Tuesday, 5 August 2014

6th August 2014

6th August 2014/Wednesday


There was no live satsangh today.  Recorded satsangh of Friday, 18 July 2014 – “Heal Yourself Through Completion” (http://www.nithyananda.org/video/heal-yourself-through-completion) – delivered at Haridwar, was played.
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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha all over the world.

Cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha all over the world: Ohio-Prayag, Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Seattle-Chidambaram, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Vancouver-Canada, Toronto-Kailasam, Indrani-New Jersey, Phoenix-Kanchipuram, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Houston-Kalahasti, St. Louis, London-Kashi, Bangalore North, Mukthananda-Seattle, Hebbal-Bangalore, High Point-North Carolina, Peethadeeshwaris Training Centre-Salem, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Philadelphia, Istanbul-Turkey, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, San Jose-Madurai, Nithyananda University-Paris, Belgium Dhyanapeetam, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Port Washington-New York, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Netherlands, Stratford-USA, Winston-Salem-North Carolina, Oman-Sivagangai...........

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

·         Twenty-seventh Inner Awakening, fourth day;
·         Twenty-fourth eN-Genius, fourth day;
·         Nirahara Samyama Level-2, first day;
·         “The Samyama”, fourth day.

In Inner Awakening, we are going to work on a very important component of human-beings which should not be an important component, but which became an important component.  That is the “pain pattern”.

Understand, burning the root pattern is very important so that it does not grow more and more, the patterns don’t grow more and more.  But completing with all other patterns is also very important – like, the results of the pain pattern, results of the root patterns caused.  For example, the main cause of the root pattern is your life.  Your life itself has become the main cause of the root pattern.  The root pattern cause, main cause is the way you live.  And these pain patterns are like small, small, small side-effects.  Not only you need to complete with the root pattern, you have to complete with even the pain patterns which are side-effects and after-effects.  If you complete with the root pattern, you can be sure it will not grow again, it will not repeat again itself in your life.  But....listen, but, the many side-effects of root pattern already created in your body, they also need to be completed.  For example, listen, I will give you this example:  Because of root pattern, so many permanent damages are done to your body and mind, for example, like diabetes, high blood pressure, constant restlessness.  All this has become part of your lifestyle.  Even if you burn the root pattern, these permanent damages done to your lifestyle – like diabetes, high blood pressure, constant irritation mood, depression, all these – all these will go away only when you work on all the pain patterns created by root patterns all these years which you entertained.  See, once you burn the root pattern, it will not come back again from tomorrow and repeat in your life.  But what about the many permanent damages done to your body all these years because of the root pattern?  Those are all called “pain patterns”.  If you burn your root pattern, immediately you will not be out of your diabetes, you will not be out of your high blood pressure; you will have to complete with all the pain patterns, which is the ripple effect of the root patterns in you.  That is what we are going to do today.  The good news is, it can be done.  Best news is, I am going to assist you!  I will make it happen!  But, I tell you, the moment you complete with all these various pain patterns, so many things which you thought are permanent disorders, will just melt down.  Diabetes, high blood pressure, all these, allopathy says, are permanent disorders – means, you have to take medication for your whole life – because, they don’t know the solution.  At one level, they know the solution, but they don’t want people to know the solution!  See, when your body is the income source for the pharmaceutical industries, why will they cure you?  Your expectation is wrong.  It is like you go to an engineer and try to expect that he will serve you food!  No!  Even that can be considered as innocence.  But if you expect pharmaceutical industries to cure you, it is absolute ignorance, stupidity!  Because, what for are they running the company? 

Understand, in India, medicine was always non-profit from the beginning.  All of you need to know, in my village I have seen, the doctor will never get paid, but whenever the harvest happens, he gets his share.  I remember clearly, three share maraca – “maraca” is the measure in Indian villages – three share maraca for one acre of land.  Anybody who owns one acre land, he gives three shares maraca to the doctor.  And the barber never gets paid in Indian villages; he gets one share.  And the drummer, the musicians of the temple, he never gets paid.  Any programme in any house, good or bad, they will come and play.  They don’t get paid; they will get one share.

Understand, Indian doctor gets paid only when you are healthy.  He doesn’t get paid if you are sick.  If you are sick and don’t work in the land, he doesn’t get paid.  So, naturally, his interest is in keeping you healthy.  I am telling you in those days!  In those days he gets his income if you are kept healthy.  Now if you fall sick only he has money.  Then what do you think?  He is not a Paramahamsa who does not want anything.  He wants his car, he wants his house, he wants to have money.  He wants money to pay to his doctor when he falls sick! 

Understand, medical care and education, both were never “paid service” in Vedic lifestyle, in Vedic tradition.  Both were never “paid service”; it was done by voluntary contribution so that the purity of both can be kept.  Anyhow......  Whatever western medical methods have taught you are permanent conditions, can just melt down, please understand, melt down and heal itself just by completing with all the pains.  It will be almost like so much of pus will be taken out of you today, so much of Completion will happen!  Already, I know, many of you feel so much load has been taken out of your heart.  Today, not only so much load will be taken out, the process is so powerful that once you complete this Completion with pain patterns – we call this process “Samskaara Dahana Kriya” – once you do this process and complete it, after today, from tomorrow, you don’t need to sit and do Completion.  Just your decision, you will be complete!  If you can be in the space of Completion just by your decision, you are “living enlightenment”, understand?  If you need to sit and do Completion and complete, do the Completion process every day, and relieve and complete, you are a “Seeker”.  If you are able to achieve the Completion space just by the decision – ‘I am complete’ – the spontaneous Completion, and the incompletions don’t come back into your inner-space again and disturb you at all, you are free!  If you are living in this space, you are “living enlightenment”, understand!  That is why this Samskaara Dahana Kriya, burning the pain patterns, is very, very important!  Burning the pain patterns is very, very important!  Samskaara Dahana Kriya is very, very important! 

