10th March / Monday
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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||
I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, who are sitting with us all over the world at this time through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities in many countries around the world.
Cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: High Point-North Carolina, Calgary-Amarnath, Newfoundland-Canada, xxxxtown-Pennsylvania, Jorpati-Nepal, Dakota Dunes, San Antonio-Texas, Talahassee-Florida.....Prettyness, Houston-Kalahasti, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Nithyananda Gurukul-Bidadi, Warrington-UK, Bangalore-Malleshwaram, New York-Varanasi, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Coimbatore Dhyanapeetam, Singapore-Singapuram, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Scottsdale-Arizona, San Jose-Madurai, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Ohio-Prayag, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Washington DC-Sripuram, Toronto-Kailasam, Seattle-Chidambaram, Charlotte-Srisailam, Ohio-Shivananda, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Oman-Sivagangai, Austin-Texas.....................
I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.
Today I will expand on this great truth: COMPLETION WITH OTHERS.
Please understand..... Listen! Come to the space of listening!
Completion with others!
Today the Inner Awakening Level-2 is starting. Twenty-fifth Inner Awakening, Inner Awakening Level-2 is starting.
Listen! Completion with Yourself is more like a spiritual practice. It is with Completion with Others that life itself starts! Listen! It is from the Completion with Others that life starts!
One of the biggest missings Hindus had, Hinduism had, is Completion with Others. Of course, we had the principles of Love, Care, Serve, and all that. It is not that without those principles Hinduism grew up. No! Hinduism had all those principles. But, unfortunately, in the course of time, they all have been portrayed as secondary qualities, or may not be that important for enlightenment, that kind of qualities.
Listen! The eternity being brought to immediacy, the context of eternity being brought to everyday lifestyle was missing.
I am going to repeat! Listen! Because this whole one hour or one-and-a-half hours of satsangh, three-four statements if you pick up, that is enough! Just three-four statements....and that becomes your cognition....that is enough! So, listen to this statement.
This Completion with Others was not promoted as a basic necessity to reach the enlightenment experience. Unfortunately, escaping has become the generally-promoted lifestyle: If you have incompletion with family and parents and society, just escape to Haridwar, Rishikesh, or go up to the Himalayas! If you have incompletions when you are down South, run away to Varanasi! After one year you will start having incompletion with people in Varanasi, then run away to Haridwar! After six months, you will start having incompletion with people in Haridwar, then run away to Rishikesh. There you will start having incompletion, then run away to Uttarkashi! There once incompletions are built, run away to Gangotri. There once incompletions are built with others, run away to Tapovan! In Tapovan nobody else is there, only you are there; then you think you are complete!
Completion is complete when you can come down to the plains and remain complete! Completion is complete when you can come down to the plains and remain complete!
One thing I can tell you, I never have had any incompletion with any person or situation throughout this whole “foolish attack” on me. That is exactly the word I will use! Foolish fellows attacked the wrong person! Or, may be, their time to get destroyed has come; so they tried to attack me! J
Understand, throughout this whole experience of my public life, after I came down to the plains, never ever I felt life is incomplete, never experienced any incompletion with people. Whether they experienced with me or not, you have to ask them :D ! I am very clear!
You need to know, escaping from the situations where the incompletions are there can never be the solution for incompletions. Actually, that will become one more pattern of incompletion: Whenever you see a conflict, just take off! Whenever you see a conflict, that taking off becomes a pattern!
Yesterday I was reading a wonderful book, “Sadhus of India”. One nice thing about that author, he neither supports Hinduism nor opposes Hinduism. He has no vested interest of the four “M”s. Who are those four “M”s, don’t ask me now; I will tell later on! One, Marxist media. Second “M” all of you know! He is not influenced by these four “M”s.
Listen! The four “M”s, Marxist media..... I tell you, the influence of this Marxist media in our national thought-trend, people are not understanding its dangers. I can say, it is the incompletion of the whole country.
This guy who wrote this book, “Sadhus of India”, is not influenced by any of these four “M”s. And he is neither supporting Hinduism. He is just like an observer or an investigator. Finally, at the end of the book I saw, he is already in love with Hinduism!
Understand, anyone who comes with an open mind..... If anyone comes with a closed mind, we are capable enough to....HAHAHAHAHA! But if anyone comes with an open mind.....over; then you are here for a treat....feast!
