Friday, 28 March 2014

28th March:

28th March 2014 / Friday

To watch this message in YOUTUBE, Follow this link;

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars sitting with us all over the world at this time through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in many cities, in many countries around the world. 

The cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Ahmedabad-Gujarat, Paris-Home Temple, Island Creek-North Carolina, Warrington-UK, Houston-Kalahasti, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Jorpati-Nepal, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Dakota Dunes, High Point-North Carolina, Port Washington-New York, Santa Fe-New Mexico, Abu Dhabi, Dhyanapeetam-Hosur, Toronto-Kailasam, Seattle-Chidambaram, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Nithyananda Nagar-Tiruvannamalai, Ohio-Prayag, Varanasi, Singapore-Singapuram, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Bangalore North, San Jose-Madurai, Charlotte-Srisailam, Oman-Sivagangai, Poprad-Slovakia, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

I can also see Sungai Petani-Pazhamudhircholai, Santa Fe-New Mexico, and Shuddhananda, joining.

I welcome everyone in Sungai Petani for the Kalpataru Darshan program.

Now, I will enter into today’s satsangh.

Please understand, I will continue to expand on the subject I was speaking on yesterday, I was expanding on yesterday – “bringing these great truths into your living”.  For the last few days, this is what I was expanding.

The idea – “difficulty” and “impossibility” – should be defused.  Please understand.... 

Listen!  Listen very carefully! 

With the idea of “difficulty”, if you grab power, you are a “Politician”.  Politicians know it is very difficult to fulfil the seat they are sitting in, but they think it is okay; it is power; once they get it, no one can remove them for a certain time.  Knowing it is difficult, or, I can say in a way, having the idea it is difficult, and grabbing it, you become a “Politician”.  Completing with that idea of “difficult”, defusing it, and getting into power, you become a “Leader”.  You defused all the impossibilities, completed with all these concepts and patterns of “difficulty”, but neither you grab the power nor you are bothered about power, you are there as a pure space, then you are an “Enlightened Being”, empowering everyone. 

Understand, the idea of difficulty, the idea of resistance towards anything, the idea “it is difficult”, the idea “it is not possible”, and resisting....  Please understand, all resistance is born out of the ideas of difficulty.  All resistance is born out of the ideas of difficulty.  All the time, you are just waiting to throw that word out – “it is difficult”, “it is impossible” – because you constantly mother that idea, cherish that idea.   Sometimes I feel may be they are born out of impossibility! 

There are some people who breathe “impossible”, “impossible”, “impossible”, “impossible”, “impossible”, “impossible”.  It is so unfortunate!  Actually you should breath “Shivoham”, “Shivoham”, “Shivoham”.  Along with the breathing itself, the space of Shivoham should happen.  Along with the breathing itself, the celebration of Shivoham should happen.  Every breath should be ajapa japa for you.  Every breath should be ajapa japa for you.

Understand, for your life and for the life of the people around you, you coming out of the karmic cycle is as important, you coming out of the karmic cycle is as important as you earning and supporting them.  Please understand, your wealth will give security to people who are around you,   you will be a strength for the people who are around you, only when you breathe the space of possibility.  Constantly if you breathe the space of impossibility, constantly if you breathe ‘Nooo....noooo......nooo.....noooo....noooo’, you become such a big liability, please understand, a liability.  A person who constantly breathes possibility in his words, in his thinking, in his feeling, is a boon for himself and for the people with whom he is living around.

Yesterday evening, we were having a walk on the banks of the Ganga.  I was sharing with some of the Swamis and Shrimahants who were with me.  I told one of the Shrimahants, ‘If I had not taken up this mission, like this in any one small ashram on the Ganga banks I will be living and every evening sitting with Ganga.’  The moment I said this, his eyes showed so much surprise.  He said, ‘Is this life an ultimate life, Swamiji?’  I said, ‘No!  These people who are here, they may be sitting with the Ganga every day evening, morning, or just living a simple life, but they are not living from the right context and cognition.  Most of them are depressed.  Most of them – not “most” – 100% of them breathe impossibility!  They are living that life because they are convinced about their impossibility.’  The person who is convinced about his impossibility is a Shudra.  He can never be called as Brahmana.  Of course, I don’t want to say all the people who are residing here are becoming impossible.  No!  But, there are many who get into the space of impossible, impossible, impossible, impossible.  So, please understand, impossible, this idea of impossible......

Anywhere in your life you feel powerlessness, it should not be allowed to exist in you.  Anywhere you feel resistance, it should not be allowed to exist in you.  Anywhere you feel impossible, it should not be allowed to exist in you.  Understand, don’t expect that the Cosmos will adjust to you.  You only have to adjust yourself to the Cosmos.  The Cosmos constantly resonates the Anahata Dhwani, the ajapa japa of life – POSSIBILITY!

Please understand, just a few days before, I was reading an article in the internet.  They are saying that the “universe is expanding” theory is getting more and more strengthened with evidences.  Even the physical universe is expanding!  That is nice to hear, because the Hindu Cosmology declares that the universe is ever expanding.  In the third statement, when the introduction to the Hindu Cosmology is done in our Vedic literature, the third statement they make about our Cosmos is “ever expanding”, “the universe is ever expanding”.  I tell you, the universe vibrates with life, possibility!  When you carry that in your heart, that is why the joy of the universe is experienced in the excitement as bliss in your heart.  Please understand, the joy of the universe is what you experience as bliss in your heart.  You become pregnant in your heart with the seed of the universe when you carry possibility.  Please understand, through the concept of Possible, through the concept of Possible, the universe makes you pregnant with its own energy.  Now you are ready to give birth to yourself as an incarnation, the Hrid Garbha carrying yourself in your own self! 

Yesterday I was expanding about this concept of neither accepting nor resisting....neither accepting nor resisting.  Accepting is going to make you lazy.  Resisting is going to make you powerless.  No acceptance, no resistance.  Please listen!  Please listen!  Neither acceptance nor resistance gives you the space of possible.  Simply acceptance makes you lazy.  Simply resisting makes you feel impossible.  Neither acceptance nor resistance; that gives you the space of possible, “I am possible”! 

I tell you, constantly breathe in and breathe out the great truth of Possible.  Bring the space of Completion in you.  Bring this truth of Possible in you.  Whatever goes on putting you in powerlessness, please don’t learn to live with the idea which puts you in powerlessness. Slowly, slowly, after sometime, you become insensitive to the ideas which put you in powerlessness.  You start thinking, ‘No, no, this is the way life is.’  You take this for granted.  The ideas you carry, the ideas of powerlessness, I tell you, the ideas of powerlessness you experience in your continuous thinking, the idea of powerlessness you continuously experience, don’t tolerate it or learn to live with it, because if you learn to live with it, you become so insensitive to it, before even a decision has to be made consciously analyzing, your unconscious has declared “impossible” and made to sleep.  So, all creativity gets killed before even it is born.  All your creativity gets aborted; it is killed even before it is born! 

