28th March 2014 / Friday
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Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya
Vandhey Guru
Paramparaam ||
I welcome all the devotees,
disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars
sitting with us all over the world at this time through Nithyananda TV, Lotus
News Channel, Sadhna TV, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and two-way
video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in many cities, in many countries
around the world.
The cities sitting with us
through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Ahmedabad-Gujarat,
Paris-Home Temple, Island Creek-North Carolina, Warrington-UK,
Houston-Kalahasti, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Jorpati-Nepal, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi,
Dakota Dunes, High Point-North Carolina, Port Washington-New York, Santa Fe-New
Mexico, Abu Dhabi, Dhyanapeetam-Hosur, Toronto-Kailasam, Seattle-Chidambaram,
Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Nithyananda Nagar-Tiruvannamalai,
Ohio-Prayag, Varanasi, Singapore-Singapuram, Los Angeles-Arunachalam,
Oklahoma-Somanatham, Bangalore North, San Jose-Madurai, Charlotte-Srisailam,
Oman-Sivagangai, Poprad-Slovakia, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai.......... ...........
I welcome all of you with my love
and blessings.
I can also see Sungai
Petani-Pazhamudhircholai, Santa Fe-New Mexico, and Shuddhananda, joining.
I welcome everyone in Sungai
Petani for the Kalpataru Darshan program.
Now, I will enter into today’s
Please understand, I will
continue to expand on the subject I was speaking on yesterday, I was expanding
on yesterday – “bringing these great truths into your living”. For the last few days, this is what I was
The idea – “difficulty” and
“impossibility” – should be defused.
Please understand....
Listen! Listen very carefully!
With the idea of “difficulty”, if
you grab power, you are a “Politician”.
Politicians know it is very difficult to fulfil the seat they are
sitting in, but they think it is okay; it is power; once they get it, no one
can remove them for a certain time.
Knowing it is difficult, or, I can say in a way, having the idea it is
difficult, and grabbing it, you become a “Politician”. Completing with that idea of “difficult”,
defusing it, and getting into power, you become a “Leader”. You defused all the impossibilities, completed
with all these concepts and patterns of “difficulty”, but neither you grab the
power nor you are bothered about power, you are there as a pure space, then you
are an “Enlightened Being”, empowering everyone.
Understand, the idea of
difficulty, the idea of resistance towards anything, the idea “it is
difficult”, the idea “it is not possible”, and resisting.... Please understand, all resistance is born out
of the ideas of difficulty. All
resistance is born out of the ideas of difficulty. All the time, you are just waiting to throw
that word out – “it is difficult”, “it is impossible” – because you constantly
mother that idea, cherish that idea.
Sometimes I feel may be they are born out of impossibility!
There are some people who breathe
“impossible”, “impossible”, “impossible”, “impossible”, “impossible”,
“impossible”. It is so unfortunate! Actually you should breath “Shivoham”,
“Shivoham”, “Shivoham”. Along with the
breathing itself, the space of Shivoham should happen. Along with the breathing itself, the
celebration of Shivoham should happen.
Every breath should be ajapa japa for you. Every breath should be ajapa japa for you.
Understand, for your life and for
the life of the people around you, you coming out of the karmic cycle is as
important, you coming out of the karmic cycle is as important as you earning
and supporting them. Please understand,
your wealth will give security to people who are around you, you will be a strength for the people who are
around you, only when you breathe the space of possibility. Constantly if you breathe the space of
impossibility, constantly if you breathe ‘Nooo....noooo......nooo..... noooo....noooo’,
you become such a big liability, please understand, a liability. A person who constantly breathes possibility
in his words, in his thinking, in his feeling, is a boon for himself and for
the people with whom he is living around.
Yesterday evening, we
were having
a walk on the banks of the Ganga. I was
sharing with some of the Swamis and Shrimahants who were with me. I
told one of the Shrimahants, ‘If I had not
taken up this mission, like this in any one small ashram on the Ganga
banks I
will be living and every evening sitting with Ganga.’ The moment I said
this, his eyes showed so
much surprise. He said, ‘Is this life an
ultimate life, Swamiji?’ I said, ‘No! These people who are here, they
may be
sitting with the Ganga every day evening, morning, or just living a
life, but they are not living from the right context and cognition.
Most of them are depressed. Most of them – not “most” – 100% of them
breathe impossibility! They are living
that life because they are convinced about their impossibility.’ The
person who is convinced about his
impossibility is a Shudra. He can never
be called as Brahmana. Of course, I
don’t want to say all the people who are residing here are becoming
impossible. No! But, there are many who get into the space of
impossible, impossible, impossible, impossible.
So, please understand, impossible, this idea of impossible......
Anywhere in your life you feel
powerlessness, it should not be allowed to exist in you. Anywhere you feel resistance, it should not
be allowed to exist in you. Anywhere you
feel impossible, it should not be allowed to exist in you. Understand, don’t expect that the Cosmos will
adjust to you. You only have to adjust
yourself to the Cosmos. The Cosmos
constantly resonates the Anahata Dhwani, the ajapa japa of life – POSSIBILITY!
Please understand, just a
days before, I was reading an article in the internet. They are saying
that the “universe is
expanding” theory is getting more and more strengthened with evidences.
