Saturday, 12 April 2014

12th April 2014

12th April 2014 / Saturday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, Janashree TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in many cities in many countries around the world.

The cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: New Zealand-Adi Arunachalam, Camus-Hong Kong, Toronto-Kailasam, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Seattle-Chidambaram, Singapore-Singapuram, San Jose-Madurai, St. Louis-Tirumala, Ohio-Prayag, Varanasi, Seremban-Sivakasi, Scottsdale-Arizona, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Charlotte-Srisailam, Simi Valley-California, London-Kashi, Oman-Sivagangai, Devon-UK, Dakota Dunes, Bogota-Colombia, Highlands-North Carolina, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Houston-Texas, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Indrani-New Jersey, Jorpati-Nepal, Mumbai-Mulund, Newfoundland-Canada.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Yes....let me enter into the satsangh.

Again, today, I will insist on understanding about Advaitha.

Listen!  Please settle down and come to the space of listening!  Vancouver, San Jose, please settle down and come to the space of listening!

Please understand, strategizing your day-to-day thinking based on the simple truths is Living Enlightenment.  Strategizing your day-to-day decisions based on the eternal truths is Living Advaitha. 

I was shown a reply by a rich man to a pretty girl who has advertised in a dating website that she wants to marry a rich man.  When the reply was brought to me, I told Jnanatma that I will comment on it.  I first wanted to read out the whole article.  This pretty girl was seeking a rich husband, and the reply she got from a banker was priceless.  The following I am just reading out.  Then I will give you some of the deeper insights. 

The following is what a women posted on a dating forum seeking a rich husband:

I’m going to be honest of what I’m going to say here. I’m 25 this year. I’m very pretty, have style and good taste. I wish to marry a guy with $500k annual salary or above. You might say that I’m greedy, but an annual salary of $1M is considered only as middle class in New York.

My requirement is not high. Is there anyone in this forum who has an income of $500k annual salary? Are you all married? I wanted to ask: what should I do to marry rich persons like you?

Among those I’ve dated, the richest is $250k annual income, and it seems that this is my upper limit.
If someone is going to move into high cost residential area on the west of New York City Garden(?), $250k annual income is not enough.

I’m here humbly to ask a few questions:

1) Where do most rich bachelors hang out? (Please list down the names and addresses of bars, restaurant, gym)

2) Which age group should I target?

3) Why most wives of the riches are only average-looking? I’ve met a few girls who don’t have looks and are not interesting, but they are able to marry rich guys.

4) How do you decide who can be your wife, and who can only be your girlfriend? (my target now is to get married)

Ms. Pretty

A philosophical reply from CEO of J.P. Morgan below:

Dear Ms. Pretty,

I have read your post with great interest. Guess there are lots of girls out there who have similar questions like yours. Please allow me to analyse your situation as a professional investor.
My annual income is more than $500k, which meets your requirement, so I hope everyone believes that I’m not wasting time here.

From the standpoint of a business person, it is a bad decision to marry you. The answer is very simple, so let me explain.

Put the details aside, what you’re trying to do is an exchange of “beauty” and “money”: Person A provides beauty, and Person B pays for it, fair and square.

However, there’s a deadly problem here, your beauty will fade, but my money will not be gone without any good reason. The fact is, my income might increase from year to year, but you can’t be prettier year after year.

Hence from the viewpoint of economics, I am an appreciation asset, and you are a depreciation asset. It’s not just normal depreciation, but exponential depreciation. If that is your only asset, your value will be much worse 10 years later.

By the terms we use in Wall Street, every trading has a position, dating with you is also a “trading position”.

If the trade value dropped we will sell it and it is not a good idea to keep it for long term – same goes with the marriage that you wanted. It might be cruel to say this, but in order to make a wiser decision any assets with great depreciation value will be sold or “leased”.

Anyone with over $500k annual income is not a fool; we would only date you, but will not marry you. I would advice that you forget looking for any clues to marry a rich guy. And by the way, you could make yourself to become a rich person with $500k annual income. This has better chance than finding a rich fool.

Hope this reply helps.

J.P. Morgan CEO


Understand, I usually pick up only the Upanishads, Vedic scriptures, to comment on.  But very rarely I pick up some modern-day writing or the recent postings to comment on.  But I picked this up personally.  It has a very big insight of Advaitha.   

Please listen!  The whole life is a business, the whole life is trading: you give something, receive something.  Either you got more or you gave more.  Or you got and gave equally.  Whatever is said and done, the whole life is a business, please understand.  But, the good news is, what you consider as you is the starting point.  The best news is, that can be just updated by Advaitha.

Please understand (break in connectivity at this point...........)

Your self-image, your identity about you, if it is occupied completely by your looks, by your beauty, the physical dimension, please listen, you are making all your strategies and plans based on depreciation asset more and more.  As time passes, life will be hell for you.  Kaala will bring suffering for you.  Please understand, the strategy which brings the best things as Kaala passes, is eternal strategy. 

If your perception about you is all based on your beauty, you are having exponential depreciation asset.  You can manage a few more years with various creams and cosmetic items, but it will continue to depreciate. 

Second, if your perception about you is based on your mental ability, your ability to understand, your ability to assess, your ability to strategize, your ability to cognize, your ability to respond, you have appreciation asset.  Please understand, you have appreciation asset.  As time passes, you will only have more and more joy.  You will not have more and more suffering.  Kaala brings you more joy.   

If your perception about you is based on the Consciousness, if your perception about you is neither based on your beauty and health, nor based on your mind’s abilities, but is based on your conscious space, the space you carry, the being you carry, the consciousness you carry, the idea you have about you, understand, you have exponential appreciation asset.  Kaala brings you bliss.

If you are just based on your beauty, you have exponential depreciation asset.  If you are built on your health, you have depreciation asset.  If you are built on your mental abilities, knowledge, you have appreciation asset.  If you are built on your consciousness, you have exponential appreciation asset. 

Whether Kaala is going to bring suffering to you, or pain to you, or joy to you, or bliss to you, understand, when you have beauty and health, making the comforts you want and position you want in society is okay.  Means, making some money and making a career, and making a family, it is okay.  But, please don’t strategize your life based on that.

No Old Age Insurance is going to be useful for the person who is paying it, please understand; because all Old Age Insurances become useless by the time you reach that age, because the money for which you insured is no more useful to run your life.  Fifty years before, who paid Old Age Insurance, they would have thought $100,000 is the greatest money and they would have insured themselves for that!  Now, with that, what you get your monthly money, may be maximum you can make the ends meet; means you can have food and roof above your head.  So, please understand, now you may think ten million dollars is the best insurance.  Make it and see!  By the time you become old......  Strategize!  I am not saying don’t have insurance.  I am only saying insurance does not mean insurance.  That is all I am saying.  I am not saying don’t take insurance.  But insurance alone is not insurance. 

Listen!  The first thing, strategize your life based on Authenticity.  Strategize your life based on Authenticity.  How you perceive about you, let it be based on Authenticity.  How you perceive yourself to be..... (audio lost at this point...........)

Please listen!  Internalize sincerely when you are listening!

Let your perception about you be always based on the consciousness you hold, the identity you hold.  Inner Awakening program is all about making you understand the right identity and go on asking you to strengthen the right identity.  Authenticity is all about re-writing your right identity and go on strengthening that right identity, completing with all the unnecessary components you are carrying around your identity.  If you are depressed this moment, ask yourself, ‘Is this time and energy I spend on depression going to strengthen the identity I want to establish for myself?’  Identity-building is just like body-building and mind-building.  Society gives so much of importance and time to body-building and mind-building, but forgets to let you understand identity-building. 

