5th April 2014 / Saturday
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Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya
Vandhey Guru
Paramparaam ||
I welcome all the devotees,
disciples, samajis, satsanghis, sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Lotus
TV, Sadhna TV, Eshwar TV, Janashree TV, and two-way video-conferencing all over
the world.
The cities sitting with us
through two-way video-conferencing: New York-Varanasi, Haridwar, Kuala
Lumpur-Palani, Seattle-Chidambaram, Ohio-Prayag, Charlotte-Srisailam, Simi
Valley-California, Washington DC-Sripuram, Toronto-Kailasam,
Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Singapore-Singapuram, Slovakia,
Port Washington-New York, San Jose-Madurai, Bangalore-Indranagar,
Grasse-France, Sun Prairie-Wisconsin, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Dallas-Dwaraka,
Wellington-New Zealand, Seremban-Sivakasi, New Mexico, Philadelphia, Hong Kong,
Dakota Dunes, Winston-Salem-North Carolina, Port Washington-New York,
Brampton-Canada, Selang-Malaysia, Scottsdale-Arizona, Hollywood,
Oman-Sivagangai, Jorpati-Nepal, Houston-Kalahasti, London-Kashi, Bangalore,
Ahmedabad-Gujarat, High Point-North Carolina, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Minot,
Philip Island-Australia, Belgium, Redondo Beach-California, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad,
Grasse-France, Houston-Kalahasti, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi,
Nithyananda University Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Avadi-Chennai, Ohio-Prayag, Johns
Creek-Georgia, Hosur Dhyanapeetam, Sarah.....................
I welcome all of you with my love
and blessings.
I will continue to expand on
Living Advaitha.
Please listen! The last few days I am working with you all
making the Advaithic experience, the non-dual experience as living space. Please understand, the greatest gift you can
receive from an incarnation is permanently getting established in Advaitha,
means the lasting experience of non-dual consciousness. Everything else can be memory.
Please listen! Please come to the space of listening!
Whatever you receive from an
incarnation other than Advaithic experience is waste of life. Don’t miss the space of Advaitha when you
have the great fortune of associating with an incarnation. Understand, the space of Advaitha is the best
gift you will receive from an incarnation.
The second important truth you
need to understand is, it is not difficult.
It is not difficult at all! You
just have to DO it! It is neither difficult
nor easy. It just needs a technique, knowledge,
understand? I don’t want to say it is
easy; then you will take it for granted and never do it. I don’t want to say it is difficult, because
it is NOT difficult; it just needs a simple knowledge and your decision to DO
it. First, decide to experience
Advaithic consciousness, the space of Advaitha with a small group.
Hope all of you understand the
process I am putting all of you through.
The last two days, all of you have prepared your teamily and the list of
your incompletions. Today, I requested
all of you to be here, and I am seeing through two-way video-conferencing many
of you and your teamily members. I know
the whole teamily may not be here, but my blessings for you and your sincere
And I also wanted to complete
with you all: Today, the Annapoorna Temple Mahant and Acharya of the Annapoorna
Temple, both of them should have been here.
And, yesterday itself, evening, they told me that they will not be able
to come. It is not actually their
mistake. Suddenly some VIPs have come to
the temple and they have to be there to attend.
See, in India, the spiritual gurus’ routine, religious leaders’ routine
is not in their hands. And, it is not
his mistake. And, moreover, now this is
the election season; all the VIPs, all the political VIPs, everyone is
here. So, naturally, when they come to
the temple and they plan to come to the temple, the Mahant has to be there to receive
them and bless them. So, he got caught
in unexpected appointment, unexpected visit.
So, he could not make it.
Yesterday he informed me in the evening; both of them. And, I wanted to complete with the whole
Sangha on behalf of them, because yesterday I told all of you that both of them
will come and grace us, bless us for a few minutes. But they have not been able to come. Anyhow.....
I am very happy that the whole
Sangha is taking up this experiencing Advaitha in a very sincere way. Please understand, all great spiritual
awakening happens only by the experience of non-dual consciousness, Advaitha
Sathya. Sometimes people may feel one
life is not enough to experience Advaitha.
People may feel it is very difficult to experience Advaitha. Whatever you may feel, the truth is Advaitha
is the ultimate, and IT IS POSSIBLE!
This should be your lifestyle!
So, let me come to the spiritual
process all of you are going through:
First thing, you all chose your
Teamily members.
Second, penning down all the
incompletions you have with your teamily members.
Third, today is the third process
you are going to start. Before you start
the Completion with all your teamily members, explain what is Completion and
how it is going to help both of you.
Please understand, your teamily members should be very clear how the
Completion process is going to help him also.
You should make him understand.
You should listen yourself. You
should listen to your own words. You
should be able to listen to your speaking and be able to speak into his
Please listen! We all only know speaking while others are
speaking, and listening when others are silent!
