Monday, 5 January 2015

5th January 2015

5th January 2015 / Monday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

Listen audio only :

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, everyone, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV and Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha all over the world.

Cities sitting with us having Nayana Deeksha all over the world: Toronto-Thiru Kailasam, Houston-Kalahasthi, Ohio-Prayag, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Seattle-Chidambaram, Washington DC-Sripuram, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Scottsdale-Arizona, Brisbane-Australia, Rogers-Texas, Sammamish-Washington, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Colombo-Sri Lanka, Oman-Sivagangai, Singapore-Singapuram, San Jose-Madurai, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Selayang-Malaysia, Port Washington-New York, Enriching Temple-Bidadi, New Jersey-Omkareshwar, New York-Varanasi, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Philip Island-Australia, Dakota Dunes, Karjat-Mumbai, Selayang-Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Surrey-Canada, Melbourne-Tiruvarur, London-Kashi.....and some more cities.

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today the Brahmotsavam, Nithyananda Brahmotsavam is beginning in the ashram and all over the world.  Not only in the ashram, all over the world, the whole Nithyananda Sangha begins the celebration of Nithyananda Brahmotsavam.  All over the world, all the temples, ashrams, are inaugurating the celebrations by “dhwajarohanam” – raising the flag, hoisting the flag – between 9 to 9:20 am.  9 to 9:20 am Indian Standard Time, in Bidadi, the flag will be raised, marking the inauguration of the Brahmotsava, the Jayanthi Brahmotsava, the Avatara Dhina Brahmotsava.

From Tiruvannamalai, the Sannyas Padayatra is starting today.  A large number of devotees are starting from Tiruvannamalai the Sannyas Padayatra.  My blessings to all the devotees!  You will all experience Shivoham!  Continuously chant “Shivoham” and walk; you will experience Shivoham in you.  A large group of devotees is starting the Padayatra, Sannyas Yatra from Tiruvannamalai. 

All over the world, the celebration begins.  Mahadeva and Devi and Guru’s deity, all of them are today in “Sarvalankara”, beginning the Brahmotsava.  Let us receive the grace of Mahadeva and continue the satsangh.

I can see, already all the gods, goddesses, siddhas, rishis, munis, ganas, have landed in Bidadi to celebrate the Brahmotsava!  When an enlightened being is in the body, when an incarnation is in the body, not only human-beings – his devotees, disciples – celebrate his presence, even the siddhas, rishis, kinnara, kimpuruda, gandharva, gandhara, all of them also come down to Planet Earth to enjoy his leelas (divine play) and celebrate his presence.  I can see, already all of them are here to celebrate the Nithyananda Brahmotsava.  Let us raise the flag today, Nithyananda Dhwaja today, and start the Nithyananda Brahmotsava celebrations.

UPANISHADS!  This very word when I utter, the joy experientially radiating!  I feel, again and again, how to introduce this book?  Every dimension of this book is a separate book!  Upanishads are the first and foremost book in the Vedic Tradition which is the first and foremost spiritual tradition of the world.  Very conveniently, comfortably, without any contradiction, conflict, with all my integrity I can tell you, the Vedic Tradition is the first and foremost spiritual tradition on Planet Earth.  Same way, without any conflict, contradiction, confusion, dilemma, with all my integrity, authenticity, I can tell you, Upanishads are the first and foremost books of the Vedic Tradition.  Even the word “book” is a small word to mention Upanishads.  Upanishads, they are the source of all the spiritual thought-trends, all the spiritual thought-currents. 

Please understand, in Vedic Tradition we developed six ways of Liberated Thinking.  Let me explain the word “Liberated Thinking”.  Liberated Thinking means, the thinking style which constantly keeps you excited, enthusiastic, energetic, joyful, rejuvenating yourself, naturally intelligent and naturally aligned to the laws of life, and naturally blissful.  By your very nature, you are blissful, intelligent, conscious, aware. You are hardwired to experience the peak possibility, highest existence.  The thought-trends which awaken your highest possibilities, which make you live your highest possibilities, which make you feel fully excited, fully joyful, fully awakened, fully alive, those thought-trends only we call as “Liberated Thinking Trends”.  The six systems of Liberated Thinking Trends the Vedic Tradition developed are: Sankhya, Yoga, Purva Mimamsa, Uttara Mimamsa, Nyaya, Vaiseshika.  These are the six major Liberated Thinking thought-trends the Vedic Tradition developed.

Sankhya: By understanding Existence, the laws with which Nature is functioning, Prakriti, Nature, and the laws with which it is associated to the Source, Consciousness, by understanding those laws, aligning yourself to it, through this having a liberated thinking is “Sankhya”.

Yoga: Whatever you think as you, your body and mind, tuning this to Existence, through this aligning these two to Existence, through this experiencing the ultimate completion, fulfilment, knowledge, joy, excitement, bliss, existence, and feeling the bliss and experiencing fulfilment, this thought-trend is called “Yoga”.

Please understand, I am just literally cooking the whole Vedic Tradition and giving it to you in the form of a soup, hot soup.  Drink it!  Without any difficulty you can just imbibe.  Just bring your listening, that’s all!

Purva Mimamsa: Through your actions, aligning with the various energies of the Cosmos and experiencing the Ultimate, experiencing enlightenment and fulfilment and Completion, experiencing liberated thinking.  That is “Purva Mimamsa”, Karma Khaanda.

Uttara Mimamsa: And just by aligning your understanding, “buddhi”, about you, god, and the world – Jiva, Eshwara, Jagat – and living the liberated thinking style is “Uttara Mimamsa”, Vedanta.

Nyaya: And just by dividing, dividing, dividing, dividing, dividing, analyzing, analyzing, analyzing, analyzing, analyzing, just through the logic itself understanding and having a liberated thinking is “Nyaya”.

Vaiseshika: Just by adding, adding, adding, including, including, including, through that experiencing liberated thinking is “Vaiseshika”.

Sankhya, Yoga, Purva Mimamsa, Uttara Mimamsa, Nyaya, Vaiseshika – these six Liberated Thinking trends, liberated thought-currents developed by Vedic Tradition, each one of them are independently complete to give you the experience of Liberated Thinking from A to Z, Alpha (Ά) to Omega (Ώ). 

If you are practicing Sankhya, you don’t need any support from Yoga or other Liberated Thinking trends.  Sankhya is enough to take you from wherever you are to take you to wherever you have to be.  Wherever you are, it can reach out to you and take you to wherever you have to be.  It is an independent, intelligent, independently sufficient thinking-trend, through which you can experience Liberated Thinking.  Listen!  Independent intelligence, independently capable of leading you from where you are, wherever you may be, wherever you are to where you have to be.  Sankhya if you are practicing, you don’t need support from any of the other thought-trends.  Same way, Yoga if you are practicing, you don’t need any support from any other Liberated Thinking trend. 

Liberated Thinking trend is what we call in Sanskrit as “Darshana” – “ability to perceive”.  In English, you cannot translate the word “Darshana” as “Philosophy”.  No!  No!  “Philosophy” is too poor, superficial word.  No!  You cannot translate “Darshana” as “Philosophy”.  No!  May be I will create a new word: “Philosia” – “a new possibility to see”.  A few of the Masters have already used this word “Philosia”.  So, I will try to use the same word “Philosia” to transate the word “Darshana”. 

