Saturday, 19 April 2014

19th April :

19th April 2014 / Saturday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars who are sitting with us all over the world at this time through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities in many countries around the world.

Cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Nithyananda University-Paris, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda Nagar-Tiruvannamalai, Singapore-Singapuram, Varanasi, Ohio-Prayag, Toronto-Kailasam, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Charlotte-Srisailam, Seremban-Sivakashi, St. Louis-Tirumala, Houston-Kalahasti, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Simi Valley-California, Seattle-Chidambaram, Toon Moon-Hong Kong, Jorpati-Nepal, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Bogota-Colombia, Abu Dhabi, Oman-Sivagangai, Winston-Salem-North Carolina, Slovakia, High Point-North Carolina, Guadeloupe-Rameswaram, Scottsdale-Arizona, Kastav-Croatia, San Antonio-Texas, London-Kashi, Port Washington-USA, Tirupattur Dhyanapeetam, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Paris-Kalighat, San Jose-Madurai.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

I will expand on experiencing Advaitha.

As I committed, I will extend the time for finding your incompletions till tomorrow.  Means, till the USA Monday morning, for USA Monday morning.  Then it may be only on Tuesday (India time) I will be able to lead you to start the Completion process, because I gave a word I will extend the time, helping you all to discover your incompletions. 

Please listen!  The first and foremost incompletion you develop is identifying you with a small boundary – please listen – identifying you with a small boundary.  The first and foremost incompletion you experience in your life is identifying you with a small boundary.  Just see, what do you feel about yourself in your dreams, early morning when you wake up, or your default idea about you. 

Understand!  Please listen!  Your altered idea about you will never be accepted as you by the people around you.  Your teamily – team + family = teamily – your teamily is intelligent enough to recognize your default identity, and it will never, ever accept your altered identity as you, because twenty-four hours you will not be able to hold on to your altered identity, you will fall back on your default identity. 

So, please understand, the only way to get rid of the default identity is: first, recognizing that it is not your true identity; second, completing it.  Alternative identity is not transformed identity.  Alternative identity is not authentic identity.  Just see: What is your default identity?  You will see that frightened child, that terrorized child, all the time waiting to get tired, waiting to get bored, waiting to give up, already planning to break.  When you start the business, already your default planning is, ‘If it collapses and I go bankrupt, what should I do?’  When you tie the knot for marriage itself, you think, ‘If the marriage breaks and ends up in divorce, what should I do?’  Everything, while you are starting itself!  

Please listen!  I am not saying don’t be careful.  I am only saying, don’t be foolish.  This carefulness of a frightened child is nothing but not even getting out of your cradle!  From cradle you directly want to jump into the grave; you don’t want anything between the cradle and the grave.  If both can be two-in-one, you will be more happy!  Complete that frightened child inside.  Actually, if you talk to your teamily and ask the help of your teamily to identify your incompletions and inauthenticities....  Actually the teamily can suggest only your inauthenticity; you only can find the root of incompletions based on the inauthenticity input.  Please understand, identifying your incompletions based on the input from your teamily about your inauthenticity is what I describe, what I define in Sanskrit as “Aanava”, “Aanor Bhaavaha”.  Means, the feeling of “belittled”.  Not, being little; belittled!  Being can never be little!  Feeling belittled.  “Aanava”, “Aanor bhaavaha”!

Please understand, the word “Aanava”, we always have a wrong meaning.  We portray Ravana, or Hiranya, Hiranyaksha, Kamsa, Sishupala, to portray “Aanava”.  No!  Understand, of course, they are all embodiments of “Aanava”, no doubt, but not the context from which you understand.  You always think “Aanava” means showing more than what you are.  But “Aanava” means, “feeling lower than what you are”.   Only then you start showing more than what you are.  Feeling belittled!  Please understand, there is a big difference between these two.  If you understand “Aanava” as showing more than what you are, you will start doing completely wrong exercise, trying to show yourself as very humble. 

I have seen in my life, these so-called humble people are the most poisonous fellows on Planet Earth!  They are the most dangerous people on Planet Earth!  Just to prove they are humble, they will do any nonsense!  “Aanor bhaava”!  The so-called humble people are the worst criminals, poisonous people, understand? 

Humility is not thinking less about you, it is thinking about you less!  Humility is not thinking less about you, it is thinking about you less!  Whether you identify yourself as bigger or smaller, thinking less about you is humility.  Means, humility is all about the quantity of time you spend on you, not about the quality of time you spend on you, understand?  Humility is all about the quantity of time you spend on you.  I am defining humility.  Otherwise I know, in the ashram some of these so-called humble fellows....such poison....extreme poison!

Understand, when you take the help of your teamily, when they suggest all your inauthenticities, you tracking the origin of those inauthenticities in you, discovering those incompletions, is what I call the process of discovering “Aanava”, “Aanor bhaavaha Aanava”. 

In the great tradition of Shaivism, “Aanava” is the original sin; that is the first separator of you and Pashupathi, Mahadeva, Shiva.  The “Aanava” – means: feeling of belittled – feeling of belittled is the first separator that first separates you and Mahadeva.  “The original substance of Existence”, that is the definition I want to give for Mahadeva.  The original substance of Existence!

Listen!  The “Aanava” cannot be identified just by you alone, nor can it be identified only by people around you.  When there is co-operation between the people around you and you, you discover “Aanava”, understand?  Only people around you, if just they point out your incompletion without your co-operation, it will only lead to more and more pain, suffering, fight, incompletion.  The people around you – teamily – should have tremendous understanding about the possibility of you and help you to identify your incompletions by pointing out your inauthenticity, understand? 

I am defining the whole process:

First thing, you clearly pen down your authentic identity – what is your inner-image, outer-image, life-image, and others-image.  You pen down properly and declare it to your teamily. 

Let your teamily pinpoint all the inauthenticities you are having, why you are not able to achieve your authentic identity.  When your teamily points out your inauthenticities, don’t fall into incompletion.

Now, take those inauthenticities and start looking into the origins of those inauthenticities in you.  If your teamily says you don’t have love or compassion or trust, don’t fall into incompletion.  You are not a failure.  You might have failed, but you are not a failure!  Understand, you might have failed from your birth, but you are not a failure, because, you are Consciousness which is born.  Consciousness can never be a failure!