Please understand, the person who cherishes the idea of impossibility so much, he becomes insensitive to the idea of impossibility.  So, he does not even think it can be completed. So what happens?  Any creativity which comes out, before even you think about it completely, you bury it away; before even birth, aborted and buried!  And you will also have very strong memories of how people, the situations around you failed you, when you carry impossibility; only then you can strengthen your impossible.  ‘No, no, this fellow failed, everyone has failed, society will fail me!’  You will have a very crystal-clear understanding!

Please understand, when you carry Possibility, you will feel everyone supports you and makes things possible.  I also feel, ‘Oh, God!  How much people support me and make me experience the possibility, cause my reality, how the whole universe is causing my reality!’  When you feel it is possible, constantly you will feel the whole universe is causing what you want as reality.  When you feel, when you decide it is impossible, constantly everyone around you, society, you will strongly believe that they all fail you.....that they all fail you. 
Understand, take Inner Awakening as an opportunity to just jump from impossibility to possibility.  Here I am infusing you with the energy of Possibility and making you understand experientially the power of Possibility.  Understand, Kalpataru is giving you a glimpse of possibility with one thought.  Inner Awakening is giving you the experience of Possibility with all your thoughts!  Kalpataru is giving you the glimpse of Possibility with one thought.  Inner Awakening is giving you the glimpse of Possibility with all your thoughts.

Today, all the Sadhna TV viewers also, I request you all to do this Kalpataru practice.  Pick up a paper and pen.  Pen down one thought you want to cause as reality.  Second, pen down all the impossibilities you have around that thought, and all the ideas, doubts, all the doubts, impossibilities, incompletions you have about that thought, Complete with them and drop them.  Please understand, when you complete and drop them, you will see the thought you want to make as reality becomes really, really real! 

Please listen!  I want to repeat the instructions:

One, pen down the desire you want to cause as reality  Second, all the doubts, incompletions, impossibilities, you have about that thought becoming real.  Third, all the impossibilities, incompletions, doubts, go to the source of it.  See how you developed that in your life all the time.  Complete with it and drop it.  Visualize that the thought you want to make as reality is already real.  Hold on to the space for it.  You will see that that thought becomes reality.  It may be related to wealth, health, relationships, spiritual experience, anything.  This is the law of life, the science of life, the secret of life!

Please listen, now I will give you a few minutes.  All the Sungai Petani-Pazhamudhircholai Kalpataru participants, and the participants in Haridwar, pick up a paper and pen.  Pen down one desire you want to cause as reality, and all the doubts, incompletions, impossibilities you have about that thought becoming real.  Pen down these two.  Then I will guide you into the next step.

(After a few minutes.....................)

Now, please create the space for what you want to cause as reality.  Hold on to the space for what you want to cause as reality.  Hold on to the visualization for what you want to cause as reality.


I bless you all!  The space you created, let it become reality!  The space you hold, let it become reality!  The thought you hold, let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!

We will have darshan for the participants in Haridwar.  Then we will have Kalpataru Darshan for Sungai Pettani-Pazhamudhircholai.  

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________

Thursday, 27 March 2014

27th March

27th March 2014 / Thursday

To watch this message in YOUTUBE, follow this link;

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.  I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, Lotus TV, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities in many countries around the world.

The cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Dakota Dunes, Houston-Kalahasti, Chicago-Srirangam, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, San Jose-Madurai, Ohio-North Carolina, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Jenkintown-Pennsylvania, London-Kashi, Bangalore-North, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Jorpati-Nepal, Seremban-Sivakashi, Peethadeeshwari’s Training Centre-Salem, High Point-North Carolina, Nithyanandeshwara Hindu Temple-Charlotte, Seattle-Chidambaram, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Ohio-Ma Shivananda, Singapore-Singapuram, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Ohio-Prayag, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Toronto-Kailasam, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Guadalajara-Mexico, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Coimbatore Dhyanapeetam, Doncaster-UK, Oman-Sivagangai, Sungai Petani-Pazhamudhircholai, Hong Kong.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Come on!  Today, again, the journey starts towards the next Inner Awakening! 

I will expand on some of the basic truths about “LIVING”; means, pulling these principles into life, tuning our strategies with these truths.  It is like a journey with the Ganga.  Please understand, the moment you are here automatically for the morning satsangh, you know Inner Awakening has started!  You are all here in the morning automatically!  Please understand, Inner Awakening is a pure spiritual awakening to your reality, being sure about what you want. 

You need to know, one of the important truths is, all this Theology Light does not work for life.  I have seen so many Theology Light gurus; means, ‘smile’, ‘be happy’, ‘blow your nose seven times’...!  Theology Light means, attending to problems as individual problems and having solutions.  I call them only as Theology Light gurus.  Theology Light is not Theology Right, be very clear! may give you that “feel good” feeling for a few days, but it is not eternally attending to the problem, eternally attending to life.  Please understand, you have to know, Theology Light people always associate difficulty with Theology Right, because they never got the Theology right!  That is why they started living and teaching Theology Light. 

I tell you, as the Guru of Theology Right who got it, it is not difficult.  Whether it is a problem or a solution, it should be looked at holistically.  Theology Light is not going to solve life.  As I said, it may give you a little “feel good” feeling, excitement, like Positive Thinking, Creative Visualization, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, How to Win Friends and Influence People in your life, this kind of books, this kind of people, the Self Help, Personality Development, please understand.  But, they will never be able to give you a cognitive shift.  Theology Right gives you the cognitive shift.  Theology Light gives you intellectual coating.  I am not the guru who paints you with a new coat.  I am the guru who scrapes even the base and cleans the whole thing!

Living!  Living!  Living tirelessly without boredom, constantly your very thinking should be flowing with Authenticity, your very talking should be flowing with Integrity, your words – internal, external – should be completely in tune with Integrity, your thinking flow should be continuously with Authenticity.  The way you feel about life should be continuously responsible; you should know very clearly in your feeling you are the source of everything; in that feeling you should know you are responsible for everything.  Continuously your feeling should be filled with Responsibility.  Your living should be constantly Enriching you and others.

