20th April 2014 / Sunday
Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||
I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, sitting with us, Shri Mahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, who are sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities in many countries around the world.
The cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing: Washington DC, Vancouver, Toronto, Brickfield-Malaysia, St. Louis, Seattle, San Jose, Ohio-Prayag, Seremban-Sivakasi, Mattakalappu-Ilangai, Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Nithyananda University-Paris, Varanasi, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda Nagara-Tiruvannamalai, Houston, Pudukottai, San Diego, New York-Varanasi, Toon Moon-Hong Kong, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Guadeloupe, Klang-Malaysia, Abu Dhabi, Colorado Springs-USA, Dakota Dunes, Hong Kong, Auckland-New Zealand, New Zealand-Adi Arunachalam, Bogota-Colombia, Scottsdale-Arizona, John’s Creek-Georgia, Johor-Malaysia, Jorpati-Nepal, Kastav-Croatia, Killinochi-Sri Lanka, Mumbai-Mulund, Santa Fe-New Mexico.....................
With this, I welcome all of you with my love and respects.
Today we have a unique program. I know many of you have been meaning to watch the Webinar – “How To Cause Your Awakening”. I know many of you have watched it once already; may be, you want to watch it again. For all of you today, this is the special opportunity to watch it with me. This is one of the most-watched Webinars I ever delivered. So people were asking so many questions about this Webinar. So, may be, you can think of today’s Webinar as “Director’s Commentary Version”.....Director’s Commentary Version of the Webinar. We will watch it together, and once in a while I will pass and add my comments, answer your questions. After the whole Webinar is over, Ma Atmapriya will give some more details about the May Inner Awakening program in Varanasi, and then I will be back to take your calls and answer your questions directly. After that, I am going to conduct a very special Kalpataru process today. As it is Sunday morning for India, and Saturday evening for all the Western and European countries, we will have a special Kalpataru process, specially the places where everyone wants to have Inner Awakening, for them a special guided process and Kalpataru meditation. You can complete with all the impossibilities and doubts, questions about attending the Inner Awakening.
Let us enter into this great journey.
Video of the Webinar is played:
I welcome you all with my love and respects.
In the course of my spiritual wanderings, when I started my public life, I have met scores and scores of people every day, thousands approach me for solutions for their life problems, for their diseases. For some, life has problems; for some who don’t know what to do with life, life itself becomes a problem! I am seeing so many types of human-beings.
There are some who are running, running, running, running, running, running, running; neither they know they have problem, nor they know there is solution.
There are some who know they have problem, but they don’t know what is the solution.
There are some who know they have problems, but have partial solutions.
There are some who know they have problems, but have wrong solutions.
There are some who know they have problems, but they think every problem should be attended one by one by one like linear.
There are some who almost don’t have any problem, whatever society calls as “success”, the symbols of success – a great car, great house, great family, great bank balance, everything is great; but still they feel their peak possibilities have not become reality; they have not realized their potential; they have not manifested what they are capable of.
There are some, because of their strong self-hypnotizing condition of “impossible”, they have settled with contentment. Their contentment is not out of powerfulness or spiritual strength, it is because of impossibility. They strongly believe, ‘Nothing is possible! So, let me just settle down.’
There are some who have withdrawn from life because of fear of facing the conflicts, contradictions of life. The powerlessness, inability to face the powerlessness, inability to face themselves, inability to face others, inability to face small slips of life, they just withdraw totally.
Whatever level, whatever problem, whatever space people are stuck, all of them ask for solution, a breakthrough. Some people come for health, some people come for a mental breakthrough, some people come for emotional fulfilment, some people come for a fulfilling relationship, some people come for spiritual consciousness. Whatever may be the state they are in, whatever they may want, for all these situations, spaces, states, I have developed, created, one powerful master solution, master key. That is “Inner Awakening” program! It is a twenty-one day transformational program. In this, I use all the greatest methodologies of the Vedic Tradition for transformation, all the methodologies from Vedic Tradition – Yoga, balancing your breathing pattern, right knowledge, visualization, withdrawing, centering, contemplation, using the right verbalization, ultimately aligning you to the reality, awakening your inner potential energy. All the methodology, I am making it available to all of you to reproduce all the components of enlightened living. Usually, in Yoga, meditation, personality development programs, one component of enlightened living is transmitted to you either in an intellectual level, or a little emotional, excitement level. But, here, in this awakening transformational program, all components of enlightened living, all components of the super-consciousness, health, wealthy consciousness, amazing fulfilling relationships, mental equanimity, ultimately the spiritual fulfilment, all components of enlightened living I am reproducing in your system experientially! Please understand – experientially!