The other day I was sitting and calculating the bio-memory, bio-energy, and DNA structure of our Swamis based on the lifestyle, food-style.  Please understand, very comfortably I am putting this on record in the national television in satsangh; later on, in times to come, these satsanghs will be eternally stored and seen by crores of disciples yet to come, and thousands of years yet to come; I am putting this comfortably on record: Average, all my sannyasis will live 120 years comfortably!  You will see!  Comfortably, without any disease, average 120 years, all my sannyasis will live!  Very comfortably, not with struggling, pulling, pushing!  No!  Very comfortably!  Because, first good thing, first good thing, I am already successful is, I made a very good eating habit for them!  Very good eating habit!  Ninety percent of them abide by this good eating habit.  Even the ten percent, they miss only rarely when they travel around.  “Good eating habit” means, with the right gap, the habit of eating only what is required for the body.  That is what is “good eating habit”.  I was sitting with some Swamis for teamily dinner.  We were scanning, scanning, scanning.  We have not found even a single sannyasi or ashramite who abuses food; means, eating unnecessarily, eating out of depression, eating out of just lust of taste.  I am so happy!  This is the first step you have to master to develop the right identity. 

Then the right yoga lifestyle: I can say, again ninety percent I am successful.  Only ten percent who are travelling outside, when they travel outside, night travel, bus, trains, they miss; and the Swamis who are staying in some other remote centres, they miss, because they are all alone; but that also should not be missed. 

Once somebody can master the eating and yoga pattern, now very easily they can build the right identity.

Understand, society stops with body-building, because, by the time you come to the right body-building itself, your energy, effort, everything is wasted.  By the time you build the right food habit and yoga pattern, you are too tired or too old and you feel too much of effort has been spent on it. 

Then, with knowledge, you try to do mind-building, through education.  If you are a doctor, in that field; if you are an engineer, in that field.  By the time you do mind-building, you stop the patterns of body-building, you start over-eating!  That is why, people, if they achieve something in the knowledge field, they think they can pamper themselves and develop the bad eating habit and bad routine and lifestyle.  I have seen doctors; their tummy will be hitting the operation table, and they will have to bend like this to cut the patient!  I have seen engineers; they make amazing buildings; the foundation will be so strong, and the roof will be so light; but, in their body, the foundation will be weak and the heavy portion will be the roof!  Knee problem, knee pain!  By the time you build the body, you are tired and you don’t want to build the mind.  By the time you build the mind, you just want to pamper yourself and stop building the body. 

Listen!  You are never given the knowledge about building the Being!  Authenticity is building the Being.  This process which I am putting all of you through, the teamily Advaitha process, the Advaitha teamily is nothing but reminding you to build the right identity....reminding you to build the right identity. 

Understand, I am getting the Eternal Insurance for you; not Old Age Insurance, but the Eternal Insurance for you.  Whoever has built the right identity, you have a place in Akshardhama.  Means, imperishable space!  Imperishable space, Akshardhama, which is equivalent to Kailasa or Vaikunta!  Listen!  The power of Kailasa and the wealth of Vaikunta put together is Akshardhama!

Understand, the identity-building has to be done consciously as a lifestyle.  First, pen down the best inner-image you want to have, outer-image you want to project, how you want others to perceive you, how you want to perceive the world and others.  And, after you pen down that, every action, every thought, every word you utter, go on reminding yourself, ‘Is it aligned to what I want?  Is it aligned to what I want?’  If it is aligned, do it....and overdo it!  If it is not aligned, complete and drop it.

Understand, many times your identity is in one direction, and your actions are completely in the opposite direction.  The conflict of interest in you drags you to the easiest direction.  By the time you wake up, you are dead!  Dead before waking up is what I call as “Accidental Humans”.  You are born when your parents were trying to do something else, as an accident!  You live as an accident!  And die as an accident!  The person who starts building the identity, even if he is a failure, he will be successful in his journey!  Understand, understand, I am making a statement!  Even if you are a failure in building your Authenticity, just because you tried you will be successful in your journey either tomorrow or next day, because, even starting the journey with the right direction and the right guide is the greatest thing which can happen in your life!  That is why I am saying Inner Awakening, first and foremost truth, experience, program, which can happen in your life.  Wake up to yourself.  Come back to Authenticity.

All the Swamis, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, devotees, disciples, today your homework is, if you have done your Completion with the teamily, the next step is, define your new identity which you want to cause:

·         the new inner-image you want to have,
·         the outer-image you want to show,
·         the others-image – how you want to be perceived by others,
·         and life-image – how you want to perceive the world. 

Pen down all the four, post it on my Facebook wall; not in my inbox, please don’t inbox me; only put it on the Facebook wall.

I bless you all!

If you have not yet finished the teamily Completion, finish that, and then pen down this.  You have time till tomorrow morning satsangh to finish your teamily Completion.  And the people who have finished, for all of them this is the next step – identity-building, the right identity-building.  Only you can be liberated from the consciously-built identity, you can become mindless only from a mind which you built consciously, not before that.  You can go beyond the mind only jumping from the mind which you built consciously, not from the unconscious mind.  Unconscious mind can never be a jumping pad from mind to no-mind.  Only consciously-built mind can be a jumping pad from mind to no-mind.

So, with this, a small break; then I will move to Kalpataru process.


Now, please sit straight.  Take a paper and pen.  Pen down the one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions you have around that thought.  Please pen down.

(After a few minutes.....................)

Please sit straight.  All the cities who are going to have Kalpataru Darshan – New Zealand-Adi Arunachalam, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Bogota-Colombia, all three of you, and Bidadi, sit straight.  Close your eyes.  Visualize what you want to cause as reality.  Complete all the incompletions and drop it.  And hold on to the space of visualization, hold on to the space of what you want to cause as reality.  Whatever you want to cause as reality, please hold on to it.  If you want health, see that you are already healthy.  If you want wealth, see already wealth has happened.  Understand, whatever you want to cause, hold it as present now.  Namah Shivaya!

I bless you all!  Whatever you visualized, let it become reality!  Whatever you held, let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!

Girishananda.....birthday blessings!  What....every two days you are having birthday!  Oh, I think earlier you had star birthday (Nakshatra).  My blessings!  With all auspiciousness, you will be with me, I will be with you!

London-Kashi....Sylvia, blessings!

So, now, we will have Kalpataru Darshan for the participants who have come in Bidadi.  Then Bogota-Colombia, New Zealand-Adi Arunachalam, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, all three.  The order will be: Bogota first, Hong Kong second, New Zealand third.  But all of you will be having Kalpataru Darshan; so please be online.

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing the eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________

11th April :

11th April 2014 /  Friday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars who are sitting with us all over the world at this moment through Nithyananda TV, Lotus TV, Sadhna TV, Eshwar TV, Janashree TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many countries in many cities around the world.

The cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing: Charlotte-Srisailam, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Nithyananda Nagara-Tiruvannamalai, Seattle-Chidambaram, Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Nithyananda University-Paris, Singapore-Singapuram, Ohio-Prayag, New York-Varanasi, San Jose-Madurai, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Toronto-Kailasam, Houston-Kalahasti, London-Kashi, Varanasi, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Scottsdale-Arizona, Oman-Sivagangai, Dakota Dunes, High Point-North Carolina, Toon Moon-Hong Kong, Santa Fe-New Mexico, Bogota-Colombia, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Jorpati-Nepal, Bangalore North, Guadeloupe-Rameswaram, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Minot-North Dakota, San Antonio-Texas, Port Washington-New York, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Hosur Dhyanapeetam.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Today I will start on the Science of Living Advaitha, the Science of Living Enlightenment, the Teamily Process.

Please listen! 

When you start working with your team, face all your so-called difficulties....  Listen! Nothing is difficult on this earth, but you have to DO it.  The good news is, nothing is difficult.  The best news is, you have to DO it.  If you don’t do it, if you don’t need to do, then what for life?  Nothing, nothing is difficult.  When you start relating with your teamily, please understand, the first thing that will happen to you is, your ability to speak into your listening will happen.  I tell you, your intestine can be programmed immediately as you want.  If you just know to speak into your listening, your intestine can listen to you immediately.  Your intestine will just listen to you, your heart will listen to you, your liver will listen to you.  I am telling you after experientially experimenting in the last two days. 

Last two days I was diagnosing the root of this cough.  And I was instructing the body, ‘Hey, alter it yourself.  Clear it.’  The body said, ‘If I have to do this much of work, the throat has to work this much.  Then I will need to recreate the whole throat and the whole organ with a new kind of strength.  Just give me a few days, I will make it happen.’  Then I said, ‘Alright, till you do that, you don’t need to wait for the stomach to become alright.  You clear that.’  I saw clearly, the root of the cough has stopped immediately!  Now, only the throat, a new system is getting built!’

Please listen!  Please listen!  I am on national television, and whatever I am speaking, I am responsible for it!  I am telling you on national television, you can talk to your organs, you can talk to your body; it will listen to you.  Only when you face your teamily, complete with them, when you learn to speak into their listening, simply you will see, your teamily is nothing but the representation mirrors your heart, kidney, liver, brain.  If your teamily is completely disintegrated, disorganized, your body is also disintegrated and disorganized, your mind is also disintegrated and disorganized.

Your mind has many components: Chittha, Buddhi.  “Chittha” means, all the memory storage.  “Buddhi” means, which orders a special file to be drawn.  For example, the moment you see somebody wearing a kaavi-coloured dress, you would have had a good and bad experience, both, with that colour.  If your Buddhi orders the bad file, and the Chittha will supply that, that is what becomes incompletion.  If your Buddhi orders a good file, and that is what the Chittha will supply, that only leads to friendliness.  Understand, whether your perception, the sensory activities leads to more and more incompletion or friendliness is decided by the responsibility with which your Buddhi behaves....the responsibility with which your Buddhi behaves.  Listen!  Please understand, if your Buddhi cognizes from the space of Advaitha that, ‘For everything I am responsible, I am the source’, then it always orders the right files from the Chittha.  It always orders the right files from the Chittha.  Your mind is your teamily.  Your body is your teamily.  Your teamily is your body and mind.  Understand?  When you are able to speak into the listening of your teamily, you will be able to speak into the listening of the different components of your mind, the different components of your body. 

A few devotees were requesting that they need time for completing with all their teamily members.  I agreed to extend.  Only two more days, forty-eight hours.  I don’t want to extend more than that.  So, tomorrow and day-after-tomorrow.  Day-after-tomorrow morning satsangh, you should come back to the satsangh after completely completing with all your teamily members, so that I can lead you guys to the next level. 

So, before Guru Poornima, I wanted at least a bunch of people living this Advaitha practically.  Just like how our kids do the Rudra Homa and make the gods pleased, they please the gods and make the heavens shower.  Yesterday, when they completed the Rudra Homa, there was no cloud; it was completely white, open sky.  I went to the temple and asked them, ‘Did you guys finish the Rudra Homa?’  They said, ‘Yes, Swamiji, it is finished.’  I said, ‘It HAS to shower!’  They brought the prasadam to me.  And, when I put the prasadam, after putting the Homa Prasadam, I realized that I had already accepted the prasadam, and because I accepted, all the gods have accepted!  And it HAS to shower!  And it simply showered in a few minutes!  Normally it drizzles, but yesterday it just poured! 

Understand, I wanted all of you to radiate enlightenment, to radiate Advaitha with all its powers and siddhis.  Never have the beggar mentality of acquiring siddhis, accumulating siddhis.  It is like you steal in your own father’s mango garden.  No!  You own it!  The moment you are my disciple, I tell you, you own the whole Cosmos!  You are the favourite inheritor of the Cosmos!  Brahmanyam Bahuputhrathaam! 

Understand, for the few people who have done great charity, God gives wealth.  For the few people who always do good, he gives power.  For the few people who share food, he gives them grains.  For the few people who are able to bring up the kids as good citizens of the society, he gives “santhaana” – kids.  Only for a few, he gives Himself as Guru!  Many get his wealth; many get his land; many get his properties; many get his powers; very few get Himself as Guru!  Understand, the moment you are my disciple, you are the favourite inheritor of the Cosmos!  Be very clear!  You don’t move with the idea of acquiring siddhis, with the beggar mentality.  Be very clear, it is your nature; wake it up!  Know very clearly, it is your nature; you don’t need to accumulate, acquire.  Start thinking and acting from the context of Advaitha.  Start thinking and acting from the basic truth of Advaitha; automatically, these siddhis will start expressing!  You will be radiating the siddhis! 

So, today and day-after-tomorrow, I will explain on this principle of teamily, why a teamily.  If you are locked in a prison 10 feet x 10 feet, and somebody tells you there that if you are free you will have the whole universe for yourself.  And the foolish, stupid prisoner, he starts imagining, ‘Now only 10 feet x 10 feet I am allowed to use.  Then to acquire 10 feet x 10 feet more, how many years it will take for me?  Then to acquire 100 feet x 100 feet, how many years it will take for me?  Then to acquire one kilometre x one kilometre, how many years it will take for me?’  If this stupid fellow calculates that way, how he is foolish and does not know the truth, same way only you are struggling and saying, ‘This one body controlling itself is taking five years for me.  Still I have not controlled.  Then one more body I have to control. Then third body I have to control.  By the time I feel oneness with the whole Cosmos, I don’t know how many janmas (lives) it will take!’  No!  You are foolish!  You are stupid!  If that fellow just gets out of that 10 feet x 10 feet prison, the whole universe belongs to him!  Same way, if you complete with this body, the whole universe belongs to you!  The whole Cosmos belongs to you! 

When I say, ‘Work with some eleven people to create a teamily of Advaitha’, don’t think, ‘Once I establish myself in Advaitha with eleven people, then I will have to start with hundred people, then I will have to start with thousand people...’  No!  Once you master these eleven people, with the whole world you will experience Advaitha!  See, the people with whom you share your food, you share your bed, you share your house, you share your office, naturally, in all of them, in all their eyes you will reflect all the incompletions you have.  Your teamily, in their eyes the incompletions which didn’t reflect, you don’t have, understand that.  If you don’t reflect some incompletions in their eyes, be complete you don’t have that incompletion.  Your teamily also is not having that incompletion.  But you doubt whether you have that incompletion or not; means, it is self-doubt; it is not incompletion. 