I will tell you the secret:  Only for the initial days, it may look like you need to change some of the actions, routine, day-to-day life and all that; but, soon, you will find the change in the decision.  First of all, even if there is a change in action, you don’t struggle or suffer with it.  Second, many places you may not even need change in action.  Change in thinking is what I teach; change in action may happen as a sub-text.  The context of my teaching is change in thinking, decision-making; the sub-text may be change in actions, change in act, its side-effects may be change in the acts.  But, the original context with which I am teaching, the context I am expecting you to operate from is changing your decision. 

There should not be anything in your life which makes you powerless.  Iron out your whole day.  Nothing, nothing, nothing can make you powerless.  Nothing can make you powerless.  Anything which makes you powerless, don’t accept, don’t resist.  For example, if you are afraid of becoming poor, if you are afraid of getting married, if you are afraid of death, if you are afraid of getting into prison, that somebody may put you into prison, if you are afraid of taking Sannyas, whatever may be the fear, don’t accept, don’t get married.  Please listen, if you have fear about poverty or Sannyas or marriage or prison or death or whatever, don’t accept that option.  Same way, don’t go on resisting that option by remembering.  Please understand, by the time you resist, you already visualized that which you are resisting and half of your power has gone to the visualization, and you are in the space of powerlessness.  From powerlessness when you resist, be very clear, it is only going to be a failure. 

I have always seen, the fellow who resists marriage, before he wakes up he is already married!  The fellow who resists poverty, before he wakes up he is already poor!  The fellow who resists jail, before he wakes up he is already in jail!  The fellow who resists death, before he wakes up he is already dead!  The fellow who resists jail, before he wakes up he is already in jail!  Don’t resist and don’t accept.  Please understand, when you have to drop the resistance towards marriage, one part of you is already frightened, ‘Oh, so, that means, you want me to accept marriage?’  No!  Nobody will come to marry you, don’t worry!  HAHAHAHAHAHA!  It is not that marriage is that easy!  And same way, nobody is ready to give Sannyas to you, don’t worry!  It is not that Sannyas is that easy!  And nobody is going to put you in jail, don’t worry!  So much of money who will spend on your food and taking care of you?  And nobody is going to put you in poverty, don’t worry!  Nobody has the time to conspire against you and put you in poverty....!  No!  

Understand, whatever you are afraid of, when you don’t resist them, when you don’t accept them, the inner circuit with which you built is revealed to you.  You need to know the circuit to know which switch is connected to which equipment and to repair any wrong connection.  All powerlessness is a wrong connection in your inner circuit.  Wrong connection means, fuse will go (blown fuse), that’s all!  All your depression is nothing but fuse has gone in you.  Means, some wrong connection; fuse has gone. 
So, understand, most of the time things which you resist, you think it is almost waiting at your door; if you fall asleep, he will enter slowly and he will be in your bed!  Whether it is poverty, or marriage, or prison, or Sannyas, or death, whatever you are afraid of....!  I have not told everything....I have only given a few examples which I heard people say they are afraid of.  I can give you a thousand examples, a million examples of things which you are afraid of.  There are some who are afraid of waking up in the morning.  No....I know!  There are some who are afraid of going to bed early in the evening.  They wake up so tired, and go to bed so fresh!  It means what?  Wrong connection!  The psychological routine and physiological route is not connected with Completion.  Waking up fresh from the space of Advaitha, going to bed just to fall into the space of Advaitha;  means, physiological routine and psychological routine is circuited with Completion wire. 

There are only two kinds of people on Planet Earth:  Those whose Physiological Circuit and Psychological Circuit is connected with Completion.  And, those whose connection is with incompletion.  That’s all!

I tell you, every night, before falling asleep, sit and do Completion with whatever you are experiencing.  If you are experiencing tiredness, complete with it.  If you are experiencing boredom, complete with it.  If you are experiencing fear, feeling scared, complete with it.  In a few days, you will see, your biological clock and psychological clock have synchronized.  When both are synchronized, certain energy is released in you.  The synergy that happens is what I call Kundalini Shakthi – the synergy of the biological clock and the psychological clock.  When your mind touches your body, you know the oneness you are feeling, the non-dualness you are feeling is only becoming perception.  When the psychological clock disappears into the physiological clock, you know, the oneness you are feeling, the non-dualness you are feeling, you are resting into it. 

I tell you, even in our Sangha, all the responsible Swamis and all responsible people, I have seen, it is invariably always from their dedication to Completion.  There is nobody, not a single fellow whom I know in our Sangha, among our devotees, or in the circle which I am seeing – means, at least a few lakh people – there is nobody who is efficient, but not in the space of Completion, who is complete and not efficient.  “Completion” is, connecting the biological and psychological clock with the proper circuit.  If you wake up in the morning tired, and lie down in the bed at night fresh, awake, there is something seriously wrong in the biological and psychological clock connection.  Night, before falling asleep, Complete.  And, one more thing, don’t be afraid of insomnia!  That is one of the biggest problems humanity faces.  When you lie down and don’t fall asleep, you may be having the fear, ‘I think I am having insomnia.  I am not able to sleep.’, and all that.  The fear of insomnia is worse than the real insomnia!  As I always said, the fear of snake is worse than the snake bite itself! 

One of the doctor disciples, she was telling me, ‘Swamiji, there are a lot of “dry deaths” in the water-related accidents.’  Means, the person has fallen into the water.  But, water has not gone into his system and choked his lungs.  No!  His lungs are dry, everything is dry.  But, just because of the fear, he gets a heart attack and dies!  She says, ‘Swamiji, one of the studies says, in more than 80% of the deaths due to snake bites, the poison never enters the brain and locks and chokes the body.  Just because of fear that they are bitten by a snake they die!’  When you do the post-mortem, you see that the poison has not mixed with the blood, the poison has not gone into the brain, the poison has not caused the death.  Most of the snakes are poison-less; that is another one funny thing!  So, the fear of insomnia......

