16th January / Friday
Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||
I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha all over the world.
Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha all over the world: Enriching Temple-Bidadi, Singapore-Singapuram, Oman-Sivagangai, Jorpati-Nepal, Rajapalayam Aadheenam, London-Kashi, Minot-North Dakota, Warrington-UK, Ohio-Prayag, Colombo-Sri Lanka, Bangalore North, Toronto-Thiru Kailasa Aadheenam, Seattle-Chidambaram, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Surrey-Canada, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Nithyananda University-Paris, Houston-Kalahasthi, San Jose-Madurai, Charlotte-Srisailam, Scottsdale-Arizona, Cluj-Romania.....and some more cities are joining...........
I welcome all of you with my love and respects.
I AM READY! Let us start the mantras!
Just before entering into the mantras, our Publications Department has done an amazing work of already releasing the e-book, “Upanishads Demystified – Living Advaitha Series”, my introduction to Upanishads. My introduction to Upanishads, all these days’ satsanghs are already transcribed and available as an e-book. You can download it freely from our website – www.nithyananda.org. “UPANISHADS DEMYSTIFIED – Akashic Records about Upanishad – Living Advaitha Series”, the book is already ready, thanks to Publications Department! Give a good hand to Publications Department! Blessings to Publications Department! They are really, really active, and doing a wonderful job! Great!
Let me enter into the Sutras today. Let us invoke the presence and blessings of Mahadeva and all the rishis. Let them all bless us to vibrate in the same frequency so we understand and experience the Upanishads!
ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदम् पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते |
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ||
|| ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ||
Om Poornamadhah Poornamidham Poornaath Poornam Udhachyathey |
Poornasya Poornamaadhaaya Poornamevaavasishyathey ||
|| Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthih ||
Om, the Yon is Fullness, this!
Fullness from Fullness doth proceed!
Withdrawing Fullness’s Fullness off,
Even Fullness then itself remains!
(Brihadaranyaka Upanishad)
Now, the introduction, understand.
A normal man’s life in the waking state runs based on logic. How much ever you condemn logic, you cannot drop it, understand? Even after realizing the state of God, if I feel like sneezing, I have to pick up the kerchief and wipe my face. It will not come by itself and wipe my face. The waking state of human life is bound by logic, it functions by logic. Logic is the law of waking state of human life. But, human life is not just waking state as we are all made to strongly cognize. That is where we need to understand.
Listen! When the emotion interferes in any equation, logic loses its base. For example, two plus two is four (2 + 2 = 4) is logic. But, in a painting, the paint you use and the canvas put together is not the painting. That is not equivalent to the painting. Listen! You cannot even come to the logical conclusion the amount of force used by the painter on the brush which reached the canvas and made the paint stick to the canvas. No! The amount of paint used, the amount of force used, the canvas used, all put together can never be the equivalent of the painting, because of the component of “emotion” involved. That is why even the country law gives huge punishment if the crime is a heinous crime. All murderers don’t get hanged. Only if it is the “rarest of the rare”, they get hanged. What decides the “rarest of the rare”? The emotion involved in it! It is like a child is killed. A child is raped and killed. Naturally, there is too much of emotion involved in it. The child has a future; it can’t defend itself; it can’t protect itself. Defenceless! Life! It has a future! When that is harmed or killed, naturally it becomes a “rarest of the rare” crime. Understand, in any field, when the emotion is involved, logic cannot be taken to the end, and that does not give the right result.
Emotion is the “Smell of Consciousness”. That is why your dreams can never be logically analyzed or concluded. Suddenly you will be sitting with somebody, whom you never want to see in your life in the waking state, and having breakfast! Instead of breaking fast, you will be breaking your head! Listen! The natural law of human being’s waking state is called “logic”. The natural law of human being’s dream state is called “emotion”. Even the smell of the Consciousness, which is emotion, if it intervenes in a scene, interferes in a happening, your logical conclusion cannot be arrived at, your logic loses its value, its stature, its status, its ability to answer “Why”, “Who”, “What”, “When”, “Where”, “How”. You can never have an answer for “Why”, “When”, “Where”, “What”, “How”, “Where”. You can never have an answer for “Why”, “When”, “Where”, “What”, “How” of the dream.