Listen!  When your teamily points out, says you don’t have love, trust, compassion, look back when the feeling belittled has started in you....feeling small, feeling belittled, the fear, powerlessness, when that started in you.  Catch when that “Aanava” has started growing in you.  “Aanava”, I think, I can say, it is one of the best, beautiful words to describe the true happening of feeling belittled, because, only when you feel belittled, you show you are big, you try to belittle others!  When you track back, when you trace back when you started feeling belittled first, come up with all those incidents when the pattern started and how you built that pattern, you will see it will not be more than fifteen paise worth!  You would have started feeling belittled when your brother snatched three candies from you.  With that feeling belittled, you gave up your Shivahood itself!  You have not lost just three candies; because you decide to carry on that feeling belittled, you lost your Shivahood itself!  See when you started building that feeling belittled.

Please understand, why I am continuously expanding on incompletion so elaborately; because I want each one of you to identify all your incompletions.  See, if you identify, burning is my work.  See, I am like a garbage-lorry owner; I clean all your garbage.  But, you have to keep it outside your house.  I cannot come inside your house and take it.  If I come inside your house and take it, you say I am a thief!  You have to separate what is the garbage and what is your belonging.  So, you have to separate what is the incompletion and what is you.  You cannot say, ‘No, no, you yourself come and separate and take it and go’; because you are such a cunning fellow, if I enter your house and I myself start dividing you, you will say, ‘Oh, I think this fellow wants my furniture!  That is why he says this is my garbage!’  Anything I tell is not yours, you think it is useful for me!  And you are so strongly associated with your belongings, you are so attached to them, you forget you gave permission for me to come in and separate your incompletions and completions, separate your garbage and you!  And you forget and start shouting at me, ‘Hey, like a thief you have come inside to steal my items, my life, my belongings!’

Human-beings are the most dangerous people on Planet Earth, baba!  No other species causes so much of destruction to all the planets happened!  No other planet Mahadeva has to visit so many times taking human incarnation than this Planet Earth!  Constantly you have to peep in and see, ‘What these fellows are doing?’

Only after the “Aanava”, feeling belittled, the Karma and Maya, the Karma and Maya starts acting upon you, starts working on you.  Please understand, on a stone, a seed cannot grow.  If there is no “Aanava”, Karma and Maya cannot grow.  Only a fertile land can allow the seeds to grow.  So, only if you are fertile with “Aanava”, Karma and Maya – incompletion and delusion – can grow.  If you complete with this “Aanava”, means feeling belittled, the incompletions called “Karma”, and delusion called “Maya” will simply disappear!  They will not be having any power over you.  The “Pashu” will merge into “Pathi”, and “Pashupathi” will happen!

There are some fools who don’t know what is their Siddhanta; they try to tell that I don’t know Shaiva Siddhanta.  You may not know your Siddhanta, but I know my Siddhanta!

“Aanava”, feeling belittled!  Please listen!  This “Aanava”, feeling belittled, is what you need to trace down by the help of your teamily.  Your teamily, when they point out your inauthenticity, start tracing back, tracking back when those incompletions started.  See, the incompletions is a pattern which causes inauthenticity.  Track down, trace back the incident, the incompletions you started building in you which is responsible for your inauthenticity.  When you track them down, when you trace them back, you will understand the source of “Aanava”, how you started allowing, entertaining “Aanava”, the feeling of belittled.  The feeling of belittled, when it makes you to belittle others, the “Aanava” has ripened into a complete double-edged sword.  “Aanava” has reached its peak when feeling belittled makes you belittle others.  See, “belittling others is Aanava”, if you think in that way, you will never get out of “Aanava”. 

Please understand, many people behave in a very humble way to showcase they are humble.  I have seen some of the political leaders doing stunt.  They try to show they travel in public transport, train, auto-rickshaw, public transport.  But, for those fellows to maintain their humbleness, the amount of Government money that is lost!  Have the right understanding about “Aanava”.  Feeling belittled, making you make others feel belittled.  When you feel you are little, when you feel you are belittled, when you feel you are small, you will try to make everyone feel as small by showing you as big.  Of course, this all happens only in India!  These fellows catch the auto-rickshaw in the street, or catch the local bus to go to the airport to catch the private jet!  HAHAHAHA!  From airport to airport it is private jet!  But till the airport only it is by auto-rickshaw.  All this foolishness happens only in India!  I don’t want to name anyone, because I never made any political statement till now.

Humbleness is not thinking less about you, it is thinking about you less!  It is the quantity of time you spend on you.  When the quantity of time you spend on you is reduced, you become humble. 

You can be humbly arrogant: show your humbleness, but be very aggressive and arrogant to establish your humbleness everywhere!

Listen!  Anyhow, we don’t need to bother about who is feeling belittled, who is making others feel belittled, all that.  Let’s forget about it.  Let’s work on our spiritual truth, the true experience about us.

I will repeat the instructions:

Take the help of your teamily.  Ask them to help you to find your inauthenticities.  Whatever they think as your inauthenticity, take their input. 

Then, you sit.  Only you can track down, trace back the source of those patterns in you which started in you as “Aanava”, feeling belittled.

But pen down for the next few days.  Till Tuesday morning satsangh (India time), I will continue to guide all of you to discover various incompletions, “Aanava”, Karma and Maya.  “Aanava”, feeling belittled, “Aanor Bhaavaha”, Karma, incompletion in your thinking, speech and actions, Maya – delusion – means, you yourself start believing the lies you start telling others.  That is Maya.  I have seen some of these fellows who are in the marketing department, constantly marketing to others, they themselves are believing!  Your real swaroopa has to be Jnaana, not Ajnaana!  Your swaroopa should be Jnaana, not Ajnaana, delusion!  It should be Jnana Swaroopa, not Ajnaana Swaroopa!  Ajnaana Swaroopa means, what you go on marketing to others you also start believing!  What you show as advertisement, marketing to others, you start believing that!  You start showing the advertisement to your Producer itself!  That is Ajnaana Swaroopa.  You have to complete with that and become Jnaana Swaroopa.  Your advertisements are okay, your trailers are okay to tell the people to see the movie, buy the product.  But you should not run your trailer to the Producer itself!  You should not run your advertisement to your Producer itself!  Then you become Ajnaana! 

I repeat:

Next few days, I will continue to help all of you, guide all of you to find, trace your “Aanava”, Karma, Maya – feeling belittled, and incompletions, and delusions – which separates you from Mahadeva, Shiva.

