Thursday, 17 July 2014

18th July

18th July2014 / Friday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with My love and respects.

Today, 27th Inner Awakening, 4th day, 24th eN Genius, 4th Day, Nirahara Samyama level 2, 1st day, THE Samyama, 4th day.

In Inner Awakening we are going to work on a very important component of human beings, which should not be important component, but becomes important- that is the pain patterns. Understand, burning the root pattern is very important so that it doesn’t grow more and more, but, Completing with all other patterns are also very important. Like, the results of the pain pattern, results of the root patterns caused. For example, the main cause of the pain pattern is your life; your life itself is the main cause of the root pattern; the main cause is the way you live life. And these pain patterns are like a small, small, small side-effects. Not only you need to Complete with the root pattern, you have you complete with even the pain patterns which are side effects and after effects. If you complete with the root pattern, you can be sure it will not repeat itself again in your life. But... Listen. But, the many side effects of root pattern already created in your body, they also need to be completed.

For example, because of root pattern, so many permanent damages are done to your body and mind. For example, diabetes, high blood pressure, constant restlessness. All these has become part of your lifestyle, even if you burn the root pattern, these permanent damages done to your lifestyle, like diabetes, depression, all these will go away only when you work on all the pain patterns created by root patterns all these years which you entertained. See, once you burn the root pattern, it’ll not come back in your life. But what about all these damages done to your body? Those are called pain patterns. You have to Complete with every pain pattern which is the ripple effect of the root pattern in you. That is what we are going to do today. The good news is, it can be done; the best news is, I am going to assist you. I’ll make it happen! But I tell you, the moment you complete with all these various pain patterns, so many things which you thought permanent disorders will just melt down. Diabetes, high blood pressure, all these allopathy says permanent because they don’t know the solution, and at one level, they know the solution, they don’t want people to know. See when your body is the income source for the pharmaceutical industries, why will they cure you? It’s like you go to an engineer and try to expect he will serve you food; no. even that can be considered as a innocence, but if you expect pharmaceutical companies to cure you, it is absolute stupidity. Understand, in India medicine was always non-profit, from the beginning. In My villages, I have seen, the doctor will never get paid, but whenever the harvest happens, he will get his share. Three share maracca per acre land; anyone who owns acre, and barber gets one share; the musician from the temple, one share. Understand, Indian doctors get paid only if you are healthy; they don’t get paid if you are sick. So naturally his interest is keeping you healthy! In those days, he gets his income if you are kept healthy. Now if you fall sick only he has money; then, what do you think? He is not a Paramahamsa who doesn’t want anything. He wants his car, house, money, money to pay to the doctors when he falls sick! Understand. Medical care and education, both, were never pay-service in Vedic lifestyle; in Vedic tradition. Both were done by the voluntary contribution. So that both’s purity can be kept.

Anyhow, whatever western medical methods have taught you, permanent conditions can just melt down and heal itself just by this Completing with all the pains. It’ll be almost like a so much of pus will be taken out of you, so much Completion will happen. Already I know, so many of you feel so much of load has been taken out of your heart. Today, the process is so powerful, once you Complete this Completion with pain patterns, we call this Samskara Daharana Kriya, after today, from tomorrow, you don’t need to sit and do Completion, just your decision, you will be Complete! If you can be in the space of Completion just by decision, you are Living Enlightenment! Understand? If you need to sit and do the process, relive and relieve, you are a seeker. If you are able to achieve the spontaneous completion, and the incompletions do not come back, you are free! If you live in this space, you are Living Enlightenment. Understand. That is why this Samskara Dahana Kriya, burning the pain patterns, are very important. Samskara Dahana Kriya is very, very important. I tell you, so many things which terrorizes you in your life, so many things which terrorized you in your life, will not even have place in your life, you won’t even remember them in your life once you complete these pain samskaras. Once you complete with all the pain patterns, with all the pain samskaras, once the Samskara Dahana Kriya is done, today, whole day you will be completing! Completion whole day! Once you do this process, once the process happens, you will see, simply you will see, so many things which were terrorizing your life earlier will not even have meaning. If you are terrorized seeing the photograph of snake, even if you see the snake in the front, there won’t be panic attack. Actually, snake is terrorized by you. Please understand, the poisonous snakes cannot release the poison through their teeth unless they are terrorized! See, it is not always prepared to inject poison; only when they are terrorized, it can just bite and inject the poison! A snake which is not terrorized cannot even release venom. If you observe when they take out the venom for medical purposes, how they take it out, and videos of snake really biting somebody, you will see the difference. So, snake is terrorized by you. If you are not terrorized by it you will understand, you go your way, it goes it’s way, it’s a shy animal; all the stories you’ve created snake will take revenge, all the village stories of stories.

Listen, so many things which terrorizes you, which can terrorize you, which was terrorizing you, will just become meaningless once you complete Samskara Dahana Kriya, so understand, Samskara Dahana Kriya is literally ironing out your inner space from the beginning. This technique is one of the most powerful techniques from Shiva’s teachings to Devi. Such an absolutely powerful technique, which can make you so alive, powerful. Actually, people come and tell me Swamiji I forgot not that I am struggling, I just forgot some of my 20, 15 years of addictions! Not just smoking and drinking, there were some addictions, like unless you read the news paper, you cannot go 1-2-3, the psychological addictions, people come and tell me, and this psychologically constantly connecting the life happenings and the symbols you see in the front. People think if you see the person in black dress, or black cat, the things will not work out. The black cat is not so intelligent to appear in front of you and give you the warning signal. If black cat could do that, let us worship black cat! If black cat is crossing you, black cat is crossing you. An animal is in search of his food. Why are you attributing so much to black cat.

Anyhow, so listen. It’s funny sometimes, how people think. If they see somebody early morning with a shaved head, somebody will be shaving them. In Indian villages, and the great cities like New York, the most superficial cities ever formed are New York and London; the Indian villages superstitions are better, they have other reason. So many highly built buildings will not have 13th floor even now in London, am I right? What stupidity! What this poor 13 has done? After 12, automatically he comes; before 14, he has to come. What poor thing he has done, other than being next to the 12? All these superstitious thinkings with which you are caught you won’t even remember them after you complete with this, the pain body, you will be liberated from them. You are laughing about this black cat, number 13, especially friday falls on the 13 half of London will not come out of the house; no, I tell you, now we are laughing, but the people suffering with that pattern, so much of torture and creativity is lost, and one more thing, once you start believing the black cat will bring bad things to you, you will wait for it and connect it and curse that stupid cat who has gone in front of you. Actually, because he saw you, he did not get food. That is the truth.

One king, he believes his barber is inauspicious omen for him, bad omen. So one day by mistake, the moment he woke up, through the window he saw his barber. That’s all, he ordered the soldiers “cut the head of this barber, kill this fellow,” and they went and told the barber, “the king saw you first, feels he will have a bad day, he wants to kill you.” The barber says, “I also saw the king first thing, for him bad things may come; but me, bad is coming- what is happening?” This bad omen thought trend is a bondage and psychological torture. How many of you have secretly like this some of the thought trend about the bad omen. See actually this is a big, very big bondage on you, once you do the Samskara Dahana Kriya it’ll be forgotten. Relax. LIberation from this bad omen thought trend is one of the very important liberation human beings need, but no educated man talks about it, because talking about it is “stupid, foolish,” but inside, you go on connecting all this. This thought trend of connecting the omens and happenings is one of the very big bondage thought trend. Now not only you will be liberated, you will forget you had this thought trend. Some people tell Me, Swamiji, I forgot I had this!

Even statistics show people who believe in bad luck will have more accidents on Friday the 13th. What is this bad omen? It is nothing but subconsciously avoiding responsibility for our actions. You make mistakes, but because morning you saw this stupid black cat, he is blamed for all the mishaps.

Understand, this thought trend of good and bad omens, they, this thought trend of good and bad omens, connecting your omens and life happenings, and addiction, both are from the same root, understand. You may be surprised, all addictions are nothing but you believing they will give you the feel good feeling, that’s all. Most of the time you smoke, drink, thinking it will give you the feel good feeling. I’ll define addiction: when you smoke, you will not find some great pleasure, but when you don’t smoke, you will feel a great emptiness. I tell you all addictions, and this mental setup of connecting the omens and life happenings, both are from the same thought trend.

