11th April 2014 / Friday
Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya
Vandhey Guru
Paramparaam ||
I welcome all the devotees,
disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars who
are sitting with us all over the world at this moment through Nithyananda TV,
Lotus TV, Sadhna TV, Eshwar TV, Janashree TV, and through two-way
video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many countries in many cities
around the world.
The cities sitting with us in
two-way video-conferencing: Charlotte-Srisailam, Nithyananda
Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Nithyananda
Nagara-Tiruvannamalai, Seattle-Chidambaram, Nithyananda University-Los Angeles,
Nithyananda University-Paris, Singapore-Singapuram, Ohio-Prayag, New
York-Varanasi, San Jose-Madurai, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Toronto-Kailasam,
Houston-Kalahasti, London-Kashi, Varanasi, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Scottsdale-Arizona,
Oman-Sivagangai, Dakota Dunes, High Point-North Carolina, Toon Moon-Hong Kong,
Santa Fe-New Mexico, Bogota-Colombia, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Jorpati-Nepal,
Bangalore North, Guadeloupe-Rameswaram, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Minot-North Dakota,
San Antonio-Texas, Port Washington-New York, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Hosur
Dhyanapeetam.................. ...
I welcome all of you with my love
and blessings.
Today I will start on the Science
of Living Advaitha, the Science of Living Enlightenment, the Teamily Process.
Please listen!
When you start working with your
team, face all your so-called difficulties.... Listen! Nothing is difficult on this earth,
but you have to DO it. The good news is,
nothing is difficult. The best news is,
you have to DO it. If you don’t do it,
if you don’t need to do, then what for life?
Nothing, nothing is difficult.
When you start relating with your teamily, please understand, the first
thing that will happen to you is, your ability to speak into your listening
will happen. I tell you, your intestine
can be programmed immediately as you want.
If you just know to speak into your listening, your intestine can listen
to you immediately. Your intestine will
just listen to you, your heart will listen to you, your liver will listen to
you. I am telling you after
experientially experimenting in the last two days.
Last two days I was diagnosing
the root of this cough. And I was
instructing the body, ‘Hey, alter it yourself.
Clear it.’ The body said, ‘If I
have to do this much of work, the throat has to work this much. Then I will need to recreate the whole throat
and the whole organ with a new kind of strength. Just give me a few days, I will make it
happen.’ Then I said, ‘Alright, till you
do that, you don’t need to wait for the stomach to become alright. You clear that.’ I saw clearly, the root of the cough has
stopped immediately! Now, only the
throat, a new system is getting built!’
Please listen! Please listen! I am on national television, and whatever I
am speaking, I am responsible for it! I
am telling you on national television, you can talk to your organs, you can
talk to your body; it will listen to you.
Only when you face your teamily, complete with them, when you learn to
speak into their listening, simply you will see, your teamily is nothing but
the representation mirrors your heart, kidney, liver, brain. If your teamily is completely disintegrated,
disorganized, your body is also disintegrated and disorganized, your mind is
also disintegrated and disorganized.
Your mind has many components:
Chittha, Buddhi. “Chittha” means, all
the memory storage. “Buddhi” means,
which orders a special file to be drawn.
For example, the moment you see somebody wearing a kaavi-coloured dress,
you would have had a good and bad experience, both, with that colour. If your Buddhi orders the bad file, and the
Chittha will supply that, that is what becomes incompletion. If your Buddhi orders a good file, and that
is what the Chittha will supply, that only leads to friendliness. Understand, whether your perception, the
sensory activities leads to more and more incompletion or friendliness is
decided by the responsibility with which your Buddhi behaves....the responsibility
with which your Buddhi behaves.
Listen! Please understand, if
your Buddhi cognizes from the space of Advaitha that, ‘For everything I am
responsible, I am the source’, then it always orders the right files from the
Chittha. It always orders the right
files from the Chittha. Your mind is
your teamily. Your body is your
teamily. Your teamily is your body and
mind. Understand? When you are able to speak into the listening
of your teamily, you will be able to speak into the listening of the different
components of your mind, the different components of your body.
