Thursday, 24 July 2014

23rd July

23rd July 2014 / Wednesday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.  I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, visitors, viewers, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and in Nithyananda Sabha in Haridwar here.  Internet is down.  So, two-way video-conferencing is down.  When it comes, people who are sitting having Nayana Deeksha also, I welcome all of you in advance.

Today I will expand on “DEATH”.  Today, on the ninth day of Inner Awakening, we are going to work on Death. 

Listen!  From the right context and understanding, there is no such thing as death.  When there is a wrong context, every moment you will be dying.  Please understand, when there is a right context, even what you think as the so-called “death” is not death.  With the wrong understanding and wrong context, every moment, even a small ant, sometimes you don’t even need to see the ant, just the thought – ‘Will this roof fall on my head?’ – is enough to put you into a panic attack; just a small jolt in the flight is enough!  Sometimes it is not even required; just your thought, jolt in your thinking is enough to put you in the fear of death and make you go through death! 

The first thing you need to know about this, the first thing you need to know about death is, THE ACTUAL HAPPENING HAS NO SIGNIFICANCE AT ALL!  Imagination about the happening plays all the chaos, havoc in your life.  Please listen!  The actual happening has no significance at all!  When I make this statement, I am responsible for it.  Please listen!  With all my integrity and authenticity to Mahakaala, Kaalabhairava, I am making this statement: The actual incident, what you think as death – that one day you will suddenly disappear, your body will be taken and burnt or buried or disappear, after that you won’t exist in the form you are existing in now; that is what is the actual incident which is called “death” – there is no significance to it; it is nothing but a job change, profession change, or career change!  It has no significance!  Just like you change your job, change your career, change your profession, sometimes change the city you are living in, sometimes change your spouse, sometimes change your house, just like that you just change your body.  I know, immediately you will say, ‘No, no, no....that means....Oh.....’  Listen!  Please listen!  The incident really has no significance at all!  Changing your body happens so regularly in your life, it has no significance!

Just today morning, when we were walking to satsangh, I was with one of my gurukul kids who was in the gurukul.  None of my Mahants or Shrimahants were able to recognize him, because he has grown so tall.  They were trying to identify who he is.  Then, when I explained, they understood.  Understand, the body changing has no significance; it is a regular phenomena.  Then what is that, that makes death so frightening, fearful?  Listen!  It is cleaning of all the memories!  Please listen!  There is only one thing in the death actually happening which you are not seeing during life; that is, you forget the whole memory, cleaning all memories!  But, I tell you, that is the beauty of death!  Never try to demystify that.  Because, just like once in a while you need stomach cleansing, stomach washing, once in a while you need all the memories getting cleansed.  You get a fresh slate, you get a fresh life, you get a fresh energy, you get a fresh space!  Actually, one of the most powerful blessings from Mahadeva, Mahakaala is, helping you to forget all those incompletions, the pain, and giving you the new possibility.  But, unfortunately, some of the greatest blessings you make it as the worst curse by getting frightened about it, by not having the right understanding about it, by not having the right intelligence about it.  Understand, some of the greatest blessings, when the understanding is not there, can be turned into frightening curse!  That is really....  I can say, the fear of death is the height of human stupidity. 

Human-beings have done so many stupid things.  One: cleaning up these jungles, abusing the Planet Earth by drilling and “fracking” (hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking”, is the process of drilling and injecting fluid into the ground at a high pressure in order to fracture shale rocks to release natural gas inside), abusing the natural life.  Even the word “natural resources” is completely wrong.  Nothing is a resource in Planet Earth; everything is life!  You have no right to suck other lives, vacating so many species, driving them out of Planet Earth by killing, eating, or make-up, for various reasons.  Human-beings have done so many stupid things.  But the height of human stupidity is taking something as a curse which is one of the greatest blessings. 