Now, we will move to the Kalpataru process.

All the participants who have gathered for Kalpataru Darshan in Bidadi, in St. Louis, Toronto, Tirupattur, Kuala Lumpur....  Morning four, and Bidadi; including Bidadi five cities; evening Pretoria-South Africa.  But, now, whoever has gathered for Kalpataru Darshan in Kuala Lumpur, Tirupattur, St. Louis, Toronto, and Bidadi, all of you please pick up your paper and pen.  Start penning down one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions you have around that thought, the impossibilities, doubts, fears you have about that thought.  Pen down those.

(After a few minutes.....................)

Now, please sit straight.  Complete with all your incompletions, doubts, fears, impossibilities, and drop them.  And hold on to the space you want to create as reality.  For example, if you want health, visualize that health is there for you already now.  If you want success, visualize it is there already now with you.  If you want wealth, visualize it is there already now with you.  And all the incompletions, doubts, impossibilities you have about achieving what you want, complete them and drop.  Hold on to this visualization, the space of what you want to cause as reality, powerfully.  Please hold on to that space.  Close your eyes and meditate on it.


I bless you all!  The space you created, let it become reality!  The visualization you held, let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!  Thathaasthu!  Thathaasthu!

We will start the darshan for the participants who came to Bidadi.  Then, St. Louis, Toronto, Malaysia and Tirupattur, all the four cities will have Kalpataru darshan.  First I will complete the darshan in Bidadi.

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________

Friday, 18 April 2014

18th April :

18th April 2014 / Friday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, sitting with us all over the world.

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

I will expand on “Getting Comfortable with Completion”.

Listen!  Still I am going to take two more days for you guys to lead you guys into Completion, because still you need to have a little more time, energy, understanding about all your incompletions.  But, before that, I wanted to share this very important idea with you – “Getting Comfortable with Completion”.

Snehamayi has requested she wants time for the weekend to do the Completion.  See, when a devotee invokes the gods, goddesses in the Homa, it is a request.  When an incarnation sits, in his presence if the Homa is done, it is an order!  Simply, everybody obeys!  Same way, when Snehamayi requests, it is order; simply I will obey!  HAHAHAHAHAHA!  She requests weekend also to do the Completion.’s done! 

So, I postpone the Completion to Monday.  Till then you guys have time to discover all your incompletions and get it all out. 

Let me expand on this truth – “Getting Comfortable with Completion”.  Listen!

How the space of Completions feels, how your every-day activity from that space is so enchanting.  Listen, “enchanting”, that is the word I will use.  “Enchanting”!  Please understand, when you get comfortable with the space of Completion, simply anybody who sees you will be enchanted by you, because you are closer to them than their own soul.  Please understand, everyone loves their soul because of the space of Completion the soul gives, the space of the Completion experience the soul provides.  Please understand, if you enchant people, if you enchant.....

Listen!  The enchanting is done in so many ways.  If you have a beautiful body, people can be enchanted.  Or, if you have an amazing entertaining habit, attitude, like telling jokes or the great ideas about life, or music, dance, these also can be entertaining.  But, all that is only a depreciation asset.  Your beauty cannot enchant people for a long time.  It is a depreciation asset.  Your singing ability or your knowledge, your wit, intelligence, may be that can be appreciation asset, but that also is only limited to one life.  But, if you carry the space of Completion, it is actually exponentially appreciating asset.  You will be the source of Completion for thousands of people.  You will just be enchanting.  Please understand, that enchanting will be like Krishna’s enchanting, Mahadeva’s enchanting.  Even in Krishna’s case, only the Gopas and Gopikas were enchanted.  In Mahadeva’s case, bhoota, pretha, pishacha, whatever exists around, all of existence was enchanted!

Now let me give the exact technique of how to get comfortable with Completion.  Listen!  You need to spend a few days on it; only then you will get the knack.  It is not a separate action; it is a simple decision. 

Listen!  The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad beautifully says, ‘The Soul, Self, is dearer to one’s Self than his most beloved son, wealth, and anything and everything else.’  Listen!  That is why if you fall into the river with your money suitcase and your son, you first save yourself.  Then only you think of your son or your suitcase, bag, whatever.  Because, if you are there, you can have money and one more son.  Anyhow....

Listen!  Getting comfortable with your Completion!  Whole day, constantly try to be in the space of Completion.  Whenever an agitation happens, incompletion happens, take a few minutes, go to the bathroom, lock yourself, and do Completion and come out.  So, decide, decide!  Getting comfortable with Completion will remove the layers and layers of thinking which is away from reality.  Please understand, many times you can see in your life, if you are doing some work, suddenly when the layers of thinking engulfs you, you are removed from reality.  After a few minutes, you wake up, ‘Oh, where am I?’  Especially when you are working on the computer, cooking, sitting in the CEO Chair of the office.  Being moved away from the reality due to incompletion.  Listen! That should be completely completed.  First two-three days, if you try, you will see all the restlessness completely gets settled; you will start feeling very comfortable with your space of Completion.  Not only that, you will get a taste of how in the space of Completion itself you can operate.  You can talk, walk, work, think, do everything.  How the knowledge to operate the body and mind from the space of Completion gets awakened, you can see.

Please listen!  Operating from the space of Completion means you getting very comfortable in your day-to-day life with Completion.  Actually, I wanted the youth of this country to learn that only.  If the youth of this country learn to live in the space of Completion, the whole country will be blessed.  That is why, today, we are organizing the Youth Sabha in Coimbatore Dhyanapeetam.  I welcome all the youth in Coimbatore Dhyanapeetam to learn the process of Completion and get comfortable with it. 

It is Completion, the process of Completion, the knowledge of Completion, process of Completion, the knowledge of Completion, that makes you a man, that makes you a person.  Understand, we will conquer the world by being the source of Completion to the world, never by wealth nor by terrorism; understand, neither by conversion nor by terrorism!  We will be unique and successful by being the source of Completion for the whole universe.  I myself, personally, neither believe in conversion nor believe in terrorism.  Terrorism is violent conversion.  Conversion is psychological terrorism.  Psychological terrorism is conversion, physical conversion is terrorism; that’s all!  I don’t believe in both.  I want the youth of this country to be the source of Completion for the whole world.  When you go all over the world for a job, accept the job, the work; nothing wrong!  Great!  But carry the Science of Completion and be the source of Completion for millions of people, understand. 

