Tuesday, 5 August 2014

4th August-2014


There was no live satsangh today.  Recorded satsangh of 15 July 2014 – “Haridwar – Million-Year-Old University” – was played. (http://www.nithyananda.org/video/hardwar-million-year-old-university )

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, participants of Inner Awakening Programme, and every one of you, with my love and respects.

Today, I wanted to expand on a few important truths about “LISTENING” and “COMPLETION”.  Please listen!

Through this morning satsangh, I also formally inaugurate the 27th Inner Awakening programme and 24th eN-Genius programme.

Listening and Completion!  In Sanskrit we use the word “Shravana” for listening.  Exactly “Shravana” means.....  Please listen, I am giving you the technical definition of “Shravana” which will really help you if you can visualize that.  When Ganga river moves from one ghat to another ghat, it is called “Shravana”; means, you be an empty space for sound to travel through you.  Please listen!  When Ganga moves from Rishikesh to Haridwar, she is not leaving Rishikesh; she enriches Rishikesh also, and moves to Haridwar.  Listening, in listening you are expected to be like that.  The words move through you does not mean you are not enriched; you are also enriched; but it goes on enriching everything around you.  It goes on enriching everything around you! 

Right Shravana!  Please understand, you will be surprised to know that some of the great definitions in Vedic tradition, the definitions of some of the technical terms are just examples; no separate definition is given; only examples are provided!  “Dhyaana” means, Thaila Dhaara Paathra; that is all is defined!  Means, when the oil flowing from one vessel to another when it is poured, that is called “Dhyaana”.  Same way, Ganga moving from one ghat to another ghat, one place to another place, it is called “Shravana”.

Understand, Shravana – Listening – is one of the most powerful processes to achieve Completion, most powerful process to achieve Completion.  When no one stands by you, Completion can stand by you.  When no one listens to you, Listening will listen to you.  Develop this habit of listening.  You having the habit of listening itself will be such a powerful friend to yourself!  Please understand, you can develop a best friend for yourself through the habit of listening.  Your habit of listening can be an amazing friend for you in all your difficult times.  You don’t need somebody else listening to you; your habit of listening is enough.  It can be an amazing friend, understand. 

This land where you are sitting, at least for the last million years – please understand, “million years” when I say, I mean it; I am talking with my integrity – at least ten-lakh years this land is the place of knowledge.  Human-beings were coming here to meet the Adi Guru who carried the physical body, walking around in this area, living in this area, sharing the knowledge of human consciousness.  Please understand!  You may ask how I can be so sure about ten-lakh years.  The star, the constellation of the stars, the astronomical happenings which could have happened only ten-lakh years before, were precisely recorded, which cannot be recorded unless you are seeing it directly when it is happening.  Unless, when those stars and constellations are happening, unless you see it, you cannot record so precisely, that precisely, the constellations’ astronomical events which cannot be imagined through the astrological calculations.  Still the modern-day astronomers, people who were working with Space, were shocked by the Rig Vedic recordings of the constellations, astronomical happenings, the precise way they recorded!  At least ten-lakh years before, astrological happenings are recorded.  

And, one more important information you need to know: The “Point Zero” was always Haridwar!   All the recordings match the space between Haridwar and Rishikesh!  That was the space from where the observations were done and recorded, where some of the unique planetary alignments, stars’ alignments which happened ten-lakh years before, were precisely recorded, observed from this zone.  So, at least for the last million years, human-beings are coming here to receive the various knowledge about life, various branches of knowledge about life, consciousness, cosmos, universe, individual consciousness, enlightenment and everything. 