You may have the question, ‘How this program works?’ Please continue to listen.
This webinar is all about educating you how this program works, how this science works. Even this will help you, giving you a lot of tips, lot of understanding which you can use in your day-to-day life.
Please understand, the first thing this Inner Awakening program does is, it brings all the pieces of you together and integrates you. See, the social conditioning is such that you are made to live as pieces.
Director’s (Swamiji’s) Commentary: Your pieces completely work opposite to each other. Please understand, if your body and mind is not integrated, don’t think they are working in different directions; they are working in opposite directions! When they work in opposite directions, life not only is non-creative, but destructive. Listen! Continue.....
The greed in front of you, or the fear in front of you, the desire in front of you, decides who you are at that very moment. At any given particular moment, the greed in front of you decides who you are. Suddenly if some other fear comes in front of you, that completely, totally changes the very identity you have about you. Your identity being constantly changed by the fear, greed situations which come in front of you is what I call “life of identity crisis”.
Director’s (Swamiji’s) Commentary: We all know so many different crises – economical, political, social. We forget to look into the very important problem of our life, the “identity crisis”. Please listen! You can see, at one time you think, act, in a best possible way. You have so much of love, care, dedication, comfort with yourself and others. At some other time, you act with so much of cruelty. At one time you are ready to give your blood for others. At some other time, you are ready to just suck others’ life for your cup of coffee! Please understand, even when you give your blood for others, it was an accidental expression of compassion, not the exact scientific, the methodically experienced compassion. Whether it is the good quality, or better quality, or best quality of life, unless it is built methodically, very systematically in you, it can never become part of your being. Accidental compassion does not make you a good person. It may make you do a good act, but not make you a good person. Please listen.....
The Sun can reflect in thousands of mirrors, but thousands of reflections put together can never become a Sun!
Director’s (Swamiji’s) Commentary: You may be doing thousands of good acts, but those thousands of good acts put together cannot become good man, good identity.
You can have fear or greed or whatever emotions; but those emotions and situations defining you, naturally you will live as multiple pieces, piece, piece, piece, piece.
First thing this Inner Awakening program does is, it integrates all your pieces together, makes you understand “Who am I?”, makes you experience a surety about you. Please understand, when you are able to convince everyone about you, but not able to convince you about you, you go through a terrible confusion, the identity crisis. The first thing that happens in the Inner Awakening is, you understand the genesis of your identity......
Director’s (Swamiji’s) Commentary: If your actions try to give you the identity, it is called “Personality”. If your identity does actions in your life, it is called “Individuality”. In the individuality, you are sure about yourself. Ramakrishna beautifully puts it in Sanskrit as “Vidya Ahankaara”! The identity with he knowledge, clarity, being sure about yourself, if your actions try to give description about yourself, I can say, that is what we call as “Maya” – delusion. Continue.......
.....and your different pieces are integrated, you become sure about “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?”, “What is my purpose?” When these major questions of life become clear in you, when you have experiential clarity about these questions – “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?”, “What is my purpose?”, I can say, your life starts.
Director’s (Swamiji’s) Commentary: See, till then, whatever you may have achieved through your actions, words, thoughts, everything might have happened to you – wife, kids, wealth, career, job, money, house, post, power, awards, rewards – but YOU may not have happened to you! Please understand, when you don’t happen to you, everything, everything which happened to you is an accident....is an accident! Continue.......
You discovering the real you can never be equated to any money. It can never be measured in any traditional measuring scale. When you become sure about you, only then all your efforts become meaningful, all your strategies become meaningful. When you are not sure of you, without even knowing, you become against you!