When you do this Samskara Daharana Kriya you will understand. Sometimes the Indian villages look much better in omens and superstitions than these so-called developed countries. I really had a shock when I heard there won’t be 13th floor in London, if the Friday is 13th all the traffic will be empty, and all these London dailies will be full of black magic magicians. “Ghosts can be driven by phone!” I have people who can be driven anybody by phone, what ghosts? When I saw even in New York, every 6th board or 7th board will be what the Psychic with the big eye, neon light, shining “Psychic Readings.” And I read a legal case, a doctor has done an MRI on a psychic and she lost the ability, and she sued and got the money! It’s really funny; she sued and got the money! All funny things. I really had a cultural shock when I saw all this. Then only I understood, it is nothing to do with education, it has something to do with the human thought trend. If you carry the incompletions this thought trend is going to continue. Go on trying to avoid the straight understanding of responsibility, and trying to drop the responsibility on something- the cat running, the rat running... if your wife ran away, it is because of you, not the cat running. No really! And you go on attributing it to the cat; the cat did not elope with your wife!

Please understand, sometimes it is really paralyzing your decision making abilities; absolutely shaking your thought trend, it leads to lot of panic attacks, paralysis in your thinking. All this, not only you will be free from this addictions, it’ll be forgotten when you Complete with all these pain patterns; it’ll be forgotten! Actually I wanted this Kriya to be done first, that’s why I decided not even to accept Pada Puja today, I want you guys to go through some more cleansing, then if you sit at the feet, 100% My neuron activities will mirror in your brain. If you don’t go through this Kriya the mirroring will only be 80%, but if you go through this Samskara Daharana Kriya, it’ll be 100%. Your whole brain becomes so alive, superconscious, ready to mirror the cosmic neuron activity. If you look at the others, neuron activity only will be active; where you bought this sari, where you bought this jewellery? If you look at the master, (reception lost...)

(... reception back)

Essence of Today’s Satsang, what I wanted to convey to all of you, do Samskara Dahana Kriya once in a while,even if you have Completed Inner Awakening, in your own house, choose maybe once a month or twice a month, based on your lifestyle, if your lifestyle is accumulating more stress, then once a month, if your lifestyle is not like that, then once in 2 months, decide, then dedicate 2-3 hours to do it, this can whatever incompletions, pain patterns you can remember, pen down, get somebody, sit with then, complete, and if you can’t catch, get the mirror, that’s all. You always have one more person with mirror, talk to him, complete with that person- at least once in 2 months, do this Samskara Dahana Kriya, it’ll do so much good to you. That’s all is the essence of today’s satsang. We’ll move to Kalpataru Process.

17th July

17th July 2014 / Thrusday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects. 

Today I wanted to expand on the science of “PERPETUAL COMPLETION”. 

The twenty-seventh Inner Awakening, third day is happening.

The Science of Completion!  Please listen!  Yesterday you all have been initiated into the Science of Completion, the initiation, first-level initiation.  Today we will be working on the deeper layers of Completion, deeper level process of Completion.  Yesterday I could see so many of you having so much Completion.  I could see literally the whole hall completing, completing, completing!  Not just one or two, the whole hall was completing!  Means, the whole collective group, the whole!  It was like a Completion Energy Ball where all of you are inside, all of you getting cooked literally inside one pot with the fire called “Completion”, Completion happening in everyone of you!  Beautiful!

I tell you, bring your nervous system and bio-memory to its natural space called “Perpetual Completion”.  Your system is hardwired, your system is manufactured to be in the space of Perpetual Completion.  Please understand, I am not teaching you any superstitiousness.  If you reside in Perpetual Completion, very easily you can live three-hundred years!  The system can live at least for three-hundred years if you live in the space of Completion, Perpetual Completion!

Today we will enter into the methodology of deeper Completion.  Yesterday you completed with various patterns, incompletions, individually.  Especially that one clarity....I wanted all over the world, all the satsanghis to know this.  Yesterday, when I explained Completion, one of the unique important truths was revealed which I wanted all of you to listen now.  The exact methodology of Completion: RE-LIVING IS RELIEVING!  Listen!  Once you write down all the incidents you need to complete, sit and start re-living, not just remembering.  Please listen!  Not just remembering!  Re-living!  I will explain the exact difference what is “re-living”, what is “remembering”.

Listen!  I will give you an example: 

At the age of six, you are playing in the rain.  Your mom sees you suddenly and drags you into the house and locks you in the house and shouts at you: ‘Don’t play in the rain!  How many times I told you that you will get cold, you will fall sick!’  Now if you look at that incident with the present intelligence, you will always feel your mom was so careful about your health.  You will feel, ‘Oh, she took care of me throughout her life.  At that time also she took care of my health.’  Understand, when you look at that incident now, your interpretation, your understanding is different.  Don’t look at that incident from the intelligence you have now.  Go back to that same six-year-old child, same intelligence, same logic, same understanding you had at the age of six.  If you see from the age of six, naturally you will feel terrorised, you must have been screaming at your mother, kicking the wall, kicking the door, telling your mother, ‘You will die!  Leave me to play!’  At that time you may not have had the intelligence thinking your mother is taking care of your health, your mother is taking care of you and all that.  No!  At that moment, you would have been only terrorized by your mother. 

Understand, go back to that moment, the same intelligence, same intellect, same level of understanding, knowledge, same place, same space, same memory, and start re-living.  This is the difference between “remembering” and “re-living”.  If you try to recall from the space you exist in now, it is “remembering”.  If you go back to that same space and recall, it is “re-living”. 

Understand, when you re-live that incident, the layers of guilt, shame, fear, suffering, sadness which got accumulated in your bio-memory, when you re-live that incident, it will all start melting down, leaving your bio-memory.  That is why I say, RE-LIVING IS RELIEVING!  Let all those experiences and emotions unwind in your bio-memory, in your nervous system, and get eased!  Let them just melt down and leave your system!  Every incident, the incompletions built during the incident, becomes stress in your bio-memory, in your nervous system, becomes a knot in your nervous system.  When you re-live, that knot, that stress melts down, melts down, melts down; but re-living has to happen from the context when the incident happened, at that same age, same memory, same intelligence, without justifying anybody, any situation, from the understandings and memory and intelligence you have now. 

In this incident – your mother thrashing you and locking you in the house – if you look at that from the context now, you may feel your mother has done good for you to protect your health, to save you from wheezing, to save you from pneumonia, to save you from sinus, to save you from cold; but if you go back to that same space and start re-living without any of these understandings you gathered now, you may look at your mother as a wild, powerful animal, controlling you!  Whatever emotion, idea, experience, perception, knowledge you had at that time, whatever context you had at that time, whatever interpretation you had at that time, re-live, re-live, re-live.  A tremendous load, unexplainable load, which is a combination of fear, sadness, depression, self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial, which is a combination of so many things, all those layers will just start melting down; it will just start melting down!  If you use the present intelligence, intellect, context, and try to re-live those incidents, it is only “remembering”; it can only give you the intellectual understanding, but not the complete relief, Completion, in the bio-memory level.  But if you go back to that same context and re-live at the age of ten, or eleven, or twelve, or thirteen, or six, or seven, the nervous system will be completely eased and so much incompletion will melt down, so much incompletion will be cleared.  Re-living is relieving.  Re-living is relieving. 

More and more precise way the method of Completion is getting expressed when Mahadeva gives initiation.  Every time initiation happens, I invoke him, ask him to be directly giving the initiation.  So, every time he initiates, he gives more and more precise way, precise methodology which helps all of you to achieve more and more, deeper and deeper levels of Completion.

So, all the disciples, devotees, samajis, satsanghis, Mahants, Shrimahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, practicing Completion, understand the precise difference between “remembering” and “re-living”.  You need to understand the difference between “remembering” and “re-living”.

And, now, it is time for all of you to start re-living and relieving, practicing the Completion process precisely.  I will repeat once more.  If you are completing the incident which happened at the age of seven, you should recollect that incident from the context, understanding, intellect you had at that age.  You will not be recollecting with the context, understanding of now.  The intelligence you have now, the context you have now, the understanding you have now should not be brought when you are re-living the incident which happened at the age of six or seven.

One devotee came and told me, ‘Swamiji, in the young age, at the age of eight, I was physically abused by one of my relatives.  But, now, when I look at that person, he is such a nice person, such a good person, caring, respecting all of us including me.  How can I curse him?’  I told her, you don’t need to curse that person, but when you re-live and complete with that incident, you cannot have the context that he is a good person which you are having now.  You have to have that exact context you had at that time.  At that time if you felt he is a good person, keep that context.  At that time if you felt he is a bad person, he is a demon, he is abusing you, have that context.  At that time when the incident happened whatever was the context, re-live from that from that context. 

