Monday, 6 October 2014

28 sep 2014

28 Sep 2014/sunday


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today, we are having Navaratri and Venkateshwara Brahmotsava, both.  Navaratri: Devi is gracing all of us.....with Lakshmi and Saraswathi serving her, as Rajarajeshwari.  And, Venkateshwara is gracing all of us in the form of Narasimha Avatara on the Golden Lion Vehicle, Narasimha Avatara on Simha Vaahana.

Let us enter into Living Advaitha Process.  Let us enter into the Living Advaitha Process.

Today, I wanted to insist on a very important point – BUILDING BIO-MEMORY AND MUSCLE-MEMORY OF ADVAITHA.

Listen!  Muscle-memory gets built by repetition.  Bio-memory gets built by, again and again, taking decision.  Please listen!  Muscle-memory gets built by repetitive actions.  If you constantly smoke, chain smoker, the muscle-memory becomes so strong with smoking, you cannot live without smoking.  If you don’t smoke, you will feel as if your whole being is imbalanced.  You can’t think fluently, you can’t sleep, you cannot live your life, you feel suffocation and all sorts of things.  Repetition action builds muscle-memory.  Repetitive decisions build bio-memory.  The context, the context, and the context from which you make decision, the more number of times that repeats, the bio-memory gets strengthened.  I have seen many times the chain smokers cannot attend even two-day programme!  They will plan to run away!  People who have some habit like gutkha, smoking, when they come to the ashram, just two days of this fresh air and not having this smoking, gutkha, they cannot handle!  But if they handle, they will have a big breakthrough.

I want you to know, IN BIO-ENERGY ALL OF US ARE INCARNATIONS!  This is the major three layers of us, what we call as “we”:

·         BIO-ENERGY, the energy which is operating in this system, the basic fuel;
·         BIO-MEMORY is the decision-making part, cognition and decision-making part;
·         MUSCLE-MEMORY is the execution part.

I am telling you, bringing Advaitha in the bio-energy level is not at all a struggle; it is a very sweet thing.  That is why, all over the world, you may belong to any religion, simply Advaitha appeals to you, because, in bio-energy level all of us are Advaithi.  You may be a Buddhist, Jain, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, whatever may be your cultural background, atheist, no religion, whatever, I tell you, the moment you are explained Advaitha logically, simply you will see not only you are accepting it, you don’t have resistance, so many of the Advaithic concepts you accept as a natural law of life.  Accepting Advaitha as a natural law of life is not at all difficult for anybody.  Don’t have any special pride that you accepted Advaitha as a natural law of life.  It is natural for everyone.  Anybody who is alive will simply accept Advaitha, because, in the bio-energy level all of us are Advaithi.  Actual need is building the bio-memory of Advaitha; means, from the context of Advaitha taking decisions.  Building bio-memory!  From the context of Advaitha when you take more and more decisions, you will build Advaithic bio-memory.  From the context of Advaitha if you do more and more actions, you will build muscle-memory, Advaithic muscle-memory. 

The biggest problem is, we forget to build Advaithic bio-memory and Advaithic muscle-memory.  I can say with all the authority, not with any arrogance, not with any pride, with all the authority and responsibility, responsibility of self-criticism, I can say, we stupid Hindus even started talking against building the bio-memory and muscle-memory of Advaitha.  ‘Advaitha, if it is accepted in the bio-energy level, it is enough.  After that just sit.’  How can just sitting happen unless you build Advaithic bio-memory and Advaithic muscle-memory?  Non-action has become a philosophy of spirituality.  Like a cancer!  That is one of the biggest mistakes, conspiracies.  In course of time, the belief has been spread that if you accept Advaitha in your bio-energy, that is enough, and nothing else needs to be done.  No!  It is completely wrong!  If you have the idea that Ramana Maharshi did not build Advaithic bio-memory, Advaithic muscle-memory, J. Krishnamurthy did not build Advaithic muscle-memory, Advaithic bio-memory, you are wrong!  Every day, tons and tons of Advaithic bio-memory based decisions to build Advaithic bio-memory, Ramana Maharshi took!  And tons and tons of actions to build Advaithic muscle-memory, Ramana Maharshi did!  J. Krishnamurthy took tons of decisions to build Advaithic muscle-memory.  He did tons of actions to build Advaithic muscle-memory. 