Be very clear, you should be able to listen when you speak. You should be able to speak into the other
person’s listening.
So, today, you will explain to
your whole teamily. If they are there
physically around you, sit with them and explain, especially if they have not
done Inner Awakening program. If they
have done Inner Awakening program recently, then they will know what is the
process of Completion. Then your job is
less. If they are not initiated into
Inner Awakening, if they are not regular satsanghis, you may have to explain to
them how incompletion makes both weak.
Please understand, if your hand
is broken, not only you become weak, the broken part also becomes weak. The broken part becomes useful only for the dog,
or cat, or eagle to eat! If the hand
becomes completely healed, not only you become strong, but the broken part also
becomes strong, because it is your hand.
So, both of you should understand the necessity for Completion. That is first. The whole teamily should understand the
necessity of Completion.
If some of your teamily members
are not physically there around you, try to Skype call. Please don’t just phone call, just audio;
because, the communication, 90% of the communication happens through
visualization. And, especially, the
process of Completion is not just communication, it is communion! It is not just communication, it is
communion! So, try to Skype call. Means, you and your teamily should be able to
see each other and speak.
Third....please listen....third,
very important thing....come to the space of listening. If you are not able to do really Skype call,
then just telephone is okay. But, the
whole teamily should understand the necessity for Completion, why Completion is
a necessity. And, after the whole team
has understood the necessity for Completion, then start the Completion. Explain step-by-step.
Please listen! If you
are going to do Completion with your
whole teamily, try to have them around you physically or through Skype
call. If will be great if all of you are
present either physically or through Skype call with your whole
teamily. If you cannot, that is okay. Even with one by one you can
do. If you can do it as whole group, it will be
great, because when you are completing with one person, the second
many incompletions will melt away.
Please understand, people don’t
start hating you because you do something wrong to them directly. Even if they see or hear you have done wrong
to somebody, they start having incompletion about you. Osama has not done anything wrong to you
directly. But the moment we hear he has
killed so many people, we all start hating him and create incompletions about
him. Same way, it is not that always the
incompletions about you are created because you directly do something wrong to
somebody. Even if you hear he has done
something wrong to somebody else, you develop incompletions. Same way, when people see you are really interested
in Completion, you are sincere about completing, they get into Completion with
you, they get completed with you.
So, when you sit with your whole
teamily, sincerely start the Completion even with one person. Many incompletions of the second, third
person will melt down....it will melt down!
Please understand, that is why I insist that, as much as possible, sit
with as many members as possible of your teamily together.
And when you explain about your
incompletion to the other person, you will also explain why you started
developing this pattern. Please
understand, the thumb rule is, no incompletion comes from outside. You are responsible for all
incompletions. So – listen – so, when
you sit as teamily, you start explaining about your incompletions to one
person, you should explain from when in your life you started developing this
incompletion pattern, when in your life you started developing the same pattern
of incompletion.
And, by the time you finish your
Completion with the whole team, your whole teamily, everyone should know you
are sincere about completing. Your
sincerity about Completion completes everyone.
Understand, just your sincerity, your authenticity, that completes
And, then, once the first person
has finished, the second person should start.
Today, even if it takes two-three
hours, today is the date of Completion with the teamily....Completion with
teamily. From today, I am going to actually
take next one week to help you all continuously complete with your teamily,
answer your other questions. If all of
you are complete before one week, then I may start moving to the next step.
Even the people who are watching
the satsangh through Sadhna TV, please understand, even if you are not able to
come on two-way video-conferencing, you can take this technique and process and
start doing Completion with your team, with your family.
I tell you, this next few weeks
we will raise the whole global consciousness to the peak possibility of
Advaitha, to the peak experience of Advaitha.
Sometimes people ask me, ‘Are
materialistic and outer world success also possible only from the space of Advaitha?’
Please understand, outer
victory is possible without Advaitha.
But success is possible only from Advaitha! Victory is snatching from
others. Success is creating and expanding. In a barren land if you
create a country, it
is success. Victory means, killing the
existing tribes and snatching their property.
For victory you don’t need Advaithic space; violence only is required;
deep incompletion, powerlessness, arrogance to grab only is required.
But, for success, creation, expansion,
creativity, togetherness, for that you have to have Advaitha,
understand. Victory may not need Advaithic space. Success always needs
Advaithic space, whether
it is inner world or outer world.
I wanted to remind all of you very clearly, because you
don’t have Ganga water, don’t drink drainage water. Even if you be without drinking, without any
water, that is great; but don’t go for drainage water just because Ganga water
is not available nearby. Please
understand, it is a proverb from Shri Ramakrishna. Same way, I tell you, don’t accept victory if
you cannot get success based on Advaitha.
Sincerely, sincerely stand only for success based on Advaitha; you will
get it! You will get it!
