Thursday, 27 November 2014

26 Nov 2014

26 Nov 2014/Wednesday


Nithyanandeshwara Samarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the Devas, Devatas, Devis, Ganas, Munis, Rishis, Gandharva, Yaksha, Kinnara, Kimpuruda, Bhootha, Pretha, Shivagana, and all the Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, samajis, satsanghis, visitors, viewers, every one of you, for the great, auspicious, Nithyanandeshwara Brahmotsavam.

Dhwajarohanam is done!  Flag hoisting for Nithyanandeshwara Brahmotsavam!  So, I invite all the Devatas, Ganas, Rishis, Kinnara, Kimpuruda, Gandharva, Siddha, Yogi, Jnana, Videha Muktha, Jeevan Muktha, Shivagana, everyone, to celebrate this great celebration on this amazing spiritual “punya bhoomi” (holy land), Bidadi Kshetra.

Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Oklahoma-Somanatham, Seattle-Chidambaram, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Toronto-Thiru Kailasam, Morris Plains-New Jersey, Houston-Kalahasti, Scottsdale-Arizona, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Chicago, Amersfoort-Netherlands, Los Angeles, Vizhupuram, Los Angeles-Hollywood, Charlotte-Srisailam, Sadhanananda, China, Hyderabad, Guadeloupe, Tiruvannamalai, Dakota Dunes, Paris, Ohio, Malaysia, Singapore-Singapuram, Ohio-Prayag, Rajapalayam, San Jose-Madurai, Dubai, Nepal, Warrington-UK......and many more cities are joining......Hong Kong-Sirkazhi...........

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

As I committed, I will continue to expand on Keep It Simple Shivoham Series!  HAHAHAHAHA!  Keep It Simple Shivoham Series!

Listen!  Today let us all invoke Mahadeva into our being so that he can make us experience Shivoham, just like he gave the same experience to Devi.  I don’t know how many millions of years before, but on this very day, Karthigai Deepam day, which is falling this year on December 5th, Devi was given that Shivoham experience by Mahadeva.  We are celebrating the same Brahmotsavam.  We are celebrating the same festival as a ten-day festival, Brahmotsavam.

First thing, from today, till January 13th, means till Nithyananda Brahmotsavam – my birthday – till then, all over the world, we will also do, and we will inspire millions of people to chant and reside in the space of Shivoham, at least thirty-eight crore times!  If one person continues to reside in the space and does Ajapa Japa of Shivoham, he will do at least one-lakh times, understand.  When you do Ajapa Japa, it is not that every second you chant once; your heart chants, your lungs chant, your throat chants!  The depth, more and more depth it goes into your being, more and more parts of your being resonate with that Shivoham!  So, only when you start, it will be like every second you will chant once – Shivoham, Shivoham, Shivoham, Shivoham; but, by second day, third day, especially if that space has started penetrating into your dream.....  First it will penetrate as a word; then you will see it will penetrate as a space.  As long as it remains as a word, I can say, once a second, japa will happen.  When it penetrates into the being, your whole body is vibrating!  So, it cannot be counted as once; it cannot be counted at all!  Your whole being is constantly sending the intense waves of Shivoham to the world!  Let us make at least a few lakh people radiate the space of Shivoham, and culminate it into Adi Rudra Maha Yagna, with the central theme of “Shivoham”.

January 11, 12, 13, we are going to have Adi Rudra Maha Yagna with 108 Homa Kundas, 108 priests, trained priests, sitting and chanting, doing Rudra Homa continuously, with all our sannyasis, brahmacharis, devotees, gurukul kids, rishis, all of them also joining. 

Let us make this great offering to Mahadeva and surrender to him, asking him to shower all of us with the experience of Shivoham. 

And, enrich as many numbers as possible.  All the Kotharis, Thanedars, Mahants, devotees, disciples, when you are going for “bhiksha prachaara yatra” every day, request people to chant Shivoham.  Give “naama dhaana”.  Formally, with the grace of Mahadeva, I give you all now the naama dhaana, Shivoham, the Maha Vaakya dhaana, Shivoham, and I offer it to all of you.  Go around and give this Maha Vaakya dhaana, Shivoham.  It is Maha Vaakya and Maha Mantra, both! 

“Mantra” means: Worshipping the Lord.  “Maha Vaakya” means: Realizing you are the Lord.  In this “Shivoham”, both happen!  In “Aham Brahmasmi”, only realizing you are the Ultimate happens; Maha Vaakya.  In “Namah Shivaya”, only worshipping Mahadeva happens.  In this “Shivoham”, both happen!  When you say, “Shivoham” – “I am Shiva” – it means what?  You are surrendering you to Shiva, you are offering you to Shiva, you disappear into him, you relax into him, you rest into him!  So, “Shivoham” is Maha Vaakya and Maha Mantra, both together.   

Go around and give Maha Vaakya dhaana, Maha Mantra dhaana, naama dhaana.  And make as many people as possible chant Shivoham, Shivoham, Shivoham!  Shivoham, Shivoham, Shivoham!  Shivoham, Shivoham, Shivoham!  Shivoham, Shivoham, Shivoham!  Shiva! Shiva!

Be in the space of Shivoham, and help everyone chanting and being in the space of Shivoham.  Help everyone to be in the space of Shivoham.  Shivoham!  Shivoham!  Shivoham!

