23th April 2014/Wednesday
Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya
Vandhey Guru
Paramparaam ||
I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis,
Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, sitting with us all over the world
at this time through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Janashree TV, Eshwar
TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in so many
countries all over the world.
Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing:
Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda Nagar-Tiruvannamalai, Nithyananda
Nagara-Bidadi, Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Nithyananda
University-Paris, Ohio-Prayag, Houston-Kalahasti, Bogota-Colombia, Dakota
Dunes, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Hong Kong, Singapore-Singapuram, Kuala
Lumpur-Palani, Simi Valley-California, Oklahoma-Somanatham,
Phoenix-Kanchipuram, Varanasi, San Jose-Madurai, Seattle-Chidambaram, St.
Louis-Tirumala, Toronto-Kailasam, Toon Moon-Hong Kong, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi,
Houston-Texas, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Indrani-New Jersey, Scottsdale-Arizona,
Jorpati-Nepal, London-Kashi, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Paris-Kalighat, Port
Washington-New York.....................
I welcome all of you with my love and respects.
Today, it is all about making Advaitha happen in you.
First thing, listen, any powerlessness, any type of
powerlessness is rooted in violence.
Please listen, please listen, the first statement, because from this
only I am going to guide you. Any type
of powerlessness is rooted in violence.
Listen! I asked you
to work on your authentic identity and your incompletions. As I said, if you say, “all-knowing”, being
“all-knowing” is your identity, the authentic identity you want to have, you
have to complete with your ignorance. It
is possible! Ignorance is just one
blanket which you pulled upon you just to feel cosy. Understand, ignorance is one blanket which
you pulled upon you just to feel cosy.
Completing once for all with all ignorance is possible. Omnipresent, Omniscient; means, being present
everywhere, being powerful. Please
listen, I am not promoting superstitiousness, I am promoting a science! Completing with all this is possible!
The last few days I am studying very intensely the book
called “Zen Brain”. And there is one
more book, “Human Brain”. Because, this
Varanasi, the initiations are going to be really, really, really intense and
powerful. I am not going to be touching
just the Ajna Chakra, I will be handling many more brain centres. Just by touching the different points in the
brain itself, all the seven chakras can be intensely awakened! You will actually see an energy drama, energy
display, energy magic show in Varanasi, Kashi!
So, I was studying about this awakening the non-mechanical
parts of the brain through Kundalini Shakthi.
See, I have the knowledge and science energy. I was just working on the exact, precise
points from where the operating – “operating” does not mean the physical – the
energy is possible and highly efficient.
I also found out many important discoveries, important truths about the
brain. People who have a deep self-sympathy,
victim mentality, will always have pain in the back of the head. They will always suffer with pain in this
area (back of the head). Anything they
see, they will feel, ‘He is trying to cheat me!
He is trying to abuse me! He is
trying to take advantage of me!’ The
person whose non-mechanical parts of the brain is fully awakened, alive,
anything he sees, he feels romantic!
Please listen, don’t disrespect romance by
associating it
with lust and marriage. When you
associate romance with lust, you misuse it.
When you associate romance with marriage, you abuse it. Listen!
I am defining that word completely.
Romance is the experience of oneness without knowing logically why you
feel that oneness. Whenever I come down
to have morning satsangh, there are two trees outside my quarters. If
my car is standing there, they will never
miss dropping a few flowers on my car.
If my car is not there, they know exactly the way I will walk; in my
pathway, exactly in front of my eyes, a few will be there. That flower,
if it just falls, it can never
be in my pathway, because the plants are not near my pathway. They are a
few feet away. But somehow they will bend and drop the flowers
where I am walking, on exactly my pathway!
Not only that, the way they will be standing, both (bowing down with
respect)! Much more than dedicated devotees! They may be just plants,
but both their
Sahasrara is fully awakened! They see
everything in life as romance, understand?
Romance is the experience of oneness, without even
logic knowing why you are feeling that oneness.
