Wednesday, 26 February 2014

26th Feb: Let everything be based on one word – HAPPENING! Go on making things happen.

23 February


Let everything be based on one word – HAPPENING!  Go on making things happen.


" Education should be moving your life!

Please listen!  Whether it is education for your career, like a MA, BA, Engineering, Lawyer, Doctor, whatever, or spiritual education, whatever may be the purpose, the education should be moving your life.  Life should be moving, life should be filled with happening.  Unfortunately, .. you are told, ‘Do Engineering; you will get a job and you can settle down in life.’  … You are never told, ‘Do Engineering, take up a job or career in that field, explore and contribute something, achieve something, give something to society.’  This context was never set.  Please listen, the context set for any action is very important, in a way much more than action!

Listen, it is the context from which you operate that decides how you are going to respond to the incompletions or the obstacles which happen in your life.  If the context is “happening”, making it happen, your education will be for that purpose, everything will be for that purpose.
Please understand, working from this context of happening, you will not face old-age and disease… Old-age and disease will have power over you only if you build your life with the context of retirement… Conquer old-age and disease!

..I wanted all of you guys to do this one homework today.  Think through: What you want to do in your life, you should be doing it while you have the body and after you drop the body… sit sincerely and spend at least one hour to align yourself to this eternity.  When the context of eternity is set for the ephemeral, the border between eternity and ephemeral naturally gets dissolved, disappears.  When there is no border between eternity and ephemeral, that is what I call “Jeevan Mukthi”, “Living Enlightenment”.  "

--- Excerpts from discourse of Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda Swami on 23rd Feb 2014

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

25 FEB: Let all the intranalyzed cognitions become immediate cognition so that the “vaasanas” are completed, Ishta Siddhi is achieved,

25 February 2014 / Tuesday

To Watch this Message in Youtube, follow this link :

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

      I welcome all the disciples, devotees, samajis, satsanghis, Mahants, Shrimahants, Kotharis, Thanedars sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in twenty-nine cities in many countries around the world.

The cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing: Houston-Kalahasti, Seattle-Chidambaram, Kulim-Tiruttani, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Toronto-Kailasam, San Jose-Madurai, Ohio-Prayag, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Varanasi, Ontario-California, Charlotte-Srisailam, Singapore-Singapuram, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Jorpati-Nepal, Bangalore Centre, High Point-North Carolina, Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Avathipalayam, xxxxxMoon-Hong Kong, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Dakota Dunes, Tallahassee-Florida, Winston-Salem-North Carolina, Kathmandu-Nepal, Oman-Sivagangai, Hong Kong Central, Doncaster, Scottsdale-Arizona.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

I welcome the University of California, Los Angeles, and Seattle, all the people who have gathered there for Kalpataru Darshan.

And, today, Seattle Nithyananda Vedic Temple celebrates the sixth anniversary!  Blessings to the whole Seattle Sangha, and blessings to the whole Seattle!  My blessings to all of you!  I am with you guys!

Today, Mahadeva is gracing us in the Leela of “PADAI KAATAL”.  Means, he himself creates an army.  Because the army chief spent all the money he got on Shiva Puja, and he prays to Mahadeva, ‘Please create an army for me.  Otherwise the King will ask for accounts.’  And then Mahadeva comes and creates an army.  He himself comes as the chief.  For the sake of his devotees, what all he has to do!  How many things he has to do!  So, today he is gracing us in the Padai Kaatal Leelai.

Today, before entering into the satsangh, I want to make this important announcement.  All over the world, our Sangha, Nithyananda Sangha should become cruelty-free.  Not only we will be vegetarian in our eating, in our lifestyle let us try to bring non-violence.  Means, in so many ways.  Actually, the goat needs its skin more than anybody else!  The elephant needs its tusk more than anybody else!  The tiger needs its skin more than anybody else!  That is why I am not sitting on a tiger skin.  This is a cloth printed tiger-style.......(what Swamiji is using to sit on); understand, it is not tiger skin.  We will try our best to make ourselves cruelty-free, especially all Sangha-related things.  Of course, for all our devotees, life itself is Sangha!  For devotees and disciples and everyone, life itself is Sangha! 

So, I sincerely recommend, even in our life we will stop using leather items where cruelty plays a major role.  Don’t think, ‘Oh, just if I one person avoid wearing leather shoes, is it going to save some goats?’  Surely, yes!  Yes!  It will!  It will! 

So, other than the medical purposes – medical purposes it is okay, it can be exempted – other than medical purposes, I sincerely recommend we will all make our life cruelty-free.  Okay for all you guys?  We will not use the silk which grows by the worms getting killed.  There is a silk without killing worms.  They make out of metal.  Out of copper and gold and silver, they will make zari.  We will use that kind of silk. 

So, let us all do a little research about the things we are using and let us all try to live as much as possible cruelty-free.  May be, if you guys are habituated to a certain kind of lifestyle, it will take may be three months to move from that to this.  Many things, without even knowing, you may be having leather items: leather handbag, leather belt, leather shoes, car seat, leather car seat.  Let us slowly remove all of that.  Even if you have already bought it, slowly stop using.  Once you stop using, you will not buy it again.  We will make ourselves cruelty-free.  We will make ourselves non-violent even in our lifestyle. 

We will also avoid using diamonds.  Because, for diamonds, lot of people have to die!  The diamond industry is the worst industry.  It swallows so many lives!  So, we will also slowly stop using diamonds.  Even on the deity jewelleries, I will start using artificial diamonds.  The natural diamond’s cutting process, during the natural diamond’s cutting process, lot of people die, and it is a blood business!  Lot of bloodshed happens! 

So, all the countries all over the world, especially US – because US only consumes so much, the whole world is sucked!  So, you guys must be using too many things! – try to align everything as much as possible to non-violence.  All our temples, ashrams, centres, you can take maximum three months; and in those three months get back to non-violence.  Everything animal-cruelty-related things should be cleared. 

So, in all our decorations, lifestyle, our personal make-up, even in your personal make-up, you will not be using anything which comes through cruelty, by killing, by torturing.  We will avoid all of that.  This leather-based, so many things are there: lipstick!  That is the big fad!  I don’t know how they put that in the mouth and do “pup...pup...pup”!  Aarrghh!!!  Hmmm?

So, I request you sincerely, all you guys, let us make ourselves cruelty-free, non-violent.

I will continue to expand on how directly Inner Awakening enriches your life.  Please listen! 