Understand, the more and more you expand, more and more you experience, more and more you live Shivoham, more and more you become enlightened.  Decide to merge into that space – Shivoham.  Just be in that!  Just be in that!  That’s all!  Just drop yourself, whatever you know as you, into Mahadeva, and see Mahadeva is there in the space you were in long, long ago, once upon a time.

I request, all over the world, all our temples also, raise the flag and start the celebration.  It is the most important Brahmotsava in our Sangha.  As Nithyanandeshwara is our “ishta devatha”, Mahadeva is our “ishta devatha”, all our temples should start raising the flag and start the Brahmotsava.  This time, “Shivoham” will be the theme, the central experience of the whole Brahmotsava.....and more!

Understand, “enriching” means, really, really feeling active, ALIVE, starting from the scratch, and raising yourself!  That is why I am saying, start from going house to house, enriching everyone with that experience of Shivoham.  Start with that.  Naturally, you will find Mahadeva’s grace showering on you.  

This is the main Brahmotsava we conduct for Mahadeva.  Even though we celebrate Shivaratri, it is a one-day festival.  This is the ten-day Brahmotsava formally we celebrate for Mahadeva.  Even the Chittirai Brahmotsavam we celebrate, it is centred on Devi; it is centred on Meenakshi.  This is the only Brahmotsava we celebrate centred on Mahadeva.  So, everyone should celebrate, in all our centres, ashrams, temples; because, all our temples are actually dedicated to Mahadeva.  He is the main deity.  So, all our temples, ashrams, schools, institutions, all over the world, should celebrate this great Brahmotsava celebrating Mahadeva happening on the Planet Earth, and Mahadeva giving the experience of Shivoham to Devi.

“Karthigai Deepam” is the day Mahadeva happened, assuming the form of a huge light shaft, to give the Shivoham experience to Vishnu and Brahma, remove the conflicts within them, and incompletions within them, and bring Completion to them.  And, this is the same day he appeared for Devi and gave Shivoham experience to her.

So, let us celebrate all these great “utsavas”, all these great festivals, and experience Shivoham.


With this, I move to the next segment of the morning satsangh – Dial-the-Avatar.  I am available now to answer your questions, bless your prayers.


Alright!  With this, I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!


Wednesday, 26 November 2014

25 Nov 2014

25 Nov 2014/Tuesday


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, everyone who is sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing and through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV.

Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Seattle-Chidambaram, Toronto, Los Angeles, St. Louis, Sadhanananda, Dakota Dunes, Netherlands, Ohio, Charlotte, Oman, Pudukottai, Devasmarana-Singapore, China, Singapore, Guadeloupe, Hong Kong, Houston, Colombo, San Jose, Hong Kong, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Kuala Lumpur, Nepal, Rajapalayam, Paris...........

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.


We will enter into today’s satsangh. 

First thing, tomorrow the Nithyanandeshwara Brahmotsava starts with Dwajarohanam – flag hoisting.  The Nithyanandeshwara Brahmotsavam is starting.  So, all the temples should be ready to celebrate.  Tomorrow morning, between 6:05 to 7:25, the Dwajarohanam.  Pada Puja timing has to change.  Pada Puja has to be done by 5:00 to 6:00, and then 6:00 to 7:00 Dhwajarohanam.  And, after that, satsangh will happen.

Today I wanted to expand on a few important truths.  Actually, when I utter, I understand that every word I utter is important.  People say I speak so much.  Later on you will understand I have not uttered a single extra word.  The man who never uttered a single word which is not required, means, he is a “mouni”.  Later on you guys will understand I lived in eternal mouna (silence), and I am living in eternal mouna, because I have not uttered a single word which is not required, which is not important. 

See, the whole universe is made out of these two: Sound and Light.  Means, Verbalization, Visualization.  Sound and Light.  You need to know, if there is some problem in you related to sound, you can’t use verbalisation to correct it; visualization only can correct it.  If there is some problem related to light in you, you can’t use visualization to correct it; only verbalization – sound – can correct it.

Please listen!  Listen!  The whole universe, including you, is made out of Sound and Light.  When the sound and light meet, the universe happens.  Mahadeva represents Light.  Devi represents Sound; that is why, the syllables, we call it as “maathrika”, “maatha”.  Sound is mother, Light is father.  When these two – “naadha”, “bindhu” – when these two unite, universe happens.  The science of Sri Vidya, the ultimate knowledge, is knowledge of using Sound and Light and achieving the space of Shivoham.  That is why all the powerful sounds are used, and in a very powerful way the lines are used. 