If you try to legalize your romance, you will destroy it. The effort to
physicalize your romance is
Lust. The effort to legalize your
romance is Marriage. Don’t physicalize
it. You will lose it. But “consciousize” it! Means, convert that
romance to devotion. Devotion means – I am defining the word
“Devotion” – devotion means, experiencing oneness with the Cosmos
knowing very
clearly your logic does not need to be answered or convinced about this
oneness. Romance is experiencing oneness
without knowing why you are experiencing it logically. Devotion is
experiencing oneness, knowing
clearly your logic does not need to be convinced or answered about that
experience of oneness, so you are established in that oneness forever!
You are
established in that oneness forever! You
are established in that oneness forever!
Being established in that oneness forever!
So, listen, from today you will start aligning your every
word, thought, action – listen – your every word, thought, action, to your
authentic identity. Today, from today....
So, let me just give the essence, if you missed the last few
days’ satsangh:
First instruction for this technique, for this process of
living Advaitha, the first step is: Pen down the authentic identity you want to
live – inner-image, outer-image, others-image, life-image – first.
Second: Circulate your authentic identity which you want to
create to your teamily, ask them to help you to identify the incompletions you
have; means all the areas you need to complete to become your authentic you.
Third instruction:
Based on their feedback, try to trace back how you developed those
patterns, when you developed those patterns, in which incident and the patterns,
identify them.
Fourth, very important – please listen – fourth,
important: Declare Completion! The
moment you come to know you have certain patterns, don’t wait that every
you will sit and do “Oppaayi”.
No....people get very comfortable with their “oppaayi”! “Oppaayi”
means, sitting and self-sympathizing
and crying! ‘Long, long back, I went to
a coffee shop. There I saw coffee was
not there; only ice-cream was there. I got
cheated....’ You know the hell what you
are carrying inside. Why do you want to brood
over in the name of Completion? Most of
the time, this Completion process has become a comfortable brooding
over! Declare Completion! Don’t abuse yourself. Don’t abuse yourself
by brooding over. Even the brooding over has to be done very
clearly from the context of completing them, not to create more and more
self-sympathy. ‘Nobody in my place would
have survived. They would have committed
suicide!’ You people are alive?!! You want me to believe you are
alive? I am not going to believe! I am not going to believe you!
Please listen! Most
of the time your Completion technique is being used for brooding over.
Don’t do that. Declare Completion. You are intelligent enough. You
are a man! First time in my life I was shocked when I
saw in the U.S., the Trekking School. I
was really shocked! Why human-beings
need to be taught to climb a hill?
I asked, ‘What do you do with Trekking School?’
‘Swamiji, they teach you how to climb the hill.’
Come on! What you
mean? Why human-beings should be
taught? The people who were there,
neither they could understand me, nor I could understand them! Teaching
how to climb a hill! What do you mean? I am a man, there is a
hill.....just climb; that’s
all! Only then I understood I am born in
a hill and lived throughout my life in a hill.
So, climbing a hill is my lifestyle!
Like people who are born on the banks of a river or sea-beaches,
swimming is their lifestyle! It took a little
time, but I realized! ‘Oh....human-beings
forget things!’
Understand, now at least catch it. You are a man.
You know here are the incompletions. Just declare they will not be
part of your
cognition process anymore! That is all
is the Completion! Don’t try to wait
that you will pick up every sugarcane and chew them one by one, one by
one, one
by one. Tons and tons of sugarcane is
there. Then how are you going to
complete it? Just put fire and get rid
of it! Decide, ‘From now these
incompletions will not have power over my thinking.’ You feel, ‘I
decide Swamiji. But, after two days, I forget. Again I am back in the
same ditch. What to do?’
To remind you to always be in the space of Completion only the great
Maha Vaakya – “Nithyanandoham”, “I am in the space of eternal bliss”!
Even if one incompletion gets into your
cognition, the eternal bliss will not be there.
So, if the eternal bliss has to there, you cannot allow a single
to play a part. So, always be in the
space of Nithyanandoham – I am Nithyananda!
