognitions about the World.  Drop all your old cognitions and be fresh to receive the original Cosmic Cognition from the Comos itself to plan and live your life as the Cosmos wants you to live. 

It is so juicy, I tell you!  This is the word I should use.  Upanishads are so “juicy” and so “spicy”!  It has a lot of spice, I tell you honestly!  It is not a dry book.  It gives such amazing understanding!  It has a lot of juice!  It has a lot of beauty!  It has a lot of joy!  It is so full of life!  It is so full of life!

Each Upanishad mantra is a Cosmic Cognition for you to live as Cosmos.  Your relationship with You, your relationship with God, your relationship with Life, your relationship with everything can be defined and redefined with these Upanishadic mantras.  Upanishadic mantras!  Upanishadic mantras are far more powerful than any sound you can hear on Planet Earth.  In such powerful vibration, such powerful truths you are going to receive it.  Get ready!  Get ready! 

May be you will start hearing about Upanishadic mantras from the 13th (13th January 2015), on the auspicious day of Avatara Dhinotsava.  Today, all I wanted to tell every one of you is, prepare yourself, clean up all your old cognitions about you, complete with all of them, because, you are going to complete with Completion itself!  I forgot to talk about Completion!  For the last so many days, I didn’t even utter the word “Completion”!  May be, it is time to complete with Completion itself and enter into the Complete Completion space, Completion with all incompletions and Completion, and enter into the space of Complete Completion which Upanishads describe as the state of the Cosmos, as the state of the Universe.

Keep yourself ready for the Cosmic Cognitions, because, each verse of the Upanishads.....  If I have to give an example, the second verse of the Upanishad says, “Decide to live hundreds of years, living in this liberated way”.  Come on!  What a “life affirmative” science this science is!  It is not “life negative”.  And, every one of your DNAs who hear these mantras will be deciding, supported to decide, and programmed to live hundreds of years, I am telling you!  I will teach you, not just giving you these Cosmic Cognitions, but making them as core of you, your DNA, your very bio-memory, your very muscle-memory!  Your very bio-memory, your very muscle-memory!  Each of the verses should be heard, loved, cherished, digested, lived, radiated and enriched!  Get ready, dropping all the old cognitions to live this new cognition.

Tomorrow morning, the Ati Rudra Yagna, the Ati Rudra Maha Yagna will be starting.  So, may be, we will have satsangh a little late.  We will work on the timings.  Or, we will not have satsangh tomorrow.  We will have satsangh day-after-tomorrow.  We will have the recorded satsangh tomorrow; may not be live satsangh.  But, from 12th, 13th, we will be continuing the satsangh from 12th itself. 

Removing these old cognitions, and recording these new Cosmic Cognitions called “Upanishads” into your very core, into your very DNA, is what I am calling as “Cosmic Cognition”.  Let us all stand together as a Sangha to spread this Cosmic Cognition to the whole world.  Understand, Dhamma is the greatest service we can do to the world.  Spreading this Cosmic Cognition to the world is the greatest service we can do to the world.  It is Sangha which always enjoys Buddha.  But Dhamma is the greatest service to the whole world.  The whole world will not enjoy Buddha.  Even if you give, they will not know how to enjoy, how to live, how to cherish (the Buddha).  It is like the diamonds given to a beggar who does not know what to do with it, and he spreads that all around, and sits beyond because it hurts.  And, when people give bhiksha for him and ask what it is, he says, ‘I don’t know what it is.  Somebody gave.  If you want, take it.’  That’s all!  Or, a beggar who got a huge bag of diamonds; because of no work and he wants to pass the time, he was throwing one by one into the ocean and passing time!  Human society will handle the Buddha like that only!  They don’t know the value.  It is Sangha which enjoys the Buddha.....Sangha which enjoys the Buddha.  And the greatest gift Sangha can give to the world is the Dhamma, Dharma.  Take these Upanishads, the highest Dharma, to the world. 

Understand, as I said, for the whole Hinduism, the Vedic Tradition, this is the book.  And, for the whole Nithyananda Sampradhaya, this is “THE” book.  So, these satsanghs are going to be the main core message of our Sangha.  The main core message the rishis delivered to the universe, I am repeating to the Universe, and I am repeating to our Sangha.  Understand, later on, crores will watch these recordings, crores will read these books, but blessed are those who get to hear first-hand, directly!  Now billions of people all over the world read Bhagavad Gita.  Blessed are those who heard it directly!  Four people heard it directly: Arjuna, Bhishma, Sanjaya, and Dhritarashtra.  Four people only heard it directly, live: Arjuna and Bhishma directly from Krishna; Sanjaya through live telecast and two-way video-conferencing!  HAHAHAHAHAHA!  So, understand, blessed are those who enjoy directly, who are going to enjoy directly!  Once these satsanghs are delivered, this book will become the core book not only for our Sangha, but also for the whole Vedic Tradition! 

Understand, very politely, one of the greatest spiritual happenings is happening now in the Cosmos through these revelations of Upanishads, the Akashic Records of the Upanishads getting revealed, through these Akashic Records about the Upanishads getting revealed, the context, pre-text, post-text about the Upanishads getting revealed.  Understand, I am not going to comment; I am just going to explain the context from which the Upanishadic Rishis explained, and the pre-text and the post-text, and repeat it.  I request, all over the world, all of you join as large Sangha as possible and listen.  Don’t just sit in your puja room and bedroom and try to secretly watch.  Try your best to gather as large Sangha as possible and listen.  It will just awaken you!  Awaken you!  And, try your best to come on two-way, so that I will manage you don’t fall asleep in-between, you are attentive, you are listening, and you are internalizing, and you are intranalyzing, and you are living and radiating.  And, any Kothari, Thanedar, Mahant anywhere from the world, welcome to come and stay in Bidadi and attend the Upanishadic satsanghs. 

