15th June 2014 / Sunday
Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||
I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.
Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Ohio-Prayag, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Dhyanapeetam-Madurai, Surrey-Canada, Houston-Kalahasti, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, St. Louis-Tirumala, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Seattle-Chidambaram, Toronto-Kailasam, Charlotte-Srisailam, Washington DC-Sripuram, South West Australia, San Jose-Madurai, Gyaneshwor-Nepal, Singapore-Singapuram, Chicago North, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Mulund-Mumbai, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, New York-Varanasi, New Zealand-Adi Arunachalam, Netherlands, San Diego-Tirualavai, Killinochchi-Ilangai, Austin-Texas, Belgium-Dhyanapeetam, Port Washington-New York, New Jersey-Omkareshwar, High Point-North Carolina, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Dakota Dunes, Bangalore-Malleshwaram, Melbourne-Australia, Sammamish-Washington.......... .
I welcome all of you with my love and respects.
Today, the IA (Inner Awakening) Graduates Teamily is gathering in Oklahoma, Los Angeles, and Kuala Lumpur. Blessings to all of you!
I can see now Madurai Dhyanapeetam. Madurai Dhyanapeetam also I can see. Blessings to Madurai Dhyanapeetam!
I will expand on “ADVAITHA AS A LIFESTYLE”.
Understand, yesterday I was talking on these few sacred truths how straightaway Advaitha can be brought into your experience, not by saying ‘I am not the body”, but by completing the patterns and incidents when you started thinking you are the body. Please understand, “I am not the body” can never be the antidote for the pattern “I am the body”. I agree, “I am the body”, “I am the mind”, that only separates you from Advaithic truth, your original space. But, “I am not the body”, “I am not the mind” is not the solution. That is not the antidote. The antidote is, the solution for this problem is.... As I always tell you, life is neither difficult nor easy; it is a technique. The solution for this problem is neither difficult nor easy; it is a technique. If you are constantly trying ‘I am not the body’, ‘I am not the mind’ as the solution, the solution will be difficult, because this is not the solution. You are trying in the wrong direction. Hyderabad is this side, but you go that side, and you say going to Hyderabad is very difficult, because you have to go around the Planet Earth and come to Hyderabad!
Life is neither difficult nor easy; it is technique. If “I am the body” is the pattern which separates you from your original Advaithic space, “I am not the body” is not the solution. If “I am the mind” idea separates you from your original Advaithic state, “I am not the mind” is not the solution. Find out the incident when you started building the concept “I am the body”. Find out the root incident when you started building the concept “I am the mind”. Find out when you started building this pattern, when these incompletions have started getting rooted into you. More and more dig inside you. I tell you, the more and more you understand how you built the pattern, the more and more Completion will happen, the pattern will lose its power over you. The more and more you complete with the pattern, the more and more experience of your original state of Advaitha will come back to you. You trying to shout as loud as possible ‘I am not the body’, ‘I am not the mind’, is not going to help you. I know!
I have seen some of the sadhus standing on one leg for twelve years, keeping the hands up for twenty-five years! No....hats off to their sincerity! I am not questioning their sincerity. But I have spoken to them, I know their mind. Even they have not gone beyond the idea “I am the body” and achieved the Advaithic state, because they are trying in the wrong direction. It is like Hyderabad is in this side, and you are going that side. Yes, you will reach Hyderabad, but after how many births? They may reach the Advaithic state, but after how many births? First they have to conquer their hand, then they have to conquer their leg, then they have to conquer their eyes; by that time they will have so many bodies discarded (taken so many births)! That is why I am telling you, Advaitha is neither difficult nor easy; it is technique. It is neither difficult nor easy; it is just technique, understand?
Listen! Dig more and more, deeper and deeper into your being, when you started building this pattern “I am the body”, “I am the mind”, when you started feeling a deep affiliation, association with your incompletions.
I have seen people taking decisions during the moments of “scraziness”. It is my contribution, this word “scrazy”. Means, “scared” and “crazy”, both together! Never ever decide when you are scared and crazy. Never! Never! Never ever decide when you are scared and crazy! Drop this pattern of making decisions, drop this pattern of making decisions when you are scared and crazy. I tell you, ninety percent of the difficulties you face in experiencing Advaitha will be cleared away, you will be free from it, you will be liberated if you stop making decisions when you are scared and crazy. Don’t make decisions when you are scared and crazy.