When you work with your teamily, the problems you face are the only problems you have with your body, with the different parts of your body, and the different parts of your mind.  That is why I am insisting on teamily.  Understand?  That is why I am insisting, first create a teamily.  When you start planning Completion with them, the problems you face, don’t stop. Find solution.  Find solution.  When you complete with the people with whom you are sharing your life, you will simply have the power to speak into the listening of your own various parts of the body, you will have the power to speak into the listening of the various components of your mind.  I tell you, I tell you as a person who is using his mind to its optimum, people who are living around me they know, when I am instructing about the University Syllabus and designing how the legal and social and brand structure of the University has to happen, the depth and preciseness, and the next moment remembering some brahmachari’s or brahmacharini’s whole file from the day they joined, what all patterns they struggled with, where they are, and where they have to move, I tell you without any pride or arrogance, I am putting the mind to its maximum use.  With this experience I am telling you, if you complete with your teamily, you will put your mind to its maximum use.

I tell you, please understand, I wanted to give a very deep insight.  If you catch this, you will understand one of the most secret of the universal law.  Listen!  If you want to be a Councillor of a small town, naturally all their interests, the interests of the citizens of that small town should become part of your thinking.  If you want to be the Chairman of that town, all the interests of the citizens and the interests of the Councillors should become part of your thinking.  When you are Chairman of a town, you think, ‘If I become the Chief Minister or Prime Minister, how much of power and pleasure I will have, how much of glory I will have!’  Please listen, but by the time you evolve as a MLA or MP or Minister or a Chief Minister, so many lakhs and lakhs and crores of people’s interests should become part of you.  Actually, many times people think they will be able to retain their personal desires, their personal interests, and climb the ladder of power.  No!  By the time you climb the ladder of power, many of your personal interests will be pulled out of you, and the remaining personal interests which you are retaining is what I call “Corruption”. 

Climbing the ladder of power without giving up your personal interests is “Corruption”.  Climbing the power ladder giving up your personal interests is “Dharma”.  Listen!  It is a very subtle point.  When you climb the ladder of power, automatically, by force, much of your personal interests will be pulled out of you.  And, I tell you, becoming the part of others’ interests and allowing the others’ interests as part of you itself can become joy.  When others’ interests become part of your joy, it is called “Vairagya”.  Listen!  When others’ interests become part of your joy, it is “Vairagya”.  Means, the personal interests have lost power over you. 

Listen!  Climbing the power ladder and still struggling hard to keep the personal interests is “Corruption.  Allowing the personal interests to disappear into the others’ interests and climbing the power ladder is “Dharma”.  Allowing the others’ interests and enjoying it as personal interest is “Vairagya”.  And becoming a catalyst for others’ interests is “Enlightenment”, “Moksha”!  Whether you are in the field of entertainment, politics, spirituality, social service, in anything....  Understand, I am giving you the sutra of Dharma, law of life.  Whether you are a business celebrity, or social celebrity, or social revolutionary, whatever you do, I tell you, it is your ability to give up your personal interests and allow the others’ interests as part of you, ability to allow the others’ interests as part of you, that is “Success”.  Listen!  Ability to allow others’ interests as your part, is “Success”.  And, when you work with the teamily, you will understand, you will really, really understand that your personal interests are not that strongly powerful over you other than your joy of fulfilment.

See, the lust pattern is created in you because you don’t enjoy love.  When love is experienced and the fulfilment starts, even you will be surprised how your lust pattern has melted down.  You will feel cheated by your lust pattern.  You will really feel cheated by your lust pattern.  Trusting the lust pattern and building your love is like trusting your sneezing and building a Hot House.  Because you sneeze once, you never, ever, want that again, you create a special atmosphere house around you and you carry that with you wherever you go.  For a simple sneezing do you need that big a solution? 

Same way, many times the lust pattern is nothing more than sneezing, but you have built so many things just for that one pattern.  By the time you build and prepare everything and look in, that pattern is not there!  ‘Aiyyaiyyo!’  Understand, because, for the lust pattern when you build whatever you need, somewhere you will hit and experience love.  Suddenly, because of that love, the lust pattern loses its power.  Why do you think pornography has become such a large multi-million dollar industry on Planet Earth?  Because, the foolish fellows are cheated by the actual lust pattern, because they worked so much for that, by the time they build everything and look in, the lust pattern has disappeared.  It is like there is a small plant, small mango tree going up, and you say, ‘Wow!  Mango tree is going to happen!  Let me fence it!’  You go around and fence it and do everything.  And by the time you come back, the plant is dead!  So what to do?  Come on, let us bring pornography!  Trying to infuse power into the dead pattern is pornography, understand.  Whether it is food or lust, anything!  The big, big advertisements for food, the McDonald’s advertisement, is food pornography!  The big, big burger advertisement is food pornography!  Trying to infuse interest into the dead pattern and making it look like larger than life is pornography.  It does not need to be restricted only to lust.  Food....anything!  And ear-abusing Rock Band is also sound pornography!  Ear-abusing Rock Band!  I have defined Pornography, understand!  It is not restricted just to lust.  In any field trying to infuse interest into the pattern which does not have power over you, but, because you believe that pattern has power and you built your life, now that pattern is dead you realize your life is empty, you want to give life to that pattern, you put ventilator on that pattern, that is pornography.  Through ventilator you can keep somebody alive, but not living!  Through ventilator, you can keep somebody alive, but not living!  That is why, pornographists may keep the lust alive, but not living.

Listen!  Please listen!  When you start working with your teamily with whom you share your bed, if you complete with that person, person or persons with whom you share your bed, you will be complete with all your lust patterns.  The person or persons with whom you share your food, person or persons with whom you share your office, person or persons with whom you share your life, complete with all of them.  You will see so many of your patterns don’t have power over you, but you infuse power into them through pornography.  Your violence has lost power over you, but by seeing constantly the horror movies, and entertaining, cherishing horror thoughts and yellow journalism, you are infusing power into your violence.  Yellow journalism and horror movies are violent pornography.  Pornography of violence, pornography of multiple variety, pornography of lust, pornography of violence, pornography of food!  Liberate yourself from all these and come back to the true and ultimate space of Advaitha, Shuddha Advaitha.  Working with teamily will make that happen to you.  Working with teamily will make that happen to you. 

Understand, any principle will become reality in your life only based on the intensity with which you are adopting it.  Just the other day I was talking to one of the Mahants.  I said, ‘The deity becomes God because of your devotion to it.’  See, in the temples, the nicely carved statues are there in the pillars.  But they only become the pillar statues, decorative pieces.  The uncarved simple stone remains as Swaymbhu Linga in the Garba Griha (sanctum sanctorum) and receives worship as God!  What a funny thing!  So, it is not an external carving which makes a stone into a deity.  It is our internal devotion which makes a stone into a deity.  How we hold it makes it deity.  Same way, this Advaitha, how you hold it is only going to make it as a reality in your life.

I will continue with the teamily.  I think I am destroying the whole business of pornography, food, everything!  I am not going to leave any business alive other than Advaitha!  And all the businesses have to be re-planned and re-strategized, rebuilt based on the truth of Advaitha.  To cause this I have happened!  I happened, I am happening to cause this!

Now, we will move to the Kalpataru process. 

All the Kalpataru participants, pick up one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions about that thought.  Pen down both.

(After a few minutes.....................)