In India, there is a group of doctors, all over the country, not just in one State, constantly publicizing about this impotency.  The advertisement is written in such an intelligent way, anyone who reads it will feel he is impotent!  Eleven o’clock night advertisement in all the TV channels, in all the magazines, yellow journals!  The advertisement lines will be so tricky, anyone who reads it will be tricked and doubt that they are impotent!  ‘Are you using three times a day?  Are you losing interest with your partner?  Are you losing interest in life?  Are you above thirty-five, forty?’  They will put such lines, that every fellow who reads that advertisement will feel he is impotent!  The moment you get the fear you are impotent......gone!  Now you invest your income, your salary there!  Like in the U.S., how these psychiatric drugs are advertised in the TV: ‘Are you feeling or thinking you are tired morning and evening?  Are you feeling bored night ten o’clock?  Are you having kinee pain after walking twenty miles a day?  Is your hair standing straight?’  They will ask such questions!  ‘Then it is confirmed that you may have some “xxxxxxxx”!’ – new name/disease which they have discovered recently.  ‘Contact your doctor immediately!  CALL NOW!  CALL NOW!  CALL NOW!’  The survey report says, “....79% of the deaths may be associated with this disease.’  One of the symptoms will be, ‘Are you all the time feeling like lying down in the bed?’  Then, when you go to the research paper and see, it says, ‘Yes, 80% of the people die while they are lying in the bed’!  That is the connection with the advertisement and the death!  It is so technically put into your system!

First thing, stop this resistance.  Resistance keeps you as a child, immature, ungrown.  Please understand, every time you remember a snake and allow the fear of the snake to fill you, you are just biting yourself like a snake bite, please understand!  So, neither accept nor reject or resist.  Sit and look in how you did this wiring inside you.  Means, for example, if you are constantly afraid of marriage, first look in:  Who put this fear of marriage?  When it started?  If you are constantly afraid of poverty, look in and see: Who put this fear of poverty in you and when it started? 

There are fifty common symptoms of stress.  If I read, you guys will be shocked!  (Swamiji reads out a few symptoms)  After reading just fifteen symptoms, how many of you think you already have stress?  I want to raise both my hands!  No, understand, first, the moment you resist something, you have become a victim.  If you are afraid of death, I am not saying commit suicide.  But don’t go on allowing the fear to be living inside you.  I am not saying that if you are afraid of marriage, get married.  No!  I am not saying that if you are afraid of Sannyas, take Sannyas; if you are afraid of jail, go into the prison.  No!  All I am saying is, stop acceptance, stop resisting.  Tell yourself, ‘Fool!  I don’t have to be all the time choosing!’

In Tamil Nadu there is a bunch of blackmailing media fellows.  They constantly appear wherever I go in public and try to harass me and try to create controversial things.  They will constantly ask me, ‘What is your opinion about this?  What is your opinion about that?’  I told them once, ‘I am a sadhu.  I don’t need to have opinion about everything.  Only you fellows survive on opinion, you thrive on opinion.  Only you fellows need to have an opinion about everything.  I don’t need to have an opinion about everything.’  The moment I said that, they started talking among themselves, ‘He is very intelligent!  You can’t catch him!’  Because, the moment you give any opinion, they will use it against you!  If I give any opinion about any group, they will instigate that group to start fighting with me.  And they will have news!  News has use for them, not for me!  The moment I said, ‘I don’t need to have an opinion about everything.  I am a sadhu.’, they said, ‘This fellow is very intelligent!  You can’t exploit him!’

Your mind is a blackmailing journalist.  It stretches the mike towards you and asks, ‘What is your opinion about marriage?  What is your opinion about Sannyas?  What is your opinion about snake bite?  What is your opinion about poverty?’  If you say, ‘I don’t have an opinion.  I don’t care about it.’, it will ask you, ‘How you don’t care about snake bite?’  Don’t you understand you are talking to a fool?  Don’t do that mistake.  He will get you into trouble. 

All the time you are made to give some opinion and you are exploited with further questions because of the opinion.  No!  You don’t need to!  You don’t need to!  All you need to understand very clearly is, you neither need to accept nor need to resist, because any stand you take, you will again become powerless now. 

Sit and think: how do you make the circuit?  The fellows who have taken Sannyas out of powerlessness are failures.  The fellows who have not taken Sannyas out of resistance are failures.  You neither need to take nor avoid.  But, see:  When did you develop this fear?  Who put that fear in you?  When did you start developing this fear?  Complete with it and relax and be powerful; that is all!  All the time be powerful is the religion of Hindus.  Always be powerful is the tradition of Sanatana Hindu Dharma.  It is neither giving you the instruction to get married nor not to get married.  Sanatana Dharma is neither suppression nor licentiousness.  It teaches you Swadharma; means, doing what you want from the space of powerfulness.  Being always in the space of powerfulness and operating from the space of powerfulness is what I call Swadharma.  Understand, Sanatana Hindu Dharma teaches Swadharma.  Sanatana Hindu Dharma teaches Swadharma.  It neither teaches you Grihastha nor teaches you Sannyas or teaches you Playboy life.  It teaches you Swadharma.  Be powerful about what you are.  Be powerful about what you stand for.  Be powerful about what you want to do for.  That’s all!  Be very powerful about what you are, what you stand for, and what you want to do; that’s all.  Let there not be powerlessness between these three.  Over!

Swadharma is life.  Swadharma is experience.  Swadharma is enlightenment.  Actually, if you are afraid of snake, death, marriage, poverty, Sannyas, whatever, if you sit without accepting, without rejecting, and look into you and see: ‘When this fear started in me?  How I started developing this fear?’, suddenly you will start laughing at your fears which foolishly you built as a circuit in which you are caught.  It is like the net you built, you are struggling with it, because you enjoy struggle.  All the time being in struggle makes you feel you are great, which is not required, which is not true.

The essence of today’s satsangh:

Swadharma is always being in the space of powerfulness with what you are, what you stand for, what you want to do.  Don’t allow powerlessness in all these three.  Be always powerful in all these three.  That is what is Swadharma.  Your Swadharma is what Sanatana Dharma teaches you.  Live your Swadharma is what is my teaching to you.  Neither you need to take Sannyas nor you need to get married, or you need to be in poverty, or you need to be committing suicide.  Don’t accept, don’t resist.  Look into your powerlessness – why you built what you built – and complete with it.  That is all!  That is all!  Laugh at your fear.  The moment you laugh at your fear, your fear loses its power over you; it becomes powerless.  That is why your enemies cannot tolerate your laughter!  That is why all my enemies have just disappeared!  The only thing which destroyed them is my laughter.  I didn’t do anything.  I just kept on laughing!  The burning they experienced, the powerlessness they experienced, they just collapsed!

Shankara conquered all his enemies by argument, with logic.  Vivekananda conquered all his enemies just by laughing at them, not bothered.  Ramanuja conquered all his enemies by outliving them; he just started living one-hundred-and-fifty years; all his enemies they died when they were fifty, sixty, seventy....and he went on living; he just conquered them by outliving them!  I am going to do all the three, understand?  Shankara conquered them by debates, arguments, his logical strength.  Vivekananda conquered them by laughing at them, making them powerless.  Ramanuja conquered them by outliving them.  I am going to do all the three, understand!  Logic, Laughter, Longevity!  Logic, Laughter, Longevity – through all the three “Ls”, I am going to make them lifeless, I am going to conquer them, understand!  They collapse by themselves.  I don’t need to do anything! 