A few devotees were
requesting that
they need time for completing with all their teamily members. I agreed
to extend. Only two more days, forty-eight hours. I don’t want to
extend more than that. So, tomorrow and day-after-tomorrow.
Day-after-tomorrow morning satsangh, you
should come back to the satsangh after completely completing with all
teamily members, so that I can lead you guys to the next level.
So, before Guru
Poornima, I
wanted at least a bunch of people living this Advaitha practically.
Just like how our kids do the Rudra Homa and
make the gods pleased, they please the gods and make the heavens
shower. Yesterday, when they completed the Rudra
Homa, there was no cloud; it was completely white, open sky. I went to
the temple and asked them, ‘Did you
guys finish the Rudra Homa?’ They said,
‘Yes, Swamiji, it is finished.’ I said,
‘It HAS to shower!’ They brought the
prasadam to me. And, when I put the prasadam,
after putting the Homa Prasadam, I realized that I had already accepted
prasadam, and because I accepted, all the gods have accepted! And it
HAS to shower! And it simply showered in a few minutes! Normally it
drizzles, but yesterday it just poured!
Understand, I wanted all of you
to radiate enlightenment, to radiate Advaitha with all its powers and
siddhis. Never have the beggar mentality
of acquiring siddhis, accumulating siddhis.
It is like you steal in your own father’s mango garden. No!
You own it! The moment you are my
disciple, I tell you, you own the whole Cosmos!
You are the favourite inheritor of the Cosmos! Brahmanyam Bahuputhrathaam!
Understand, for the few people
who have done great charity, God gives wealth.
For the few people who always do good, he gives power. For the few people who share food, he gives
them grains. For the few people who are
able to bring up the kids as good citizens of the society, he gives “santhaana”
– kids. Only for a few, he gives Himself
as Guru! Many get his wealth; many get
his land; many get his properties; many get his powers; very few get Himself as
Guru! Understand, the moment you are my
disciple, you are the favourite inheritor of the Cosmos! Be very clear! You don’t move with the idea of acquiring
siddhis, with the beggar mentality. Be
very clear, it is your nature; wake it up!
Know very clearly, it is your nature; you don’t need to accumulate,
acquire. Start thinking and acting from
the context of Advaitha. Start thinking
and acting from the basic truth of Advaitha; automatically, these siddhis will
start expressing! You will be radiating
the siddhis!
So, today and day-after-tomorrow,
I will explain on this principle of teamily, why a teamily. If you are locked in a prison 10 feet x 10
feet, and somebody tells you there that if you are free you will have the whole
universe for yourself. And the foolish,
stupid prisoner, he starts imagining, ‘Now only 10 feet x 10 feet I am allowed
to use. Then to acquire 10 feet x 10
feet more, how many years it will take for me?
Then to acquire 100 feet x 100 feet, how many years it will take for
me? Then to acquire one kilometre x one
kilometre, how many years it will take for me?’
If this stupid fellow calculates that way, how he is foolish and does
not know the truth, same way only you are struggling and saying, ‘This one body
controlling itself is taking five years for me.
Still I have not controlled. Then
one more body I have to control. Then third body I have to control. By the time I feel oneness with the whole
Cosmos, I don’t know how many janmas (lives) it will take!’ No!
You are foolish! You are stupid! If that fellow just gets out of that 10 feet x
10 feet prison, the whole universe belongs to him! Same way, if you complete with this body, the
whole universe belongs to you! The whole
Cosmos belongs to you!
When I say, ‘Work with some
eleven people to create a teamily of Advaitha’, don’t think, ‘Once I establish
myself in Advaitha with eleven people, then I will have to start with hundred
people, then I will have to start with thousand people...’ No!
Once you master these eleven people, with the whole world you will experience
Advaitha! See, the people with whom you
share your food, you share your bed, you share your house, you share your
office, naturally, in all of them, in all their eyes you will reflect all the
incompletions you have. Your teamily, in
their eyes the incompletions which didn’t reflect, you don’t have, understand
that. If you don’t reflect some
incompletions in their eyes, be complete you don’t have that incompletion. Your teamily also is not having that
incompletion. But you doubt whether you
have that incompletion or not; means, it is self-doubt; it is not
When you work with your
the problems you face are the only problems you have with your body,
with the
different parts of your body, and the different parts of your mind.
