Monday, 24 February 2014

24 FEB: Listen! Inner Awakening washes your brain from all brainwashing.

24 February 2014 / Monday

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, Sannyasis, Brahmacharis, sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities in many countries around the world.  

The cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing: Toronto-Kailasam, Ohio-Prayag, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Bangalore Centre, Port Washington-New York, Chicago-Srirangam, Warrington-UK, San Antonio-Texas, Oman-Sivagangai, Hong Kong Central, Scottsdale-Arizona, Jaipur, Manhattan-New York, Calgary, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, London-Kashi, Talahassee-Florida, Jorpati-Nepal, Austin, Redondo Beach, Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Avathipalayam, San Diego-Tirualavai, High Point-North Carolina, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Houston-Kalahasti, Kulim-Tiruttani, San Jose-Madurai, Seattle-Chidambaram, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Singapore, Tiruvanmiyur, Haridwar Dhyanapeetam, Indrani-New Jersey, Charlotte-Srisailam, Oklahoma-Somanatham.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

I will expand on the importance of Inner Awakening.

Before entering into today’s satsangh, Mahadeva’s Leela.  Today Mahadeva is gracing us in the Leela of proving the authenticity of the Shaiva scriptures. 

Sundareshwara, Maheshwara, Shiva, proved the authenticity of Shaiva scriptures by putting the leaves on which those scriptures are written into the fire, and the fire did not burn the leaves!  He put them in water, in the river, and they floated and went against the current without getting washed away by the river!  Mahadeva is gracing us in that Leela.

Listen!  What can be done by the eyes, how to explain it to the people who never had eyes?  See, having eyes is a possibility.  You can’t say, ‘Oh, with eyes we see.’  You can’t stop with that.  There are multiple things you can see because of seeing.  There are multiple other decisions you can take.  Please understand, seeing does not stop with seeing!  Seeing starts some possibility, certain openings, certain possibilities.  It goes on and on and on.

Same way, listening.  Listening is not just the ability to hear; it is a possibility.  When that possibility opens through listening, so much of transformation happens in you. So, you can’t say, ‘Oh, with ears we just hear.’  No!  Just imagine, if you didn’t have hearing, you would not even have known about consciousness, atman, the great life, the possibilities you have. 

(break in transmission.......)

If you abuse Hinduism it is called “freedom of speech”.  If you talk about the truths and facts of other religions, it is “hurting religious sentiments”!  Because of the brutal brainwashing done to Indians, the wrong knowledge became part of our lifestyle.  And, see, when the wrong knowledge becomes part of your lifestyle, you can easily be exploited.  Inner Awakening is an antidote for this exploitative educational system, brainwashing educational system.  This modern-day education system, especially whatever we have in India, other than memorizing and vomiting in examination and forgetting the very next day...!  I have studied enough of these students.  One week after the examination if you ask them to write the same examination, no one will take even thirty-five marks (the minimum marks required for a pass in India)!  The moment they write the final examination, they feel a kind of relief and they tell their brain, ‘Forget it, eject it!’  Not only the lessons, the information is just kicked out!  What kind of a curse!  

Listen!  Inner Awakening washes your brain from all brainwashing.  Brainwashing is different, washing your brain is different.  Inner Awakening is a new way, new perception, the real perception you bring to your life.

Sometimes when people tell, ‘Oh, it is too much money...’, I tell them, ‘Do you want a wife who never nags you?’  I read a one-liner:  “Wife is cute, when she is mute.  Husband is honey, when he gives money!” HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...!   Do you want to have a wife who doesn’t nag you?  Do you want the life where there is so much of harmony, where there is clarity, where you have the tools and the energy to do it?  See, in the Inner Awakening, I am not giving you just technical knowledge or tools; I am giving you the energy and making you do it!  Especially I am so happy the whole program has evolved so beautifully with the precise need of human-beings.  We have also discovered the exact point where human-beings are stuck, the exact points where human-beings are not able to move to the next level.  We also understood by working, working, working with more and more human-beings. 

I am not one of these useless, old-type of gurus who make one manual, and that same manual they teach for twenty years, and all their disciples go around and repeat the same manual like a parrot, and they give this Kriya, that Yoga, and give two-thousand rupees, three-thousand rupees.  I am the energy centre where the research and development happens!  I go on upgrading, updating ourselves.  By the time you make a manual, I have gone ten times beyond!  These mediocre gurus, they make one manual, they go on repeating the same thing for, sometimes, even twenty-five years!  I used to wonder: twenty-five years if you are not upgrading yourself, then what is the interaction you are having with human-beings?!! 