So, the essence of today’s satsangh:

Live your Swadharma.  All the fears you develop about things which you resist, you will understand, it is just foolishness.  It is just foolishness!

And, I bless you all!

We will move to the Kalpataru process.

All the participants who have come for Kalpataru all over the world, please take a paper and pen.  Pen down one thought you want to cause as reality, and pen down all the incompletions, impossibilities you have around that thought you want to cause as reality.

(After a few minutes.....................)

Complete with all the incompletions and drop them.  Hold on to the space to create what you want as reality.  Visualize what you want is reality now.  Hold on to that space. 


I bless you all: The space you created, let it become reality!  The visualization you created, let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!

We will have Kalpataru Darshan for all the participants in Haridwar.  Then we will have the SMKT Meeting, the Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars meeting.

I bless you all:  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing the eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________


Wednesday, 26 March 2014

26th March:

26th March 2014 /  Thursday

To wathc this message in YOUTUBE, follow this link;

(yet to be loaded )

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam  
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |  
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam  
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Kotharis, Thanedars who are sitting with us all over the world at this time through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Chanel, Sadhna TV, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way-video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities in many countries around the world.

The cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Paris-Home Temple, Dhyanapeetam-Hosur, Johor Bahru-Tiruchendur, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, London-Kashi, High Point-North Carolina, Toon Moon-Hong Kong, New Jersey, Seattle-Chidambaram, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda Nagaram-Tiruvannamalai, Nithyanandeshwara Temple-Charlotte-Srisailam, California, Phoenix-Kanchipuram, Toronto-Kailasam, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Singapore-Singapuram, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Scarborough-Canada, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Black Diamond-Canada, Slovakia, Sungai Petani-Pazhamudhircholai, Oman-Sivagangai, Winston-Salem-North Carolina, Coimbatore-Dhyanapeetam.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Today, the Graduation Day of the 25th Inner Awakening! Feels like only yesterday I started the first Inner Awakening! The uniqueness of this Inner Awakening is, literally whole day I locked up myself with the participants in the hall itself! Practically, even for the tea break, I did not go out! I also enjoyed spending time with you all. And in this Inner Awakening we also had a very nice proportion of all the other activities like Homa, Puja, completing with the fear of water, and, above all, a unique Vraja Homa which I introduced only in this Inner Awakening. Yesterday all of us were rafting in the Ganga, white water rafting, other than me, everyone. Other than me, everybody else was enjoying the rafting....enjoying the river rafting. So nice to have this wonderful batch!

And, again, we have decided the July Inner Awakening is going to be in Haridwar! The May Inner Awakening in Varanasi, July in Haridwar again. So, if you want to do the river rafting from the right context, please be here in July.

Today is the Graduation Day. Let us listen to what the participants say about their inner awakening, their journey of the Inner Awakening program, their experience. I invite and welcome the participants, people who are graduating from the Inner Awakening program today, to come to the mike and share the “Glimpses of My Inner Awakening”.


So, great to listen to all the participants who are graduating today!

With this, we will have to move to the sessions today, the Graduation sessions. My blessings to all of you!I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing the eternal bliss! I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing the eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!

__________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

25th March

25th March 2014 / Tuesday

To watch this message in  YOUTUBE, follow this link;

( yet to be loaded )

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam |

I welcome you all with my love and respects.  I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, who are sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities, in many countries around the world.

The cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Avathipalayam, Newfoundland-Canada, Indrani-New Jersey, London-Kashi, New York-Varanasi, Paris-Home Temple, High Point-North Carolina, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Dhyanapeetam-Hosur, Houston-Kalahasti, Toon Moon-Hong Kong, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Johor Bahru-Malaysia, Seremban-Malaysia, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Seattle-Chidambaram, Scarborough-Canada, Singapore-Singapuram, Toronto-Kailasam, Ohio-Prayag, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Ohio-Ma Shivananda, San Jose-Madurai, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Varanasi, Oman-Sivagangai, Sungai Petani-Malaysia-Pazhamudhirsolai, Coimbatore Nithyananda Sangha.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Today, I wanted to expand on “LIVING”. 

Please understand, whatever may be the truth you feel as highest, you feel as best – sometimes it can be the pure space of Advaitha, sometimes it can be the highest revelation, sometimes it can be Dwaitha, sometimes it can be Visishta Advaitha – whatever may be the truth you think is the highest truth, it will have its effect on you only when you start living it. 

There is no truth which is higher or lower, please understand.  It is your ability to live it which makes it useful or not.  There is no truth which is higher or lower; it is your ability to live it, which makes it useful or not.  When you don’t have the ability to live it, and you fail, you go on blaming that that truth is not higher truth.  It can be as simple as repetition of some spiritual syllable, God or Guru’s name, or as highest as being in the space of pure Advaitha.  Whatever it may be, please listen, it is your ability to live it which enriches you.

You all heard for the last twenty days – I think only now you are remembering (that twenty days have already passed) – so many things, not just words, got literally drilled, experientially so many different, different, different, different understandings, cognitive shift, clicks, experiences, truths.  Please understand, only when you start living them, only when you start living them, they become reality.

Please understand, you might have struggled, suffered, spent money, time, energy, finally passed the driving test and got Driving Licence, but it will be useful to you only if you are regularly driving.  Getting the Driving Licence itself can be a great achievement if you are driving regularly.  If not, it cannot be considered as a great achievement.  Inner Awakening Certificate is the Driving Licence for life!  Guaranteed, foolproof, even planets give way!  Please understand, but you have to continuously LIVE it! 

For example, if you have a problem with your sleep, not having or too much having, sit with yourself, spend a little time and have your own session, Inner Awakening session for yourself.  Find the incompletions which are responsible for why you developed this pattern.  Spend some time and contemplate.  Complete with those patterns.  May be, your strong belief that you cannot do Yoga by waking up morning 4 o’clock, or the strong hatred towards physically moving your body, a strong desire for laziness, or the pattern of not wanting to do anything, that may be the reason.  You think, find the reason, complete with it.  You will see, next day, morning 4 o’clock you are automatically awake!    