I am also planning to have just Upanishadic satsanghs, just ONLY Upanishadic satsanghs, on particular Upanishads like Kenopanishad, Kathopanishad, like that.  We will go and sit on the banks of the Ganga in Himalayas, either in Uttarkashi or Rishikesh, have a live relay, live telecast of the Upanishadic satsanghs from those places.  It is a free programme.  Anyone can join.  As I said, knowledge is free.  Soon we will give you the dates.  On the banks of the Ganga we will have a few days the Upanishad sessions, Upanishad satsanghs.  And on the banks of the Godavari we will have a few days Upanishad sessions.  And on the banks of the Narmada we will have a few days the Upanishad sessions.  And on the banks of the Saraswathi.  Saraswathi is seen visibly near Bhadri and Allahabad where she merges with Ganga.  We will have Upanishad satsanghs at different places.  Let us enjoy the Upanishads!  Get ready to enjoy the Upanishads!  Wherever the infrastructure for live relay is available, we will make the Upanishads happen from there.  Let us enjoy the Upanishads from the very land from which it was delivered to the world.  It was delivered to the world between the space of Saraswathi and Ganga.  That is the valley.  That is the space from which these Upanishads have been delivered to the world. 

I may continue on Upanishads at least for the next two years!  No one could believe I continued on the Science of Completion for two years.  2012 December I started expanding on the Science of Completion.  And till 2014 December, two full years, I expanded on the Science of Completion.  Now, I will expand on Upanishads; but this is going to be completely mystical, to transmit that Shivoham experience directly to you.  It is just your bio-memory is being programmed into Upanishads, your DNA is being reorganized into Upanishads, your muscle-memory and bio-memory is being reorganized and rearranged into Upanishads.  Get ready to enjoy Upanishads, and experience Upanishads, radiate Upanishads!  Let us take the world by Upanishadic storm!  Let us take the world by Upanishadic storm!  Let you all become Shiva Ganas receiving Upanishads directly from the space of Mahadeva, and living it, living it, living it! 

The essence of today’s satsangh: Complete with all your old cognitions.  Get ready to have the Cosmic Cognition as your own cognition. 

I also wanted all the Gurukul kids, you will by-heart all these Upanishads.  Every day, before I start each verse, all of you will chant, all of you will chant those verses.  Gurukul kids and the sannyasis, ashramites.  After all, I may expand only on one or two verses a day, not more than that.  I think, that easily can be by-hearted, memorized; that is not a big thing.  Because, by the end of the Upanishadic satsanghs, you should all become Upanishadic acharyas; you should be able to teach Upanishads to the world, context, pre-text, everything about the Upanishads.

So, with this, I bless you all!  Let us move to the next segment of the morning satsangh.

Amritha Kothari from San Jose, birthday blessings!  Amritha Kothari from San Jose, with all the auspiciousness, you will be with me, I will be with you!  Be blissful!

And I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing Living Advaitha, the eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!  Be blissful!


9th January

 9th JANUARY 2015 / FRIDAY 

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, everyone, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV and Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing.

Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing: Redmond-USA, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Colombo-Sri Lanka, London-Kashi, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Seattle-Chidambaram, Toronto-Thiru Kailasam, Houston-Kalahasti, Nithyananda University-Paris, Scottsdale-Arizona, Singapore, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, St. Louis-Tirumala, Los Angeles-Hollywood, Atlanta-Georgia, Rajapalayam, Warrington-UK, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Singapore-Singapuram, Ohio-Prayag, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Vancouver-Canada, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Dakota Dunes, San Jose-Madurai, Los Angeles-Hollywood, Jorpati-Nepal.......and some more cities.......may be San Antonio-Texas.......and some more cities are joining.

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today, the sixth day of the Nithyananda Brahmotsavam!  Today, the Leela Alankara is “Realizing the Incarnationhood”, realizing the incarnation purpose, the mission, which happened in Omkareshwar.  That is the Leela.  And, all the gods and goddesses are there today.  We are going to be having Meenakshi Thiru Kalyanam, Mahadeva’s marriage with Mahadevi.  So, for Thiru Kalyanotsava everyone has gathered.  Funny thing is that before even the marriage, already Subramanya (son of Mahadeva and Devi) has happened!  HAHAHAHA!  Actually, Subramanya happened when Devi was Parvathi (during Parvathi’s incarnation).  So, during Meenakshi’s incarnation, Subramanya was already there.  So, we are going to re-enact the Leela of Meenakshi Thiru Kalyanam.  Because of that, Subramanya will be there in the marriage.  Only in Parvathi’s marriage Subramanya cannot be there; but, in Meenakshi’s marriage, Subramanya will be there, because, Devi came down as Meenakshi much later, much later than Parvathi’s incarnation.  So, Subramanya also will be there.  Today we will be having Meenakshi Thiru Kalyanam ceremony and the Milk Abhishekam (sacred bath with milk) to Nithyanandeshwara.  You can all tune in to Nithyananda TV to enjoy Meenakshi’s marriage ceremony, Meenakshi Thiru Kalyanam. 

Let us enter into today’s satsangh.  Let us receive the blessings of Mahadeva, offering arathi.  Then we will enter into the satsangh.


I will try to expand on the core message of the Upanishads, Living Advaitha.  Understand, I am trying to set the context.  I am trying to set the context for you to internalize the Upanishads. 

Nothing, nothing, as I said, nothing at all is said extra in the Upanishads.  As I said, you cannot edit them.  No editing is possible.  It is so precise, perfect!  And, you cannot comment on it.  Nothing extra can be added to it.  May be you can highlight something and go on repeating it.  You cannot comment on it.

