26 Nov 2014/Wednesday
Nithyanandeshwara Samarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||
I welcome all the Devas, Devatas, Devis, Ganas, Munis, Rishis, Gandharva, Yaksha, Kinnara, Kimpuruda, Bhootha, Pretha, Shivagana, and all the Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, samajis, satsanghis, visitors, viewers, every one of you, for the great, auspicious, Nithyanandeshwara Brahmotsavam.
Dhwajarohanam is done! Flag hoisting for Nithyanandeshwara Brahmotsavam! So, I invite all the Devatas, Ganas, Rishis, Kinnara, Kimpuruda, Gandharva, Siddha, Yogi, Jnana, Videha Muktha, Jeevan Muktha, Shivagana, everyone, to celebrate this great celebration on this amazing spiritual “punya bhoomi” (holy land), Bidadi Kshetra.
Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Oklahoma-Somanatham, Seattle-Chidambaram, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Toronto-Thiru Kailasam, Morris Plains-New Jersey, Houston-Kalahasti, Scottsdale-Arizona, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Chicago, Amersfoort-Netherlands, Los Angeles, Vizhupuram, Los Angeles-Hollywood, Charlotte-Srisailam, Sadhanananda, China, Hyderabad, Guadeloupe, Tiruvannamalai, Dakota Dunes, Paris, Ohio, Malaysia, Singapore-Singapuram, Ohio-Prayag, Rajapalayam, San Jose-Madurai, Dubai, Nepal, Warrington-UK......and many more cities are joining......Hong Kong-Sirkazhi...........
I welcome all of you with my love and respects.
As I committed, I will continue to expand on Keep It Simple Shivoham Series! HAHAHAHAHA! Keep It Simple Shivoham Series!
Listen! Today let us all invoke Mahadeva into our being so that he can make us experience Shivoham, just like he gave the same experience to Devi. I don’t know how many millions of years before, but on this very day, Karthigai Deepam day, which is falling this year on December 5th, Devi was given that Shivoham experience by Mahadeva. We are celebrating the same Brahmotsavam. We are celebrating the same festival as a ten-day festival, Brahmotsavam.
First thing, from today, till January 13th, means till Nithyananda Brahmotsavam – my birthday – till then, all over the world, we will also do, and we will inspire millions of people to chant and reside in the space of Shivoham, at least thirty-eight crore times! If one person continues to reside in the space and does Ajapa Japa of Shivoham, he will do at least one-lakh times, understand. When you do Ajapa Japa, it is not that every second you chant once; your heart chants, your lungs chant, your throat chants! The depth, more and more depth it goes into your being, more and more parts of your being resonate with that Shivoham! So, only when you start, it will be like every second you will chant once – Shivoham, Shivoham, Shivoham, Shivoham; but, by second day, third day, especially if that space has started penetrating into your dream..... First it will penetrate as a word; then you will see it will penetrate as a space. As long as it remains as a word, I can say, once a second, japa will happen. When it penetrates into the being, your whole body is vibrating! So, it cannot be counted as once; it cannot be counted at all! Your whole being is constantly sending the intense waves of Shivoham to the world! Let us make at least a few lakh people radiate the space of Shivoham, and culminate it into Adi Rudra Maha Yagna, with the central theme of “Shivoham”.
January 11, 12, 13, we are going to have Adi Rudra Maha Yagna with 108 Homa Kundas, 108 priests, trained priests, sitting and chanting, doing Rudra Homa continuously, with all our sannyasis, brahmacharis, devotees, gurukul kids, rishis, all of them also joining.
Let us make this great offering to Mahadeva and surrender to him, asking him to shower all of us with the experience of Shivoham.
And, enrich as many numbers as possible. All the Kotharis, Thanedars, Mahants, devotees, disciples, when you are going for “bhiksha prachaara yatra” every day, request people to chant Shivoham. Give “naama dhaana”. Formally, with the grace of Mahadeva, I give you all now the naama dhaana, Shivoham, the Maha Vaakya dhaana, Shivoham, and I offer it to all of you. Go around and give this Maha Vaakya dhaana, Shivoham. It is Maha Vaakya and Maha Mantra, both!
“Mantra” means: Worshipping the Lord. “Maha Vaakya” means: Realizing you are the Lord. In this “Shivoham”, both happen! In “Aham Brahmasmi”, only realizing you are the Ultimate happens; Maha Vaakya. In “Namah Shivaya”, only worshipping Mahadeva happens. In this “Shivoham”, both happen! When you say, “Shivoham” – “I am Shiva” – it means what? You are surrendering you to Shiva, you are offering you to Shiva, you disappear into him, you relax into him, you rest into him! So, “Shivoham” is Maha Vaakya and Maha Mantra, both together.
Go around and give Maha Vaakya dhaana, Maha Mantra dhaana, naama dhaana. And make as many people as possible chant Shivoham, Shivoham, Shivoham! Shivoham, Shivoham, Shivoham! Shivoham, Shivoham, Shivoham! Shivoham, Shivoham, Shivoham! Shiva! Shiva!
Be in the space of Shivoham, and help everyone chanting and being in the space of Shivoham. Help everyone to be in the space of Shivoham. Shivoham! Shivoham! Shivoham!
Understand, the more and more you expand, more and more you experience, more and more you live Shivoham, more and more you become enlightened. Decide to merge into that space – Shivoham. Just be in that! Just be in that! That’s all! Just drop yourself, whatever you know as you, into Mahadeva, and see Mahadeva is there in the space you were in long, long ago, once upon a time.
I request, all over the world, all our temples also, raise the flag and start the celebration. It is the most important Brahmotsava in our Sangha. As Nithyanandeshwara is our “ishta devatha”, Mahadeva is our “ishta devatha”, all our temples should start raising the flag and start the Brahmotsava. This time, “Shivoham” will be the theme, the central experience of the whole Brahmotsava.....and more!
Understand, “enriching” means, really, really feeling active, ALIVE, starting from the scratch, and raising yourself! That is why I am saying, start from going house to house, enriching everyone with that experience of Shivoham. Start with that. Naturally, you will find Mahadeva’s grace showering on you.
This is the main Brahmotsava we conduct for Mahadeva. Even though we celebrate Shivaratri, it is a one-day festival. This is the ten-day Brahmotsava formally we celebrate for Mahadeva. Even the Chittirai Brahmotsavam we celebrate, it is centred on Devi; it is centred on Meenakshi. This is the only Brahmotsava we celebrate centred on Mahadeva. So, everyone should celebrate, in all our centres, ashrams, temples; because, all our temples are actually dedicated to Mahadeva. He is the main deity. So, all our temples, ashrams, schools, institutions, all over the world, should celebrate this great Brahmotsava celebrating Mahadeva happening on the Planet Earth, and Mahadeva giving the experience of Shivoham to Devi.
“Karthigai Deepam” is the day Mahadeva happened, assuming the form of a huge light shaft, to give the Shivoham experience to Vishnu and Brahma, remove the conflicts within them, and incompletions within them, and bring Completion to them. And, this is the same day he appeared for Devi and gave Shivoham experience to her.
So, let us celebrate all these great “utsavas”, all these great festivals, and experience Shivoham.
With this, I move to the next segment of the morning satsangh – Dial-the-Avatar. I am available now to answer your questions, bless your prayers.
Alright! With this, I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!