I tell you, so many things which terrorize you in your life, so many things which terrorize you in your life will not even have place in your life; you won’t even remember them in your life once you complete this pain samskaara, once you complete with all the pain patterns, once you complete with all the pain samskaaraas, once the Samskaara Dahana Kriya is done.  Today, whole day, you will be completing; Completion whole day.  Once you do this process, once the process happens, you will see, simply you will see, so many things which were terrorizing your life earlier will not even have meaning.  It is like if you are terrorized even seeing the photograph of a snake, you will be so comfortable even if you see the snake in front of you (once you do the Samskaara Dahana Kriya).  I don’t mean you will go and put your hand in its mouth, but there won’t be any panic attack.  You know, it goes, you go.  Actually, snake is terrorized by you; that is the truth!  No, really! 

Please understand, the poisonous snakes cannot release the poison through the teeth unless they are terrorized.  See, the teeth of the snake is not always prepared to release poison into your system or inject the poison.  Only when they are terrorized, it becomes so strong, it can just bite and release the poison, inject the poison into your system.  A snake which is not terrorized cannot even release venom, inject poison.  If you observe, when they take out the snake venom for medical purposes, how they take it out, and if you see the videos of snake really biting somebody, you will understand the difference.  So, snake is terrorized by you.  That is why it is attacking you.  If you are not terrorized by it, you will understand you don’t need to be terrorized, and you will go your way, it will go its way.  It is a very shy animal.  It is not the kind of animal to come and attack you.  All the stories you have created – “snakes can take revenge...”!  Lot of village stories are there.  All the stories are only stories.

Listen!  So many things which terrorize you, which can terrorize you, which were terrorizing you, will just become meaningless once you complete the Samskaara Dahana Kriya.  So, understand, Samskaara Dahana Kriya is literally ironing out your inner-space from the beginning.  This technique is one of the most powerful techniques from Shiva’s teachings to Devi.  Such an absolutely powerful technique which can make you so alive, powerful!  Actually, I have seen people coming and telling me, ‘Swamiji, I forgot, not that I am struggling, I just forgot some of my twenty, ten years, fifteen years of addiction!’  Not just smoking and drinking, there are some addictions like unless you read the newspaper, you cannot go to one-two-three (“one-two-three” in India means, going to the loo, emptying your bowels and bladder).  No....people have strange addictions, you don’t know!  The psychological addictions!  People come and tell me!  And, moreover, this psychologically constantly connecting the life happenings and the symbols you see in front, that is another one big disease people carry.  People think if they see a person with a black dress, whatever work you are going to do will not work out!  If you see a black cat, the thing for which you are going will not work out!  Black cat is not that intelligent to know what for you are going, where you are going, and appear in front of you and give you warning signal!  If black cat can do that, let us worship black cat!  If black cat is crossing you, black cat is crossing you; an animal in search of its food; that’s all!  Why are we attributing too much of intelligence to black cat?  Any how.....

So, listen!  It is absolutely funny, sometimes people think if they see early in the morning somebody with a green dress, the whole day will be very green!  If they see somebody early morning with a shaved head, that whole day somebody will shave their head!  In Indian villages......and great cities like New York....  Some of the most superstitious cities I have ever found are New York and London!  Indian villages are much better; at least their superstitions have some other reason.  So many things....high-rise buildings will not have the number “13”, thirteenth floor even now in London!  Am I right?  What stupidity!  What this poor No.13 has done?  After “12”, automatically it comes!  Before “14” he has to come!  Poor thing, what has he done other than being next to “12”? 

All this....all this superstitious thinking with which you are caught, you won’t even remember them after you complete with this Samskaara Dahana Kriya this pain body!  You will be liberated from them!  Understand, when I am saying, you are laughing about this black cat, No.13.  Especially, if Friday falls on the 13th, that is all; half of London will not come out of their houses!  No, I tell you, now you are laughing; but the people who are suffering from that pattern, it is really suffering for those people!  So much of torture!  So much of creativity is lost, intelligence is lost!  And, one more thing, once you start believing that black cat will bring bad things to you, you will be waiting for some bad thing to happen, and bring it and connect it to that black cat!  And cursing the stupid cat who has gone in front of you!  Actually, because he saw you, he didn’t get food!  That is the truth!

One king, he believes his barber is an inauspicious omen for him, bad omen.  So, one day, by mistake, the moment he woke up, through the window he saw the barber.  That’s all!  He got so annoyed, he ordered his soldiers, ‘Cut the head of this barber!  Kill this fellow!’  And they went and told the barber, ‘The king saw you first; so he feels he will have a bad day.  So he has ordered us to kill you.’  The barber said, ‘I also saw the king only first thing today morning.  At least for him bad day “may” come, but for me already what is happening....what is happening?’ 

This “bad omen” ideas and thought-trend, understand, it is literally a bondage, I tell you!  It is a bondage and psychological torture.  How many of you have secretly like this some of the thought-trends of the bad omen?  Raise your hand.  Raise your hand fully....nothing wrong!  Actually, this is a big, very big bondage on you.  Today once you do the Samskaara Dahana Kriya, it will simply be forgotten!  It will actually be forgotten!  Liberation from this “bad omen” thought-trend is one of the very important liberations human-beings need, but no educated man talked about it; because talking about it means you are too stupid, foolish!  You don’t talk about it, but secretly you go on enjoying it and connecting it, and whenever you plan your strategies for life, decisions, everything, you connect all this.  The thought-trend of connecting the omens and happenings is one of the very big bonding thought-trends.  Now, with this Completion, Samskaara Dahana Kriya, not only you will be liberated, you will even forget that you had this thought-trend! 

Many people come and tell me, ‘Swamiji, I just forgot to connect this black cat and bad things!’  Even statistics show that people who believe in bad luck will have more accidents on Friday, the 13th!  What is this bad omen?  It is nothing but subconsciously avoiding responsibilities for our actions.  You do all the stupid things, and the poor black cat because he went, he is now blamed for all the mishaps!

Understand, this thought-trend of good and bad omens, this thought-trend of good and bad omen, connecting your omens and results, life happenings, and addictions, both are from the same root.  Please understand, you may be surprised, all addictions are nothing but you believing they will give you the “feel good” feeling; that’s all.  Most of the time you smoke, you will drink, expecting they will give you the “feel good” feeling.  I will define “addiction”: When you do it, you won’t find anything big benefit; when you don’t do it, you will find a great missing.  That is addiction.  When you smoke, you won’t find any great pleasure; but when you don’t smoke, you will find a great emptiness.  That is what is addiction.  I tell you, all addictions and this mental setup of connecting omens and your life happening, both are from the same thought-trend, both are from the same thought-trend.  When you do this Samskaara Dahana Kriya, you will understand. 