I have seen, seeing, different levels of siddhas.  I have seen, seeing, different levels of enlightened beings, different levels of awakened beings.  Because of my love for you my disciples, I am revealing the truth as it is.  Please understand, the secret is: Building Advaithic Muscle-Memory and Advaithic Bio-Memory, action from the context of Advaitha, work from the context of Advaitha, that makes Living Advaitha happen in you. 

Continuously the highest spiritual traditions are shown as non-action traditions, which is wrong, which is not true.  The moment you visualize a Zen person, a Zen master, they are always portrayed as sitting in a cave.  But, originally, when you meet a Zen master in his close quarters, he will be such an active person!  The portrayal of Ramana Maharshi shows as if he was always in non-action.  I have personally met tons of people who lived around him twenty-four hours.  They all claim he is a workaholic!  They all unanimously declare that he is a workaholic!  The grace and peace he radiates in the photographs should not be mistaken as non-action he lived.  The grace J. Krishnamurthy radiates, the peace he radiates in his photographs should not be mistaken as a non-action space he lived.  I had a close connection with J. Krishnamurthy’s thirty-years’ Personal Secretary.  He has donated, thirty-years’ Personal Secretary of J. Krishnamurthy has donated a huge property for us as an ashram.  His reminiscence says very clearly that J. Krishnamurthy was highly active.  I am telling you, I don’t even need to give the reference of J. Krishnamurthy, Ramana Maharshi, and Zen masters, I am telling you from my experience, drop this stupidity of inaction, non-action as spirituality.  Non-action and inaction is demonic, devilish!  Action based on Dvaitha and non-action, both are demonic.  Action based on fear, action based on greed, action based on incompletions, and non-action based on incompletions, both are devilish, demonic.  Advaitha needs to be felt in bio-energy level, decided in bio-memory level, acted upon in muscle-memory level.  Constantly you have to think and align your decisions to Advaitha in bio-memory level.

Let me define all these three words:

·         Muscle-memory is the memory which gets built due to your day-to-day actions, habitual level in your muscles, like smoking, drinking, waking up, going to bed, your eating style, dietary preferences; all this is muscle-memory.   

·         Bio-memory is the way you react, the way you respond, the way you handle situations, your spontaneous reactions and decisions.  That is a collection of your beliefs, collection of your identities, collection of the way you respond, that put together is bio-memory. 

So, constantly, your bio-memory needs to be refined with Advaitha.  For example, when your mother-in-law tells that you are useless, the way you react, the way you respond, see is it from the Advaithic context?  When your boss shouts at you, the fire you feel in your body, is it from Advaithic context?  At night when you come back to the house, your spouse’s reaction and your re-reaction for your spouse’s reaction, look is it from the Advaithic context?  So, align, build your bio-memory consciously every day.  Just because yesterday you did not build some parts of you Advaithically does not mean you cannot build today.  You did not build yesterday, and if you believe you cannot build today, it is incompletion.  Yesterday you may not have built it, today you can build it is Advaitha.  In every step look.  Look and see in your every decision.   

Please understand, your every decision builds bio-memory, every action builds muscle-memory.  Your every decision builds bio-memory, your every action builds muscle-memory.  Whether your bio-memory gets built in a right way or wrong way is based on your decision, but every decision builds your bio-memory.  Same way, your muscle-memory; every action builds your muscle-memory, right or wrong, good or bad.  Decision and action based on Advaitha, non-duality, is a basic requirement for Living Advaitha.  To experience the fruits of, siddhis of, powers of Living Advaitha, you need decision and action, decision and action.