So understand, go back to that same intelligence, go back to that same emotion, go back to that same understanding you had.  With that, re-live, re-live, re-live, and relieve!  When you re-live this way and relieve, you will see the heaviness, incompletion, sadness, fear, suffering which you were carrying in your bio-memory at that time will not have power over your present and future decisions....your present and future decisions.  That is why I am saying, please understand, that is why I am saying, please understand, I am repeating, RE-LIVING IS RELIEVING, COMPLETION IS SUCH A POWERFUL PROCESS!

When you are re-living the incident which happened at the age of seven from that context, you will naturally be disidentified......“in” the way for “out”.  When you are completely trying to be in that same context, because it is past and dead, you will simply be disidentified.  A ripe fruit falls from the tree.  If the fruit does not fall from the tree, still it is feeling it needs some more support from the tree to ripen.  Only as long as it is an incompletion, it does not fall from your system.  The moment it becomes complete, it automatically leaves your system.  When you re-live intensely, sincerely, simply you are relieved! 

Today we will move into the next level of Completion. 

One more thing:  After re-living at least five times, you will see by yourself that those memories, emotions, incompletions, hangover, residues don’t have power over your system any more even if you remember them.  Even if by accident they are provoked in you, those memories are awakened in you, you are reminded about them, it will not impact your inner-space; you will not carry that heaviness; you won’t carry that heaviness; it will never be part of your cognition at all. 

Today we will move to the next level of Completion and learn the science of how to exist in the space of Perpetual to exist in the space of Perpetual Completion....understand, Perpetual Completion.  Living in Perpetual Completion is what I call “Living Advaitha, “Living Enlightenment”.  Living Perpetual Completion is what I call “Living Advaitha”.

Complete!  Complete!  Complete!  More and more and more, whatever incompletion happens, whatever incompletion you remember, anything which puts you in the space of powerlessness, go back to the source when you started experiencing it, re-live, re-live, re-live, and relive.  Re-live, re-live, re-live and re-live!  Any Completion done once, it will not impact your future anymore; you will be free from the effects and side-effects and after-effects of that.  Even the modern-day psychologists are confirming that your brain does not know the difference between real experience and one that is re-lived.  Joseph Carver, he is a Ph.D., psychologist, he has shown in his research that when we re-live with a new cognition, means the new cognition, your cognition is continuously growing, your cognition is continuously growing....  New cognition means, the cognition in which Completion process is initiated.  So, after the initiation into the Completion, you are sitting and re-living not just to brood over, but to complete.  With this new context to complete, when you sit and re-live, the memory gets saved back in that new cognition, over-writing the whole memory, removing the emotional part of the memory, and removing all the incompletions, powerless part of the memory.  All the past emotions which put you in powerlessness, all that is removed, and a new memory gets saved removing the powerlessness part of the old memory.  The rewriting happens. 

So, understand, with this new cognition of Completion, simply re-live, you will be relieved!  When the Completion becomes Perpetual Completion.....  Today, especially, we are going to work on finding each one of your root patterns.  Yesterday we worked on completing your pattern; today, root pattern, the root of all the patterns.  I will be guiding all of you...... (buffering on NTV at this point.......)  You will be relieved from the sufferings you are again and again manifesting in your life for so many years.  (buffering again on NTV at this point.....)

Sit straight.  Close your eyes.  Remember one thought you want to make as reality, and all the doubts, fears, incompletions you have to make that thought into reality, and pen down both.  First close your eyes for at least two-three minutes and remember, recollect.  Then sit and pen down.

(After a few minutes...........)

Now please pen down one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions, doubts, fears you have to cause that reality.  Pen down both.

(After a few minutes...........)

Now sit straight.  Close your eyes.  Complete all the incompletions you have, all the impossibilities, fears, sadness, self-doubt, and drop it.  Hold the space for what you want to create as reality.  Visualize what you want to create as reality.  Hold on to the space for what you want to cause as reality.  If you want to create wealth, visualize wealth is already real.  If you want to create health, visualize health is already real.  Whatever you want to create, hold the space for it.  Namah Shivaya!


I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

Nirahara Samyama - a compilation

(A Compilation from Swamiji Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s various Satsanghs)

Satsangh of Monday, 1 July 2013

First time we opened the Nirahara Samyama on one-way and on TV also, because I have added a Kriya which can directly support people to practice the Nirahara Samyama.  It is like kindling of the Kundalini energy, awakening of the Kundalini energy without my physical presence, without my directly looking into them and initiating.  For that, I have developed a Kriya.  So, with this Kriya they will be able to practice; wherever they are, they will be able to practice the Nirahara Samyama. 

Nirahara Samyama is not fasting.  And it is neither feasting.  Unfortunately, your everyday life itself has become feasting!  Nirahara Samyama is neither feasting nor fasting.  It is, step by step, slowly, slowly, awakening your bio-intelligence, bio-memory to produce energy directly from space, to produce energy directly from space.  Listen!  So, step by step, slowly, slowly, we awaken your bio-memory which has the intelligence to produce energy directly from the air, sunlight and trees and space.  Through a proper Kriya, it is possible!  Let me give you the clear step by step instruction.

First, today, we start this Nirahara Samyama.  Today and tomorrow, next forty-eight hours, means, till day-after-tomorrow morning satsangh, you will not take any solid food, but you will continue to have some juices – buttermilk, water, juices.  Till 3rd July morning satsangh, Wednesday morning satsangh, you will not have any solid food.  First, we are taking that component out of your system.  And the Kriya which you are going to learn now, you will do it continuously every day morning once and evening once.  It is just twenty-one minutes Kriya, not more than that.  You can do once in the morning, once in the evening.  And any time you feel tired or fatigue, or any sickness, feeling sick, dehydrated, you should start eating, break the Samyama; you should start eating; you should not be continuing out of will.  You should not continue the Nirahara Samyama out of will. 

Please listen!  Nirahara Samyama should happen in you with the right context.  When you create energy, when you create intelligence, when you create enough energy in your bio-memory, bio-intelligence, automatically the food intake should reduce.  So, be very clear.  Today onwards I am giving you the Kriya to awaken your intelligence and reduce the food intake.  But for some reason if the Samyama has not started happening in you, means if you are feeling too hungry, fatigue, you should not be continuing the Nirahara Samyama. 

And every night before going to sleep, you should continuously do completion at least one hour.  Completion with all the past incompletions which makes you powerless, which makes you experience conflicts, contradictions. 

So, understand these simple instructions.   

If you are feeling tired or dehydrated, immediately you should break the Samyama.  You should also have a water bottle filled with water.  Continuously once in an hour, when you feel your mouth is dry, you should sip water, you should drink water, keep yourself without being dehydrated.  Because, first two days, more than tiredness, you will feel powerless.  You always associated food with power.  So you need food.  You should cross all your psychological drama.  It is literally like how kids do drama with the parents, your body and mind will do drama with you.  You will have to cross all those dramas.

So, I will move to the Kriya now. 

Please listen!  Listen!  The Kriya has two components: Visualizing and breathing.  Please listen!  Both you are expected to do simultaneously.  Visualizing is as if you inhale through each of your pores of your body and produce energy directly from the air, from the space, like a banyan tree.  Please listen, feel, cognize you have become like a banyan tree.  Like how a banyan tree, using the whole body, through each leaf, a banyan tree breathes, each leaf produces food, same way visualize you are breathing through your whole body, and just like banyan tree your bio-intelligence is producing food directly from the breeze, from the space, from the breeze, from the space.  So understand, this is the visualization.

Breathing process is: Inhale through both nostrils and the mouth.  And hold as long as you can, as long as you are comfortable, by closing both the nostrils and the mouth.  Listen!  Don’t try to hold for a long time.  No!  Hold as long as you are comfortable by closing the nostrils and the mouth.  When you feel you can’t hold any more, slowly exhale, slowly exhale through the nostrils. 

Listen!  Let me show you!

Inhale through the mouth and the nostrils.  And hold by closing the nostrils and the mouth as long as you can.  Then slowly exhale through the nostrils by closing the mouth.  While you are doing this, continuously cognize you are Bidadi Kalpavruksha, banyan tree.  Through each pore of your being you are inhaling the energy, processing it and assimilating it and releasing the unnecessary air.  Means, producing energy and food directly from the air. 

Do this Kriya every morning twenty-one minutes, evening twenty-one minutes.  For “The Samyama” (now renamed as Nirahara Samyama Level-4) also do this same Kriya. 

