8thAugust 2014/Friday
There was no live satsangh today. Recorded satsangh of Wednesday, 16 July 2014 – “TWO TYPES OF REALITY” – delivered at Haridwar, was played. (http://www.nithyananda.org/ video/two-types-reality)
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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||
I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, and Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV.
Cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: San Jose-Madurai, Singapore-Singapuram, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Houston-Kalahasti, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Seattle-Chidambaram, Toronto-Kailasam, Phoenix-Kanchipuram, St. Louis, Indrani-New Jersey, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Austin, Atlanta-Georgia, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Hebbal-Bangalore, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, London-Kashi, NIthyananda University-Paris, Montclair-California, Scottsdale-Arizona, Ohio-Ma Shivananda, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Dakota Dunes, Coimbatore Dhyanapeetam, Jorpati-Nepal, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Port Washington-New York, Netherlands, High Point-North Carolina...........
I welcome all of you with my love and respects.
Today, in the Inner Awakening, we are going to work on “COMPLETION”.
The greatest gift Mahadeva gave to the world, Hara, Shiva, Adi Guru gave to the world, is the SCIENCE OF COMPLETION. He has given so many things: Yoga to handle the body, Kriya to handle your prana mandala, breathing, Tantra to handle your various samskaaras. So many wonderful gifts Mahadeva has given to the world. But the best, the “bestest”, “bestestest”, incomparable gift from Mahadeva is this Science of Completion.
The Completion science starts with Advaitha! Please understand, that is the beauty! It starts with Advaitha, ends in Advaitha. Any other technique like Puja, Homa, or Japa, all these techniques start in Dvaitha and end in Advaitha, start in Visishtadvaitha and end in Advaitha, they start in some other space, but lead you to Advaitha. Completion, Completion, the context itself is Advaitha only! The very context of Completion is Advaitha. Completion is the one and only process which can be named as Living Advaitha. The very process is non-dualisitic, advaithic. The context from which Completion starts is Advaitha. The space which grows in you during the practice is again Advaitha. And the space you achieve end of the day after the practice is Advaitha. Literally Living Advaitha, the process of Completion is Living Advaitha.
Advaitha becoming reality in your day-to-day life, Advaitha becoming reality in your day-to-day life, please understand, any other technique, while you are practicing, Advaitha does not become reality; but only the process of Completion, even when you are practicing, Advaitha becomes your reality, Advaitha becomes your lifestyle.
Understand, one more important thing, very important truth I wanted to bring to your notice, Japa, Puja, Meditation, Pranayama, everything you only have to do for yourself; others can’t do; you can’t do for others. If you do for others, others can have psychological satisfaction, but not the immediate impact of it, understand? When you go and tell others, ‘I have done puja for you’, they can have the psychological satisfaction. When they tell you, you can have psychological satisfaction. You can feel that, that person loves you; that’s all; but there is no immediate effect of it. But, in the process of Completion, only this process of Completion you can do for others, others can do it for you; because, the context from which this process of Completion starts is Advaitha, Oneness. All of us are one, and all of us radiate the same space. All of us are one, and all of us radiate the same space. That is the context from which Completion starts. That is the basis of the Science of Completion, understand. That is why you can do Completion for others, others can do Completion for you. Completion is the process, the technique, Krishna describes: “Even if you practice very little, you will have a lot of good things happening to you!” I can say, this statement exactly matches for Completion. Even if you practice very little, lot, lot, so much of good can happen to you!
Understand, Completion is such a powerful process! I can tell you, it directly leads you to the experience of Advaitha. After that, you can just go on be strategizing, cognizing from the space of Advaitha. As I said, achieving advaithic experience, living Advaitha, is not the end of the journey. That is like, only then you get the Driving Licence. Driving Licence is not end of the journey. Only when you get the Driving Licence you can start driving. Living Advaitha is not the end of the journey; it is a Driving Licence. From there when you start operating, everything is successful. Operating from the space of Advaitha is what I call “Rewriting your Future”. Not just developing your future, but altering your future! I am not teaching you some self-development technique. No! I am not teaching you some self-development, personality development course. No! I tell you, in a way, living Advaitha is not even transforming your life; it is just rewriting your life! You can rewrite your future! You can rewrite your past the way you perceive it, understand? Only Completion gives you the power to rewrite even your past. All other techniques give you the power to rewrite your future. Only Completion gives you the power to rewrite even your past. Your past needs to be rewritten. If your future needs to be rewritten, your past needs to be rewritten. Rewriting your past, rewriting your future, both happen by the power of Completion. From today, all of you, everyone who is in the Inner Awakening is going to be initiated experientially into the process of Completion.