English is not a language; it is a culture.  Completion is not just a technique; it is a culture; it is a heritage!  English is not just a language.  If you pick that language, your accent, your dress, everything will be different!  Same way, Completion is not just a technique; it is a heritage, great cultural heritage.  Once you pick it up, the way you use it, the way you walk, the whole thing will be different!  The way you talk, walk, the whole thing will be different!  Getting comfortable with the space of Completion means, trying whole day to be in the space of Completion even when you are reading, writing, working, talking, planning, using your time or misusing your time or abusing your time, whatever you may be doing, getting more and more comfortable, getting more and more comfortable with your Completion.  Getting more and more comfortable with the space of Completion is all we need, that is all we want, understand?

So, today, this is the only thing I wanted to share with you all.  Spend more and more time to get comfortable with the space of Completion, because getting comfortable with the space of Completion is like pilot drill.  Whenever we drill an object, the pilot drilling will be done.  For a few millimetres, they will try to put a drill bit into the object and take it out.  It is called a pilot drill.  They will see whether the drill bit goes straight into the object, is the drill bit guided properly into the object.  These are all a few lessons of engineering once in a while I remember.  This getting comfortable with the space of Completion is like the pilot drill.  Once you get a little comfortable with the space of Completion, then burning all your incompletions and permanently establishing you in the space of Completion is my job.  It is easy for me, very easy.  See, now because you are so comfortable with incompletion and impossibilities, I am not able to remove you out of it.  Most of you don’t know why you have to be removed out of it.  If I just make you understand the space of Completion and a little comfortable with the space of Completion, then burning all your incompletions and establishing you in the space of Completion is such an easy task, such an easy thing.  It is like once your organs are comfortable with diabetes, you will never be able to get out of diabetes. 

Please understand, you can have any disease, but not diabetes!  You can tolerate any disease, but don’t ever tolerate or get comfortable with diabetes.  Even heart disease is okay, blood pressure is okay, because your organs cannot get comfortable with blood pressure.  But with diabetes, your organs get comfortable.  Then, getting out of it is impossible, because your intestines, your kidneys, your brain, your nervous system, all of them who are not directly involved with the disease also will ask for the experience of diabetes. 

Getting comfortable with incompletion is just like getting comfortable with diabetes: too dangerous!  Never allow it!  Do whatever it takes; get out of diabetes.  Do whatever it takes; get out of incompletion.  I tell you, anything is okay, but not diabetes.  Of course, not herpes!  Don’t get comfortable with incompletion.

Now, I will lead you into the space of Kalpataru by introducing the Kalpataru process.  Listen!

Sit for a few minutes.  Pen down one desire, thought, you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions, impossibilities, doubts you have around that thought.  Please pen down.  This is the first step.

The second step is, complete with all the fears, impossibilities, doubts, incompletions.  Drop them.  And hold onto the space of what you want to create as reality.  For example, if you want health, see the health is there already in you.  If you want wealth, see you are wealthy, wealth has already happened in you.  Hold that visualization.  Hold that space.  You will see all the incompletions melt down and you are able to experience what you want to cause as reality.

Now please start penning down all the incompletions.  One thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions, doubts, impossibilities around that thought.  Please start.

(After a few minutes.....................)

Please sit straight.  Close your eyes.  Complete with all the incompletions you have, and create a space for what you want to cause as reality.  Whatever you want to cause as reality, create a space for it.  Namah Shivaya!


Thathaasthu!  I bless you all!  The space you created, let it become reality!  The thought you created, let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!

I have two announcements:

One, when I said, if you guys won’t cross 311 in the May Inner Awakening, I won’t wear turban, that created a lot of fear.  I don’t want you guys to work through fear.  I want you guys to work through inspiration.  So, I withdraw these words.  Whether you make or not, I am going to wear the turban.  That is one.  Second, I will make you guys do 311 just out of inspiration and intelligence and energy!  That is the first announcement. 

Second, if you are not a Thanedar or Kothari or Mahant, don’t send me personal messages.  If you don’t have time for me, I don’t have time for you!  Be very clear!  There are so many unnecessary messages, wasting my time!  There are so many people who have added me in some teams, groups and all that.  Either you remove me, or I will dismantle the whole team.  Because, I wanted all my Facebook friends to be my real friends – like Draupadi and Krishna – real Sakha!  I will also stand by them always and protect them.  And, same way, the amount of love and commitment Draupadi had for Krishna!  Wow!  Unimaginable!  Same way Arjuna!  Arjuna and Draupadi, they are the best couple, had such an amazing bhaava of friendliness with Krishna.  Both of them are so committed, and Krishna also was so responsible for them. 

Sunday morning – third announcement – Sunday morning we have a special satsangh – screening of “How to Cause your Inner Awakening” Webinar.  Means, “How to Cause your Inner Awakening” webinar will be played.  And, I will intervene once in a while and add whatever I want to add.  And I will even take your calls and questions on Inner Awakening program.  20th April, Sunday morning.  Don’t miss the opportunity!  That’s it!

Now, I will finish the Kalpataru Darshan for all the participants in Bidadi, then Coimbatore, then we will move to Coimbatore.

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH __________________

Thursday, 17 April 2014

17th April

17th April 2014/Thurs day


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in thirty cities in many countries around the world.

Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Singapore-Singapuram, Ohio-Prayag, Seattle-Chidambaram, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Haridwar, Varanasi, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Seremban-Sivakashi, Charlotte-Srisailam, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Nithyananda Nagaram-Tiruvannamalai, Coimbatore Dhyanapeetam, London-Kashi, Scottsdale-Arizona, Houston-Kalahasti, Dakota Dunes, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Toon Moon-Hong Kong, High Point-North Carolina, Indrani-New Jersey, Anne Marie-Paris, Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Avathipalayam, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Abu Dhabi, Slovakia, Oman-Sivagangai, China-Rose Li, Winston-Salem-North Carolina, Port Washington-New York, Nithyananda University-Paris, Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Dubai-Vaidyanatham.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Yes....I will start on the process of Living Advaitha, the Teamily.  I will continue.