So, please understand, you are in the land where Adi Guru walked and shared the Science of Living with human-beings.  And, with all my integrity and authenticity I promise and commit with you, you will listen to the same truths with the same authenticity in the same voice!  Adi Guru, Mahadeva, Shiva, has not left anything to be discovered, but he goes on allowing us to enjoy the excitement of rediscovery and reinvention.  He lets us rediscover to keep us all excited, to keep us all inspired, engaged, entertained.  He happens again and again and again, helping human-beings to rediscover your own glorious super-conscious existential experience by teaching you the Science of Life, Science of Consciousness.  You are here in the same place and the same space of Mahadeva, Adi Guru, Shiva, to listen to the truths which are being sung, which are in this very air, which fill this very air for the last ten-lakh years at least.  At least ten-lakh years!  I don’t want to say ten-lakh years before Adi Guru walked on this land; I can say, at least ten-lakh years before; because, the constellations recorded by the direct observations in the Rig Veda are at least ten-lakh years before, and, I can be sure, many “shaakhaas”, branches, which we lost can have the secrets, recordings, which were much earlier also.  So, I can be sure of only one thing: at least ten-lakh years before, these truths have started getting sung in this zone, they are filled in this air, unbroken for the last ten-lakh years....unbroken for the last ten-lakh years! 

Please listen, even I used to believe that we are only ten or fifteen-thousand years old from the British historians’ stupid theories and theologies.  Thanks to one of the great Swamis, Prakashananda Saraswathi, who opened my eyes and made me understand.  If you can, I want all of you to read his book.  He has written a beautiful book on the history of Hinduism which I have made as a syllabus for all our sannyasis in our ashram.  And I will strongly recommend all of you to read that book.  That book has opened my eyes to logically understand that the Rig Veda is at least ten-lakh years old.  I am happy I read his book.  And I dedicate my knowledge, this knowledge, at his feet.  And I also wanted to tell you all, after reading that whole thing, with my pure consciousness I scanned it.  The whole thing was true!  And I have also referred to the Cosmic Archives; the information Prakashananda Saraswathi is presenting is true!

This land was part of the oldest university – Naimisharanya.  “Naimisharanya” means, “the place where people never sleep”.  This was the place where “gudaakeshaas” lived.  Like Kashi was the place where only the people who can fly were living, in Naimisharanya only the people who conquered sleep were living.  Means, that amount of Completion they were carrying, understand!  Sleep itself is nothing but you trying to escape from your incompletions.  Thoughts are nothing but incompletions.  If you are having the same thought again and again, you are stuck in incompletion deeply.  So, if you are having thoughts regularly, you are having incompletions.  If you have thoughts, you need sleep.  If you are having incompletions, you need escape from incompletions.  Sleep is not Completion; it is escape from incompletions.  It is like temporarily shutting down, saving yourself from incompletions.  When you are in the highest space of Completion, Complete Completion, the Perpetual Completion, you don’t need sleep.  Naimisharanya was the space where at least ten-lakh beings who did not need any sleep were living. 

I can say very honestly with authenticity, I have seen at least ten people who have not slept for the last fifteen years at least!  Ten people!  I am trying to get one sadhu in these next twenty-one days for all of you to have darshan.  He is not agreeing to come over here.  I said, at least if he accepts to give darshan, we will all come there.  I can say very authentically, he has not slept at least for the last twenty-three years!  No sleep!  He has mastered his body and mind.  I have seen some more sadhus during Kumbh Mela, but this sadhu lives in the forest between Haridwar and Rishikesh.  Let us try whether he allows us to come and have his darshan.  But I wanted you to know this truth: Naimisharanya existed, where people who have conquered sleep lived, teaching the truth to the whole world.  In those days, the whole population, wherever they lived....  In the Vedic era we had fifty-six settlements, human settlements.  All the fifty-six human settlements came to this place to study, to master.  Kashi was the place where the teaching was going on.  People who mastered here, many of them went to Kashi and started staying there and teaching.  But this continued to remain as the main campus of the Vedic University.  Please listen!  You are in this place, and, fortunately, in that very space.  Listen!  Listen!  The greatest opportunity to listen to those same great truths unadulterated, undiluted, pure!  One advantage is, the language you can understand.  It is only advantage: the language you can understand.

