Wednesday, 24 September 2014

25 Sep 2014



There was no live satsangh telecast on NTV today.  Recorded satsangh of Monday, 28 April 2014 – “BE RESPONSIBLE, NOT JUST COMMITTED” – was played.  Here is the transcript and video:

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samaajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

Cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Singapore-Singapuram, Ohio-Prayag, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Toronto-Kailasam, Ma Shivananda, St. Louis, Penang-Thirupparamkundram, Simi Valley-California, Varanasi, Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Seattle-Chidambaram, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Calgary-Amarnath, Port Washington-New York, New York, Warrington-UK, Austin, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Indrani-New Jersey, Scottsdale-Arizona, High Point-North Carolina, Houston-Kalahasti, London-Kashi, Bangalore North, Tallahassee-Florida, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Dakota Dunes, Astoria-New York, China, Nepal, Abu Dhabi.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Today I have a very important subject to expand. 

Please listen!  Come to the space of listening! 

I am going to create a series of important discourse videos to help all of you understand the common questions like: ‘How can I expand my wealth creation ability?’, ‘I feel I am stuck.’, ‘I am not sure about my boyfriend or girlfriend or spouse.  I don’t know whether I want to continue this relationship?’, all these kind of common problems and questions.  So, yesterday, we were having some kind of a discussion with some of my Shrimahants and Mahants....and “would-be” Mahants. 

One disciple, a very sincere disciple, but he has not yet committed himself to be a Kothari or Thanedar or Mahant, suddenly, casually I mentioned that, ‘You should commit to become a Mahant.’  I did not even use the word, ‘You should commit....’; I said, ‘You should become a Mahant’.  He immediately got up and said, ‘Swamiji, swamiji, Swamiji, I am afraid of commitment.  I want you to solve this conflict.  I don’t know what to do with responsibility, commitment...all these  I am very afraid.’  So, I had a few minutes of clarification showering, concentrated chemotherapy on him.  Listen! “Clarification Showering”, “Concentrated Chemotherapy”!

Listen!  I am defining these two words.  Responsibility is not Commitment.  Commitment is not Responsibility.  You can be responsible, but totally non-committed!  You can be committed, but never be responsible!

I will differentiate, I will explain.

If you are constantly thinking about your future from powerlessness and go on thinking what all can go wrong, your involvement is called “commitment”.  If you are constantly looking at your future from the space of Completion and go on looking at what all can go right, your involvement is called “responsibility”.

Listen!  I am the symbol of Total Responsibility and Complete Non-Commitment!  I am totally responsible, but completely non-committal.  If just a devotee who has attended some free program, sometimes if he is bitten by a snake or he has got into some accident, or it is some emergency, one phone call, I will personally attend, and talk to my secretaries or whoever, and see to it that constantly he is attended, and I get the response back whether healing or whatever I can help.  You will see that responsibilism.  Same way, if you live around me, you can very clearly smell I am completely non-committal to the whole thing.

Listen!  Any future plan which erupts out of the pattern “what all can go wrong” is Commitment.  Any future plan which comes out of the Completion “what all can go right” is Responsibilism.  Responsibility!

He (this sincere disciple) asked me again, ‘Then what is “accountability” Swami?’  I said, ‘If you are constantly thinking from “what all can go wrong”, even if you are committed, you may be accountable, but you will not be accountable!  You may be accountable, but you will not be accountable!  You will just stand and say, ‘Yes, this is what I am!  What can I do?  This is the way I am!’

Understand, this subject is very, very, very confusing, and people say, ‘No, no, no, no, no’.  At least in responsibilism I don’t want these people separated, because, in the name of responsibility you get a little consolation to worry, space to worry.  You are so dedicated to worrying!  I took away all your possibility for worrying.  If you are integrated, no worry.  If you are authentic, no worry.  But, if you are responsible, you can continue to worry in the name of responsibility.  Now I am purifying the concept of Responsibility.  Listen!

If you can move based on what all can go right – I am not saying don’t look at what all can go wrong; you may not need to look at what all can go wrong if you look at what all can go right intensely – looking at what all can go right, I tell you, looking at what all can go right gives you the ability to start two-thousand projects.  Even if you win twenty, you may be in the space of unimaginable expansion.  The mind which looks at what all can go wrong will not even move to the second project. 

People constantly say, ‘From morning I was making these calls, this, this, this, this, this....’  Understand, even when you are doing some action, is your worrying pattern keeping quiet?  Is your lust pattern keeping quiet?  Is your fear pattern keeping quiet?  Even when you are doing your work, all the three are functioning.  Same way, instead of Lust, Fear, Worry, why can’t your Planning Gratitude, Celebration function?  It is just simple training.  Whether you function from Fear, Lust, Worry, or function from Planning, Celebration, Gratitude, Planning, Completion, Gratitude..... 