When your bio-energy, bio-memory, muscle-memory, all the three are completely aligned and filled with Advaithic space, then, you may be in action or inaction, you will be radiating Advaitha; but your inaction itself does not let you radiate Advaitha.  Every decision, just see, is it authentic?  Is it aligned to your declared Inner Image, Outer Image, Others Image and Life Image?  That is what I call “deciding Advaithically”.  The Trishul tattoo I asked all our devotees to have is nothing but just the symbol to remind you:  Are you deciding Advaithically?  Are you acting Advaithically?  It is a reminder.  Trishul is the symbol of Advaitha.  The power of Mahadeva is Advaitha.  The Advaithic bio-energy, Advaithic bio-memory, Advaithic muscle-memory, all the three put together, Advaitha.  Trishula is symbol of Advaitha.  Ask yourself: ‘Am I deciding Advaithically?’  With every action, ask yourself: ‘Am I acting Advaithically?’  Decide Advaithically.  Every decision you make from morning till night, the moment you wake up, the way you wake up, from that to the way you brush, the reason you brush.  We may all brush our teeth, but we all have different reasons to brush our teeth.  Understand, no two men’s reason to brush the teeth is same!  Yes!  For somebody, it should look a little white and pretty to attract the girl friend or boy friend; for somebody, it is just hygiene reason; for somebody, only then you will be allowed to drink coffee; for somebody, only then you will feel comfortable to drink coffee.  Tons of reasons even to brush your teeth!  For somebody, ‘Oh, I have to maintain my teeth.  Only then in the old age I don’t need to wear artificial teeth.’  For somebody, health; for somebody, hygiene; for somebody, beauty.  Various, thousands of reasons!  For somebody, all put together!  Even to brush your teeth, the reasons vary!  Look even there.  Your reason for brushing the teeth, is it Advaithic?  Yes, it can be Advaithic!  ‘Why do I want to brush?  To keep the body healthy.  Why?  Because, Advaitha needs to be lived, the world needs to be enriched.  Enriching is going to make me live Advaitha.  For that I need to be healthy.  So let me be.’  It can be from Advaithic context.

Husband says, ‘When I get mad at you, you never fight back.  How do you control your anger?

Wife: ‘I clean the toilet.’

Husband says: ‘How does that help?’

Wife: ‘I use your tooth brush!’

So....HAHAHAHA....each one has....HAHAHA....their own reason why you should brush, understand? HAHAHAHAHA!

Every reason can be aligned.  Please understand, it may look very simple.  ‘Whether I decide from Advaithic space or just I want to show my teeth to my girlfriend, I am going to brush.  How does it make a difference?’  No, it makes a difference!  The reason!  Even if the action doesn’t change, the change in the reason makes the difference your bio-memory.  So, please understand, spend time in bringing the right reason.  After two days you may not remember the reason, but you will continue to brush the teeth in the same way, but the change of decision has already happened.  For example, last two years you are brushing teeth only to show your teeth to your boyfriend or girlfriend.  But, now, two days, consciously you decide, ‘From now I am brushing the teeth only to enrich Advaitha.  I am brushing so I will keep myself healthy, hygienic.  So I can enrich the world with Advaitha.  Advaitha will enrich me.  To live Advaitha, to radiate Advaitha, I am brushing my teeth.  When you bring yourself to this conscious decision, few days, to the level where spontaneously you remember only this as your reason for brushing, after that even if you forget, if you remember the reason, you will remember only the Advaithic context, or you will not remember any reason.  That is okay.  That is what I am calling as “aligning to Advaithic decisions”. 

Such a simple act as brushing your teeth, to the peak acts of your life, decision-making in your finance, decision-making in your job, decision-making in your career, decision-making in your relationships, whether it is psychological, emotional, or physical, in everything let Advaitha be the context.  Learn to roll your bio-memory with Advaitha.  Learn to roll your bio-memory with Advaitha.  Why do you wear rudraksha?  Let there be Advaithic reason.  Why do you wear jewellery?  Let there be Advaithic clarity.  Why do you wear the bhasma?  Let there be Advaithic clarity.  Why do you wear the dress you wear?  Let there be Advaithic clarity.  Why do you live in the house you live?  Let there be Advaithic reason.  Why do you live in the city you live?  Let there be Advaithic decision.  Let everything, everything, be built again and again and again from the Advaithic context!  Earlier you might have been brushing to show to your boyfriend or girlfriend.  Now you may be brushing from the Advaithic context.  The moment you remember the reason, the reason is Advaitha, means that is enough.  You may ask the question, ‘How does it make a difference?  Brushing is after all one and the same.’  Don’t think like that.  Brushing may be the same, but when you build the Advaithic context constantly in other actions, where it is not same based on the reason also will change quickly for Advaitha.

Bhaktika asks, ‘I am brushing to live and spread Advaitha.  But what is Advaitha?  What is an Advaithic decision?  Can you recap what is Advaithic context?’ 

Now I am recapping the Advaithic context: Aligning you to your best Inner Image, Outer Image, Others Image, Life Image, is Advaithic context.  When the four are in the space of non-duality....  You have four in you – Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra and Eeshaana.  When all the four are aligned, you become Sadashiva. 

