Monday, 5 January 2015

5th January 2015

5th January 2015 / Monday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

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I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, everyone, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV and Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha all over the world.

Cities sitting with us having Nayana Deeksha all over the world: Toronto-Thiru Kailasam, Houston-Kalahasthi, Ohio-Prayag, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Seattle-Chidambaram, Washington DC-Sripuram, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Scottsdale-Arizona, Brisbane-Australia, Rogers-Texas, Sammamish-Washington, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Colombo-Sri Lanka, Oman-Sivagangai, Singapore-Singapuram, San Jose-Madurai, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Selayang-Malaysia, Port Washington-New York, Enriching Temple-Bidadi, New Jersey-Omkareshwar, New York-Varanasi, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Philip Island-Australia, Dakota Dunes, Karjat-Mumbai, Selayang-Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Surrey-Canada, Melbourne-Tiruvarur, London-Kashi.....and some more cities.

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today the Brahmotsavam, Nithyananda Brahmotsavam is beginning in the ashram and all over the world.  Not only in the ashram, all over the world, the whole Nithyananda Sangha begins the celebration of Nithyananda Brahmotsavam.  All over the world, all the temples, ashrams, are inaugurating the celebrations by “dhwajarohanam” – raising the flag, hoisting the flag – between 9 to 9:20 am.  9 to 9:20 am Indian Standard Time, in Bidadi, the flag will be raised, marking the inauguration of the Brahmotsava, the Jayanthi Brahmotsava, the Avatara Dhina Brahmotsava.

From Tiruvannamalai, the Sannyas Padayatra is starting today.  A large number of devotees are starting from Tiruvannamalai the Sannyas Padayatra.  My blessings to all the devotees!  You will all experience Shivoham!  Continuously chant “Shivoham” and walk; you will experience Shivoham in you.  A large group of devotees is starting the Padayatra, Sannyas Yatra from Tiruvannamalai. 

All over the world, the celebration begins.  Mahadeva and Devi and Guru’s deity, all of them are today in “Sarvalankara”, beginning the Brahmotsava.  Let us receive the grace of Mahadeva and continue the satsangh.

I can see, already all the gods, goddesses, siddhas, rishis, munis, ganas, have landed in Bidadi to celebrate the Brahmotsava!  When an enlightened being is in the body, when an incarnation is in the body, not only human-beings – his devotees, disciples – celebrate his presence, even the siddhas, rishis, kinnara, kimpuruda, gandharva, gandhara, all of them also come down to Planet Earth to enjoy his leelas (divine play) and celebrate his presence.  I can see, already all of them are here to celebrate the Nithyananda Brahmotsava.  Let us raise the flag today, Nithyananda Dhwaja today, and start the Nithyananda Brahmotsava celebrations.

UPANISHADS!  This very word when I utter, the joy experientially radiating!  I feel, again and again, how to introduce this book?  Every dimension of this book is a separate book!  Upanishads are the first and foremost book in the Vedic Tradition which is the first and foremost spiritual tradition of the world.  Very conveniently, comfortably, without any contradiction, conflict, with all my integrity I can tell you, the Vedic Tradition is the first and foremost spiritual tradition on Planet Earth.  Same way, without any conflict, contradiction, confusion, dilemma, with all my integrity, authenticity, I can tell you, Upanishads are the first and foremost books of the Vedic Tradition.  Even the word “book” is a small word to mention Upanishads.  Upanishads, they are the source of all the spiritual thought-trends, all the spiritual thought-currents. 

Please understand, in Vedic Tradition we developed six ways of Liberated Thinking.  Let me explain the word “Liberated Thinking”.  Liberated Thinking means, the thinking style which constantly keeps you excited, enthusiastic, energetic, joyful, rejuvenating yourself, naturally intelligent and naturally aligned to the laws of life, and naturally blissful.  By your very nature, you are blissful, intelligent, conscious, aware. You are hardwired to experience the peak possibility, highest existence.  The thought-trends which awaken your highest possibilities, which make you live your highest possibilities, which make you feel fully excited, fully joyful, fully awakened, fully alive, those thought-trends only we call as “Liberated Thinking Trends”.  The six systems of Liberated Thinking Trends the Vedic Tradition developed are: Sankhya, Yoga, Purva Mimamsa, Uttara Mimamsa, Nyaya, Vaiseshika.  These are the six major Liberated Thinking thought-trends the Vedic Tradition developed.