Swamiji Comments: Because you do not know what you really mean by “you”! That is why, many times, I tell people, when they come to me and ask, ‘Swamiji, you know what I want. Please give.’, I tell them, ‘I may know, but you may not know. Please spell it out.’ Because, many times, what is your incompletion you call it as your identity. Your identity, you feel it as your incompletion. Please understand, you don’t know the difference between your tumour part and your muscle part, and you constantly try to encourage the tumour, remove the muscle! So, first you need to know what is your muscle, which part is your muscle, and which part is your tumour. Knowing your tumour and muscle, only then we can decide which one we have to remove through surgery or chemotherapy, which one we need to encourage through vitamin tablets or protein. So, understand, only if you know how you wrote what you wrote, why you wrote what you wrote, you can rewrite. I always tell, ‘Pen writes, Trishul rewrites!’ Please listen! Continue.......
So, the first thing the Inner Awakening does is, making you experientially sure about you, so that you don’t have to waste your time in this trial and error process. Learning all the experiences is okay. Getting all the great lessons of life through your own experience is okay. But, by the time you gain the experience, you don’t have life to live anymore. Because, your whole life is already spent on trial and error process. That is why I am saying, learn all the best lessons from the greatest experiences of our enlightened ancestors, so that you can use all these great lessons as a strategy and start your life.
Director’s (Swamiji’s) Commentary: Because the accidents have not happened, don’t think your strategy is right. If you can stand the accidents, only then your strategy is right. Because the accidents have not happened, don’t think your strategy is right. If you can stand the worst, worst possibility that happens, that is the proof of the right strategy.
I always tell people, the great truth about life is not like a Retirement Insurance Plan: you will have it when you are old. It is a Driving Licence: you need to start with it to start your life!
Director’s (Swamiji’s) Commentary: I may say, it is a “Degree Certificate”. More than a Driving Licence, it is a “Degree Certificate”. Even to start you rjob, you need your Graduation Certificate. So, the right strategy, knowledge, the right truths, the concepts, cognition about life, is your Graduation Certificate. Only with this you can start your life.
This Inner Awakening program, the science of transformation, has different parts. First, through the right context Yoga. Yoga is not just adding some movements to your body. Yoga is not about adding some movements to your life; it is all about adding life to your movements!
Director’s (Swamiji’s) Comments: The right concept is not grasped in the West. The West has started using Yoga like a Pizza. The West has started using Yoga as a Pizza! Now I hear, “Christ Yoga”, a new Yoga is being developed! They are trying to customize Yoga just like Pizza! Please understand, unless you know the context, you cannot customize it.
From the right context, when Yoga happens, Completion with the body happens. And the yogic satvic diet, vegan diet, cleanses your body with Ayurvedic herbs, removes all the toxins from your body, it just detoxifies you, balances your weight, average eight to fifteen pounds people lose in twenty-one days when their weight gets balanced just through the simple Ayurvedic Yogic satvic diet! When your decisions about you changes, when you discover you, the fulfilment and the Completion you experience with you because of the cleansing of karmic patterns, karmic patterns you developed in this birth, and the root karmic patterns you brought from your past births, when they are completed, when you are free from them, when you experience a new you, the real you, your relationship with you becomes complete.......
Director’s (Swamiji’s) Commentary: I can say, that is where life starts. When your relationship with you is complete, life starts. That is when you can even start having a name. Till then, you should not be given a name. Or you should be called as “Anamika” – “nameless”. Or you should be given two-hundred-and-fifty names; because, morning you act in one way, morning itself you act in one way to your father, your mother, your son, you act in another way to your office, your boss, your team; evening you act in a different way to your team, and in a different way to your father, your mother. Many times, what you said when you are hungry..... Please understand, I am not saying “angry”, I am saying what you said when you are “hungry” does not make sense after you eat. Even as simple an experience as every-day hunger can imbalance you! When you are hungry, the way you talk, you behave, you relax, is totally different after you eat! So, that is why I am saying, either you be given two-hundred-and-fifty names or be nameless, and only after you complete with you, you should be given a name.
People ask me, ‘Why do you give spiritual name?’
I say ‘No. I give name. Means, only when they are born, I give name. Only when they complete with their identity, they are born. So, I give the name to them.’ Continue.......
.......your relationship with others becomes complete and fulfilling, you develop the ability to speak into others’ listening. Please understand, most of the time we speak just to prove who we are or what we believe, the glory about our past, bragging to impress upon others, but not to move the person’s listening into what we want them to do.