·         Brahma, Creation, Inner Image.  That is why Brahma suffers so much.  In all mythology, he is the poor guy, does not have a temple.  He is the Inner Image.  All the time only he gets reprimanded.

·         The Outer Image is Vishnu.  Worshipped.  Because that maintains the crux.  That maintains everything.  That is the centre. 

·         Others Image, Rudra.  Constantly destroys.  

·         Life Image, Eeshaana.

All these four represent, all these four, if all these four are aligned, you become Sadashiva! 

Let me bring it to a very practical....the language in which you can understand.  The best Inner Image you want to have, Outer Image you want to have, Others Image you want to have, and Life Image you want to have, aligning you, aligning your decisions to these four is “building Advaithic bio-memory”, acting based on these aligned four is “building Advaithic muscle-memory”.  Aligning you mentally to these four Authentic Identity....  See, the best Inner Image, best Outer Image, best Others Image, and Best Life Image aligned is called “Authentic Identity”.  Aligning you mentally to your Authentic Identity is “building Advaithic bio-memory”, aligning your actions to your Authentic Identity is “building your Advaithic muscle-memory”. 

I think now I have defined the whole thing clearly.  No doubts left.  Please start acting!  No, we raise questions as if, once the moment it is cleared, we are going to execute it.  And after I clear all the doubts, ‘No, casually I asked.  Because you are here I am here.  Let me also ask some questions.’  No!  Only if you are clear, once you are clear, you are going to act upon it, you have a right to question.  The right to raise a doubt to a Master, the right to ask a question to a Master comes to you with your decision to live!  Only a mumukshu, jignaasu, has the right to take the Master’s time by presenting a doubt or a question.  So, if you present a doubt or a question, you should take the responsibility to live it the moment it is clarified. 

So, from the moment you wake up, till you go to bed, where you lie down, how you lie down, why you fall asleep, why do you want to sleep, till that decision.....  See, the moment you wake up, why you wake up, that decision, to the moment you fall asleep, why you want to fall asleep, till that decision, let the whole thing be tuned to your Authentic your Authentic Identity.  I am telling you, this is the most simple, most powerful, most secret, Raja Vidya, Raja Guhya, Raja Sulabha methodology, Raja Sarala methodology, for living Advaitha.  This is the most simple, most powerful process for living Advaitha.

I tell you, when you are brushing your teeth to show to your girlfriend, when you are brushing your teeth from the Advaithic context, the brushing may not change, but, when you build the bio-memory of doing everything from Advaithic context, your other actions will start changing.  That is why I am saying, even the smallest decisions like brushing your teeth, do it from Advaitha.  Even when you apply Vibhoothi – ‘Anything I do out of incompletion is going to end like this ash only.  So, no more incompletions.  From the context of incompletion how much ever I act and create, finally it is going to become this ash.  So, let all the decisions which come from here, come only from Completion.  No more incompletions.’ 

This rudraksha, so heavy on the shoulders, five-thousand, ten-thousand! The other day I was telling, we are the largest rudraksha consumers now.  Our Sangha, we are the largest rudraksha consumers.  Because, we have at least, I think, a thousand Kotharis, and each Kothari is wearing five-thousand rudrakshas.  And, at least fifty Mahants, and each Mahant is wearing ten-thousand rudrakshas.  Apart from that, the regular mala!  All these heavy rudrakshas is just to tell our bio-memory and muscle-memory: ‘Act only from the space of Advaitha!  Act only from the space of Advaitha!  Think Advaitha!  Live Advaitha!  Act Advaitha!  Eat Advaitha!  Drink Advaitha!  Sleep Advaitha!’  When you fall asleep, decide: ‘I am now letting my body and mind to rest so that in the deeper levels of my being I can align myself to my Authentic Identity.  My body and mind ran from morning till now to align itself to Advaitha.  Now it is feeling tired and wants to rest.  Let both of you rest.  I will be busy aligning all our different components in the deep sleep to Advaithic state.’  Because you don’t sleep! 

Please understand, you need to understand, you don’t sleep.  Your body and mind only sleeps!  Tell this to yourself every night:  ‘The various dark corners of my being, the blind spots of my being, unattended parts of my being, I will spend time with all of them, aligning me to Advaitha.’  It is a night-shift, that’s all.  When you are awake, day-shift Advaitha; when you are asleep, night-shift Advaitha; that’s all! 