Sometimes the Indian villages look much better in this kind of omens and superstitions.  With this so-called developed world I really had a cultural shock when I heard there won’t be 13th floor in London, and on 13th, Friday, all the traffic will be empty!  And all these London dailies are full of black magicians’ advertisements – “Ghost can be driven just by phone”!  I have people who can drive anybody by phone!  What ghosts!  No, really!  When I saw even in New York every sixth board or seventh board will be about...“psychic”....with a big eye, neon light shining....“Psychic Reading”...! 

I read a legal case.  A doctor has done an MRI on a psychic reader and she lost the power it seems.  And she sued him and got the money!  That is very funny!  She sued him and got the money!  All funny things!  I really had a cultural shock when I saw all this.  Then only I understood it has nothing to do with education, it has something to do with human thought-trend.  If you carry incompletion, whether you are educated or uneducated, this thought-trend is going to continue. 

Going on trying to avoid the straight understanding of responsibility and trying to dump everything on something – the cat running, rat running!  If your wife ran away, it is because of you, not because of the cat running!  No, really!  And you go on attributing it to the poor cat running!  Your cat didn’t elope with your wife!  This thought-trend, please understand, sometimes it is very seriously damaging your system, paralyzing your decision-making ability, absolutely shaking your thought-trend.  It leads to a lot of panic attacks, paralysis in your thinking.  All this, not only you will be free from these addictions, it will even be forgotten when you complete with all this pain samskaara, pain patterns.  When the Samsakaara Dahana Kriya is done, it will be forgotten!

Actually, I wanted this Kriya to be done first.  That is the reason I decided not even to accept Pada Puja today.  That is the main reason.  I wanted you guys to go through more and more cleansing.  Then if you sit at my feet and do Pada Puja, hundred percent my Cosmic neuron activity will mirror in your system, in your brain.  Today some participant wanted to do Pada Puja.  I said, ‘No...let them go through the Samskaara Dahana Kriya first.’  Because, if you don’t go through the Samskaara Dahana Kriya, the mirroring will be only eighty percent.  But if you go through the Samskaara Dahana Kriya, I can guarantee, hundred percent it will start mirroring in your system!  I asked, ‘Is there anybody who has come from outside just for Pada Puja?’  They said, ‘No, all are participants, only.’  I said, ‘No, shift it.  After two-three days.’  Once you finish the Samskaara Dahana Kriya, your whole brain becomes so alive, super-conscious, ready to mirror the Cosmic neuron activity!  If you look at the others, “cosmetic” neuron activity only will be reflected – where they got the saree, where they got the jewellery...!  If you sit with the Master, at his feet, the Cosmic neuron activity will be mirrored in you!  And, I tell you, that is the most powerful activity, that is the most powerful action, that is absolutely the powerful experience!  That is why I thought let you finish the Samskaara Dahana Kriya, completion with your pain patterns.

Understand this much, the pharmaceutical industry which depends upon your body as an income source is never going to cure you.  The food industry which is the cousin-brother of the pharmaceutical industry now in the modern world, is never going to let you be healthy.  In Indian tradition, food itself is used as medicine.  Now, in the modern day, the medicine becomes the size of the food! 

The essence of today’s satsangh that I wanted to convey to all of you is:

Do Samskaara Dahana Kriya once in a while, even if you have completed Inner Awakening, in your own house.  This may be once a month or twice a month based on your lifestyle.  If your lifestyle is the lifestyle of accumulating more stress, then once a month.  If your lifestyle is not like that, then at least once in two months.  Decide and dedicate two-three hours to do.  If you do in your house, it will take only two-three hours.  Sit, and whatever incompletions, pain patterns you remember, pen down.  Catch somebody, and sit with them and complete the Samskaara Dahana Kriya.  Or, if you are not able to catch somebody, take the mirror; that’s all.  Mirror solves all your problems.  You always have one more person – mirror.  Talk to him; complete with that person.   At least once in two months do this Samskaara Dahana Kriya.  It will really do so much good to you!  That is all is the essence of today’s satsangh. 

We will move to the Kalpataru process.

All the devotees who have come to Nithyananda Sabha in Haridwar for Kalpataru Darshan, please pick up paper and pen.  Pen down one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the doubts, fears, incompletions, pains you have to complete that thought.  Pen down both. 

(After a few minutes...........)

Now please sit straight.  Complete with all the incompletions you wrote – fears, impossibilities, doubts.  Complete with all of them and drop.  Hold on to the space for what you want to cause as reality.  Whatever you want to make as real, visualize it is already real now, it is absolutely real now.  Create the space for it.  Namah Shivaya!


Relax.  Thathaasthu!  Whatever space you created, let it become reality!  The space you held, let it become reality!  The visualization you hold, let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!

I bless you all, let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, NIthyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________

5th August/2014


No live satsangh today.  Recorded satsangh of Friday, 11 July 2014, was played. 

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, sitting with us all over the world in Raja Sabha today, and through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha all over the world.

The cities sitting with us all over the world having Nayana Deeksha: Jorpati-Nepal, Kulim-Tiruttani, Belgium Dhyanapeetam, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Dakota Dunes, Scottsdale-Arizona, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, San Jose-Madurai, Vancouver-Canada, Hyderabad-Bhagyanagaram.....many more cities....Seattle-Chidambaram.....I will read out later on more and more when they join......

Now, with this, I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today I will expand on “The Space of Completion” and “The Space of Sangha”.  Please listen!

Yesterday I was explaining one of the very important truths of Advaitha, how anything we don’t want to see only becomes our ignorance.  There is no such thing as “we can’t see”, understand?  Anything we don’t want to see only becomes our ignorance; but there is no such thing as “we can’t see”.  Your consciousness, your consciousness, allowed to see without incompletion, can penetrate and see anything.  Listen!  Anything, anything your consciousness is allowed to see without incompletions, it can penetrate and see, understand?