Listen!  Listen!  Listen!  Just listening can lead you to the space of Completion.  Just listening can rejuvenate you.  Just listening can raise you to that space.  Please listen!  Especially when you are listening to the space of Completion, the words coming from the space of Completion, you simply experience Completion!  Because, no other spiritual practice can be done for others.  Please listen!  For example, Japa.  “Japa” means repetition of a spiritual sound; it can be God’s or guru’s name, or a beeja mantra, or a concept, or Maha Vaakya.  Repetition of any sacred sound is called “Japa”.  Japa, you can only do it for yourself.  Dhyaana – meditation – you can only do it for yourself.  Yoga, you can only do it for yourself.  Pranayama, you can only do it for yourself.  Kriya, you can only do it for yourself.  But, only Completion, you can do it even for others, and you will see the result immediately!  If somebody is agitated, incomplete, angry, perturbed, shaken, shivering, frightened, powerless, remember that person and complete; bring Completion in yourself.  You will see that that person is complete!  Immediately, the effect of your Completion fills that being!  Only Completion can be done for others too, because the Science of Completion is rooted in the Science of Oneness. 

The Science of Completion is rooted in the Science of Oneness.  When you are complete, everyone around you can experience Completion, everyone around you can experience Completion.  And, when you listen to somebody who is in the space of Completion, simply Completion possesses you, it fills you, it overflows in you, it possesses you!  That is the right word I will use: It “possesses” you!  Listen and allow my Completion space to possess you, to purify you, to fill you.  Allow my space of Complete Completion, the Perpetual Completion, to become your space, your inner-space.  You will see, in front of your eyes, hundreds of miracles in the next twenty-one days.  Whether miraculous healings, or materialisation, teleportation, Kundalini awakening, people levitating, jumping, or your past being predicted clearly, or your future being predicted clearly, whatever, you will see hundreds of miracles.  But, I tell you, all that I won’t call it as effect of Inner Awakening.  My effect is only one, the ultimate miracle: leading all of you to the space of Completion!  That is the ultimate miracle!  Everything else is side-effect.  They are not wrong, but they are only side-effect.  Don’t go away with just side-effect.  Receive the main effect; that is, the Complete Completion, the Perpetual Completion.  Complete Completion!  Perpetual Completion!  Complete Completion is the greatest gift you can receive in these twenty-one days just by listening!

In the next sessions, I will be teaching you the Science of Listening.  Now, I just want to introduce the Power of Listening and the need for listening, and the purpose of the whole programme, not to get diverted in the side-effects.  Enjoy them, nothing wrong.  It is really exciting, suddenly when something gets materialised in front of you out of the blue.  Sometimes it may be even in your own hand!  And it is really exciting when your body is jumping beyond your control with so much of joy and excitement filling you!  All this is great!  Enjoy them!  But know this very clearly, the purpose of this whole thing should settle down in you as Complete Completion.  Siddhis are great as long as they inspire you to reach the ultimate.  “Siddhis” means, extraordinary powers.  They are great as a signboard showing – “Haridwar – 20 kms”, “Haridwar – 60 kms”, “Haridwar – 10 kms”.  As a signboard they are great, but the signboards are themselves not Haridwar!  So, Siddhis should lead you to Complete Completion.  It should lead you to Complete Completion.  Even when your Kundalini is awakened, you should have the right purpose, authenticity, so that your Kundalini can flow in that direction.

I have seen many people, when you don’t have the right answers for yourself about your life’s purpose – what you want to achieve, your goal – when you have confusions, conflicts, contradictions, and your goal about life is not clear, very clear to yourself, I have seen, even if I awaken your Kundalini, it goes back to sleep.  It feels, ‘I don’t want to be living with this confused guy.  Better let me go back to my place and rest.’  So, understand, even if I awaken your Kundalini, you need to give the purpose for your Kundalini.  Only then it continues to be awake, alive, working, functioning.  You need to engage your Kundalini Shakthi.  I always tell people, ‘If you don’t practice engineering, you will forget the subject even if you have studied.  If you don’t practice Law, you will forget the subject even if you have done a doctorate in it.  If you don’t practice Medicine, you will forget even if you have mastered it.  If you don’t practice Enriching, you will forget even if you have attended Inner Awakening!  Understand, practicing is so important to keep the Kundalini Shakthi alive.  After sometime, practicing will become your breath; it is as normal and part of you as breathing.  When it becomes as natural as breathing in you, then you are established in the space of Perpetual Completion, or the Complete Completion. 