Sigmund Freud is the biggest fraud who sold a big hypothetical, a big fraudulent system of thinking to the world, which can never be questioned, and which can never be proved. I have a shocking revelation to all of you. The scientific father of the disease ADHD..... Please understand, I always mentioned in my satsanghs that most of the mental disorders are false diseases created. Now, Leon Eisenberg, scientific father of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), just before his death, he is giving a confession at the age of, I think, above eighty. I was shocked to see that confession. He says, let me quote the exact words, ‘ADHD is a fictitious disease.’ He says, ‘ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease.’ The scientific father of ADHD is uttering these words, and he is dead!
‘ADHD is a fraud intended to justify starting children on a life of drug addiction.’ Dr. Edward C. Hamlyn, a founding member of the Royal College of General Practitioners is making this statement.
Understand, now it is too late. Already, human consciousness, human bio-memory, human muscle-memory, have started believing the “Why”, “How”, “When”, “What”, “Where” of ADHD, and it has already started becoming part of our system of thinking. What a great crime committed against humanity! I always insisted in my satsanghs that if I was born in the West, I would have been branded as “hyperactive” or “indigo child”, or by some name, and they would have given me drugs from the age of one! From the age of one I would have been put on drugs!
They are saying, ‘fictitious disease created with the fuzzy diagnostic methods’. There are tons of articles about this fictitious disease, how they developed it. In whose hands are we?!!
Twenty-four percent, 24.4% of the money is used on promotion of the medicine. Only 13% is used for research and development to make sure the medicine is safe, understand? Only 13% is used to make sure the medicine is safe, but 24%, almost double amount, almost double, is used to push the medicine on the people!
I tell you, please understand, as the embodiment of pure consciousness, I am telling you with all my integrity and authenticity, there is no such thing as “mental disease” that exists, please understand, because, mind is a liquid, it is a fluid. Only solid existence can have conflicts. Liquid existence can never have conflicts. Can water have a conflict with the vessel? Any vessel it gets filled, it just fills itself, understand? Concocted compositions of fears, compiled systematically and preached, is psychiatric and psychological disorders. Please understand, the psycho-pharmacology units all over the world, psycho-pharmacological units all over the world are made to believe by some vested interests, if there is a delusion, instead of waking that person out of that delusion..... It is like, listen, a person is sleeping and dreaming that he is being chased by a tiger, and he shouts, ‘Tiger! Tiger! Save me! Save me!’, in the dream, and he is blabbering even in sleep. You are the person standing next to him and seeing. What you need to do? You have to just tap him and wake him up. That is all is the solution. I am not saying that primary delusion does not exist. There is primary delusion. But, the solution is not as difficult as it is projected, told to us. Please understand, the solution kills more people that the disease! If this chemotherapy and other killing drugs are not there, people will be alive for more time with Cancer than with medicine!
Medicines kill more people than diseases! Listen! The Internet has done such great good to humanity, human society! Some people are using it for bad; that is different. All these truths come out and reach the common man because of Internet. I always feel grateful to Mahadeva, ‘Mahadeva, you blessed me with parents who are completely unaware of all this stupidity. No, really! My mother had started being a little worried about the way I was growing up, because of the power I will exhibit, whether it is physical or mental. But, fortunately, she didn’t have any access to any of these psychiatric concepts. So, she didn’t put me on any psychiatric medicine. She put me with the Gurus and Masters and temple. Actually, she used to be very relieved when she knows I have gone to the temple.....HAHAHAHAHAHA......I have gone to some Swamis, I have gone to some of these Masters. She tried to send me to school, which I was not ready. Neither I was ready, nor the school was ready to have me! HAHAHAHAHAHA! No, actually, the teachers used to feel so relieved when I escape from the class! And I still remember, one teacher, the moment I enter the class, purposely he will stand facing the blackboard, and for five minutes he will not turn, giving five minutes for me to turn and run away! Once, the class leader boy, he said, ‘Sir, Sir, Sir! This boy is running away!’ The teacher replied, ‘Hey, for that only I am turning back! Why are you shouting? Please keep quiet! Let him go!’ HAHAHAHAHAHA! Because, the questions I ask, they never will be able to answer! And they don’t want to answer also!