Last two-three days, maybe I think four days, one day in-between break, totally last three days we were driving in and around Bangalore.  I was accepting Pada Puja in many devotees’ houses.  Even in some board they have used many of our temple deity pictures.  I told them, ‘This is our Los Angeles Venkateshwara, this is our Seattle Nataraja....’.  The Mahants and Shrimahants who were with me, especially one of the Mahants is newly getting to spend time around me, he never spent time around me this close, he was shocked, because there were the vehicles going with our flag, six flags; two flags were shrunk, four were fully visible.  I told them, ‘Call them and tell them two are not fully visible.  It was only flash.’  The Mahant could not understand how I can see so much continuously!

Please understand, you all have incompletions about wanting, not wanting.  Some things you like and some things you don’t like.  Some things you want and some things you don’t want.  That is why when you are hungry you will see all the hotel boards; when you are tired you will see all the boarding places’ boards.  In India, “hotel” is the name used for both.  I can say, when you are hungry you will see all the restaurant boards, when you are tired and want to sleep you will see all the hotels’ and lodges’ boards.  When you are full in the stomach, even if there is a huge McDonald’s tower you won’t even cognize it, even if there is a huge restaurant board you won’t even cognize it.  When you are feeling urgent rush for the bathroom (toilet), you will see everything as possible rest-room.  No, you need to understand this very seriously!  The pressure in the body decides what you see.  Your desire and fear decides what you see, which is completely wrong.  If you free your consciousness from desires and fears, from all the incompletions, it can see simply everything!  When it sees everything, you can give the option of ‘Inform me whenever I see all these’, understand?  You can use your ability to see with options.  You can always give options for your ability to see.  But don’t give options for your consciousness by putting incompletions on it. 

Listen!  There are two different things.  Listen!  If you put incompletions on you in the form of desire and fear, your ability to see itself will be drastically reduced.  It is like when you are not hungry, no restaurant board will fall in your eye; your ability to see itself is reduced.  Don’t do that.  Keep yourself in the space of Completion.  See everything, perceive everything.  And you can give a choice, you can tag – ‘All these things if it comes, alert me.’  Don’t put the instrument itself in powerlessness because you want only a little information for your day-to-day life.  Please understand, in your day-to-day life, all the time seeing restaurants, lodges, hotels is not useful to you; but that does not mean you will reduce your power to see everything.  Please understand, you have a thousand acre land; you are going to use only hundred acres.  That does not mean all the remaining nine-hundred acres you will destroy it, you will make it useless!  No!  Let the whole thousand acres be useful, available to you; let this hundred acres be used by you. 

When you bring fear or desire into your cognition, your ability to see itself is drastically reduced.  Not only that, your powerlessness is exploited.  For example, in India, you will see all hoardings, whether it is for a soap or jewellery or saree or car or bank, bank loan, it will only be with a female model!  Why?  Men don’t take bank loan?  Men don’t drive car?  Same way, in the U.S., whether it is housing loan or medicines, or advertisement for depression medication or whatever, it will only be with dogs and kids.  Because this country is....India is sexually repressed, and the U.S. has relationship poverty, psychologically deep unfulfillment!  In the U.S., sex is available everywhere, but relationships are not available.  That is why kids and dogs become so important in their lifestyle.  Here, in India, so much of relationships are available; means, brother, father, mother, everything is available; but sex is a rare commodity.  That is why here everything has to be with sexual paint.  Powerlessness in any form can be exploited.  Understand, powerlessness in any form can be exploited.  In India, even this concept of putting silver, silk, gold, diamond on the deities and on Gurus, all this also in a way is to get your attention.  Indians, they cannot take their eyes away from gold and diamonds.  Silk, gold and diamonds, they cannot take their eyes away from.  That is why we put them on deities.  I know in how many minds it is going on, ‘Wow!  Swamiji is having two big rudraksha malas today new!’ 

Listen!  Seeing is not wrong, but making your incompletions as the decision-making factor to see, what to see and what not to see, is wrong.  Let your incompletions not decide what you will see and what you will not see.  That is where the problem starts.  Listen!  Please understand, “arrogance” means your incompletions deciding and interpreting the existential reality.  Your incompletions deciding and interpreting the existential reality is “arrogance”.  Your existential reality being interpreted by your incompletions is “arrogance”.  When your incompletions decide what you see and what you don’t see, the reality is being interpreted by your incompletions.  That is what I call “arrogance”.  Even if you act humble, you will only be “acting” humble.  And you DON’T NEED TO BE HUMBLE, I am telling you!  Humbleness is stupid, a very stupid value promoted by society to exploit you.  Neither be arrogant nor be humble; just be real.  Reality is so beautiful. 

I have seen stinking humble fellows!  Means, inside they will be stinking with arrogance – ‘Oh...oh...oh Swamiji, you are God!  You are great!  I am here at your feet!  I surrender myself to you!’ 

I tell them, ‘Come, please take up the responsibility of Kothari and do.’ 

‘No, no, no...I have too much work!  I can’t...!’ 

Then what do you mean by ‘I have surrendered to you?’  Stupid dogs! 

Don’t allow the incompletions to interpret your reality, understand?  When J. Krishnamurthy says “Freedom from the Known”, that is what he means.  Freedom from all the known which has happened through incompletions.  Freedom from all the known which has happened through incompletions. 

Listen!  I will give you one different point.  It is a very high philosophical point.  If you just cognize it, you will be freed from so many confusions, because all your good and bad, right and wrong is in your seeing.  When your incompletions interfere into the root of your seeing process you will become arrogant.  I am not telling you have to see everything, you have to cognize everything.  No!  But let that seeing itself not interfere.  Means, let the information flowing into you not be blocked or stopped by your incompletions.  The information you handle and make decisions with, let only that be tagged by your interests and wants and needs.  For example, if there are thousand pieces of information around you, thousand billboards are available around you, all thousand should be seen by you, perceived by you; that should not be stopped.  The information processing in your system, cognizing in your thinking, that only can be what you need, what is of interest.  Programme yourself for your interests, but don’t deny anything else as part of life.  Unfortunately, other than your interests, you deny the whole thing existentially.  That is why most of the time you don’t see anything, you don’t enjoy anything which you don’t feel as yours.  I have seen people, even if they go to Ooty, Kodaikanal (Ooty and Kodaikanal are hill resorts in the State of Tamil Nadu, South India), they will never enjoy the whole Ooty, Kodaikanal; they will enjoy only their flat!  Stupid fellows, if you enjoy only your own flat, house, better be in your open-air prisons!  Last three days I am visiting continuously in Bangalore all these flats.....open-air prisons! HAHAHAHA!  You could have just been stuck with your open-air prisons! 