The “Shad Darshanas”, six philosias, Vedic Tradition developed, all the six are developed from Upanishads.  Please understand, Upanishad is the mother who gave birth, who delivered all the Shad Darshanas.  Upanishads is the mother who delivered all the Shad Darshanas.

Each thought-trend, each Liberated Thinking trend gave birth to thousands and thousands of “Sampradhayas”, “Paramparas”, Orders, which is the equivalent of the word “Religion” in the West.  Please understand, what in the western world you understand as “Religion”, in Sanskrit, the equivalent for that word “Religion” is, “Sampradhaya” – Order.  Because, Sanatana Dharma, the Vedic Tradition is the mother where the six thought-currents developed, from which many religions are born.  That is why, again and again, I insist, the Vedic Tradition or Hinduism cannot be framed into a small frame called “Religion”.  It is too small a frame.  Because I am teaching now, if you try to put me into the frame of a “Teacher”, what can I do?  The Vedic Tradition cannot be put under that small frame of “Religion”, because each religion is just one set of lifestyles.  The Vedic Tradition, the Upanishadic lifestyle gave birth to six thought-trends, Liberated Thinking trends, which in turn gave birth to tons and tons of Sampradhayas, Orders, Traditions, Religions. 

Upanishads are too vast to be framed under one religion.  People who write the religious history, the religious historians, have done a big mistake putting the Upanishads into a small frame of “Religion”.  It is a source of all the best thought-trends, Liberated Thinking currents, the way of existing, the way of living, the way of existing, the way of living, with such variety of choices, possibilities, expressed in the Upanishads.  Understand, choice proves the depth, not confusion.  A single-religion people, mono-religion people, always try to abuse the Vedic Tradition as a “confused” religion.  I tell you, choice shows the depth, not the confusion.  When you go to Pizza Hut, if you see a choice of varieties, will you call the owner as “confused”?  No!  Owner is “brilliant”!  That is why he is able to provide choices, varieties. 

Veda Matha, again and again and again, I rededicate my life to Veda Matha whenever I remember her glory, the way she is standing for humanity, the contribution she has done to human consciousness. Anything you see in the world now which you can appreciate, celebrate, is from Veda Matha.  It is from her.  It is her gift to humanity.  Whether it is Mathematics, Astrology, Astronomy, Anatomy, whatever words you use, all the thought-currents, thought-trends, anything best you see, good you see, hear, is her gift, Veda Matha’s gift.  The thought-trends developed from the Upanishads, gift of the thought-trends. 

Upanishads are kept as the highest books in Vedic Tradition.  I tried to name all the sacred books of Hinduism, and then I understood very soon that I have entered into a very stupid venture.  It is overwhelming!  The names I could collect started running around two-hundred-thousand (200,000), and then started going beyond!  And then I said, ‘Veda Matha, I bow down to you!  Forgive my stupidity to measure the depths of you!’  It is like a salt doll trying to go and measure the depth of the Pacific Ocean!  So, in the sacred literature of the Vedic Tradition, Upanishads are kept as topmost.  Non-controversial!  All Sampradhayas, all six Liberated Thinking trends – Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaiseshika, Uttara Mimamsa, Purva Mimamsa – all the six Liberated Thinking trends accept Upanishads as the ultimate book, the first and foremost book. 

The religious historians have done a big mistake of classifying the Upanishads into one frame of religion and pushing it on the Vedic Tradition, or on “Hinduism”, in the modern day as it is described.  I wanted to make it very clear, if I classify Upanishads as books belonging to one religion, I feel I may disrespect the glory and possibility of the Upanishads!  So, I don’t want to do that mistake.  First of all, I cannot classify Upanishads.  If at all I have to, if I am forced to, I may classify them as “Source of all the Liberated Thinking Trends”, source of all the lifestyles which evolves human-beings to the higher levels.  As the Upanishads are the source of all the Liberated Thinking trends which evolves human beings, obviously Upanishads are our first and foremost sacred texts even for our Sampradhaya.

Understand, irrevocably, clearly, I declare with all my integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching and causing, for the Nithyananda Sampradhaya, the Upanishads are the first and foremost sacred textbooks, sacred texts!  Anybody who accepts me as Guru, or your Ishta, whatever way, as a teacher, or whatever way you accept me, you should know very clearly, Upanishads are the first and foremost sacred texts based on which your lifestyle should be aligned.

Upanishads should be read, re-read, understood, realized, lived, radiated, and worshipped.  Worshipped!

Upanishads are the purest, the pristine pure truths.  Upanishads are Existence introducing itself to itself, Existence celebrating itself to itself, Existence showing itself how to become itself.

Formally, officially, today, on this auspicious day, beginning of the Brahmotsavam, first day of the Nithyananda Brahmotsavam, I formally, officially declare Upanishads as the first and foremost sacred texts for Nithyananda Sampradhaya.

Upanishads should be read, re-read, re-read, re-read, understood, digested, lived, should be radiated, spread, and ultimately should be worshipped in our Sampradhaya and our Sangha.  This should be the basic book, first and foremost sacred text for all our followers and for our ashrams, temples, Bala Vidyalayas, Gurukuls, schools, colleges.  For all our Sangha, the first and foremost book anyone should read and digest and understand is Upanishads.

Each verse in each Upanishad, gave birth to Liberated Thinking trends which liberated tons of human beings.  So, I cannot measure the amount of goodness spread by Upanishads, the amount of goodness spread by Upanishads.

I will continue to expand on Upanishads in this Living Advaitha series of satsanghs, Nithya Satsanghs.

With this, I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing Living Advaitha, and eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!  Be blissful!


4th January 2015

4th January 2015 / sunday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

Youtube Video :

Listen audio only :

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, everyone sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

The cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Toronto-Thiru Kailasam, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Scottsdale-Arizona, Houston-Kalahasthi, Seattle-Chidambaram, Ohio-Prayag, Redmond-USA, Tiruvannamalai Aadheenam, Melbourne-Tiruvarur, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Colombo-Sri Lanka, Oman-Sivagangai, Singapore-Singapuram, Philip Island-Australia, Warrington-UK, London-Kashi, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Karjat-Mumbai, San Jose-Madurai, San Antonio-Texas......and some more cities.

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Let us see the Nithyananda Times Daily Video and enter into the satsangh.


Upanishads!  The more I remember this word, more is pouring out.  I will continue to expand on “Apourushyathwa”; means, “authorless”.  So many dimensions need to be explored; we need to understand about this concept of Apourushyathwa, authorless.

Please understand, yesterday, as I was explaining, any idea, any truth, any concept, any theology, the more the person is present in that theology, the more it is useful only for him, not for the whole world, not for the Whole, not for humanity or society or the whole universe.  Less the individual is present, more the concept, the idea, the theory, the philosophy is useful for humanity, society, for the Whole.  Less the part is present, more useful for the Whole.  More the part is present, less useful for the Whole.  Understand, less the individual is present, more the truths, concepts, ideas, are useful to the whole humanity, society, and the universe.  More it is universal, less individual.  More individual, less universal.  The individual’s influence should only be for the sake of enriching, never for the sake of establishing the person’s identity. 