See, all forms are nothing but lines.  Everything you see is nothing but lines; lines in different geometry, that’s all.  If you draw the lines straight, two lines, it looks like a ladder.  If you put the same line like this (curvy), it looks like a snake.  It is just different lines.  And, listen, listen to this, I was reading a paper in the Internet....some research paper published.  Long before (long ago) I read this, and I mentioned about this in many of my satsanghs, early satsanghs.  One guy was trying to develop a therapy, means “art therapy”, means allowing the mad people to draw, scratch, paint whatever they want.  By painting, drawing, so much the catharsis happens, they get healed, they become alright!  The “loose screw” gets tightened!  By painting, painting, painting, painting, painting, in a month they vomit all their madness and they become alright!  The funny thing is, the doctor who was doing research in all these paintings, he found a very strong similarity between their madness and painting: If somebody has become mad due to woman, they all paint in the same way.  If somebody has become made due to money, they all paint in the same way.  Listen!  The last bit of information is the most important: The doctor who was doing research in all these, he became mad!  No, listen!  It means, your painting shows the inner-space you carry!  Understand the truth.  First, your drawing shows the inner-space you carry.  Through drawing you show your inner-space out.  Whoever consumes the drawing receives the same inner-space!  Understand the triangle.  You show your inner-space through a drawing.  And whoever consumes that drawing receives the same inner-space.  Mahadeva has thrown open to you whatever is in his inner-space in the form of drawing.  That is Sri Yantra!  Understand, Mahadeva has thrown what is in his inner-space.  That is Sri Yantra!  That is Sri Yantra!  If you consume whatever Mahadeva has revealed.....  Sadashiva is the rishi for the Sri Vidya.  If you consume whatever is revealed by Mahadeva, you achieve the same space – Shivoham, Shivoham, Shivoham, Satchitanandoham!  Shivoham!  Nithyanandoham!  Shivoham!  That is Shivoham! 

Shivoham is the sound, verbalisation of Mahadeva’s inner-space.  Sri Yantra is the geometrical representation, visualization of Mahadeva’s inner-space.  With these yantras and the sound, when Mahadeva opens up his inner-space to you guys, simply you will see that, first thing, your Kula Kundalini will be awakened to have the darshan of Mahadeva!  I tell you, whoever experiences that your eyes are becoming big when you look at me – means, wanting to see me more – be very clear, your Kula Kundalini is awakened!  It is actually the sign that your Kula Kundalini is awakened.  Only when the Kula Kundalini is awakened, it wants to see more, it wants to look more.  If you see gold jewellery, and you want to see more, it means your Kula Kundalini is working towards gold jewellery.  If you see a man or woman, and you want to see more, it means your Kula Kundalini is working towards that direction.  If you see food, and you want to see more, it means your Kula Kundalini is working in that direction.  If you see the Master’s form, and you want to see more, it means the Kula Kundalini is moving towards the Sahasrara (Crown Chakra).  Which direction your Kula Kundalini is moving, to which Chakra your Kula Kundalini is moving, you can simply find out based on what you like to see, love to see, what is there in your being, what is there in your love.

Already, the ashram sannyasis have started drawing the Sri Chakra.  Today, the Gurukul is going to have the initiation.  Whatever I bring to Planet Earth, the first batch goes to Gurukul.  Whether it is sweets, or chocolates, or Sri Vidya initiation, the first batch goes to Gurukul.  Today we are going to have initiation.  Wonderful!

And I am also planning to draw a large-size Sri Chakra on stone in the ashram.  So, from now onwards, in Bidadi, every Inner Awakening, people will have initiation through yantras, the mass Kundalini awakening and mass initiation.  Actually, this is the most important information.  I was planning what size yantra I have to make and all that.  Suddenly, I saw I have to draw the yantra for at least one-thousand people to sit!  It seems, from next year, every Inner Awakening is going to be attended by more than thousand people!  I was looking in.  Suddenly, Kaalabhairava said, ‘Draw the yantra for at least thousand people!’  Thousands are going to be attending Inner Awakening, and thousands of ashramites are going to be residing in this Bidadi ashram!  I said, ‘Oh God!’  So, before I draw the yantra, I have to build the place for everyone to stay!

This sacred geometry, sacred syllables, both I am using to make you all experience the space of Shivoham, Shivoham, Shivoham!

Shivoham!  Shivoham!  Shivoham!

It is actually, courageously relaxing into Mahadeva, trusting and resting your being into him!  After all, even if you try to hold your whole life under your control, you are constantly powerless; you are reminded of your uselessness, non-integrity of your individuality.  Why don’t you be a little more brilliant and surrender and rest in his inner-space?  And he is intelligent, compassionate, enriching, enlightening!  Intelligent, compassionate, enriching, enlightening! 

Actually, you are going to be really surprised and shocked to see the power of simple lines, the power of simple lines, yantras, the power of simple sound, mantras, the power of simple techniques.  So powerful, they just shake your whole being with Kundalini Shakthi!  Actually, instead of being under the control of your unconscious, you will relax into the control of your super-conscious.  You will really relax into the control of your super-conscious! 

So, understand, Shivoham, the most important, most powerful, ultimate experience of existence, I bless all of you to experience that.  And I also welcome all of you to come to Cambodia and experience the power of yantras, mantras, and experience Shivoham.  Nothing can be worthy of missing Cambodia.  Nothing can be worthy of experiencing Cambodia.  Nothing can be worthy of Cambodia.  And nothing can be equivalent to Cambodia experience of Shivoham!

I will move to the next segment of the morning satsangh – Dial-the-Avatar.  Now I am available for your questions.  You can ask, ask for healing, or prayer, or questions, anything.

So, Los Angeles, Abi Mahiman!  Birthday blessings!  With all the auspiciousness, you will be with me, I will be with you!  Be blissful!  Blessings!