Understand, your decision in cognition, your decision allowing information is very important for you to feel fulfilled.  I tell you, when everything is available to you and you choose, you feel you are king!  But when your incompletions stop the information available to you, you feel like a beggar, poor.  I tell you, I have seen filthy rich people.  I don’t even need to use two words!  I am really telling you, they will have their own villas, houses, in every beach in the world, every resort, every hill region in the world, but they will be so stupid in their cognition they will be able to enjoy only what they feel as theirs due to their incompletions of desire and greed, desire and fear.  Even if they have two-thousand beach houses, still they will go on feeling suffocated and poor!  I have seen one of my ex-devotees who owns an independent island; still she feels she is poor!  She owns an independent island, and still she feels she is poor!  I used to laugh.  I tell you, this is what is the root of the mechanism.  Listen to the root of the mechanism.  Me seeing all the billboards in the street, but cognizing only a few, you not even seeing due to your desire and fear blocking your cognition, these two need to be analyzed and understood.  Then you will understand the real issue, experience of richness and poverty.  Even when I was begging in the streets without having a penny and not knowing where the next meal is, I knew for sure I am the Universe!  Because, my senses were sharp and never blocked and stopped by incompletions of “mine” and “not mine”. 

The Ishavasya Upanishad beautifully explains:

|| ‘तेन à¤¤्यक्तेन à¤­ुञ्जीथा à¤®ा à¤—ृधः à¤•à¤¸्यस्विद्धनम् ।।
|| Tena tyaktena bhuñjîthâ mâ gRidhaH kasya sviddhanam ||

It means, “Renounce everything and enjoy everything!”  As long as you have the idea “this is mine” and “this is not mine”, you will never enjoy everything available, and you will go on suffering with that suffocation.  The man who has renounced the idea of desire and fear, mine and not mine, the man who has renounced the filter system which stops information into his cognition due to fear and greed, is the Lord of the Universe, he is “Sannyasi”, he is “Jeevan Muktha”! 

|| ‘तेन à¤¤्यक्तेन à¤­ुञ्जीथा à¤®ा à¤—ृधः à¤•à¤¸्यस्विद्धनम् ।।
|| Tena tyaktena bhuñjîthâ mâ gRidhaH kasya sviddhanam ||

The first teaching of the first Upanishad of the first Veda is:

|| à¤ˆà¤¶ा à¤µास्यमिदँ à¤¸à¤°्वं ||
|| îsHâ vâsyamidaM sarvaM ||
“Whatever exists is energy, God”

|| ‘तेन à¤¤्यक्तेन à¤­ुञ्जीथा à¤®ा à¤—ृधः à¤•à¤¸्यस्विद्धनम् ।।
|| Tena tyaktena bhuñjîthâ mâ gRidhaH kasya sviddhanam ||

Drop your small filtering mechanism of desire and fear which decides what you own and what you don’t own.  When you drop that incompletion mechanism, you know everything is yours, you perceive everything, you listen to everything, you are so available, life is so available, you are available to life, life is available to you.  Then, in that powerfulness, you can have your own choice system.  For example, ten trays of food are there.  You are going to eat only one tray; but don’t put dirt in all the other nine trays, don’t pollute it.  Let all the trays be there available to you.  You pick up only one tray.  But we are so violent, anything we don’t want to enjoy, we corrupt it and block it.  Stop this habit of blocking your cognition by desire and fear and incompletion.  If you just do Completion on what all you are blocking due to your incompletions in life, I guarantee, in a month, you will not need spectacles or hearing aid!  I am telling this to all my disciples who are wearing spectacles, understand?  It is a damage you did to your eyes because of your incompletions interfering in your seeing.  Sit and think through every night.  Do Completion as much as you can.  Dig out, dig out, dig out!  You can have twenty-one days’ “Chasma Samyama”.....”Chasma Samyama” or “Chakshu Samyama” (“Chasma” in Hindi means spectacles; “Chakshu” in Sanskrit means the faculty of seeing).  Really, I am telling you, don’t...don’t allow this incompletion!  You see, sometimes if you don’t attend to the fat in your body for four-five years, it becomes permanent damage in the heart.  After that even if you reduce your cholesterol, the damage cannot be reversed.  Same way, if you allow the incompletions for too long, you will have permanent damage in your eyes.  After that even if you complete this incompletion, you cannot reverse the damage done to your eyes.  That is why I am telling you, start now, start your Completion with your eyes now, with your ability to see, today!  Then you may not allow permanent damage to your eyes.  Even if there are one or two damages that have happened, you can reverse.  And, ultimately, if you keep your cholesterol low for five-six years, the damage done to your heart can be reversed.  Same way, if you keep your incompletions complete for three-four years, the damage done to your body can be reversed and healed. 

Go and tell Kaalabhairava, ‘All the known incompletions, I commit with you, I will complete.  All the unknown incompletions, it is your responsibility, I am surrendering to you.’  And I tell you, he really, really, really responds and completes!  Whenever you ask him to bring Completion to you, he is the embodiment of compassion.  Whenever you associate you with incompletions, he is a terror!  Which side you are standing only decides whether he is terror or compassionate to you.  He is the most compassionate if you are standing on the side of Completion.  He is the ultimate terror if you are standing on the side of incompletion.  He can show extra teeth and the smile, both!  He can show the terror teeth and the smile, both!  He is the only god capable of that – two terror teeth and the wide smile!  If you associate yourself with Completion, he has such a sweet smile for you.  If you associate yourself with incompletion, he has such a terror teeth for you!  The terror teeth will grind even universes and swallow!  The smile can create even universes for you!  Always have this agreement with Kaalabhairava: ‘All the incompletions you make me know, I commit with you I will complete with them, I am responsible for them.  All the incompletions unknown to me, you are responsible for it.’  And, I tell you, he always agrees for this agreement, because HE is teaching you this agreement.  He always agrees for this agreement:  ‘All the incompletions known to me, I am responsible, I will complete them, I will drop them; I will complete and drop them.  I will never allow them into my cognition.  But there are many unknown to me; I cannot do anything about it.  For them you are responsible.’ 