I tell you, history is always written by the people who won the wars.  That is why it is never factual, “as it happened”.  No!  No history is factual.  Only when the author’s individual vested interests, fear and greed to certain ideologies disappear, only then the history becomes factual, whole, useful for the whole universe and the whole humanity, whole society.  History written by the people who do not have any vested interests only is called “Puranas”.  Puranas are more factual than any history written by the people with vested interests.  Don’t read any book where the author is heavily present.  If the author has disappeared within him and he doesn’t have any vested interests, fear or greed for an ideology, then READ THAT PERSON, not just his books!  Read that person’s very life!  Be around him and learn; you will catch the truth!

Apourushyathwa!  Even if the author wants to establish his name, there is a corruption, there is a reason, there is a vested interest, there is a fear or greed.  Sometimes authors do not put their name, but they put some popular person’s name, because they wanted that popular identity to protect their work.  That is why so many works are attributed to Adi Shankara.  Only when the individual is absent, his personal vested interests, fear and greed disappear, dissolve, he becomes a pure channel for Existence to sing its own existence.  Upanishads are Existence’s songs about its existence.  Existence’s songs about its existence!

Upanishads, they are so extraordinary, no one can claim ownership.  All human-beings put together from the beginning only have built so many cities all around the Planet Earth.  But can all of us put together claim, even after all this work can we claim ownership for the Planet Earth?  No!  It is too big to claim ownership!  Natural disasters and calamities are again and again Nature’s Legal Notice to us saying, ‘Don’t claim ownership!’  Natural disasters and natural calamities are the Legal Notice sent to human-beings again and again: ‘Just because you built so many cities, don’t claim ownership!  May be you have done a great job, but that does not give you the right to claim ownership!’  These great truths revealed in the Upanishads, listen, the truths revealed in the Upanishads are too big!  Just because through you it got revealed, you cannot claim ownership.  It is foolishness to claim ownership for a country because you found the sea-route for that country.  Yes, you might have found the sea-route, but you cannot claim ownership for that country because of that.  Just because you have found that the earth is round, you cannot claim ownership for the earth. 

The truths revealed in these Upanishads are too vast, too big!  Rishis not only did not want to claim ownership, they did not even want to leave their name as the authors.  Those few beings who raised themselves to vibrate in the very frequency of the Cosmos, the very frequency of the Brahman, Universe, they actually disappeared into that!  When they disappeared into that, whatever truths they received, whatever truths oozed out of them, expressed through them, that got recorded as Upanishads.  I think those rishis understood that when they disappeared only these truths were expressed.  That is why they very clearly decided not to own those truths even by claiming authorship.

I tell you, for a person who lives having a few cows for his livelihood – he has a small “goshala” with two-three cows, and with that milk he makes curd, butter, ghee, and sells – for that kind of a person, asking him to give all the milk and pour it on a deity as “abhishekam” (sacred bath) is the biggest sacrifice, understand; because, that is the fruit of his whole life, his efforts.  An agriculturist, asking him to give away all his grains in Anna Dhaan (free offering of food), that is too big a sacrifice, because that is the essence of his whole life, his whole life’s fruit.  If an agriculturist gives the grains, that is a sacrifice!  The person who owns a “goshala”, if he gives away all his milk, that is a sacrifice!  You can see many times a jewellery shop owner – I have heard many times – when people go to them for donation, they will give money, but never gold; because, somehow, sentimentally they feel that (gold) is their life!  And, same way, a textile shop owner will give money, but never clothes, because he feels that (clothes) is his life!  I tell you, same way, a writer giving up his name and authorship, without mentioning his name, is the biggest sacrifice!  That is the biggest sacrifice!  If you are an author, you will understand what I am saying.  If you are a writer, you will understand.  And, especially, after expressing such lofty ideas!  I tell you, any dust if it digests Upanishads, he will sit as Mahadeva, he will become Mahadeva! 

Any “shava” (corpse), if it digests Upanishads, it will become Shiva!  The strength, the energy, enthusiasm, excitement, life, knowledge, bliss, intelligence, the way it gets infused into you, I tell you, Upanishads can make any “shava” into Shiva.  It made an ordinary village boy into Nithyananda, understand!  Upanishads, I can tell you from my experience, it made me; it can make you, anybody, into Mahadeva, Shiva! 

Whenever an author gets into the greed of, ‘How better I can perform?’, he will hit an inner-space called “author’s block”, please understand.  Whenever the greed, ‘How better I can perform?’ enters into the inner-space of the author, he hits the blockage called “author’s block”.  He will be struggling now: What words he has to put?  What should he do?  It is called “writer’s block”.  The individual’s presence, more the individual, less universal; more universal, less individual. 

This very Apourushyathwa, authorlessness, makes Upanishads authentic, most authentic scripture.  When the historian’s individual vested interests disappears, history becomes truthful, factual.  When the scientist’s vested interests disappears, science becomes universal and useful.  I tell you, most of the scientific researches in the modern day are aimed towards bringing the conclusion which is useful for the person who is funding the experiments and researches.  Nowhere the sathya (truth) is the goal.  Nowhere the truth is the goal.  It is very rare.  People stumble upon the truth.  If you want the truth, go behind the scientists who do not have anybody funding them for any vested interests.  Because I am doing a lot of researches in the field of Yoga, Kundalini, Meditation.  I have already done so many breakthrough researches.  In the last Haridwar and Varanasi Inner Awakenings, the research we have done and established now, proves beyond any doubt the power of Kundalini in the field of anti-ageing.  What medicines are able to do, at least, at least, because medicines are able to do only five percent of what we were able to do, we were able to cause more than two to three-hundred percent the anti-ageing effects on the human body through meditation and Kundalini! 

Understand, but the field of scientific research, when I am working with more and more universities, more and more scientists, and more and more people who fund, the people who give grants, when I am entering into this – that is a different world – when I look at that world, I realize one truth: there is nothing scientific about any scientific experiments!  I am very open.  Most of these surveys, researches, most of them are funded by some people aiming to prove some ideas, concepts, truths which are useful for them.  For them to establish something in which they have vested interests, they go on funding this kind of researches and they get the result they want.  It is like the conclusion is already arrived at, then researches are conducted!  Not that hypothesis is supposed to be explored; hypotheses are just explained by the researches.  A real research should be exploring the hypothesis.  A real investigation should be exploring the truth.  When the vested interest enters, the truth dies.

This Apourushyathwa, authorlessness, authorlessness authenticates the power of these truths.  Let me be straight, honest, truthful to you all.  Authorlessness makes this whole Upanishads authentic, because they (the rishis) are not even interested in establishing their name.  Forget about “for profit”, non-profit, they do not even want their name to be established!  When you are overwhelmed by the greatness of the truth, you will understand you cannot own that, you cannot own it.  You will know truth is too big than you.  YOU are standing on the truth, not the truth on you.  Because you are standing on the Planet Earth, you cannot claim ownership for the Planet Earth.  You cannot claim ownership for the Planet Earth, because, YOU are standing on Planet Earth, not the Earth on you. 