Every-day life of a human-being is not as difficult as we go on believing or are made to believe.  And the success is not always hard work.  To tell you honestly, success is never a hard work.  If you are working hard, you will be like a beggar only, who works hard from morning to night and collects one rupee, one rupee, one rupee, one rupee.  Even by night he will be having maximum only thousand rupees.  A person who only makes thousand rupees, a person who earns thousand rupees is never going to become a millionaire or become a successful person.  He may be successful in having food and a little bank balance.  He may be giving loans.  In India, actually, beggars are actually much richer than the middle-class people!  But that is not success!  You cannot use the word “success” for it. 

Most of the time, that immediate cognition you have, decides the quality of your life.  The immediate cognition you have decides your life.  Whether falling in love, or getting married, or taking sannyas, accepting a job, or rejecting a job, or leaving a job, the immediate cognition, THAT plays a major role.  The immediate cognition plays a major role.  Listen!  The immediate cognition plays a major role.  I wanted all of you to listen to this once more:  The immediate cognition plays a major role!  I am repeating it three times.  When you face a situation, what you cognize immediately.  Sometimes, you slowly think, rethink, meditate, contemplate, complete, you do all of that, and then come to certain cognition.  But, please understand, your decision is going to be done only by immediate cognition.  Your contemplation, thinking, everything may influence your decision, but that itself may not be decisively decision-making.  Please listen!  Your thinking, contemplation, analyzing, intranalyzing, all these, at the most can only influence the decision.  They cannot be decisively decision-making.  So, the immediate cognition you carry, immediate cognition you carry plays a major role. 

Please understand, in the Inner Awakening, I am giving you the right immediate cognition.  Because, the immediate cognition goes on functioning in one way in your life, and your intranalyzing, intellectual understanding goes on functioning in another direction.  The gap between these two is called “Vaasana”.  You go on visualizing you will have a happy, beautiful, great family and Sangha around you, joyful employees and employers around you.  But the moment your wife or husband calls, the moment you pick up the phone, ‘Grrrr! Tell me!!!!’  And you justify yourself: ‘Slowly I will change myself.  Later on I will become friendly, loving.  And then they will become friendly, loving.  And then we will become happy family.’  You go on keeping your fantasy alive and go on working in a completely opposite direction!  If I expose you to you, you jump on me, try to bite me!

The “vaasana”.....  In Sanskrit we have a beautiful word – “Samskara”, “Vaasana”.  “Vaasana” means, having the unconscious life patterns which is completely against the reality you want to cause in your life.  Having and working in an unconscious way which is completely opposite to the reality you want to cause for yourself and others.  So, why is this happening? 

Yesterday we were having one of the best processes I have ever designed.  Everyone is telling when they declare their reality, they will have an amazing group of people around them, they will be loving towards them, and they will all be loving towards them.  So such an amazing description!  ‘We will speak into their listening and they will speak into my listening.....lala lala...’  Everyone is declaring their reality as a “La la Land”!  But I told them to take one step: ‘Alright, for this reality to happen around you, the first thing you need to do is ability to speak into the listening of the people.’  Only if you release the gas from the stomach, digestion will happen.  Only if you remove the “vaasanas” from your life, only if you make the person understand his “vaasana”, you will be able to speak into the listening of the person.  In a stomach with gas, digestion cannot happen.  Understand, same way, in a mind filled with “vaasana”, listening cannot happen.  If somebody is filled with “vaasanas”, you will never be able to speak into the listening of that person.  So, the first thing to do is make that person understand he is suffering because of his “vaasanas”.

I told the group, ‘Each one of you will help everyone to identify only one “vaasana” and complete.  That’s all!’  First time I am seeing, the whole group is in such an uncomfortable situation!  They didn’t say “no” to me.  They tried to say “no” in multi-fold ways.  But I am a taskmaster!  “Do it” means, “DO IT”!  First they said, ‘No, no...’  I could see, the people who were telling, ‘I want to create a spiritual community around me...’, they were the most reluctant!  They were saying, ‘No, no, no!’  I said, ‘Nothing doing!  This is your “vaasana”!’

What you want to do and what is the way you are doing, you go on pushing your hope, saying, ‘Tomorrow I will change.  After a few days I will change.  I will change!  Don’t push me too much!  Otherwise I may give up!’  If you give up who cares?  Actually, we blackmail even ourselves:  ‘I will give up!’  I wanted to give them the name “self-blackmailers”!  Self-blackmailing is self-denial.  That is the source of self-denial.  SDHDBM – Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial, Self-Blackmailing!  Listen!  Self-blackmailing is the source of all the invited diseases; like, when in life your declaration demands you to work more than eight hours, you invite back pain so that you can lie down, you invite cough and cold so that you can lie down, you invite fever, you invite body pain so that you can lie down!  Understand, you tell yourself, ‘If I am forced to work more than six hours, I am going to have leg pain, I am going to have stomach pain, I am going to have headache...’  Understand, this self-blackmailing is the invitation for self-invited diseases.  There are some diseases you inherit, there are many diseases you invite. 

Listen!  The self-blackmailers are the most cunning human-beings on Planet Earth, because they develop the pattern of constant blackmailing from the young age.  If the mother does not give the biscuit, start crying!  If the brother is not giving the chocolate, kick the leg and jump on the floor!  If the sister is not giving the sweet, go and hit your head on the wall!  Self-blackmailing!  I tell you, the peak of the self-blackmailing pattern is suicide!  And peak of the self-blackmailing pattern is inability to decide!  SBM – Self-BlackMailing pattern! 

So, immediate cognition, your immediate cognition, and the cognition which you derive after intranalyzing, when there is a gap, you suffer with “vaasanas”.  I tell you, most of your sufferings are not from “samskaras”; it is from “vaasanas”.  Most of your suffering is not from “samskaras”.  You are not that big a guy that “samskaras” need to come and torture you!  “Samskara” is the strong pattern you build on which your life functions.  “Vaasana” means, the unconscious patterns in which you are functioning, which is completely opposite to the reality you want to cause.  Smell of the “samskara” is “vaasana”.  “Samskara” is like an army, “Vaasana” is like local police.  Listen!  The “vaasanas” you carry continuously inside you, the self-blackmailing patterns you carry, those are the immediate cognition.   

Finally I managed to inspire, convince the participants, and only after going through the process they realized this process literally makes them to stand HUGE in front of them.  It is realizing your own state of Nirvana!  This word “nirvana” has been abused, misinterpreted, wrongly translated as “nudity”.  No!  Nirvana means, “standing in front of you without any covering; you facing you”!  When you find your “vaasanas”, you face you!  The beauty of the “vaasanas” is, the moment you find, it will disappear.  For “samskara” only you need completion.  For “vaasanas”, spontaneous completion is enough. 