I wanted to tell all the devotees, do not send me Facebook message about Cambodia.  I am not able to open Facebook.....I am not able to attend.  So, I am giving it away to the Secretaries and Webmaster.  See, all the Cambodia prayers, requests, everything can be attended during the morning Dial-the-Avatar calls.  Or send to Jnanatma.  Or Intention Form.  Don’t try to abuse the space.  See, the Facebook message is for emergency, healing.  If somebody is really caught in some accidents, poisoning, some physical healing, somebody is having cancer, for that kind of emergency things use Facebook.  I have kept that one channel for the emergency people to reach me and have my blessings.  And some fellows are so insensitive, abusing that space and depriving so many thousands of devotees who are really in emergency!  No, these people don’t understand at all that they are depriving.  See, because of tons of messages, I have stopped seeing.  I told the Secretaries and Webmasters, ‘You attend!’  So, all the emergency things, people who need my help in emergency, they missed it! 

See, I have given space for everyone.  The ordinary poor farmer or villagers also can have directly my touch, or darshan, or healing in Sarvadarshan.  So, for everyone I have given space.  Others should not intrude in their space.  See, anything you put on my Wall, I have no problem.  But, inbox, only if there is emergency, like somebody needs cancer healing, somebody needs some very serious, dangerous, life-saving needs, only for that use the inbox.  Abusing the inbox left and right, and depriving the people, the people who are in emergency, their need!  Eight-hundred messages in the inbox means what can be done?  Nothing can be done!  So, Secretaries and Webmasters handle.  Then, naturally, the emergency help, going and appearing and healing them, supporting them, Secretaries and Webmasters cannot do. 

See, this, wherever people ask in emergency, appearing and helping and all is like a subject, the truth based on subject; means, the......right word I am is not “object”, the truth of the object; it is truth of the subject.  It depends on the person’s experience and person’s faith.  I will have to create a new word – “subjectual experience”.  So, people have their faith.  Whoever has faith that I am capable of appearing and helping them, supporting them, I am keeping the space open for them.  So, let this space be used only for the people who are in emergency, which is life and death question, and survival.  

I have announced this so many times: ‘Please don’t inbox unless there is emergency.’  Because these people are abusing, finally the people who are in emergency don’t get my attention.  Constantly people take me for granted.  That is one of the biggest problems!  How many times ever I tell, people forget!  There is one big group, constantly abusing, using that inbox space.  Even after I tell, again, thousands of times!  Webmasters, put a message as “status” itself: “Unless there is a life-threatening emergency, life-saving need, do not inbox Swamiji!”  Because you are taking away the space, time, of somebody who needs it for survival!


Alright, it is time!

See, still I am telling all you guys, I am not going to make myself not available through Facebook.  No!  I am not going to do that.  But, if you try to send usual stupid messages, it is abusing my time, and the people who are really in need, their time.


With this, I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!


Monday, 24 November 2014

24th Nov 2014

24th Nov 2014 / Monday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing: Los Angeles, Seattle, Washington DC, Toronto, Pudukottai, Netherlands, Dubai, Oklahoma, Scottsdale, Canada, Singapore, Tiruvannamalai, Dakota Dunes, St. Louis, Tirunelveli, Rajapalayam, Hyderabad, Ohio, Kuala Lumpur, Jorpati-Nepal, Brisbane-Australia, Hong Kong, San Jose-California, Guadeloupe, Oman, Colombo-Sri Lanka, Calgary-Amarnath, Houston, China.....and some more cities are joining.....Charlotte, Pudukottai.....more cities are joining....


I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

I will expand on the science of bio-memory.  Please listen!  I will introduce these two-three words.  Whatever you do in your life every day, like how you wake up from the bed in the morning, how you brush your teeth, how you clean your body, how you dress up, how you eat, how you play or do some physical exercise, or how you work, or lie down, or sleep, all these physical activities which you are doing using your muscles, those patterns get engraved in your muscle-memory.  Please understand, in your muscle-memory, they get engraved.  For example, if your muscle-memory is programmed to sleep that morning five o’clock, even if you sleep the whole day, that morning five o’clock you cannot open your eyes.  Unless you complete with your muscle-memory, you cannot open your eyes even if you sleep the whole day.  Next day morning you may think, ‘Oh, yesterday whole day I slept.  Today morning I will be able to get up at five o’clock and go for Rudrabhishekam.’  No!  Five o’clock, you will see you cannot even open your eyes, because, muscle-memory is programmed!  Unless you complete with that muscle-memory and re-programme it, you cannot make it.  The day-to-day activities done with the help of the muscles get programmed in muscle-memory, and the ideas based on which you make this decision, ideas based on which you make this decision, they get programmed in your bio-memory.

Please understand, I am defining Biology.  Biology, please listen, Biology is the zone where your very core existence touches your body to operate.  The heart, the heart muscles, heart muscles do not have muscle-memory, please listen.  The heart, your physical heart does not have muscle-memory.  That is why, fortunately, it is running on its own!  It does not have muscle-memory.  It cannot be controlled by your muscle-memory.  It is controlled by your bio-memory.  The brain tissues, it does not have muscle-memory.  It is controlled by your bio-memory.  Wherever your consciousness, your soul, the Jeeva, the Individual Soul connects with your body to operate your body, means, the decision-making points, where the decisions are made, where constantly the decision-making mechanism is stored, that point is what I call “bio-memory”.  Listen to these terms, because, if you understand this, it can really open up the experience of Shivoham in you. 