The craziness which comes when you are scared..... Please understand, being scared can be handled separately successfully. Going crazy can be handled separately successfully. But these two together is a deadly combination! Alcohol can be handled separately by your body, sleeping pills can be handled separately by your body. But these two together is a deadly combination; you will be dead! Same way, being scared can be separately handled by your body, going crazy can be separately handled by your body.
Please understand, mark my words, going crazy or being scared needs to be handled by your body, not your mind. If you are thinking it has to be handled by your mind, you are wrong! It is nothing but stomach upset! It is nothing but stomach upset! If you are scared, something is wrong in your stomach. If you are going crazy, something is wrong in your stomach, nothing else. It is simple stomach issue; don’t make it as a mind issue. If you make it as a mind issue, then you are empowering your enemy. Unnecessarily you are getting frightened about your enemy. If your enmity is strong, your enemy will look strong. If your lust is strong, the other person will look very beautiful. If your enmity is strong, the enemy will look very powerful.
So, listen, going crazy, being scared, is not mental, mind-related issue; it is just simple body-related issue. Like if there is the low sugar how you take a little sugar and candy, and it becomes alright. Just like that, if you are getting scared, going crazy, if you just observe your diet and patterns for ten days, you will find it becomes alright. Sometimes when you are going crazy, all you need is just a little mango or tamarind. The taste of mango or tamarind has the ability to heal the acidity in your system, in your stomach. You just need to observe when you are scared, just you may need a little green-chilly chutney, that’s all, nothing else. But you have to observe your own body and find out this truth. If you observe for ten days, you will find out.
Green chilly can be taken as a medicine; it should not be taken as a regular food, but it can be taken as a medicine. When you are scared you may just need a little green-chilly chutney. You may think, ‘What kind of solution it is?’ Please understand, I am responsible for what I am talking! I am talking to you after thousands of successful studies and researches! Getting scared, going crazy, is not a mental problem; it is just a physical problem. So, attend to it in a physical way; you will simply get over it. If you are making it as a mental problem, you are empowering your enemy unnecessarily.
As I said, if you are filled with lust, the other person will look more beautiful. If you are filled with enmity, the person will look more powerful, your enemy will look more powerful. I tell you, don’t empower your enemy by having wrong understandings about him. Being myself a successful warrior in life I am telling you, when you don’t have enmity you will understand the real ability of your enemy; you will not be fighting in the air; you will know the capacity of the fellow who is cherishing enmity towards you and the intensity of his enmity.
I tell you, don’t make your enemy too big because of your enmity. Don’t empower him. I am clearly telling you! The moment you think getting scared, going crazy is a mental problem, you empower your enemy. Now he has become more powerful. Once you make him powerful, then try to fight with him is foolishness! Understand, going crazy, getting scared is worthy of only a little bit of green-chilly chutney or mango or tamarind fruit, that’s all. It is not anything more worthy. But whether you need to take a little green-chilly chutney or tamarind juice or mango, you need to find out by testing it, at least observing it for at least ten days. When you are going crazy, see whether you have acidity. When you are going crazy, if you have acidity, just take a little mango that’s all, unripe mango. And see when you are going crazy if you are having gastric problem or feeling a burning sensation, heart burn; find out, observe. And the solution I am giving may look very crazy, but I am telling you, your problems are not as big as you think. Because they are so small, I am giving you simple solution. You may think, ‘What is this Swamiji? Looks like Nirmal Baba’s samagam where he tells, “Go and eat Samosa; it will become alright!” or “Go and eat this yellow chutney; it will become alright”!’ Please understand, I don’t mean any disrespect to him. I give my respects to him. And I am nobody to criticize him or disrespect him. I have all my respects for him. Be very clear, now what I am talking, I am talking, I am addressing your problem directly.