I tell you, this was part of the pratyahara that yesterday the Inner Awakening people were doing.  See, for every extraordinary power, Patanjali has given a certain pratyahara, dharana, dhyana.  That pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, Samadhi, all these four put together is called “Samyama”.  Patanjali has given for every special power, siddhi, certain Samyama – special pratyahara, special dhyana, special dharana.  Only Samadhi state is one and the same.  Only pratyahara, dhyana, dharana differs.  Yesterday, first time I revealed the pratyahara for Mano Siddhi, Ishta Siddhi, Ishta Siddhitwa.  To achieve what you want, the pratyahara.  To cause your reality and others’ reality, the pratyahara.  I wanted all gurukul kids to be trained in this process.  May be the Mahants who are managing the Gurukul, both Mahants, can take the notes from yesterday’s class.  And I wanted this to be taught to our kids from the beginning.  Because, I am going to do the next experiment: making a different variety of banana happen in one tree, making a different taste of mango happen in one tree, through the power of the gurukul kids.  I will teach them the Mano Siddhi.  How they made the rose bush drop the thorn, same way the mango tree, just by relating with it, doing this Samyama with that tree, they will make that tree give a very sweet mango fruit! 

Yesterday I saw our gurukul brahmacharis were doing Rudra Homa.  The moment they finished the Rudra Homa, it started drizzling.  We were walking away....and I looked back.  They said, ‘Yes, Swamiji!  Before doing the Rudra Homa, we made an intention it should rain....and it started!’  Otherwise it is not the rainy season!  Our kids are mastering, really mastering the science!  I tell you guys, I will surely produce at least a few thousand siddhas just through the gurukul in the next few years!  Our Gurukul will be like a Harry Potter house!  Harry Potter, he does magic.  Here, our gurukul kids, they will play with the different Mano Siddhis! 

Understand, one of the important qualities of the “vaasana” is, how much ever spiritual awakening, spiritual inner awakening you may do for you, it will just give you one cup of wine and make you sleep.  Over!  It will never allow you to proceed.  The intranalyzed cognition which is the prasada of the inner awakening will never be allowed to become the immediate cognition; that is the power of “vaasana”.  The food you eat will never become energy in your body; that is the power of the gas sitting in your stomach.  Like gas in the stomach will never allow food to be converted as energy, the intranalyzed cognition which is the prasada of the inner awakening, your “vaasana” will never allow it to become immediate cognition.  Understand, the intranalyzed cognition becoming immediate cognition is the work of the Guru.  Guru’s grace is required only there.  But that can happen only if you are completely non-violent, surrendering to the Guru.  Because I expose your “vaasanas” to you, you will experience so much of anger and violence towards the Guru. 

One of our Swamis was trying to train his brahmachari.  This fellow, completely no integrity, no authenticity, cheating, fraudulent, and this Swami was trying to train that brahmachari.  And he says, ‘I am running away!’  As if we are waiting to keep him here!  I called him and told him, ‘You want to run away.  Why do you want to run away?  Pack up your bags and leave!’  I am very clear, I am not going to compromise on dhamma, the strength of dharma, for the sake of number.  No! 

Recently there was a big controversy.  VHP President, Ashok Singhal (VHP = Vishwa Hindu Parishad), has made a statement that all the Hindu parents should give birth to at least five children.  And there was so much of uproar. Some of the media houses funded by petro dollars, to show their loyalty, have started abusing this statement as a wrong statement.  Now I am making a statement:  What Ashok Singhalji said is completely right!  Listen!  Not only you should give birth to five kids, you should bring all of them as per the Vedic Tradition!  It is not just giving birth to five; we have so much population.  Just population is not going to solve our problem.  Bringing them up in the Vedic way!  Pregnancy should happen as per the Garbhopanishad.  Bringing up should happen as per the Gurukul Tradition.  Giving birth and bringing them up, I tell you, if you guys give birth and bring them up in the Vedic way, population will become the strength of India!  Because we are brought up by the slave-making Macaulay’s education system, clerk-making education system, the population is a load on the country.  If you can bring up in the Vedic way, the population will be the strength of the country!  That is why I am telling you, people, just people are not enough.  We need people with the Vedic way of living, the intelligence, knowledge. 

In Rig Veda, there is a mantra:

|| दशास्यां पुत्राना धेहि पतिमेकादशं कृ िध ||
|| daśāsyāṃ putrānā dhehi patimekādaśaṃ kṛdhi ||
(Rig Veda 10.85.35-47)

Means, the lady who is getting married prays:  “Let me have ten children, and may I treat my husband as the eleventh child”.

It has a beautiful meaning.  One, if you live beautifully ten years and give birth to ten children, you will go beyond lust.  By the eleventh kid, you will develop a unique relationship: your husband will become your child, you will become his mother!

I strongly recommend, promote, all my disciples should have at least five kids and bring them all up in the Vedic way.  Either you take sannyas and enrich hundreds of lifes to take sannyas, or, if you are getting married, at least be productive there!  For all my grihastha disciples, devotees, I sincerely give this as a recommendation and request: You will give birth at least to five kids and bring them up in the Vedic way.  And of the five, at least one, let it become a sannyasi.  Let us stop this retirement-based education.  Let us initiate exploring-based education.  Anything in life you explore.  “Exploration” is the tagline of the Hindu way of education.  “Settling” is the tagline of the Western way of education.  What do you mean by “settling”?  You will get a job and settle down.  You will have a career and settle down. 

Listen!  I wanted all our devotees, disciples to make Ashok Singhal’s words true.  What he said should be made to come true.  All of you householders will give birth to five kids.  And if you are a Brahmin by birth, six!  Because, I want one for sannyas and one for Gurukul!  You have four, give me two.  Bring up all your kids, whether it is five or six, in the Vedic way.  Give them the education which helps them to explore.  They should not be constantly visualizing “settling”.  They should be constantly visualizing “exploration”.  From the context of exploration, mistakes never become sin.  From the context of settling, even the right things become dull, routine. 

I will make Siddha Purushas!  Because, this Samyama on Ishta Siddhitwa is such a powerful Samyama, it makes intranalyzed cognition into immediate cognition.  This is going to be a unique contribution from now onwards from the Inner Awakening.  Actually, I wanted one root of the Banyan Tree to be moved a little.  Some roots we have already moved.  Some roots have to be moved.  I was thinking I will tell all our gurukul kids to sit around the Banyan Tree and request the Banyan Tree.  And it will simply move in two days!  With my Integrity and Authenticity I declare to you guys, listen, very soon I will make our gurukul kids to materialize vibhooti and kumkum.  They will not just go around and do Yoga Shows, Mallakhamba Shows.  I also declare with my Integrity and Authenticity, they will not be doing just some magic.  Magic means keep it somewhere and taking it out.  No!  They will be expressing the Mano Siddhi and materializing vibhooti and kumkum!  And they will go around and do live shows!  If somebody tries to abuse them, they will just materialize a defamation notice!  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...!