The great rishis discovered these truths are universal, it should not be corrupted by identifying them with any individual.  See, your opinions about the individuals always affects the words those individuals utter.  Some of the greatest truths uttered by Vivekananda, it is universal; but the moment you decide he is a Hindu monk, you don’t listen to him, the whole universe does not listen to him; only Hindus listen to him.  Some of the greatest truths revealed by J. Krishnamurthy, it is universal; but the moment you decide, ‘Oh, he is an Indian guru!’, the whole world does not listen to him; only Indians tend to listen to him.  Some of the greatest truths revealed by Osho which is universal, you don’t listen to him when you decide, ‘Oh, he is a sex guru!’.  Just your opinions about some people shuts your listening about some of the great truths they revealed.  The Upanishadic rishis don’t even want that kind of a damage to happen to Upanishads, or people to have this problem of the image about the author getting superimposed on the ideas, image about the author getting superimposed on the ideas.  What a sacrifice!  What a magnanimous sacrifice of these Upanishadic rishis! 

A businessman, if you tell him, ‘Don’t show your face anywhere and try to become popular.  Just make money.’, he will be very happy.  He will give up anything for money.  But if you ask him to give up money, he won’t, because he built his whole personality on that.  Same way, a politician, if you ask him to give up money, he will; but he will not give up being in front and being in the limelight, because his whole life he built it on that.  A politician will give up money to be in the limelight.  A businessman will give up being in the limelight, in the front, for the sake of having money.  An author will give up his food, sleep, money, everything, but not the authorship, because only on that he built his whole life.  But, here, you have the greatest authors!  I can, without any conflict, controversy, dilemma, with all my integrity, I can tell you, Upanishads are the first books ever written on the Planet Earth!  Here are the authors, the first book!  And what a maturity!  Thyagarajas!  The Kings of Sacrifice!  And I tell you, Upanishadic ideas, as long as they are alive, they will keep the Planet Earth alive, existing.  So, understand, not only Upanishads are the first books ever written, if at all Planet Earth is going to end, Upanishads will be the last books, because, only as long as these truths survive, the Earth will survive!  If these truths are gone, the Earth will go!  Upanishads are the first books and will be the last books if at all there is an end.  I can say, just to keep these truths alive only, still the Planet Earth is alive!  After the audacities and atrocities of human-beings, if still this Planet Earth is left to be alive, it is only to keep these Upanishadic truths alive, because, please understand, only human-beings, Planet Earth, have these great truths with them.  Neither devathas, gods, nor asuras, demons, are hardwired to receive and radiate these great truths.  It is only human-beings! If the devathas want to live the truths of the Upanishads, they have to come to Planet Earth.  Indra (leader of the gods) should come to Madurai and become an ordinary human-being and then worship Mahadeva, receive the truths.  Even the “dhig paalakaas” (guardians of the eight directions) should come to Tiruvannamalai, worship Mahadeva, and receive the truths.

Science becomes complete when the scientist gets dissolved into the truth of the science.  History will be truthful, when the historian dissolves into the facts of the history without any vested interests.  Spirituality will be complete when the spiritual being dissolves into the spiritual truths.  And Upanishadic rishis are the ultimate example!  Upanishadic rishis are the ultimate example!  Highest perfected beings, highest perfected siddhas!  Highest perfected beings, highest perfected siddhas!  Let us remember these Upanishadic rishis.  Let them radiate through us and bless us to receive what they shared with the whole world.  Mahadeva, being Adi Rishi, Adi Guru who transmitted these Upanishads to the Saptha Rishis and Sanata, Sanatkumara, Sanatana, Sanakadhi Rishis, let us pray to him to reveal these great truths and make all our lives complete and experience Shivoham, Shivoham, Shivoham.

We will continue to explore the Upanishads.  Actually, I am not able to control my excitement!  I am waiting every day to come for satsangh!  The Upanishads are so exciting, I am just waiting: ‘Hey, still it has not become morning!  Come on!’  And still I have not even entered into the mantras.  May be it will take at least ten more days for me to finish the introduction for Upanishads, because the right context needs to be set with the proper introduction and understanding.  Once that is done, just listening is enlightenment!

With this, I will move to the next segment of the morning satsangh. 

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing and Living Advaitha, with eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!  Be blissful!


Sunday, 4 January 2015

3rd January2015

3rd January 2015 / Saturday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

Watch in YOU TUBE video link below:

Listen only the Audio satsang in this link

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, everyone sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

The cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Toronto-Thiru Kailasam, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Scottsdale-Arizona, Houston-Kalahasthi, Seattle-Chidambaram, Ohio-Prayag, Redmond-USA, Tiruvannamalai Aadheenam, Melbourne-Tiruvarur, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Colombo-Sri Lanka, Oman-Sivagangai, Singapore-Singapuram, Philip Island-Australia, Warrington-UK, London-Kashi, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Karjat-Mumbai, San Jose-Madurai, San Antonio-Texas......and some more cities.

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Let us see the Nithyananda Times Daily Video and enter into the satsangh.


Upanishads!  The more I remember this word, more is pouring out.  I will continue to expand on “Apourushyathwa”; means, “authorless”.  So many dimensions need to be explored; we need to understand about this concept of Apourushyathwa, authorless.

Please understand, yesterday, as I was explaining, any idea, any truth, any concept, any theology, the more the person is present in that theology, the more it is useful only for him, not for the whole world, not for the Whole, not for humanity or society or the whole universe.  Less the individual is present, more the concept, the idea, the theory, the philosophy is useful for humanity, society, for the Whole.  Less the part is present, more useful for the Whole.  More the part is present, less useful for the Whole.  Understand, less the individual is present, more the truths, concepts, ideas, are useful to the whole humanity, society, and the universe.  More it is universal, less individual.  More individual, less universal.  The individual’s influence should only be for the sake of enriching, never for the sake of establishing the person’s identity. 

I tell you, history is always written by the people who won the wars.  That is why it is never factual, “as it happened”.  No!  No history is factual.  Only when the author’s individual vested interests, fear and greed to certain ideologies disappear, only then the history becomes factual, whole, useful for the whole universe and the whole humanity, whole society.  History written by the people who do not have any vested interests only is called “Puranas”.  Puranas are more factual than any history written by the people with vested interests.  Don’t read any book where the author is heavily present.  If the author has disappeared within him and he doesn’t have any vested interests, fear or greed for an ideology, then READ THAT PERSON, not just his books!  Read that person’s very life!  Be around him and learn; you will catch the truth!

Apourushyathwa!  Even if the author wants to establish his name, there is a corruption, there is a reason, there is a vested interest, there is a fear or greed.  Sometimes authors do not put their name, but they put some popular person’s name, because they wanted that popular identity to protect their work.  That is why so many works are attributed to Adi Shankara.  Only when the individual is absent, his personal vested interests, fear and greed disappear, dissolve, he becomes a pure channel for Existence to sing its own existence.  Upanishads are Existence’s songs about its existence.  Existence’s songs about its existence!