Getting scared, going crazy is not a mental problem; that is the first thing you need to know. It is a physical problem. Attend to this at a physical level, in physical level. As I said, when you are going crazy or getting scared, find out whether you are having heart burn or acidity. Are you feeling acid reflux in your throat, or are you feeling only a heart burning, or are you feeling a burning sensation in your stomach? Based on that, just have a little mango or tamarind juice, or a little green-chilly chutney. You will see, suddenly, the going crazy has disappeared, the getting scared has disappeared! But you don’t want such a simple solution to work in your life, that is the biggest problem. You think, ‘How can such a simple solution help me in my life? No!’ You think you are a big guy because you have a big problem. You always try to make yourself big by making your problem big. You don’t need to make your problem big for you to become big. Your bigness is decided because of your ability to solve the problem, not because of your ability to have the problem. You always think, ‘See, my level problem if anybody has, they would have committed suicide long ago! It is because of me I am still surviving!’ Your pride should not be that. Your pride should be, ‘See, this level problem, how simply I finished it, solved it!’ Your ability to solve should be your pride, not your ability to have problem should be your pride. Don’t rejoice in your ability to live with your problem. Rejoice in your ability to solve your problem. Rejoice saying, ‘Such a big problem, I solved it!’; that should be your pride; not, ‘’See, such a big problem I am living with!’ No! That is not cute! Relax! That is not cute! If you are thinking it is cute, you are stupid!
In the Facebook, a lot of photos will be there: “AS YOU THINK IT IS” – “AS IT ACTUALLY IS”; and “AS YOU TRY TO SEE YOU” – “AS OTHERS ACTUALLY SEE YOU”. So, you may think it is very cute because you are living with big, big problems; but it is NOT! Solving the problems is the real cuteness.
So, understand, most of your difficulties are not related to mind; it is directly related to body.
Please listen! Please listen! As I was explaining, going crazy can be handled separately, getting scared can be handled separately, but when these two join, it is a deadly combination! Like alcohol and sleeping pills....deadly combination! Never make decisions when you are scared and going crazy. Don’t make decisions when you are going crazy and scared together. Just lock all your doors and windows and sit in your house, understand!
Sometimes people come and tell me, ‘Swamiji, in my life, all windows and doors are shut.’ I tell them, ‘God shuts all doors and windows when there is a storm outside!’ Whenever you are scared and going crazy, there is a huge storm outside. Shut all the doors and windows and keep quiet; don’t make any decisions. Those moments you just need to keep quiet without making any decision, because, any decision you make when you are scared and crazy, to repair it will take at least twenty-five more years; means, almost half of your life!
Understand, it is when you are going crazy and scared you start building this pattern “I am the mind”, “I am the body”. Look back when you started that pattern, when you first time went “scrazy”, when you went “scrazy” first time and started building this pattern “I am the body”, “I am the mind”, and started strengthening this pattern “I am the body”, “I am the mind”. Re-live them. Re-live those “scrazy” moments and relieve. I tell you, re-live those “scrazy” moments and relieve. You will see so much of Completion, Advaitha growing in you, understand. More and more the Completion, more and more the Advaitha will grow in you. You cannot make Advaitha grow by going on repeating “I am not the body”, “I am not the mind”, by torturing your body and mind “I am not the body”, “I am not the mind”. No! I tried! That is why I am telling you it doesn’t work! I cut my thigh the moment I heard the Advaitha Sathya from my Guru “I am not the body”, means, you are beyond pain and suffering and all that. The first crazy thing I did was I went and cut my thigh! I have tried all these methods, that is why I am telling you those methods don’t work. Of course, I had pain. I was rushed to hospital for first-aid. When I went and narrated to my Guru, he told me, ‘I appreciate your sincerity, but that is not the path!’
I tell you, you need to dig out when you started developing the pattern, strengthening the pattern “I am the body”, “I am the mind”, and re-live and relieve, re-live and relieve, re-live and relieve those “scrazy” moments – “scared” and “crazy” put together – “scrazy” moments.
Understand, in your life you don’t need one thousand “scrazy” moments to destroy your life; ten, twenty, is enough! It will reach you where you are now.....or lower than where you are now! Re-live and relieve, re-live and relieve, re-live and relieve those “scrazy” moments of your life when you started building and strengthening the idea “I am the body”, “I am the mind”.
Listen! “I am not the body, I am not the mind, I am pure Consciousness” cannot be practiced by repetition; it can only be experienced by Completion. It cannot be practiced by repetition; it can only be experienced by Completion. If you are scared of a place, by not going there you are not going to solve your fear. Same way, just by jumping in there, you are not going to solve your fear. Finding why you developed this fear, when you developed this fear, and completing with it, is only going to solve the fear. If you jump into that place about which you are afraid, you may lose the fear for a few days about that place, but you will be afraid of some other place; you will never get rid of the fear itself. For example, you are seeing a rope in the night, in the dark, as a snake. If you get scared and run away, you are not going to solve the issue. Same way, if you jump on that rope and find out that it is not a snake, it is only a rope, you are only going to solve THIS issue, HERE; means, THIS particular rope is not a snake; you will understand only that much; but you will never get rid of the pattern of seeing rope as snake. You can get rid of that only by getting into the root and completing, understand?