Use all the principles.  Use all the truths.  One more thing:  All the core important truths have already been made as part of your bio-memory.  They will stick their neck out and stand up whenever you make any important decisions in your life.  Those powerful spiritual strategies will stand.  But, listen, don’t deny in the name of practicality.  Don’t deny in the name of convenience.  Don’t deny any of the spiritual strategies when it happens in you for convenience.  No!  Be very clear, once you are convinced, you will live the spiritual truths.  If it is not practical, you will dig out what is practical, but there will not be a gap between your spiritual understanding and day-to-day practical.  That is what I call “LIVING”! 

“Living” has nothing to do with following some hard and strict rule.  Wherever you can, pull the truth into your thinking.  Wherever you can, pull them into your strategizing.  But there should not be any gap between your convictions about life and the way you operate.  Not having gap between your convictions and your day-to-day life is what I call “LIVING”!

Human-beings don’t suffer because they don’t get to LISTEN to the truths.  (Human-beings suffer not because they don’t get to listen to the truths).  They suffer because they don’t LIVE the truths.  So, be very clear, the whole emphasis is on LIVING.  And, because I emphasize, don’t think it is difficult.  You always feel that anything repeatedly told, emphatically told, is very difficult.  No!  Some of the easiest things only we need to emphasize, because that is what is taken for granted.  The easiest things we have to emphasize so much, what to do?

Living!  Living!  Living!  When you pull these great truths into you and start living them.....  If you drive regularly, getting a Driving Licence becomes an important turning point in your life.  Same way, if you live all these truths, attending Inner Awakening becomes a very important turning point in your life. 

Align yourself, again and again and again, to INTEGRITY.  Don’t be greedy about if you come back to Integrity once, twice, and you should be ever on that space.  It will be great if you can.  But if you fall, don’t become powerless, don’t get into the space of powerlessness.

Again and again, align your thinking to AUTHENTICITY.  See very clearly: Are you functioning towards the best Inner Image by constantly developing liberated thinking?  Liberated thinking means your thinking should not have or lead you towards powerlessness.  Constantly your thinking should be leading you to being in a powerful space.  Are you constantly working towards your best Inner, Outer, Others’, and Life images? 

Again and again, whatever may be, remember, YOU are RESPONSIBLE, because you are the source of everything.  You are responsible, because you are the source of everything.  Being in this throne (on which Swamiji is sitting) itself is not an achievement unless it is used every day by the right person.  The right person has to LIVE it.  Only then, making this throne becomes historical, important.  Same way, every day you have to LIVE the truths which have gone inside.  Truths are very shy guests; if you live them, pamper them, they start living with you, celebrate you, enjoy you.  If you don’t live them, if you show you are not happy with them, if you don’t attend to them, they just go through the back door; understand, they just move out through the back door.  LIVE it every moment. 

Let your thinking become liberated thinking.  Let your thinking become liberated thinking.  Understand, when your regular thinking becomes liberated thinking, you feel so much of powerfulness!  Every....actually, every visualization gives you so much of confidence and power, because, anything you visualize simply becomes reality, you visualize only things which become reality!  Anything you visualize simply becomes reality; you visualize only things which will become reality! 

AUTHENTICITY in your thinking!  Understand....the liberated thinking.  Let me give a precise definition of “Liberated Thinking”: Constantly, the excited, celebrated, cherished, feeling rich and affluent – in Sanskrit we have a word, “Sarva Mangala”, “always auspicious” – that experience is what I call “Liberated Thinking”.  Your very thinking will be constantly moving in the direction where you are feeling powerful, and moving towards more and more feeling powerful.  Feeling powerful, moving towards the space of more and more feeling powerful.  You yourself will know the false insecurities you feel in the name of “warning”, impossibilities you entertain in the name of “creating space”; all these you yourself will know clearly from inside.  You know what is incompletion, you know how to complete it.  Life will move as simple and as smooth.  Life will move in a joyous, extremely happy way.  And, neither expect now that life is going to be very difficult, nor expect life is going to be easy.  Actually, it is going to be blissful!  The word “easy” is too small.  The word “easy” is too small; don’t cherish that word.  That word will be broken even if you have one small fight.  Don’t allow that word.  It is going to be very easy, but you have to DO it.  It is going to be very simple, but you have to DO it.  It is just simply changing a few decisions about you!  It is simply changing a few decisions about you to you.  It is simply changing some of your perceptions.  Go on causing your reality, and people who are involved in your life, their reality.  Go on causing your reality, and people who are involved in your life, their reality. 

So, understand, bring AUTHENTICITY into your thinking, bring INTEGRITY into your words, bring RESPONSIBILITY into your feeling; you will automatically be living enlightenment, you will automatically be ENRICHING!  You will be living enlightenment! 

Understand, the biggest enemy you may face in your life is “Vasanas”.  Your thinking will go on fantasizing you should live enlightenment.  Your day-to-day actions will go on working completely in the opposite direction.  Your decisions have to really, really change!  The actions will automatically follow, but decisions getting changed is very important.  When the decisions change, life becomes the experience of joy.  When the decisions change, actions may or may not change, but it becomes experiential.  Actually, most of the time, it is your decisions which need to change, it is your context which needs to change.  Most of the times, it is your experience which needs to change. 

So, I request all of you, it is neither difficult nor easy; but you have to DO it!  It is just tuning the instrument.  Nothing, but tuning the instrument to a certain frequency, understand; that’s all.  How tuning or changing the channel, tuning the channel is neither very difficult nor easy, it is a simple technique, go on tuning your thinking to Authenticity.  See: ‘Is my thinking leading me to the highest Inner Image?  Is it leading me to the highest Outer Image?  Is it leading me to the highest Life’s Image?  Is it leading me to the highest Other’s Image?’  Just go on and on and on.  Always think about your thinking and align your thinking to Authenticity.  “Shraddhaavaan Labhathey Vijnaanam”!  “The person who is established in Authenticity, experiences the true wisdom, enlightenment”!  Align your thinking to Authenticity, again and again.  LIVE Authenticity.  Please understand, Authenticity will become reality only by LIVING it!  INTEGRITY will become reality only by LIVING it! 

Yesterday I gave you all the initiation of Vaak Siddhi.  It will be there with you only as long as you LIVE Integrity.  If you align yourself, again and again, to Integrity, this Vaak Siddhi will be there with you and you can use it whenever you want.  You can use it whenever you want.  Please understand, when you respect the words, words honour you, because words are the expression of Consciousness.  If you abuse them, they will abuse you.  If you honour them, they will honour you.  The moment birth is given, a child is an independent intelligence.  The moment words are uttered, it becomes independent intelligence. 