Director’s (Swamiji’s) Commentary: See, many times you spend so much time bragging about you to you. You forget you are such a fool. You don’t need to defend you from you. You don’t need to affirm you to you. You go on convincing you to you, and you pick up the same habit with others. Understand, if you are clear about you, what is your default cognition about you, you will naturally make others perceive that as you. And how much ever you try to convince others about you, neither they will be convinced, nor you will be convinced. Be very clear about that! Continue.......
When you are awakened to your words, your communication becomes fulfilling, complete, and your ability to speak into others’ listening happens in you, you can move the other person through your words!
In the Inner Awakening, you are experientially made to realize how your perceptions, the “My World”, distorts the real facts, “The World”. Experientially you are tuned to reality. Please understand, life is not difficult. Creating your reality is not difficult. But you have to DO it! Either we rest in laziness, or we are stuck with the idea of “impossible”. Both are wrong. Accepting leads to laziness. Resisting leads to powerlessness. No resistance, no acceptance; straight DOING what needs to be done!
Director’s (Swamiji’s) Comments: In Inner Awakening, I don’t give you the choice to accept or resist. Simply the programming is done! Every day, whether you got up early morning 2:30 without having sleep, or you woke up only at ten o’clock in the morning, I won’t even ask you; simply you are made to wake up in the morning at 3:30 and go through the whole program. So, your resistance or acceptance is neither respected nor asked for. You are simply given the reality experientially. Continue...........
Success, creating your reality never comes by accepting or by resisting. It comes only by DOING from a powerful space. Experientially you are initiated into it. Especially through the deekshas, initiations, please understand, you are made to go through the different processes where experientially these principles become part of your bio-memory, your root cognition, not just intellectual understanding, but very bio-memory. And, by the proper, time-tested, foolproof methodologies of awakening your inner potential energy, bio-energy, Kundalini Shakthi, the cognitive shift is bolted permanently in your system, so that the transformation lasts forever. The transformation you experience in the Inner Awakening lasts because the transformation is in your very core. It is not just intellectual level or emotional level with a little excitement, “feel-good” level. No! I don’t believe in your body or mind. I believe only in your consciousness.
So, each initiation, deeksha, the twenty-two various initiations you will go through in twenty-one days, each initiation works on your very bio-energy, on your Kundalini Shakthi.
Director’s (Swamiji’s) Commentary: Especially in Varanasi where the Moorthy, Teertha, and Kshetra, all three are available!
Moorthy: Achala Moorthy – Vishwanatha; and Sachala Moorthy – Sathguru;
Teertha: Ganga, Varuni, Asi;
Kshetra: Kaashi, Avimuktha Kshetra – never forsaken, never given up.
So, understand, initiations in the proper teertha, kshetra, by the proper moorthy, makes you awakened! Continue.......
That is why so many people walk out of ailments from migraine to cancer. See, cancer is nothing but strongly you programming yourself against life. See, whenever you are in a deep depression, deep suffering, or in peak joy, your whole being is available to you for further instructions, further strategy-planning, further advices, further programming. In the deep depression or suffering moments, if you decide against the very life, if you utter to yourself words like, ‘I don’t want to live this life!’, ‘This life is too bad!’, ‘Life is not just!’, ‘Life should not be doing this to me!’, ‘God should not be doing this to me!’, when you program, when you tell yourself this kind of strong, self-destructive words, when they get into your system, if you don’t know the methodology to remove them, those words invoke, express as cancers! Through the proper initiation, deeksha, your bio-energy is awakened and opened. All these wrong programmings, negative words you inserted into you are removed.
You are given a new possibility, new opportunity, with the intelligence to rewrite your future, you are given the knowledge about why you wrote your life the way you wrote, why you are struggling with certain diseases, why you are struggling in certain relationships, why you always attract the relationships, people who abuse you, why you always attract people who cheat you, why you always have a deep incompletion and powerlessness, why you attract the situations in your life which make you constantly feel you are a victim, why you wrote your life the way it is experienced by you now. That “why” is experientially shown to you. Sometimes you may not have any problem, but the deep incompletion that you have not realized your potentiality, possibility, that “why” is shown to you. When you know why you wrote the way your life is now, you know how to rewrite it. You are simply equipped with the tools and necessary intelligence to rewrite your future.