Some of the basic understandings you need to have for Completion to start:
Your source, your centre is always in the space of Completion. Your source, your centre is always in the space of Completion. That is first.
Second, please listen, second, all incompletions are interferences, interruptions, interpolations, or, I can say, manipulations of reality. They are not reality by themselves. Anything which makes you powerless, feel powerless, tired, bored, sick, guilty, frightened, any form of powerlessness, anything brings, understand, that is incompletion. Even if you have fear about God, it is an incompletion! God can be entertained, but not the fear. That is the beauty of the Vedic tradition. You are never asked to be afraid of God, because we are not going to make an organization out of God. We are going to make you organized out of God, not organization out of God, understand? Making you organized out of the concept of God is different, making an organization out of the concept of God is different. In Vedic tradition, through God we make you organized, not organization.
“Sangha” is not organization. “Sangha” means association. Nithyananda Sangha is not organization; it is association with Nithyananda, that’s all! “Sa” “Angha” means, all your parts become organized, all your components become organized; your body, your mind, your soul, your consciousness, everything becomes organized; your being, everything becomes organized. See, if you have money, you will have certain courage. If you have some skill, you will have certain courage: ‘Whatever happens, with this skill I will make money and live!’ If you have certain knowledge, you will have certain courage. If you have your own house, you will have certain courage. If you have a stable family, you will have certain courage. So, each thing gives you certain courage. The Sangha with Nithyananda, association with Nithyananda, gives you the courage of consciousness. Nithyananda Sangha is courage of consciousness. It is not organization; it is organism; making you organized!
Understand, whatever brings you powerlessness, you have to complete it. You have to complete it. Moving away from it is not the solution. If snake brings you fear, moving away from it is not the solution. Going and playing with it and getting bitten is also not solution. Why the fear starts? From where it started? What was the pattern? Looking in and completing is the solution. Neither resisting nor accepting! Neither resisting nor accepting!
I saw, of late, so many people are having second thoughts to come near me because of this (Swamiji points to the snake staff, the “Kundalini Pirambu” he carries)! HAHAHAHAHAHA! One, this looks so real! Second, they are afraid that by Swamiji’s hand if he touches, anything can become alive! When his hand touches, so many dead people come alive, come back to life! Who knows when it (the snake staff) will come alive? HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Neither resisting nor accepting! By accepting you will become lazy. By resisting you will become powerless. Finally, both are powerlessness. No resistance, no acceptance; only Completion. Anything which makes you powerless is incompletion. That needs to be completed. And, before Completion, whatever space you experience is not the reality by its own strength. Please understand, reality should be reality by its own strength, not just because it is a shared reality. Listen! Listen! Reality should be reality by its own strength, not just because it is a shared reality. Reality should be reality by its own strength, not because it is a shared reality.
I will give you an example:
Whether all human-beings see the sun rise or not, the sun will continue to rise. That is the reality, being reality by its own strength. But if all human-beings decide not to use the Dollar, the Dollar will not have any value. This is shared reality, understand? There is a big difference between shared reality and real reality. The value of gold is because of shared reality. All of us accept gold is valuable. All of us accept diamond is valuable, or are made to accept, I can say. All of us are made to accept diamond is valuable, gold is valuable. Because of that, it becomes valuable. This is called “shared reality”. Reality should be reality by its own strength.
In Zen, they give a beautiful Koan. Zen is a branch of Mahanirvani Akhada, all of you need to know. Of the fifty-two branches of Mahanirvani Akhada, Buddhism is one branch, because Buddha took sannyas from Mahanirvani Akhada. He was never a rebel. His disciples made him look a rebel. Like Jesus came to revive Judaism; he was never a rebel. His disciples wanted to say he has done something new. So they made him a rebel. Only then they can make a new religion out of him. Same way, Buddha. Buddha was never a rebel. Till the end, he wore the Mahanirvani Akhada’s dress very orthodoxically! And all the teachings he gave is directly from Mahanirvani Akhada! The Sankhya philosophy of Kapila only he taught. That is why he is called “Sakya Muni”. The name “Sankhya Muni” became “Sakya Muni”. “Gautama” is one of the titles given in the Mahanirvani Akhada for the revered beings. (Buddha was also known as “Gautama the Buddha”).