Even the physical universe is expanding! That is nice to hear, because
the Hindu
Cosmology declares that the universe is ever expanding. In the third
statement, when the introduction
to the Hindu Cosmology is done in our Vedic literature, the third
they make about our Cosmos is “ever expanding”, “the universe is ever
expanding”. I tell you, the universe
vibrates with life, possibility! When
you carry that in your heart, that is why the joy of the universe is
experienced in the excitement as bliss in your heart. Please
understand, the joy of the universe is
what you experience as bliss in your heart.
You become pregnant in your heart with the seed of the universe when you
carry possibility. Please understand,
through the concept of Possible, through the concept of Possible, the
makes you pregnant with its own energy.
Now you are ready to give birth to yourself as an incarnation, the Hrid
Garbha carrying yourself in your own self!
Yesterday I was expanding about
this concept of neither accepting nor resisting....neither accepting nor
resisting. Accepting is going to make
you lazy. Resisting is going to make you
powerless. No acceptance, no
resistance. Please listen! Please listen! Neither acceptance nor resistance gives you
the space of possible. Simply acceptance
makes you lazy. Simply resisting makes
you feel impossible. Neither acceptance
nor resistance; that gives you the space of possible, “I am possible”!
I tell you, constantly breathe in
and breathe out the great truth of Possible.
Bring the space of Completion in you.
Bring this truth of Possible in you.
Whatever goes on putting you in powerlessness, please don’t learn to
live with the idea which puts you in powerlessness. Slowly, slowly, after
sometime, you become insensitive to the ideas which put you in
powerlessness. You start thinking, ‘No,
no, this is the way life is.’ You take
this for granted. The ideas you carry,
the ideas of powerlessness, I tell you, the ideas of powerlessness you
experience in your continuous thinking, the idea of powerlessness you
continuously experience, don’t tolerate it or learn to live with it, because if
you learn to live with it, you become so insensitive to it, before even a
decision has to be made consciously analyzing, your unconscious has declared
“impossible” and made to sleep. So, all
creativity gets killed before even it is born.
All your creativity gets aborted; it is killed even before it is
Please understand, the person who
cherishes the idea of impossibility so much, he becomes insensitive to the idea
of impossibility. So, he does not even
think it can be completed. So what happens?
Any creativity which comes out, before even you think about it
completely, you bury it away; before even birth, aborted and buried! And you will also have very strong memories
of how people, the situations around you failed you, when you carry
impossibility; only then you can strengthen your impossible. ‘No, no, this fellow failed, everyone has
failed, society will fail me!’ You will
have a very crystal-clear understanding!
Please understand, when you carry
Possibility, you will feel everyone supports you and makes things
possible. I also feel, ‘Oh, God! How much people support me and make me
experience the possibility, cause my reality, how the whole universe is causing
my reality!’ When you feel it is possible,
constantly you will feel the whole universe is causing what you want as
reality. When you feel, when you decide
it is impossible, constantly everyone around you, society, you will strongly
believe that they all fail you.....that they all fail you.
Understand, take Inner Awakening
as an opportunity to just jump from impossibility to possibility. Here I am infusing you with the energy of
Possibility and making you understand experientially the power of
Possibility. Understand, Kalpataru is
giving you a glimpse of possibility with one thought. Inner Awakening is giving you the experience
of Possibility with all your thoughts!
Kalpataru is giving you the glimpse of Possibility with one
thought. Inner Awakening is giving you
the glimpse of Possibility with all your thoughts.
Today, all the Sadhna TV viewers
also, I request you all to do this Kalpataru practice. Pick up a paper and pen. Pen down one thought you want to cause as
reality. Second, pen down all the
impossibilities you have around that thought, and all the ideas, doubts, all
the doubts, impossibilities, incompletions you have about that thought,
Complete with them and drop them. Please
understand, when you complete and drop them, you will see the thought you want
to make as reality becomes really, really real!
Please listen! I want to repeat the instructions:
One, pen down the desire
you want
to cause as reality Second, all the
doubts, incompletions, impossibilities, you have about that thought
real. Third, all the impossibilities,
incompletions, doubts, go to the source of it.
See how you developed that in your life all the time. Complete with it
and drop it. Visualize that the thought you want to make
as reality is already real. Hold on to
the space for it. You will see that that
thought becomes reality. It may be
related to wealth, health, relationships, spiritual experience,
anything. This is the law of life, the science of life,
the secret of life!
Please listen, now I will give
you a few minutes. All the Sungai Petani-Pazhamudhircholai
Kalpataru participants, and the participants in Haridwar, pick up a paper and pen.
Pen down one desire you want to cause as
reality, and all the doubts, incompletions, impossibilities you have about that
thought becoming real. Pen down these two.
Then I will guide you into the next step.
(After a few minutes.....................)
Now, please create the space for what
you want to cause as reality. Hold on to
the space for what you want to cause as reality. Hold on to the visualization for what you want
to cause as reality.
I bless you all! The
space you created, let it become reality! The space you hold, let it
become reality! The thought you hold, let it become reality!
We will have darshan for the participants
in Haridwar. Then we will have Kalpataru
Darshan for Sungai Pettani-Pazhamudhircholai.
I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity,
Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!
___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________