I was expanding yesterday on “Sacred Knowledge”, the sacred understandings you need to excel, to reach your peak possibility in life.  I tell you, if you see a person sitting next to you how you will feel, if you see a dog sitting next to you how you will feel, if you see a plant sitting next to you how you will feel, it is based on that, that, that is going to respond to you.  Please understand, if you think the person who is sitting next to you is alive, you will react either with love or withdrawal, whatever; you may react in some way.  If you see a dog sitting next to you, you will react in some way.  But, if you don’t react the same way to the plants, it means you don’t feel they are alive. 

Listen to this logic; you will understand the conclusion.  Why we feel the plant is not that much alive, the person is more alive, the dog is a little less alive, and the plant is less alive?  Why?  Because, we have the wrong knowledge that, “action decides life”.  No!  Existence decides life; not action decides life.  Because the man can do more actions than the dog, the dog can do more actions than the plant, you gauge, you measure even the existence of life in them based on the actions.  Please understand, this is the basic misunderstanding.  Some of these basic misunderstandings can be repaired only by Upanishads.  Only by Upanishads!  Because, only the Upanishadic Masters carried that kind of an inner-space.

Our architect who is doing this stage decoration for Upanishads, getting the plants, rock, everything, she suddenly comes and tells me, ‘Swamiji, really I have to tell you something!’

I said, ‘What?’

‘The plants kept next to you have grown taller, almost one feet!’

I said, ‘Come on!  I heard enough stories!’

She says, ‘No, Swamiji!  Really, Swamiji, too tall!  They are growing every day, day by day, tall!’

I laughed and tried to brush it aside.

She said, ‘No, Swamiji, I will prove to you!  I can show you the height, Day One, then Day Two, how they are growing so tall!’

I said, ‘They are also hearing Upanishads!’

‘First...’, I told them, ‘first get me evidence.  Only then I will talk about it.’  Because, I don’t want people to make fun of me or fun of this whole idea of Upanishads.

Listen!  I don’t treat them because of (based on) their action or inaction; I don’t have an idea about them because of (based on) their action or inaction.  Just like every day I bow down in front of Kaalabhairava.....  See, the Garbhamandir door, we respect it as a symbol of Kaalabhairava.  It is worshipped as a deity of Kaalabhairava.  Just like every day I bow down in front of Kaalabhairava, when I come down I always touch the plants in my garden, I touch all of them for a second, bless them, and come.  Because of (based on) their action or inaction I don’t gauge the level of life in them.  Please understand, I have not done something special to them.  I just didn’t judge their level of life.  See, just like when the dog is sitting next to you, if you judge that it is a very low life, you may not even respond; and that also won’t respond.  But, even if you just recognize his existence, he loves himself and loves you, understand?  Whoever makes you love yourself, you love that person.  Whoever makes you love yourself, you love that person.  It is a law of life.  Your attitude may be different: respectful, sometimes reverence, sometimes fear, sometimes.....whatever, but whoever makes you love you, you WILL love that person.  I tell you, my whole work is making people love them truly. 

I tell you, I am constantly respecting your existence as life.  With these plants, the same thing.  I just respected their existence.  I never did anything else!  But, before sitting in this seat every day, I bow down to all of them.  I don’t have an idea they are some way lower.  I just feel I am sitting with a group of people.  If a group of people are sitting next to me how I feel, that is exactly the way I am feeling.  The way I respond to your existence, the same way I responded to their existence.  For human-beings, the way I am responding to their existence is by blessing them or healing them or asking them about their problems, giving some solution or consolation, courage.  For these plants, just a good look!  Look from the eyes which is respecting their life is enough for them to beautifully expand and celebrate, love their own existence!  Love their own existence, understand?  And one good thing with plants is, you don’t need to train them; they don’t have SDHD (Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial); they don’t have exploiting mentality; they don’t have exploiting tendency; they don’t have something which is not them as part of them.  With human-beings, they internalize something which is not them as part of them.  So, we have to separate that and show them what they are.  And, I tell you, the moment I show what is you, you will just fall in love with you! 

The Mahadeva component of you which fulfils whatever you want, which gives so much of “feeling good” about you, is the real you.  Please understand, all of you have the Mahadeva component of you which makes you feel so good about you.  Sometimes people say, ‘No, I think I never saw that part.  I don’t think I have that.  I think, when I came down, I left that in Kailash and came down.’  HAHAHAHA!   Or, ‘After I came here, somebody stole it.’ 

नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि |
नैनं दहति पावकः ||

Nainam chindhanthi shasthraani |
Nainam dahathi paavakaha ||

(Weapons cleave It not; Fire burns It not.)

No one can cut it and take it away from you!  No one can burn it and take it away from you!  All of us have the Mahadeva component in us.  How much ever you deny, you do catch a glimpse of that, you do experience it.  You can go on denying, ‘No, no, no, that and all is not there.  Unnecessarily why should I imagine and create mess? No, no.’  You can go on denying, denying.  See, for example, if I denied the existence of these plants and didn’t revere them, respect them for their existence, nothing, they may not have grown.  They would just have had their usual growth.  But the moment I respect their existence, they also respect their existence.  The moment I respect you as a sannyasi, enlightened being, Mahadeva’s embodiment, Shiva Gana, you also start respecting you. 

When you know the Mahadeva component in you is still active, alive, does not expire, you fall in love with you!  I tell you, falling in love with yourself is the only way to keep “Nithyothsaaha” – “Nithya Uthsaaha” – “eternal excitement”.  Nothing else can give you eternal excitement.  Even if you fall in love with me, I will push that love back on you, telling, ‘Fall in love with your component of me, your component of Mahadeva.’  When you fall in love with me, you fall in love with my component of Mahadeva.  Even that can be denied by your mind after some time with the mind game, play, and all that.  But, fall in love with your component of Mahadeva which is eternal excitement, inspiration, Nithyothsaaha, Nithya Uthsaaha.  I tell you, the person who has touched the eternal excitement about himself, only he will have “beyond logic” tolerance. 