Listen!  “Muscle-memory” is your actions, pattern of your actions.  “Bio-memory” is pattern of your decisions.  “Cause” is bio-memory; “Effect” is muscle-memory.  “Cause” is bio-memory; “Effect” is muscle-memory.  Listen!  “Cause” is bio-memory; “Effect” is muscle-memory.  If this pillow is muscle-memory, what is the cause of this pillow?  The cotton, the source material.  The source material is bio-memory. 

Understand, purifying the bio-memory is too easy for me because I am sitting in you as a Jeeva (Individual Soul), “Antharyami” (in-dweller).  Your “Antharyami” is my “Antharyami”.  When Bhagawan claims, Bhagawan Krishna claims in Gita that ‘I exist as “Antharyami”, in all your beings’, he is not lying; he is telling the truth.  Because, only in muscle-memory we belong to different caste, different community, different religion, different nations; when it comes to the level of bio-memory, the differences get blurred.  The difference is more like human or animal or dinosaur.  That difference gets blurred.  When it goes to the deeper level of bio-memory, there is no difference; it is one Cosmic unity, the one Cosmic existence, the natural existence of life, Dharma. 

Please understand, the word “Dharma” exactly means “natural existence of life”.  If you eat when you are hungry, if you just sleep when you are feeling sleepy, if you just be when you don’t feel like moving, functioning, if you are active when you feel like acting without the hatred towards being active, you are established in Dharma.  The biggest, first biggest difficulty which starts is your hatred towards being active, your anger, violence towards being active.  There starts the delusion.  Then, naturally, you do not know when you want to rest, when you want to be active, when you are feeling hungry, when you are feeling sleepy.  When you start hating being active, you will be lying down even when you don’t feel sleepy.  When you have greed about food, you will be dumping it even when you are not hungry.  You will be dumping it even when you are not hungry!

Listen!  Muscle-memory, bio-memory, your consciousness.  As far as consciousness is concerned, all of us are one.  Slipping from your muscle-memory to your bio-memory is Yoga, lifestyle, Completion, all that.  Slipping from your bio-memory to your consciousness is Shivoham experience, understand?  Moving from your muscle-memory to your bio-memory, how to do that?  That is purifying your muscle-memory.  Like, morning Yoga, or this haritaki powder, Pancha Kriya, all these lifestyle practices purify your muscle-memory.  Shivoham!  Constantly remembering being in the space of Shivoham purifies your bio-memory.  Your decision-making centre needs to be infected – understand, I am using this word, “infected” – with Shiva’s DNA!  It should be infected with Mahadeva’s DNA!  Because, usually, you visualize “infection” as wide-spreading, fast, quick.  If I say ‘The seed of Shivoham should be put’, you visualize it as ‘Okay, the seed will be put.....and then the tree will grow.....and then leaf will happen......then fruit will then I will be old.....’ (very slow process).  That is why I am not using the word “putting the seed”; I am using the word “infected”.  Means, catch it NOW!  In next two-three hours you will have it! 

Your bio-memory needs to be infused, your decision-making mechanism needs to be informed that the source of energy available to you, the source of life available to you, the source of love available to you, the source of wealth available to you, everything is unlimited!  Please understand, ability to make new-new bodies as you want is one of the biggest wealth that is actually available to your bio-memory.  That is why you made this body.  The body with which you are sitting is done by YOU.  You might have forgotten.  After twenty-five years, you forgot you built your house with a lot of intelligence input from YOURSELF.  May be you took help from other people; but the source was YOU, you forgot.  Same way, the body with which you are sitting, YOU built it!  You have intelligence, understand.  Even this simple clarity..... 

See, in your bio-memory all of you feel you lack resources.  Whether think if you love one person, if he exploits you, you will start having pain, and you will stop loving.  So, ‘Let us not open up too much.  Let us keep ourselves to our border.  Let us not have the hurt, the pain of not being loved, our love not being reciprocated again.’  Listen!  Listen!  Your bio-memory needs to be informed that you have the amount of love of Mahadeva.  This guy, Bhasmasura, comes and asks Mahadeva for a boon: ‘On whomever I put my hand, he should be reduced to ashes!’  He (Mahadeva) gives the boon.  And that fellow (Bhasmasura) tries to play with Mahadeva.  Anyhow, finally, Bhasmasura only got killed.  At least, Mahadeva should have the sense now that he should stop giving boon to any devil or demon who comes and asks him.  Has he stopped?  No!  Because, he knows his resource is boundaryless, his love, his power, his energy is boundaryless!  How can bhasma become bhasma?  How can fire be fired? 

Understand, your bio-memory which makes decisions in your life needs to be informed that you have resources like Mahadeva, you have a vast quantity of love like Mahadeva, you have a vast quantity of powers like Mahadeva.  It is like you have two tons of gold in your treasury, but you took some two-hundred grams of gold for your day-to-day activities.  Suddenly, you forgot what you have in your treasury.  You think only these two-hundred grams of gold which you are having in your table is your total wealth, and you start starving, reducing your food, your expenses, saying, ‘Only two-hundred grams I have!  I have to live next fifty, sixty years.’  Your bio-memory needs to be informed that you have a vast resource of intelligence like Mahadeva, you have a vast resource of knowledge like Mahadeva, you have a vast resource of ability to make new-new bodies like Mahadeva, you have a vast resource of bliss like Mahadeva, you have a vast resource of time like Mahadeva, understand? 