I tell you, he is the most sweetest God.  He is the most sweetest God.  He is the Lord of Completion.  He can heal any incompletion.  Not only heal, he can just make any incompletion irrelevant!  He can just make them irrelevant to your life and you!  Means, you will even forget you had incompletions in that area at one time!  He is Time, Kaala, Lord of Time.  So, go and tell him, ‘All my incompletions I have about my vision, my seeing, which is known to me, I am responsible.  I will dig them out, dig them out, dig them out, and complete and drop.  Whatever is not known to me, you are responsible; complete them; or make them known to me so that I can complete.  Either I should be lord of my life, or you should be lord of my life.  No third person should be in-between you and me.  That’s all!  Either I should be, or you should be!  No unknown zone, no blind spot between you and me.’  Not having blind spot between you and Guru is “Surrender”.  Not having blind spot between you and Kaalabhairava is “Authenticity”.  No blind spots!  Either, for all these I am responsible and I am completing it.  And whatever is not known within my framework, you are responsible, you are completing it.  But, ultimately, we are neither going to have known incompletions nor going to allow unknown incompletions, that’s all!  Neither known incompletions nor unknown incompletions; both will not be allowed! 

Everyone who has spectacles or contact lens, today tell Kaalabhairava.  Go and sit and talk to him.  Our Bidadi Kaalabhairava will simply talk back to you!  You don’t even need to talk for him; you just go and talk to him, you will see he will answer!  He will simply return the answer in his own voice!  You don’t need to say how you do in temple, ‘O God, please save me!’  And then you talk for the god also: ‘O my son, don’t worry!  I am here, I will protect you!’  For our Kaalabhairava you don’t need to talk back.  You just say, ‘Mahadeva, please protect me.’  He will say, ‘Hey, what you are trying to act here?!  Complete with all these incompletions; others I will take care!’  He will talk to you in his voice!  He is “Swayam Prakaasha” (self-effulgent) and alive!

So, listen!  Let your perception not be corrupted, made to be impure.  Having choices is not wrong, but corrupting the other part which you think you don’t need is wrong.  Or limiting yourself due to your choices is wrong.  So understand and liberate yourself!  Understand and liberate yourself!

I bless you all and commit with you all, Kaalabhairava will complete you.  Just go and tell him: ‘All my unknown incompletions, you are responsible.  Whatever you made known to me, I am responsible.’  Start with this agreement.  You will see, he simply completes you and liberates you! 

I bless you all, let you all achieve Complete Completion and radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!


4th August-2014


There was no live satsangh today.  Recorded satsangh of 15 July 2014 – “Haridwar – Million-Year-Old University” – was played. (http://www.nithyananda.org/video/hardwar-million-year-old-university )

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, participants of Inner Awakening Programme, and every one of you, with my love and respects.

Today, I wanted to expand on a few important truths about “LISTENING” and “COMPLETION”.  Please listen!

Through this morning satsangh, I also formally inaugurate the 27th Inner Awakening programme and 24th eN-Genius programme.

Listening and Completion!  In Sanskrit we use the word “Shravana” for listening.  Exactly “Shravana” means.....  Please listen, I am giving you the technical definition of “Shravana” which will really help you if you can visualize that.  When Ganga river moves from one ghat to another ghat, it is called “Shravana”; means, you be an empty space for sound to travel through you.  Please listen!  When Ganga moves from Rishikesh to Haridwar, she is not leaving Rishikesh; she enriches Rishikesh also, and moves to Haridwar.  Listening, in listening you are expected to be like that.  The words move through you does not mean you are not enriched; you are also enriched; but it goes on enriching everything around you.  It goes on enriching everything around you! 

Right Shravana!  Please understand, you will be surprised to know that some of the great definitions in Vedic tradition, the definitions of some of the technical terms are just examples; no separate definition is given; only examples are provided!  “Dhyaana” means, Thaila Dhaara Paathra; that is all is defined!  Means, when the oil flowing from one vessel to another when it is poured, that is called “Dhyaana”.  Same way, Ganga moving from one ghat to another ghat, one place to another place, it is called “Shravana”.

Understand, Shravana – Listening – is one of the most powerful processes to achieve Completion, most powerful process to achieve Completion.  When no one stands by you, Completion can stand by you.  When no one listens to you, Listening will listen to you.  Develop this habit of listening.  You having the habit of listening itself will be such a powerful friend to yourself!  Please understand, you can develop a best friend for yourself through the habit of listening.  Your habit of listening can be an amazing friend for you in all your difficult times.  You don’t need somebody else listening to you; your habit of listening is enough.  It can be an amazing friend, understand. 

This land where you are sitting, at least for the last million years – please understand, “million years” when I say, I mean it; I am talking with my integrity – at least ten-lakh years this land is the place of knowledge.  Human-beings were coming here to meet the Adi Guru who carried the physical body, walking around in this area, living in this area, sharing the knowledge of human consciousness.  Please understand!  You may ask how I can be so sure about ten-lakh years.  The star, the constellation of the stars, the astronomical happenings which could have happened only ten-lakh years before, were precisely recorded, which cannot be recorded unless you are seeing it directly when it is happening.  Unless, when those stars and constellations are happening, unless you see it, you cannot record so precisely, that precisely, the constellations’ astronomical events which cannot be imagined through the astrological calculations.  Still the modern-day astronomers, people who were working with Space, were shocked by the Rig Vedic recordings of the constellations, astronomical happenings, the precise way they recorded!  At least ten-lakh years before, astrological happenings are recorded.  

And, one more important information you need to know: The “Point Zero” was always Haridwar!   All the recordings match the space between Haridwar and Rishikesh!  That was the space from where the observations were done and recorded, where some of the unique planetary alignments, stars’ alignments which happened ten-lakh years before, were precisely recorded, observed from this zone.  So, at least for the last million years, human-beings are coming here to receive the various knowledge about life, various branches of knowledge about life, consciousness, cosmos, universe, individual consciousness, enlightenment and everything. 