Upanishads, they are so extraordinary, no one can claim ownership.  All human-beings put together from the beginning only have built so many cities all around the Planet Earth.  But can all of us put together claim, even after all this work can we claim ownership for the Planet Earth?  No!  It is too big to claim ownership!  Natural disasters and calamities are again and again Nature’s Legal Notice to us saying, ‘Don’t claim ownership!’  Natural disasters and natural calamities are the Legal Notice sent to human-beings again and again: ‘Just because you built so many cities, don’t claim ownership!  May be you have done a great job, but that does not give you the right to claim ownership!’  These great truths revealed in the Upanishads, listen, the truths revealed in the Upanishads are too big!  Just because through you it got revealed, you cannot claim ownership.  It is foolishness to claim ownership for a country because you found the sea-route for that country.  Yes, you might have found the sea-route, but you cannot claim ownership for that country because of that.  Just because you have found that the earth is round, you cannot claim ownership for the earth. 

The truths revealed in these Upanishads are too vast, too big!  Rishis not only did not want to claim ownership, they did not even want to leave their name as the authors.  Those few beings who raised themselves to vibrate in the very frequency of the Cosmos, the very frequency of the Brahman, Universe, they actually disappeared into that!  When they disappeared into that, whatever truths they received, whatever truths oozed out of them, expressed through them, that got recorded as Upanishads.  I think those rishis understood that when they disappeared only these truths were expressed.  That is why they very clearly decided not to own those truths even by claiming authorship.

I tell you, for a person who lives having a few cows for his livelihood – he has a small “goshala” with two-three cows, and with that milk he makes curd, butter, ghee, and sells – for that kind of a person, asking him to give all the milk and pour it on a deity as “abhishekam” (sacred bath) is the biggest sacrifice, understand; because, that is the fruit of his whole life, his efforts.  An agriculturist, asking him to give away all his grains in Anna Dhaan (free offering of food), that is too big a sacrifice, because that is the essence of his whole life, his whole life’s fruit.  If an agriculturist gives the grains, that is a sacrifice!  The person who owns a “goshala”, if he gives away all his milk, that is a sacrifice!  You can see many times a jewellery shop owner – I have heard many times – when people go to them for donation, they will give money, but never gold; because, somehow, sentimentally they feel that (gold) is their life!  And, same way, a textile shop owner will give money, but never clothes, because he feels that (clothes) is his life!  I tell you, same way, a writer giving up his name and authorship, without mentioning his name, is the biggest sacrifice!  That is the biggest sacrifice!  If you are an author, you will understand what I am saying.  If you are a writer, you will understand.  And, especially, after expressing such lofty ideas!  I tell you, any dust if it digests Upanishads, he will sit as Mahadeva, he will become Mahadeva! 

Any “shava” (corpse), if it digests Upanishads, it will become Shiva!  The strength, the energy, enthusiasm, excitement, life, knowledge, bliss, intelligence, the way it gets infused into you, I tell you, Upanishads can make any “shava” into Shiva.  It made an ordinary village boy into Nithyananda, understand!  Upanishads, I can tell you from my experience, it made me; it can make you, anybody, into Mahadeva, Shiva! 

Whenever an author gets into the greed of, ‘How better I can perform?’, he will hit an inner-space called “author’s block”, please understand.  Whenever the greed, ‘How better I can perform?’ enters into the inner-space of the author, he hits the blockage called “author’s block”.  He will be struggling now: What words he has to put?  What should he do?  It is called “writer’s block”.  The individual’s presence, more the individual, less universal; more universal, less individual. 

This very Apourushyathwa, authorlessness, makes Upanishads authentic, most authentic scripture.  When the historian’s individual vested interests disappears, history becomes truthful, factual.  When the scientist’s vested interests disappears, science becomes universal and useful.  I tell you, most of the scientific researches in the modern day are aimed towards bringing the conclusion which is useful for the person who is funding the experiments and researches.  Nowhere the sathya (truth) is the goal.  Nowhere the truth is the goal.  It is very rare.  People stumble upon the truth.  If you want the truth, go behind the scientists who do not have anybody funding them for any vested interests.  Because I am doing a lot of researches in the field of Yoga, Kundalini, Meditation.  I have already done so many breakthrough researches.  In the last Haridwar and Varanasi Inner Awakenings, the research we have done and established now, proves beyond any doubt the power of Kundalini in the field of anti-ageing.  What medicines are able to do, at least, at least, because medicines are able to do only five percent of what we were able to do, we were able to cause more than two to three-hundred percent the anti-ageing effects on the human body through meditation and Kundalini! 

Understand, but the field of scientific research, when I am working with more and more universities, more and more scientists, and more and more people who fund, the people who give grants, when I am entering into this – that is a different world – when I look at that world, I realize one truth: there is nothing scientific about any scientific experiments!  I am very open.  Most of these surveys, researches, most of them are funded by some people aiming to prove some ideas, concepts, truths which are useful for them.  For them to establish something in which they have vested interests, they go on funding this kind of researches and they get the result they want.  It is like the conclusion is already arrived at, then researches are conducted!  Not that hypothesis is supposed to be explored; hypotheses are just explained by the researches.  A real research should be exploring the hypothesis.  A real investigation should be exploring the truth.  When the vested interest enters, the truth dies.

This Apourushyathwa, authorlessness, authorlessness authenticates the power of these truths.  Let me be straight, honest, truthful to you all.  Authorlessness makes this whole Upanishads authentic, because they (the rishis) are not even interested in establishing their name.  Forget about “for profit”, non-profit, they do not even want their name to be established!  When you are overwhelmed by the greatness of the truth, you will understand you cannot own that, you cannot own it.  You will know truth is too big than you.  YOU are standing on the truth, not the truth on you.  Because you are standing on the Planet Earth, you cannot claim ownership for the Planet Earth.  You cannot claim ownership for the Planet Earth, because, YOU are standing on Planet Earth, not the Earth on you. 

The great rishis discovered these truths are universal, it should not be corrupted by identifying them with any individual.  See, your opinions about the individuals always affects the words those individuals utter.  Some of the greatest truths uttered by Vivekananda, it is universal; but the moment you decide he is a Hindu monk, you don’t listen to him, the whole universe does not listen to him; only Hindus listen to him.  Some of the greatest truths revealed by J. Krishnamurthy, it is universal; but the moment you decide, ‘Oh, he is an Indian guru!’, the whole world does not listen to him; only Indians tend to listen to him.  Some of the greatest truths revealed by Osho which is universal, you don’t listen to him when you decide, ‘Oh, he is a sex guru!’.  Just your opinions about some people shuts your listening about some of the great truths they revealed.  The Upanishadic rishis don’t even want that kind of a damage to happen to Upanishads, or people to have this problem of the image about the author getting superimposed on the ideas, image about the author getting superimposed on the ideas.  What a sacrifice!  What a magnanimous sacrifice of these Upanishadic rishis! 