Sankhya: By understanding Existence, the laws with which Nature is functioning, Prakriti, Nature, and the laws with which it is associated to the Source, Consciousness, by understanding those laws, aligning yourself to it, through this having a liberated thinking is “Sankhya”.

Yoga: Whatever you think as you, your body and mind, tuning this to Existence, through this aligning these two to Existence, through this experiencing the ultimate completion, fulfilment, knowledge, joy, excitement, bliss, existence, and feeling the bliss and experiencing fulfilment, this thought-trend is called “Yoga”.

Please understand, I am just literally cooking the whole Vedic Tradition and giving it to you in the form of a soup, hot soup.  Drink it!  Without any difficulty you can just imbibe.  Just bring your listening, that’s all!

Purva Mimamsa: Through your actions, aligning with the various energies of the Cosmos and experiencing the Ultimate, experiencing enlightenment and fulfilment and Completion, experiencing liberated thinking.  That is “Purva Mimamsa”, Karma Khaanda.

Uttara Mimamsa: And just by aligning your understanding, “buddhi”, about you, god, and the world – Jiva, Eshwara, Jagat – and living the liberated thinking style is “Uttara Mimamsa”, Vedanta.

Nyaya: And just by dividing, dividing, dividing, dividing, dividing, analyzing, analyzing, analyzing, analyzing, analyzing, just through the logic itself understanding and having a liberated thinking is “Nyaya”.

Vaiseshika: Just by adding, adding, adding, including, including, including, through that experiencing liberated thinking is “Vaiseshika”.

Sankhya, Yoga, Purva Mimamsa, Uttara Mimamsa, Nyaya, Vaiseshika – these six Liberated Thinking trends, liberated thought-currents developed by Vedic Tradition, each one of them are independently complete to give you the experience of Liberated Thinking from A to Z, Alpha (Ά) to Omega (Ώ). 

If you are practicing Sankhya, you don’t need any support from Yoga or other Liberated Thinking trends.  Sankhya is enough to take you from wherever you are to take you to wherever you have to be.  Wherever you are, it can reach out to you and take you to wherever you have to be.  It is an independent, intelligent, independently sufficient thinking-trend, through which you can experience Liberated Thinking.  Listen!  Independent intelligence, independently capable of leading you from where you are, wherever you may be, wherever you are to where you have to be.  Sankhya if you are practicing, you don’t need support from any of the other thought-trends.  Same way, Yoga if you are practicing, you don’t need any support from any other Liberated Thinking trend. 

Liberated Thinking trend is what we call in Sanskrit as “Darshana” – “ability to perceive”.  In English, you cannot translate the word “Darshana” as “Philosophy”.  No!  No!  “Philosophy” is too poor, superficial word.  No!  You cannot translate “Darshana” as “Philosophy”.  No!  May be I will create a new word: “Philosia” – “a new possibility to see”.  A few of the Masters have already used this word “Philosia”.  So, I will try to use the same word “Philosia” to transate the word “Darshana”. 

The “Shad Darshanas”, six philosias, Vedic Tradition developed, all the six are developed from Upanishads.  Please understand, Upanishad is the mother who gave birth, who delivered all the Shad Darshanas.  Upanishads is the mother who delivered all the Shad Darshanas.

Each thought-trend, each Liberated Thinking trend gave birth to thousands and thousands of “Sampradhayas”, “Paramparas”, Orders, which is the equivalent of the word “Religion” in the West.  Please understand, what in the western world you understand as “Religion”, in Sanskrit, the equivalent for that word “Religion” is, “Sampradhaya” – Order.  Because, Sanatana Dharma, the Vedic Tradition is the mother where the six thought-currents developed, from which many religions are born.  That is why, again and again, I insist, the Vedic Tradition or Hinduism cannot be framed into a small frame called “Religion”.  It is too small a frame.  Because I am teaching now, if you try to put me into the frame of a “Teacher”, what can I do?  The Vedic Tradition cannot be put under that small frame of “Religion”, because each religion is just one set of lifestyles.  The Vedic Tradition, the Upanishadic lifestyle gave birth to six thought-trends, Liberated Thinking trends, which in turn gave birth to tons and tons of Sampradhayas, Orders, Traditions, Religions. 