But, throughout that book, it was a thorough study; it goes to the depth of how many times the sadhus have fallen sick in their lifetime! You need to know, he has surveyed among a huge number all over India. More than four times who fell sick and went to bed-rest, it is only 1%! Can you imagine? In their lifetime, more than four times who fell sick and had bed-rest, it is only 1%! I was shocked, ‘Oh, God!’ And never fell sick is 52%!
Really, I wanted to call the author and honour him. But, unfortunately, he passed away....he left the body. His name is Tripathi (Sadhus of India: The Sociological View, by Bansi Dhar Tripathi. Published by Popular Prakashan, 1978). He has done such an amazing research and thorough study. And I don’t know how he is able to get these details, he even went up to asking the personal questions of Sadhus – how is their celibacy life and all that! And he has documented all that! That is very surprising!
Throughout the book I discovered one secret: It is unfortunate that we put the concept of Completion with Others in the back-burner, please understand, the concept of Completion with Others in the back-burner! We had, have, all the best things; because our Rishis were the best people! They have no vested interests. They neither have association with Government, nor have association with Army, or have association with banks. They are neither Vaishyas nor Kshatriyas. I am saying by qualities, not by birth. By quality, based on the karma and mental set-up, they are neither Vaishyas nor Kshatriyas or Shudras; they were pure, purest Brahmanas, the Jeevan Mukthas! Holding a high enlightened consciousness, they formed the nucleus of the Hindu civilization. Around them the layers and layers and layers we happened! They formed the nucleus. Haridwar, the Door to Mahadeva – please understand, “Haridwar” means “Door to Mahadeva” – this city was called “Gangadwar” and “Haridwar” – Door to Mahadeva. This is exactly the space, place where the nucleus was getting created, formed.
Listen! Listen! We had all the best things. But, in course of time, we put some things in the back-burner: that is Completion with Others. I can say, all the suffering we are having, all the degradation we are facing, all the abusal others are causing and we ourselves are causing to us, everything can be boiled down to one thing: Not Completing with Others!
The Completion with Others, I can say, this was the greatest contribution of Vivekananda. Swami Vivekananda’s greatest contribution to Hinduism is, he brought this idea of Completion with Others to the front. Even though the mainstream Hinduism, the traditional orthodox Hinduism classified Vivekananda as a reformist, I will classify Swami Vivekananda as a revivalist, not reformist. Understand, I wanted you to know very clearly, he revived, not reformed! There were some other organizations, you can call them as reformers, like Brahmakumaris, Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj. You can call all of them as reformers. But Vivekananda is a straight reviver! There were some organizations who were radicals, like Ananda Marga. There were some orthodox, some reformist, some radical. Tripathi observes, the author of the book he observes, Shankaracharyas, Dattatreya Maharaj, all of them as orthodox, traditional; and Brahmakumaris, Osho, all of them as reformists; Ananda Marga, all of them as radicals. May be, I wanted to add the fourth category – “revivers”. I will classify Swami Vivekananda in that category: he revived it. At least, his best, he tried. He lived for forty years on the Planet Earth.
Please understand, the revival..... I wanted to be very clearly known forever in the future only as a reviver. I am neither a reformer nor a radical. I am a reviver of orthodox Hinduism. I am a reviver of true orthodox catholicity of Hinduism. I am very clear about that! Seeing my activeness, don’t call me as a reformer. Seeing my stern views, don’t call me as a radical. I may have all those dimensions, but in my core I am a reviver of orthodox Hinduism. May be, I can say, the “user-friendly version of Hinduism”! I am very clear about it! I don’t want to be remembered or called as a reformer or radical. No! This revival is possible! All my disciples, followers all over the world should know, we are in the mission of reviving, not reforming or radicalizing. So, you need to be very clear about what are we! We are in the line of reviving, making Hinduism user-friendly to people.