When the “vaasanas” are removed, and the intranalyzed cognition, the best reality you want to cause for yourself becomes the immediate cognition, that is called “Ishta Siddhitwa”.  That is where you are successful in the Samyama of Ishta Siddhi, Mano Siddhi.  Initiating all of you in the first level of Mano Siddhi is Kalpataru Darshan. 

Now I will start the Kalpataru Darshan for Seattle-Chidambaram and Bidadi.  Before starting the Kalpataru, I am giving the essence of today’s satsangh.

The essence is:

Let all the intranalyzed cognitions become immediate cognition so that the “vaasanas” are completed, Ishta Siddhi is achieved, postponing stops. 

So, with this, I will move to the Kalpataru process. 

Please sit straight.  Pick up one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions you carry around that thought.  Write both.  Please take a few minutes and pen down the incompletions you carry.  Pick up any one thought you want to cause as reality, and the incompletions you carry about that thought.  Pen down both. 

(After a few minutes.....................)

Now let us enter into the Kalpataru process. 

Sit straight.  Close your eyes.  Create a space for what you want to cause as reality.  Means, whatever you want to cause as reality, see it is already real.  Visualize and complete with all the self-doubts, self-hatred, denial, and drop it.  Just be in the space of causing your reality.  Visualize what you want is already real.  Namah Shivaya!


Relax.  I bless you all!  The thought you visualize, the space you hold, let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!

We will start the darshan in Seattle-Chidambaram.


I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________

Monday, 24 February 2014

23 FEB: Everything, everything, be from the context of happening!


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, visitors, viewers, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Lotus TV, Sadhna TV, Eshwar TV, Janashree TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities, many countries around the world....and the devotees who are sitting here in Bidadi Raja Sabha.  I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

The cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing: Nithyananda Nagarmu-Hyderabad, Bogota-Colombia, Port Washington-New York, Jorpati-Nepal, Santa Fe-New Mexico, Newfoundland-Canada, Mulund-Mumbai, Bangalore Centre, High Point-North Carolina, Dakota Dunes, xxxxx-North Carolina, London-Kashi, Grasse-France, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Auckland-New Zealand, Seremban-Malaysia, Houston-Kalahasti, San Jose-Madurai, Kulim-Tiruttani, Seattle-Chidambaram, Toronto-Kailasam, Ohio-Prayag, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Singapore-Singapuram, San Diego-Tirualavai, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Charlotte-Srisailam, Killinocchi-Sri Lanka, Hong Kong-Central, Oman-Sivagangai, Agra, Ajka-Hungary, Coimbatore-Dhyanapeetam, Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Avathipalayam, Peethadeeshwaris’ Training Centre-Salem, Talahassee-Florida, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Today I wanted to share this very important message: Education should be moving your life! 

Please listen!  Whether it is education for your career, like a MA, BA, Engineering, Lawyer, Doctor, whatever, or spiritual education, whatever may be the purpose, the education should be moving your life.  Life should be moving, life should be filled with happening.  Unfortunately, all education at present creates the context of settled, withdrawing, retiring.  For example, you are told, ‘Do Engineering; you will get a job and you can settle down in life.’  It means, what is the context?  You are never told, ‘Do Engineering, take up a job or career in that field, explore and contribute something, achieve something, give something to society.’  This context was never set.  Please listen, the context set for any action is very important, in a way much more than action! 

I have seen....I have seen, people trying to take up sannyas as a retirement!  A few days before, I was in the Inner Awakening session.  During the session break, gap, I was sitting with the Tamil Nadu sannyasis’ team; the sannyasis who are working, our Swamis who are working in Tamil Nadu, with that team I was sitting, chatting, laughing.  The whole group was joking on the stage, laughing.  Later on, when the participants were sharing, they said, ‘We are jealous of this group.’ 

If you have the right context and take up, even sannyas will be successful!  Please understand, if you think that laughter is wonderful, amazing, and from the context that you want to be part of that laughing group if you want to take sannyas, you are right; it IS beautiful!  But, sometimes, sannyas is approached more with retirement ideology! 

‘Oh, I will take sannyas...’ 

‘And after that what will you do?’

‘I will get food, and I will sit and do “Shiva-Shiva, Shiva-Shiva, Shiva-Shiva.....” (chanting Shiva’s name).

Shiva himself is dancing and running this whole Cosmos!  But these fellows will just be chanting “Shiva-Shiva, Shiva-Shiva”, and sitting in one corner! 

Whether it is religious education, or secular education, education like your profession – doctor, engineer – whether it is secular education or religious education, that context should be exploring and radiating, expanding....not retiring, shrinking. 

Listen!  Swami Vivekananda puts it very beautifully: “With manifestation of divinity within begins the high possibility even!” 

So, the context set for education or any activity has to be “happening”, not retirement, not withdrawal, not moving out, not shrinking.

Two days before, somebody came to me in the Kalpataru Darshan and said, ‘Swamiji, I want to build a temple.  I have collected fifty percent of the money.  You give me money; I want to build the temple.’

I asked him, ‘So what for you want to build the temple?’

He said, ‘If I build a temple, I will just sit there and settle down....and I will run my life with whatever little money people give in that temple and I will run the temple...’

I started laughing and said, ‘Do you think running a temple is a simple job?’

He thinks after building the temple he will rest!  It is like thinking that after building a ship you will rest!  If you rest after building a ship, what will happen?  Along with you, the ship will sink!  Running the ship has to be done! 

Anything you create, build, running it has to be done.  Please understand, without knowing about maintaining, any creation is equivalent to destruction.  So constantly don’t wait to withdraw.  Don’t work from the context of withdrawal.  Don’t work from the context of retirement.  Don’t work from the context of constantly waiting to withdraw.

Understand, even death cannot retire you from your mission!  Even death cannot tire you from your mission!  Even death cannot tire you from your mission! 

Constantly educate yourself for happening, not for retiring.  Understand, if your context for something is retiring, withdrawal, a small problem is enough; immediately you will back out, you will withdraw.  Your context is “happening”, making it happen. 

Every obstacle which comes in your life, know how to make it as a success.  Please listen!  Because my whole life is from the context of happening, when these fools tried to bring a test, the way I handled it, it has become a testimony for me!  When these fools brought a trial, the way I handled it, it become a triumph for me!  When these fools tried to make me a victim, the way I handled it, it become a victory for me!  The test which was brought became testimony, the trial which was brought became triumph, the victim mode they were trying to bring became victory! 

Listen, it is the context from which you operate that decides how you are going to respond to the incompletions or the obstacles which happen in your life.  If the context is “happening”, making it happen, your education will be for that purpose, everything will be for that purpose.