I tell you, illogical tolerance, the “beyond logic” tolerance will happen to you when you understand the Mahadeva component of you, the Mahadeva side of you, the God side of you, because, you will just be in love with that existence.  You will just be in a trance with that existence!  I am telling you, being in love with that Mahadeva component of you is “Bhakti”!  That is “Bhakti”!  Whenever you go dry, catch that component part again.  I am really telling you, it will bring tremendous tolerance which is beyond any logic.  A man who has achieved the tolerance beyond any logic can never be disturbed or destroyed, please understand.  This is the law of life.  This is the law of life!  Because, when you know the Mahadeva component of you, you are just in love with your existence, you are just in love with your possibilities.  It is not some delusion, please understand!  It is not some delusion.  It is not some illusion.  It is not some delusion.  It is not some illusion.  It is possibility for every one of you. 

Some of these things no one can take it away, I tell you.  No one can take away your consciousness.  No one can take away your enlightenment.  No one can take away your understanding that you are Mahadeva.  Whenever tiredness, boredom comes to you, remember, ‘I AM Mahadeva!  And I have Mahadeva as my Master to remind me and help me to reach the experience of Mahadeva.’  Don’t immediately sulk, ‘No, no, yes, he will tell me to become Mahadeva.  Getting up from the bed....moving the body....doing.......umm, no.  He expects too much from me.  He makes me do too many things.  How can I think so much?  How can I act so much?’  Understand, your inability to think or act never takes away your existence as Mahadeva. 

Your action does not, please listen, your action does not touch your Mahadevahood.  You may be a Thanedar, not doing anything useful, just sitting, eating.....!  Even that does not touch your Mahadevahood, does not touch your Shivahood, does not touch your Godhood, does not touch your Mahadeva component of you, understand.  Somebody expresses it through their intellect.  Somebody expresses it through their body.  Somebody expresses it through creating complications.  No, there are some people who are doctorate in “Complications”!  They create so much complication, before even taking two steps further – “tak tak”, twisting, turning their legs – they have taken two-thousand steps!  I call them “PhD in Comp.” – creating complications!  ‘Why should I do?  He does not love me.  I think he expects too much from me.  Unnecessarily he thinks I am intelligent.  Even if I am intelligent, why should I enrich the world?  Why should I do this?  Why should I do that?  I think non-doing is joy!’  That is one of the biggest, biggest, biggest, lies you believe!  Understand, non-doing does not take away your Shivahood.  For example, if you don’t do anything, don’t worry that your Shivahood will be taken away.  No!  But that is not going to make you experience your Shivahood and expand and radiate.  If you are non-doing, you are doing complications, PhD in Comp.! 

When I request everyone of you – you may be engineer in NOIDA, or a doctor in Bangalore, lawyer in Ahmedabad, or a sannyasi sitting in Varanasi, whoever you may be – when I say you have Mahadeva component, I tell you the highest possibility of all-knowing, all-powerful, always blissful is your existence, that is your possibility, that is you, I am asking you to start living it, to start loving that component of you.  I am saying, whether in your profession, in your career, in your family, in your relationships, in your life, express this.  Decide how Mahadeva will respond to this situation.  ‘If Mahadeva is a lawyer like me in Allahabad High Court, how he will respond?  Let me live like that!’  That is Dharma.  ‘If Mahadeva is a doctor like me in Bangalore, how he will live?  Let me live like that!’  That is Dharma.  Living with all your possibilities, blissfully, that is all I am asking you.  And, immediately, you start thinking, ‘No, no, he is expecting....Swamiji is expecting too much out of me.’  That is why I am saying, ‘PhD in Comp.’, ‘PhD in SDHD – Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial’. 

I am telling you, if the Mahadeva component is not there in you, you cannot even breathe!  Why don’t you understand that?  The amount of things you need to do for breathing is ten-thousand times less than what you need to do to finish all your projects successfully.  All your projects, imagined, unimagined, are ten-thousand times less than your breathing project.  Good that Mahadeva made all that as automated; otherwise you will be sitting and drawing, ‘Through the right nose half-an-inch expansion hole and two-and-a-half feet high if I inhale, and then keep the air inside my lungs for these many seconds.......’.  By that time, breathing has stopped!  I tell you, how much of your consciousness exists and is required for your breathing, only one of ten-thousandth effort and consciousness is required to finish off all your so-called projects in life.  Your life is far more easier if you exist.

I tell you, everything is possible!  I am not giving you any delusion.  I am not giving you any illusion.  People ask me, ‘How your Gurukul kids are doing blindfold reading?’  No, if you have eyes, you can do blindfold reading!  Because you need to tie the eyes, for that you need the eyes!  HAHAHAHAHA!  If you have eyes, you can do blindfold reading.  Because you have to close the eyes, for that you need eyes; that’s all.  I tell you, for all possibilities you don’t need a separate technique, method, to open them up in you.  I am telling you, only whatever you believe is not possible for you, you need to undo those wrong beliefs.  But there are tons of things you just didn’t bother to believe it is possible or not possible.  For all those things, even just remembering it is not opening up in you, understand.  See, for example, living without food.  You may have started believing that it is not possible for you, or, actually it is not possible for you till you have trained; you need to do a lot of yogic practices, meditations; till then it is not possible.  And, ultimately, it is not required.  Just to have a glimpse of you, you can try sometimes those yogic practices; that’s all.  And it is not required that you need to be completely without food.  That is not required for enlightenment, understand.  It is just one of the yogic excitements.