You are in the land of “Entrance to Mahadeva”.  This place is called Haridwar.  “Hara” means Shiva; “Dwar” means entrance.  You are in the gate, entrance to Mahadeva, and I am here to keep the gate open for you to enter.  You are welcome to enter into the Haridwar and experience Hara, Shiva, Mahadeva.

Nirahara Samyama, or “The” Samyama, done during the Inner Awakening, awakens your Kundalini Shakthi to a peak, and it literally does the cleansing of all your internal organs.  Internal organs, your whole blood flow, your nervous system, everything is thoroughly purified by “The” Samyama, especially done during the Inner Awakening.  Along with Inner Awakening, “The” Samyama, I can guarantee with all my integrity and responsibility, you will anti-age at least twenty-five years!  See, by the cholesterol, BMI, and your heart rate, blood pressure, diabetes, your age is measured.  See, apart from your body’s age, the way your body has aged, both are completely different.  Sometimes your physical age may be only twenty-five, but you would have abused your body so much, it would have aged to the level of fifty!  Sometimes your physical age may be fifty, but you have properly kept your body so well, your actual aging would have been only twenty-five!  So, “age” is different, “aging” is different.  This time we are conducting a scientific research to measure the anti-aging effects of Inner Awakening and “The” Samyama in this programme.  We have done this earlier three times, and we are conducting for the fourth time this research in a developed way to tell the world how the anti-aging happens.  If “The” Samyama is done along with Inner Awakening, I guarantee, at least twenty-five years of anti-aging will happen!  You will be younger by at least twenty-five years!  If you do Nirahara Samyama, I can guarantee, at least fifteen years you will become younger, the anti-aging will happen at least fifteen years!  You will grow younger!  It is a very powerful process of bringing tremendous Completion with your body and with many of your patterns.

One of the important components I have added in this Inner Awakening.....  See, every Inner Awakening I add something and make the programme better and better.  In this Inner Awakening, the Science of Completion with your Lust, this is going to be a very important component I have added, removing all the powerlessness.  I am neither asking you to become a sannyasi, celibate, nor asking you to get married, or asking you to womanize.  I am not giving you any solution.  I am neither giving the solution what Osho gave, nor giving the solution what Ramakrishna gave, or giving the solution what Ramana Maharshi gave.  I am giving you the unique solution, removing powerlessness from your lust patterns.  Then, it can lead to celibacy, or it can lead to married life; it is up to you; but it will remove all the powerlessness.  You will not have any powerlessness related to your lust pattern.  That is going to be the unique component I have added in this Inner Awakening.  This is the subject everyone does hush hush, hush hush.  But, unfortunately, even though society never discusses about it, the hypocrisy and all the sufferings related to it are continuing to grow.  That is the stark reality.  On one side we don’t want to see the stark reality, and on the other side the problems are continuously happening.  Somebody has to bell the cat.  I have decided I am going to bell the cat and rat, both!  

With this, I will move to the Kalpataru process.  All the people who came for Kalpataru Darshan, pick up paper and pen and write one thought you want to cause as reality.  And all the doubts, fears, incompletions you have around that thought, pen down.

(After a few minutes...........)

Complete with all your incompletions.  Hold the space for what you want to cause as reality.  Thathaasthu!  I bless you all!  Let the space you are creating....the space you are going to hold will become reality!  Namah Shivaya!


The space you want to create, let it become reality!  The space you created, let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!  Thathaasthu!  Thathaasthu!

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!


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