The constant hangover residue for the retirement is self-denial.  That is the source of arthritis!  The constant residue for the withdrawal, retirement.....  Sometimes our softness will be rooted in the pattern of withdrawal.  Look in.  The constant impossibility is also from the constant residue hangover for withdrawal.  Understand, the constant hangover for withdrawal is almost like an itching sensation.  You can never heal the itching sensation by scratching it.  You can never complete the constant hangover of the withdrawal by vacations.  Vacations are like itching skin; by scratching are you going to heal the itching skin?  By going for vacation, are you going to heal the constant hangover for withdrawal?  I tell you, I wanted all my disciples to understand, all your vacations should be more active than your profession!  That is why, all Hindu vacations are active pilgrimages.  In Hindu concept, in Hinduism, the vacation is pilgrimage; means, climbing the hill, going around the hill, walking up to the Himalayas.  I really wanted to speak specially on this subject of the Hindu way of vacation.

The constant withdrawal mode which you remember, relish, cherish will lead you to the space of hopelessness.  Listen!  Please listen!  It is like are you trying to get a driving licence that, ‘Once I get the licence, I can sleep...’?  No!  The moment you get the driving licence only you can start driving!  Same way, sannyas is the licence to dedicate your life to the whole world, not insurance for retirement!  Sannyas is not retirement insurance!  It is a licence to start your life! 

Education should not be a retirement insurance; it should be a licence to start your life.  Why people want a government job?  Nobody wants government hospitals, government transport system, government system; but everybody wants to marry a government-job husband, or everybody wants to get a government job!  Why?  Because government job is almost like a retirement insurance; once you get it, you can’t be moved!  You just fill that seat; in a few months you will really “fill” that seat, your front and back will expand up to the sides of the seat and the seat is really filled, and you will just sign and take the cheque home (your monthly salary).  The possibility for “happening” is shut down!

Understand, the context from which sannyas is approached should be changed.  The context from which education is approached should be changed.  Don’t fall into powerlessness whenever you are catching your patterns.  Whenever you are catching your patterns, it should be with a lot of excitement, excitement that you are going for a war, not with the powerlessness that you are going to be defeated!  ‘I don’t even know where the enemy is!  What will I do?’  If you don’t know where the enemy is, you have one benefit: you can just shoot and scoot in the night!  Shoot in the air in any direction.  Because, anything you don’t know is your enemy!  Any pattern which you don’t understand is your enemy!  Any context which you don’t understand is your enemy!  Listen, whether it is your religious education or spiritual education, marriage or sannyas, career or job, everything should be approached from the context of “happening”, “furthering”.  Happening and furthering!

Sometimes I have seen, some people enter into my ashram with the wrong context: ‘Oh, just a few months if I somehow bear, I will get Krama Brahmacharya.  Then after that for a few months somehow if I sit, I will get Sannyas.  Then that’s all...’  But after they know........!! J  As I said, Sannyas is not retirement insurance; it is licence to start life!

Look inside.  Whenever you are making your life filled with happening, you come back energetically!  The definition of “Vacation” should be changed.  “Vacation” means: That which keeps you more active, more alive from different context, is “Vacation”! 

Listen!  Listen!  The definition of “Vacation” according to dharma is: The change of action, place, lifestyle for a few days, which keeps you more active, more active by changing the context, is “Vacation”!

Understand, I am defining “Dharma”: The law with which life functions, which cannot be grasped by your logic, is “Dharma”!  The law with which life functions, which cannot be grasped by your logic, is “Dhamma”!

So, the definition of vacation which I gave, you may think, ‘Oh, if I am more active in the vacation and come back, will I not be more tired?’  The incompletion “after every action you will be tired”, should be completed.  It is a lie that you are made to believe!  The concept of “the graph which goes up has to come down” is a lie, which is not right!  “The graph which goes up has to come down” is a materialistic way of believing.  That is why, till this basic cognition is removed, always your excitement will go up and come down, your hate will go up and come down, your trust will go up and come down, your incompletions will go up and come down, your self-doubts will go up and come down.  When your SDHD (Self-Doubt, Hatred, Denial) goes up, you will put it on me and I have to suffer it!  That basic belief, the cognition that you are not qualified to be high all the time, has to be completed.  You have to be on a high all the time!  You don’t need reasons to support your high, you being high.  If you are feeling high, excited, and making things happen in your life, one corner of you will wonder, ‘Why am I high?  What is the reason?  Nothing much has happened; then why are you jumping around like a fool?’  Getting depressed and sitting in a corner only looks like a fool!  Jumping around looks cute!  Your jumping around does not need a reason.  Just jump around because you are alive!

Don’t take life too seriously.  Anyhow you are not going to get out of it alive! HAHAHAHAHAHA!  Come on!  Then why are you constantly, all the time, having a wrong cognition about happening?  Why are you constantly celebrating, all the time looking from the lower context, lower existence?  When you are jumping, already you are waiting, you are planning, ‘I am going to get tired! I have to sit down....’  If you are up, alive, excited, already one part of you will say, ‘By tomorrow it will become okay, this will all settle down....I know...’ 

Learn this habit of active vacation.  The best way is: Do Padayatras!  Go to the temples, spiritual pilgrimage places, do padayatra with family.  Have one vehicle for any emergency care; let it come behind; you go by walk.  I tell you, going to padayatra as a whole family, first thing, it will give you the alternative vacation style, alternative style of vacation; second, it will really make you help each other in facing the realities of life, support each other, and it will really bond you so well.

The essence of what I wanted to convey: Let everything be based on one word – HAPPENING!  Go on making things happen.  Everyone.....I am not saying everyone around you should feel “Wow! How many GOOD things he has done!”; if all of them feel, ‘How MANY things he has done!’, that is enough!  Because, people will never see how many GOOD things he has done.  So, don’t wait for people to say, ‘How many GOOD things he has done!’  If they say, ‘How MANY things he has done!’, that itself is your success! 

There is an automatic, default protective system in your being, self-defence, self-protection.  Your life needs to move within your system only to make you active.  To be protective, to be defensive, to be sitting in a cave, I don’t need to teach you; that is what your mind is teaching you.  I know after you get into the cave what you will be doing!  You will be painting, cleaning, dressing the cave!  I know that!  All these people who are in the mode of retirement, that is what they will be doing!  No, really!  When you become restless, what will you do?  Start cleaning the cave; then start planning: ‘In the cave itself if I have a small water-body it will be nice!  And one attached will be nice!’