Listen!  About this “able to live without breathing”, you know you can’t, because you started believing.  But there are some yogis.  In Himalayas, I have seen; they bury their head under the sand and live something like eleven days!  Okay.  Whatever you already started believing is not possible for you, you will not be able to do; that is okay.  But there are many things you have not taken a decision, or believe, or a stand, that it is not possible for you.  Those things are possible for you!  Going and talking to somebody and inspiring that person with certain ideas which you believe as true; this you may not have believed is not possible for you.  If you start opening it up as a possibility, it may suddenly be available for you.  There are so many things which you have not closed the door upon you which are still available and open for you.  Which you have not closed the door upon you, are still available and open for you!  Reminding you about all your possibilities is “Living Advaitha”.  Reminding you about all your possibilities is “Living Advaitha”.  And, that can happen only by Upanishads.

I will continue, continue, continue on the Upanishads.

With this, I will move to the next segment of the morning satsangh.

Leelavathi, Singapore!  Singapore Leelavathi, birthday blessings for you!  With all the auspiciousness, you will be with me, I will be with you!  Blessings to the whole Singapore Sangha!

With this, I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, and Causing eternal bliss, Living Advaitha, eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!  Be blissful!


8th January 2015

8 JANUARY 2015  /  Thrusday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, everyone, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha all over the world.

Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha all over the world: Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Seattle-Chidambaram, Houston-Kalahasthi, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Scottsdale-Arizona, Colombo-Sri Lanka, Toronto-Thiru Kailasam, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Melbourne-Tiruvarur, London-Kashi, Enriching Temple-Bidadi, Dakota Dunes, Vancouver-Canada, St. Louis-Tirumala, Jorpati-Nepal, Oman-Sivagangai, Vancouver-Canada, San Jose-Madurai, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Rajapalayam, Ohio-Prayag, Singapore-Singapuram, Dakota Dunes, Ma Prabha-St. Louis, Hyderabad-Nithyananda Nagaramu.....and some more cities......

I welcome.....

London-Kashi, Melbourne-Tiruvarur, Colombo-Sri Lanka.......some more cities are joining.....Thiruvannamalai.......

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today, fifth day of the Nithyananda Brahmotsavam!  My deity has been decorated as representing, depicting the enlightenment experience in Pavizhakundru, Thiruvannamalai, the “Pavizhakundru Anubhava Leelai”.  On that day, I had an enlightenment experience at the age of twelve, in Vaikaashi month, Poornima Thithi, Vaikaashi Vishaakham. 

And all the gods and goddesses are also still present for Thiru Kalyanotsava.  So, all the Saptha Moorthis are gracing, blessing all of us.  Let us receive their blessings and then enter into the satsangh.

Today I will expand on the main theme of Upanishads.

Please understand, listen, yesterday I was expanding on Jnana, Bhakthi, Vijnana. 

Having all the necessary intellectual understanding to live Advaitha is “Jnana”.  Having all the intellectual understanding, listen, having all the necessary intellectual understanding is “Jnana”.

Having all the necessary feeling-connection strength to live Advaitha is “Bhakthi”.

Having all the necessary cognitions to live Advaitha is “Vijnana”.

Listen!  Having all the intellectual understanding which is necessary to live Advaitha.  “Living Advaitha” means, radiating all powerful, all knowledge, always blissful, Satchitanandamaya.  Satchitananda is not a fantasy, please be very clear.  It is not a fantasy of the Hindu brain.  No!  It is not a fairy tale from some old rishis of Taraka Vana or Naimisharanya.  No!  Listen!  Listen!  Satchitananda is not fantasy.  It is reality!  Satchitananda is reality!  I am not interested in debating with the people who call this as fantasy.  I am only interested in giving this experience to people who want to receive it.  With more debates, more time will be wasted.  I am not interested in that.  I am not interested in leading to unnecessary debate; but I am always ready to clarify all the possible doubts. 

Upanishads, Upanishads, Upanishads are the most powerful expansion of Living Advaitha.  Listen!  I just feel in front of me each concept is sitting like a huge hill; I have to climb each hill, explain that, and come down; and climb the next hill, explain that, and come down.  Because, the way the Jnana, whatever is required for you to live Advaitha is explained in the Upanishads, Oh god!  Such brilliant brains cannot have fantasies, please understand; cannot have delusions.  You can never think of the brains of the rishis having delusions or fantasies.  No!  Somebody who can grasp, understand and poetically present such high truths, in no way you can accuse them of having fantasies or delusions.  That is why I am telling you, Satchitananda is not delusion.  It is as true as your breakfast and good night’s sleep.  If you come and tell me you had your breakfast just now, I am not going to accuse you of delusion, illusion.  I know it is a reality.  Because, breakfast is possible; you can eat it.  It would have happened.  It is that simple!  Please understand, it is that simple!  If you come and tell me, ‘I had a peaceful sleep, good night’s sleep.’, I am not going to accuse you, ‘Oh, you must have been deluded. May be you are in delusion, you are in fantasy.  How can you have a good night’s sleep?’  No!  A good night’s sleep is simple possibility!  I am telling you, Satchitananda, the all-knowing, all-powerful, always blissful, is such a simply possibility. 

It is pathetic, really, really, really pathetic – that is the word I will use: “pathetic” – to deny the existence of your very higher possibility.  Arrey, denying the higher possibility, denying your higher possibility is denying your future!  Understand, if you deny that you can ever become rich, happy, comfortable, you are denying your whole future.  Same way, denying your possibility of Satchitananda is denying your spiritual future.  It is spiritual suicide!  Don’t allow people to force you to commit spiritual suicide.  And, I am telling you, there are tons and tons and tons of people who are forcing you to commit spiritual suicide through their direct, indirect teachings and preachings.  Through the TV serials, cinemas, books, entertainment shows, media, internet, what not, people are constantly forcing you to deny your future spiritual possibility.  Guru is the death bell for all those ignorance.  Listen!  Guru is the powerful wake-up call towards your spiritual possibility.  Waking you to your spiritual possibility, waking you to your spiritual future!  Waking you to your spiritual future, waking you to your spiritual possibility!  Waking you to your spiritual future, waking you to your spiritual possibility is the job of the Guru!