First of all, you have to use your intelligence, because teachings can never be ultimate or permanent or eternal.  If teachings can be eternal, then in Hinduism also we would have said, ‘This is the book! Follow it!’  No!  Teachings can never be eternal!  How the comforts and luxuries can never be one or same forever, same way the inner luxury, inner comforts.  The internal luxury, internal comforts, the luxuries of the internal space, consciousness, comforts of the internal space, consciousness is spiritual teachings; you cannot squeeze into one manual where you also talk the same thing for twenty years, and your disciples learn to repeat this like a parrot and go around for this class, that class.  No!  Inner Awakening, with every feedback, every research, we develop ourselves, upgrade ourselves.  I am so happy, now precisely we are able to address and solve, experientially initiate people’s inner-space into an awakening state.  You become a real Jagat Guru, not because one of your disciples is Jagat!  A real Jagat Guru! 

Understand, many times the “vasanas” (unconscious inclinations, tendencies) you carry, you go on imagining about the life you want and go on doing something completely against what you want.  You go on imagining the things you want, but you go on doing something against what you want!  That is a very funny thing which human-beings go on doing.

Inner Awakening wakes you up to the worst “vasanas” you carry.  “Vasana” is like a mental pattern which makes you think in one way and do exactly the opposite thing!  Always you wanted a peaceful home, harmonious home, but you go on fighting for it!  These people who say, we fight for peace, how can you go on “fighting” for peace?  How can you bring peace into the home if you are “fighting” for it?

Understand, Inner Awakening aligns your priorities and actions together, teaches you to create the space to achieve what you want.  If you don’t know the science of achieving what you want, whatever you achieve is an accident!  It is just an accident!  Listen!  It is just an accident!  Your life should not be an accident.  Your life should not be an accident.  Again and again and again, you aligning your inner-space to create the reality you wanted is Inner Awakening!  Unfortunately, after two days, your inner-space goes back to the same “vasanas” where you think in one way and act in another way.  You think about six-pack body and healthy body all the time, but you wake up at 10 o’clock in the morning and eat non-vegetarian food, and drink alcohol, don’t move out of the couch, empty 10 kgs of French fries!  You will not have six-packs, you will have a six-step body where kids can put six steps and climb on you!  See, you go on imagining one thing and go on doing something else. Same way, you go on imagining, ‘I will have this kind of a peaceful, harmonious home.’  But, every night, there is a fight, withdrawal, resistance!  So, what you imagine and what you do, when these two “vasanas”, when these two are completely opposite to each other, how do you think anything great can come out of your living? 

Power of Living means, the purpose and reality become one and the same, visualization and reality become one and the same.  Only then you are experiencing the Power of Living.  Otherwise, thirty years before what you imagined, still you carry the same imagination.  But thirty years before how you lived, you are worse than that now!  Then what kind of life you lived?  Power of Living!  Power of Living!  Awaken yourself to the Power of Living through Inner Awakening, especially experientially getting it into your system.  As of now, either fear or lust only becomes the major driving energy for a normal man.  I change that whole major driving energy!  I make inspiration as the driving force of your life!  Let inspiration become the life energy, driving energy for life!

With this, I will move to the Kalpataru process after a small break.

(SMALL BREAK.....................)

Please pick up one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the doubts, incompletions you have around that thought.  Please start penning down.  Participants of Kalpataru program in San Diego and Chicago, I welcome all of you.  Please start writing.  Pick up paper and pen.  Write one thought you want to make as reality, and all the doubts, incompletions, confusions you have to make that thought into reality.

(After a few minutes.....................)

Now please sit straight.  Close your eyes.  I will lead you into the process.  Whatever one thought you want to make as reality, hold the space for it.  Visualize it is already real, reality, it has already become reality.  Hold the space for it to become experience in you.  Anything you want to cause it to reality, visualize it is already real.  Complete all the incompletions, self-doubts, and drop it.  Carry, hold the space for what you want to cause as reality.  Namah Shivaya!


Relax.  I bless you all!  The space you hold, let it become reality!  The thought you want to make as reality, let it become reality!

Now we will start having the Kalpataru Darshan.


Causing the eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________

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