Please sit straight.  Close your eyes.  Create a space for whatever you want to cause as reality.  Complete with all the incompletions and drop it.  Create a beautiful space for whatever you want to cause as reality.  Whatever you want to cause as reality, hold on to that visualization now.  Namah Shivaya!


I bless you all!  The space you created, let it become reality!  The thought you held on, let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!

We will have darshan for all the participants who came to Bidadi for Kalpataru Darshan.  Then we will have MKT Meeting – Mahants-Kotharis-Thanedars Meeting.

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing the eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________

Thursday, 10 April 2014

10th April

10th April 2014 / Thrusday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.  I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars sitting with us all over the world at this time through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and through two two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities in many countries around the world.

The cities sitting with us through two-way-video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Toronto-Kailasam, Singapore-Singapuram, San Jose-Madurai, Ohio-Prayag, Charlotte-Srisailam, Seattle-Chidambaram, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Nithyananda Vedic University-Los Angeles, Nithyananda Vedic University-Paris, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Houston-Kalahasti, Toon Moon-Hong Kong, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Scottsdale-Arizona, Oman-Sivagangai, Winston-Salem-North Carolina, Rose Li, Jorpati-Nepal, Dakota Dunes, Devon-UK, High Point-North Carolina, Minot-North Dakota, San Antonio-Texas, Coimbatore Dhyanapeetam.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today I am coming back to the subject of Teamily.  I almost gave you guys a few days’ time, last few days’ time to complete with all the teamily members.  So, before tomorrow morning, you will finish all the Completions with all your teamily members.  And, tomorrow morning, I expect all of you to be ready for the next process.  Understand, today, all of you with your teamily members should have Complete Completion.  You should sit with them, sort out all the completions; either both of you should have understood your incompletions are foolishness, and drop them, or you should have understood your incompletions are reasonless. 

Please understand, sometimes by logically analyzing you can understand your incompletions are logic-less; sometimes you can understand it is foolishness.  Whether it is logical or not, you don’t need to spend time on it digging it out; you don’t need to spend time analyzing your garbage; that is the job of the Municipality.  You can just dump. 

So, understand, come to the Completion by today.  By today evening you should have finished all the Completion.  Night, go to bed in the space of Complete Completion.  And, tomorrow morning be here for the next step of process.     

Please understand, take this process really, really, really seriously and sincerely.  Do it very authentically.  All the Shrimahants...see, I have not seen the Shrimahants’ teamily list.  And all the Mahants, many I have seen, a few I have not seen.  And Kotharis, almost 80% sent; I think 20% still missing.  Thanedars, I think only 40% Thanedars sent.  Please understand, let us take it very seriously, because, all your teamily put together is my teamily.  Understand one thing: my teamily consists of grahas (planets), pancha bhootas (the five elements)!  When you form a teamily and create Advaithic space with them, you become part of my teamily.  So, naturally, all my teamily will be in Advaitha with you!  I know you cannot understand; that is why.  It is a little difficult for you to understand.  But, I will make you understand.  Let us come to the clear Advaithic space.

Please understand, only when the incompletions are removed, I can lead you to the next level of the positive non-dual space.  In the positive non-dual space, so much of fulfilment, so much of fulfilment happens, so much of clarity happens, so much of......  Please understand, whatever you want to create as reality happens, whatever the other person wants to create as reality happens; simply you cause their reality and they cause your reality.  I really, really wanted the whole Sangha to experience the Complete Completion with their teamily today. 

So, today, tonight is the last time.  Till night you can send your teamily list, you can file your nomination papers for getting elected as part of the Cosmic Teamily.  All the twenty-one people who are going to be selected will be given the title “Secretary of Swamiji”, “Secretary of His Holiness”.  This is completely separate from the titles you have – Mahant, Shrimahant, all that.  So, you will be given a straight title – “Secretary to His Holiness”.  So, get ready!  But the basic qualification is, Advaitha should become experience in you, it should become experience in you.  The rustic, raw, ground-level truth should be your basic cognition.  Understand, the rustic truth of life is non-duality.  The raw truth of life is Advaitha.  It should become your basic cognition in whatever you do, in whatever you live, in whatever you touch, in whatever you handle, in whatever you see. 

Come to the truth, come to the clarity, whoever may be in your teamily – A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K,  whatever – please understand, your Completion with them or incompletion with them, they are not responsible for that.  Irrespective of them, you develop a pattern of incompletion with somebody else, somewhere else, and bring it and keep it on this teamily.  See, whether you keep a gunny bag on them or a silk shawl on them, you will be somewhere else, the poor fellow standing in front of you is in no way responsible for the gunny bag or silk shawl you are dumping on them.

So, understand, Advaitha Sathya is the only truth.  Your incompletion with the other person, or your Completion with the other person, the other person is not responsible for that.  Whether you are putting a silk shawl on that person – Completion, or a gunny bag on that person – incompletion, the other person is not responsible; it is you who sits with this pattern from your life.

Understand, if your teamily, the other person is constantly abusing you, even if you remove the other person and put somebody else, even if you remove “A” and put “B”, in two days you will see, this fellow is also going to do the same thing to you!  Whether your Completion or incompletion, the other person is not responsible for that.  Tomorrow’s process is going to exactly show you that. 

Complete with all the incompletions you have.  There is so much to be told.  I can take days and days and days to convince you why the teamily, why you need to do Completion.  So, understand, days and days and days..... 

Actually, I am overwhelmed and excited.....the effect going to happen by this teamily!  See, I can say easily, thousand people have started this process.  The process is such a powerful, perfect process, easily nine-hundred-and-fifty people will reach the goal!  Only the people who drop out voluntarily will fail.  Because the process itself is so easy and straightforward, you can never miss it if you go through it.  You can never miss it if you go through it.  This whole Advaitha, teamily satsanghs, we will collect it, organize it as a series, and put it on YouTube for free, for everyone to experience Advaitha.

Yesterday, some devotee has asked a question to me: ‘Should I practice love, then I will reach the space of Advaitha?’

I said, ‘No.  You will start practicing love from the context of Advaitha.’

Advaitha is not a goal.  From the context of Advaitha only you will even start practicing love.  There is a big shift.  Practicing love and becoming Advaitha means, just you will see, I am there and Mahadeva is there and I love him, and all that.  No!  I am He, He is me, His reflection is this, and this reflection is that; because of that, both love each other.  Even the word “both” is wrong.  Because You is me, Me is you, You Me has become You-Me.  You is Me, Me is You, the You-Me Me-You.  What you call “You-Me Me-You” experience only is love.  Understand, love itself should be from the context of Advaitha. 

So, please understand, Advaitha is not some experience to reach after certain practice and all that.  See, how when you know the truth the Sun rises in the morning in the East, you strategize so many things based on that fact.  Your waking-up time you plan, your day you plan, your house you plan in that direction, based on that direction you know how the light will be available to you, how the breeze will be available to you.  You put your staying place in that way.  It is like the basic fact to strategize your existence.  Please understand, exactly the same way, you are everything, everything is you.  That truth – you are everything, everything is you – that truth should be the strategy-planning cognition for you.  When you have a Retirement Insurance, you don’t bother about anything and you relax.  When you have an International Driving Licence, based on that you plan to travel to many countries.  Advaitha is International Driving Licence, international Visa.  Please understand, you always perceive Advaitha as Retirement Insurance – ‘Ok, it is there.  It will come in the old age and support me.’  No!  It is not a Retirement Insurance; it is an international Visa, International Driving Licence.  With that you have to start planning your life. 