Satchitananda is not delusion or illusion or imagination.  Satchitananda, living Satchitananda is possible.  That is the first statement I want to give about Living Advaitha.

Second: The understandings you need, understandings you need for the spiritual possibility, understandings you need for the spiritual possibility, listen, the understandings you need for the spiritual possibility is “Jnana”, Sacred Knowledge.

Sacred Sentiments you need to have, you need certain kind of emotional strength when you go through the transformation.  When you start living Advaitha, certain emotional strength is required, and the intensity of the passion and emotion can be used to explode into Living Advaitha to take you to the next, next, next levels.

Understand, never a person has taken a decision, to live sannyas, intellectually, after intellectual conclusion, after intellectual analysis and conclusion.  No!  Anybody who has taken sannyas after intellectual analysis and conclusion was never successful; only a person who used his emotional passion and depth has been successful.  Your emotion is a pure power which can just transmit you from one space to another space.  Only the people who used that power, that strength, the pure emotion and power of devotion, and took the decision of sannyas were successful.  Only they were successful!  I am telling you, after seeing thousands and thousands of sannyasis of different religions, and after being respected, revered by so many sannyasis, and after respecting, revering so many sannyasis – understand, I have also revered, respected, bowed down to thousands of sannyasis, and thousands have bowed down to me – with all this experience I am telling you, only people who use the strength and power of emotion, devotion, are successful sannyasis, never the intellectual analysis. 

See, if I am living in one corner of the Himalayas, on the banks of the Ganga, in a small hut, having a small garden just for food, and living in that Himalayan hut, and if you are given a chance, only one person is going to be there, and that is you, who will say ‘No’?  No one is going to say ‘No’!  That is intellectually analyzing and taking decision.  ‘Wow!  Only Swamiji!  Nobody else!  I can have Swamiji all for myself!’  That is intellectual decision.  You will never be successful in sannyas with intellectual decision.  If you understand this Sangha is a Ganga, and still I am sitting, not in some remote corner of Himalayas, I am sitting actually in a remote corner of Kailasa, still you are ready to live Advaitha with the Sangha, that, that really is the strength!  That can happen only if you use your emotional and devotional strength.  That is life. 

I am telling you, I think many are still floating in visualization of them being alone with Swamiji in Himalayan hut!  Yet to come back (from the visualization)!  HAHAHA!  Settle down!  Settle down!  This Sangha is the Ganga, and the strength of your pure devotion.....  See, when you have that pure devotion, you are always alone with your Master.  No one else will be there.  Only when the devotion comes down, you will see others.  Just like only when flood comes down you will see the rocks on the banks.  If it is flooding, you won’t see any rock, tree, anything.  So, when that devotion strength is flooding you, you won’t see anybody around you.  You know it is only you and the Master; nothing else; nobody else exists.  Only when the devotion comes down, you will see, ‘Oh, why is she all the time shouting at me?  Why is he looking at me like that?  Why is he trying to snatch my pencil?  Why is he taking away my laptop?  He is not talking to me properly.  No, all that starts, when the devotion comes down.  All that starts when the devotion comes down! 

Understand, the necessary sacred sentiments for you to experience Living Advaitha is “Bhakthi”.  And the necessary cognitions, that means, beyond doubt there are some basic understandings. 

When I started listening to some of these stories from my grandfather, Markandeya’s story, and Kannappa’s story, all these great saints’, saintly figures’ stories, Prahlada’s story, somehow it became part of my cognition that Mahadeva is available to you, Mahadeva is available to you.  I used to go and sit with Annamalai Swamigal.  In his presence they will read Ribhu Gita sometimes.  When I heard that Ribhu Gita, many of the verses automatically became part of my cognition.  Same way when I read the Upanishads first, they just became part of my cognition.  Understand, reading spiritual books or listening to the satsanghs is allowing the possibility of having spiritual cognition.  Please understand, if you listen to ten ideas from the Master’s mouth, two ideas you may be debating, but suddenly four or five will just go inside and sit in your cognition and it will become unshakeable cognition!  Even you will forget to question them!  Whatever you forgot to doubt, hate, deny......  See, when your SDHD – Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial – was busy in fighting with two-three ideas, other three-four ideas will just go and sit inside your being.  Satsangh is always for that purpose.  Satsangh is actually for that purpose.  I will be throwing some twenty ideas.  Your logic is not capable of fighting with all those twenty ideas.  Your SDHD, your Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial, it will be fighting in two-three fronts with four-five ideas.  ‘Oh, what is there?  For Swamiji, enlightenment happened at the age of twelve.  He had great Masters like Annamalai Swamigal, Isakki Swamigal, Raghupathi Yogi.  They were all, all the time with him.  He was all the time with them.  He had it (enlightenment).  What can we do?’  Yes, your Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial will be doing all this drama; I am not saying no.  But it can be doing this drama only with a few concepts and thoughts; not with all.  By the time it does this drama, the other two-thousand ideas, two-thousand truths which I am giving, will become part of your cognition.  That is the purpose of satsangh.  Raising your spiritual cognition higher and higher and higher every day, beyond your SDHD, is the purpose of satsangh.  Listen!  Raising your cognition, spiritual cognition every day, beyond your SDHD, is the purpose of satsangh.