Listen!  Listen!  I am giving you a very important sacred secret as per the Yogic tradition.  The moment you are born, you reside only in Ananda Gandha.  Ananda Gandha is the space from which your soul or consciousness operates in your body.  While you are doing all your regular lifestyle routine, either you choose to allow your Lust, Fear, Worry, as an involuntary habitual function, or you can voluntarily build Planning, Completion, Gratitude.  Either you can allow involuntarily Lust, Fear, Worry, or Planning, Completion, Gratitude.  It is just consciously building.  But don’t tell me the worst lie – ‘I was busy in this, so I could not do that.’  You have multiple possibilities and multiple dimensions.  You are multi-dimensional by nature.  While you are working, if you are not planning in a multi-dimensional way, you are worrying or caught in the lust and fear; be guaranteed about it!  This truth needs to really, really get into your system.  This truth needs to really, really get into your system.  Listen!  Only then you will understand the difference between Commitment and Responsibility.  If you don’t take Responsibility, you are beaten black and blue by commitment in life.  When you take responsibility, you are given the reward of freedom from all commitment. 

A responsible person has no commitment.  This is exactly the principle on which I wanted the new generation to evolve.  Please listen!  Very soon, this going to office is going to completely disappear all over the world.  Only for surgery, people may gather in a common place.  For surgeries, not even for out-patient treatment!  That will all become telemedicine.  For surgery, only for surgery you may go to a common place where the doctor also comes.  Other than these few things, basic things, where an object needs to be handled – as far as surgery is concerned, for those few hours you are an “object” only!  A doctor has to look at you as an object and handle you – or an item needs to be produced, only those few rare exemptions people are going to gather together.  Otherwise this concept of going to office is going to die.  And in India, it is already very popular.  “Cloud Campus” they call it.  Students don’t go to school or educational institutions any more.  From the house, through the laptop, they get the best teachers, best teachers and best educating method!  Cloud Campuses!  I am picking up that system and working; that is why I know that name.  I was planning to name it as “Cloud Nine Campus”.  I am already working on it.  Soon you guys will have, all our major ashrams will have Cloud Nine Campus.

Listen!  With responsibility, the commitments are going to be dropped.  More and more, Responsibility is going to rule Planet Earth, not Commitment.  Commitment may be in the initial level a nice way to teach Responsibility; but Commitment should never be a lifestyle.  It is like, to make a reinforced concrete pillar, RCC pillar, you make a wooden box and pour the concrete into it.  Once the concrete has set, and it becomes a pillar, naturally the wooden box has to be removed.  You don’t need the wooden box anymore.  The wooden box is like Commitment.  The RCC pillar is like Responsibility.  Commitment may be an initial help for you to become responsible; but once you become responsible, you will be free from Commitment. 

I want responsible Sannyasis, not committed Sannyasis!  No!  Responsible disciples, responsible human-beings, not committed human-beings.  I know, I know, there are some fools who are committed, literally living such an intense committed life.  They just die out of tiredness and boredom.  That’s all!  They do not know what is life!  And they all the time blame the people who are non-committal.  If you are committed, who asked you to be committed?  You are a fool!  You don’t know how to take responsibility, so you are living and dying as committed!  If you know to take responsibility, commitment is not required at all.  May be, commitment is just initial level wooden box for the RCC concrete to settle and become a pillar.  May be, at the level of Thanedar and Kothari, you need commitment.  If you are still committed at the level of Mahant and Shrimahant, we need to look into the whole system and you.  At the level of Mahant, you are expected to be responsible.  And, if you become neither responsible nor committed, then I will naturally opt for the better option – at least be committed.

I have seen recently a famous trend setting up:  Anybody who is not working under you properly, give him a promotion and send him out of your zone!  HAHAHAHAHA!  Giving “moksha” to others with a lot of “priya” is not the definition of the word “Mokshapriya”.  I have seen, if they are not working properly under you, just promote them and move them out of your zone.  Then you are free!  It is called a “promotion punishment”.  See, when you are not responsible, if you are promoted, either you are punished, or the system is punished.  If you are not responsible, if you are promoted, either you are punished, or the system is punished.  Either you are punished, or the system is punished.  Listen!  Listen!  Listen!  Either you are punished, or the system is punished!

Commitment is not what I am teaching.  Commitment is an initial support for responsibility to grow.  When a small Banyan sapling is growing, you may need a fence around that tree.  That fence is like “Commitment”.  It is needed for responsibility to grow.  The tree is “Responsibility”.  Once Responsibility grows, the fence needs to be removed.  Otherwise, the fence itself becomes a bondage.  There are very rare beings – completely responsible, completely committed, but never feel they are committed.  Because their inner-space is so clean, they don’t feel they are committed at all.