In Tiruvannamalai, there is a cave...a Five Star ashram!  One Swami went and tried to live in that cave.  Slowly, slowly, he made that cave into a Five Star Hotel!  And I was laughing!  This is what happens without getting into the Hridaya Guha (the cave of your heart) if you get into the external guha (guha = cave).  And when you get into the Hridaya Guha, you will be so alive and active, you don’t need an external guha!

Let every decision, whether it is for secular education or religious education, or the decisions of life like Sannyas, marriage, or career, job, profession, let everything be based on “happening”. 

Whenever people come to me, ‘Swamiji, should I do this job or that profession or that career?’, I always feel you can do all the three and something more!  But if I tell are you going to listen?  But whoever is ready to listen to me, I tell, ‘Do all four!’   

‘No, Swamiji.  This is from different, different cities...’

‘You create the space that you are going to do all the four.  You will see everything aligns into your bedroom!  You don’t need to be travelling to different cities or countries to do all these four jobs!’

Now I am not travelling from country to country to do what I want!  Just sitting on one Sarvagna Peetha, one seat, I am doing what I want!

Don’t tell me, ‘No, Swamiji....your job is different, my job is different...’

No!  Just create the right context.  You will see things will align...things will align!

Everything, everything, be from the context of happening!  Understand, when you perform an action from the context of retirement, the result will be different.  The same action done from the context of happening, the result will be totally different!  Performing any action from the right context of happening is “Creating the Space”, “Working from the Space”.  Don’t study to retire. Don’t build a temple to retire.  Don’t build an ashram to retire.  Don’t become a sannyasi to retire.  Don’t become a doctor to retire.  Decide very clearly, if you are a doctor and you are doing surgery every day now, even after you drop the body you will be in another space and helping people to heal!  What you do now, let it be aligned to your mission of life; if not, don’t do even now!  If it is not aligned to your whole mission, don’t even do that now!  Stop it!  Be very clear, even after you die, as a ghost you should be doing the same thing!  ‘Yes, now I am attending to the phone calls in the Enriching Temple.  After I leave the body, I will go into their dream and attend to their phone calls!  Whether I have this body or drop this body, I am going to do that continuously!’

Please understand, working from this context of happening, you will not face old-age and disease.  Never old-age and disease will have power over you!  Old-age and disease will have power over you only if you build your life with the context of retirement.  If your Vision and Mission is such that there is a possibility for retirement, only then old-age and disease will have power over you.  Conquer old-age and disease!

I wanted this homework to be done: 

All our gurukul kids should sit and plan.  Plan for your future what you want to become, what is the reality you want to cause.  Be very clear, you will be causing that whether you are in the body or you have dropped your body. 

All our devotees also, I wanted all of you guys to do this one homework today.  Think through: What you want to do in your life, you should be doing it while you have the body and after you drop the body. 

People who live the life, the Mission and the Vision, in which they are active while they are in the body after they left the body, they are only called as “Gods”, “Devathas”!  A great saint from Tamil Nadu, Valluvar, he defined who is God: 

வையத்துள் வாழ்வாங்கு வாழ்பவன்
வான்உறையும் தெய்வத்துள் வைக்கப் படும்.”

“Vaiyaththul Vaazhvaangu Vaazhbhavan
Vaanuraiyyum Deivaththul Vaikkappadum”

Please listen!  I am translating now and commenting on it:

“If your Vision and Mission in the real life is not going to be changed by having the body or dropping the body, you are God!”

Let your Vision or Mission be established from the context of “happening”.

I know, as long as I have this body, I am going to be sitting on this Sarvagna Peetha, where this sponge (sponge cushion on Swamiji’s seat) is going to feel my weight, and give my morning satsanghs.  When I leave the body, the same thing will be happening, but this sponge will not be feeling the weight of this body, that’s all!  Other than that, there is no change!  Other than that, there is no change!  One, I am going to live for quite a long time least ninety more years!  Second, see the technology has evolved in such way, now may be in a few months we are going to introduce the technology of hologram!  Means, all our ashrams and temples are going to see me in 3D (three dimension) in the morning satsangh!  Means, same type of technology will be put in all the ashrams where you will see me in 3D picking up the hand-kerchief, wiping my face, or playing with the Yoga Danda...!  One more thing, when these 3D satsanghs are recorded, when it is replayed, it will also appear in 3D!  Now itself the technology has evolved so much!  So, what all way the technology is going to evolve, that is different.  Even otherwise, when you are completely present in your happening, your presence itself will make the happening!  When you are completely present in the happening without sleeping, your presence itself will make the happening!

I wanted all our disciples to align themselves today.  Today, this is the homework.  Happening Sunday!  Understand, we will change our calendars into “Happening Holidays”, “Happening Vacations”!  When it is a Happening Holiday, it is a Holy Day!

Whether you are a gurukul kid, or a Mahant, or a Shrimahant, or a Sannyasi, or a Brahmachari, listen, Hinduism is for HAPPENING!  “Mumukshu” is a person who is aligning himself to happening!  “Moksha” means, happening...happening without even the help of your body and mind.  If the happening is happening with your body and mind’s help, it is called “present”.  If the happening is happening without the help of your body and mind, it is called “presence”.  Build your life in the present for presence; that is what I call “eternal life”, “living in Akshardham”.  If you decide, ‘Today I am attending the Enriching Temple calls.  After I leave the body, I will be doing the same job in their dreams!’, you will see, attending the temple calls will never become tiredness or boredom, because you will know, whether you have the body or don’t have the body, you are going to be doing the same thing! 

Aligning your purpose with your life takes away the tiredness and boredom in you.  The eternal reality takes away the tiredness and boredom from you.  If you don’t align yourself to the eternal reality, whatever you desire you will always see that almost it is coming near your mouth....and it is disappearing!  It is like, you come all the way from a different country to spend a few days with me in Bidadi, and suddenly you are sent to Hosur (a place in Tamil Nadu)!  It feels like almost what you want is coming near your mouth....but suddenly it is not there!

Listen!  Listen!  Listen!  Today we will all celebrate the Happening Sunday!  Means, we will align all our goals, actions, Vision, Mission, everything by questioning: ‘Is this what I want to do forever?  Am I going to do this eternally?’  Sometimes you may have to complete with the boredom and tiredness you created from the past.  Sometimes you may have to complete with your SDHD (
Self-Doubt, Hatred, Denial).  But, finally, by today evening, come back to alignment.  You will do something which will never cause you tiredness or boredom.  Because I know for sure, forever, coming and sitting in the morning, receiving the Pada Puja, and doing the satsangh, and taking calls after that enlightening people, is going to be my life’s purpose, Vision, Mission, whether I have this body or drop this body.  This is what I am going to be doing with body or without body.  Never tiredness or boredom can make me withdraw!  Tiredness and boredom can never overpower me! 