So, please understand, you are in the land where Adi Guru walked and shared the Science of Living with human-beings.  And, with all my integrity and authenticity I promise and commit with you, you will listen to the same truths with the same authenticity in the same voice!  Adi Guru, Mahadeva, Shiva, has not left anything to be discovered, but he goes on allowing us to enjoy the excitement of rediscovery and reinvention.  He lets us rediscover to keep us all excited, to keep us all inspired, engaged, entertained.  He happens again and again and again, helping human-beings to rediscover your own glorious super-conscious existential experience by teaching you the Science of Life, Science of Consciousness.  You are here in the same place and the same space of Mahadeva, Adi Guru, Shiva, to listen to the truths which are being sung, which are in this very air, which fill this very air for the last ten-lakh years at least.  At least ten-lakh years!  I don’t want to say ten-lakh years before Adi Guru walked on this land; I can say, at least ten-lakh years before; because, the constellations recorded by the direct observations in the Rig Veda are at least ten-lakh years before, and, I can be sure, many “shaakhaas”, branches, which we lost can have the secrets, recordings, which were much earlier also.  So, I can be sure of only one thing: at least ten-lakh years before, these truths have started getting sung in this zone, they are filled in this air, unbroken for the last ten-lakh years....unbroken for the last ten-lakh years! 

Please listen, even I used to believe that we are only ten or fifteen-thousand years old from the British historians’ stupid theories and theologies.  Thanks to one of the great Swamis, Prakashananda Saraswathi, who opened my eyes and made me understand.  If you can, I want all of you to read his book.  He has written a beautiful book on the history of Hinduism which I have made as a syllabus for all our sannyasis in our ashram.  And I will strongly recommend all of you to read that book.  That book has opened my eyes to logically understand that the Rig Veda is at least ten-lakh years old.  I am happy I read his book.  And I dedicate my knowledge, this knowledge, at his feet.  And I also wanted to tell you all, after reading that whole thing, with my pure consciousness I scanned it.  The whole thing was true!  And I have also referred to the Cosmic Archives; the information Prakashananda Saraswathi is presenting is true!

This land was part of the oldest university – Naimisharanya.  “Naimisharanya” means, “the place where people never sleep”.  This was the place where “gudaakeshaas” lived.  Like Kashi was the place where only the people who can fly were living, in Naimisharanya only the people who conquered sleep were living.  Means, that amount of Completion they were carrying, understand!  Sleep itself is nothing but you trying to escape from your incompletions.  Thoughts are nothing but incompletions.  If you are having the same thought again and again, you are stuck in incompletion deeply.  So, if you are having thoughts regularly, you are having incompletions.  If you have thoughts, you need sleep.  If you are having incompletions, you need escape from incompletions.  Sleep is not Completion; it is escape from incompletions.  It is like temporarily shutting down, saving yourself from incompletions.  When you are in the highest space of Completion, Complete Completion, the Perpetual Completion, you don’t need sleep.  Naimisharanya was the space where at least ten-lakh beings who did not need any sleep were living. 

I can say very honestly with authenticity, I have seen at least ten people who have not slept for the last fifteen years at least!  Ten people!  I am trying to get one sadhu in these next twenty-one days for all of you to have darshan.  He is not agreeing to come over here.  I said, at least if he accepts to give darshan, we will all come there.  I can say very authentically, he has not slept at least for the last twenty-three years!  No sleep!  He has mastered his body and mind.  I have seen some more sadhus during Kumbh Mela, but this sadhu lives in the forest between Haridwar and Rishikesh.  Let us try whether he allows us to come and have his darshan.  But I wanted you to know this truth: Naimisharanya existed, where people who have conquered sleep lived, teaching the truth to the whole world.  In those days, the whole population, wherever they lived....  In the Vedic era we had fifty-six settlements, human settlements.  All the fifty-six human settlements came to this place to study, to master.  Kashi was the place where the teaching was going on.  People who mastered here, many of them went to Kashi and started staying there and teaching.  But this continued to remain as the main campus of the Vedic University.  Please listen!  You are in this place, and, fortunately, in that very space.  Listen!  Listen!  The greatest opportunity to listen to those same great truths unadulterated, undiluted, pure!  One advantage is, the language you can understand.  It is only advantage: the language you can understand.

Listen!  Listen!  Listen!  Just listening can lead you to the space of Completion.  Just listening can rejuvenate you.  Just listening can raise you to that space.  Please listen!  Especially when you are listening to the space of Completion, the words coming from the space of Completion, you simply experience Completion!  Because, no other spiritual practice can be done for others.  Please listen!  For example, Japa.  “Japa” means repetition of a spiritual sound; it can be God’s or guru’s name, or a beeja mantra, or a concept, or Maha Vaakya.  Repetition of any sacred sound is called “Japa”.  Japa, you can only do it for yourself.  Dhyaana – meditation – you can only do it for yourself.  Yoga, you can only do it for yourself.  Pranayama, you can only do it for yourself.  Kriya, you can only do it for yourself.  But, only Completion, you can do it even for others, and you will see the result immediately!  If somebody is agitated, incomplete, angry, perturbed, shaken, shivering, frightened, powerless, remember that person and complete; bring Completion in yourself.  You will see that that person is complete!  Immediately, the effect of your Completion fills that being!  Only Completion can be done for others too, because the Science of Completion is rooted in the Science of Oneness. 

