Saturday, 3 May 2014

3rd May

3rd May 2014 /  Saturday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, sitting with us all over the world at this time through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities, many countries around the world.

Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: New York-Varanasi, Scottsdale-Arizona, Johns Creek-Georgia, Devon-UK, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand-Adi Arunachalam, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Indrani-New Jersey, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Umesh-Dubai, Tallahassee-Florida, New York-Varanasi, Toronto-Kailasam, Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Nithyananda University-Paris, Penang-Tirupparamkundram, San Jose-Madurai, Charlotte-Srisailam, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Singapore-Singapuram, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Nithyananda Nagar-Tiruvannamalai, Seattle-Chidambaram, St. Louis-Tirumala, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Winston-Salem-North Carolina, Brampton-Canada, Colorado Springs-USA, Hong Kong-Soho.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.  And I welcome all the beings, visible and invisible, in this frequency and various other frequencies, being with us here in Ananda Vana, Varanasi.

Today is the third day of Inner Awakening!  We are going to work on different dimensions of Completion.  Just now the first level of Completion has started.  You won’t be able to get the knack of Completion in one day or one session, because it is not a technique, it is a knack.  In a few days you will get it.  Don’t give the meaning for the word “few days” as “ten days”, “five days” because of your SDHD (Self-Doubt, Hatred, Denial).  “Few days” means “BY TODAY”!  HAHAHAHAHA!  You have to catch it!  I will have to make you catch it!  But I am so happy that we started the Completion in the right way, the best possible way – with the great incarnation, Lord Buddha!  From his space we started. 

And, today, we will work on, first, Authenticity, bringing Completion in your various parts of your psychological organ, inner-space.  Your psychological organ has various parts, various components.  Bringing Completion in all that.  We will understand the genesis of our identity, what all the said and unsaid aspects of our identity.  The inner-image we strongly feel as we, the outer-image we project to the world as we, and the gap between these two, why the gap.  The gap is not always bad.  Please listen!  The gap is not always bad.  Only when it is unconscious and makes you powerless, it is bad.  If you consciously know how to play the game and it does not make you powerless, it is not bad.  I am 120% sure, Krishna did not feel powerless when he ran away from the war-field from Jarasandha.  He was powerless and ran away?  No!  No!  Understand, Krishna did not feel powerless and run away from the war-field from Jarasandha.  No!  If you know consciously how to play with these two – inner-identity and outer-identity – and it does not put you in powerlessness, gap is not wrong.  Not once or twice, but so many times Krishna ran away from Jarasandha!  There is a temple in Gujarat called “RannChhod”; means, “one who ran away from the war”.  So, understand...  Then, do you mean to say, he felt powerless, so he ran?  No!  He is the most juiciest incarnation.  He never felt powerless.  He knows how to handle the identity, where to project what. 

So, understand, the exact inner-identity, outer-identity, and the gap between the inner-identity and the outer-identity, and what you want others to experience, feel about you, and what you feel about others, there is always a big gap between these two.  You want everyone to feel about you as a loving, caring, trusting, blissful, joyful person.  But you think about everybody as crooked, cunning, cheats, bunch of thieves!  You need to know, the gap between your inner-identity and outer-identity, the gap is neither good nor bad.  Same way, the gap between what you want others to feel about you and what you feel about others, this gap also is neither good nor bad.  If both these gaps make you powerless, both of them are bad.  If they don’t make you powerless and you know how to play with that, then it is not bad.  Sometimes it is good. 

Some of the very powerful, the most powerful strategies which Krishna did to protect Dharma are done from that space where the other person cannot even understand with what kind of a logic you are functioning.  The other person cannot even understand, you can never understand with what kind of a dharma Krishna is functioning.  You can never understand.  But he is the most dharmic being, because, the gap between inner-identity and outer-identity has not put him in powerless space, SDHD, Self-Doubt, Hatred, Denial.  When he was running away from Jarasandha, I can be hundred percent sure he would have had a cup of coffee or Coke, and chatting with his sakhis!  He is not flirting in his chariot.  He would not have had a single moment of powerlessness.  But, if he had seen some enemy, enemy spy, immediately he would have shown the space as if he is afraid, frightened, running away.  He knows how to play the game, because, even the inner-identity, outer-identity, the life-image and others-image, even that has become like nail and hair for him with which he can do make-up, whatever he wants, and play with it.  He knows how to show them, showcase them, and use them, play with them.