See, when you work with all your incompletions, I gave you the time today, with the help of teamily you will pen down all the incompletions you need to complete with to achieve your authentic identity.  Please listen!  Just like the same cloth, because of confusion, gets into a knot and fights with the same is the same one piece cloth, but when it starts getting confused about itself, when it is not sure about itself, it gets locked here and there and gets knotted.  Once the knot happens, the cloth itself is fighting with itself, neither it is going to be useful, nor it is going to have longevity.  It will destroy itself.  That is exactly what our own inner-space is doing.  I don’t want to use the word “mind” for inner-space, because the word “mind” is polluted too much.  This is what our own inner-space is doing to ourselves.  This is what our own inner-space is doing to itself; that is the right word. 

You can see, the deep tiredness you cherish, kind of a deep-rooted pattern of “I give up”, that is the source of all your tiredness, boredom and pain.  Don’t ever entertain that, please understand.  Don’t ever entertain that.  Whatever field you may be in, you might have achieved the peak of your field, you may have taken up a career in a Company and become the CEO (Chief Executive Officer), but still if you have not completed with the deep-rooted pattern of giving up, you have not seen your peak, please be very clear.  You may be accidental Prime Minister, accidental Chief Executive Officer, accidental Chief Minister, accidental religious leader, accidental Adheeenam.  You may not have achieved your full potential.    

Please listen!  See, from the young age people who oppose you, people whom you think are against you, it will not be some top, big guy like a Prime Minister, President of the country is opposing you; it will be the mithaiwala who sells candy in your street corner!  All your enemies will be only that level.  You gave fifty paise, he gave candy only for forty-five paise, and five paise he cheated you.  These are the complaints you start developing in your life.  When you start building the idea that some people are cheating you, some are exploiting you, slowly, slowly, your over-remembrance about them makes you shrink and stops you deciding in your continuous expansion.  That is why in our Gurukul I said, even getting the fruits and eating in the garden.....

Rishi Advaith was saying, ‘We will get all the mangoes and serve them one day in the lunch or dinner.’  I said, ‘Have you eaten like that when you were a child?’  When you steal and eat only, it is tastier!  Not when it is served for anyone!  Now you don’t even need to use the word “stealing”.  If it is banned and they do it, only then you can call it “stealing”.  We should not even use the word “stealing” for our kids, because we never banned them.  I only tell them, ‘Tell your trees, let them give ten times more mangoes, and all of you enjoy; that’s all!’  So, there is no question of stealing, because they are the owners, they are the inheritors.  So, it is their father’s property.  You cannot even use the word “stealing”.  But, anyhow, we always feel it is tastier when we directly pluck, and eat, share only with people whom we love.  That is a kind of a pattern. is okay.

Listen!  The idea I am trying to convey to you is, the over-remembrance of enemy and the enmity constantly tires you.  It is like the A/C machine (air-conditioner) is switched on even when you are travelling somewhere else.  Even when you are away, the A/C machine is running day and night!  You have gone away four years somewhere, and that A/C machine is switched on, and it is constantly running day and night!  It is constantly running whether you are there or not!  When you come back, will it have any cooling effect?  Please listen, that is exactly what you are doing with your inner-space.  The over- remembrance of your enmity and enemy uses all your energy constantly, and when you really need power, you don’t have!  Like the A/C machine is used all the time, but when you really need it, it will not work, it will not be useful.  The constant remembrance of enmity and enemy will be over-work of the inner-space, when you really need power, you won’t have it!  The constant remembrance of enemy or enmity damages your inner-space so much, even for a small decision you have to go through so much to come to a conclusion.  You have to go through so much to come to a conclusion!

Listen!  Because of the constant cherishing of enmity or enemy, you come to the same kind of giving up.  That giving up, please listen, that giving up is the most dangerous pattern, I can say, poisonous strategy you built about your life.  Poisonous strategy!  I wanted to remind all of you this word – “poisonous strategy”. Even if you are poisoned physically, you can be cured, you can be recovered.  But if your strategy about life is poisoned, nothing, nothing can be done!  Completion with your strategy about life immediately makes you enlightened.  Completion with your perception about life, Completion with your conversation about life! 

Listen!  Because your classmate stole two candies from your hand, you decide never to store them in your hand, always eat it away.  That decision can go up to your whole life and never let you save for future, always spending it away!  That small pattern can run throughout your life.  Till the end, it can make you decide never to store or save, go on spending it, because, the subtle, constant fear that it will be taken away, will be there.  When constantly the fear, the remembrance, the over-remembrance.....

Please understand, the over-remembrance of non-reality, non-existential information, is “Perversion”.  The over-remembrance of the joy which is non-existential becomes “Greed”.  The over-remembrance of the fear which is non-existential becomes “Getting Terrorized”.  The over-remembrance of the joy which is non-existent becomes “Greed”.  The over-remembrance of the pain which is non-existent becomes “Fear”.  The over-remembrance!

People sometimes ask me, ‘Swamiji, give me memory power.’  I think, ‘Oh, God!  You don’t know what you are asking, the mess you are getting into!’  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

The over-remembrance, over-remembrance of the past failures and enemy can completely make you psychologically impotent.  Understand?  Psychologically impotent!  That is why, in India, we infuse the right remembrance.  All the great spiritual practices in India, if you see, we will always be infusing the right remembrance.  If you are afraid of death, you are asked to meditate on it and come to terms with it.  Understand, coming to terms with it is not accepting or committing suicide.  You are not asked to commit suicide in Varanasi; but you are asked to come to terms with that reality.  Your suffering is because of over-remembrance about death, not about the real death. 

In this Inner Awakening in Varanasi, you are going to go through a unique, special death process, and in the same space of Vishwanatha, where I myself went through!  Listen!  Listen!  It is not committing suicide, or it is not inviting death earlier; it is just becoming powerful about death, not falling into powerlessness by the remembrance and indirect reminders of death, understand?  Indirect reminders of death is what?  Old age, disease....!  Remembrance or the reminders of death should not make you powerless.  That is all is “coming to terms with death”.

I sincerely recommend and request, if any of you want to do something best to your father and mother, send them to Varanasi Inner Awakening.  That will be the greatest gift, best gift you can give to them.  Send them to Varanasi.  Because, I can guarantee, they will come to terms with death!  Death, and reminders of death, they will not make them powerless.  Understand, memory of death, and reminders of death, both are separate.  Memory of death is you thinking about death.  Reminders of death is even your grey hair!  One hair which has become white, from that to any disease, all of that is reminders of death!  Nothing of this will make you powerless.  Reminders of death will not make you powerless.