The Science of Completion is rooted in the Science of Oneness.  When you are complete, everyone around you can experience Completion, everyone around you can experience Completion.  And, when you listen to somebody who is in the space of Completion, simply Completion possesses you, it fills you, it overflows in you, it possesses you!  That is the right word I will use: It “possesses” you!  Listen and allow my Completion space to possess you, to purify you, to fill you.  Allow my space of Complete Completion, the Perpetual Completion, to become your space, your inner-space.  You will see, in front of your eyes, hundreds of miracles in the next twenty-one days.  Whether miraculous healings, or materialisation, teleportation, Kundalini awakening, people levitating, jumping, or your past being predicted clearly, or your future being predicted clearly, whatever, you will see hundreds of miracles.  But, I tell you, all that I won’t call it as effect of Inner Awakening.  My effect is only one, the ultimate miracle: leading all of you to the space of Completion!  That is the ultimate miracle!  Everything else is side-effect.  They are not wrong, but they are only side-effect.  Don’t go away with just side-effect.  Receive the main effect; that is, the Complete Completion, the Perpetual Completion.  Complete Completion!  Perpetual Completion!  Complete Completion is the greatest gift you can receive in these twenty-one days just by listening!

In the next sessions, I will be teaching you the Science of Listening.  Now, I just want to introduce the Power of Listening and the need for listening, and the purpose of the whole programme, not to get diverted in the side-effects.  Enjoy them, nothing wrong.  It is really exciting, suddenly when something gets materialised in front of you out of the blue.  Sometimes it may be even in your own hand!  And it is really exciting when your body is jumping beyond your control with so much of joy and excitement filling you!  All this is great!  Enjoy them!  But know this very clearly, the purpose of this whole thing should settle down in you as Complete Completion.  Siddhis are great as long as they inspire you to reach the ultimate.  “Siddhis” means, extraordinary powers.  They are great as a signboard showing – “Haridwar – 20 kms”, “Haridwar – 60 kms”, “Haridwar – 10 kms”.  As a signboard they are great, but the signboards are themselves not Haridwar!  So, Siddhis should lead you to Complete Completion.  It should lead you to Complete Completion.  Even when your Kundalini is awakened, you should have the right purpose, authenticity, so that your Kundalini can flow in that direction.

I have seen many people, when you don’t have the right answers for yourself about your life’s purpose – what you want to achieve, your goal – when you have confusions, conflicts, contradictions, and your goal about life is not clear, very clear to yourself, I have seen, even if I awaken your Kundalini, it goes back to sleep.  It feels, ‘I don’t want to be living with this confused guy.  Better let me go back to my place and rest.’  So, understand, even if I awaken your Kundalini, you need to give the purpose for your Kundalini.  Only then it continues to be awake, alive, working, functioning.  You need to engage your Kundalini Shakthi.  I always tell people, ‘If you don’t practice engineering, you will forget the subject even if you have studied.  If you don’t practice Law, you will forget the subject even if you have done a doctorate in it.  If you don’t practice Medicine, you will forget even if you have mastered it.  If you don’t practice Enriching, you will forget even if you have attended Inner Awakening!  Understand, practicing is so important to keep the Kundalini Shakthi alive.  After sometime, practicing will become your breath; it is as normal and part of you as breathing.  When it becomes as natural as breathing in you, then you are established in the space of Perpetual Completion, or the Complete Completion. 

You are in the land of “Entrance to Mahadeva”.  This place is called Haridwar.  “Hara” means Shiva; “Dwar” means entrance.  You are in the gate, entrance to Mahadeva, and I am here to keep the gate open for you to enter.  You are welcome to enter into the Haridwar and experience Hara, Shiva, Mahadeva.

Nirahara Samyama, or “The” Samyama, done during the Inner Awakening, awakens your Kundalini Shakthi to a peak, and it literally does the cleansing of all your internal organs.  Internal organs, your whole blood flow, your nervous system, everything is thoroughly purified by “The” Samyama, especially done during the Inner Awakening.  Along with Inner Awakening, “The” Samyama, I can guarantee with all my integrity and responsibility, you will anti-age at least twenty-five years!  See, by the cholesterol, BMI, and your heart rate, blood pressure, diabetes, your age is measured.  See, apart from your body’s age, the way your body has aged, both are completely different.  Sometimes your physical age may be only twenty-five, but you would have abused your body so much, it would have aged to the level of fifty!  Sometimes your physical age may be fifty, but you have properly kept your body so well, your actual aging would have been only twenty-five!  So, “age” is different, “aging” is different.  This time we are conducting a scientific research to measure the anti-aging effects of Inner Awakening and “The” Samyama in this programme.  We have done this earlier three times, and we are conducting for the fourth time this research in a developed way to tell the world how the anti-aging happens.  If “The” Samyama is done along with Inner Awakening, I guarantee, at least twenty-five years of anti-aging will happen!  You will be younger by at least twenty-five years!  If you do Nirahara Samyama, I can guarantee, at least fifteen years you will become younger, the anti-aging will happen at least fifteen years!  You will grow younger!  It is a very powerful process of bringing tremendous Completion with your body and with many of your patterns.

One of the important components I have added in this Inner Awakening.....  See, every Inner Awakening I add something and make the programme better and better.  In this Inner Awakening, the Science of Completion with your Lust, this is going to be a very important component I have added, removing all the powerlessness.  I am neither asking you to become a sannyasi, celibate, nor asking you to get married, or asking you to womanize.  I am not giving you any solution.  I am neither giving the solution what Osho gave, nor giving the solution what Ramakrishna gave, or giving the solution what Ramana Maharshi gave.  I am giving you the unique solution, removing powerlessness from your lust patterns.  Then, it can lead to celibacy, or it can lead to married life; it is up to you; but it will remove all the powerlessness.  You will not have any powerlessness related to your lust pattern.  That is going to be the unique component I have added in this Inner Awakening.  This is the subject everyone does hush hush, hush hush.  But, unfortunately, even though society never discusses about it, the hypocrisy and all the sufferings related to it are continuing to grow.  That is the stark reality.  On one side we don’t want to see the stark reality, and on the other side the problems are continuously happening.  Somebody has to bell the cat.  I have decided I am going to bell the cat and rat, both!  

With this, I will move to the Kalpataru process.  All the people who came for Kalpataru Darshan, pick up paper and pen and write one thought you want to cause as reality.  And all the doubts, fears, incompletions you have around that thought, pen down.

(After a few minutes...........)

Complete with all your incompletions.  Hold the space for what you want to cause as reality.  Thathaasthu!  I bless you all!  Let the space you are creating....the space you are going to hold will become reality!  Namah Shivaya!


The space you want to create, let it become reality!  The space you created, let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!  Thathaasthu!  Thathaasthu!

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!