So, every night all the root-patterns related to food and other root-patterns you feel whole day, other patterns you feel whole day, you should sit and complete with it, complete with it. 

So now, with this, we will start the Nirahara Samyama Level-1.  So, with this, we will start the Nirahara Samyama Kriya.  Viewers of Sadhna TV can continue watching Nithyananda TV live.  You can switch to Nithyananda TV live, or you can just sit and do the Kriya.  I am guiding from here and connecting with all of you.  You have to do the Kriya twenty-one minutes morning and evening.

Please sit straight!  Close your eyes. 

Sadhna TV and Lotus TV viewers can move to to see the Nithyananda TV. 

So, now sit straight!  Close your eyes!  Cognize you have become Bidadi Kalpavruksha, huge banyan tree, and inhale through both the nostrils and mouth.  Hold the breath inside you as long as you can, and exhale slowly when you can’t hold the air any more.

I bless you all with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching.  Let all our bio-memories be intensely awakened and produce the energy directly from space, living health, bliss and enlightenment.  Namah Shivaya!


Satsangh of Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Listen, all the Nirahara Samyama participants have to understand these few basic rules and regulations.  You cannot use your will power to be Nirahari.  You only can use your conscious power to be Nirahari. 

What is the meaning of “will power” and “conscious power”?  With will power, there will always be struggle.  With conscious power there will never be any struggle. 

Understand, if you use will power and fast, it will just be fasting.  You may lose weight.  In the dream you may feel that you are feasting.  In the dream, you will have dream that you are feasting, eating.  You can have tea, coffee, no problem.  Only liquids you can have.  Only in the first level I want to remove solids from your patterns.  If you remove solids, lot of items related to pride, taste will be removed.  So, remove the solid food.  That itself will help you to clear many of the patterns.

Please understand, the first 48 hours, remove solids food from your life.  That is enough.  One more important thing.  When the stomach does not have the work of digesting, digestion, it will release so many restless patterns in you.  That is why, first working on removing the solid food from your system.  Yesterday, today, and till tomorrow morning, no solid food.  You can have any amount of liquids like juice, coffee, tea, buttermilk.  But not alcohol!  You can’t justify that is also liquid.  No!  No!  So, whole day, continuously do completion.  Every irritation, agitation you feel, powerlessness you feel, do completion. 

Every moment you feel powerless……  Please understand, when you start the Nirahara Samyama, you will not feel tiredness first.  You will feel powerlessness first.  Because it is more psychological.  It is not physical.  It is more psychological.  You will only feel powerlessness.  Food is always associated with power for you.  So understand, complete, complete, complete with all the powerless feeling.

Go on completing, completing, completing.  Even if there is mountains of incompletions in front of you, you can complete.  I know, sometimes you feel there are mountains of incompletions in front of you.  You are afraid to look at life.  I tell you, it is possible.  Completion is possible.  Understand, the junior civilizations – Egyptians, Greek; the latest civilizations – European civilizations; modern civilizations – the western civilizations; these civilizations are filled with food because they have not found the depths of life.  Please understand, when you live for quite a long time, you will discover a lot of great truths related to life.  That is why Vedic tradition carries so much of depth.  Arrey, we are sitting on Planet Earth for a long time!  We know how to eat, we know how to breathe, we know how to wear, we know how to give birth in the best way, we know how to die in the best way, because we are sitting here since ages!  We are not newcomers.  We are the senior-most civilization.  When you come newly to a city or place, many things you need to learn from the people who are already settled there.  So, we are the people who are settled here since ages.  I am not talking, please understand, I am not talking out of any arrogance or pride, or I am not even talking because I am born in Vedic civilization.  No!  I am just stating some truths, simple facts.  Our guys knew how to fly 170 years before the Wright Brothers!  In Mumbai, India, one Hindu Pundit made the aircraft as per the descriptions from Vedic tradition and flew 4 kms, means, a little more than 2 miles!  So, please understand!  But, unfortunately, we are not propagandists.  That is where the problem is.  We go on doing research and development.

This NIrahara Samyama is an age-old method of bringing health to your body.  During the NIrahara Samyama, drink water the moment you wake up and brush the teeth.  Drink water before you go to bed.  Continuously, once in one hour, half an hour, sit with a glass of water.  You may feel, ‘Continuously I have to run to the rest-room!’  That is okay!  That is okay!  All your organs will be awakened, fresh, cleansed.  In Hindu tradition, we call it “vratha”.  Almost in all families, at least one person will be this vratha-obsessed person.  Monday for Shiva, Tuesday for Muruga, Wednesday for ourselves! If you don’t find any god, come on, let us do for ourselves!  And Thursday for Guru, Friday for Devi, Saturday for Surya!  But, I tell you, always in my experience I found these vratha-obsessed people are very healthy.  Really!  My grandmother!  I have seen many people in my life who are this vratha-obsessed.  It is from that I got the basis for the Nirahara Samyama.  Then I developed it as a proper process through the help of Hatha Yoga Pradeepika and Patanjali Yoga Sutra and the Vedic literatures. 

One of the powerful results of Nirahara Samyama is it awakens your Kundalini Shakthi.  I tell you, this Nirahara Samyama is one of the greatest gifts, my contribution to the world, clearly a systematized, easy process which is available from time immemorial with Hindu tradition.  But I organized it very clearly with the yoga process and right context.  I sincerely request and recommend Nirahara Samyama for healing many disorders and diseases.  First level is more like preparing your body and mind.

Understand, Nirahara Samyama will awaken many powers which you never even thought you have had.  It will awaken your memory power.  You may think how not eating can awaken memory power?  Because, it will release all the restlessness you carry, agitation you carry, anger you carry, resistance you carry.  When you complete with all that, you will have so much of inner space, you will have memory power!  So, so many extraordinary powers you carry inside you will be released with Nirahara Samyama.  That is all for now on Nirahara Samyama!


Satsangh of Thursday, 1 August 2013

Please understand, I want to take a few minutes to explain about this Nirahara Samyama, the importance of Nirahara Samyama. 

One of the biggest disorders human-beings are facing is over-eating and over-sex.  Over-food and over-sex!  I tell you, over-sex does not create any big physical disorders, but over-food, over-eating straightaway destroys your health!

I am not promoting over-sex!  I am very clear, please understand!  All I am trying to tell you is, over-eating is worse than over-sex.  The whole of humanity is suffering from this one big problem, this one big disorder of over-eating.

Human-beings are the only species suffering from over-eating.  Even if a lot of flesh is available, the tiger will never have all and over-eat, the lion will never have all and over-eat!  Even if the whole forest is available, the elephant will never have all, over-eat!  But, unfortunately, human-beings always suffer with over-eating.  And, all of you need to know, more number of people die due to obesity than due to malnutrition.  More number of people die on Planet Earth due to over-eating than without food!

I can say, just like famine where food scarcity happens, in the modern day, scarcity of the knowledge of right eating happens.  Obesity is nothing but knowledge-scarcity, knowledge-famine, not knowing what do you really need, not knowing why do you really need, not knowing what is really necessary.

I was explaining about Nirahara Samyama. 

One of the biggest psychosomatic disorders which humanity is suffering from is over-eating.  Please understand, over-eating is a pattern, over-eating is a habit, just because human-beings feel incomplete in some dimension of their life.  Food is nothing but trying to complete the incompletions which you carry in some other field.  If you are incomplete in your relationships, in your greed for money, in your sexual desires, in your powerless feeling, experiencing vengeance and anger, when you try to take revenge, you try to complete through eating.  So, over-eating, as far as I am concerned, is a psychological disorder which becomes a physiological disorder also.  Over-eating is a psychological disorder which becomes physiological disorder also.

The importance of Nirahara Samyama, first level Samyama, second level Samyama, and third level Samyama, is not to deny energy supply to your body through food.  I awaken your intelligence, so that you can complete with all your food-related patterns.  You complete them by going through the completion process, not by dumping food into you. 

Nirahara Samyama first level, second level, third level, teaches your body to eat only for your hunger, not for your anger.  Feed your body only for your hunger, not for your anger.  Feed your body to become powerful, not out of powerlessness.

Understand, in the Nirahara Samyama, I am initiating you and educating you and making you experience different mystical powers.  One, first thing, by making you to do completion with all your food patterns and food-related patterns……in the Nirahara Samyama, the first thing you do is completion with food patterns and food-related patterns.  Do completion.  You will start eating only for hunger, not out of anger or any other powerlessness.  You eating due to any other powerlessness leads you to more and more suppression, leads you to more and more suffering.  Don’t eat out of powerlessness.  Don’t eat out of anger.  Don’t eat out of suffering.  Don’t eat out of vengeance.  Don’t eat out of any incompletions.