That is why I am insisting on teamily. Understand? That is why I am
insisting, first create a
teamily. When you start planning
Completion with them, the problems you face, don’t stop. Find solution.
Find solution. When you complete with the people with whom
you are sharing your life, you will simply have the power to speak into
listening of your own various parts of the body, you will have the power
speak into the listening of the various components of your mind. I tell
you, I tell you as a person who is
using his mind to its optimum, people who are living around me they
know, when
I am instructing about the University Syllabus and designing how the
legal and
social and brand structure of the University has to happen, the depth
preciseness, and the next moment remembering some brahmachari’s or
brahmacharini’s whole file from the day they joined, what all patterns
struggled with, where they are, and where they have to move, I tell you
any pride or arrogance, I am putting the mind to its maximum use. With
this experience I am telling you, if you
complete with your teamily, you will put your mind to its maximum use.
I tell you, please understand, I
wanted to give a very deep insight. If
you catch this, you will understand one of the most secret of the universal law. Listen!
If you want to be a Councillor of a small town, naturally all their
interests, the interests of the citizens of that small town should become part
of your thinking. If you want to be the
Chairman of that town, all the interests of the citizens and the interests of
the Councillors should become part of your thinking. When you are Chairman of a town, you think,
‘If I become the Chief Minister or Prime Minister, how much of power and
pleasure I will have, how much of glory I will have!’ Please listen, but by the time you evolve as
a MLA or MP or Minister or a Chief Minister, so many lakhs and lakhs and crores
of people’s interests should become part of you. Actually, many times people think they will
be able to retain their personal desires, their personal interests, and climb
the ladder of power. No! By the time you climb the ladder of power,
many of your personal interests will be pulled out of you, and the remaining
personal interests which you are retaining is what I call “Corruption”.
Climbing the ladder of power
without giving up your personal interests is “Corruption”. Climbing the power ladder giving up your
personal interests is “Dharma”.
Listen! It is a very subtle
point. When you climb the ladder of
power, automatically, by force, much of your personal interests will be pulled
out of you. And, I tell you, becoming
the part of others’ interests and allowing the others’ interests as part of you
itself can become joy. When others’
interests become part of your joy, it is called “Vairagya”. Listen!
When others’ interests become part of your joy, it is “Vairagya”. Means, the personal interests have lost power
over you.
Listen! Climbing the power ladder and still
struggling hard to keep the personal interests is “Corruption. Allowing the personal interests to disappear
into the others’ interests and climbing the power ladder is “Dharma”. Allowing the others’ interests and enjoying
it as personal interest is “Vairagya”.
And becoming a catalyst for others’ interests is “Enlightenment”,
“Moksha”! Whether you are in the field
of entertainment, politics, spirituality, social service, in anything.... Understand, I am giving you the sutra of
Dharma, law of life. Whether you are a
business celebrity, or social celebrity, or social revolutionary, whatever you do,
I tell you, it is your ability to give up your personal interests and allow the
others’ interests as part of you, ability to allow the others’ interests as
part of you, that is “Success”.
Listen! Ability to allow others’
interests as your part, is “Success”.
And, when you work with the teamily, you will understand, you will
really, really understand that your personal interests are not that strongly
powerful over you other than your joy of fulfilment.
See, the lust pattern is created
in you because you don’t enjoy love.
When love is experienced and the fulfilment starts, even you will be
surprised how your lust pattern has melted down. You will feel cheated by your lust
pattern. You will really feel cheated by
your lust pattern. Trusting the lust
pattern and building your love is like trusting your sneezing and building a
Hot House. Because you sneeze once, you
never, ever, want that again, you create a special atmosphere house around you
and you carry that with you wherever you go.
For a simple sneezing do you need that big a solution?
Same way, many times the
pattern is nothing more than sneezing, but you have built so many things
for that one pattern. By the time you
build and prepare everything and look in, that pattern is not there!