Remembering Advaitha as a Retirement Insurance is “Videha Mukthi” (“liberated after you leave the body”).  Understanding Advaitha is your international Visa, International Driving Licence, and planning your life, is “living enlightenment”, “Jeevan Mukthi”.  

I tell you, when you know the Sun rises in the morning in the East, tons of things can be planned on that – where you have to do agriculture, where you have to live, so many decisions, how your house should be, so many decisions – based on that one fact.  Same way, when you know the Cosmic non-duality, tons of decisions you can make based on that.  And, even if you don’t believe, even if you don’t experience, I tell you, make your strategy based on non-duality.  With the right understanding, you will experience it.  It is right understanding that is required.  It is right understanding that is required.

I am just celebrating, because, continuously, every day it has become a day-to-day lifestyle for our kids to relate with the gods and relate with Nature.  It is like they declare and the heaven showers!  Just a few drizzles!  It is not a joke!  Exactly, every day, at the same time, the clouds gather and drizzle.  Neither in Bangalore nor in Mysore, only in Nithyananda Nagara!  Not even Mysore Road, only in the ashram it drizzles!  I am so happy!  It means these kids have started perceiving Advaitha as a basic cognition.  I wanted to tell all our Gurukul kids, it is time that you guys transformed yourself and aligned yourself to these spiritual truths and Advaitha in a very strong way; because, I don’t want my kids to hear even a word from other than Advaitha!  Even the words they hear should be from the non-dualistic space, Advaitha.

Yesterday, when I went for a walk, the Gurukul kids were telling me, ‘Swamiji, we have only three mangoes (in the mango tree).  We wanted to have more mangoes.’

I said, ‘Don’t bother.  It is not only that the rose plant is going to listen to you.  Go and tell the mango trees, “Give more mangoes.  Lower your branches so that we don’t have to climb and pluck and eat”.’

They said, ‘Stinging ants are there, Swamiji, in that tree.’

I said, ‘You should never use the word “stinging ants”!  Why they are stinging?  Because we are abusing!  Because human-beings abuse them, they are stinging.  It is their living place.  So stop these abusive words – “stinging ants”.  Be very clear...tell them, “I will just climb and pluck these mangoes and come down.”  They will simply give way.  Just like you have a name for them – “stinging ants”, they will have a name for you – “demonic man”!  When you have a word – “stinging ants”, they will have a word – “demonic man”!  Drop it.’

We were walking, and we saw a snake hole.  I saw the snake; it was there inside.  All the Swamis were around me, and Mahants and Shrimahants. 

I said, ‘Shall I tap now?  It will come out.’

We have one Mahant...rowdy!  He said, ‘Yes, Yes, get it!  I want to see it!’

A Shrimahant said, ‘No, no.  The poor fellow is sleeping there.  How can we just take him out?’

I said, ‘ are right.’  For our curiosity, we have no right to disturb his space.  Because, the moment he sees us, it is not that he is going to be very friendly; he is going to be frightened!

Constantly, let us operate from the context....let us operate from the context. 

I am challenging you, these Gurukul kids will go and talk to the mango tree; you will see, this season, the unimaginable quantity – ten times more than the usual levels the mangoes will come in that tree!  And you will see, all those ants will have separate place; they will never come near that tree or sting them!  I am challenging you guys, because I know the power of my kids!  Even if it is a spark, it is a spark from fire!  Understand, even if it is a spark, it is a spark from fire!  It can burn anything!  You will see, these kids, even if they are kids, they are kids from the space of Advaitha; they will do it!

Yesterday I did not go near the mango tree, because I didn’t want them to listen from my instructions and give more fruits.  I want them to listen to my kids’ instructions and give.  I did not go near the tree.  All these kids were calling me, ‘Swamiji, come, come!’  I said, ‘No, I am not coming.’  Because, I want the kids to talk to the tree directly, and the tree should respond to the kids directly.  I will show you very scientifically the sour mangoes, now the mango tree is giving sweet mangoes.  All this I will show you scientifically.  This all will be done just by my kids through simple relationship from the space of Advaitha!  Just like how they have done....made the rose plants drop their thorns, how they make the rain shower every day through Rudra Homa, they will go and sit across and relate with the mango tree.  You will see now!

Please understand, it is not for the siddhis you live Advaitha; for you to know that siddhis are your nature, you live Advaitha!  It is not for accumulating siddhis you will live Advaitha; but to know that siddhis are your nature, you will live Advaitha!  Understand, the moment the idea of accumulation comes, the manipulation starts.  Because you feel you are inferior, you plan to manipulate.  See, you are the owner; why do you need to manipulate?  You don’t need to.  

Some kids were saying yesterday that the other kids are stealing the mango and eating.  I said, ‘Stop the word “stealing”.  You are the owners!  You are the kids of a rich father!  Why do you need to steal?’  The idea of stealing does not exist.  Only when you feel you are inferior, you need to manipulate.

Siddhis are your nature!  Practice Advaitha to know that siddhis are your nature, not to accumulate siddhis.  The moment the accumulation idea comes, the manipulation idea starts, the inferiority idea starts.

I tell you, create the Advaithic space with your teamily; you will simply have telepathic experience!  You will know what the other person is thinking!

Understand, when you experience the power of Advaitha, you are no more one individual; you are a synergy!  You are a synergy!  You are a synergy!

With this, I will move to the space of Kalpataru, the process of Kalpataru.

Everyone who is here in Bidadi and all over the world, gathered for Kalpataru Darshan, please pick up your paper and pen.  Pen down one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions you have about that thought becoming real.  Pen down both.

(After a few minutes.....................) please sit straight.  Complete and drop all the incompletions.  And hold on to the space to create what you want as reality.  Visualize what you want is real now.  Hold the space now.


I bless you all!  The space you created, let it become reality!  The thought you held, let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!

And, Raajaananda, Seattle, birthday blessings!  Be in Seattle and do what needs to be done.  Blessings!  Make Seattle happen!  Blessings!

So, we have a small Inner Awakening introduction about Varanasi before the Kalpataru Darshan starts.


I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

9th April:

9th April 2014 / Wednesday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam !
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the disciples, devotees, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars who are all sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in twenty-seven cities in many countries around the world.

The cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Singapore-Singapuram, Houston-Kalahasti, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, San Jose-Madurai, Dakota Dunes, Guadeloupe-Rameswaram, Jorpati-Nepal, Toon Moon-Hong Kong, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, High Point-North Carolina, Hongkong, Philadelphia, Scottsdale, Gangamma Circle-Bangalore, Ohio-Prayag, San Jose-Madurai, Haridwar, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Toronto-Kailasam, Nithyananda University-France, Juarez-Mexico, Hosur Dhyanapeetam, San Antonio-Texas, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Bangalore North, Paris, Indrani-New Jersey, Oman-Sivagangai.....................

With this, I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today I will expand on how Advaitha makes you light.

Please understand, your weight is not physical.  Your heaviness is metaphysical.  Listen!  Your weight is not physical.  Your heaviness is metaphysical.  Is aircraft more heavier than you, or more lighter than you?  Birds which are flying, are they more heavier than you, or more lighter than you?  Weight – being heavy or being light – is in no way related to you.  How the modern-day physics has developed a theory for flying: If you push more air, your body will push it up, you can be flying.  There are so many theories.  I am not a great adept in Physics.  But you know there are many modern theories developed about flying, how to fly and all that. 

In our ancient sacred spiritual tradition, one principle is used to make your body understand and radiate different laws and principles and energies.  This one principle, the principle of Advaitha, the one energy, energy of Advaitha – listen – can be expressed in thousands and thousands of ways through your body and mind.

Yesterday I was talking that Varanasi is a city of people who can fly, who have the capability to fly.  In Sathya Yuga, the flying was only by “Mantra”.  In Dwapara Yuga, it was by “Mani”.  In Tretha Yuga, it was by “Oushadha”.  In Kali Yuga, people fell on the ground!  That is why there are now walking on the drainage! 

Anyway, I am going to explain what I wanted to explain, what I wanted to share with you all.  Please listen, your heaviness has nothing to do with your body mass.  Your heaviness has something to do with your thought-trend.  Your heaviness has something to do with your thought-trend.  Go on corrupting your thought-trend, you will see heaviness becomes lifestyle.  Go on corrupting your thought-trend, heaviness becomes your lifestyle.  Please listen, I am not supporting putting on weight.  I am not saying you can weigh any number of kilograms you want.  No! 

Yesterday only we were having teamily dinner with Kotharis in the night, and morning breakfast with Mahants; morning with Mahants, dinner with Kotharis, teamily dinner.  I was telling them, ‘The food which stays in your lips more does not stay in your hips more!  The food which does not stay in your lips more, will stay in your hips more!’  Because, your stomach does not have teeth; it can’t grind; and the food which is not digested will naturally become fat, accumulate in your body. 

Please listen, I am not supporting putting on weight.  All I am trying to tell you is, just by defusing the heaviness you feel every morning when you wake up, and just by defusing the heaviness every night when you fall asleep, you can start levitating!  The defusing of the patterns, making you feel light, can be done even by the Master’s presence and Kundalini awakening; but after that you should take care that you build the right patterns to retain that inside you.  Listen, by defusing your patterns, I can give you that lightness in one touch, with initiation.  But you cannot, you won’t be able to maintain it unless you prepare yourself with all your teamily members, convinced about Advaitha.  Please listen, not just your husband, brother, father, mother, son, daughter, the people with whom you work are the teamily members; your brain, heart, liver, kidneys, intestines, emotions, anger, love, all of them are your teamily members.  Sit with all of them and complete.  Because, many times, your anger is pulling you in one direction completely opposite to where you want to travel.

In Shiva Mahapurana, there is one demon described as “Apasmaraka”.   Understand, this one demon cannot be destroyed by anybody other than Mahadeva, and Mahadeva also, only in the form of Guru he can destroy Apasmaraka.  “Apasmaraka” means, forgetting your original nature.  He (Apasmaraka) covered even Devi, put her in delusion, and Devi forgot she is “Ardhaangi” of Mahadeva, Devi forgot she is part of Mahadeva and fell into apasmara. 

All of you, whether you are a Ma Swami or Shri Swami, Swami or Swamini, all of you are caught by Apasmaraka; you forgot your original truth that you are an Advaithi, you are in the non-dualistic space.  Even Mahadeva cannot kill Apasmaraka by his Trishul.  The Purana beautifully says, ‘The tip of the tongue of Mahadeva, the words he utters, only through that he can remove Apasmaraka.’  Means, only by teaching he can remove Apasmaraka.  The whole thing what I am doing is nothing but killing the Apasmaraka who has covered your life.  You have forgotten your higher existence.  You have forgotten your higher possibility.  You have forgotten who you are.  First you became a victim of your body thinking that is you, and that little excitement is what is life.  Then you became the victim of your mind thinking that award, reward, recognition, that is part and parcel of your life and body.  Then you became victim of your own ignorance which is a mixture of body and mind; means, the powerful confusion which makes you believe it is a stable organ, the powerful confusion which resides in you which makes you believe that the stable part of you is mind.   

Understand, just like a tornado.  If you see the tornado in photographs or in real life, you will know it is only a few minutes’ phenomena.  Wooooooooooo...!  I have seen one tornado and heard the sound; it is almost like a siren!  You should understand, a full truck – not an Indian size, but a U.S. size truck – a full truck, around eighty feet, with its complete load will be just sucked into the air and made into pieces like hay-straw and thrown around the area!  That will act as a missile and hurt the houses and people!  That is the way the tornado destroys.  The tornado is just a few seconds’ phenomena; but if the tornado convinces you it is a stable part of your life, how foolish you are!  Same way, the mind-body delusion, confusion, which is a few seconds’ phenomena, convinces you – because it happens again and again, and you also allow it to happen again and again – that it is an eternal phenomena, that is mind.  If you start jumping from one tornado to another, this moment the tornado will disappear.  If you start jumping from one confusion to another, this moment the mind will disappear.  Listen!  But you are so thoroughly convinced – ‘I have heard like this many things from Swamiji, but nothing works for me.  After this satsangh, as usual, I am going to my department, or as usual I am going to do my office work.’  When you are so strongly convinced, you have already made a bridge from tornado to tornado and live in tornado!  Understand, life does not need to be tornado.  Life does not need to be tornado.

I can see many times, when people are there in the society, they attend the satsangh so sincerely, regularly.  But, once they take up Sannyas, it is almost like they have to be dragged to the satsangh!  Not only in our Sangha, I have seen everywhere, in so many spiritual organizations.  The reason you know?  A little clarity between one tornado and another tornado, tornado tolerates.  But completely if you are going to go away from the mind, from the delusion, your mind cannot tolerate!  It will say, ‘We both are married eternally.  How can you leave me in the way and go?’  That tremendous power your mind has over you, that is – listen – that is what is “Apasmara”.  Means, making you forget your original possibility, making you forget the amount of clarity you can have, the kind of life you can have, making you forget the kind of knowledge you can have, the kind of clarity you can have, the kind of power you can have, and making you believe strongly you are dull, dead, making you believe you are tired, bored. 

Understand, your body-mind confusion is so powerful, just by a small headache it will put you in Apasamara and convince you, ‘Hey, you cannot even handle a headache; how can you handle the sufferings which will come when you leave the body?  You are not enlightened.  Listen, listen to your body and mind and live.  You are not consciousness.  Listen, listen to your body and mind and strategize your life.’  The force and confusion which is in you and constantly asking you to strategize your life based on the idea you are just ordinary body and mind, which gives way for powerlessness, that is what I call “Apasmara” – giving way for powerlessness.

I tell you, if you are powerful, even if your bones are fractured, you won’t have pain, you cannot be in powerlessness.  If you are powerless, no need to fracture or do anything; just one ant is enough; it will put you in such a terrorized state of confusion and powerlessness!  One small ant bites you, one small thorn pricks you, you will scream at everyone as if crackers (fire-crackers) have been put in the back of a donkey!  In villages, the kids do this: they tie crackers in the tail of a donkey and set fire to it.  The poor fellow does not know from where it is bursting!  Wherever he runs, it is bursting!  Apasmara is not just tied to your tail; it is tied to your every part, every organ!  “Apasmara” means, delusion of forgetting your original identity.  Delusion of forgetting your original identity.

Yesterday, this was the theme of the teamily dinner for Kotharis and Mahants.  For Kotharis and Mahants, this was the theme of the teamily dinner yesterday:  Having clear identity about you, and authentically practicing, becoming authentic about it.  Identifying your real identity and becoming authentic about it. 

Today we are going to have a session on “Brahmacharya and Sannyas”.  If today time does not permit, may be in the next few days we will have the teamily meeting on “Brahmacharya and Sannyas”. 

Understand, when you are clear about the one true identity, suddenly you will see the Apasmara is killed.  Even if think you are a buffalo, and whole day you behave as a buffalo, and become an authentic buffalo, the Apasmara will be killed!  You may become a buffalo, that is different; but your Apasmara will be killed, the delusion will be killed; because, the delusion can be alive, Apasmara can be alive only as long as inauthenticity is alive.  An authentic buffalo is thousands and thousands of times better than an inauthentic Indra!  Understand, an authentic buffalo is thousands and thousands of times better than an inauthentic human or even god!  Many times, you will see, Indra behaves much lower than a buffalo, because he has fallen into inauthenticity.  Bringing authenticity to your true identity is equivalent to stopping a tornado.  You may ask, ‘Can a tornado be stopped?’  In your inner-space it can be stopped!  It can just be stopped!

(Swamiji gives a few minutes pause here, a few minutes gap........)

Understand, every day how your inauthenticity keeps your Apasmara alive.....  I gave a few minutes gap for all of you to understand how restlessness keeps Apasmara alive!  Now there is no work, and I am also not uttering any word, then why do you need to be so restless inside?  Inside you can be just relaxed, passive to receive the words.  Because, listening is a passive process.  But you try to make this as an active process.  You try to make this as an active process.  Understand, a natural passive action when it becomes active, or natural active actions when you try to make them passive, the delusion becomes peak.  Listening is naturally supposed to happen in such deep passivity, but you see inside how aggressive you are to post-mortem the moment the words fall on you!  Words are supposed to be received as a rose, not as a dead body.  Only on a dead body you have to do post-mortem.  On a rose you cannot do post-mortem.  You have to make them thorn-less by pre-mortem!  The post-mortem is not the right thing.

Listen...listen...listen with tremendous passiveness.  All I am trying to convey by today’s satsangh, the essence is:

Don’t engage, entertain....don’t engage, entertain the continuous confusion as a permanent part of your life.  The continuous confusion and delusion, when it becomes a permanent part of your life, you fall in the hands of Apasmara. 

Yesterday I was talking to some of the Kotharis, and I told them, the Kotharis, just by not doing what they are supposed to do, they are trying to prove to me that construction is impossible.  The Ashram’s Construction Department is infected with such highly disorganized and arrogant fellows, they try to prove it to me that you cannot do!  Understand, if this hand is not moving as I want to touch my face, then the hand is trying to make a statement that you cannot bend the hand.  So, one of our Sangha’s department is not doing what needs to be done, which is so inauthentic to the Sangha!  The commitment to the Sangha is not there which is a crime!  The person who feeds you expects you to make the building.  The person who makes clothes for you expects you to make the building.  And if you suck all the support from the Sangha and you don’t do what you need to do....bunch of thieves!  And trying to make me come to the conclusion that it is impossible!  But am I the person who comes to that conclusion?  HAHAHAHAHAHAH!  I gave birth to Vishwakarma!  The fellow who is living with impossibility, now he will be the loser.  Yesterday night I decided: I am invoking and calling Vishwamarka!  You will see now, from somewhere the architects, engineers, contractors, everyone will come and build the Sangha. 

I also told, the team which has abused the trust of the Sangha, they will not be part of this construction, they should not be associated.  They will not have the glory when this city stands up.  They should not have the pride that they were part of this. 

When the things were disorganized and people were not ready to stand up, I invoked Kaalabhairava, and he simply made this system of Thanedar, Kothari, Mahant, Shrimahant.  Now I can see the whole Sangha knows now how to think and how to evolve. 

So, now I am calling Vishwakarma, I am invoking Vishwakarma to build the Nithyananda Sangha all over the world.  Because, all over the world, the construction is stuck by the impossibilities of a few brains which we cannot afford.  Sangha is “Sa” + “Anga”.  Everyone is part.  Everyone is part is a great positive thing.  And if you are not playing your role, it is a droha (treachery).  I invoked Vishwakarma already.  You will see now, miraculously the whole thing will be built! 

Our Publications Department, etc., nothing was built at that time.  Many people expressed a lot of difficulty.  It all happened....the moment I invoked Saraswathi, it happened! 

Now one more thing: Vishwakarma!  I waited, waited, waited.....and I decided it is going too much!  So much of the Sangha work is not progressing, but was completely getting destroyed and harassed by a few people who are arrogant, don’t want to change.  So, I have no other way other than replacing.

When our Accounts Department was in really dangerous mess, I just invoked Chandikeshwara. See now!  What has to happen has happened!  Now everything is clear! 

I have already invoked Kaalabhairava also to destroy all these cases, legal cases, and free me from all these illegal cases.

Vishwakarma has built Swarga Loka in Sathya Yuga, Sri Lanka in Tretha Yuga – Suvarna Lanka, Dwaraka in Dwapara Yuga, Hastinapura and Indraprastha in Kali Yuga.  Now he is going to do Nithyananda Nagara in Nithya Yuga!  You will see!  How effortlessly the huge Publications Department came into existence!  Before this, a few fools had started destroying it.  Now a huge Publications Department has come into existence just effortlessly!  The whole thing came into existence just effortlessly!  You will see now the whole Nithyananda Nagara will come into existence effortlessly!  I have already invoked Vishwakarma.  He only said one word, ‘Your order, Mahadeva!’  Because, last time when he built Lanka for Mahadeva, Ravana asked for it and Mahadeva gave it away.  Because of that, Vishwakarma has a little incompletion: ‘I made it so beautiful for you.  But that fellow, Ravana, was enjoying!  Using my own city.....and harassing me....!’  This time I said, ‘I will not give it away to unqualified people.  I will give it only to my bhaktas to enjoy it.  My devotees will enjoy it.  You build it.  No Ravana will be able to grab it or harass.’

Yesterday, one of our kids was doing Rudra Homa.  I went there.  I saw that that kid was chanting in a hurry.  I said, ‘Stop!  Create a space that the heavens should shower.  The moment...if the gods accept our “aahuti” (offerings put in the sacrificial fire), the heavens should shower.  Create the space that let the gods accept our offering.  From the beginning do it again properly.’  He did it.  The moment he finished, it showered!  I will make our kids perfect this science of Homa.  They will become “Yajna Siddhas”!

Forgetting the identity by the constant confusion, forgetting the identity by the constant delusion, is mind, “Apasmara”.  

So, with this, I will move to the Kalpataru process.  All the Kalpataru participants in Bidadi and all over the world, pick up your paper and pen.  Pen down one desire you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions around that desire.  Pen down everything.

(After a few minutes.....................)

Now please sit straight.  We will start the Kalpataru process.  Complete with all the incompletions you have and drop them.  Hold the space for the one thought you want to cause as reality.  Visualize that thought as real.  Hold on to the space for the one thought you want to cause as reality.  Namah Shivaya!


I bless you all!  The space you created, let it become reality!  The space you hold, let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!

We will have Kalpataru Darshan for Bidadi.  Before that, Ma Nithya Premadevarati, Ma Mitra’s mother, Juarez-Mexico, birthday blessings for you!  Birthday blessings!  Bendicion!  Bendicion!  Blessings!

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________