Director’s (Swamiji’s) Commentary: Inner Awakening is all about rewriting. Don’t worry, don’t worry, don’t bother whether YOU wrote your life or Brahma wrote it. Just learn to rewrite it! Continue...........
You walking out of diseases can never be put in the value of dollars. You walking out of pain, suffering, can never be put in the value of dollars. You saving your marriage can never be equated to the value of dollars. So many times, people come and tell me, ‘Swamiji, I saved my marriage because of the Inner Awakening programme. Not only I saved my marriage, now I have fulfilling relationship!’
Director’s (Swamiji’s) Commentary: Sometimes people tell me that they saved their life from marriage also! HAHAHAHAHA! Please go ahead.....
You reclaiming your health can never be put equivalent to any dollars. People tell me, ‘Swamiji, I walked out of this disease. I walked out of this pattern. I walked out of this self-abusal attitude. I walked out of this victim mood mentality which I was cherishing and celebrating.’ Please understand, these all can never be equated to the traditional measuring scale like money, or wealth, shares, bank balance, precious metal. You cannot equate any of these traditional measuring scales to the discovery of your new you.
I have seen people telling me, ‘Swamiji, now I feel after healing and completing the relationships in my life, I feel now I have so many more extra hands!’ The many more “extra hands” you feel experientially in your life because of your Completion with others can never be equated to the Rolex watches you wear in your hands. The amazing fulfilment, satisfaction, the spiritual Completion you feel can never be equated to the dollars.
Every time when I hear people telling me, ‘Swamiji, just now I know I can just manifest my reality!’, when people come back and tell me, ‘Swamiji, I am now rejuvenated. I have the courage to restart my life!’ The courage to restart your life can never be equated to anything. You can have everything, but if you don’t have the courage to restart your life, it is equivalent to nothing. If you just have courage to restart your life, even if you have nothing, it is equivalent to everything! The courage to restart your life, when it is added even to nothing, it becomes everything. If the courage to restart your life is removed, even if there is everything, it is equivalent to nothing! Being sure about you, being sure about your ability to create your reality, feeling blessed, can you equate the feeling blessed to any number of dollars? No!
Director’s (Swamiji’s) Commentary: May be it can be equated to one dollar you wear – the Master’s dollar! That’s all! (“Master’s dollar” refers to the mala with Swamiji’s picture on the locket). Continue.......
Knowledge itself cannot be equated to dollars; how can experience be equated? You can see in Wall Street, the people with knowledge! Wall Street is the only place where people drive in Rolls Royce to listen to people who travel in the Subway! So, even Knowledge cannot be equated to dollars; how can experience be equated?
But, sometimes, people ask me, ‘Why twenty-one days?’
Please understand, to open your bio-energy, bio-memory, remove these negative programmings or insufficient programs, sometimes the viruses need to be removed, sometimes you need to be upgraded. Opening up your bio-memory, bio-energy, and helping you to upgrade yourself, cleaning yourself and upgrading yourself, needs a very loving, caring, supportive ambience of Master’s energy field, where the person himself has successfully did it on himself and successfully did it on thousands of people. Even when you go for a small surgery, you ask about the number of surgeries the doctor performed successfully. Now, you are going to rewrite your whole future and create a new you, discover a new consciousness; you should know the person to whom you are going. He has successfully created the reality of at least a few million! He is the co-creator of at least a few million of their reality! He has contributed, he was a co-creator of millions walking out of their disease, creating health, wealth consciousness, fulfilling relationships, ultimately, the spiritual fulfilment, spiritual enlightenment, Completion. It takes twenty-one days completely, continuously, to cause a lasting transformation.
Please understand, people ask me, ‘Can we do shorter, break it up in different weekends?’
Yes, I can do it in different weekends. But, the transformation will only be in the level of intellectual understanding or muscle-memory, the habit level. The transformation can become a sort of a habit. It is like I can give you one more paint coat; but if I have to scratch and remove all the past coatings, everything, and awaken you to the core, cause lasting transformation, I think twenty-one days is required.
When people come and tell me, ‘Swamiji, these twenty-one days in your energy field has saved me many months in the hospital, these twenty-one days meditation and transformation has saved me from years of medication, twenty-one days of meditation saved me from years of medication!’, I see very clearly these twenty-one days are really required for you to have the lasting transformation.