When you create the context of eternity to your present reality, creating the context of eternity to the present reality is living enlightenment!  Creating the context of eternity to the present reality!  If you are sitting and checking the vouchers in the Accounts Department, you should know the context of eternity for this.  Tomorrow, even if you leave the body, you are going to be checking the accounts of Kubera!  (Kubera is the demi-god in Hindu tradition who hoards wealth).  If you are going to do this security job, tomorrow, even if you are going to leave the body, you are going to do the job of “bhoota gana”, checking the boundaries of Kailasha.  Understand, today if you are doing the job of doctor – eN-Pregnancy – even if you leave this body, you are going to be doing the same job as Ashwini Kumara, Marich, Marut, Sushruta, or Dhanwantari.

People who have aligned their present action to the eternity context never suffer by tiredness, boredom, or powerlessness.  I tell you, if the tiredness and boredom and powerlessness is removed from your life, you are embalmed to eternity!  That is the word I will use: “Embalmed to Eternity”!  You all would have heard about this embalming.  When somebody dies, inject a few chemicals into their body; there will not be any smell of the dead body; the body won’t deteriorate or decay; it will be preserved and remain for eternity!  Same way, I am giving a technique of embalming yourself, embalming yourself for eternity, embalming your consciousness for eternity:  Inject the context of eternity to your present.  Pull out tiredness and boredom.  Reject powerlessness.  This is the alchemy of eternal....  May be, I can use a new word: “eN-Balming” instead of “embalming”! eN-Balming your consciousness for eternity!

I tell you, if you align yourself now itself and bring the context of eternity to your present and start living, naturally the tiredness and boredom, impossibility, powerlessness will never be able to overpower you.  Then I guarantee you a place in Akshardham!  Even if you are a devotee, if you live this quality of life, I guarantee you a place in Akshardham.  There (pointing upwards) and here (pointing downwards)!  Below the ground and above the sky!  In real-estate and real state!  Real Estate and Real State!  “Real Estate” means, place in the ten-thousand Samadhis around me.  And Real State (Swamiji points upwards)!  I am making the whole thing very simple.

Just bring the context of eternity to your present.  Align your everyday routine, thinking, job, action, from morning till night, to the context of eternity.  Anything else, gun it down!  I tell you, when you align yourself to the context of eternity, not only the tiredness and boredom cannot have power over you, even having the body or not having the body will not have power over you.  Having the body or not having the body will not have power over you.

Today you have a lot of thinking, intranalyzing.  I wanted all the satsanghis to sit sincerely and spend at least one hour to align yourself to this eternity.  When the context of eternity is set for the ephemeral, the border between eternity and ephemeral naturally gets dissolved, disappears.  When there is no border between eternity and ephemeral, that is what I call “Jeevan Mukthi”, “Living Enlightenment”. 

With this, we will start the Kalpataru process.  I welcome all the students in the University of Texas, Austin, who have come for Kalpataru Darshan.  Nice to have you guys!  And hope I was able to at least give one or two useful principles for your life.  Now we will move to the Kalpataru process.  I wanted all of you to take up a paper and pen.  The people who are here for Kalpataru and the people who are in the University of Texas, Austin for Kalpataru, please pick up paper and pen.  Choose one thought that you want to cause as reality, and all the doubt, incompletions you have around that thought.  Pen down both.  Choose a thought you want to cause as reality, and the incompletions, self-doubts, self-hatred, self-denial you have around that thought.  Please pen down both.

(After a few minutes.....................) we will move into the process.  Please close your eyes.  Sit straight and listen!  Create the space for what you want to cause as reality.  University of Texas, Austin, all the participants, please listen!  I am giving an example. For example, you wanted a successful career as a doctor.  Visualize that it has already happened, that it is a reality now.  All the doubts you have, the incompletions you have, fears you have, complete all of that and drop it.  And see what you wanted is existential reality, it is real now.  Visualize and see it is real now already.  Hold on to this space for the next few minutes.  Namah Shivaya!


Relax.  I bless you all!  The space you hold, let it become reality!  The thought you created, let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!

We will start the darshan for Austin, University of Texas.  Austin, let us start the darshan. 

I also wanted to announce...I am very happy to announce that the Kumbh Mela in Los Angeles is happening very beautifully and successfully!

So, first we will have the darshan for University of Texas, Austin.  Then Chennai we have one darshan. And then we will have the darshan for all the devotees gathered in Bidadi.  Then we will have the Sangha meeting, the Global Sangha meeting.  Then we will go for Inner Awakening session.  Today, you guys (Inner Awakening participants) have a beautiful, in the morning itself, Vaak Siddhi initiation!  

University of Texas, can you go ahead...?


I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching and Causing with eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________

24 FEB: Listen! Inner Awakening washes your brain from all brainwashing.

24 February 2014 / Monday

To Watch this Message in Youtube, follow this link :


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, Sannyasis, Brahmacharis, sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities in many countries around the world.  

The cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing: Toronto-Kailasam, Ohio-Prayag, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Bangalore Centre, Port Washington-New York, Chicago-Srirangam, Warrington-UK, San Antonio-Texas, Oman-Sivagangai, Hong Kong Central, Scottsdale-Arizona, Jaipur, Manhattan-New York, Calgary, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, London-Kashi, Talahassee-Florida, Jorpati-Nepal, Austin, Redondo Beach, Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Avathipalayam, San Diego-Tirualavai, High Point-North Carolina, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Houston-Kalahasti, Kulim-Tiruttani, San Jose-Madurai, Seattle-Chidambaram, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Singapore, Tiruvanmiyur, Haridwar Dhyanapeetam, Indrani-New Jersey, Charlotte-Srisailam, Oklahoma-Somanatham.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

I will expand on the importance of Inner Awakening.

Before entering into today’s satsangh, Mahadeva’s Leela.  Today Mahadeva is gracing us in the Leela of proving the authenticity of the Shaiva scriptures. 

Sundareshwara, Maheshwara, Shiva, proved the authenticity of Shaiva scriptures by putting the leaves on which those scriptures are written into the fire, and the fire did not burn the leaves!  He put them in water, in the river, and they floated and went against the current without getting washed away by the river!  Mahadeva is gracing us in that Leela.

Listen!  What can be done by the eyes, how to explain it to the people who never had eyes?  See, having eyes is a possibility.  You can’t say, ‘Oh, with eyes we see.’  You can’t stop with that.  There are multiple things you can see because of seeing.  There are multiple other decisions you can take.  Please understand, seeing does not stop with seeing!  Seeing starts some possibility, certain openings, certain possibilities.  It goes on and on and on.