Somebody goes to Ramana Maharshi and asks, ‘Bhagawan, can you help me to get my past-life memory?’  He laughs and says, ‘Stupid fellow!  Even this life’s memory you are not able to handle!  You have come in search of peace!  How will you handle past-life memory?’  No Master can be compared to the rawness of Ramana Maharshi.  He was born as a village boy from Tamil Nadu, he lived throughout as a village boy from Tamil Nadu, and he died as a village boy from Tamil Nadu.  His personality and rawness!  Even Ramakrishna had a little exposure to the city life, the West, because he was in Calcutta; he had exposure to those days’ media, the Brahmo Samaj, those days’ huge organizations, successful preaching organizations, their magazines.  Ramakrishna had access to all that.  But, Ramana Maharshi never moved out of that small village which had a population of only a few thousand....may be, three to four thousand.

Understand, handling of memories, it is one of the most difficult things human-beings can do.  Handling incompletions when your body and mind are completely tired, sick, stuck, unable to handle anymore thoughts, incompletions, Mahadeva just gives you the boon of rebooting: ‘Come on, erase everything!  Delete!’  He presses the great “delete button” in your life and reboots and gives you the clean slate, new life, new possibility, which is nothing but the possibility for rewriting your future.  The Inner Awakening given to you directly by Mahadeva is “death”!  Death is the most powerful experiential Inner Awakening Mahadeva provides.  It is so unfortunate that one of the biggest blessings, human-beings think it as a curse or situation they need to handle.  Before He takes away the water-jug from your house, He brings Ganga to your house!  Before He takes away your light from your house, He brings Chandra (the moon) to your house.  He is the greatest caretaker during your transition.  So, don’t worry.  No other caretaker can be equivalent to him.  That is why he lives in “smashaana” (cremation ground) just to tell you he is the caretaker for you.  He is the caretaker for everyone.  He is the greatest caretaker attending to all the beings in the transition. 

Actually, if you leave a million dollars wealth and die, don’t worry; you will just be born in a family where you will have at least a million dollars wealth!  If you leave a certain amount of Completion and incompletion and die, when you are born you will have the same amount of incompletion and Completion!  If you leave the great knowledge of painting, don’t worry; the moment you are born, simply you will pick up the brush and start painting; you will have that intelligence, as it is, made available to you!  If you had the intelligence of great singing and you die, the moment you take birth, that whole memory will be available to you; in three months you will start singing!  Arrey, at the age of two, I started giving discourses!  No, really!  I started giving satsanghs even before the age of three!  The Ganesha deity was given to me by my father because I narrated the whole story of Shiva and Ganesha.  When my grandfather took me to the temple, I heard some preachers and priests reciting the story.  I came back and repeated verbatim!  See, because my first satsangh was on Ganesha, and my first puja was done to Ganesha, my life is successful; he removed all the “vignas” (obstacles)!  Before the age of three I started giving satsanghs, understand?  Now I am revealing to you one of the important truths: Never have I read any great Puranas!  Simply I will start narrating the story!  Later on, when I get the chance to read the book, it will exactly be right!  Whether it is stories of temples or Puranas, simply I will start telling the story.  But, later on, when I get the chance to read the book, when I read, it will exactly be the same verbatim!

Understand, I tell you, if you had so much of intelligence to write a book and great knowledge about Yoga, or the ability to sculpt when you die, when you take birth again the whole thing will be there, as it is, available!  Just all the incompletions will be pushed back.  You will be given a fresh possibility to rewrite your future.  Incompletions have to be completed only by you, no doubt; but it will be pushed back and you will be given a new possibility to rewrite your future as you want.  I tell you, nothing will be lost!  Nothing is lost!  Just fresh body, fresh mind, fresh few years for you to live!  Death is just body change.  Sometimes it does not even affect you like a career change or nation change or spouse change.  If you have changed any one of these in your life – your profession, career, spouse, or the nation where you live, the family – if you have changed any one of these in your life while living and handled it, then don’t worry, death is nothing for you!  I give you the guarantee!  If you have done any one of these major changes and were able to handle that pressure, that stress, and that change, you are already prepared to handle death.  Death will be a much smaller change than any one of these changes.  You need not worry at all.  I am not giving you consolation, and I am not the guy to console.  That is the last thing you expect from me.  “Consolation” is a word that does not exist in my dictionary!  The straight truth!