Rightly informed bio-memory is Enlightenment!  Rightly informed bio-memory is Enlightenment!  The source of your decision, listen, the source of your decision, vastly informed bio-memory means you are enlightened!  No need for any “tapas”, no need for any practice, no need for any struggle in your life other than giving the right information to your bio-memory which is the source of decision-making point.  Injecting Shivoham into it!  Making your bio-memory understand you have vast resources, and make decisions from those resources.  The man who makes decisions from well-informed bio-memory lives like Mahadeva!  He lives like Mahadeva!  And he IS Mahadeva, understand?  Informing your bio-memory experientially the utility aspects of Shivoham is what I am going to do in Cambodia.  Essentially, the whole programme is aimed at that. 

sarvasya chaaham hridi sannivishto mattaha smritirjnyaanamapohanam cha |
vedaishcha sarvairahameva vedyo vedaantakridvedavideva chaaham || BG 15.15 ||

Bhagawan declares in the fifteenth verse, fifteenth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita:

‘I am seated in the hearts of all!  From me are memory, knowledge, as well as their absence!  I am verily that which has to be known by all the Vedas!  I am, indeed, the author of the Vedanta, and knower of the Veda am I!’

Listen!  Listen!  Mahadeva is not a few dead qualities, understand?  When you invoke his inner-space in your bio-memory, when I inform your bio-memory that you have vast resources like Mahadeva, don’t think you will only experience those qualities; he himself enters into your bio-memory!  He says, ‘Come on!  Let us live together!’  But don’t think you will never live together.  You will just become himself!  You will disappear into him!  To gather you all he says, ‘Let us live together!’  His communication always enters, ends in communion!  It may start in communication; it ends in communion!

Ramana Maharshi sings beautifully:

Dheivam yendru unnai charave, yennai,
Chera vozhithay Arunachala......

Dheivam yendru unnai charave, yennai,
Chera vozhithay Arunachala......

‘I thought you are God and you will protect me;
I ended up being closer to you.
But, finally, I saw you swallowed me completely;
Now I am not there anymore!

I thought you will take away all my fear and greed;
Now I open my eyes and see,
You took away me!’

Because, if your fear and greed are removed, there is nothing like You and Me; it is only You-Me, Me-You!

Dheivam yendru unnai charave, yennai,
Chera vozhithay Arunachala......

Informing your bio-memory, informing your bio-memory of the vast resources available to you, whether it is love, or life, or time, or wealth, whatever you want, informing you experientially to the decision-making source of you, bio-memory, is what I call “initiation into Shivoham”. 

Understand, he happens only to inform you that he is inside you.  He happens only to inform you that he is available to you.  He happens only to give you the experience that He is You!  He happens only to give you the experience that You are He!


sarvasya chaaham hridi sannivishto mattaha smritirjnyaanamapohanam cha |

Means, Bhagawan (Krishna) declares: ‘I am the source of bio-memory and muscle-memory, as well as their absence!’ understand.  I am responsible for you experiencing Shivoham, or not experiencing Shivoham!

No one other than Krishna is able to declare it so well in defined terms.  He is not saying, ‘For your experience of enlightenment I am responsible.’  He says, ‘Even for your non-experience, I am responsible!’  

(break in connectivity at this point........)

I am not giving you false promise, over promise.  I am not giving you stupid theories, foolish fantasies.  I am not promising some impossible, impractical things.  Listen!  When you experientially catch this Shivoham into your bio-memory, the vastness with which you make decision.....!

To tell you honestly, still, I feel sometimes, just this simple clarity if it can be infused into every being, how life can be turned into Kailasa in the whole Planet Earth, how people can be in the space of Kailasa!  Actually, it is much more easier than giving you any injection!  Transmitting the bio-memory of Shivoham, making your bio-memory experience and cognize that you have a vast resource like Mahadeva, is more easier than giving you an injection or tablets.  Just the transmission of initiation, that’s all!  Get ready!  Let us celebrate Shivoham!  

Yesterday we already started, started drawing the mass Yantras where a few hundred can sit and take Shivoham initiation.  Already yesterday our Swamis have started taking the training to draw the mass Yantras.  Blessings!  I will make it happen!  Blessings!  Get ready for the experience of Shivoham!  Get ready for the experience of Shivoham!

I will move to the next segment of the morning satsangh – Dial-the-Avatar.  Now I am available to answer your questions, answer your prayers, healing requests, everything.

23 Nov 2014

23 Nov 2014/Sunday


There was no live satsangh telecast on Nithyananda TV today.  Recorded satsangh of Tuesday, 18 November 2014 – “SHIVOHAM FULFILS ALL DIMENSIONS OF LIFE” – was played.  Here is the transcript and the link to the video:

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam ||
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects.  I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV and Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing.

Cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing: St. Louis-Tirumala Aadheenam, Kuala Lumpur-Palani Aadheenam, Houston-Kalahasti Aadheenam, Jorpati-Nepal, Guangzhou-China, Singapore-Singapuram, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Austin, Los Angeles-Hollywood, Rajapalayam Aadheenam, Oman-Sivagangai, Nithyananda University-Paris, Coimbatore Dhyanapeetam, Hyderabad Dhyanapeetam, High Point-North Carolina, Ohio-Prayag Temple, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Seattle-Chidambaram, Thiru Kaialasa Aadheenam, Charlotte-Srisailam, Vizhupuram, Glendale-Arizona, Varanasi, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Charlotte-Srisailam.....and some more are joining.....