Upanishads are too vast to be framed under one religion.  People who write the religious history, the religious historians, have done a big mistake putting the Upanishads into a small frame of “Religion”.  It is a source of all the best thought-trends, Liberated Thinking currents, the way of existing, the way of living, the way of existing, the way of living, with such variety of choices, possibilities, expressed in the Upanishads.  Understand, choice proves the depth, not confusion.  A single-religion people, mono-religion people, always try to abuse the Vedic Tradition as a “confused” religion.  I tell you, choice shows the depth, not the confusion.  When you go to Pizza Hut, if you see a choice of varieties, will you call the owner as “confused”?  No!  Owner is “brilliant”!  That is why he is able to provide choices, varieties. 

Veda Matha, again and again and again, I rededicate my life to Veda Matha whenever I remember her glory, the way she is standing for humanity, the contribution she has done to human consciousness. Anything you see in the world now which you can appreciate, celebrate, is from Veda Matha.  It is from her.  It is her gift to humanity.  Whether it is Mathematics, Astrology, Astronomy, Anatomy, whatever words you use, all the thought-currents, thought-trends, anything best you see, good you see, hear, is her gift, Veda Matha’s gift.  The thought-trends developed from the Upanishads, gift of the thought-trends. 

Upanishads are kept as the highest books in Vedic Tradition.  I tried to name all the sacred books of Hinduism, and then I understood very soon that I have entered into a very stupid venture.  It is overwhelming!  The names I could collect started running around two-hundred-thousand (200,000), and then started going beyond!  And then I said, ‘Veda Matha, I bow down to you!  Forgive my stupidity to measure the depths of you!’  It is like a salt doll trying to go and measure the depth of the Pacific Ocean!  So, in the sacred literature of the Vedic Tradition, Upanishads are kept as topmost.  Non-controversial!  All Sampradhayas, all six Liberated Thinking trends – Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaiseshika, Uttara Mimamsa, Purva Mimamsa – all the six Liberated Thinking trends accept Upanishads as the ultimate book, the first and foremost book. 

The religious historians have done a big mistake of classifying the Upanishads into one frame of religion and pushing it on the Vedic Tradition, or on “Hinduism”, in the modern day as it is described.  I wanted to make it very clear, if I classify Upanishads as books belonging to one religion, I feel I may disrespect the glory and possibility of the Upanishads!  So, I don’t want to do that mistake.  First of all, I cannot classify Upanishads.  If at all I have to, if I am forced to, I may classify them as “Source of all the Liberated Thinking Trends”, source of all the lifestyles which evolves human-beings to the higher levels.  As the Upanishads are the source of all the Liberated Thinking trends which evolves human beings, obviously Upanishads are our first and foremost sacred texts even for our Sampradhaya.

Understand, irrevocably, clearly, I declare with all my integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching and causing, for the Nithyananda Sampradhaya, the Upanishads are the first and foremost sacred textbooks, sacred texts!  Anybody who accepts me as Guru, or your Ishta, whatever way, as a teacher, or whatever way you accept me, you should know very clearly, Upanishads are the first and foremost sacred texts based on which your lifestyle should be aligned.

Upanishads should be read, re-read, understood, realized, lived, radiated, and worshipped.  Worshipped!

Upanishads are the purest, the pristine pure truths.  Upanishads are Existence introducing itself to itself, Existence celebrating itself to itself, Existence showing itself how to become itself.

Formally, officially, today, on this auspicious day, beginning of the Brahmotsavam, first day of the Nithyananda Brahmotsavam, I formally, officially declare Upanishads as the first and foremost sacred texts for Nithyananda Sampradhaya.

Upanishads should be read, re-read, re-read, re-read, understood, digested, lived, should be radiated, spread, and ultimately should be worshipped in our Sampradhaya and our Sangha.  This should be the basic book, first and foremost sacred text for all our followers and for our ashrams, temples, Bala Vidyalayas, Gurukuls, schools, colleges.  For all our Sangha, the first and foremost book anyone should read and digest and understand is Upanishads.

Each verse in each Upanishad, gave birth to Liberated Thinking trends which liberated tons of human beings.  So, I cannot measure the amount of goodness spread by Upanishads, the amount of goodness spread by Upanishads.

I will continue to expand on Upanishads in this Living Advaitha series of satsanghs, Nithya Satsanghs.

With this, I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing Living Advaitha, and eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!  Be blissful!


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