See, now what I said, is a rough guidance.  You create your own decisions about which you are convinced completely.  Your own decisions about which you are convinced completely is the meditation technique for you.  Repeating that is the spiritual practice for you.  Develop your own spiritual practice.  I can give you the direction, but the specific wordings you can develop on your own.  So, tell yourself, ‘When I wake up tomorrow morning, I will be more Advaithic, because, the whole night all my unknown parts I am going to align to Advaitha.  I am going to align to Advaithic action.’  

I tell you, once you start aligning even fifty-one percent of your decisions to Advaitha, after that even your fears will force you towards Advaitha!  I am telling you, your desires, even your fears will push you towards Advaitha.  See, once that tipping point is found, means fifty percent of your decisions become Advaithic bio-memory, even if you are terrorized for some reason, you will just fall back on Advaitha to take decision.  Even if a tiger is in front of you, snake is about to attack you, you will fall back into Advaitha to take decision.  If you touch even the electric wire, the live wire, even if you get electrocuted, you will fall back on Advaitha to take a decision.  Falling back on Advaitha even in the most dangerous moments of your life is called “Ichcha Mrithyu” – ability to live and die as you wish. 

Understand, the bio-memory which falls back on Advaitha even at the moments of terror, even when you are electrocuted, shocked, terrorized, attacked, cornered, if you fall back on Advaitha, you have the power of “Ichcha Mrithyu”, because, now Advaithic bio-memory takes you over and that decides whether to continue to get electrocuted and leave this body, or to remove your hand and stop the electrocution and continue to live in this body, or use the electrocution itself to awaken some Advaithic powers in your brain, and use this situation to build a more powerful Advaithic bio-memory, Advaithic bio-memory decides, understand?  

Getting terrorized can wake Advaithic power in you.  This has happened in the life of Arunagari, Arunagirinathar, not Arunagiri Yogishwarar, Arunagirinathar, the devotee of Subramanya.  He jumped from the temple tower.  But, fortunately, the tipping point had already happened; fifty-one percent of taking decision based on Advaitha had happened.  Because of that fifty-one percent tipping point, even when he jumped from the tower, even at that terrorized moment, he fell back only on the Advaithic bio-memory to decide whether to smash the body and leave the body, drop the body, or to do something to strengthen the Advaithic experience more in this situation, what to do.  The Advaithic power took over and decided:  it stood as Subramanya and held, awakened from fifty-one percent, became hundred percent, and he started living Advaitha.  This has happened to Valmiki!  This has happened to Pattinathar!  Becoming powerless, getting terrorized, even that moment can become Advaithic moment in your life. 

I can quote thousands of Masters’ lives.  Jnanasambandhar, when he assumed the body itself, it was more than fifty-one percent.  So, when he was terrorized with the loneliness of missing his father...  Father entered the temple tank to do his pranayama.  He put his head under the water.  The child was terrorized missing the father, and he felt extreme loneliness.  Even then he fell back on the Advaithic space.  The Advaithic bio-memory took over to decide.  Even feeling terrorized, he did not fall into powerlessness to take decision; he fell on the Advaithic bio-memory to take decision.  And the Advaithic bio-memory decided:  ‘Come on!  Now I am here to pour the milk of Advaitha into you, amritha of Advaitha into you!’, and he woke up as Jnanasambandhar! 

It may look a little difficult, but it is not.  Spend two days just going on noting down from morning till night all the decisions you make.  And each decision take two minutes how to align that Advaithically.  ‘Yes, first decision: Waking up.  What I feel?’  Pen down.  Then decide how it can be aligned to Advaitha, Authentic Identity.  Once you align, tick it.  ‘Next what I do?  I put my foot on the ground.  What is the mood I usually have?’  Pen down and then see is it aligned Advaithically? Align it consciously and declare, ‘From now onwards, this is the thought I am going to have when I put my foot first on the ground.’  Tick it.  Sit and align.  From the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep, it may be a little boring in the initial level.  You may feel, ‘No, no, no.  This and all is not required.  I am already Advaithic.  I will just align myself to Advaitha.’  If you think like that I have no problem.  It is up to you.  But, I tell you, anybody, if your fifty-one percent has become Advaithic context, you are saved!  No one can destroy you!  Even if somebody tries to create fear in you, you will only become more and more Advaithic.  If somebody tries to terrorize you, you will only become more Advaithic.  ‘See, the people who are trying to terrorize me, I am only becoming more and more strong in me.  They think by terrorizing me, they can make me some different.  The more they try to terrorize me, the more I fall into Advaitha to find a solution.  The more the powers of Advaitha is expressing.  The more the threats you create, the more I dive into Advaitha.  The more I dive into Advaitha, the more powers I will be expressing, it is only going to terrorize you, not me.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Finally, this is the way!  I win the game, you lose the game!’ 