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today, further deeper truths on Shivoham!  I think, these next few days whatever I am going to speak, share with you all, it can straightaway be called as “Shivoham Series”!  I am filled with that Shivoham!

Understand, Hinduism has four ways, levels, or divisions of people following it.  I am not talking about “varnaashrama dharma”, I am talking about the present....present.  Please listen!  The spiritual dimension, religious dimension, social dimension, political dimension.  The spiritual, where the Advaithic experience of the Ultimate.  The religious, where temples, rituals, lifestyle, festivals, celebrations.  And, social dimension, where the Hindu fabric needs to be kept together, the social people.  “Social” means our lifestyle, how we marry, our customs, our way of eating, dressing, interacting, the concept we have about money, and the way we deal with all relationships, the social aspects.  Then, political dimension, governing the country based on the principles taught by the ancestors who created this Hindu tradition.  The four dimensions, I tell you, Shivoham is the one truth which will fulfil you in all four dimensions. 

There are many political Hindu organizations which missed the spiritual depth of Hinduism.  Many spiritually deep organizations missed the social strength of Hinduism.  If they concentrate on one, they miss the other.  I tell you, Shivoham is the Maha Vaakya, the truth which gives you the Completion in spiritual Hinduism.  You will see the depth of enlightenment, the peak of enlightenment.  Second, Shiva, lord of all the celebrations and festivals, lord of all the rituals, who receives the first “aahuthi” in all rituals, Mahadeva, the principles Mahadeva represents....  Please understand, if your lifestyle is vegetarian, even one or two days by mistake if some non-vegetarian food enters the body, you cannot be called as “non-vegetarian”.  If the principle by which you stand is vegetarian, then you are vegetarian only.  That is just a mishap.  Just because one accident happened in your life and you died, we can’t say you never lived!  Like that, the principle for which the person stands, if you studied the principles which Mahadeva represents, which Mahadeva is the solidified expression of, those are the Hindu fabric, the principles of the Hindu society, in a way, the universal society.  “Thyaaga”, he is sacrificing for people who don’t even know or recognize his sacrifice is needed for them.  When you work for people who don’t even recognize your work for them, that is “Thyaaga”.  The power he represents, the possibility he represents!  HAHAHAHAHAHA! 

All the great truths Mahadeva represents, that is the basis of the social fabric, even though he gives them, he is portrayed as if he is anti-social.  He is not anti-social.  He is above social!  You cannot frame him at all.  He is a Paramahamsa, all the time sitting in Samadhi.  But you cannot call him a “Sannyasi”.  He has Matha Parvathi, and sons Ganesha, Subrahmanya.  In some of the traditions, even Kaalabhairava and Veerabhadra are shown as the sons!  And there are always people who are there to create controversies – ‘How can you have Ayyappa with Vishnu?’  All types of controversies!  People who create controversies are not something new; they exist as old as Mahadeva!  You cannot call him (Mahadeva) as “Grihastha” (householder), because he is Thyaagaraja.  The beautiful “griha”, the golden city that Vishwakarma (architect of the Gods) built for Mahadeva, literally he (Vishwakarma) poured himself and made that city.  It is like you work so much, you put your best and make a beautiful house.  Suddenly, the priest who came and did the house-warming ceremony (griha pravesha) for you asks you, ‘Give me this house!’, what will happen?  You will kick him out!  But, Mahadeva just gave it all!  That is Lankapuri (Sri Lanka).

One day, in Kailasa, there was a discussion, and suddenly Devi said, ‘It is too cold here.  Come on, let us build a beautiful golden city for all of us and the bhootha ganaas (Mahadeva’s goblins)!’ 

Mahadeva laughed and said, ‘We won’t be able to maintain it.  Come on, listen!  Why are you guys getting jealous of Indra (King of the Devas) and his Amaravathi, the beautiful city?  Don’t get jealous.  It looks beautiful, okay.  But it is highly maintained!  High maintenance!  You will lose this inner-space of freedom.  It is high maintenance!’ 

But, somehow, one group convinced Devi.  Devi got convinced and she said, ‘No, no, why not we try?’ 

Mahadeva said, ‘Alright!  You guys do what you want.  You never listen to me.’ 

And they immediately called Vishwakarma.  Once Devi gives the order, ‘Come on!’, Vishwakarma puts all his powers and makes such a beautiful city.  And the house-warming happened.  All the Vedic pundits, rishis, ganas, munis, devas, siddhas, even raakshasaas (demons), everyone was called.  And even Indra was jealous: ‘What is this?  Mahadeva built a bigger city than mine!  No one will want to come now to Indraloka.  Everyone will want to come only to Kailasa.  Kailasa is no more the old, unreachable, difficult place.  It has become a Seven Star or Nine Star hotel.’ 

Then, on the house-warming ceremony day comes Ravana in the form of a Brahmin.  He is a Brahmin by birth.  And he asks, ‘Can you give whatever I want?’ 

Mahadeva says, ‘Come on!  Whatever you want I will give!  What is there?’ 

He is sitting after all under the Kalpavriksha!  Shivabodha!  His Kalpavriksha means, such an extraordinary joy, and that overflowing fulfilment!  That is Kalpavriksha. 