Understand, because, for the lust pattern when you build whatever you
need, somewhere you will hit and experience love. Suddenly, because of
that love, the lust
pattern loses its power. Why do you
think pornography has become such a large multi-million dollar industry
Planet Earth? Because, the foolish
fellows are cheated by the actual lust pattern, because they worked so
much for
that, by the time they build everything and look in, the lust pattern
disappeared. It is like there is a small
plant, small mango tree going up, and you say, ‘Wow! Mango tree is
going to happen! Let me fence it!’ You go around and fence it and do
And by the time you come back, the plant
is dead! So what to do? Come on, let us bring pornography! Trying to
infuse power into the dead pattern
is pornography, understand. Whether it
is food or lust, anything! The big, big
advertisements for food, the McDonald’s advertisement, is food
pornography! The big, big burger advertisement is food
pornography! Trying to infuse interest
into the dead pattern and making it look like larger than life is
pornography. It does not need to be restricted only to
lust. Food....anything! And ear-abusing Rock Band is also sound
pornography! Ear-abusing Rock Band! I have defined Pornography,
understand! It is not restricted just to lust. In any field trying to
infuse interest into
the pattern which does not have power over you, but, because you believe
pattern has power and you built your life, now that pattern is dead you
your life is empty, you want to give life to that pattern, you put
on that pattern, that is pornography.
Through ventilator you can keep somebody alive, but not living! Through
ventilator, you can keep somebody
alive, but not living! That is why,
pornographists may keep the lust alive, but not living.
Listen! Please listen! When you start working with your teamily with
whom you share your bed, if you complete with that person, person or persons
with whom you share your bed, you will be complete with all your lust
patterns. The person or persons with
whom you share your food, person or persons with whom you share your office,
person or persons with whom you share your life, complete with all of
them. You will see so many of your
patterns don’t have power over you, but you infuse power into them through
pornography. Your violence has lost
power over you, but by seeing constantly the horror movies, and entertaining,
cherishing horror thoughts and yellow journalism, you are infusing power into
your violence. Yellow journalism and
horror movies are violent pornography.
Pornography of violence, pornography of multiple variety, pornography of
lust, pornography of violence, pornography of food! Liberate yourself from all these and come back
to the true and ultimate space of Advaitha, Shuddha Advaitha. Working with teamily will make that happen to
you. Working with teamily will make that
happen to you.
Understand, any
principle will
become reality in your life only based on the intensity with which you
adopting it. Just the other day I was
talking to one of the Mahants. I said,
‘The deity becomes God because of your devotion to it.’ See, in the
temples, the nicely carved
statues are there in the pillars. But
they only become the pillar statues, decorative pieces. The uncarved
simple stone remains as Swaymbhu
Linga in the Garba Griha (sanctum sanctorum) and receives worship as
God! What a funny thing! So, it is not an external carving which makes
a stone into a deity. It is our internal
devotion which makes a stone into a deity.
How we hold it makes it deity.
Same way, this Advaitha, how you hold it is only going to make it as a
reality in your life.
I will continue with the
teamily. I think I am destroying the
whole business of pornography, food, everything! I am not going to leave any business alive
other than Advaitha! And all the
businesses have to be re-planned and re-strategized, rebuilt based on the truth
of Advaitha. To cause this I have
happened! I happened, I am happening to
cause this!
Now, we will move to the
Kalpataru process.
All the Kalpataru participants,
pick up one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions about
that thought. Pen down both.
(After a few minutes.....................)
Please sit straight. Close your eyes. Create a space for whatever you want to cause as
reality. Complete with all the incompletions
and drop it. Create a beautiful space for
whatever you want to cause as reality. Whatever
you want to cause as reality, hold on to that visualization now. Namah Shivaya!
I bless you all! The space you created, let it become reality! The thought you held on, let it become reality!
We will have darshan for all the participants
who came to Bidadi for Kalpataru Darshan. Then we will have MKT Meeting – Mahants-Kotharis-Thanedars
I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity,
Responsibility, Enriching and Causing the eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!
___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________

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