This knowledge, this transformational science you are going to go through in the Inner Awakening programme is time-tested, foolproof, the only living, oldest civilization’s knowledge, methodology, science, time-tested, foolproof, from the only living, oldest civilization, please understand! The researches in the field of ancient civilizations record that there are forty-nine civilizations five-thousand years old. But the one, only living civilization in that forty-nine, is the Vedic Tradition. And you are receiving the transformational science from the source of that transformational science, from a spiritual Head of the oldest apex body of the Vedic Tradition, time-tested, foolproof! The system of transferring this transformational science is unbroken, continuous. Be proud you are going to receive that transformational science from the original authentic source who is the spiritual Head of the oldest apex body of Hinduism, the Mahanirvani Peetha!
The whole programme is designed with Yoga, satvic yogic Ayurvedic food, and Vedic rituals to awaken different possibilities in your being, to put you in connection with Nature, which you lost in the so-called human civilization. The so-called society separates you from Nature. The Vedic rituals put you back to your original connection with Nature and awaken different possibilities in you. The different powers of your body and mind are awakened through the proper authentic Vedic rituals. But, unfortunately the human mind, the self-doubting pattern, whenever a great possibility comes in front of us, we strongly believe, ‘It is not possible for me! It is too good to be true! That cannot happen to me!’ The self-denial pattern is so strong, whenever the big breakthrough is about to happen, we create a strong thought-current, ‘That cannot happen to me!’, and we behave, act, think in such a way it does not happen to us! So, we feel safe with our small identity, which is comfortable, cosy, we can play. That is why people feel, that is why people come up with reasons, ‘No time’, ‘No money’.
In the world, everyone has the same twenty-four hours. Whenever people tell me, ‘Swamiji, I don’t have time for transformation or meditation’, I tell them, ‘No! Don’t say you don’t have time. At least be honest that this is not that important or priority in your life. Because, time is the same for everyone! May be, still you have not looked in and understood that transformation is the priority. At least be honest about it, so you will wake up to the stark reality at one time, one point of your life.’
Same way, ‘No money’. This is the pattern with which we go on postponing every great possibility. ‘May be, family will not allow me’. See, many times our mind is such, before even trying we decide it is going to be a failure, put that file into the failure archives. I have seen many times, people, they will think, fantasize, visualize about some project, but they will never work for it. They will get distracted to various other things. But, suddenly, without even trying or working for that project, they will classify that project as a “failed project” and put it in the failed archives. Mentally they will be convinced, ‘This is a failure! It is not going to happen! It won’t happen!’ Same way, you have not even tried! Please try. Before trying, don’t classify as “family won’t allow”, “money won’t be there”.
People ask, ‘Spiritual knowledge should be free. Why there should be money?’
Please understand, Vedic Tradition is the world’s oldest tradition which declared knowledge is free. Even now knowledge is free, available to you! But share a little bit of money to receive the lasting experience so that this experience is shared with more people, the Wheel of Dharma, the Wheel of Dharma Chakra is kept moving. Many statistics, surveys, researches, say, always people who share a little of their wealth for the spiritual cause, they live richly, they live a happy life, a fulfilled life!
Next biggest problem is postponing – ‘We will do it later’. Please understand, postponing is not non-action; it is negative action. Doctor suggests some surgery to a patient, and the patient just postpones. That does not mean he is just in non-action. See, we always claim innocence for non-action. ‘I just did not act. How can I be punished for that?’ We always feel non-action should not be punished. Please listen! Postponing will be just non-action if the opponent is not active. But, when you postpone the surgery, the disease is not going to keep quiet! It is spreading in your body and leading you to a space of irrecovery. So, postponing surgery is not non-action; it is negative action. Same way, postponing your transformation many times is not just non-action; it is negative action. Many of the thought patterns with which you are currently struggling become strong and goes to the level of irrecovery. Before they could do irrecoverable damage to your relationships, to your health, to your confidence, please transform yourself. Before they could do irrecoverable damage, please recover yourself and rewrite your future.