Understand, bring constantly Authenticity into your thinking, into your living, because, it is LIVING that is going to decide.  It is LIVING that is going to decide the effect of the inner awakening in you.  Please understand, it is your LIVING that is going to decide the impact of this program on you....the effect of this programme on you!  Either you can make this as an enlightening experience, not just a turning point, but a “take off” point in your life!  I will never say Inner Awakening is a “turning point”; it is a “take off” point!  Because, you are going to be a star in the Cosmos!  You are not a flight taking off to land somewhere.  No!  You are a star launched into the Cosmos!  But, it is your LIVING it which is going to decide whether the Inner Awakening was a launching experience or not.  Because, YOU have to live it; no one else can do that for you.  It is good, fortunately, that YOU have to live your life.  It is with YOU!  Good!  Celebrate about it!  Don’t think, ‘Why?  He himself can do that also!’  Then what are YOU going to do?  If I live your life, then what are YOU going to do?  

LIVE!  LIVE!  LIVE!  It is living, LIVING which makes the Inner Awakening as a launching experience!

With this, I will move to the Kalpataru process.  

All the participants of Kalpataru in Avathipalayam and in Haridwar, please pick up your paper and pen.  Pen down one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions, doubts, impossibilities you have around that thought.  Pen down both.

(After a few minutes.....................)

Sit straight.  Create a space for the reality you want to cause.  Complete all the incompletions you have.  Complete and drop them.  And, hold the space for what you want to achieve.  Visualize what you want to achieve as reality now, this moment.  Hold on to that space and that visualization.


I bless you all!  The space you created, let it become reality!  The visualization you created, let it become reality!

We will have Kalpataru Darshan in Haridwar first.  Then we will go for darshan to Avathipalayam Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam.

With this, I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing the eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________

Monday, 24 March 2014

24th March:

24th March 2014 / Monday

To watch this sat-sang in YOUTUBE, follow this link;

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, sitting with us all over the world at this time through Nithyananda TV, Lotus TV, Sadhna TV, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities, in many countries, around the world.

The cities sitting with us having Nayana Deeksha through two-way video-conferencing: Seattle-Chidambaram, Jorpati-Nepal, Santa Fe-New Mexico, High Point-North Carolina, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, San Jose-Madurai, New York-Varanasi, Mill Valley-Vairavan Koil, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Johor Bahru-Tiruchendur, Jenkin Town-Pennsylvania, Port Washington-New York, Dakota-Dunes, Devon-UK, Indrani-New Jersey, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Varanasi-Poojananda, Torrance-California, Singapore-Singapuram, Charlotte-Srisailam, Ohio-Ma Shivananda, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Scarborough-Ontario-Canada, Ohio-Prayag, Toronto-Kailasam, St. Louis-Tirumala, Washington DC-Sripuram, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Seremban-Sivakashi, Houston-Kalahasti, Kulim-Tiruttani, Coimbatore Dhyanapeetam, Oman-Sivagangai, Colordao Springs-USA, Slovakia.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

After a powerful webinar....!  Yesterday’s webinar is good news.  The next webinar will be great news!

Today, I will continue to expand on the space of Advaitha.

Please understand, even though in the modern world Advaitha is branded as a very powerful theology, a very powerful philosophy, originally Advaitha was not developed as a philosophy.  It evolved as a sweet personal instruction between a disciple and Master whose love circle is complete.  Please understand, it reached its perfection, it reached its peak possibility.....

Please understand, an ayurvedic medicine may be sold in any small shop.  It might have been available to you in some small shop, in some small gully (lane).  Because it is available in a small shop in a small village in a small gully, don’t think it is produced there.  Where Research & Development (R&D) is done and perfection has been arrived at is a different place.  Now Advaitha has become a philosophy, well-known theology.  I can say, in a way, the most promoted theology of Hindu Tradition has become Advaitha.  Of course, Advaitha is worthy to have that space, because, the truth Vedic Tradition wanted to share, the truth towards which the tradition is showing is Advaitha Sathya.  It is neither Siddhanta nor Vedanta, it is Sathya.  Vedanta or Siddhanta, both developed later on in course of time.  That is why I wanted to tell all of you, the Advaitha I am sharing with you, the truths of Advaitha I am sharing with you are revived by Shankara, but originally shared by Mahadeva and Kapila.  It is from the time of Mahadeva, from the time of Kapila.  Shankara revived it.  How I am making Advaitha user-friendly to this modern day humanity, same way, Shankara made it user-friendly for his time.  But don’t ever make the mistake of thinking Shankara developed Advaitha.  No!  Advaitha Sathya existed, exists forever!  What I am doing is, I am doing a practical liberated thinking which makes you experience the truth of Advaitha, which makes you operate from the space of Advaitha.  That is exactly what Shankara did during his lifetime.  Making Advaitha as an operating space, liberated thinking as a day-to-day thinking, the space of Advaitha as a cognition from which you will operate, that is what Shankara did in his time. 

So, I wanted every one of you to be very clear, the truths I am sharing with you is directly from the inner-space of Mahadeva.  Please understand, research and development and perfection of these great truths the way they are lived, they way they are transmitted, the way they are contemplated, the way they are listened, is perfection.  The research and development and the perfection has happened in the great loving space of Mahadeva.  That is why I insist on coming down, staying around the Master, spending a little time around him, and allowing this perfection to happen in you.  Please understand, in the love of the Master, these teachings become part of your very bio-energy.  Love of the Master is from the space of bio-energy, pure Kundalini Shakthi, unpolluted.  So, naturally, that awakens your Kundalini Shakthi; your core opens up.

A few days before, I received a message from a devotee in Mumbai in Facebook.  She writes: ‘I always had tremendous fear to open up to you, feeling scared about being open to you, because the moment I come to see you, or come near you, you are such powerful addictive space, I feel I will be lost in it!’  I tell you, you will find you in it; you will never be lost in it!  Please understand, when you are afraid of your own core being, you are afraid of the love which comes from the core being of the Master.  I have never seen the Master’s love making you lose you.  I have always seen the Master’s love making you find you.

This great truth is perfected in the space of Advaitha, in the space of Advaitha, in the presence of the Master.  Please understand, that is why I insist on you coming down and spending time with the Master in his physical presence where this truth is transmitted to you in the supportive, protective, caring, loving ambience, energy field of the Master.  At least, the initiation should happen in the physical presence.  The initiation should happen in the physical presence.

So, understand, the truth of Advaitha, it is like medicines across the counter.  You can get it from wherever you are just through two-way video-conferencing.  But, for surgery, you have to come to the operating theatre.  So, for real transformation, you have to come to the presence of the Master where the transformation becomes your reality, becomes part of your inner-space.