Listen! The field of emotion can never be logically analyzed, organized, arranged; to understand that, you need a different, altogether different level of cognition. The level of cognition, the cognition which empowers you to experience emotion, is called “Love”. Listen! The cognition which empowers you to experience the law of the waking state is “Logic”. The cognition which empowers you to experience the flow of the emotion is “Love”. Other than Love, nothing else can be useful to dissect, bisect, understand emotions.
Sigmund Freud, the biggest fraud, he exploited the ignorance of human beings, knowing that the component of emotion cannot be logically analyzed and understood. And, same way if you develop a system to analyze logically the component of emotion, you cannot disprove that system also. The grey area of “neither can be proved nor can be disproved” has been abused, misused, manipulated by Sigmund Freud. People who use the grey area...... When you know the law, if you are using the grey area, you are a criminal. If you know the field of emotion, dreams, mind, and you use the grey area, you are a criminal. If you know the science of consciousness, and if you use the grey area, that is the biggest conspiracy. I tell you, most authentic beings who never exploited the grey area of the consciousness, and who presented the truth as it is, are the Upanishadic rishis! Most of the founders of the religious organizations had powers; I am not denying. They had some experience of consciousness. But, they used that grey area to establish their vested interests, using their knowledge and people’s ignorance and inability to disprove what they claim. The combination of all this was used to establish their vested interests. Here are the Masters who don’t even want to spell out their names! Rarely, in conversation, if the names are spelled out by mistake, we have those few names. Other than that, nowhere they are ready to even declare their names. Even in those places, only the last name, the family name, is available for us. “Vyasa” is a title, not a name. It is like “Swami”, how you call me “Swamiji”. It is a title, not name. That much of “apourushyathwa”, that much of non-interference of the author or his vested interests! What a sacrifice!
When I read the Upanishads, again and again I fall in love with the rishis. The rishis who expressed these Upanishads, every time I read, my eyes are filled with bliss tears and I am in love with them.
The person of knowledge..... Please understand, the person who leads the army should never have fear even in a corner of his being, because, so many persons’ courage is exploited by his courage. He cannot have fear even in the corner of his being. He has awakened so many persons’ courage and leading all of them. He has no right to have fear. An intellectual person can have fear, but never hypocrisy to exploit the grey zone, grey area. A person who leads the army has all the rights to exploit the grey area; he has the right to do guerrilla war, he has the right for hypocrisy, but not for fear. An intellectual has the right to have fear, but never to exploit the grey area of knowledge.
Some of the religious leaders – I won’t name; if I name, tomorrow I may not be able to speak on Upanishads – have done more damage to Planet Earth by using the grey area of the consciousness zone. Sigmund Freud used the grey area of the emotional zone where he developed a theory which can neither be proved right nor be proved wrong. As long as it cannot be proved wrong, it can continue to exist. That is what is “using the intellectual grey area”. Same way, some of the founders of some of the religious organizations, when they got some powers, some spiritual powers, by the conscious experiences, but not yet fully awakened and enlightened, used that grey area to establish their vested interests. Here are the rishis, the Vedic rishis! I tell you guys, if you are living the Vedic Tradition, please be proud about it! You are living unexploited, unmanipulated, unadulterated truth as your life. It is told to you as it is! Neither the disease is fictitious, nor the diagnosis is fuzzy methods. If you are screaming seeing the tiger chasing you in your dream and asking for help, the rishis just say, ‘Come on, wake up my son!’ They just wake you up; that’s all!