A businessman, if you tell him, ‘Don’t show your face anywhere and try to become popular.  Just make money.’, he will be very happy.  He will give up anything for money.  But if you ask him to give up money, he won’t, because he built his whole personality on that.  Same way, a politician, if you ask him to give up money, he will; but he will not give up being in front and being in the limelight, because his whole life he built it on that.  A politician will give up money to be in the limelight.  A businessman will give up being in the limelight, in the front, for the sake of having money.  An author will give up his food, sleep, money, everything, but not the authorship, because only on that he built his whole life.  But, here, you have the greatest authors!  I can, without any conflict, controversy, dilemma, with all my integrity, I can tell you, Upanishads are the first books ever written on the Planet Earth!  Here are the authors, the first book!  And what a maturity!  Thyagarajas!  The Kings of Sacrifice!  And I tell you, Upanishadic ideas, as long as they are alive, they will keep the Planet Earth alive, existing.  So, understand, not only Upanishads are the first books ever written, if at all Planet Earth is going to end, Upanishads will be the last books, because, only as long as these truths survive, the Earth will survive!  If these truths are gone, the Earth will go!  Upanishads are the first books and will be the last books if at all there is an end.  I can say, just to keep these truths alive only, still the Planet Earth is alive!  After the audacities and atrocities of human-beings, if still this Planet Earth is left to be alive, it is only to keep these Upanishadic truths alive, because, please understand, only human-beings, Planet Earth, have these great truths with them.  Neither devathas, gods, nor asuras, demons, are hardwired to receive and radiate these great truths.  It is only human-beings! If the devathas want to live the truths of the Upanishads, they have to come to Planet Earth.  Indra (leader of the gods) should come to Madurai and become an ordinary human-being and then worship Mahadeva, receive the truths.  Even the “dhig paalakaas” (guardians of the eight directions) should come to Tiruvannamalai, worship Mahadeva, and receive the truths.

Science becomes complete when the scientist gets dissolved into the truth of the science.  History will be truthful, when the historian dissolves into the facts of the history without any vested interests.  Spirituality will be complete when the spiritual being dissolves into the spiritual truths.  And Upanishadic rishis are the ultimate example!  Upanishadic rishis are the ultimate example!  Highest perfected beings, highest perfected siddhas!  Highest perfected beings, highest perfected siddhas!  Let us remember these Upanishadic rishis.  Let them radiate through us and bless us to receive what they shared with the whole world.  Mahadeva, being Adi Rishi, Adi Guru who transmitted these Upanishads to the Saptha Rishis and Sanata, Sanatkumara, Sanatana, Sanakadhi Rishis, let us pray to him to reveal these great truths and make all our lives complete and experience Shivoham, Shivoham, Shivoham.

We will continue to explore the Upanishads.  Actually, I am not able to control my excitement!  I am waiting every day to come for satsangh!  The Upanishads are so exciting, I am just waiting: ‘Hey, still it has not become morning!  Come on!’  And still I have not even entered into the mantras.  May be it will take at least ten more days for me to finish the introduction for Upanishads, because the right context needs to be set with the proper introduction and understanding.  Once that is done, just listening is enlightenment!

With this, I will move to the next segment of the morning satsangh. 

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing and Living Advaitha, with eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!  Be blissful!


2nd JANUARY 2015


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

Youtube video link :

Listen only the Audio satsang in this link

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, volunteers, visitors, viewers, everyone, with my love and respects.

The cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Hyderabad-Nithyananda Nagaramu, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Melbourne-Tiruvarur, Seattle-Chidambaram, San Jose-Madurai, Enriching Temple-Bidadi, Singapore-Singapuram, Nithyananda Nagar-Tiruvannamalai, Toronto-Thiru Kailasam, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Scottsdale-Arizona, Ohio-Prayag, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Houston-Kalahasthi, Colombo-Sri Lanka, Singapore-Singapuram, Sadhanananda, Sammamish-Washington, Muktha and Mukthi, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Oman-Sivagangai, London-Kashi, San Antonio-Texas, Enriching Temple-Bidadi, Jorpati-Nepal, Mumbai-Chembur.......and some more cities are joining. 

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

UPANISHADS!  Before explaining a book, we have to explain what it stands for.  Before explaining what it stands for, I have to explain who made it stand for that.  Before explaining who made it stand for that, I have to explain who wrote it.  That is where now the whole thing starts.  How can we tell the modern world that something exists, that there is a book which has no author?  Profound, extraordinary expressions, truths, realizations, revelations, but no author!  Author is dissolved in the authenticity of the truths. 

Please understand, whenever a book is written, the truth and the personality who presents the truth, both of them are expressed in that book.  That is why I always tell people that all books are biographies of the author.  Please understand, whether it is a science or a history or a religion or philosophy, self-development, whatever classification you give, all books you have to basically classify as “Biography”, because, there is no book which does not have the smell, presence, touch of the author, please understand.  In the libraries, we should classify first all books as “Biography”.  Under the section “Biography”, you can classify as “Biography based on Religion”, “Science based on Religion”, “Mysticism based on Religion”, “Self-help based on Religion”.  The more the personal involvement, more it becomes fiction, understand?  In a science book, the more the scientist is present, the less the science is present.  In a philosophy book, the more the philosopher is present, the less the philosophy is present.  In a history book, the more the historian is present, the less the facts and the history, the less the authenticity or the truth of the history is present.  When the historians have personal interests, likes, dislikes, history can never be presented to you authentically.  In any book, the more the author is present, the less the truth is presented; the more his personal touch, the less the reality.  That is why I always insist that all pharmaceutical companies should be non-profit organizations.  Having medical care under the “profit industry” is the most dangerous.  Please understand, Share Trading, Forex Trading, Currency Trading, all these are stupidity; no problem.  Keep it under the “for profit” people.  The “for profit” mentality is a madness the world is suffering!  Let the mad people work with the delusions.  Currency is a delusion.  Share is a delusion.  So, let the mad people live with delusions.  But health is a reality.  Let it not go under the hands of mad people, understand.  Greed is legal madness, legally-accepted madness.  Greed is legally-accepted madness.  Currency, Share Trading, all these, all these are the delusions of the human mind which was developed by the collective greed.  The mad people who are deluded by the collective greed, let them play with delusions, the collective delusions; no problem.  No problem!  But, food, clothes, shelter, medical care, the basic needs of human-beings should be kept out of “for profit” industry, the “for profit” madness, the “for profit” world, the greed.

I am studying some of the principles of allopathy medicines, and I wanted to boldly tell you guys, I am falling in love with the allopathy system.  The system itself is not wrong.  There is so much of re-invention of the ayurvedic principles in allopathy.  Some of the vital components they missed; that is different.  Some of the vital components, allopathy missed or is yet to catch up; that is different.  But the system itself is not cunning or created for exploitation.  No!  The system itself is not created for exploitation out of any cunningness.  So many important components of life have got caught under the legally-accepted madness of greed.  Actually, we don’t need any more wealth to align the world.  We just need more intention to align the world, and we will have new humanity immediately.  Just these few things: Let the basic needs of human life – food, clothes, shelter, medical care – let them be free from the poisons of the human mind, greed and fear.  Let them be kept away.  Let nobody’s fear and greed exploit these four. 

One great thing I found in the western countries, especially in America, the United States of America, the great thing is, the majority of the hospitals are non-profit organizations.  I am so happy about it!  I am so happy about it!  But the pharmaceutical industry is not non-profit.  In India it is the other way: The majority of the hospitals are “for profit” entities, but much of the medicines are available for very less price.  The basic things of life should be kept out of the human mind’s madness.  In India, in the Vedic Tradition, in the Upanishadic period, pharmaceutical industry and the hospitals, both were non-profit, completely non-profit.  Both were under the non-profit sector. 