The main theme of the Upanishads is to make you live Advaitha by giving you the “Jnana” – Sacred Knowledge, understandings, and Sacred Sentiments, emotional strength, Sacred Cognition – “Vijnana”.  Sacred Sentiment is “Bhakthi”, Sacred Cognition is “Vijnana”. 

Listen!  Truths, Sacred Sentiments, Sacred Cognitions.  Once, actually, I landed upon a very deep, strong, Sacred Cognition in my life, that, ‘I cannot be hurt. I cannot have any pain. I am the Atma. Atma cannot have any pain, suffering, nothing.  It is pure space.’  It was so powerful and so strong, I went and took a knife and cut my thigh to check!  A child will not have the guts to take a knife and cut himself to check.  Understand, I tell you, the power of the cognition was so much, I could not control myself from testing it on me, because I was too excited.  Of course, I needed a few more understandings. See, when I am the Atma, Soul, I am not the body, and I cannot be destroyed, I don’t have pain, I am beyond suffering, then I should have tested that ON MY ATMA, not on my body.  But I have tested it on my body, on something which I am not.  See, the experience is sitting on the Atma, the cognition is sitting on the consciousness, but the experiment I am doing it on my body!  That understanding I gathered a little later.  But, that cognition was so powerful, even when there was pain in the body, I did not feel bad about what I did, I did not feel bad about testing it.  It was such an ecstasy!  ‘Wow!  Aaaah!  Like a long journey is over!  Now I don’t need to run around here and there!  I am That!’  That rest, that restful awareness, that cognition was such an ecstasy!  Gathering these cognitions into your being is what I call “Living Advaitha”.  Living Advaitha!

आत्मौपम्येन सर्वत्र समं पश्यति योऽर्जुन ।
सुखं वा यदि वा दुःखं स योगी परमो मतः ॥६- ३२॥

Athmaupamyena sarvathra samam pashyathi yo ’rjuna |
Sukham va yadhi va dukham sa yogi paramo mathah ||

He who, through the likeness of the Self, O Arjuna, sees equality everywhere,
Be it pleasure or pain, he is regarded as the highest Yogi.

(6th Chapter, 32nd Verse of the Bhagavad Gita)

आत्मौपम्येन सर्वत्र समं पश्यति योऽर्जुन ।
सुखं वा यदि वा दुःखं स योगी परमो मतः ॥६- ३२॥

Athmaupamyena sarvathra samam pashyathi yo ’rjuna |
Sukham va yadhi va dukham sa yogi paramo mathah ||

I will continue to expand on Upanishads. 

With this, I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, and Causing Living Advaitha, eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you! 

7th january

 7 th JANUARY 2015 /  WEDNESDAY 

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, devotees, disciples, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha all over the world.

Cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Scottsdale-Arizona, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Toronto-Thiru Kailasam, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Seattle-Chidambaram, Houston-Kalahasthi, Singapore-Singapuram, Ohio-Prayag, Enriching Temple-Bidadi, Ohio-Ma Shivananda, London-Kashi, Los Angeles-Hollywood, Oman-Sivagangai, Warrington-UK, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, San Jose-Madurai, Colombo-Sri Lanka, Vancouver-Canada, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Dakota Dunes, Jorpati-Nepal.....and some more cities are joining.

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today, Nithyananda Brahmotsavam fourth day!  All the Saptha Moorthis are giving darshan today, the Thiru Kailasa Darshanam, the darshan of Kailasa.  Ganesha, Karthikeya, Surya, and Swamiji’s moorthi, and Nithyanandeshwara, Nithyanandeshwari and Nithyananda, and Meenakshi, and Venkateshwara with Sridevi and Bhudevi, all the Saptha Moorthis with “Anga Aabharana”, devathas, are giving Thiru Kailasa Darshanam, darshan as they are in Kailasa.

In Vedic Tradition, six deities are worshipped as the direct representation of the Cosmos: Ganesha, Subramanya, Surya, Shiva, Devi, and Vishnu.  And Guru, your own Guru.  So, these are the seven major Sampradhayas in Vedic Tradition.  Six Sampradhayas worshipping the six gods, and the seventh Sampradhaya worshipping your own Guru.  These six Sampradhayas worshipping six gods is “Shanmatha”, is called “Shanmatha”.  The Vedic Tradition is the totality of this Shanmatha.  All the six gods are worshipped as the representation of the Supreme Brahman, the Cosmos.

See, like Mahadeva is worshipped as the embodiment of all the gods and goddesses, Ganesha is worshipped as the embodiment of all gods and goddesses.  The Ganesha Purana, Vinayaka Purana declares it is Ganesha who created Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra; and he has Brahmanda, the whole Cosmos, is in his belly.  Same way, Subramanya Purana declares him (Subramanya) as superior.  And Devi Bhagawatham declares Devi as superior.  Vaishnava scriptures declare Vishnu as superior.  Same way, Guru Gita declares Guru as superior.  And Surya Purana, there are descriptions about Surya; and some parts of the Brahmanda Purana describe Surya as the source of everything.  Totally, these six gods and your own Guru, all the seven are worshipped as supreme representations, supreme representations of the Cosmos.  All the seven are worshipped as the “Poorna Brahman” in Vedic Tradition.  If you are a follower of any of these seven traditions, you belong to Vedic Tradition, you are a Hindu.  This wide variety provides choice, please understand.  As I said, choice is not because of confusion, but because of intelligence, because of possibilities, looking at the possibilities.

Let us enter into today’s satsangh, Upanishads.