The system which empowers you in the waking state is “Logic”. The system which empowers you in the emotion, the dream state, is “Love”. The system which can empower you in the conscious state is “Advaitha”. Understand, all your emotions, if you handle it with love, I am giving you hundred percent guaranteed authentic word, all your emotional ups and downs, mood swings, if you handle it with love, it will just empower you and you will never have any disease related to mind. Your fear, your phobias, your depression, everything, handle it with love. You will just be free of all these mental, psychiatric, psychological disorders. This one word “Love” is “Sarva Roga Nivarani” (Cure for all Diseases) for anything mental, psychological, psychiatric disorders. You don’t need to go through this fuzzy diagnostic methods. All the problems of consciousness, all the problems of consciousness, can be handled just by the one principle – “Advaitha”.
Logic will not be useful in the field of emotion, and emotion will not lead you in the right level, the right angle in the field of consciousness. That is why, whenever you fall into the space of emotion, you lose your logic, and when you fall into the space of consciousness, you lose your emotion. If your basic cognition is emotion, you lose all your logic. That is why it is called “falling” in love. Actually, it is not exactly love; it is some kind of attachment, infatuation. When you are infatuated, attached, all your logic disappears. When you are coming in touch with the Advaithic space, all your emotion disappears. Advaithis should live sannyas. Sannyas itself does not lead to Advaitha, understand? First become an Advaithi, Jeevan Muktha. Then sannyas will be successful. Then sannyas is possible. Otherwise, you will start developing attachment to your stupid “kamandalu” – water pot. I have seen, I have seen sannyasis who have left everything, who have dropped attachment to everything; but their “kamandalus”, they can’t leave! Their water pot! Listen! If your cognition moves to Advaitha, automatically you go beyond logic and emotion.
I just cannot control my celebrative mood when I read even one verse of the Upanishad! What a beauty! Beauty in words! Grace in organising the sounds! Never there was so much of beauty expressed in words or the grace organized in sounds!
पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदम् पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते |
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ||
Poornamadhah Poornamidham Poornaath Poornam Udhachyathey |
Poornasya Poornamaadhaaya Poornamevaavasishyathey ||
Just by repeating this one line, I can give up my body! Nothing else is required! Nothing else is required! This one verse was made available to me in my human body is enough; this human body has achieved what it needs to achieve! This one sacred sentiment, this one sacred truth is revealed to me is enough; this human body is useful, it is used more than it can be used! Now it has reached its fulfilment! Anything further, if it is alive, it is a bonus! The cognition, when that gets centred on consciousness, life is love, laughter, joy, and life itself!
Let us now understand how to make our cognition centred on this sacred truth:
“The Whole comes from the Whole and be established in the Whole and gets back to the Whole. And even during this whole process, it remains as Whole!”
How can we align our cognition to it? As I said, mathematically you can never understand this verse. Mathematically you cannot say, “Two comes out of two, and stays as two, and goes back to two; even after that it remains as two”. No! That is why, the concept of “Zero”, no brain was able to conceive other than the rishis’ brain. I am revealing the next Akashic Records. Please listen! Listen! I am revealing the Akashic Records!
When the concept of Zero itself was revealed, the consciousness of the rishi was: the Whole was the value of the Zero, not “nothingness”. Please listen! “Infinity” was the definition of Zero by the Upanishadic rishis. But the logical mind which received these understandings was not able to comprehend. So, they made that as “nothingness”, “Shoonya”. Means, “Sa Anya” – “There is nothing other than this which exists” is “Shoonya”! “Sa Anya” – “Nothing other than this exists”. Means, anything you call as “Anya”, inclusive of that is “Shoonya”. Listen! “Sa Anya” – “Anything which you call as ‘Other’, including all that is “Shoonya”. The Zero of Indian rishis is not the Zero of western mathematicians. The Zero of the Indian rishis is not the Zero of the western mathematicians. Unfortunately, the Zero which got delivered here, travelled there, and came back with a new interpretation and became part of our thinking system. In further satsanghs I will reveal more and more details of applying the original Zero of the Vedic rishis into our logic, love, and conscious cognition.