First thing I wanted you to learn about Nirahara Samyama is, many of your incompletions related to food, food patterns and patterns related to food make you obese.  Above all, understand, obese people always lose self-respect for themselves.  They lose confidence about themselves.  First thing I am trying to do is bring completion into all your food patterns, food habits, patterns related to food.  In the next level of completion, I am trying to awaken your innate intelligence to create energy directly, your innate intelligence to create energy directly from space.

Understand, just by completing with all your food patterns…..if you are brought up in poverty, or if you are brought up….if you carry patterns like your brothers or sisters have been given more preference in the common sharings in the house like sweets, food……  All Indian middle-class families will have this pattern.  The upper middle-class families will have obesity, because food is freely available.  The middle-class people will have the pattern of being deprived of food; and when they become rich, the first thing they do is eat, eat, eat, eat, eat…..!  It is so unfortunate!  It is so unfortunate!

In every school, we should teach the science of completing with food patterns.  Being in completion with food habits, being in completion with food-related patterns, we can save humanity from obesity and obesity-related disorders and obesity-related deaths.  Please understand, on Planet Earth, more people have died out of over-eating than for want of food! 

You may think, ‘What is this Swamiji?  Only famines killed millions of people!’

I tell you, other than the famine period deaths, all deaths are related to over-eating!  All other deaths, whether you die out of heart diseases, anything other than the famine period deaths, are due to over-eating!  There are recently-published articles in “The Telegraph” newspaper which say obesity is killing three times as many people as malnutrition!  Please understand, obesity is now killing triple the number of people who die from malnutrition!  Every year, thirty lakh (30,00,000) people die out of obesity!  Thirty lakh – three million – die out of obesity all over the world!  Can you imagine?!!

You cannot stop over-eating till you complete with all the incompletions, patterns related to food.  I tell you, this completing with the food patterns and patterns related to food is ten times more effective than any intestine surgery!  And no cost, no side-effect, most easy!  This will be more effective, powerful than any intestine surgery!  Even in intestine surgeries, after sometime you start dumping, dumping, dumping, and you die in that incompletion with food-patterns.  You die with incompletions with food patterns.  Listen!  This is a very important thing you need to know.  The starvation deaths are much, much, much less – only 33% of obesity deaths! 

Continuously you have to complete with the food patterns and food-related patterns.  Complete with food patterns and food-related patterns.  That completion is enough and will automatically heal you.  You will be in the space where you will eat only what is required.  You will be able to eat only what is required.  Listen!  You will only be able to eat what is required.  This is the best weight-loss technique – no side-effect….and permanent!  Permanent, and no side-effect!

Nirahara Samyama is a very powerful process to help you complete with all the food-related patterns.  So, today, by initiating all of you into the first level of Nirahara Samyama, the first thing I want to tell you all is, from today start completing with all the food-related patterns, with all the food patterns and food-related patterns.

So, this first level, second level, third level Nirahara Samyama is mainly to reduce the over-eating, unnecessary food being supplied to the body and becoming a load on the body.  When you complete with the patterns related to food and food-related patterns, the unnecessary load put on the body will be reduced.

Nirahara Samyama is a powerful process to awaken your Kundalini energy also. 

See, in the first level, second level and third level Nirahara Samyama, you can drink liquids like buttermilk, milk, juices, as much as you want.  Just don’t give the job of digestion, means, grinding, chewing to your teeth, tongue and your stomach.  This will make you recognize your food-related patterns and food-related engrams.  This will make you recognize your food-related root-patterns. 

Please come to this Nirahara Samyama, because it will bring health to you, it will bring completion in you, it will awaken the Kundalini energy in you.  The Kundalini energy in your system will be awakened through this Nirahara Samyama.

With this, I will guide you into the Nirahara Samyama.  See, today, tomorrow, we will be doing the Samyama, till the day-after-tomorrow morning.  Means, first level Samyama is only forty-eight hours.  You can drink a lot of juices, milk and any liquid. 

The second level Nirahara Samyama will be seven days.

Third level will be eleven days.

The Samyama instructions are the same:

·         Every day, continuously do completion, morning and evening, especially before going to bed, with all the food-related patterns and food patterns. 
·         Never miss the satsangh.  Please come to the satsangh every day.
·         And you have to attend the satsangh and do the Nirahara Samyama Kriya.

Satsangh of Friday, 2 August 2013

I will expand on some more things about Nirahara Samyama.

·         First thing, please understand, if you have any illness, I sincerely recommend you consult your doctor, your physician, before taking up this Nirahara Samyama. 

·         If you are already underweight, your BMI (Body Mass Index) level is lower than what it should be, you should not be doing this NIrahara Samyama.

·         But, if your haemoglobin level is low, you can do this Samyama.  Please understand, when I am making this statement, I am really responsible, because many people’s haemoglobin level became normal through Nirahara Samyama.  Because, this Kriya and this process awakens the method of absorbing prana into your system.

Satsangh of Sunday, 4 August 2013

All the people who already have problems with their BMI ratio (Body Mass Index ratio), who are underweight, malnourished, you should not be doing this Samyama.  Others can do this Samyama.  This Samyama mainly aims at reducing the food which you eat due to psychological reasons, not physiological reasons. 

So, thousands of people have joined from all over the world to do this Nirahara Samyama! 

Understand, Nirahara Samyama is mainly to awaken your intelligence. 

The first effect will be, you will stop eating psychologically.  You will eat only what is required for the body.  You have two types of eating: physiological eating and psychological eating.  Just because of psychological reasons you will start eating.  That will be stopped.  That is the first effect.

The second effect is, your bio-memory will be awakened to the extreme and extent where, please listen, you will start producing food directly from space!  It is possible! 


Satsangh of Friday, 27 September 2013

Nirahara Samyama is a very powerful Kriya described in Hatha Yoga shaastraas to awaken your Kundalini energy and produce energy directly from space.  Please listen!  Producing energy directly from space and bringing energy, health to your body, directly from space, without depending on any food intake!  Through proper visualization and Kriya, awakening your Kundalini energy, through that creating enough energy for you to live.

So, the first step: Cognize you have become Bidadi Kalpavriksha.  Means, our Bidadi Banyan Tree, how the tree produces energy directly from the air and ether, space, while meditating on that, by meditating on that, awakening the same capability in you, awakening that same bio-memory in you, so that your bio-memory also can create, your bio-memory also can create energy directly from space. 

Please listen!  Along with the cognition, do this Kriya: Inhale through both the nostrils and the mouth simultaneously with the visualization as if the whole Banyan Tree is inhaling, as if your whole body is inhaling.  Hold as long as you can comfortably, and exhale through both the nostrils as slowly as you can.

Please understand, I will also be supporting you by awakening your Kundalini energy.  Wherever you are, you can do this Kriya for twenty-one minutes.  Read all the rules and regulations of the Nirahara Samyama.  Don’t stop eating completely immediately.  Take liquids like juices, milk. 

The first level is only two days.  Means, forty-eight hours.  Then we will give a break.  You will eat regular food.

And second level is seven days.  Then you will have a break and eat.

Third level is eleven days. 

Step by step preparing your body and mind to produce energy directly from space. 

This Samyama is not fasting, please listen.  It is not depriving food to your body, but it is awakening the alternative path of energy in your body, awakening the alternative method to create energy in your body. 

Sunday, 13 July 2014


12th July 2014 / Saturday/ Guru poornima day

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, sitting with us in Nithyananda Nagara, Nithyananda Sabha, and all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

I welcome all of you on this auspicious occasion of Guru Poornima.  I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

The cities sitting with us in two-way the list is too long!  So many cities, so many countries!  I will read out a few: Charlotte-Srisailam, Dallas-Dwaraka, Phoenix-Kanchipuram, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Houston-Texas, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Ohio-Prayag, Oklahoma-Somanatham, San Jose-Madurai, Seattle-Chidambaram, Singapore-Singapuram, St. Louis-Tirumala, Toronto-Kailasam, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Wasington DC-Sripuram, New Zealand-Adi Arunachalam, Hong Kong, Chicago-Srirangam, Calgary, Dakota Dunes, Ooty, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Scottsdale, Johns Creek-Georgia, Jorpati-Nepal, London-Kashi, Melbourne-Australia, New York-Varanasi, New Jersey-Omkareshwar, San Diego-Tirualavai, Seremban-Malaysia, Tallahassee-Florida, Wendy Scott-Australia, and many more.....