I am taking Vedanta to the next step! The whole Vedanta is nothing but snake and rope! I don’t know who created that simile first, but the whole Vedanta, read any Vedantic book, it is just “Rajju Sarpa Nyaaya”, that’s all! Snake and rope!
I tell you, neither by running away, nor by jumping on the rope, you are going to solve the issue permanently. Even if you jump on the rope, you will understand THIS particular rope is not snake, but you are not going to get rid of the pattern of seeing rope as snake. Seeing rope as snake, you will get rid of it only when you look into the fear pattern which got developed, when you started developing this pattern, this going “scrazy”, when you started developing this pattern of going “scrazy”.
When you are going “scrazy”, don’t make decisions, do Completion. When you are going “scrazy”, don’t make decisions, do Completion. Don’t eat when food is ready; eat when you are hungry! Don’t eat because food is ready; eat because you are hungry! Don’t make decision because you are “scrazy”; when you are “scrazy”, do Completion, don’t make decisions; because, all decisions you make when you go “scrazy” will be out of compulsion, not out of Completion! Decisions out of compulsion are the chains which bind you. Decisions made out of compulsion is life-sentence. Let your decisions be out of Completion, not compulsion. When you are going “scrazy”, anything you decide, it will be out of compulsion, not out of Completion.
So, the essence of today’s satsangh:
Sit and pen down the earliest moments when you went “scrazy”, the earliest moments to the latest moments you went “scrazy”. It can be as many as one-thousand, or as little as twenty-five, or as little as only once. I don’t know; it is up to you! Only when you dig out, you will know. Pen down all the moments you went “scrazy”, and complete them; you will become a Living Advaithi, you will live Advaitha! Re-live those “scraziest” moments and relieve; you will become a Jeevan Muktha, you will be living Advaitha!
So, with this, I will move to the Kalpataru process.
All the participants from this sacred city, Bhagyanagara, who are here for Kalpataru Darshan, understand, all the residents of this city, you are all sons and daughters of Lakshmi, because it is Lakshmi who is the presiding deity of this city, Bhagyalakshmi. Mumbadevi – Durga – is the deity of Mumbai. Chennakeshava – Vishnu – is the deity of Chennai. Kali is the deity of Kolkata, Kalighat. I hope and pray, soon this city gets back to its original name, “Bhagyanagara”. Bhagyalakshmi is the deity of this city. You are all sons and daughters of Bhagyalakshmi.
We will start the Kalpataru process. Please pick up paper and pen. Pen down one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions around that thought. Pen down these two.
(After a few minutes...........)
Now please sit straight. Close your eyes. Complete with all the doubts, fears, incompletions, and drop. Hold on to the space for what you want to create. Re-live and relieve the “scraziest” moments of your life; complete with them. Hold on to the space for what you want to create as your reality. Namah Shivaya! Let your Kundalini Shakthi be intensely awakened and fill your being, body and mind.
Thathaasthu! I bless you all! Whatever space you are carrying, let it become reality! The space you carry, let it become reality! Thathaasthu!
Blessings for Kuala Lumpur-Palani. All the Mahants, Shrimahants sit and enrich all the IA participants, IA Grads, start building the Sangha. Now what we are going to do is only the real Sangha we are going to build. Earlier it was only somebody else exploiting the devotees. Malaysia, remember, now what we are going to build is the real Sangha. By building the Sangha, we should prove that people stand by Swamiji, it is with Swamiji that Sangha is going to live. Sangha is for the purpose of enriching, not for stealing and robbing. We have to prove it. All of you are ready? Prove it!
Now I will move to the next segment of the morning satsangh – Dial-the-Avatar.
Swamiji to Shri Nithya Baladharananda, a devotee from Australia: Oh, you wanted a name for Australia Sangha. Melbourne I have not given any spiritual name? Alright! Hmmmmm...Melbourne-Tiruvarur! Melbourne will be “Tiruvarur”!
Now blessings to Los Angeles for the IA Grads Teamily!
And then I will conclude the session. So, before concluding the session, I have one announcement to make....