UPANISHADS!  Still I feel I have not introduced eighty percent of what I wanted to say about Upanishads.  Today I am going to look at Upanishads from various Master’s views – eastern and western.  Even the modern-day teachers, professors, translators, historians, they were all shocked to see Upanishads.  Some accepted the greatness and praised.  Some tried to distort so that the glory is reduced.  Some tried to say these are all written very recently, very recently, copying the ideas from western spiritual books.  No, some tried to say that!  So, when something extraordinary, mind-blowing is in front of you, either mind surrenders, bows down to its glory and enjoys its presence and dissolves into it, or tries to deny its existence, to assert.....tries to deny its existence, to assert. 

So, understand, Upanishads are too big!  Just by reading and understanding, it refines the sacred understandings, sacred sentiments, sacredness of your existence.  Please understand, there are some books which can refine your understanding.  There are some books which can refine your sacred sentiments.  But, only the Upanishads can refine your understanding, sentiments, and your sacred beingness.  “Beingness” means, experiencing liberation as your existence of the future, present and past.  Liberation as your future, present and past.  Liberation as your future, present and past.

Refining your being, please understand, the understanding which becomes part of your being, which stays in your being as cognition, which is a powerful existential and experiential truth....  I think, so many words I am putting.  I will try to convey it in very simple words, straightforward words.  Listen!  

See, for example, if you have strong belief inside you about you that you are a blessed being, god is supporting you and he is constantly taking care of you, you can pray to him and he supports you, that is one of the very fine, subtle, sacred experiences you having about you.  And same way, if you have that feeling-connection, ‘Whenever I call upon my god or guru, immediately he responds to me, he is available to me,’, if you have that as part of you.....  Please listen, these are all not “faith”.  No!  Not “belief”.  No!  No!  These are more solid, more real than the so-called reality you are perceiving around you.  If you feel the moment you pray, you call your Ishta or guru, ishta devatha or guru, he immediately responds, he is available to you, that is the most subtle, sacred sentiment.  And, ‘Ultimately, I know I am going to become enlightened and relax into the Cosmos.  No question of suffering in the birth and death cycle.’  Sometimes people get this very strongly into them.  It is not “faith”, be very clear. 

“Faith” is – I am defining – “Faith” is “that which comes up and goes down along with the sun-moon cycle”.  Anything which comes up and down with the sun-moon cycle is “Faith”.  But there are some things in you which the sun-moon cycle cannot change.  See, if in the morning you feel, ‘Yes, yes, yes, everything is great!’, and, in the night you feel, ‘No, no, no.......’, then it is “Faith”.  During Poornima, Full Moon time, you feel everything is going right; then, during Amavasya (New Moon) time, you feel, ‘No, no, no.....I don’t know....what is happening?’; then it is “Faith”.  That which comes and goes with the sun-moon cycle is “Faith”.  But, sometimes, beyond this coming and going, and faith, certain understandings become part of your bio-memory; it is just there forever, through thick and thin.  Those things only I am saying, subtle, sacred sentiments, understandings, and the truth of the being. 

Listen!  Sacred sentiment, truth of the being, and the sacred understandings, do not change based on the sun and moon coming and going.  If you have the understanding intellectually, ‘Anyhow all this is going to dissolve into from where it came, that’s all.  Whether I had two-thousand acres when it is all dissolving, or one-thousand acres when it is all dissolving, or homeless when it is all going to dissolve, then what matters?’  If this understanding does not change by the sun and the moon coming and going, it is called “Jnana” – “Sacred Knowledge”. 

Same way, ‘How much ever I have SDHD about me, Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial about me, the source from which I happened cannot have denial towards me.  So, he is the source.  Today or tomorrow I have to dissolve in him only.  He only has to protect me, dissolve myself into him.  So, he is the Ultimate.’  If this understanding happens in you, if this feeling-connection happens in you which does not change by the sun and the moon coming and going, I call this as “Sacred Sentiment”, “Bhakthi”. 

And, Being: ‘Whether I feel now bound or liberated, ultimately I can never be bound, because I am the reflection of the Cosmos.  Neither Cosmos nor reflection can be bound.  Not only you cannot bind the sun, even the sun’s reflection in the water can you bind it?  In the mirror can you bind it?  You can bind the mirror, you can bind the water into the pot, but not the reflection.’  If you have this understanding in your very core being which does not come and go with the sun and the moon, up and down, I call this “Vijnana”, “Cognition”, “Sacred Cognition”, “Cosmic Cognition”. 

Some books can awaken Jnana in you; some books can awaken Bhakthi in you; but only the Upanishads can awaken Jnana-Bhakthi-Vijnana, all the three in you.  Upanishads, only Upanishads are capable of all the three in you.  Only Upanishads are capable of awakening all the three in you completely. 

As I said, it is a gift of Ganga Matha and Saraswathi Matha (the rivers Ganga and Saraswathi).  Between Saraswathi and Ganga, in that valley, the civilization happened, the civilization which does not need to wage wars, defend, does not have enmity or possessiveness, which never bothered about the outer world or its comforts.  I don’t want to say our ancestors are ignorant about the outer world.  No!  They didn’t bother!  That great civilization which gave the tremendous peace naturally by fulfilling all the needs, in that space, in that space, Upanishads have happened.  Upanishads have happened in that space.

Understand, the most important, ultimate wealth you can accumulate in your life, important, ultimate wealth you can accumulate in your life is Sacred Knowledge, Sacred Sentiment, Sacred Cognition, Jnana – Sacred Knowledge, Bhakthi – Sacred Sentiment, Vijnana – Sacred Cognition.  Jnana, Bhakthi, Vijnana.  Understand, the cognition you need to have to experience Upanishads is just “openness”, nothing else.  The Jnana, Bhakthi, Vijnana, all the three can happen in you just by receiving it openly.  That’s all!  That’s all!  That’s all!

With this I will move to the next segment of the morning satsangh.

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, and Causing Living Advaitha, the eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!  Be blissful!