I welcome all of you sitting with us all over the world through one-way Nithyananda TV, or two-way video-conferencing in our ashrams, temples, centres, universities.  I welcome all of you on this auspicious day of Guru Poornima, and I bless all of you on this auspicious day, Guru Poornima.

Guru Poornima, Guru’s Day, the day disciples, devotees, offer their karmas, incompletions, at the feet of the Master and get liberation!  Master burns all those karmas and liberates those devotees, disciples.  Various ashrams, temples, are participating in the celebration. 

Nithyananda Nagara, Bidadi ashram, has offered 1008 naivedhyams on the Guru Poornima Day.  Charlotte-Srisailam is offering 62 naivedhyams.  Australia Nithyananda Sangha is offering 69 naivedhyams.  St. Louis-Tirumala 134 naivedhyams.  And, Ohio Sangha is offering 34 naivedhyams, and they have planted a tree where Kaalabhairava landed in Ohio.  Agra Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam is inaugurating Nithyananda Vastralaya.  Blessings!  And there are innumerable other offerings by all other ashrams and centres.  So, I wanted all of you to know, I accept all the offerings offered and bless all of you on this auspicious occasion of Guru Poornima.  Through this acceptance, I also declare with all my Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, I accept and burn all the incompletions, karmas, you offer today on this auspicious occasion of Guru Poornima, and I declare, commit and declare, I free all of you from the karmas and the effects of those karmas. 

Continuously more and more cities and temples are offering.  Malaysia Nithyananda Sangha is offering 108 naivedhyams.  Los Angeles Nithyananda University is offering 108 naivedhyams.  Melbourne-Tiruvarur is offering huge, large quantity of naivedhyams and offerings.  I bless all of you!  I accept all the offerings you guys are offering.  I really wanted to call every one of your names.  Due to time constraints I am just reciting a few names, calling a few names; but, please understand, each one of you is in my heart, in my being, and I accept all the offerings all of you are offering today.  And again, once more, I declare, whatever incompletions, karmas you offer today, I will burn them and free you from all those karmas and the effects of those karmas.

(Swamiji gives Guru Poornima blessings in Kannada, Telugu, Marathi, Gujarati, Spanish and various other languages.......)

My message, this Guru Poornima’s message, today’s message for all of you: LIVE ADVAITHA!  Understand, living Advaitha, live Advaitha means, create whatever you want from the power of Advaitha.  Understand, Advaitha is a simple basic truth, simple basic truth, like “Sun rises in the morning in the east”.  You cannot go on debating about it.  The direction in which the sun is rising, we call that as east.  The time the sun is rising, we call that as morning.  These are all simple factual understandings.  So, Advaitha is also a simple factual understanding.  If you go on debating, ‘How can you say it is east?  How can you say it is morning?’, you can be wasting your life.  You can be wasting the beautiful space of sun till it settles down in the west in the evening.  “Sun rises in the morning” is not a debatable subject; it is a fact on which you need to strategize your life.  Align your house windows, doors, if you want the sunlight, sun rays.  Wake up at that time and make yourself available to the world; or, whatever you want from the world, receive, do all that interaction, because it is day time.  “Sun rises in the morning in the east” is a statement on which you need to plan your strategies about life, fact based on which you need to plan your life.  It is not a subject to be debated.  It is a subject on which you plan your life strategy.  Advaitha also is not a subject to be debated; it is the facts on which you need to plan the strategy of your life.  I don’t even want to use the word “truth”, because it is loaded.  I will use the word “fact”, “simple fact”.  Advaitha is a simple fact on which you can strategize your every-day activity, every-day action. 

Please understand, all of us are completely connected in the space of oneness.  I am not saying all of us are one; I am saying all of us are in the space of oneness.  All of us are in the space of oneness!  If you see goodness outside, you are in the space of Completion inside.  If you see bad things outside, you need to complete inside.  Go on...go on...go on...go on!  Let every decision you make, let every thought you entertain, every word you utter, every word you utter, every action you do, let it be based on Advaitha.  Let it be completely based on Advaitha.

Understand, “Living Advaitha” means, your self-drive, your inspiration, your energy, your experience, your intelligence, everything operates from Advaitha, from the truth and fact, sacred secret of the oneness.  Understand, digest Advaitha more and more into your thinking.  Digest Advaitha more and more into your words.  Digest Advaitha more and more in your actions.  Every simple digestion, means, even if you make a very simple decision – ‘I will not use the words “I” and “mine” in my words, in my speech.  When I speak, in my speech, I will use only the words “we”, “us”.’ – even this simple decision will go on reminding you if you take it from the context of oneness.  If you take this simple decision from the context of oneness, even this simple decision will be going on reminding you the Advaitha.  It will be going on reminding you the Advaitha.

Every day morning when you wake up, align yourself to the oneness.  Every thought, every action, bring more and more Advaitha into it.  Please understand, don’t freeze yourself.  Don’t think you have grown up, now nothing more can be done, transformation is not possible.  No!  Every day the possibility for you to build a new personality, new body, new mind, new being is available, open.  That availability is what I call “life”.  Using that availability and making Advaitha as a strategy, building a new body, new mind, new personality, new words, new thoughts, new actions, is what I call “Living Advaitha”.  Living Advaitha!  Living Advaitha!

Whatever you want to achieve in your life, let your authenticity be the context from which you operate.  Understand, let your authenticity, what you want to be inside, how you want to show you to outside, how others perceive you, and how you perceive others and life, let all these be powerfully aligned with the single truth of Advaitha, the fact of Advaitha, oneness.  I tell you, the one and only way, the best way to live Advaitha is to become part of the Sangha.  I tell you, just become part of the Sangha; I will constantly be evolving you, transforming you.  Becoming part of the Sangha is nothing but you saying a big “YES” to me, that’s all!  Becoming Thanedar or Kothari or Mahant or Shrimahant is nothing but you declaring you are ready to be directly trained by me, you are ready to be directly raised by me, you are ready to be directly transformed by me.  It is declaring, giving a big “YES”.  If you have any reason not to become part of the Sangha, be very clear, that is the exact pattern which is going to destroy your life forever, that is the patrern you are allowing Rahu to operate on you, ignorance to operate on you.  I am straight!  Today I am doing the responsibility of the Guru with all authenticity.  With all my authenticity I am doing the responsibility of the Guru.  Be very clear, on this Guru Poornima, I am very clearly, directly instructing and inviting all of you:  Take up the authentic responsibility of Sangha, become authentically part of the Sangha; and this gives a big “YES” and possibility for me to train you directly, constantly evolve, transform, raise the new being you need to live Advaitha.  To live Advaitha!

Take Advaitha sincerely, understand?  Take these four principles of Authenticity, Integrity, Responsibility and Enriching sincerely.  Drop your conflict, complication, incompletions about becoming form of Sangha.  Drop the arrogance.  I have seen many people telling, ‘No...I am a long-time devotee.  I know Swamiji very well.  I will just be a volunteer.  I will come and do Pada Puja, Guru Puja.  And I will donate money, come and be volunteer.  I know Swamiji....’  I request you to drop this arrogance and hypocrisy.  You don’t know me!  The beauty is, even I don’t know me!  That is why I am constantly excited to know me more and more.  I am constantly able to entertain myself, enjoy myself, I am constantly able to entertain myself and be excited about me, because I am constantly new to me, understand?  Live Advaitha; you will be constantly new to you, you will be constantly excited about you, you will be constantly enjoying you, you will be constantly entertaining you, you will be constantly enlightening you.  I am really telling you, understand, I am calling each one of you!  I am not doing public address now.  I am doing satsangh.  Means, I am talking to each one of you.  Become part of the Sangha and authentically stand with that responsibility, transform yourself; Living Advaitha will simply happen just like that!  I am responsible for it!  Because, I can evolve you, train you, only if I get “YES” from you.  This is the only way I can confirm that you have given your “YES” to me.  Everything else is hypocrisy, understand?