This one understanding – Zero is not “nothingness”; it is “infinity”! Zero is not “nothingness”; it is “infinity” – if this one statement, if this one cognition is digested into your system, if this one truth becomes your cognition, your whole life will take a new turn; you will not any more believe this stupid theory of you are going to have death and destruction. This stupid theory of “one life” concept, all that will all disappear. How can you have one life? How can life have one life? You can have one body at a time; that is accepted. But how can life have only one life? Then are you just body? Then after the life leaves, the body should be functioning! Then, suddenly, if body is not functioning, something is leaving! What leaves, how that can have only one body? If that is only one body, then it should not be leaving it! Tons and tons of stupid cognitions which you are carrying will melt down, tons and tons of stupid beliefs you are carrying will melt down with this one sacred truth: ZERO IS NOT “NOTHINGNESS”; ZERO IS “INFINITY”.
“Shoonya” as it was discovered, “Shoonya” as it was spelled out by the rishis did not mean “nothingness; it meant “infinity”. “Sa Anya”, means, anything you call it as “Anya”, all that together is “Shoonya”. “Na Anya” – “Nothing other than” is different. “Sa Anya” – “Anything you think or understand or feel as ‘Anya’, is ALL put together”. Means, the possibility for the “other” to exist does not exist in “Shoonya”, because, anything you say “other”, it is already included; that is why it is “Shoonya”!
I am not disagreeing that primarily there is a problem in human beings; but, I am not agreeing to any of these psychiatric, psychological, fuzzy diagnostic methods and the cures. I wanted all my Gurukul kids who are already there, and who are going to come, thousands and thousands, to take up the field of Psychology, Psychiatry, and tell the truth to the world by dedicating their lives to that field and expose that field to the world. I feel, sometimes, it will be really nice if I have a PhD in the field of Psychology, because, then, my words will be taken more seriously. And I WILL get it! I WILL GET IT!
I am not against doctors, psychiatric doctors and psychology doctors, practitioners. No, I am not against them. All I am telling is, even YOU are deluded! The lie is sold to YOU! EVEN to YOU, it is being sold!
I will continue, continue, continue on the Upanishads. I will continue the music started by Mahadeva in his Rudra Veena, in its intense silence. I will continue to hum at least as a background chorus voice of Mahadeva’s beautiful songs, these Upanishads.
Today, the Uttaraanga of Brahmotsava, third day, Theppotsavam! And the day of “Go Puja”, “Maattu Pongal”, Ananda Nandi Dhinotsava! And, as the Vedic community is an agriculture-based community, as our civilization is an agriculture-based civilization, all over India – please understand, Makara Sankranti is not something special to Tamil Nadu; it is all over India – they celebrate this Makara Sankranti, thanking Surya who is the source of life for agriculture lifestyle, and thanking all the animals supporting agriculture. Not just cow and bull, even goats, all the animals are revered, respected today, loved. Gratitude is shown to them. Today we have the “Maattu Pongal” celebration of the “Go Puja” in our “Goshaala”.
And, Singapore, Ma Adeline’s baby, blessings for Ma Adeline (Adeline Oon) and your baby! You can do the “Anna Prashnam” (Hindu ritual of a baby taking its first solid food)! Blessings! You can feed the child with solid food! My presence will be there! Blessings! Blessings to the baby!
Singapore is keeping the deities beautifully! The deities are very happy! Blessings to all the devotees! And especially the puja team! The deities are very happy! You guys have to just quickly get the “Prabhavali” and “Bahumoorthy”, that’s all, and start the worship regularly! Blessings! Oh, Prem Thirtha is the Pujari! Blessings to the Pujari! Blessings! When people are happy seeing the beauty of the deities, the deities are also happy! See, just to see the joy in your eyes only I am wearing all this snake, all this jewellery. Otherwise, what will I do with all these? But, when I see joy in your eyes, I feel joy! When I see you are enjoying, I am enjoying! It is for you to enjoy I am wearing! Because you are enjoying, I am enjoying it! Otherwise, I myself have no enjoyment. So, the deities are also very happy when the devotees enjoy their beauty! When the devotees are happy seeing their beauty, they are also happy; that’s all! My blessings to all you guys!
Real Upanishadic satsangh! It feels like every day I am delivering! The fulfilment of delivering a baby, delivering life!
With this, I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing Living Advaitha, eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you! Be blissful!

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