Listen! All the gurukul kids, remember very clearly, you are a reviver! I also have good news for the gurukul kids. In Haridwar I am collecting all the legal opinion and the legal possibilities of giving Sannyas when you are a minor. In Haridwar, there is a tradition called “Bala Sant”: not just Krama Brahmacharya, you are given Sannyas itself with Vraja Homa! The moment we have a property and ashram in Haridwar, we don’t even need to go to Bali or Sri Lanka to give Sannyas; in India itself! Because, Haridwar is considered the Headquarters of Hinduism, this is a Hindu city, giving Sannyas initiation, making Bala Sant is not illegal. All akhadas have Bala Sants. And many major ashrams have Bala Sants. They don’t give Krama Brahmacharya or Naishtika Brahmacharya; they are giving Sannyas straightaway! I have studied their psychology (of the Bala Sants); they don’t repent! I am studying some of the kids who have received Sannyas at the age of five, six; now they are fifteen, sixteen; some eighteen; they are in the teenage, adolescent age; they are not repenting that they were made Sannyasi and all that! They are happy, enjoying! When I studied their inner-space, I realized that from the young age when you create a space that you are a Sannyasi, you simply become a successful Sannyasi! So, the next release of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam is going to be a Bala Sannyasi Training Centre in Haridwar....a Bala Sant Training Centre in Haridwar! Very soon you can expect a Bala Sant Training Centre in Haridwar! I will study the horoscope and nadi reading, and ask Kalabhairava, and give Sannyas. I am going to produce some of the greatest Siddha Purushas, understand! You will see!
All our gurukul kids should remember, we are reviving Vedic tradition. All our Sannyasis, you remember, position yourself properly: we are not reformers or radicals; we are revivers! And I found it very interesting: Bala Sants are given equal place, equal seats in the bhandaras, respected as sadhus in the schools, colleges, and their friends don’t tease them, but call them as Swamis; even though they don’t touch their feet, they do namaskar! It was very interesting to see the insider’s lifestyle. I was enchanted to spend a little time with four Bala Sannyasis who came yesterday during the session. That is why I went away yesterday when you guys were completing. I was spending time with them.
(break in transmission...........)
Because of that they have amazing confidence on this lifestyle. I just wanted to add only one thing: Completion with Others is a spiritual quality; that’s all! It is necessary for enlightenment! Unfortunately, we always got the idea that if you have incompletion with others, run away to the higher plains where less people are there! No! That is not a solution! That is not a solution! Completion with Others is the basic necessity, the basic quality you need for enlightenment. How to complete with others and how to maintain Completion with others is what we are going to see in the whole Inner Awakening Level-2.
Most of my Swamis, my Brahmacharis, my Thanedars, Kotharis, Mahants, they are very happy with me and they are very happy with Dhamma. Always I have problem with Sangha! “A” is all the time having a problem with “B”. “B” is all the time having a problem with “C”. “C” is all the time having a problem with “A”. Because of the problems with “B” and “C”, “A” runs away!
(break in transmission...........)
Don’t go on foolishly believing that everything will be well by its default future. No! What is the “by default future”? From Kandahar we have been reduced to Kashmir! These foolish fellows go on arguing with me, ‘No, no, no! Sanatana Dharma can never be erased! It can never be destroyed! It will be there forever! Somehow it will survive! Nothing will happen!’ No! These are all foolish ideas spread by missionaries to keep us lazy without doing anything to revive ourselves, revitalize ourselves. No! If the default future is the truth, then what happened? We were there from Bali to Kandahar! In the last five-hundred years, see where we shrunk! We lost now in Pakistan also! Now nobody is there! In Bangladesh also nobody is there! Slowly shrinking from all directions! Sri Lanka, nobody is there! Burma, all kicked out!
Listen! The only way you can revive, the only way you can cure the cancer in Sanatana Dharma is realizing the truth of Completion with Others. Maintaining Completion with Others, living in the space of Completion with Others is a spiritual truth; that is required for spiritual enlightenment. Because, as long as your body is moving and functioning, others are part of you, you are part of them. If you are not ready to be in the space of Completion with Others, you cannot be in the space of Completion with Yourself!
Understand.... People sometimes ask me, ‘How do I know whether I am suppressing or completing?’
If you are able to be in the space of Completion with Others, you are completing with yourself also. If you are not able to be complete with others, even inside also you are not completing with yourself, you are only suppressing. So, the scale to find out whether you are completing or suppressing, completing or brooding over, completing or waiting for a chance to take revenge..... I have seen some people, ‘........I will wait for my time. When my time comes, I will do what needs to be done!’
Understand, Completion with Others is a spiritual practice. Completion with Yourself is like Mahadeva. Completion with Others is like Devi. Devi is required for the life to happen. That is why, in all our temples, I have put Devi along with Mahadeva. I have not put Devi as a separate deity.