Don’t hide from life.  Don’t hide behind any pattern.  Whatever the reason you give for not becoming part of the Sangha – when I say “becoming part of the Sangha”, I mean clearly Thanedar, Kothari, Mahant, Shrimahant, this clear, defined responsibility and roles – whatever reason you give, I tell you, that is exactly the reason and pattern you will be struggling with in your life, that will be the exact reason and pattern which will be stopping you living Advaitha in your life.  And I am very clear, this time I have taken wholesale agency for enlightenment for Planet Earth!  Understand, I am making it as user-friendly as possible!  I am making it as user-friendly as possible!  I am making it as minimum tapas as possible.  I tell you, it is simple understanding and completing your incompletions, nothing else!  Nothing else!  There is no difficulty other than your arrogance, anger, decision to be in the space of incompletion, not wanting to have Completion.  That is the only obstacle.  Nothing else!  Nothing else!

Live Advaitha!  Bring Authenticity, Integrity, Responsibility, Enriching from the context of Advaitha.  I tell you, it brings so much of miracles in your life!  It brings life into your life!  Living Advaitha brings life into your life!  Take Living Advaitha sincerely.  Don’t take it as one hobby.  Make it as your thought-current.  Every day, when you wake up, align yourself to Advaitha.  Every night, when you go to sleep, do Completion and fall asleep into Advaitha, fall asleep into the space of Samadhi....fall asleep into the space of Samadhi. 

Every time you feel your inability, powerlessness, due to any reason, bring Completion immediately as the antidote, as the medicine.  Decide Perpetual Completion should be your lifestyle, constantly bringing yourself to the space of Completion, Perpetual Completion.  The man who decides to live in the space of Perpetual Completion is what I call “Dheera”, “courageous one”.  That is life!  Bring constant Perpetual Completion.  Bring constant Completion and Living Advaitha as your lifestyle. 

Every rule, every regulation, every thought-current, every word, every idea, every concept, every lifestyle practice I am introducing, everything is aiming at making you live Advaitha again and again and again.  You can achieve whatever you want from the context of Advaitha, and anything achieved from the space of Advaitha can never be taken away from you.  It stays with you forever and ever!  No one can take it away from you.  Even death cannot take that away from you!  Even if death happens in your life, simply you will happen in the next janma (birth) from the exact spot where you left!  Anything you achieve from the space of Advaitha – health, wealth, knowledge, power, position, status, whatever – even if death happens to you, next moment you will happen with all the things you had from the space of Advaitha!  Next moment when you take birth, you will have everything around you which came from the space of Advaitha!  From the space of incompletion whatever you get, it may be around you, but you will not be living it!  “Living” means, you are into it and that is into you.  That is what I call “Living”.  Anything you get from incompletion, you may get it by accident, as accident, but you will not be living it.  Anything you achieve from the space of Completion, from the context of Advaitha, it will be with you forever; it can never be taken away from you!  It can never be taken away from you!  Anything you achieve from the space of Completion and Advaitha stays with you forever!  That is why Krishna says in the Gita, even if a little bit this knowledge is practiced, it brings tremendous goodness to you.  I tell you, even a little bit the Completion science is practiced, Living Advaitha is practiced, it brings tremendous goodness to you...tremendous goodness to you....tremendous goodness to you, understand?

Again and again and again, I wanted to repeat the same.  Complete with your every incompletion, every pattern, every powerlessness.  Infuse your cognition with the space of Completion.  Infuse your cognition with the space of Completion.  Let Living Advaitha, let Living Advaitha be the space from which you operate.  Let Living Advaitha be the space from which you operate. 

When you become part of the Sangha, constantly you are reminded, entertained, entrained, enlightened, directly by me, because now I know you have given a big “YES” to me; I don’t need to feel shy to tell the truth directly to you; I don’t need to feel shy to wake you up; I don’t need to feel shy to awaken you; I know for sure now you have given a big “YES” to me to awaken you; I don’t need to feel doubtful about you; I don’t need to feel reluctant about you; I don’t need to feel whether I can fill your being, wake you up or not.  Now I am sure, the moment you say “YES” to becoming part of the Sangha and authentically stand up for it, I know now I can wake you up, I can tell you the truth exactly as it is, I can remove your confusions, conflicts, powerlessness, doubts, I can awaken you consciously, I can remind you of your original state of being me.  That is why I declared a few days before, I wanted all of you to experience what I experienced as me, I want all of you to experience that as you.  What I cognize as me, I want all of you to cognize that as you.  If worshipping me helps you for that, it is okay; otherwise it is not okay.  Understand, whether worshipping me or a deity, god, it should make you experience what Mahadeva realized as himself, you should realize that as you.  That is what is the exact definition of “worshipping Mahadeva”.  That is the purpose, goal of worshipping Mahadeva.  If worshipping Mahadeva makes you realize what he realized as himself for you also to realize as you, then your worship is worthy, truth, right.  Same way, I want all of you to realize what I realized as me as you.  I want you to realize the power of Living Advaitha, understand.

Decision to live Advaitha is a simple decision, not difficult, because no actions are involved, it is only intelligence involved, it is only Completion with your ignorance involved, decision to complete with your incompletions involved, nothing else!  Decision to complete with your incompletions, decision to complete with your ignorance, decision to complete with your ignorance, decision to complete with your incompletion, decision to complete with your arrogance, decision to complete with your conflict, incompletions, is all you need to live Advaitha.

Understand, your incompletions are not that powerful.  Your powerlessness is not that powerful.  Your patterns are not that powerful.  They may be complicated, but they are not powerful.  And today being Guru Poornima, offer it; I am here to burn them away.  I am here to liberate you from it, free you from it.  First time somebody is waiting to take away your karmas, burn them away!  I am not asking you anything else, I am just asking you to give me all your incompletions, patterns, karmas.  I will burn them away.  Don’t worry, I won’t suffer with it.  I already liberated myself from all karmas, and I will liberate you also from all karmas.  I will burn all those incompletions and karmas.  Decide, today being Guru Poornima, you will take the new possibility in your life, Living Advaitha, become part of the Sangha.  Decide, today you are becoming part of the Sangha.  You declare it!  Only when you declare it and take up the commitment, now naturally the Sangha will support you to become authentic to your declaration.  You declare yourself as a Thanedar or a Kothari or a Mahant; Sangha will support you to make your declaration authentic reality and make you live Advaitha.

Enriching others is enriching yourself.  Enriching yourself is enriching others.  Enriching yourself more and more, strengthening you more and more is enriching others more and more, strengthening others more and more.  Live pure Advaitha!  Live pure Advaitha!  Live pure Advaitha!  Live enlightenment!

When you don’t take up responsibility, you forget even to live the truth.  It is responsibility and commitment that reminds you of the truth.  Please understand, when you don’t practice your profession, what you studied will be simply forgotten.  If you don’t practice Law, even if you studied Law it will be forgotten.  If you don’t do the job of engineer, even if you studied Engineering you will forget it.  Anything which you are not living, you will forget it.  Becoming part of the Sangha is living enlightenment, living Advaitha.  Inner Awakening is studying Advaitha.  Becoming part of the Sangha is living Advaitha.  If you don’t live Advaitha, what you studied will be forgotten; it will be forgotten.  Sometimes even rotten!  Living Advaitha, becoming part of the Sangha is continuous education and constantly opening new-new doors to you, entertaining you, enlightening you, entraining you.  Just receiving some healing, a little knowledge, or some boon from me is just taking a little dust which came along with my feet while I walked.  But the product which I brought with me to distribute, to gift, to share with you all, which is in my suitcase, is Living Advaitha.  That I can share with you only when you commit, when you become responsible, authentic, declared Sanghi, part of the Sangha.  Because, some of the ornaments, I may have to drill your ears to put that; for some of those ornaments, I may have to drill your nose; for some of the ornaments, I may have to drill your head!  I need your big “YES”!  I need your big “YES”! 

I don’t want to brainwash you, I want to wash your brain from all the dirt; but I need a big “YES” from you.  Many times people think, ‘Uhh...already I have too much work – my office, my house!  Sangha work also?  No!  How can I?’  Understand, Sangha is not a work!  It is like a machine crying, ‘I already have too much of friction.  How can I add lubrication to me?’  Arrey, lubrication is only going to take away the friction!  It is like a patient saying, ‘I already have too many diseases!  How can I take medicine now more?’  Arrey, medicine is only going to remove your disease!  Sangha is not more work; it is a medicine, it is a lubrication, it is an antidote for your stress!  If you think you already have too much of work in your office, house, many things to attend to, you are the first person who needs to become part of the Sangha, because we will teach you, we will teach you how to do more and more with less and less effort. 