॥ नित्यमद्वितीयमिष्टदैवतं निरंजनम्
॥ Nithyam Adhwitheeyam Ishta Daivatham
you have Kalabhairava, who is established in and giver of Advaitheeya,
Advaithic experience, as your Guru, you don’t need to give up on yourself. Please understand: ॥ नित्यमद्वितीयमिष्टदैवतं निरंजनम्
॥ ॥
Nithyam Adhwitheeyam Ishta
Daivatham Niranjanam॥ In Kalabhairva Ashtakam, he is described as
one “who is established in the non-dualistic space, who radiates non-dualistic
space”. When you have Kalabhairava as
your Guru, you don’t need to give up on yourself.
Please understand, I am also so happy to see the overflowing response in
Facebook continuously, the number of people sincerely deciding, resolving to
live the space of Advaitha, to create the space of Advaitha, and start forming
your teamily.
Now, I just wanted to lead all of you step-by-step into the space of
Advaitha and make you experience your life itself as the space of
Advaitha. It is just living and
radiating the Super-Consciousness.
So, please listen! Come to the
space of listening! Don’t get diverted in
talking. Even if you miss a few
instructions, you may miss! So, every
one of you, come to the space of listening!
Every step, every step
you take towards the experience of Advaitha,
Kalabhairava supports you, he is there with you, he is there to
encourage you, because
he loves to express through you. Please
understand, in victory only one person can have. In success, everyone
can have! Success is celebrated with togetherness. Victory is
celebrated alone. In every war people may win, but they will be
alone. In every creation, people will be
successful, celebrating with the whole.
So, understand, Advaitha is success!
Advaitha is success!
As I committed with you all yesterday, I sincerely bless all of you, all
the teamily! Let you all experience the
ultimate Advaithic space, the ultimate Advaitha! Please understand, step-by-step I am leading
you into the space of Advaitha with a small group. But, I tell you, the goal is not just to
experience Advaitha with eleven people or with your teamily. The goal is to experience Advaitha with the
Whole. But, when you experience with
your teamily, simply you will experience with the Whole. If you can swim in the swimming pool, you can
simply swim in the ocean. You may just
need a little more training, that is all!
If you can swim in the swimming pool, you can never get drowned in the
ocean. Only you may need to protect
yourself from the sharks called “siddhis”.
Please understand, siddhis should not swallow you; they should be under
your control.
If you can swim in the swimming pool, you will never get drowned in the
ocean. Of course, when you move from
swimming pool to ocean also, I will be there to make you comfortable there and
train you and make you successful. Same
way, when you experience Advaitha in a teamily, and then with the whole
universe, it will be easy for you. When
you experience Advaitha with a teamily, you will never get drowned in the whole
universe. There also you will be
successful, experiencing Advaitha. And
when you move from teamily to universe, again I will be there guiding you all,
supporting, making you experience step-by-step, caring, making all of you
experience Advaitha. Making you all
radiate Advaitha, gives me tremendous job satisfaction, I am fulfilling the
purpose why I happened. I feel I am
fulfilling the commitment I gave to Planet Earth. And the reason I assumed the body, the reason
I assumed the body is the commitment I gave to Planet Earth to remind humanity
again and again of the powerful space of Advaitha and to be successful based on
the space of Advaitha.
Whenever you try to win,
whether you win or fail, the other party is going
to come back in your life now or in the next birth as Karma. If you
win, he is going to come back to fight with
you. If you lose, you are going to bring
him back to fight with him. So, in victory,
whether you win or lose, it is not an end. In success, it is always
Completion. Success is from Completion to Completion. Victory is from
incompletion to incompletion.
So, today’s homework is:
Sit with your teamily. Explain to the
teamily the Completion process, and start completing.
With this, I will move to the Kalpataru process.
Today we have Kalpataru for Philip Island-Australia. All the Kalpataru participants, please pen down
one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions you have around
that thought.
Hyderabad also will receive Kalpataru Darshan today. Hyderabad and Philip Island.
And all the satsangh participants, all of you can do this Kalpataru process.
Pen down one thought you want to cause as
reality, and all the incompletions you have around that thought. Please pen down both.
(After a few minutes.....................)
Now let us move to the process. All
the Kalpataru participants......now let us start the Kalpataru process. Please complete with all the incompletions you
have about that desire and drop them. Hold
on to the space of what you want to create. Means, visualize what you want to create is reality
now. If you want health, visualize you are
already healthy now. If you want wealth,
visualise you already are healthy now. So,
complete with all the incompletions and drop it. And hold on to the space to cause what you want
to cause. Namah Shivaya!
I bless you all! The space you created,
let it become reality! The thought you visualized,
let it become reality! Thathaasthu!
We will first have darshan for Philip Island-Australia participants. Then we will move to Hyderabad.
I bless you all! Let you all radiate
with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss,
Nithyananda! Thank you!
___________________ END OF SATSANGH
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