Understand, Completion with Others is the basic truth required for enlightenment. May be, even Completion with Yourself can be put in the back-burner, but not Completion with Others. If possible, both should be in the front-burner. But the way the gas prices are going, you may not be able to do it :D ! At least put the Completion with Others in the front-burner.
Understand, this Science of Completion with Others, that should be given the first priority for Hinduism for the next hundred years. Next hundred years we should take this up as a mission: Completion with Others. Everyone should be taught the Science of Completion with Others, because Hinduism itself is a religion of Sangha. When the concept of “Sangha”s is getting broken, disintegrated, the religion is also disintegrated. Whether our “Varna” concept or “Ashrama” concept, Varnashrama Dharma is based on the concept of “Sangha”. As a Brahmachari, all Brahmacharis are expected to live as a Sangha which is “University”. As a Grihastha, all Grihasthas are expected to live as a Sangha which is called a “Nagara”. As a Vanaprastha, all Vanaprasthis are expected to live as a Sangha which is called “Rishikul”, “Tapovana”. As Sannyasis, all of us are expected to live as a Sangha which is “Monasteries”, “Matha”, “Ashrama”. Even as communities, we are all expected to live as a Sangha. Hinduism is based on Sangha.
And I have a good news for all of you; maybe it will be a great news. The first Trust I ever formed in Karnataka, the registered Trust before even the Bidadi Ashram land came to us, that time I named that organization as “Dhyanapeetam Charitable Trust”; now legally we decided to change the name of that Trust to “Nithyananda Sangha Trust”. Because, the whole Hinduism is built on the concept of Sangha. The word “Dhyana” is more understood as “Completion with Yourself”. But the word “Sangha” is the complete word: here you need to have Completion with Yourself and Others and everything; only then you can be a Sangha. So, soon, we will be called even legally as “Nithyananda Sangha”. We use the name....this word....normally we use “Nithyananda Sangha” as the word to identify our Sangha. But now it will become a formal name.
Understand, the most important, first priority, top mission of our Sangha is: constantly helping people to complete with others. Constantly be in the space of Completion with Others, and teach Completion with Others to everyone. That is where the Sangha starts. It is with Completion with Others that life starts in you. With Completion with Yourself, peace starts in you. With Completion with Others, bliss starts in you! Just with peace you cannot live your life. When you are complete with yourself, peace starts in you. When you are complete with others, bliss starts in you! So, O Humanity, be blissful, not just peaceful! You happened to be blissful, not just peaceful!
With this, I will give you the essence of the satsangh in Hindi.
Understand, the essence of today’s satsangh:
Completion with Others, that is a basic truth you need, basic principle you need for your enlightenment.
We have a story: From all the countries they brought crabs for an exhibition. All the countries’ crabs were kept in a sealed vessel. Only the Indian crabs were not kept in a sealed vessel; they were open.
Somebody asks, ‘If they are not kept in a sealed vessel, will they not just come out and leave the vessel?’
The other person replies, ‘No, no, no, no! If one crab tries to come out, the others will pull it down! No one will come to the level of becoming free!’
Understand, incompletion with others just staying inside you is like a crab which is constantly pulling you down. You will never be allowed to go out and be free! You will never be allowed to be a Muktha, Jeevan Muktha!
So, with this, I will move to the Kalpataru process.
All the participants who have gathered for Kalpataru Darshan in Vancouver and in Haridwar, please sit straight. And all the Kalpataru participants who have gathered all over the world, sit straight, pick up a paper and pen, pen down one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the doubts, incompletions, fears you have around that thought, all the incompletions you have to cause that one thought into reality. Pen down both.
(After a few minutes.....................)
Now sit straight. Close your eyes. Create the space for what you want to cause as reality. Complete with all your incompletions and drop it. Create a space, powerful space for what you want to cause as reality by holding that visualization. Visualize what you want to cause as reality is already real. Hold on to that visualization. Hold on to that space. Namah Shivaya!
I bless you all! The visualization you created, let it become reality! The space you hold, let it become reality! Namah Shivaya!
I can see some more cities: Indrani-New Jersey, Bangalore North.......
Ranjani and Kailashjnanam, blessings on your wedding anniversary! Both of you will have all auspiciousness! I will be with you! Blessings!
We will start the Darshan. All the participants in Haridwar can come first for darshan. Then we will have all the participants in Vancouver to come for darshan.
I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!
___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________
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