I have seen some of my own Swamis, they have so
much of
powerful self-sympathy, if they don’t want to do something, they know
how to
fall sick! Within forty-eight hours they
will discover some sickness! Either they
will have diarrhoea, bleeding, or chicken pox!
They know! But, understand, the
self-sympathy pattern should be completely discarded. Please
understand, there are some patterns
you cannot complete, because you will never find logically the source.
Anything you find the source in this birth
only you can complete. But there are
some patterns which you bring from past births.
You will not be able to find the source of those patterns. You need to
discard them. Completion alone cannot lead you to them. At one point,
discarding will become the
Completion process. At one point, you
will not be able to relive or relieve because you will not know the
source of
that pattern. This self-sympathy kind of
pattern, you will not know the root, you will not know the source. I
tell you, if you just follow Integrity,
means being truthful to your words, either you fulfil them or you
them, but you are very conscious of the words going on inside you, you
will find
all the roots of the patterns which you built in this body. You will
also find the patterns, the roots of
which you cannot find, because you did not build them in this body. For
example, hunger! Your hunger was not built on this body. Even while
your body was getting created, the
hunger was there and the mother supplied the food. Even before your
consciousness entered into
this body, hunger has developed.
So, understand, there are some patterns you brought
from the
past birth. At least you will know the
roots of those patterns cannot be found.
If you start living Integrity, then you will know just they need to be
Discarding is much, much, much easier
than completing. If you discard just one
pattern, you will feel Completion is just foolishness and waste of
time! My Masters first taught me discarding,
because discarding will give you the power of power! Like Devi is the
energy inside the gods and
goddesses! Indra may have some power,
but Devi is Indra’s power. Agni may have
some powers, but Devi is Agni’s power.
Devi is the power of all powers! Some
of my Shaiva disciples..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I have a group of disciples
who are Shaivites. They cannot digest if I speak on Devi! Anyhow, I
have to tell the truth, understand? We might have started our Sangha as
but, I am sure, we will end up as Shaakthas only, because I am basically
Shaaktha. From the beginning, my personal
aaraadhya, or my personal spiritual practice was always Shaaktha.
How Devi is power of powers, she is the power of Indra,
power of Vayu, Varuna, Agni, she is the power of Mahadeva himself! See, when she assumes her body like Sati, it
is only at those periods Mahadeva holds the fort. When she realizes, becomes Parvathi,
Meenakshi, Mahadeva always hands over the fort to her. Or she gets her space.
Listen! Discarding is
power of powers. Discarding is the
essence of even Completion process. When
you are not able to discard, you complete.
When you are able to discard, you don’t even need Completion process.
Listen! So, first,
declare that you discard all these patterns.
Declare Completion with all these patterns, self-sympathy,
understand? I am very serious about this
statement. These Swamis who create
sickness for themselves need to practice this very sincerely and get out of
that pattern.
I was travelling in West Bengal once. This really
happened! I was staying in one monastery. I was continuously
travelling. Two days I stay in one monastery wherever I
go. I was staying. There I saw one conversation. The President,
Mahant of that ashram was
forcing the Manager to go to another one ashram and invite that Swami,
the other Mahant. But this Manager does
not want to go. This Mahant is forcing
this Manager to go and invite the other Mahant next day for some
function. This Manager does not want to go. He was so strong, next day
morning he was
really sick! This Manager was sick! He could not move out of bed! He
could not travel!
Understand, this is not something big. That was the first time I was able to
diagnose the root of this self-sympathy pattern, because I never had it
myself. I need to experiment and
discover myself how does it develop. I
studied the whole network how it happens.
Your own part of the brain which has extraordinary powers, instead of
supporting you, that starts opposing you, is “self-sympathy”. Listen!
Your super powers should make your authenticity into reality. Your super powers should make your
authenticity into reality. But your
super powers start making your inauthentic part of you into reality; that is
self-sympathy, self-victimization. Your super
powers making your inauthentic side into reality is self-sympathy, self-victimization.