Anywhere the person, human mind intervenes, the truth is either diluted or killed.  Knowledge was always non-profit in India.  In the Vedic Tradition, knowledge was always non-profit.  And there was insistence of knowledge being non-profit and Guru begging and feeding the disciples!  Knowledge in the non-profit sector kept the purity of knowledge, because.....  See, fear is neither socially nor legally accepted madness of humanity.  But, unfortunately, greed has become legalised madness of humanity.

Please understand, through this series of Upanishadic talks, talks on the Upanishads, I am not just going to talk on the Upanishads, I am going to bring back the vision of the Vedic civilization. 

Weapons, army, should be “for profit” industry, highly taxed, heavily taxed.  Entertainment should be “for profit” industry, heavily loaded with tax.  But food, clothes, shelter, medicine, the basic things should be non-profit.  That is the only way we can keep human-beings safe on the Planet Earth.  Food should not become “for profit” industry.  The spirit of “anna dhaana” – sharing food – should be kept alive in large scale.  I bow down to the Sikhs, the Sikhs in India.  Sikhism as a religion kept, and is keeping, India’s spirit of sharing food.  I tell you, just that one spirit is responsible still why we have not fallen prey to a single “for profit” entity in the field of food.  In many developed countries, the whole country is dependent on a few of the “for profit” companies for their whole food and food supply.  Hats off to the Sikhs and the Jains, and the Lingayats of Karnataka!  By doing “anna dasoha” (free community meals), the Lingayats of Karnataka kept that tradition of “food is free”.  I wanted to tell all my disciples, make this truth – “Food is Free” – to revive the Vedic Tradition.  The food industry should not go under any “for profit” or not even “non-profit”; it should be freely available. 

Throughout this Upanishadic Series, I will spell out the clear vision of Vedic civilization.  From the Akashic Records I will read out the truths how the Vedic civilization existed.  As I said, I am not going to interpret; I am just going to intercept and present it to all of you.

In the Upanishadic periods we were very clear what should be non-profit, what should be for profit, what should be heavily taxed, what should be freely available.  Food should be freely available.  It should not come under “for profit” industry, because, all the best things should not be influenced by greed and fear of human-beings.  And, history should be kept out of the minds of vested interests.  Any psychological fear or greed makes the history written by the person as “for profit” industry.  Please understand, there are many historians who belong to “for profit” industry.  There are a few who belong to non-profit industry.  The “for profit” historians, non-profit historians, this should be segregated, separated first.  People who have specific fear and greed, vested interests on some ideas, ideologies, persons, are called “for profit historians”.  Unfortunately, unfortunately, society does not recognize the psychological fears and greeds and vested interests.  See, physically when somebody is greedy and makes billions of dollars, you recognize it.  A certain kind of anger gets built towards them.  The “Have Nots” always have deep anger towards these “Haves”.  That is why all the mass media, the so-called mainstream media is always against the “Haves”, because the consumer of the mass media is the “Have Nots”; they are catering to their consumers, clients.  With the understanding that kind of a hatred “Have Nots” built towards “Haves”, those who have.  Please understand, the “Have Nots” have started developing a kind of anger towards those who have.  But, unfortunately, these psychological greedy guys who have vested interests, fear or greed towards some ideology or person, their sickness and the damage they cause to the consciousness of humanity is not at all recognized by the society. 

Please understand, society, if any society wants to live in peace, create a heaven, the Sathya Loka of the Upanishadic periods, that society should understand that the way you perceive you, the way you are taught about you, is from history, and the people who write your history should be out of (free from) psychological fear and greeds and vested interests.  If you are reading the history written by the people with vested interests, and based on those information, the way it is presented to you, if you create an idea about you, I tell you, you are dead, you will be suffering with the same problems the historian was suffering.  The same fears and greeds he has will be transmitted to you.  How careful you are when you eat your food because it is going to become part of your life, that careful you should be when you eat the ideas, means, reading books, receiving information.  Your education should be completely out of non-profit, “for profit”; it should be completely free.  Knowledge is free.  That is why the Upanishads are now available to you freely.

I am not just going to comment on the Upanishads alone; I am going to speak, expand, reveal the truths of the subtle nuances, the base of the Vedic civilization, the basic principles of the Upanishadic civilization.

Understand, in the pharmaceutical industry, if you allow the fear and greed of the individual, the whole world will be sick, consuming pills every day.  That is what I am seeing has happened to humanity.  See, every day the kind of pills people are forced to eat!  In India, medicine was not that important component at all as part of life.  Food itself was medicine!  But, unfortunately, now, even a lower-middle-class man or the lower-class man in the social strata economically, even the lower-class man, just like a dessert, eats a cup of tablets! 

I tell you, in any field you allow the fear and greed of the individuals to make the decisions, you are doomed in that field!  Gone!  Capitalism is okay; you play with the delusions.  See, currency itself is a delusion.  “Gold has a value” is a delusion.  “Diamond has a value” is a delusion.  “Currency has a value” is a delusion.  Let the mad people live with the delusion.  Don’t let them play with the reality which is our food, our medicine.  You want to make money?  You want to feel rich?  No problem!  Work with gold.  Work with diamond.  Work with Share Trading.  Work with Share Market.  Work with Currency.  Keep them all in huge buildings under lock and key!  And feel that you are the owner of that, and feel proud about it.  You are happy!  You be with them!  They be with you!  Somebody we need to take care.  Let the human madness of fear and greed not affect the every-day life of the large part of humanity.  And same way, in history, if the individual’s fear and greed is allowed to work, please understand, that exact fear and greed will be transmitted constantly generations after generations. 

The one and only way to purify humanity and revive the Upanishadic civilization is: history should be written by the people who have the pure vision.  Please understand, the vision influenced by fear and greed is one; pure vision is totally different.  Vision influenced by people with fear and greed distorts even while they are seeing what they are seeing, understand.  Even while they are seeing, what they are seeing is distorted by them, by their own fear and greed.  And if they pen it down and you start imbibing that in your life, I don’t know who can save you!  I don’t think anyone can save you!  You will be imbibing the same fear and greed patterns in your life. 

Fear and greed in food and medicine makes your body impure.  Fear and greed in the history and concepts you get makes your psychology impure.  Fear and greed in religious and spiritual ideas makes your consciousness bound.  Religion and spirituality should be completely kept out of any physical, material, psychological, vested interests, because, if any material, psychological vested interests involve themselves into the religious concepts and spiritual principles, I tell you, that is it!  That is the worst crime against humanity!  Mahadeva, I am so grateful I belong to Upanishadic Tradition where the complete purity of religious and spiritual principles is maintained!  Be blessed, feel blessed that we are all following a tradition which has kept the highest purity, which has kept itself so pure without any material or psychological vested interests into our spiritual principles.  No Upanishadic rishi was a servant of somebody or boss of somebody, please understand.  No Upanishadic rishi is a servant of somebody or a boss of somebody, and they did not have vested interests or ideology to maintain, needed to be maintained, or an organization which needs to be kept alive forever.  No!  I am so proud and happy we do not have an organization-based religious structure.  That kept us pure without any psychological, material, materialistic vested interests of fear and greed!