I commit with you with my Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility to enrich all of you, Inner Awakening programme simply will transform you and make you rewrite your future as you want! Not just one part here, one part there; just health or just wealth consciousness; just Completion. No! It will make you rewrite your life completely as you want! The moment your past incompletions and the reasons why you wrote the way you wrote is given to you as a realization, you just know how to rewrite. So, I commit with you, I will reproduce all the components of Living Enlightenment in you, because this science is time-tested, foolproof, one of the oldest, I can say, only oldest living transformational science!
Sometimes the self-doubt and self-hatred becomes so much in us, we feel we don’t deserve the beautiful future. See, if you feel, ‘Will I transform?’, it is self-doubt. If you feel, ‘I am not qualified for transformation for whatever I have done!’, it is self-hatred. If you feel, ‘I cannot be transformed!’, it is self-denial. Please don’t allow SDHD (Self-doubt, Self-hatred, Self-denial) to destroy you. Whatever may be your future, it is not the type of actions you did which is going to decide your future; it is the action you are going to do NOW which is going to decide the future.
Sometimes people feel that they are selfish if they spend so much time and money on themselves. Please understand, I call this as “self-blackmailing” pattern. Self-blackmailing pattern!
Director’s (Swamiji’s) Commentary: This self-blackmailing pattern will allow you to spend lakhs on your surgeries, but will not allow you to spend on preventive care! Preventing disease, preventing destruction, it will not allow you to spend; but, after you collapse, it will allow you to spend on surgery and other hospital, medical care!
Go ahead.....continue.......
When you don’t want to rewrite your future, the great possibility, you just want to be back in your cosy, comfort zone, you create all these reasons, SDHD, self-blackmailing patterns, enough, enough you played all this game of SDHD – self-doubt, hatred, denial! Now it is time! Wake up, wake up to have inner awakening! It is time you decide to decide!
I tell you, I am very straight, with my Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility to enrich you I am telling you, just make an intention, a conscious resolution. I know experientially, the Cosmos is waiting, the Universe is waiting, life is waiting to fulfil whatever resolution you make consciously! Even if you believe life does not fulfil what you want, or life always gives you less than what you want, I tell you, because I have seen the power of life, the Universe, it is waiting to celebrate with you, it is waiting to blossom through you, it is waiting to write through you, it is waiting to celebrate you! You make a conscious resolution, you make an intention; I am waiting here for you, to be co-creator of your reality. I commit with you with my Integrity, Authenticity, and Responsibility to enrich, I will be your co-creator! I will co-create the reality of Inner Awakening programme for you! You make an intention, you make a conscious resolution, I commit with you, I will be your co-creator. And we both will create Inner Awakening programme as a reality for you.
Director’s (Swamiji’s) Commentary: Your decision is more important than your action itself. So, decide and make an intention. Your decision to make a transformation becomes a conscious reality when you express your intention. So, your intention is far more important, immediate requirement, than your action.
I decide and I commit, I will be a sincere catalyst and sincere co-creator to cause Inner Awakening programme as reality to you.
I am excited, really, really, really excited, because I know what this Inner Awakening programme can do to you. When you discover the new you, how your life will be, I am waiting to celebrate with you, I am waiting to cause the new you to you, I am waiting to be a co-creator of your new reality. I am waiting here to celebrate and create your reality and the reality of the people who are involved in your life. I am sure I will see you all in the Inner Awakening programme. See you all in the next Inner Awakening programme.
See you all in Varanasi! Varanasi, the place never given up! The place never given up! Avimuktha Kshetra! Any practice you do in Varanasi is immediately given result! Please understand, you can do any protest in a remote village of India, in one remote village where there is no bus, train. You can sit, hundreds of you, or even one-thousand of you can sit and do protest; nobody will know. But you don’t even need thousand, just ten people if you sit in Jantar Mantar, the Centre of Delhi, and protest, the whole country will know, and simply the Government will respond to you. So, Inner Awakening done in some remote place where you sit and try to do some practices – Pranayama, Yoga, Kriya, this, that – everything is like a protest done in a village, remote village, roadless village. But Inner Awakening done in Varanasi is like protest done in Jantar Mantar. Immediately the decision-making authority will note and respond. Inner Awakening done in Varanasi is right under the nose of Mahadeva; you are sitting and working right under the nose of Vishwanatha, right under the nose of Annapoorni, right under the nose of Kaalabhairava, right at the feet of Annapoorni, Vishwanatha, Kaalabhairava, together! So, simply he will give you the result! Simply they will attend to you! Simply the decisions will be made in your favour, because you are not protesting at all, you are only requesting.