So, please understand, the over-remembrance of enemy or enmity can psychologically make you impotent, unable to decide about anything in life.  And, when you sit with your teamily, you will find the deep-rooted ones which happened in your life, which is responsible for your constant shrinking, indecisive mentality. 

I have seen some of the people who come to volunteer or programmes, constantly they will be shrinking!  I have one Brahmachari; all the time where he is nobody knows!  He is from some bhoota loka!  Really!  That is why I gave him the name “Come back to the Eternal Space”, don’t be in the bhoota space.  “To come back to the Real Space”!  Eternal Space means, Real Space!

This psychological impotency happens because of constant remembrance about your enemy, enmity, failure.  Please understand, don’t confuse psychological impotency with psychological mutation.  Mutation is totally different!  Mutation is coming to terms with reality and going beyond the necessity of the external world.  Psychological impotency means – listen – psychological impotency means, unable to believe anything is possible, deciding it is impossible before even you start!

So, I give you a few more days for all of you to pen down your incompletions based on the input of the teamily and your own contemplation.  Finally, the whole thing will boil down to your psychological impotency, your own decisions about yourself strongly.  See, the decisions like, ‘I can’t do Yoga every day’, is done in a superficial muscle-memory level.  Decisions like, ‘I can’t quit smoking’, is done on a deeper muscle-memory level.  Decisions like, ‘I can’t fly!  I am a man or woman.  Woman or man are not designed for flying!’, all these decisions are made at bio-memory level.  Any impossibility is impossibility with which you need to complete.  How many of you see dream once in a while as if you are flying in the dream?  (People raise their hands).  You guys are blessed!  You should Complete with your decision of not to fly.  I am not saying you will start flying, but if you complete with the decision, the heaviness which grounds you all the time will melt down.  You don’t need to fly; but if you are confident of flying, your decisions constantly in your life will be in flying colours!  People who dream that they fly have higher possibility for getting enlightened by working on their Jaagruth-Swapna-Sushupthi (Waking-Dream-Deep Sleep states).  By working on their Waking, Dream, and Deep Sleep states, they have higher possibility for enlightenment!  Listen!  That is why I am saying, every impossibility, whether it is as simple as, ‘I can’t do morning Yoga”, or as difficult and complicated as, “I can’t fly”, should be completed. 

Listen!  Whether it is dog’s one-two-three, or your own one-two-three, it has to be cleaned!  Both cannot be allowed inside the house.  Whether it is as simple as ‘I cannot do Yoga’, or as difficult as ‘I cannot fly’, the whole thing has to be completed.  And, I tell you, if you complete as simple things as ‘I cannot do morning Yoga, I cannot wake up in the early morning’, ‘I cannot stop fighting with my husband; the moment I see him, my Kundalini awakens in the wrong direction’, these simple things if you complete, suddenly you will have such a possibility opening up!  Completing with big, big patterns like, ‘I cannot fly’, will not be difficult at all!  You will simply do it!  You will simply do it!

All I wanted to tell you through today’s satsangh is:

Continue to dig out and pen down all the incompletions with the support and help of your teamily and your own contemplation and intranalyzing. 

A few more days we have time to complete with all the incompletions with your teamily, with all the incompletions.  So, understand, may be after two days – tomorrow and day-after-tomorrow – the third day I will start the Completion process.  Because, unless you dig out, dig out, dig out, dig out, dig out all the incompletions, starting the Completion process is going to be useless.  Dig out everything; I will put fire once for all and finish all the incompletions!  Let us not do part by part, part by part; because, sometimes if you think there are some ideas, thoughts which are not your incompletions, which is your own, but which are incompletions, if I put fire on them, you will feel as if I am burning you, not your incompletion!  So, before I put fire, you need to know which is your tumour, and which is your muscle.  Otherwise, you will try to fight with me saying that I am putting fire on your muscle.  I never do that!  I only put fire on your tumour.  I only cut your tumour, never your muscle.  Neither one inch low or one inch more, one inch more or one inch less; I am a precise surgeon!  I neither bring unnecessary suffering to you, nor bring unnecessary complications to you.  I neither support your incompletion, nor will I bring one inch extra suffering to you.  I operate with tremendous compassion, love, as anaesthesia!

So, please listen, my love is the space in which I operate.  My compassion is the space in which I operate.  That is why I wanted two more days for all of you to recognize your incompletion.  Once you recognize, destroying them is my job.  Even now I can get into your inner-space and finish off all your incompletions, but you will complain about me that I am hurting you, because, many of your incompletions, you strongly believe them as you.  To stop you believing them as you, destroying them, completing them is my responsibility. 

So, I will give you two more days to diagnose and recognize all your incompletions.

Now, with this, I will move to the Kalpataru process.  All the participants who came for Kalpataru darshan, please pick up your paper and pen.  Pen down one thought you want to cause as reality and all the incompletions you have about completing that thought.  Pen down one thought you want to cause as reality.  Pen down all the doubts, impossibilities, incompletions you have about that thought.  Please do it sincerely. 

(After a few minutes.....................)

Please sit straight.  Close your eyes.  Complete with all the incompletions and drop them.  Create a space for what you want to cause as reality.  Visualize what you want to cause as reality, at this moment, as present.  Hold on to that space.  Namah Shivaya!


I bless you all!  The visualization you hold, let it become reality!  The space you hold, let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!

High Point-North Caroline, blessings for Suman and Ajit!  Blessings!  You will be able to come for May Inner Awakening! we will have SMKT meeting.  

And, today, we also have to exercise our voting right in Karnataka.  

So, my blessings!  I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________

16th April

16th April 2014 / Thursday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.  I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, sitting with us all over the world at this time through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities in many countries around the world.

Cities stting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Guadeloupe-Rameswaram, Santa Fe-New Mexico, High Point-North Carolina, Bangalore North, Doncaster-UK, Slovakia, Abu Dhabi, Scottsdale-Arizona, Seattle-Chidambaram, Singapore-Singapuram, Phoenix-Kanchipuram, San Jose-Madurai, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Varanasi, Nithyananda University-Paris, Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Avathipalayam, Houston-Kalahasti, Indrani-New Jersey, Minot-North Dakota, Dakota Dunes, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Anne Marie Casu-Paris, Ohio-Prayag, London-Kashi, Toon Moon-Hong Kong, Port Washington-New York, Salem Dhyanapeetam, Toronto-Kailasam.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Today, I will expand on “Achieving the Space of Advaitha”.