The purity of any product will be reduced if the influence of individual gets into it.  Whether it is pharmaceutical medicines, whether it is prescribed drugs, or history written by human-beings, the more the influence of the individual, the less it is truthful and useful to humanity.  As I said, all scientific books are biographies, all history books are biographies, all fiction books are biographies.  All books first should be classified as “Biography”.  Then, under “Biography”, there can be sub-classifications, sub-divisions – History, Geography, Science, whatever you want you can.  As on now, the way humanity is, so person-based, individualistic, power centric, I don’t know how to tell humanity that there is a book which exists without author!  That is why I am taking time.  How can I introduce a book which really does not have an author?  Apourushya!  Means, “not created by any person”, “not written by any person”!  

Upanishads, by the very introduction, the first line, they are mystical.  Please understand, when you introduce yourself to anybody, just by your name, the parents, and the background – means, the place from where you are – your ninety-five percent of the introduction is over!  Only the remaining five percent the person is going to decide based on your actions.  Same way, the Upanishads, just by this one word – “apourushya” – means, “authorless”, I have introduced Upanishads to all of you.  Why authorless?  Because it is not touched by any vested interests!  The vested interests are at different levels: Material level – money, all that.  Second, the psychological level – trying to influence people as you want so that you will be the leader.  Then, next, the collective psychological level – trying to keep certain ideology up and alive for generations and trying to influence humanity through some ideology and keeping humanity under the control, keeping under the control and bound through certain ideology.  Upanishads are free from all these levels of corruptions, neither bottom level, nor middle level, or high level.  Corruption-free book in the whole universe is Upanishads!  Corruption-free knowledge, corruption-free book, corruption-free knowledge source is Upanishads!  No individual is involved.  No individual is glorified.  No individual’s vested interest exists.  Authorless – “apourushya”!  Aprameya Achinthya Anirvachaniya Apourushya!  No author!  The names of the people who penned down did not get recorded because it is not their thoughts.  There is no influence of them on the thoughts revealed in the book.  There is no influence of Upanishadic rishis on the great truths revealed in the book.  That is why it is “apourushya”!  Apourushya!

If at all in India, the media industry is non-profit, I tell you, not only we will be the top of the world, we will be already having the Vedic civilization, Upanishadic civilization, the enlightened civilization, Sathya Loka.  The Information & Broadcasting industry, information feeding industry, should be out of (free from) any “for profit” vested interests, especially ideological fears and ideological greeds.  It should be out of (free from) ideological fear-greed industry.  If somebody is greedy and he handles only money and gold, he will not harm the society.  Good, let him live with his private madness in his separate world.  Let him add as many zeroes as he wants in his bank balance in the electronic screen of the computer.  Let him go on declaring, ‘Today the gold rate is, each gram billion dollars”; no problem.  Because, that is not directly going to affect humanity.  None of us are going to die if we don’t wear gold jewellery.  So, all the things which do not affect humanity directly, let it be with the “for profit” people; the legally-accepted madness of greed.  Great!  No problem!  But, the purity of History, Information Broadcasting, and religious, spiritual ideas should not be allowed to be contaminated by the vested interests who have a certain fear or greed towards certain principles or ideas. 

The first verse of the Brahmasutras starts with: || अथातो ब्रह्म जिज्ञासा || “Athaatho Brahma Jignaasa” – “Now let us inquire into the reality”.  Means, no vested interests, no presumptions, no theories, not even a presumption “In God We Trust”.  No!  After the study of the Brahmasutra, the disciple can choose to be an atheist or theist.  Such vast possibility!  I tell you, knowledge should be from the source of possibility.  Knowledge should be from the source of freedom.  The more and more I remember the purity of the inner-space of the Upanishadic rishis, the more and more I dedicate my life to them, I re-dedicate my life to them again and again.  Whenever I remember them, I fall in love with them.  Whenever I remember them, I just surrender myself to them.  Whenever I remember them, again and again, I just re-dedicate myself to them.  What an inner-space of no vested interests even towards some ideologies, some ideas!  That is why they were so alive even to update themselves.  They were alive to reinvent themselves.  I have to go on and on and on, on the Upanishadic rishis!

Apourushya!  Apourushya!  Apourushya!  No, no, no spiritual tradition had the courage to establish themselves on apourushya!  No author, no founder, no co-ordinator, no convenor!  I am so happy to be born in a country where food industry is not in the hands of the “for profit” bosses, it is not exploited by the vested interests of fear and greed.  I am so happy I am born in a religion where the spiritual truths and religious truths are not influenced by any vested interests or fear and greed of those who penned it down.  I tell you, this is not just the good news; it is the best news!  Spread it all over the world!  We are from the religion which has no founder!  We are from the religion which has no author!  We are from the tradition which is completely freedom-based!  What a purity of an ideology!  What level of purity is maintained when the truths are presented!  What a brilliance, understand!  Upanishads are not from tribal minds.  And, first of all, being a tribal is not wrong.  In the modern day, being a tribe, the word is used as if they are uncivilized, which is wrong.  Please understand, the Upanishads are from the ultimate civilized and most sophisticated brains.  I tell you, if at all our civilization reaches the maturity in future, anywhere down the line, in a few thousand years, religion, and history, information & broadcasting, all the three will become purely non-profit and uninfluenced by the individual’s fear and greed and ideologies.  The system of a religious organization should banned to keep the purity of the ideas taught.  When the organizational priorities come into consideration and existence, the truths are compromised.  I promise to all of you in the presence of Mahadeva, I will reveal the purity of the Upanishads with integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching, without any ideological dilution or vested interests of any form of fear or any form of greed, I will reveal it to all of you.  I should say, the better word is, ‘it will be revealed to everyone in its original pure form.’  O Mahadeva, I take the responsibility to retain the purity in all the ways I can, and I surrender and request you to retain the purity in its best form as you are the ultimate pure source of the pure truths of the Upanishads!  This is the only way we can surrender our gratitude, love, respects to those great souls, the rishis of the Upanishads.  Retaining the purity of those teachings without the interference of our fear and greed is the only way we can offer our gratitude to those great beings and their purity and their sacrifice and their dedication.

O, the rishis of the Upanishads, I invoke all of you!  Let all your presence be here!  I request all of you, I pray to all of you, let all your presence be here and the pure truth be revealed through this Upanishadic Series and make everyone live Advaitha!

I tell you, the rishis retained the purity of the truth because that is the best way to exist.  Best way to exist, best way to breathe, best way to eat, best way to clothe, best way to entertain yourself, best way to enjoy the pleasures and joys of life, best way to think, best way to feed, best way to exist is to be in the source of pure truth. 

I am really, really excited, really, really excited with this Upanishadic Series, because the way the truths are getting revealed, I am sure you are all really, really waiting for blissful surprises and a spiritual feast!

We will continue with this Upanishadic Series.  Now I will move to the next segment of the morning satsangh – Nithyananda Times Daily Video Magazine.


I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, and Causing Living Advaitha and eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!  Be blissful!