I tell you, whenever you are joyful, you will always be a good person!  See, whenever you are joyful, you will be a good person; you will be giving and forgiving.  But, whenever you are frustrated, you will be getting and forgetting, understand?  The “Shivabodha”!  “Shivabodha” means, “intoxication of being Shiva”.  “Shivajnanabodha” means, “intoxication of the wisdom of Shiva”.  Shivabodha, intoxication of being Shiva, that is Kalpataru! 

And he (Mahadeva) tells Ravana, ‘Ask what you want.’

He (Ravana) says, ‘I want this golden city.’

Mahadeva didn’t even think twice.  He didn’t even look at Devi.  He just said, ‘Thathaasthu”!  Gave it away!  All the bhoothas are back to their old Kailasa.  Their Seven Star hotel lifestyle is ended! 

Thyaagaraja, who just gives, gives, gives!  But never out of powerlessness.  The same Ravana tried to take away Kailasa to Lanka.  He (Mahadeva) just pressed the feet, one toe.  Ravana was crushed under Kailasa!  When he (Ravana) begged, Mahadeva gave him even the golden city.  But when he tried to show the power, Mahadeva just pressed and finished him off!  Nobody can take away anything from us by trying to make us powerless!  This land is Kailasa!  This place is Kailasa! 

All the great principles Mahadeva represents are the basic social fabric of Sanatana Hindu Dharma.  He is the complete embodiment of Dharma-Artha-Kama-Moksha.  He is the big possibility.  See, when you are relating and working with the cream, making the leaders, sometimes with the ground you will get a little disconnected.  The ground-level people may feel you are not appealing to them.  It is like, when you are teaching the PhD students, naturally the First Standard Section students will not be able to relate with you.  They will not be able to relate to you.  That is why Mahadeva appeals more to the higher level seekers.  Vishnu appeals to the mass, but Mahadeva appeals to the higher level seekers.  That is the beauty of Mahadeva!  The principles he represents will fulfil the social fabric of Hinduism.  It will be a great guidance to the political Hinduism also.  How?  I will expand.  I will continue to expand. 

So, understanding the truth, Shivoham, will give you Completion in all levels.  Whether you are an individual spiritual seeker, or a religious leader reaching out to people, or a social leader trying to keep the society value-based, or a political leader trying to rule the state or country based on the highest possibilities, in all levels, Shivoham will bring you fulfilment, Completion.  I know most of you are neither social nor political; you are not interested in it.  You are more spiritual and a little bit religious.  I wanted to introduce; but now I want to expand on how the spiritual and religious dimensions can be fulfilled by Shivoham.

Shiva, Adinatha, Mahadeva, his very power, the very energy he radiates, the life, the shakthi, Shivabodha, means, the joy, bliss of being Shiva, bliss of being Mahadeva, I will continue to expand in further satsanghs.

I will pick up a few Dial-the-Avatar calls.  I will make myself available for your questions now.


Alright!  It is time!  My blessings!  I will expand on Shivabodha, the intoxication of being Shiva, or the trance of being Shiva, or the bliss of being Shiva.  Intoxication of being Shiva! 

Listen! It is the fear of the fear which makes you frightened, worrying about worrying makes you worried, anxiety about anxiety makes you anxious, the knowledge about knowledge makes you ecstatic.  Listen!  The fear of fear makes you frightened.  The fear that there is some fear going to come makes you frightened.  Anxiety about anxiety makes you anxious.  The anxiety that some anxiety may come makes you anxious now.  Worrying about worrying makes you worry.  The worry that some worries may come which you may not be able to handle, makes you worry now.  I tell you, knowledge about the knowledge going to come makes you knowledgeable now.  Bliss about the bliss going to come makes you blissful now.  If you know the end of your game is not fear, not anxiety, not worrying, the end of your game is going to be bliss, Shivoham, it is going to make you blissful immediately! 

What you believe as end of your game, if you believe you are going to end in the worst anxiety, death, it makes you anxious now itself.  If you believe you are going to end in fear, it makes you fearful now itself.  If you know you are going to end in Shivoham, till then you cannot end, it makes you blissful now itself.  Knowing the intoxication of being Shiva, trance of being Shiva, bliss of being Shiva, only in that space you can end, till then you have to keep going, going, going, everything else which comes will pass, that clarity itself – ‘End of the day I am going to end only in bliss.’ – that itself makes you blissful immediately, understand!  Whatever you strongly believe is going to be the end, you start tasting that now itself.  Whatever you strongly believe is where you are going to land up, you start experiencing that now itself.  ‘Any one day you are going to end up in suffering only!’, this statement makes so much sense to you.  ‘Any one day you are going to end up in Shivoham!’, this statement does not make much sense.  That is where the whole problem is; that is the patterns. 

I tell you, thinking that there will some fears you will not be able to handle, frightens you now.  Thinking that there will be some worries in the future you will not be able to handle makes you worry now.  Thinking that there will be some anxieties you will not be able to handle makes you anxious now.  But knowing there is Shivabodha, knowing the bliss of being Shiva is waiting for you, that is your life, that is your end, that is your goal, if you fall you will fall only into that, knowing that makes you experience the intoxication of being Shiva now!  Delusion, the wrong beliefs, stops you from the intoxication of being Shiva.  Initiation melts them down and makes you experience the intoxication of being Shiva.  Kundalini is the injection.  Kundalini Shakthi is the injection to give you that bliss of being Shiva.  It is given to you by the initiation, the touch.

I will expand on bliss of being Shiva. 

Now, with this, I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!