So, listen!  Listen to the basic principles.  Then we will study the exemptions.  Because the moment I describe “exemptions”, everyone imagines they are the exemptions.  No!  Listen!

Commitment is not Responsibility.  You can be committed.  Exactly on time you can go and sit in the Enriching Temple, and come out only when everyone comes out, but not taking any responsibility!  I have seen, I have seen people abusing their own life.  They will show such high commitment, but never responsibility.  A person who is highly responsible may not even need to be committed.  Actually, I tried to build the whole Sangha on Responsibility without asking for commitment.  I was bitterly cheated and exploited by people.  That is why now I brought commitment as a system for the responsibility to grow.  When the responsibility has grown, then commitment protection is not required.  Till the responsibility grows, commitment is the protection for responsibility.  After responsibility grows, the same commitment is a bondage for responsibility.  But everyone thinks already their responsibility has grown. That is where the problem starts.  If your responsibility has grown, you will be delivering, not reasoning.

Please listen!  Valid reasons + work not done can never be equated with the work done.  A responsible person delivers.  That is why now I have evolved a new system: I give equal opportunity to all.  Have the opportunity, show the responsibility. 

A responsible person is such, everyone around you becomes responsible.  The power of responsibility is such, everyone around you becomes responsible!  Everyone, everyone around you becomes responsible! 

Responsibility is fire.  Everyone around you will just terribly be impressed, inspired, want to be part of you!  They will be awestruck by you. 

Commitment can be sometimes binding, boring.  Responsibility is liberating, rejoicing, liberating and celebrating.

Only in the level of Thanedar or Kothari, I expect commitment from you all.  But the moment you move to the next level, I only expect responsibility from all of you.  Means, delivering it!  Delivering it!  That’s all!

Till you become responsible, commitment is needed like an initial protection.  When there is no initial protection fence, a great Banyan Tree can be killed as a small sapling by an ordinary goat!  You need high protection.  High protection!  High protection!  Commitment can be initial level protection for responsibility to grow.  But commitment can never be a lifestyle.  It should never become a lifestyle.  Responsibility should become the lifestyle.  Commitment is like asking you to give your thumb impression when you come, when you go.  Responsibility is like you having the key of the whole thing.  But there are many people who have the key, but not responsibility.  They are the curse on the system.  They are the suffering on the system. 

In responsibility, there is no question of reason.  You just deliver, and you know how to deliver.  The moment you say, ‘I am depressed’, ‘I am tired’, ‘I am struggling’, then forget about it!  Then you need commitment, not responsibility now.  There is a big difference between these two.  Sometimes they are completely different.  Sometimes they can even be diametrically opposite, diametrically opposite. 

Our school, the whole Gurukul is built on responsibility.  I want all of you to know, our kids are two years ahead of their syllabus!  Two years ahead of their syllabus!  For their age, if the kid is supposed to be in tenth class in the outside school, the same kid in our school has completed twelfth class, twelfth grade!  I am giving an example.  If the kid is supposed to be in eighth grade in outside schools, here they finished tenth grade with distinction, flying colours! 

If you see, all my Guru Pujas are done only when people don’t become responsible.  I push commitment as a punishment for not taking responsibility.  If you take responsibility, I will be the first person to free you from all commitments.  When the responsibility does not grow, I ask you to be committed. 

I really want new human-beings to evolve, who are highly responsible, totally non-committed.  Highly responsible, totally non-committed!  I hope to see those new beings soon!

With this, I will move to the Kalpataru process. 

All the participants who came for Kalpataru, please sit straight.  Pen down one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions, doubts, impossibilities you have around that thought.  Please pen down both.

(After a few minutes.....................)

Now please sit straight.  Complete with all the incompletions you carry and drop them.  Create the space for what you want to cause.  If you want health, visualize already health is there.  If you want wealth, visualize already wealth is there.  So, experience Complete Completion.  Experience Complete Completion and the reality of what you want to cause.  Namah Shivaya!


I bless you all!  Whatever space you are holding, let it become reality!  Whatever space you are creating, let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!

Naomi, Singapore, birthday blessings!  With all the auspiciousness, you will be with me, I will be with you!  Blessings!

Port Washington-New York, Sarah Goldblatt, birthday blessings!  With all the auspiciousness, you will be with me, I will be with you!  Blessings!  Sarah, blessings!  Birthday Blessings!

We will have SMKT meeting now after the Kalpataru Darshan for the Bidadi participants.

So, I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, NIthyananda!  Thank you!


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