Please listen!  Come to the space of listening!

I wanted to remind all of you with this one word: “Life is not difficult, but you have to DO it”.  It means, you just have to DECIDE to do it, that is all!  It is all about decision, understand? 

Lakshmi is Goddess of Wealth.  Saraswathi is Goddess of Knowledge.  Durga is Goddess of Power.  Vayu is God of Air.  Agni is the God of Fire.  Indra is the God of the East direction.  Yama is the God of the South direction.  Kubera is the God of Wealth which is Accumulated.  Mahadeva is God of everything other than one thing, understand, other than one thing.  Only one person – Guru – is God of making you decide, understand?  Making you decide, nobody, even Mahadeva cannot do!  Understand, that is why even he has to assume the form of Guru to teach the Science of Living Enlightenment.  Understand, even when he assumes the form of Guru, he cannot command, he can only recommend.  He cannot command you, ‘Now decide to be in the Space of Advaitha!’  No!  He can only remind.  Understand, even when Mahadeva takes the form of the Guru, he cannot command, he can only remind. 

I just want to remind you, first of all, it is a straightforward decision.  See, in a few hundred metres of cloth, you have made two-hundred knots on it; it has shrunk to half-a-metre cloth.  In that half-a-metre, only three inches are available in your hand.  But that three inch is only deciding.  That three inch deciding is only the tail.  The whole cloth is not deciding.  If you just put colour for the three inch, don’t think the whole cloth is coloured.  You need to remove the knot, knot by knot, knot by knot.  And the whole cloth has to be put in the colour.  Same way, every incompletion needs to be removed and you just have to DECIDE.  Decision!  Decision!  You are the only Lord of Decision!  Even Mahadeva, when he takes the form of the Guru, he can only remind you, he can only recommend.  If you decide to cheat even the Guru, who can help you?  No one can do anything!  So, please understand.....  HAHAHAHAHA!  I am just looking at the whole!  Thirty seconds, I just looked at the whole; that is why I started laughing!

No one has put you in suffering.  No one has asked you to be in the space of incompletion.  No one is even interested in torturing you.  Forget about torturing you, no one is even INTERESTED in torturing you.  You go on doing all this to yourself and abuse Mahadeva when he lands in the form of the Guru to help you and to make you get rid of this wrong decision.  Please understand, helping you to get rid of the wrong decision is all I am doing.  This teamily exercise is just to make you understand. 

Please understand, everything you see in your life, if you see the lottery happen, you decided to bless yourself.  If you see some suffering happen, you decided to curse yourself.  If you see any amount of suffering coming and nothing touches you, you are not touched at all, then you have decided not to suffer, and any amount comes can never touch you; it will just melt down and disappear!

One more thing, please listen.  This is the biggest question I am facing in Facebook.  All the teamily members have this one doubt: ‘I understand, Swamiji, from now on if I start with Completion, things will be great.  But what about the mess I created earlier?’

Please understand, life is a Ganga.  If you stop polluting, it will automatically clean itself.  You don’t need to clean Ganga.  It has a self-cleaning system, automatically programmed intelligent system.  So, if you just stop polluting Ganga, that is enough.  This time when I went to Varanasi, stayed for a few days after Inner Awakening, I found why Mahadeva chose that place to live.  HAHAHAHAHA!  It is a most fascinating city!  As I said, if you don’t understand, most frustrating; if you understand, most fascinating city!  In such a small place, the old, purana Varanasi, so many things co-exist!  By the very structure you cannot have suffocation about somebody or some being.  HAHAHAHAHAHA!  You will be trained to be in the space of Vasudhaiva Kutumbhakam (the whole earth/world is one family).  “Bhaandhava Shiva Bhakthaascha, Swadesho Bhuvana Thraiyam” (“All devotees of Shiva are my family, and all the three worlds are my home”).  The physical training for this sloka: “Maatha cha Paarvathi Devi, Pitha Devo Maheshwaraha, Bhaandhava Shiva Bhakthaascha, Swadesho Bhuvana Thraiyam” (“Goddess Parvathi is my Mother, God Maheshwara is my Father, All devotees of Shiva are my family, And all the three worlds are my home”).  Because all the Jeeva Raashis, beings in all the three worlds are existing in that small Kashi!  HAHAHAHAHA!  I cannot utter the word “small” Kashi; I will say, “in that Kashi”.  You simply have to live with all the beings from the “bhuvana thraiya” – all the three worlds! 

This time, I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with Ganga.  Night we were going for a boat ride.  I don’t want to describe the whole beauty; I know, so many of you will feel jealous!  But the moment we came to Assi Ghat, means, the end of Kashi, the smell....Oh God!  If you are pregnant, you may vomit and deliver the baby through the mouth.....that kind of a smell!  Why you know?  All these industries’ pollution and sewage water is being released.  Every night they release.  This is every day, continuous pollution, because of which Ganga is polluted!  If you just stop polluting, simply Ganga has the capability to purify herself, clean herself!  Same way, if you decide that from today you will be in Integrity, I tell you, within twenty-one days you will get Vaak Siddhi!  Vaak Siddhi is a very simple process.  Decide from today you will not tell anything non-integrated, you will be in Integrity with your space.  Authenticity is like you will be authentic to what you are.  Integrity is you will be integrated with your words and thoughts.  I am telling you, Integrity is like accumulating wealth: the more you are integrated, the more you will have the Vaak Siddhi.  If you become Authentic, you become a Reserve Bank; you don’t need to even accumulate wealth from others, you can print your own currency!

Listen!  Please listen!  Integrity!  Just decide that from today you will remain integrated.  It means, any word you give, either you will honour them by fulfilling, or you will withdraw them and complete it.  Go on maintaining just this for the next twenty-one days; you will see your Vaak is purified from all the dirt you have accumulated!  Even if you have dumped the pollution into the Ganga for the last one-thousand years, if you just stop today dropping the pollution, all it takes for the Ganga is just one day, twenty-four hours of flow; it will clean itself!  Same way, just stop dumping non-integrating into your Vaak.  Simply, within the next twenty-one days you will see your Vaak is purified, you achieve Vaak Siddhi!