So, understand, all the teachings of Buddhism are directly from Mahanirvani Akhada. Even the word “nirvana” is from Mahanirvani. He takes sannyas at the Mahanirvani Ghat in Varanasi, then experiences nirvana, goes and sits in Sarnath and starts teaching. And he was never anti-Hinduism as some people try to project. See, Hinduism gives you the beautiful possibility to put what you want as priority. When Shankara says he accepts the Vedas, he puts Vedas as a priority through which you can achieve. When Buddha says he does not accept the Vedas....I don’t even mean he doesn’t accept the Vedas, he doesn’t mean that; he wants....... Actually, he never said anywhere he doesn’t accept the Vedas. May be interpolations have been done, manipulations have been done in his teachings. He says, ‘Let us first put the first priority for “experience”. Let us first try to experience the truth.’ So he put experience as the first priority; that’s all. And that is exactly the way Hinduism thinks. So Buddha belongs to Sanatana Hindu Dharma. He is part of Sanatana Hindu Dharma. Mahanirvani Akhada’s fifty-second “marhi” (branch) is Buddhism. Among the fifty-two “marhis” of Mahanirvani Akhada, Buddhism is one.
Understand, in Zen, they have a beautiful Koan: “If a bamboo falls in a forest where nobody is there, will it still make a sound? Will the noise be heard still? Even if there is nobody to hear the noise, will the noise be heard still?” Understand, I can also give you guys many Koans and ask you to contemplate and come back and stay. Noise will be made, but not heard! Noise being made is the reality by its own strength. Noise being heard is the shared reality.
To make you understand the difference between shared reality and real reality, this Koan is given. In many of the things we have is shared reality. Unfortunately, shared reality settling down in you, and you start believing them as real reality, is what I call “incompletions” and “patterns”. Shared reality getting mixed with the real reality is “incompletions”. You becoming clear of shared reality and real reality is “Advaitha”, “Completion”, understand?
The simplest definition: The value of Dollar, the value of gold, the value of diamond, all these are shared reality; because all of us share, it has a value. There are some real realities which stands just by its authority, whether we all share it or not. Reality and shared reality mixing, getting confused, is “incompletion”. You being clear about reality and shared reality, in your cognition, is “Completion”. You being clear, you being clear about the shared reality and real reality, is “Completion”.
The Completion process frees you, liberates you from the complications of shared reality becoming real reality. In every level, whether beliefs of your biology, beliefs of your psychology, beliefs of your consciousness, the beliefs and faiths you carry about society, the images, concepts you carry about you, the images, concepts you project about you to others, the images, concepts you have about the world and others, everything, everything needs to be analyzed and you need to come to clarity about the real reality and shared reality. Coming to the clarity will happen through Completion. Completion will bring you that clarity. It will make you experience what is shared reality, what is real reality, and through that, from that clarity when you operate, Advaitha becomes reality for you, life becomes so easy you can just make what you want as reality.
The essence of today’s satsangh:
Completion starts from Advaitha, moves through Advaitha, leads you to Advaitha. That is the “bestest” gift Mahadeva gave to the world. Let us use that to separate the reality and shared reality, and live, make decisions from the reality.
With this, I will move to the Nirahara Samyama. Today, Nirahara Samyama Level-1, Day-2, and “The” Samyama, Day-2. I bless all the Nirahara Samyama and “The” Samyama participants to be successful and carry on with their Nirahara Samyama process.
Now, I will start the Kalpataru process. We will start the Kalpataru process. Listen! Pick up paper and pen. Pen down one thought you want to cause as reality. Pen down one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the fears, doubts, incompletions, impossibilities, around that thought. Write both. The thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions, doubts, impossibilities you have around that thought, pen down both.
(After a few minutes.......)
Please now sit straight. Complete with all the incompletions you wrote and drop them. Create the space, visualize what you want to achieve as reality. For example, if you want health, visualize you are already healthy. If you want wealth, visualize you are already wealthy. If you want enlightenment, visualize you are already enlightened. Create the space for what you want to achieve. Complete all the incompletions and drop. Namah Shivaya! Hold the space for what you want to cause as reality! Namah Shivaya!
Thathaasthu! I bless you all! The space you created, let it become reality! Whatever you visualized, let it become reality! Namah Shivaya!
I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, and Causing the eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!
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