I tell you, once you make yourself fifty-one percent Advaitha, the tipping point, even if somebody terrorizes you, something terrorizes you, it will only make you more Advaithic, more powerful.  Even bad cannot do bad to you.  Even bad has to do inevitably good to you.  This is what I call “Advaitha Kavacha”, the protection armour of Advaitha, the Kavacha of Mahadeva.  No one can terrorize you.  No one can shake you.  If you just move the tipping point of fifty-one percent of your decisions from the Advaithic context....I am not even asking fifty-two percent....fifty-one percent is enough, because your other forty-nine will never be united, understand?  If fifty-one percent is there for you, that is enough; because, your opposition will never be united and stand as forty-nine!  Some will go away for fear. Some will go away for anger.  Some will go away for desire.  So, your opposition will never be united forty-nine.  Even if they are united forty-nine, you are fifty-one!

Sit and align from morning till night all your decisions to Advaithic context.  Don’t ever think your brushing your teeth and all is too small an act, why that should be aligned to your Advaithic context.  It is not too small.  Because you are repeating it every day, it is big.  Because of the sheer number of repetitions, sheer number of repetitions, it becomes big.  It may be a simple act, but it is not a small act.  It may be a simple act, but it is not a small act.  Dressing up, what you dress, why you dress, let it be Advaithic.  Let your decisions be aligned to Advaitha, your actions be aligned to Advaitha. 

Two things you need to remember: 

·         One, existing thoughts and existing actions being aligned to Advaitha; and new thoughts and new decisions, new actions also should be from Advaitha.  Aligning all existing thoughts and actions to Advaithic bio-memory is called “Prathyaahaara”.  Creating new thoughts, new actions based on Advaithic bio-memory, is called “Kaarana”.  And maintaining it is “Dhyaana”.  And radiating it is Advaitha, “Samadhi”.  Whatever is aligned, whatever will be aligned, when “is” and “will” is aligned, life is easy.  “Is” and “will” is aligned, will be easy.  So, Advaithic context means, aligning to the best Inner Image, Outer Image, Others Image, Life Image.

·         Second, if your thoughts are aligned to this Authentic Identity, it is building bio-memory.  If your actions are aligned to this Advaithic bio-memory, it becomes muscle-memory. 

And I don’t even have enmity towards the people who cherish enmity towards me, because their enmity is in no way affecting me.  Because it does not affect me, I don’t have enmity.  And, day by day, I am seeing they also lose their enmity.

Aligning all your thoughts and actions which already exist to your Authentic Identity is “Authenticity”.  Taking responsibility and aligning all your new thoughts and actions to your Authentic Identity is “Enriching”.  All the new actions and thoughts, take responsibility to align from the Advaithic Authentic Identity, it will be “Enriching”.  Whatever you do, whether it is your office work, house work, Sangha work, it will be enriching.  Whatever seed you put, that only will become tree.  So, any action and decision you do from Advaithic context will simply become enriching.  I am redefining “Enriching”: Creating actively new-new thought-trend, new-new action-trend from the Advaithic context is “Enriching”.