So, understand, not to fall into any powerlessness by these four identities and the gaps between them, is Completion.  Today, I am going to lead you guys for that only.  Today I am going to lead you guys to that level of Completion.  Today I wanted even the volunteers, ashramites, Swamis, Shrimahants, Mahants, everyone who is here to go through the process, because this is the most precise.  Some of the important additions, revelations got added today morning by Kaalabhairava, just today morning by Kaalabhairava, as Varanasi Prasada!  See, this process itself is not new.  We were doing this in many of the Inner Awakenings.  But, today, Kaalabhairava revealed, today morning, one of the very important revelations to lead you to a deeper level of Completion.  A very precise revelation, a powerful revelation!  So, today, I wanted even the visiting Mahants, visiting Shrimahants, Kotharis, Thanedars also to go through the process, because it is Kaalabhairava’s Prasada, Kaalabhairava’s special Varanasi Prasada! 

The gap between inner-identity and outer-identity is responsible for the gap between what you feel about others and what you want others to feel about you.  Both gaps are connected.  I will tell you exactly, precisely, what kind of relationship exists between these four, and why such powerlessness, how we can get out of it. 

Jnanatma is requesting, ‘Can we invite online Mahants, Shrimahants also?’  Thathaasthu!  All the online Mahants and Shrimahants can attend, because this is a very powerful, special, precise session.  Because, if you know the genesis of your identity, the identity crisis will be solved.  Getting your identity crisis solved is Satori, I tell you!  Once your identity crisis is solved, if Satori happens, the first glimpse of enlightenment happens in you, it will become permanent in you!  It is the identity crisis which makes you lose your enlightenment or does not allow the first glimpse to happen.  Please understand, it is solving the identity crisis that will take away all your fears.

Just today morning, I was saying to one of our devotees, I asked her, ‘All the time you are afraid of this merging in the devotion towards the Master or God, or whatever.  It is actually if you resist the Guru, you will resist God!  If you resist God, you will resist the Guru!  It is one and the same.  It is like form and formless, that’s all....nothing else.  Understand, when you let go in the ocean of devotion, you will never get drowned, you will become the ocean!  You will never get drowned!  You are not a Titanic to get drowned.  You are the ocean in which everything gets drowned.  The devotion does not make you Titanic drowning, it makes you the ocean where everything is drowned!’ 

All these complications, fears, everything is just because of the identity crisis, people not knowing what they want to do.  After fifty years of doing something, suddenly, at the age of eighty, seventy, people realize that they were doing wrong things.  Now what will you do?  Because, life is already over!  Now even if your identity crisis is solved, the time lost cannot come back.  Of course, if you add Yoga and Kriya along with solving the identity crisis, you can get the time back; means, you will be growing younger!  That’s different.  But, in the first level, if you lost life without knowing what you really want to do, doing something what you really want, I tell you, that is the biggest loss than any business loss!  If I leave the body this moment, I won’t have any problem that I have wasted my life.  I have done everything possible and impossible exactly in the line I wanted to do!  I am over-satisfied!  I tell you, out of over-satisfaction when you move, whatever you do will be out of gratitude and love, because, you are not in the space of satisfaction, you are in the space of over-satisfaction!  Not tripthi, but ananda!  “Tripthi” means satisfaction, contentment.  It is always on the verge; it can always reduce a little bit.  But, over-satisfaction, means overflowing satisfaction, is bliss, where the intense positivity and possibility of life, love, gratitude, energy, everything goes on and on and on.

I tell you, please understand, I tell you, really I tell you, bring your listening and receive this word: The identity crisis needs to be solved for every human-being the moment he starts building his identity.  Like how when a child starts growing he needs nutrition, we take care and try to supply all the nutrition the child needs, same way, we should supply this knowledge and help every child to achieve Completion and solve this issue of identity crisis.  Listen!  If the identity crisis is solved, you are the best being to live in the Planet Earth, because you will neither get hurt, nor hurt.  This is what exactly was the space in which I handled all these foolish and stupid attacks.  These fellows who tried to attack me, it is like you take a grass and throw it on a mountain and you are satisfied you attacked the mountain!  Baaah!  HAHAHAHAHAH!  Anyhow, when all that was going on, that was exactly.....  I never hurt the world, I cannot be hurt!  That’s all! 