Somebody came and told me, ‘I feel like dying.  Please bless me for natural exit.’  I said, ‘Wait and finish all this work; then I will guide you.  When the time comes, even if you don’t want, you will be pushed out.  Don’t worry!’  And that poor fellow would have really expected some consolation – ‘Oh, why do you feel like that?  You should not be feeling like that....’ and all that.  Consolation is one thing you cannot expect from Mahakaala!  If I don’t scream at you, understand, that is the consolation.  If you don’t get the Third Eye opened at you, take that as a consolation.  No other consolation is ever possible from Mahadeva, Mahakaala.  “Consolation” is stupidity in its peak form!  What is the meaning of “Consolation”?  Making you forget the stark reality and pushing you back into your cosy, comfortable, small net, where you just carry a carrot in your mouth and think all is well when the whole forest is burning!  Munch! Munch! Munch! Munch! Munch!  With your carrot, and a little “cose” (cabbage), and beetroot, you will live like a rabbit in the rabbit hole and you will say, ‘Oh, you are so cute!  You are so nice!’  ‘Yes, yes, please have one more carrot and go and be in that hole.’  That is what is “Consolation”.  You can never expect that from Mahadeva!  If you are having two carrots in both hands and the rabbit, he will just snatch both and throw it away and show you, ‘Look around!  The whole forest is burning!  What do you mean by sitting inside and having a carrot and biting?  You will become carrot “pachadi” (a kind of South Indian dish to be eaten)!  You and carrot, both will be cooked, and it will become a mixture, “rabbit-carrot pachadi”!  Enough of you and your carrot rabbit hole!  Save yourself!’  You can never expect consolation from Mahadeva, please understand.  But you can expect compassion ONLY FROM MAHADEVA; nowhere else! 

Consolation is the support given to your powerlessness.  Compassion is the support given to your powerfulness.  You can expect, demand all the support for your powerfulness, and Mahadeva will always do it, never miss.  It is your right.  It is his responsibility.  But you can never have one word of consolation; means, strengthening your powerlessness.  No!  No!  Be very clear, if you have changed your job, if you have changed your spouse, if you have changed your house, if you have changed your nationality and withstood that change, be very clear, rest assured, you are prepared enough to have a change of body.  Death is not at all going to be an incident in your life.  It is just going to be a passing moment in your life!

The essence of today’s satsangh:

Death has no significance.  If you know how to use that moment to be free once for all, you are the most intelligent person!  You are the most intelligent person!  I have seen in the schools, when the classroom doors are opened for a teacher to enter, some of the small kids will just rush between the legs of the teacher and run away!  Just like kids run away, escape when the teacher opens the door to enter the classroom, during death Mahakaala enters into your life to remove your life.  You can use that gap to escape once for all into liberation!  See, for death to happen, you need just two things:  the door which is open, and the presence of Mahakaala.  Both happen during every death.  With the right context you can just escape, be liberated once for all.  A big, fat man can never run away between the legs of the teacher; only a small kid can run away.  A person with so much of patterns can never run away between the legs of Mahakaala and escape during death.  A person with very less patterns, almost no patterns, can easily slip into eternity, infiniteness, during the time the door opens for your death.  Preparation to use your death as liberation, when you know how to make your death as liberation, life is celebration!

I bless you all! 

With this, I will move to the Kalpataru process.  All the people who came for Kalpataru Darshan, pick up paper and pen.  And write one thought you want to cause as reality.  And all the doubts, fears, incompletions you have around that thought, pen down.

(After a few minutes...........)

Complete with all your incompletions.  Hold the space for what you want to cause as reality.  Thathaasthu!

I bless you all!  The space you are creating, the space you going to hold will become reality!  Namah Shivaya!


The space you want to create, let it become reality!  The space you created let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!  Thathaasthu!  Thathaasthu!

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

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