So, Varanasi is THE place for Inner Awakening! As I said at the start of the Webinar, I am going to guide you all through the Kalpataru Meditation, especially the people who want to go for Inner Awakening, your friends, your family, especially your parents. Please understand, this Inner Awakening is “Parents Special”. The best gift you can give for your parents is Inner Awakening in Varanasi. Every Hindu is expected to visit Varanasi at least once in your old age. That is the best “next life insurance”! It is the best insurance of rebirth! So, the best gift you can give to your parents is sending them for Inner Awakening in Varanasi. So, I request all of you to fill the Intention Form and then join the Kalpataru Meditation.
Now I invite Swami Ma Atmapriyananda, my favourite daughter, to share with you some details of Inner Awakening, before I come back to your questions, to answer your questions.
Swamiji: Now I will answer your questions directly.
· Caller from Houston, USA wants to attend May Inner Awakening in Varanasi, but has some job issues......
Swamiji: First thing, you want to attend, right? Make an intention, conscious resolution. After that, don’t bother about your logical understanding about the situation. Allow God to do some work in your life. Don’t freeze your life, don’t freeze your decisions without giving a little place for him. Make your intention and put the decision in front of him. May be, who knows? Tomorrow you may have your whole job situation aligned! And when you come back, you may have a promotion! Don’t continuously try to control your life. Don’t shut all your doors and windows. Leave the window of your space, leave it open for God to enter and do his work. So, put the intention. Leave the rest to me. Thathaasthu!
· Caller from Malaysia wants to attend May Inner Awakening but has some obstacles.....
Swamiji: Please understand, nothing is stopping you other than your impossibility. So, now you make an intention. Fill the Intention Form. You will see all the obstacles you think, whether it is related to money, mind or men, everything will just melt down; you will be able to make it. Make the intention; you will see everything aligned. Thathaasthu!
· Caller from Hyderabad: I have applied for a loan for Inner Awakening. I am waiting for blessings.
Swamiji: It will happen in the next four days! Thathaasthu! You will see it happening in the next four days!
· Caller: Can you please bless my parents for May Varanasi?
Swamiji: Thathaasthu! It will happen! My blessings! I will make sure all the obstacles melt down. You will be able to come. I will take care.
With this, I will move to Kalpataru Darshan and Kalpataru process. First I will lead you all to the Kalpataru process. Please understand, today’s Kalpataru Darshan is specially for Inner Awakening. So, whatever incompletions, doubts, impossibilities you have for making Inner Awakening happen to you, pen down all those doubts, incompletions, impossibilities, and make a clear intention of making your Inner Awakening happen. Please pen down your intention of making your intention happen. And all the doubts, impossibilities, incompletions you have, take a few minutes to pen down. Then I will lead you into the process. Please take a few minutes and pen down.
(After a few minutes...................)
Yes...now please sit straight. Complete all the doubts, incompletions, impossibilities you have one by one and drop them. Hold the space for Inner Awakening happening in you. Visualize it is happening for you, all the obstacles are dead, all the incompletions are dead, all the incompletions have been dropped, all the doubts have disappeared, Inner Awakening is happening for you. Visualize you are now having the Inner Awakening experience in Varanasi. Hold the space now. Namah Shivaya!
Thathaasthu! The space you created, let it become reality! The intention you created, let it become reality! Thathaasthu!
Now we will have the Kalpataru Darshan for Houston. Before that, today somebody did Pada Puja; I will bless them.
Nithya Poornambika, you are able to hear me? Nithya Poornambika, you are able to hear me? First thing I have accepted your Pada Puja and my blessings for legally changing the spiritual name, and my blessings for your children! I am with you! Anything you want to tell me? Yes, I got your letter. My blessings! You will create life and wealth, everything, for yourself! I am with you! I will create miracles and abundance in your life. My blessings! I am with you! My blessings! And let you experience the eternal bliss! My blessings! I am with you! Nithya Poornambika, be blissful!
I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility Enriching, and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!
___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________
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