I want all of you to be the Advaithic atomic power stations, Advaithic atomic power stations.  Not atom bomb, not for destruction, but for creation.  Power Centres!  Energy Centres!  All of you should be the Advaithic atomic power stations supplying energy to anybody who comes in contact with you.  Radiate that thought-trend so powerfully, so convincingly, so beautifully, anyone who comes in contact with you gets spiritually electrocuted.  “Spiritually electrocuted”, that is the word I want to use.  With Advaithic power, with the power of Advaithic bio-memory, with the power of Advaithic muscle-memory, be my disciples.  Set a trend.  Set a trend for the new consciousness to evolve, new bio-memories and muscle-memories to evolve.  Live like moving gods and goddesses.  Live like moving gods and goddesses, devathas and devis.  Live like a god on Planet Earth.  And we are from the tradition where we accept anyone can become god.  We do not say god is one.  God is oneness, not one!  So, understand, God is oneness, not one!  Celebrate!  Your tradition tells you the truth, God is infinite.  God is infinite.  Ekathwa, not Eka!  Ekathwa, not Eka!  Oneness, not one!  This one statement – Oneness, not one – I have clarified tons of doubts with which Indian orthodox schools are struggling and suffering.  Some of the biggest debates held in Indian orthodox philosophy schools I have solved it just by this one statement – Oneness, not one.  I want all of you, my disciples, to be an Advaithic atomic power station where you radiate spiritual energy wherever you are, whatever way you are.

The other day, all the three Mahants who have become authentic Mahants, for all three of them I gave a healing stick which I was using for last so many years.  I gave it to them and said, ‘Whoever you touch with this, they will be healed!’  And these Mahants are going around, just taking bhiksha house to house and healing!  The miracles of their lifestyle now!  If they touch hundred people with that healing stick, all hundred get healed!  It is not ninety-nine or ninety-eight percent.  I wanted to tell the people who are talking about Placebo Effect in the TV, first of all my healing is more percentage than Placebo Effect.  And Placebo Effect is not itself Placebo Effect as you think.  In the modern day, so much of research is going on about the Placebo Effect, and it says even the Placebo Effect is the power of their own consciousness.  So, I wanted all the people who talk about Placebo Effect to read a little more about Placebo Effect.  So many people tell, ‘Oh, healing is Placebo Effect.’  Very easy to tell!  Why don’t you then create?  You also learned a lot.  So many people have learned; that is why they are saying, ‘Placebo Effect’.  If it is a Placebo Effect, come on!  It is something more than Placebo Effect.  It is not Placebo Effect.  Just using that one word – “Placebo Effect” – you cannot discredit the whole science of awakening their consciousness.  Even Placebo Effect, people go through that only if their inner consciousness allows it, understand?  I am seeing, these authentic Mahants, they just go house to house, shop to shop, and ask for bhiksha.  When they give bhiksha, people ask: ‘Who are you?  Where are you from?’  Then they say, ‘We are from Swamiji’s ashram.’  Immediately they ask for healing.  Because, already it is established  that Nithyananda and his people heal, spiritual healing.  So, immediately they just put the stick to has almost become like a big spiritual evolution!  Wherever these Mahants go, hundreds of people gather and everyone gets healed on Day One! 

Understand, build powerful bio-memory and muscle-memory based on Advaithic action, Advaithic Activism.  The need to align your existing actions and thoughts to Advaitha, and anything which is created should be aligned to Advaitha, and aligned to Advaitha creating new thoughts and new actions.  Aligning the existing thoughts and actions to Advaitha is “Authenticity”.  Aligning all the new actions and thoughts to Advaitha is “Responsibility”.  Creating new thoughts and actions from the space of Advaitha is “Enriching”.  Come back to Advaitha!  Live Advaitha!

The homework for this week: From morning till night note down each action and ask if it is coming from the context of Advaitha.  If not, how to make the context of Advaitha, and aligning it to Advaitha.

More and more actions need to be done to prove Advaithic context, to bring Advaitha in your bio-memory.  More and more thinking and action need to be done from Advaitha to purify your bio-memory and muscle-memory.  Don’t sit and relax: ‘Let things happen.’  No!  Don’t sit and relax with the idea, “Let things happen”.  No!  That is not spiritual way.  “Let us make things happen” is a spiritual way!  “Let us make as we want just by remembering it” is the Advaithic way!  “Let things happen” is the incompletion way.  “Let us make things happen” is the spiritual way, Completion way.  “Let us make it happen just like that” is the Advaithic way!  And, let us make it happen just like that! 

The essence of today’s LAP session: LET US MAKE IT HAPPEN JUST LIKE THAT!

Again, as I said, we are having NDY (Nithya Dhyan Yoga programme).  Today also we are going to have a long day.  And, let us get ready for NDY. 

As I said, the homework will be: You have to sit and align from morning till night each action and ask if it is coming from the context of Advaitha.  If not, how to make the context of Advaitha, and aligning it to Advaitha.

So, I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!


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