You have two sides: the authentic side, and the inauthentic
side. If your authentic side has been
made real by your super powers, you are Siddha Purusha, Man of Miracle
Powers! If your inauthentic side is made
into reality by your extraordinary powers, you become self-victim,
self-sympathy victim.
Listen! Even to
destroy yourself, you need to use all your extraordinary powers; otherwise, it
is not possible. You cannot kill an
elephant with a bat; you need a powerful weapon. Same way, you cannot destroy yourself just
with your ordinary mind; you need your extraordinary powers. Especially my sannyasis, you are under the
protection of the Cosmos directly! Even
with that if you are able to destroy yourself or put yourself into sickness or
depression, then you must be really, really using all your extraordinary powers
against me and against you! Only one
advice word I can give you: DON’T DO IT!
So, from today, you will align all your thinking, words and
actions towards the authentic identity you want to create, and will not allow
the incompletions to interfere in any of these three, will not allow your
incompletions to influence any of these three.
That’s all today’s instructions.
Today’s satsangh instruction:
Your every thought, every word, every action, you will go on
aligning to your authentic identity. You
will not allow your incompletions to interfere in your authenticity
practice. And – listen, this is the
punchline; please come to the space of listening; this is the punch: Even if you fail to become authentic, you will
not give up on you. Again and again
become authentic. Because, there is
every probability you may fail in the first attempt, second attempt; but, next
three months, you will go on aligning every word you utter, every thought you
have, every action you do, to the identity which you described and got the
blessings for. Your authentic identity,
if you have sent it to my Facebook and I pressed “like”, it is already blessed!
So, start aligning to that
identity. You don’t need to have
self-doubt – ‘I don’t know whether the identity I created is most
authentic.’ Don’t worry about it. After you establish yourself on this
identity, you may find you need to develop a little bit, or you may not feel
the need also. If you feel, at that time
we will see how to do it. Now don’t
worry. You need some base on which to
stand. If you are going on questioning
that base, you will never stand. So,
drop your SDHD (self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial), align yourself to this
identity which you got blessed. As I
said, even if you fail, nothing wrong. Go
on working, aligning it back. Failing is
not wrong; thinking you are a failure is wrong!
Failing is not wrong; thinking you are a failure is wrong! This is the Facebook punchline today for all
With this, I will move to the Dial-the-Avatar. Please call the number on your screen +91
(80) 2727 9999.
DIAL-THE-AVATAR IN PROGRESS.....................
Yes, we will start the Kalpataru process. Please pen down one thought you want to cause
as reality, and all the doubts, incompletions, impossibilities you have around
that thought. Please sit down and pen
(After a few minutes.....................)
Please sit straight.
Let us create a space. All the
incompletions, impossibilities, doubts you carry, complete them and drop
them. Hold on to the space of
Completion. Namah Shivaya!
Thathaasthu! I bless
you all! The space you created, let it
become reality! The visualization you held,
let it become reality! Thathaasthu!
Today is Mahadeva’s Devabhishekam day. Means, six times a year, Mahadeva is
worshipped by all the devas with abhishekam.
Today is one of the days. With
sacred bath, Mahadeva will be worshipped by all the Devas. So, Seattle temple is celebrating the
abhishekam, sacred bath for Nataraja.
Blessings for the Seattle temple’s abhishekam! Blessings!
And, blessings for Netherlands!
Mahant Ma Jnanatma announces: So, today, Swamiji is blessing
Netherlands Centre with the sacred padukas.
Thanedars xxxxxxx and xxxxxx are going back to their country (Netherlands)
after their Inner Awakening to enrich their Motherland with Swamiji’s teachings.
I request xxxxxxxx and xxxxxxx to come on
to the stage to receive the sacred padukas from Swamiji.
Swamiji: I am with you guys! Blessings!
Today, SMKT meeting. No
online Kalpataru. So, I bless you all! We only have Kalpataru for the participants who
have come to Bidadi.
I bless you all! Let you
all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing
eternal bliss, Nithyananda!
___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________

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