Advaitha, the centre of Advaitha is “non-doing, but all happening”.  You go on living with the lifestyle of “all doing, but non-happening”.  Shift to “non-doing, but all happening”.  Fools live the lifestyle of “all doing, non-happening”.  Advaithis live the lifestyle of “non-doing, all happening”.  It is a science!  It is a science!  A simple science!  It is a simple science, understand?  Don’t be tired of looking at life.  Don’t be bored of looking at life.  “All doing, non-happening” is the lifestyle of incompletion.  You just need immediately the high dosage of Completion.  “Non-doing, all happening” is the lifestyle of Advaitha.  Become a source of inspiration for the people around you, for your teamily.  Become a source of Completion for your teamily.  You will see, simply you are in the space of “non-doing, all happening” are in the space of “non-doing, all happening”!  When you come to the space of “non-doing, all happening”, your living Advaitha has become reality.  You may think, ‘How is this possible?  How is it possible?’  Become part of the Sangha; I will teach you!  I am giving you an open, wide open, welcoming invitation. 

|| सत्सङ्गत्वॆ निस्सङ्गत्वं || “Satsanghatwe Nissanghatwam” – becoming part of the satsangha is nissangha.  Become part of the Sangha; I will teach you this science, I will make you experience this science.  This science I am teaching every day through satsangh, so many ways, programmes, classes; but when you become part of the Sangha, I will make you realize, I will make you experience this science of “non-doing, all happening”.  Whether it is your office, house, career, profession, Sangha, everywhere you will be in the space of “non-doing, but all happening”.  “Non-doing, all happening” is what I call “Advaitha”, “Sanghatwa”, “Satsanghatwa”. 

Wherever the context of Advaitha is understood, intranalyzed, poverty disappears, Lakshmi showers....ignorance disappears, Saraswathi showers....powerlessness disappears, Durga showers.
Today’s message, the Guru Poornima message: LIVE ADVAITHA.  The best one and only path is: BECOME PART OF THE SANGHA, become a committed, declared Thanedar or Kothari or Mahant or Shrimahant.  It is giving a big “YES” to me.  And, I commit with you, I will make you live Advaitha, I will make you experientially live Advaitha.  Guru Poornima Day is such an auspicious day.  Whatever incompletion, impossibility, “No, No, No” patterns you carry, drop all that today; offer that to me.  I will burn them away!  Your whole life you struggled with this one pattern of impossibility.  Drop that today.  I will burn them away.  Take up possibility as a lifestyle.  Take up possibility as a lifestyle.  Become part of the Sangha.  Live Advaitha.

 I will try to give a few words in other languages also.

(Swamiji speaks a few words in other languages.......)

I accept the Singapore Sangha’s 65 naivedhyam offering.  Toronto Sangha is offering 108 naivedhyams.  San Jose Sangha is offering Annakoota of 120.  Gujarat Sangha, Nithyananda Sangha, is offering a huge Annakoota naivedhyam.  Philadelphia, Agra, Slovakia, I am able to see all of you in two-way video-conferencing.  Blessings to all of you!  Philadelphia  also I can see, and I accept all the naivedhyams you are offering.  Blessings!

(Swamiji speaks in Tamil and Hindi.......)

So, with this, I request all the devotees all over the world:  Take a paper and pen.  Pen down all the incompletions, karmas you want to get rid of, you want me to burn.  Write them all.  When you come for darshan, offer them with your offerings.  And, I commit with you, I will burn all those karmas away and liberate you from those karmas and their effects.  You will be free from all those karmas. 

(Swamiji speaks in Tamil.......)

All over the world also, all the devotees can put your sheets in which you wrote your incompletions and karmas from which you want to be liberated, and put your offerings.  The Centre in-charge, please collect all of that and send it here.  I will burn all those karmas and liberate all of you, free all of you from those karmas and their effects.

And I accept offerings of Gurumudi in Toronto, and my blessings for the procession of Utsava Murthy you conducted! 

Seattle, I accepted the 52 naivedhyam offerings you are giving.  Blessings!

French Sangha, blessings!  (Swamiji speaks in French.......)

And, today, we have so many releases!  First I am officially launching a new Nithya Yoga website, completely new, brand new Nithya Yoga website.  And Nithya Yoga e-books.  It is available freely, free e-books are available.  You can download freely.  Nithya Yoga Vijnana Dhindima, eN-Fitness, Nithya Kriyas, all these I am launching.  And I am also launching mobile version of 

From today, the is available in mobile apps.  This is from the Antharjaala Aamnaaya Peetha.  The Internet Nithyananda Sangha is offering mobile apps of  The whole is available in mobile apps. 

The book “eN-Fitness – Fifteen Days Workout Routine for Complete Transformation” is also available for free download as e-book. 

“Nithya Yoga Vijnana Dhindima”, the e-book is available for free download.

The new website – – is launched by the Antharjaala Aamnaaya Peetha.  All of you can see this new website to see the details of the programmes happening all over the world.

Nithyananda University also launches a new website on this Guru Poornima Day, and all their programmes, classes, courses, are also offered. 

These are the offerings to all of you, to the whole world from the University team and Antharjaala Aamnaaya Peetha.

The Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam in Ooty is formally inaugurated.  I am accepting the aarathi offering from Ananda Kalabhairava, and formally inaugurating the Ooty Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam.  Blessings to Ooty Nithyananda Sangha!  I accept the offering and the aarathi.  Ananda Kalabhairava, blessings to you and the whole Ooty Nithyananda Sangha!  Blessings!

And with this we will move to the next part. 

Today, whole day, Guru Poornima celebrations!  Very important part which all of you may be waiting for is offering your karmas and receiving blessings.  Before that, I want to give you a few minutes for you to pen down all the karmas you wanted to offer to me; means, you want me to burn it away.  All the incompletions you want me to burn it away, pen them down.  I will give you a few minutes.  And, after writing, you can even destroy that paper, so that you don’t need to see if somebody else is going to read that paper and know what your incompletions are.  Write it and then destroy that paper completely.  No one is going to align them and see what you wrote!  Destroy that paper completely.  Bring it and offer it along with your offering, so that I can burn those karmas away and the effects of those karmas. 

And after the darshan, darshan will go on, you can have your breakfast.  Annadhaan is happening in Chit Sabha. 

And take bath in the Vaidyasarovar.  After you offer your karmas, go and take bath in the Vaidyasarovar and be free from all those karmas and decide to live a new life.  So Vaidyasarovar is available for all of you to take bath. 

Get ready for Rudrabhishekam in the evening.  I am going to perform Rudarabhishekam personally! 

And then we have Rathotsavam. 

And, ultimately, night, the teamily dinner with Swamiji!  All the Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, Shrimahants, today you will have a teamily dinner hosted by me and Dhyanapeetam with 108 items!  It is a love offering to all of you from Bidadi Dhyanapeetam, Bidadi ashram.  Even the Kotharis, Thanedars, Mahants who committed today can stay back for the teamily dinner.  And please be part of our Sangha and teamily dinner.

After Rudrabhishekam, there will be Krama Brahmacharya initiation, and then Rathotsavam.  And then teamily dinner.  Today a few kids are taking Krama Brahmacharya, and a few adults are also taking Krama Brahmacharya.

And, today, I am also formally launching a project – “School of Excellence”.  Means, all the best teachers will be available in Bidadi.  Through two-way video-conferencing they will run the Vidyalayas and Gurukuls all over the world.  I am launching this project officially today from Bidadi, Bangalore, Nithyananda Nagara.  Many of our schools all over the world, built and getting built, Vidyalayas, Gurukuls, they will have many special classes, sessions, through two-way video-conferencing.  We have established the infrastructure for that, and I am also launching officially that infrastructure today.  Some of the classes will happen from those Gurukuls, Vidyalayas, Schools, by the teachers there, and some of the classes will happen from here through live streaming, and the kids will interact with the teachers through two-way video-conferencing.  It is a new technology introduced in India.  We are using the possibilities of technology and enriching more and more lives.

All the Centres, ashrams, all the letters related to these incompletions you receive, you have to send them all physically here so that I can burn them away.  You can destroy those letters, shred them; but, after shredding, you should send them physically here so that nobody can read it and get those information.  But it should be sent here to be burnt here so that they can be free from their karmas.

Singapore, I accept your Gurumudi offerings.  Blessings!

Yes....with this we will start the Bhiksha Vandhanam.  The one and only day Guru directly accepts the offerings from the devotees and disciples and burns all their karmas!  As per the tradition, as the living representative of all the saints, sages, rishis, munis, incarnations who happened in Sanatana Hindu Dharma, I accept and commit to burn all your incompletions, karmas, and free you all from all the incompletions and karmas.

And I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, and Enriching, and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

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