Understand, this Completion will be in you forever without you even remembering.  If you can solve the genesis of identity, if you can understand this science, the genesis of identity, and solve the incompletions and powerlessness created by the genesis of identity or from the genesis of identity....  Let me put it in a normal language.  See, your identity has four major dimensions.  The gap between these four can lead to more and more incompletions, or the gap between these four, when handled consciously out of Completion, it will never lead you to powerlessness.  So, handling all these four, and not falling into powerlessness or SDHD (Self-Doubt, Hatred, Denial)....  Today I will explain how the gap between inner-image and outer-image is the Self-Doubt, and the gap – listen, listen – the gap between outer-image and others-image is Self-Hatred, the gap between others-image and life-image is Self-Denial.  If you are not able to understand, wait for the Inner Awakening session.  If you are watching the satsangh through TV or online or two-way video-conferencing and not able to understand, either sit and contemplate, or come for the next Inner Awakening in Haridwar!

No, I tell you, the understanding of this genesis of identity and Completion with it, just understanding liberates you from thousands of foolish thinking, thousands of stupid things you do, thinking that those things are going to bring you joy and happiness.  Stupidity is not cute, please understand.  Stupidity is not cute.  And don’t expect any sympathy from the Cosmos for your stupidity.  ‘No, no, no, I was stupid.  Please save me.’  No!  If you are stupid, suffer!  Cosmos is not going to say, ‘Oh, you were stupid my son.  Oh...oh...oh....!  Who will take care of you?’  No!  No lullaby is sung for stupid people.  No!  Stupidity is not tolerated in the Cosmos, and you are expected to be responsible and go to the right Master and get yourself out of your stupidity!  Get yourself out of your stupidity!  That is your responsibility!  That is your responsibility!  Why you don’t want to get out of your stupidity?  Your stupidity itself develops certain arrogance in you and does not allow you to receive from an enlightened being. 

Rahu, by himself he is so powerful!  He will not let you go to the Guru.  He will delay it as much as he can.  Only if Surya helps, Chandra helps, you can to go Guru.  Especially if there is Rahu, bad Rahu, only with Surya’s help or Chandra’s help you can go to Guru.  Otherwise, Rahu is so powerful he will be of......what to say?  Rahu has no compassion.  I have seen, he will even break people’s legs and hands so that they will not be able to travel and come to Guru!  I have seen Rahu do that!  He will put them in some bondage.  He will break their legs and hands!  But, I have always seen, if in spite of all this problem somehow if they reach the Master, they are liberated!  Because, Rahu cannot stand in front of Guru; he just has to disappear!

Understand, most of your Rahu is identity crisis, related to your identity you want to play with.  Actually, your own blind spot is related to your identity.  That is the right word I will use.  Even the word “identity crisis” has some other meaning which you can give on your own.  There are some unsaid concepts in the word “identity crisis”.  So, it is not the definite definition of Nithyananda standard.  So, I will use the word “blind spots in your identity”.  Blind spots in your identity is Rahu.  Exposing yourself to your identity completely and completing is Kethu.  That is why Kethu always leads to enlightenment.  If Kethu is there....  Please understand, all of them have great energy.  Actually, I am giving you the best possible commentary on Vedic Astrology – how your mind and planets work, the macrocosm and microcosm. 

Listen!  Listen!  The identity – inner-image, outer-image, life-image and others-image, if you know the gap between these four, the incompletions you carry in these four, just by understanding you will be liberated!  Just understanding you will be liberated!  Please listen!  Just understanding you will be liberated!  Today, whole day, we are going to work on that.  For all the Inner Awakening participants, today’s session will be the real awakening beginning.  And I also open the session for all the Shrimahants, Mahants, even up to Kotharis.  Kotharis also can be part.  Whoever can log in can log in and enjoy the whole day’s session.  The exact timings you may get the details from Jnanatma, and you can enjoy this session and go through the process.  Only thing, you will not be able to get Energy Darshan.  Energy Darshan makes the whole thing into reality.

Yesterday somebody came to me in the Energy Darshan and gave an abusive letter: ‘I don’t think you can materialize, teleport, or make people levitate.  I don’t want to continue the class.  If you can materialize immediately something in my mouth now, only then I will continue the class!’ 

I just looked in and wanted to tell, ‘Fool, do you know what you are asking?  Without the proper being in tune, even if I materialize something in your mouth, it will not come out.  It will be stuck in your mouth once for all!’ 