Same way, listening.  Listening is not just the ability to hear; it is a possibility.  When that possibility opens through listening, so much of transformation happens in you. So, you can’t say, ‘Oh, with ears we just hear.’  No!  Just imagine, if you didn’t have hearing, you would not even have known about consciousness, atman, the great life, the possibilities you have. 

(break in transmission.......)

If you abuse Hinduism it is called “freedom of speech”.  If you talk about the truths and facts of other religions, it is “hurting religious sentiments”!  Because of the brutal brainwashing done to Indians, the wrong knowledge became part of our lifestyle.  And, see, when the wrong knowledge becomes part of your lifestyle, you can easily be exploited.  Inner Awakening is an antidote for this exploitative educational system, brainwashing educational system.  This modern-day education system, especially whatever we have in India, other than memorizing and vomiting in examination and forgetting the very next day...!  I have studied enough of these students.  One week after the examination if you ask them to write the same examination, no one will take even thirty-five marks (the minimum marks required for a pass in India)!  The moment they write the final examination, they feel a kind of relief and they tell their brain, ‘Forget it, eject it!’  Not only the lessons, the information is just kicked out!  What kind of a curse!  

Listen!  Inner Awakening washes your brain from all brainwashing.  Brainwashing is different, washing your brain is different.  Inner Awakening is a new way, new perception, the real perception you bring to your life.

Sometimes when people tell, ‘Oh, it is too much money...’, I tell them, ‘Do you want a wife who never nags you?’  I read a one-liner:  “Wife is cute, when she is mute.  Husband is honey, when he gives money!” HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...!   Do you want to have a wife who doesn’t nag you?  Do you want the life where there is so much of harmony, where there is clarity, where you have the tools and the energy to do it?  See, in the Inner Awakening, I am not giving you just technical knowledge or tools; I am giving you the energy and making you do it!  Especially I am so happy the whole program has evolved so beautifully with the precise need of human-beings.  We have also discovered the exact point where human-beings are stuck, the exact points where human-beings are not able to move to the next level.  We also understood by working, working, working with more and more human-beings. 

I am not one of these useless, old-type of gurus who make one manual, and that same manual they teach for twenty years, and all their disciples go around and repeat the same manual like a parrot, and they give this Kriya, that Yoga, and give two-thousand rupees, three-thousand rupees.  I am the energy centre where the research and development happens!  I go on upgrading, updating ourselves.  By the time you make a manual, I have gone ten times beyond!  These mediocre gurus, they make one manual, they go on repeating the same thing for, sometimes, even twenty-five years!  I used to wonder: twenty-five years if you are not upgrading yourself, then what is the interaction you are having with human-beings?!! 

First of all, you have to use your intelligence, because teachings can never be ultimate or permanent or eternal.  If teachings can be eternal, then in Hinduism also we would have said, ‘This is the book! Follow it!’  No!  Teachings can never be eternal!  How the comforts and luxuries can never be one or same forever, same way the inner luxury, inner comforts.  The internal luxury, internal comforts, the luxuries of the internal space, consciousness, comforts of the internal space, consciousness is spiritual teachings; you cannot squeeze into one manual where you also talk the same thing for twenty years, and your disciples learn to repeat this like a parrot and go around for this class, that class.  No!  Inner Awakening, with every feedback, every research, we develop ourselves, upgrade ourselves.  I am so happy, now precisely we are able to address and solve, experientially initiate people’s inner-space into an awakening state.  You become a real Jagat Guru, not because one of your disciples is Jagat!  A real Jagat Guru! 

Understand, many times the “vasanas” (unconscious inclinations, tendencies) you carry, you go on imagining about the life you want and go on doing something completely against what you want.  You go on imagining the things you want, but you go on doing something against what you want!  That is a very funny thing which human-beings go on doing.

Inner Awakening wakes you up to the worst “vasanas” you carry.  “Vasana” is like a mental pattern which makes you think in one way and do exactly the opposite thing!  Always you wanted a peaceful home, harmonious home, but you go on fighting for it!  These people who say, we fight for peace, how can you go on “fighting” for peace?  How can you bring peace into the home if you are “fighting” for it?

Understand, Inner Awakening aligns your priorities and actions together, teaches you to create the space to achieve what you want.  If you don’t know the science of achieving what you want, whatever you achieve is an accident!  It is just an accident!  Listen!  It is just an accident!  Your life should not be an accident.  Your life should not be an accident.  Again and again and again, you aligning your inner-space to create the reality you wanted is Inner Awakening!  Unfortunately, after two days, your inner-space goes back to the same “vasanas” where you think in one way and act in another way.  You think about six-pack body and healthy body all the time, but you wake up at 10 o’clock in the morning and eat non-vegetarian food, and drink alcohol, don’t move out of the couch, empty 10 kgs of French fries!  You will not have six-packs, you will have a six-step body where kids can put six steps and climb on you!  See, you go on imagining one thing and go on doing something else. Same way, you go on imagining, ‘I will have this kind of a peaceful, harmonious home.’  But, every night, there is a fight, withdrawal, resistance!  So, what you imagine and what you do, when these two “vasanas”, when these two are completely opposite to each other, how do you think anything great can come out of your living? 

Power of Living means, the purpose and reality become one and the same, visualization and reality become one and the same.  Only then you are experiencing the Power of Living.  Otherwise, thirty years before what you imagined, still you carry the same imagination.  But thirty years before how you lived, you are worse than that now!  Then what kind of life you lived?  Power of Living!  Power of Living!  Awaken yourself to the Power of Living through Inner Awakening, especially experientially getting it into your system.  As of now, either fear or lust only becomes the major driving energy for a normal man.  I change that whole major driving energy!  I make inspiration as the driving force of your life!  Let inspiration become the life energy, driving energy for life!

With this, I will move to the Kalpataru process after a small break.

(SMALL BREAK.....................)

Please pick up one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the doubts, incompletions you have around that thought.  Please start penning down.  Participants of Kalpataru program in San Diego and Chicago, I welcome all of you.  Please start writing.  Pick up paper and pen.  Write one thought you want to make as reality, and all the doubts, incompletions, confusions you have to make that thought into reality.

(After a few minutes.....................)

Now please sit straight.  Close your eyes.  I will lead you into the process.  Whatever one thought you want to make as reality, hold the space for it.  Visualize it is already real, reality, it has already become reality.  Hold the space for it to become experience in you.  Anything you want to cause it to reality, visualize it is already real.  Complete all the incompletions, self-doubts, and drop it.  Carry, hold the space for what you want to cause as reality.  Namah Shivaya!


Relax.  I bless you all!  The space you hold, let it become reality!  The thought you want to make as reality, let it become reality!

Now we will start having the Kalpataru Darshan.


Causing the eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________