First doubt I wanted to clear for all of you is, the past mess-up is not at all considered.  I am telling you, first of all the past mess has no power over you.  Second, even if you got into some technical difficulty due to your past messing, don’t worry; all the powers I have brought into this body is just to protect you whenever you are practicing my teachings.  So, that extraordinary power is there as a protection and saviour for you.  You don’t need to worry.  The moment you start following today, all the past mess-up gets cleared, gets purified.  Please listen!  “All the past messing-up has no power over you” is the first Completion you need to do, the first understanding you need to have with Kaalabhairava. 

Listen!  Kaalabhairava is fresh, alive, new.  He looks at you always as new.  For example, if you are thinking that I have not forgiven your past mistakes, you are destroying your life.  Even if I remind you about your past mistakes, it is just to create a right new future.  Same way, if you believe that Kaala, the Lord of Time, has not forgiven you for your past mistakes, you are wasting your life!  I will go on reminding you about your past mistakes till you decide to change.  Your decision not to change only, I will be attacking continuously.  Only for that I use your past mistake as a weapon.  The moment you wake up to the decision to change, I will be the first person to dump your past. 

Understand, Time is not wine, the past things; the older it is, the tastier.  Time is tea; the more hot it is, the tastier.  Understand, Time is not wine; the more older it is, the more tastier.  Time is tea; the more hot and fresh it is, the more tastier!  Time does not treat you, Kaala does not treat you looking at your past.  It is attacking you, it is just asking you, reminding you to change your decision.  If I am constantly poking at your past, it means I am just requesting you to change your decision.  The moment you change your decision, I will be the first person to forget your past.  I have already programmed you.  I have already programmed me!  Understand, I have already told Kaala, Mahakaala, the moment a disciple has changed the way of decision-making in the right direction, all his past, not only I will forget, even he will forget!  It won’t be a weight on you anymore.  Same way, when somebody runs away, does not want to be part of me or my Sangha, please understand, even in that place, everything you learned from me will be forgotten!  Not only me forgetting about him, whatever great things, good things he received from us will be forgotten. 

Please listen!  The moment your decisions are changed, your life is changed!  The moment your decisions are changed, your life will change!

Life is all about changing your decision. Even now the whole teamily work, making Advaitha practical, living Advaitha work, there is no work for you. It is not difficult, but you have to DECIDE!  You need to decide to be in the space of beautiful openness, powerfulness.  Openness is not vulnerability as society taught you.  Openness is like a Vajra – powerful!  Openness is the greatest “bhaavana”; means, the greatest visualization you can reside in.  Understand and remember.... understand and remember. 

Listen!  Listen to this great truth!  Understand, it is all about decision-making, DECIDING.  Nothing else, but DECIDING to live in the space of Advaitha.  The moment you decide, you will see 1008 confusions will disappear just like that!  Just like that, 1008 confusions will disappear! 

I will give you a few more days to finish penning down your incompletions to achieve your authentic identity, authenticity.  Let your teamily support you, you support your teamily.  Once more I wanted to remind you, I don’t want anybody else to know your incompletions, because people who know your incompletions should be in a loving, caring space of raising you to the highest level.  They should neither have sympathy towards your incompletions and suffering and self-doubt, nor they should be exploiting you, using your incompletions.  They should be really, really powerful!  Your teamily members should not have so-called sympathy towards you, and you also should not show this dirty sympathy towards people, to your teamily members.  That is first.  Second, same way, no one should exploit you knowing your incompletion.  No!  That is why I am very clear, other than your teamily members, no one will know your incompletions.  And your teamily members also, I am giving clear instructions, you will not exploit others based on their incompletions.  Neither you will show sympathy, nor you will exploit them based on their incompletions.  You will only support them to get out of their incompletions. 

So, I give you some more time to compile all your incompletions.  Once you prepare your incompletions, then I will guide you into the process of completing all of them, completing all of them and liberating yourself from all the incompletions.  Then we will enter into being a co-creator for your teamily, being a catalyst for your teamily.  We will enter into that step.  That will be next.

So, now, decide, decide not to be stuck with incompletions.  Decide to experience the power of Advaitha.  Decide to experience the joy of Advaitha.  Decide to experience the knowledge of Advaitha.  Decide to have Advaitha Jnana.  Decide to have Advaitha Shakthi.  Decide to have Advaitha Siddhi.  Decide to have Advaitha Ananda.  Decide to have Advaitha Anubhooti.  It is your DECISION!  It is your DECISION!  Listen!  It is your DECISION!  It is just your DECISION!  Nothing but your DECISION!  Decision to have Advaitha Anubhooti.  Decision to have Advaitha Siddhi.  Decision to have Advaitha Jnana.

I bless you all to decide for Advaitha, to decide for Completion, to drop all the incompletions and decide for Completion.

With this, we will move to Kalpataru process. 

Please all of you pick up your paper and pen.  Pen down one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions you have.  One thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions you have, doubts, incompletions, impossibilities you have to cause that reality, please start penning down.

(After a few minutes.....................) please sit straight.  Complete all the incompletions you have and drop it.  Hold on to the space to create what you want as reality.  Remember, what you want is already real.  If you want health, see you are already healthy.  If you want wealth, see you are already wealthy. Whatever you want, visualize it is there here.  Complete with all the incompletions, the impossibilities, doubts, and drop them.  Hold on to the space to cause what you want.  Namah Shivaya!


I bless you all!  The visualization you created, let it become reality!  The space you created, let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!  Thathaasthu!  Thathaasthu!

Blessings to all of you! 

And I also have one more announcement today, good news and great news!  I am hearing that so many are coming forward to enrich lives for Inner Awakening by offering scholarships.  I am also seeing.  I am very happy the way people are offering the scholarships.

First thing I wanted to remind you is, I am not holding Bhiksha Paathra (begging bowl); I am holding Akshaya Paathra (miraculous inexhaustible vessel which goes on giving).  When you give, it showers! 
Second, everyone who has offered to the Inner Awakening Scholarship, please understand, everyone – whether you gave one penny or one-thousand dollars or hundred-thousand dollars – everyone of you will get some personal gift from me!  It can be from as simple as my hanky to my turban!  Or the rudraksha, ear-ring, or Sundara Vadam, whatever, but personally touched by me and used by me!  Personal gift!  It can be as simple as the hanky or pen, or as great as ability to re-write your future!  You will get it!  Pen writes, Trishul re-writes!  

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________