The story of Padmapada, one of the great disciples of Adi Shankaracharya, proves clearly that just by the feeling-connection with him, feeling-connection with Adi Shankara, he has mastered Nature.  He was so powerful, in tune with Nature, he was so beautifully in sync with Nature!  You may or may not know the story. 

He (Padmapada) was a great disciple of Adi Shankara, but is not that intellectually capable, but highly devoted, dedicated, integrated to the Master, integrated to his disciple-hood.  One day, he went to wash the clothes of the Master to the other banks of the river.  He was washing there.  Some of the other disciples of Shankara were discussing, they were making fun of Padmapada.  ‘What is this?  This fellow is all the time washing clothes!  Did he come here to become a laundry man?  If he is not studying any scriptures, not contemplating, when is he going to get enlightened, master Nature, Prakriti, life?’ 

Shankara was just laughing.  He (Padmapada) may be a little less capable in an intellectual way, but he is an amazing intelligent being who is doing what needs to be done first, who is putting first things first.  Shankara wanted to show this to the other disciples.  So he just gets up and calls from where he is: ‘Padmapada, please come!’  Actually he used the word for the first time – “Padmapada” (“Lotus Feet”).  Earlier, his (Padmapada’s) name was different.  He just calls the disciple.

The moment the Master calls, the disciple forgot everything.  He just starts walking on the river!  The river thought, ‘Oh, God, now I have to protect him!  When somebody has such a deep space of trust with the whole Cosmos.....’ – Master is the representation of the whole Cosmos – ‘.....I can’t allow him to suffer!  I can’t let him down!’  So, the river just makes lotus flowers and holds his feet wherever he puts his feet.

Please understand, the Lotus will never happen in a river, because a river is flowing water.  It only happens in a pond, stable water.  But, here, the lotus is happening in river water. 

And the river holds his feet wherever he walks (by making huge lotus flowers appear wherever the disciple, Padmapada, puts his feet) and makes him cross the river! 

Usually, people will be anxious when they are crossing a river to reach the other side.  But, here, a river is anxious when a person is crossing that she has to reach him to the other side!

Because every feet, his (the disciple’s) every step is held by a lotus, he was called “Padmapada”.

Shankara demonstrated to all his disciples the need for the loving space, the need for the loving space for the transmission of the Advaithic truth to happen.  Because, your birth itself has happened when you denied the Self, Advaitha!  Something that deep which is able to make you assume the human body and broken mind cannot be transcended unless you trust somebody more than your human body and broken mind.  So, the Master makes himself available for you to experience the Completion of the love circle.  He makes it possible for you to experience the Completion of the love circle.

Constantly reminding you of the context of Advaithic space is the constitution of the Master’s space.  Please understand, whatever he does, he stands for constantly reminding you the context of Advaitha, constantly reminding you to stand in the space of cosmic non-duality. 

Karma, the hangover of the past!  Please listen!  We always feel, whenever we start anything, things are against us, because in the past we failed.  But we forget why we failed in the past.  We may not have had intelligence, we may not have had what all is required.  Because you don’t have whatever is required and you failed, it does not mean you are going to fail forever.  Unfortunately, illogical belief of impossibility in your inner-space is “Karma”.  Illogical belief of impossibility!  Please catch it.  This is the Facebook statement today for all of you!  “Illogical belief of impossibility is Karma”!  In your inner-space, illogical belief of impossibility, when it becomes pattern, that is “Karma”.  If you build self-doubt when you grow up, you are like Dhritarashtra. 

Please listen!  Developing self-doubt in the course of growing up is accumulating the Karma, “Agamya” (like Dhritarashtra).  Encouraging the self-hatred with which you happened is “Prarabdha Karma” – like Shakuni.  Coming down to the human body with self-denial is “Sanchita Karma” – like Duryodhana.  Understand?  Self-Denial is given birth by Self-Doubt, and nourished, nurtured by Self-Hatred.  All impossibilities is a combination of these three being held together by Self-Blackmailing – Gandhari.  Gandhari held all the three together – Dhritarashtra, Shakuni and Durodhana – because she is blood-relative of all three.  She is the head of the family of all three.  The self-blackmaling pattern – Gandhari – keeps Dhritarashtra, Shakuni and Duryodhana together.  If Gandhari was not there, at least Shakuni would not have stayed with Duryodhana, Dhritarashtra would not have allowed Shakuni to stay. 

Understand, even in you, the constant self-blackmailing pattern.....  Let me define self-blackmailing pattern: ‘If the same way things go on, then what will happen to my identity?  I will become nobody!  Where will I end my life?  I will have to put my foot down!’  Which forces you to put your foot down!  But, unfortunately, whenever you want to put your foot down, you put it in your mouth!  Putting the foot down is what I call “self-blackmailing pattern”.  You always think, ‘No, if I don’t put my foot down, it will go in a different direction, it will go in a different way.  What will happen to my identity?’  Constantly, everywhere you think, ‘I will have to live in the same way.’  Understand, nothing, nothing needs to be lived in the same way.  You don’t need to worry.

Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial, held together by Self-Blackmailing pattern, leads to destruction.  Only in the pure, beautiful Advaithic space, you will even understand, look beyond the self-blackmailing pattern with which you are suffering.  Self-blackmailing does not need to be your lifestyle.  Self-blackmailing does not need to be the way you are approaching, cognizing your life.

I will give the essence of today’s satsangh in Hindi.

The medicine for the great wound of Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial, Self-Blackmailing is Master’s love!

With this, I will move to the Kalpataru process.

Please, all the participants who came for Kalpataru in Haridwar and in St. Louis-Tirumala, pick up a paper and pen.  Pen down one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions, impossibilities, doubts you have towards causing that thought as reality.  Pen down these two.

All the Inner Awakening participants, you can go for your Yoga session; then you have one hour time. Today I wanted you guys to try causing Inner Awakening for at least two or three people.  Try and come back.  This is your homework.  Then I will lead you to the next process.  Try and come back.

(After a few minutes.....................) please sit straight.  Complete with all the self-doubts, impossibilities, incompletions you carry, and drop them.  Create a space for what you want to cause as reality.  Visualize, hold on to what you want to cause as reality.  Namah Shivaya!  


I bless you all!  The space you created, let it become reality!  The thought you created, let it become reality!

We will start the Kalpataru Darshan.

Ma Muktha, Los Angeles!  Blessings for Meena’s birthday!  Meena, with all the auspiciousness, you will be with me, I will be with you!  Blessings!  Birthday blessings!  

We will start the darshan for Haridwar.  Then we will move to St. Louis.

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing the eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ________