Thursday, 25 December 2014

23rd Dec 2014

23 Dec 2014/ TUESDAY


There was no live satsangh telecast today.  Recorded satsangh of Monday, 6 October 2014 – “SHIVOHAM – CREATE THE ULTIMATE IDENTITY FOR YOURSELF” – was played.  Here is the link to the video and transcript:

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22 Dec 2014

22 Dec 2014


There was no live satsangh telecast today.  Recorded satsangh of Friday, 21 November 2014 – “EXPERENTIAL LOGIC Vs EXPONENTIAL LOGIC’ – was telecast.  Here is the transcript and the link to the video:

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV and Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha all over the world.

Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing: Oklahoma, Houston, Toronto, Los Angeles Temple, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Seattle, Scottsdale-Arizona, Varanasi, Pudukottai, Ohio, Surrey-Canada, Jorpati-Nepal, Colombo, Kuala Lumpur, Warrington, Guadeloupe, Singapore, Oman, Rajapalayam, Los Angeles-Hollywood, Grasse-Frances, Austin, Hong Kong.....and some more.......

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

I have something important to tell you; that is why I have not read out all the cities’ names fully.  It is just too overflowing!  Today it was overflowing so much!  Usually, when I sit for Puja and offer the flowers and fall into Samadhi, that is the time this downloading happens.  Today the downloading was too much!  Even my eyes became watery and started getting wet!

Listen!  Just listen to these two words:

·         Logic of experience; one word.  We will call it “Experiential Logic”. 

·         The second word: Logic of multiplying, subtracting, adding, deleting.  The “Logic of Calculation”. We will call that.....I will give a new name – “Exponential Logic”.  Just by multiplying or subtracting exponentially, the logic applied uses the exponential levels.

Understand these two logics; you will understand how you are missing some of the greatest experiences of life by getting caught in a blind logic.  It is like, instead of cooling glass (dark glasses), you are wearing complete no glass, just two black stones fixed in a frame!  If you get two black stones fixed in a frame and wear it and think it is a cooling class and say, ‘The whole world has become dark!’, who is responsible?  So, if you are using exponential logic for experiential matters and go on saying, ‘Experience is not happening!’, who is responsible?

Listen!  Listen!  This, today’s one satsangh alone is enough to give you the experience and cognition and clarity, Shivoham! 

Listen!  Listen sincerely!  Nakkeeran (an ancient, famous Tamil poet who lived in the Pandya kingdom) argued in front of Mahadeva, knowing that who is standing in front of him is Mahadeva!  I tell you, they both must have had some sweet relationship.  I am giving you an insider’s secret.  Otherwise, you will not have the guts to argue.  ‘Even if I argue, whatever said and done, end of the day he will not forsake me, he will not give up on me.  I am Avimuktha.’  The guy must have had that kind of a confidence that he is Avimuktha, because, earlier many times Nakkeeran was saved by Subrahmanya from demons, devils, rakshasis, one rakshasi.  Lot of confidence in Nakkeeran that he is Avimuktha, never forsaken.  Otherwise, he will not have the guts to argue with Mahadeva knowing that Mahadeva only has come!  You need to have the story line.

Once there was a king who had a doubt whether women have a natural smell in their hair, or it is because of the perfumes and flowers.  And that king said, ‘Whoever clarifies my doubt, I will give thousand gold coins.’  Like those days’ million dollars kind of a lottery. 

One priest of Sundareshwara Temple......  In the Sundareshwara Temple priest community, that Bhattar community, Bhattar, Deekshithar, all of them have a tradition: unless you are married, you cannot perform the rituals.  You need to be married to perform the rituals.  Even now the Deekshithars’ families, at the age of fifteen, fourteen, the boys get married.  Because, unless you are married, you cannot do the puja.  It is a tradition. 

So, this priest wants to get married, because he can then start the rituals.  But he needs money.  He went and asked Sundareshwara. 

Sundareshwara is a living god, please understand.  He was never a dead statue.  He was a living god.  He was continuously responding to people and came down in human form again and again and again.  Came down, coming down, again yet to come down!  He is a living swaroopa!   

The priest comes to Mahadeva and asks, ‘Give me money.’ 

Mahadeva says, ‘This is a verse.  Take this verse.  This verse will clarify his (the king’s) doubt.  Go and give him and ask for the thousand gold coins.’  He could have directly given the money to the priest.  Why should he (the priest) go to the king and take it?  Anyhow...!

The song (the verse Mahadeva gave to the priest) exactly means that women have a natural smell in their hair.  That is Mahadeva’s song, the meaning of Mahadeva’s song. 

So, this guy (the priest) goes to the king, and the king was very happy with his song and was about to give the money, the thousand gold coins. 

And then Nakkeeran jumps into the scene and stops.  ‘No!’  And then he says, ‘No, this song is not the truth!’

Then the priest goes and cries to Mahadeva, ‘What is this?  You should not have done this to me.  At least if you had not given this song, I would not have suffered all the defamation and disrespect.’

Mahadeva, ever compassionate, he himself assumes human form, picks up the palm leaf on which he wrote the song, and in the form (in the guise) of a poet comes to the court directly and argues with Nakkeeran.

Two things you need to understand.  That whole argument, I will try to describe some of the important points in that argument.  First thing, Nakkeeran is highly integrated, understand.  He is highly integrated.  He is so clear that women’s hair has no natural smell.  I don’t know whether “smell” is the right word.  “Fragrance”!  No natural fragrance!  The argument starts.  You need to look into this whole scene to understand some of the things.  Mahadeva himself says women have in their hair a natural fragrance.  And Nakkeeran who is so highly integrated, who says, ‘No!’  What is the actual truth?  Why this conflict?  No one has solved this mystery, understand.  First time, I am revealing and solving this mystery!

Listen!  High intellectual beings lose the smelling sense.  The high, linguistic, logical, please understand, poets are not always heart-centred.  When they are centred on the content of the poem, the romance, love, joy, they are heart-centred.  When they are centred on the verbal beauty of the poem, they become logical-centred, understand?  When the concentration is on the verbalization, putting the beautiful, organized, arranged, rhythmic words, it is more of an intellectual jugglery, organizing of different words.  Listen!  Poetry is a very complex art.  For example, painting: You can just soak in the emotions, in the heart; for your hand to do the painting, you don’t need the support of intellect.  Carving: You can just soak in the experience for your hand to carve; you don’t need intellectual support.  Dancing, you can just be soaked in the emotion, heart; for your body to jump and demonstrate the whole thing, you don’t need intellectual support.  But for poetry, you cannot be soaked just in the emotions; you need intellectual support also.  You need to pick up the right words, organize it in the rhythmic way, present it in a very grammatical, grammatically, perfect way.  The grammatic and dramatic, both perfections.  The dramatic perfection which is emotion based, the grammatic perfection which is intellectual based, both need to be happening in poetry. 

Nakkeeran was one percent more grammatic than dramatic.  He missed!  He was a little more bent on organizing the words than being established in the heart.  Who will correct him?  Only he has to correct.  There is nobody to argue with him in the whole world other than Mahadeva.  So, he comes down.  That is why exactly catching the point of smell, understand?

If you are a poet, and still you have a high sense of smell, be very clear, you are more centred on the heart.  You being a poet will do more good to you, and you are a real poet. Any poet who loses the sense of smell means, he has become more grammatic than dramatic.  His verses are more verbal jugglery than expression of emotion.  You lost Kavithwa in your Kavi identity.  You lost poetry in your poet identity.  Highly intellectual, verbal people, the first thing they lose in their life is the smelling sense.  The first drying up happens due to the over-eating of brain.  Please understand, brain over-eats yourself, when your brain over-eats you, the first draining, drying up that happens in your system is, the sense of smell is lost.  Nakkeeran lost that.  That is why he cannot catch the subtle sense of the fragrance, the subtle fragrance of women’s hair....women’s hair. 

We do not have any reference whether Nakkeeran was married or not, but surely he had a mother, and he was not away from the city.  He was in the city, he had a mother, and so many women are around him.  Surely he would have had the opportunity to come around their hair.  That, no doubt!  But, unfortunately, because he lost the sense of smell, he never experienced the fragrance.

And, the next important thing, that is what is directly relevant to today’s satsangh: He is not stopping with experiential logic.  He could have said, ‘See, I would have smelled some ten or twenty women in my life....only twenty, thirty women, the possibility of going near their hair and smelling their hair would have happened in my life.’  Surely, Nakkeeran was not a womaniser.  ‘So, I would have had the opportunity of may be twenty, thirty.  Why should I not tell directly that as far as I know, as far as my experience goes, women do not have that natural fragrance in their hair?’  That is experiential logic.  But, because his head has eaten more part of himself, his being, he applies exponential logic.  He says, ‘Not only any women, all the women on Planet Earth, even the other planets, or Saraswathi herself, or, ultimately, Devi, who sits on the left of Mahadeva himself!’  Has he (Nakkeeran) ever smelled her (Devi’s) hair?  Has he smelled Saraswathi’s hair?  That is where he misses the experience.  Sometimes, you stick to exponential logic and miss Mahadeva standing and pointing experiential logic to you.  Mahadeva, again and again, comes to you as Guru and points out experiential logic, and you go on holding on to exponential logic and argue with him!  Like, I have ten-thousand Nandis! I can really be proud!  Not arrogance of pride.  “Proud” is the wrong word may be.  I can really “celebrate”!  Surely I have many more people dedicated like Nandi.  Mahadeva had only one Nandi; I have so many Nandis!  He had only a few bhoothas; I have so many bhoothas!  And, same way, argument.  I tell you, he had only one Nakkeeran; I have so many Nakkeerans around me!  So many people arguing with me! 

For all my Nakkeeras, I want to tell you guys only one thing, when Mahadeva came, till this scene of Nakkeeran saying women have no natural fragrance, he is okay; but, when Mahadeva asked the question, the next level, the moment he (Nakkeeran) uttered the word “all women”, Nakkeeran should have backed out.  He should have said, ‘No, I can only talk from that experience of logic.  I cannot make that into exponential logic.’  He would immediately have had enlightenment!  His heart and head, his head and heart would have been balanced.  His more dramatic would have come down and balanced; there would have been balance between dramatic and grammatic.  When there is no balance between grammatic and dramatic, life becomes traumatic!  It becomes a trauma!  Saraswathi, who is sitting in his tongue, he goes to the extent of saying even for that Saraswathi there is no natural fragrance in her hair!  Understand, because your logic has helped you in many places in your life, don’t think it can be a help forever.  Because the boat helped you to cross the river which is very dangerous, don’t think the boat can help you ever for travelling in your life. 

A guy saw the dangerous river, but fortunately had a boat, and with its help he crossed the river.  After crossing, he started carrying the boat on his head. 

Somebody asked, ‘Why?’ 

‘No, it helped me to cross the river.  Now it will help me to cross the land.’

You are a fool if you think that just because it has helped you to cross the river, it will help you to cross the land also.  Same way, Logic.  Because the logic has helped you many times in your life....  Especially Nakkeera’s, all the glory is nothing but his logic.  Just the way he is able to organize the words got him the position of Chief Poet.  The Chief Poet was more respected in Pandya Kingdom, than the king himself!  Even the king was expected to be a poet, not just an administrator.  Because the logic has helped him, he (Nakkeeran) got so many wonderful things in his life, he unfortunately, unconsciously, arrogantly jumped into exponential logic by turning a blind eye to experiential logic.  That is why he missed something even when Mahadeva came down to give him!  And then he goes to that stupid level of saying, ‘Even if you are Mahadeva, what you said is wrong!’  That is pfffftttt!  I think Nakkeran lost his sense.  He lost even that, the space of Avimuktha, never forsaken.  Yes, you will never be forsaken as long as you maintain the umbilical cord.  But if you pull that cord out, how do you think you will never be forsaken?  Because, only through that cord you are protected!  When you pull the cord out, you tell Mahadeva, ‘No, no, no, don’t help me.  Don’t interfere in my life.  Don’t interfere with me.’

Listen!  In your life, so many times, you are playing with exponential logic, instead of looking at experiential logic.  One of the unfortunate things, whenever you had pain and suffering, you will always feel your whole life is going to be like that, because, with the pain and suffering, exponential logic works more.  That gets more strengthened.  With the joy, experiential logic gets more strengthened, understand?  This whole story of Nakkeran is all about exponential logic and experiential logic.  Mahadeva speaks from experiential logic.  Nakkeeran spoke from exponential logic.  Nakkeran is highly integrated, but not authentic.  When he uttered the word, ‘Women don’t have natural fragrance...’, he is integrated.  When he uttered the word, ‘All women......’, he became inauthentic. 

Now, I want you to look in and do an acid wash of your belief system, whatever belief system you carry about you.  For example, morning four o’clock you will be tired, sleepy, not feel like getting up and doing yoga.  If it was your experience for one day, you will make that into exponential and start living that forever!  ‘Morning four o’clock I cannot do anything.  By morning four o’clock I will be tired, and no yoga.’  Same way, Satsangh, ‘I don’t understand what Swamiji speaks in English...... .’    One day if you make that as experience, you don’t just hold on, ‘May be in the next few days I will understand.’, you don’t keep that opening for life to happen, you burn the whole land with exponential logic.  So, the possibility never grows, understand. 

A burnt land, unless it is ploughed again, no seed will grow.  “Burnt land” means, became like brick, the surface is like brick.  On that brick nothing will grow, unless it is ploughed again, and it becomes loose, or it rains.  When you burn your future with your exponential logic, the possibility seed never grows, enlightenment fruit never happens.  Yes, no doubt, till yesterday you didn’t experience Shivoham.  Yes, no doubt, till today, when Mahadeva gave initiation of Shivoham, it came this side and went that side (went in one ear and came out through the other), and sometimes it did not come inside, it took diversion and went that side (over the head).  Yes, no doubt!  But, you don’t have to make that experience into exponential logic.  ‘Oh, forever it is going to be like this only.  So nothing to be done.  Just give up.  Eat, drink and be merry.’  But the funny thing is, just by eating and drinking if you can be merry, I will also be happy!  But you will not be!  Next second itself you will think, ‘Oh, today I got to eat and drink.  Tomorrow I may not get.  Let me take it from others.’   Already you created conflict!  Just eat and drink and be merry.  If you can, great!  But you won’t!  So, “Eat, drink and be merry” is an illogical statement promoted by materialistic people.  “Be merry” never happened!  It is like “happily married ever after”!  See, these are all Maha Vaakyas:  “Prajnaanam Brahma”!  “Aham Brahmasmi”!  “Tat Twam Asi”!  Eternal truths!  “Shivoham”!  Now I am giving a new Maha Vaakya: “Nithyanandoham”!  All these are eternal truths.  Same way, there are some eternal statements, eternal laws: “Happily married ever after”!  Happiness can be brought into marriage when you have a beautiful image about the other person, and beautiful idea about the other person and life.  I am not saying happiness and marriage don’t go together; I am saying it does not go together “naturally”.  It has to be done “consciously”.  That way, even sannyas and enlightenment don’t go hand in hand “naturally”.  Just because you are a sannyasi, you cannot be called enlightened.  Even that way, enlightenment has to be built even in sannyas.  Of course, for my sannyasis I have given a boon and commitment, ‘When you guys leave the body, I will liberate you.’  That is totally different! Once I give sannyas, I cannot forsake anybody.  I don’t want to tell more secrets, but the truth is I cannot forsake them.  Once sannyas is given in front of Agni, the Viraja Homa Agni, the commitment, the declaration is done, I declare you as Swami so and so....over! 

Listen!  Whether it is building happiness in marriage, or bliss in sannyas, you have to build it, you have to make it happen.  You can’t say “naturally”.  Just like these few statements – “happily married ever after” – these are all eternal false!

Listen!  Listen!  Measuring your life with exponential logic is what I call “illusion”.  Because I didn’t experience Shivoham yesterday, tomorrow also I may not, is “illusion”.  Yesterday does not make tomorrow.  Whoever believes yesterday makes tomorrow is not living.  They are called “dumbos”!  Whoever makes today, whoever understands that today makes tomorrow, only they will live.  Blessed are those who believe, cognize, that today makes tomorrow.  Fools are those who believe that yesterday makes tomorrow.  Let experiential logic be alive in you more and more for your cognition and running life, not exponential logic.  Not exponential logic, but experiential logic.  With experiential logic, you will always remember the possibility, you give the space for more and more possibility.  Till yesterday it didn’t grow does not mean tomorrow it will not grow.  Shivoham can happen even today, even tomorrow, even next moment.  Keeping the possibility alive, listen, keeping the possibility alive is what I call “being a seeker”. 

I am defining who is a seeker.  Seeker is not the man.....  In the modern day, being seeker is a fashion.  Pick up your handbag, and without losing the lipstick touch up, go to the nearest big guru, and shake your handbag, and do some social service.  In-between make a few phone calls and say, ‘I am doing service.  Do you want to listen to my guru?  He is giving satsangh: “Life is giving.  Karma is giving”.’  Then coming out and having some friends and saying, ‘See, I am a seeker for the last thirty-five years!’  They don’t even know this is a defamation for their guru!  No, if you tell you are a seeker for thirty-five years, it is a defamation for your guru! 

I am defining being a seeker.  Listen!  Whoever moves in his life with the cognition of experiential logic, keeps the possibility open, alive, in his beliefs about himself and life, he is a seeker.  Keep your possibility alive.  Only then you are a seeker.  I am neither a guru who makes you seek for years and years, nor the guru who promises everything quicker.  No!  There are “quicker” gurus.  Just go in the internet, “tak tak”, swipe your credit card, enlightenment parcelled!  In e-Bay you receive the enlightenment!  I am neither the Quicker Guru nor the Seeker Guru. 

Keep your possibility open.  Keep your possibility alive.  And, I tell you, I am really telling you, life simply flowers into Shivoham when you keep the possibility alive.  Move with experiential logic, not exponential logic.

The essence of today’s satsangh, the punchline for Facebook Status for all of you today:

Move life in the space of experiential logic, not in the space of exponential logic.  May be, in the outer world, exponential logic will be useful for something, but that does not mean that is the complete life solution.  Brick can be used to build buildings, not for breakfast!  Gas cylinder is useful for cooking; that does not mean you will make your body into gas cylinder.  Yes, you need to carry it wherever you go, but not inside the body; but separately.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

With this, I will move to the next segment of the morning satsangh – Dial-the-Avatar.


Blessings to all you guys!

With this, I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!


17 Dec 2014

17 Dec 2014


There was no live satsangh telecast today.  Recorded satsangh of Monday, 24 November 2014 – “BIOLOGY DEFINED BY AN INCARNATION” – was played.  Here is the transcript and the link to the video:

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing: Los Angeles, Seattle, Washington DC, Toronto, Pudukottai, Netherlands, Dubai, Oklahoma, Scottsdale, Canada, Singapore, Tiruvannamalai, Dakota Dunes, St. Louis, Tirunelveli, Rajapalayam, Hyderabad, Ohio, Kuala Lumpur, Jorpati-Nepal, Brisbane-Australia, Hong Kong, San Jose-California, Guadeloupe, Oman, Colombo-Sri Lanka, Calgary-Amarnath, Houston, China.....and some more cities are joining.....Charlotte, Pudukottai.....more cities are joining....


I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

I will expand on the science of bio-memory.  Please listen!  I will introduce these two-three words.  Whatever you do in your life every day, like how you wake up from the bed in the morning, how you brush your teeth, how you clean your body, how you dress up, how you eat, how you play or do some physical exercise, or how you work, or lie down, or sleep, all these physical activities which you are doing using your muscles, those patterns get engraved in your muscle-memory.  Please understand, in your muscle-memory, they get engraved.  For example, if your muscle-memory is programmed to sleep that morning five o’clock, even if you sleep the whole day, that morning five o’clock you cannot open your eyes.  Unless you complete with your muscle-memory, you cannot open your eyes even if you sleep the whole day.  Next day morning you may think, ‘Oh, yesterday whole day I slept.  Today morning I will be able to get up at five o’clock and go for Rudrabhishekam.’  No!  Five o’clock, you will see you cannot even open your eyes, because, muscle-memory is programmed!  Unless you complete with that muscle-memory and re-programme it, you cannot make it.  The day-to-day activities done with the help of the muscles get programmed in muscle-memory, and the ideas based on which you make this decision, ideas based on which you make this decision, they get programmed in your bio-memory.

Please understand, I am defining Biology.  Biology, please listen, Biology is the zone where your very core existence touches your body to operate.  The heart, the heart muscles, heart muscles do not have muscle-memory, please listen.  The heart, your physical heart does not have muscle-memory.  That is why, fortunately, it is running on its own!  It does not have muscle-memory.  It cannot be controlled by your muscle-memory.  It is controlled by your bio-memory.  The brain tissues, it does not have muscle-memory.  It is controlled by your bio-memory.  Wherever your consciousness, your soul, the Jeeva, the Individual Soul connects with your body to operate your body, means, the decision-making points, where the decisions are made, where constantly the decision-making mechanism is stored, that point is what I call “bio-memory”.  Listen to these terms, because, if you understand this, it can really open up the experience of Shivoham in you. 

Listen!  “Muscle-memory” is your actions, pattern of your actions.  “Bio-memory” is pattern of your decisions.  “Cause” is bio-memory; “Effect” is muscle-memory.  “Cause” is bio-memory; “Effect” is muscle-memory.  Listen!  “Cause” is bio-memory; “Effect” is muscle-memory.  If this pillow is muscle-memory, what is the cause of this pillow?  The cotton, the source material.  The source material is bio-memory. 

Understand, purifying the bio-memory is too easy for me because I am sitting in you as a Jeeva (Individual Soul), “Antharyami” (in-dweller).  Your “Antharyami” is my “Antharyami”.  When Bhagawan claims, Bhagawan Krishna claims in Gita that ‘I exist as “Antharyami”, in all your beings’, he is not lying; he is telling the truth.  Because, only in muscle-memory we belong to different caste, different community, different religion, different nations; when it comes to the level of bio-memory, the differences get blurred.  The difference is more like human or animal or dinosaur.  That difference gets blurred.  When it goes to the deeper level of bio-memory, there is no difference; it is one Cosmic unity, the one Cosmic existence, the natural existence of life, Dharma. 

Please understand, the word “Dharma” exactly means “natural existence of life”.  If you eat when you are hungry, if you just sleep when you are feeling sleepy, if you just be when you don’t feel like moving, functioning, if you are active when you feel like acting without the hatred towards being active, you are established in Dharma.  The biggest, first biggest difficulty which starts is your hatred towards being active, your anger, violence towards being active.  There starts the delusion.  Then, naturally, you do not know when you want to rest, when you want to be active, when you are feeling hungry, when you are feeling sleepy.  When you start hating being active, you will be lying down even when you don’t feel sleepy.  When you have greed about food, you will be dumping it even when you are not hungry.  You will be dumping it even when you are not hungry!

Listen!  Muscle-memory, bio-memory, your consciousness.  As far as consciousness is concerned, all of us are one.  Slipping from your muscle-memory to your bio-memory is Yoga, lifestyle, Completion, all that.  Slipping from your bio-memory to your consciousness is Shivoham experience, understand?  Moving from your muscle-memory to your bio-memory, how to do that?  That is purifying your muscle-memory.  Like, morning Yoga, or this haritaki powder, Pancha Kriya, all these lifestyle practices purify your muscle-memory.  Shivoham!  Constantly remembering being in the space of Shivoham purifies your bio-memory.  Your decision-making centre needs to be infected – understand, I am using this word, “infected” – with Shiva’s DNA!  It should be infected with Mahadeva’s DNA!  Because, usually, you visualize “infection” as wide-spreading, fast, quick.  If I say ‘The seed of Shivoham should be put’, you visualize it as ‘Okay, the seed will be put.....and then the tree will grow.....and then leaf will happen......then fruit will then I will be old.....’ (very slow process).  That is why I am not using the word “putting the seed”; I am using the word “infected”.  Means, catch it NOW!  In next two-three hours you will have it! 

Your bio-memory needs to be infused, your decision-making mechanism needs to be informed that the source of energy available to you, the source of life available to you, the source of love available to you, the source of wealth available to you, everything is unlimited!  Please understand, ability to make new-new bodies as you want is one of the biggest wealth that is actually available to your bio-memory.  That is why you made this body.  The body with which you are sitting is done by YOU.  You might have forgotten.  After twenty-five years, you forgot you built your house with a lot of intelligence input from YOURSELF.  May be you took help from other people; but the source was YOU, you forgot.  Same way, the body with which you are sitting, YOU built it!  You have intelligence, understand.  Even this simple clarity..... 

See, in your bio-memory all of you feel you lack resources.  Whether think if you love one person, if he exploits you, you will start having pain, and you will stop loving.  So, ‘Let us not open up too much.  Let us keep ourselves to our border.  Let us not have the hurt, the pain of not being loved, our love not being reciprocated again.’  Listen!  Listen!  Your bio-memory needs to be informed that you have the amount of love of Mahadeva.  This guy, Bhasmasura, comes and asks Mahadeva for a boon: ‘On whomever I put my hand, he should be reduced to ashes!’  He (Mahadeva) gives the boon.  And that fellow (Bhasmasura) tries to play with Mahadeva.  Anyhow, finally, Bhasmasura only got killed.  At least, Mahadeva should have the sense now that he should stop giving boon to any devil or demon who comes and asks him.  Has he stopped?  No!  Because, he knows his resource is boundaryless, his love, his power, his energy is boundaryless!  How can bhasma become bhasma?  How can fire be fired? 

Understand, your bio-memory which makes decisions in your life needs to be informed that you have resources like Mahadeva, you have a vast quantity of love like Mahadeva, you have a vast quantity of powers like Mahadeva.  It is like you have two tons of gold in your treasury, but you took some two-hundred grams of gold for your day-to-day activities.  Suddenly, you forgot what you have in your treasury.  You think only these two-hundred grams of gold which you are having in your table is your total wealth, and you start starving, reducing your food, your expenses, saying, ‘Only two-hundred grams I have!  I have to live next fifty, sixty years.’  Your bio-memory needs to be informed that you have a vast resource of intelligence like Mahadeva, you have a vast resource of knowledge like Mahadeva, you have a vast resource of ability to make new-new bodies like Mahadeva, you have a vast resource of bliss like Mahadeva, you have a vast resource of time like Mahadeva, understand? 

Rightly informed bio-memory is Enlightenment!  Rightly informed bio-memory is Enlightenment!  The source of your decision, listen, the source of your decision, vastly informed bio-memory means you are enlightened!  No need for any “tapas”, no need for any practice, no need for any struggle in your life other than giving the right information to your bio-memory which is the source of decision-making point.  Injecting Shivoham into it!  Making your bio-memory understand you have vast resources, and make decisions from those resources.  The man who makes decisions from well-informed bio-memory lives like Mahadeva!  He lives like Mahadeva!  And he IS Mahadeva, understand?  Informing your bio-memory experientially the utility aspects of Shivoham is what I am going to do in Cambodia.  Essentially, the whole programme is aimed at that. 

sarvasya chaaham hridi sannivishto mattaha smritirjnyaanamapohanam cha |
vedaishcha sarvairahameva vedyo vedaantakridvedavideva chaaham || BG 15.15 ||

Bhagawan declares in the fifteenth verse, fifteenth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita:

‘I am seated in the hearts of all!  From me are memory, knowledge, as well as their absence!  I am verily that which has to be known by all the Vedas!  I am, indeed, the author of the Vedanta, and knower of the Veda am I!’

Listen!  Listen!  Mahadeva is not a few dead qualities, understand?  When you invoke his inner-space in your bio-memory, when I inform your bio-memory that you have vast resources like Mahadeva, don’t think you will only experience those qualities; he himself enters into your bio-memory!  He says, ‘Come on!  Let us live together!’  But don’t think you will never live together.  You will just become himself!  You will disappear into him!  To gather you all he says, ‘Let us live together!’  His communication always enters, ends in communion!  It may start in communication; it ends in communion!

Ramana Maharshi sings beautifully:

Dheivam yendru unnai charave, yennai,
Chera vozhithay Arunachala......

Dheivam yendru unnai charave, yennai,
Chera vozhithay Arunachala......

‘I thought you are God and you will protect me;
I ended up being closer to you.
But, finally, I saw you swallowed me completely;
Now I am not there anymore!

I thought you will take away all my fear and greed;
Now I open my eyes and see,
You took away me!’

Because, if your fear and greed are removed, there is nothing like You and Me; it is only You-Me, Me-You!

Dheivam yendru unnai charave, yennai,
Chera vozhithay Arunachala......

Informing your bio-memory, informing your bio-memory of the vast resources available to you, whether it is love, or life, or time, or wealth, whatever you want, informing you experientially to the decision-making source of you, bio-memory, is what I call “initiation into Shivoham”. 

Understand, he happens only to inform you that he is inside you.  He happens only to inform you that he is available to you.  He happens only to give you the experience that He is You!  He happens only to give you the experience that You are He!


sarvasya chaaham hridi sannivishto mattaha smritirjnyaanamapohanam cha |

Means, Bhagawan (Krishna) declares: ‘I am the source of bio-memory and muscle-memory, as well as their absence!’ understand.  I am responsible for you experiencing Shivoham, or not experiencing Shivoham!

No one other than Krishna is able to declare it so well in defined terms.  He is not saying, ‘For your experience of enlightenment I am responsible.’  He says, ‘Even for your non-experience, I am responsible!’  Mahadeva will not be uttering this word.  If Mahadeva has given a Gita he will say, ‘I am responsible for your enlightenment.’  He will stop with that!  Only Krishna can go to the other end also!  Mahadeva is Bholenath; simple.  If you read even all the words, like Guru Gita, Vignana Bhairava Tantra, Shiva Sutras, Spandakarika, direct Mahadeva’s words, you won’t find strong logical arguments and all. You will find just like a butter melts and flows, snow melts and flows, you will find that kind of a simple flow.

Understand, informing your bio-memory again and again and again the extraordinary resources available to you, endless resources available to you is initiation into Shivoham! One of the biggest problem human beings face is, even though they listen all to this, after some time forgetting, forgetting, forgetting. So we are going to work on completion with this forgetfulness.  Actually that is going to be the first process in Cambodia Inner Awakening. Why you forget? Because somehow you feel constantly if you remember you are Shivoham you have to make that kind of a graceful decisions. You will become non-possessive of what you have if you know the resource is endless. Instead of understanding it is a freedom, your stupid brain thinks it is foolishness. Non-possessiveness because of the remembrance of the vast resources available is not foolishness, it is freedom. It is not foolishness, it is freedom. So all the deeper levels, most subtlest incompletions which are reason for your forgetfulness, we will be completing them; because they are the devils which make you forget the vast resources available to you. I tell you, I am not lying to you guys. With all my integrity I am telling you vast resource is available for each one of us; Vast resource, Resource of energy, intelligence, wealth, not just health, capacity to make new, new bodies as you want!

I am not giving you false promise, over promise.  I am not giving you stupid theories, foolish fantasies.  I am not promising some impossible, impractical things.  Listen!  When you experientially catch this Shivoham into your bio-memory, the vastness with which you make decision.....!

To tell you honestly, still, I feel sometimes, just this simple clarity if it can be infused into every being, how life can be turned into Kailasa in the whole Planet Earth, how people can be in the space of Kailasa!  Actually, it is much more easier than giving you any injection!  Transmitting the bio-memory of Shivoham, making your bio-memory experience and cognize that you have a vast resource like Mahadeva, is more easier than giving you an injection or tablets.  Just the transmission of initiation, that’s all!  Get ready!  Let us celebrate Shivoham! 

Yesterday we already started, started drawing the mass Yantras where a few hundred can sit and take Shivoham initiation.  Already yesterday our Swamis have started taking the training to draw the mass Yantras.  Blessings!  I will make it happen!  Blessings!  Get ready for the experience of Shivoham!  Get ready for the experience of Shivoham!

I will move to the next segment of the morning satsangh – Dial-the-Avatar.  Now I am available to answer your questions, answer your prayers, healing requests, everything.