This foolish fellow, what he is asking!  And he is trying to test me!  And he is in so much deep depression! 

I just looked at him.  I only asked only one thing, ‘You already decided I am not capable, or you have still some doubt?’ 

That fellow suddenly decided that I am not capable. 

I said, ‘Then I am not interested.  You can do what you want.  I am not interested in accepting your challenge.  You can do whatever you want.’ 

That is the best thing I can tell out of my compassion.  If I had accepted the challenge, this fellow would have been dead psychologically and physically!  Foolish fellow!  If I tried to make him levitate without he coming to an understanding and Completion, the whole Kundalini Shakthi would have made his depression multiple times stronger and it would have become such worse depression, incurable, irreparable!  And I know for sure one thing: this fellow will never get out of his depression!  That is where the big problem is.  What to do?  Anyhow...!  This all actually comes from identity crisis.  First I thought this fellow must be from Tamil Nadu DK group, the Dravidian party, the atheists.  But the card says he is from the U.S.  I told Jnanatma, ‘No, you find out, dig the background!’  And, finally, we got the exact truth!  That fellow is from Tamil Nadu, and his father is an atheist!  We got the details.  And he was brought up in that way!  But his mother is a devotee, so what to do?  These are all the problems, complications of identity crisis. 

Just like in countries like Ethiopia and some other countries, kids are without nutrition growing up, same way, in Tamil Nadu, the atheists, stupid, they brought up the last two generations with stupidity, without the intelligence required for life.  Just like malnutrition kids, the atheist fellows have brought up two generations of Tamil Nadu.  So much of stupidity, ignorance, incompletion!  They made it literally this knowledge not available in their whole region!  It is almost like demonic ruling!  Never ever has this kind of a demonic ruling happened in Tamil Nadu where this whole science became unavailable.  Only the abusive questions about this science is made available to every house.  How to abuse this science, in every house those questions the people know.  But, what is this science, was never made available. 

The essence of today’s satsangh:

Study all the blind spots you carry between these four components of your identity – inner-image, outer-image, others-image, life-image, and complete all those incompletions which put you in powerlessness.  And, you will experience Satori, and the Satori will become stable in you as enlightenment!  That’s all!

With this, I will move to the Kalpataru Darshan.  All the devotees gathered for Kalpataru Darshan in Varanasi and in Penang-Tirupparamkundram.......

I wanted to announce this to all our satsangh centres and ashrams: Do not try to get time for Kalpataru and all these programmes from me using Facebook.  That is a place I only use for attending to your emergency needs like some healing....emergency thing.  Whatever can be organized through the organization, through the structure, go through that.  Don’t bring these scholarship requests, don’t bring these Kalpataru requests, all that, to Facebook.  See, if you have an individual, your Kalpataru request, you can always bring it.  But asking me for time, ‘Give me Kalpataru Darshan on this day, this time..’, for all that there is a structure; go through that.  The problem is, there are some of my favourite people who are real devotees.  When they send a message in Facebook requesting for a scholarship, I immediately accept it, approve it, and bless it.  So, that becomes a trend.  These devotees....these devotees also should restrain themselves bringing this kind of things to me directly in Facebook and asking time for Nithya Dhyan, NDY Programme.  Don’t do that.  There is a clear system, procedure; go through that.  Otherwise, my routine becomes unhandleable.

Alright!  With this, we will move to the Kalpataru process.

Please pick up your paper and pen.  Pen down the one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the doubts, fears, incompletions you have around that thought.  Pen down.

(After a few minutes.....................) we will start the process.

Please sit straight.  Complete with all the incompletions, doubts, fears you carry, and drop them, and hold the space for what you want to cause as reality.  If you want health, see you are already healthy.  If you want wealth, see you are already wealthy.  What you want is there in your inner-space.  Namah Shivaya!


Thathaasthu!  I bless you all!  The space you created, let it become reality!  The visualization you hold, let it become reality!

Gyaneshwor-Nepal, I bless you guys to inaugurate the new Centre.  The new Centre will radiate my presence!  And let you all experience bliss!  I accept the arathi.  Let the Nithyananda Sangha happen in Nepal and cause all your space into reality!  Thathaasthu!  Blessings!

Organize properly.  I will give you Kalpataru Darshan later on once.  Not once, but as many times as you want!  But organize it properly, through proper mailing to the ashram through the contacts.  Don’t do this Facebook business!  Be blissful!

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________

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