Kothari Ananda Sharva, Ma Premateertha, blessings for the new catering business! Singapore, blessings! And...blessings! You can use the name “Nithyananda Catering”! Blessings! HAHAHAHAHA! Blessings! It will be successful!
NDY (Nithya Dhyan Yoga) Vizhupuram, Shri Achalananda, blessings for the Nithya Dhyan Yoga in Vizhupuram!
So, I wanted to make a very important announcement to all the satsanghis, samajis. After a long four, four-and-a-half years now, after 2010 January or February, I have not accepted any personal invitation by devotees to come and receive Pada Puja in the houses. Now I have decided to accept the invitations. In Tamil Nadu around two-hundred-and-fifty devotees’ houses, they are organizing Pada Puja. I am going to give around seventeen to twenty days for Tamil Nadu in various cities, and parts of, not only Tamil Nadu, India. I have accepted the invitation. So, the repercussions of that will be, maybe I will miss a few days’ morning satsanghs. So, I wanted to withdraw my commitment of less than twenty-one days I will miss the morning satsangh in this year, because I may be travelling whole night. Even when I came to Hyderabad, late night only I reached Hyderabad. I will be travelling by road. I will not be able to travel by flight, because many cities, many towns in Tamil Nadu where I am accepting the Pada Puja don’t have airport. Many of the cities, villages, don’t have airports. So, I have to travel by road.
Again, almost after a long time, I am accepting the invitations from devotees, and I am on road, I am on road, accepting Pada Pujas in their houses and accepting Pada Pujas in the ashrams, various ashrams, our branches. And around forty of our ashrams are waiting to be inaugurated which are already built, but just because I have physically not gone there, praana prathishta is not done and inauguration is not done. So, I will also be inaugurating all those forty ashrams. Around hundred of our devotees have bought new houses and flats, but they have not occupied those houses and flats because I have not stepped in first. So, I will be inaugurating those houses, doing Griha Pravesha, blessing them. All this will be happening for the next seventeen days. And, even after that, I have decided to accept visiting devotees’ houses.
For some reason I had decided I will not go to anybody’s house any more at that time. Some stupid fellow has made some comment. Then I decided, just for one stupid fellow why should the whole world be punished? I have decided! May be, first I am going to accept, first accept from....I think in Hyderabad. Am I right? In Hyderabad I have accepted an invitation. So, after 2010 beginning, I stopped going to devotees’ houses and accepting Pada Puja. So, 11, 12, 13, 14....11, 12, 13, 14....! Wow! Almost four years! Little more than four years! So, the first invitation I am accepting is Hyderabad. In Hyderabad I am accepting the first invitation. I will be going to a few houses accepting Pada Pujas.
Then, from Chennai and Bangalore, I will be starting my Pada Puja Yatra. In Tamil Nadu alone, around two-hundred-and-fifty houses I will be visiting and doing Griha Pravesha to many of the new houses, and blessing, accepting the Paada Puja in many houses. So, the repercussions of this will be, I may miss a few days’ satsanghs. I am not cancelling the morning satsanghs, please understand. I may miss a few days. So, I may not be able to maintain that less than twenty-one days only I will miss the morning satsangh....that commitment this year. That is all I want to inform you guys. So, I wanted to withdraw that commitment. But I will continue to give morning satsangh as many days as possible. Only when I am travelling....and the Internet will not be available in many of the towns and villages where I am travelling. So, that is the reason I am withdrawing this commitment. It is really....
See, I was not ready to accept these Pada Puja invitations again, but there were some of the staunch devotees, forty-fifty of them have bought houses, built houses, bought flats one year before, but still they have not occupied them. They brought the keys and put it at my feet and said, ‘You tell when we have to occupy. Unless you come and step in, we are not ready to occupy the houses!’ So, because of that, I accepted after a little more than four years.
And my blessings for Mumbai Teamily meeting! Today, all Kotharis, Mahants of Mumbai are meeting. My blessings for the Mumbai Teamily meet!
And my blessings for Bangalore Indiranagar Centre! I am formally inaugurating the Bangalore Indirangar Centre. Blesssings! I am with you guys! Be blissful!
I am also accepting the Middle East Pada Puja Yatra. A few devotees have invited. I will also be travelling outside the country to accept the Pada Pujas, Pratyaksha Pada Pujas in a few countries.
Okay. Now, with this, I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!
___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________
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