11th May 2014 / Sunday
Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||
I welcome all the participants, devotees, disciples, who have come for this Webinar, special Webinar on Life Bliss Meditation – NITHYA DHYAAN. I welcome all the cities, centres, temples, universities, sitting with us all over the world, and all the participants of this Webinar through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing. I thank sincerely all of you for taking your time and being here.
The cities sitting with us: Grow Yoga Studio-Columbus-Ohio, Ohio-Prayag, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Nithyananda Nagar-Tiruvannamalai, Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Phoenix-Kanchipuram, San Jose-Madurai, St. Louis-Tirumala, Washington DC-Sripuram, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Toronto-Kailasam, Singapore-Singapuram, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Charlotte-Srisailam, New York-Varanasi, San Diego-Tirualavai, Killinochchi-Ilangai, Scottsdale-Arizona, Port Washington-New York, Slovakia-Shivaloka, Philip Island-Australia, Mill Valley-Vairavan Koil, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Auckland-New Zaland, Chicago-Srirangam, Dakota Dunes, Calgary-Amarnath, New Zealand-Adi Arunachalam, Tuen Mun-Hong Kong, Gyaneshwor-Nepal, Klang-Malaysia, Johns Creek-Georgia, Oakland-California, Colorado Springs-USA, Life Bliss Studio-Kajang-Malaysia, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Toronto-Kailasam.............. .......
I welcome all of you with my love and respects.
First, before starting the satsangh, I want to wish you all Happy Mothers’ Day!
I would like to make a few statements, the sacred secrets of life, before entering into today’s Webinar.
First, life starts with Completion with yourself. When you achieve Complete Completion with yourself, you open yourself, you are ready for Completion with others. When you are completely complete with yourself and others, you are living enlightenment.
Please understand, living Advaitha, living enlightenment, living that non-dual consciousness, the perpetual Completion, perpetual space of possibility, all this is simply possible. It is possible! The Vedic tradition gives so many methods, techniques, using verbalization, visualization, awakening of the non-mechanical parts of the brain, using Yogic Kriya, using various breathing methods, balancing your body, balancing the mind, using the intranalyzing process, through various methods, the Vedic tradition teaches us to experience the truth of living Advaitha, living enlightenment, living in the perpetual Completion state, living in perpetual Upanishad, living in the space of perpetual possibility.
All of you may be aware, for the last three months I am giving a series of discourses on living in non-dual consciousness, the practical way, the most practical way, and making the non-dual consciousness as your every-day reality, making the non-dual consciousness as every-day reality. Today, I am going to share with you all a powerful technique and process where all the best methodologies used in Vedic tradition are used, all the tools are used to raise you and make you be established in the space of Complete Completion. Your Kundalini Shakthi, inner potential energy is awakened through all the methodologies – Yogic Kriya, intranalyzing process, through everything that energy is awakened, that shakthi is awakened. Using sounds, visualizations, intranalyzing process – in Sanskrit we have various words for all this – using all the possible tools, helping you to achieve the Complete Completion, awakening the non-mechanical parts of your brain, and establishing yourself in eternal powerfulness.
Please understand, it is the way you feel about you, you will make others experience you. If you carry you with incompletions, naturally, others will perceive you with incompletions. If you carry you with Complete Completion, whatever opinion with which they come near you, they will simply start experiencing Completion and go back with Complete Completion. Living Advaitha means living the non-dual consciousness. You are the source of your own Completion, and you are the source of Completion for others. That space is achieved very easily, very quickly, if certain kriyas are practised along with intranalyzation. Please understand, just one method like balancing your body, or balancing your breath, balancing your visualization, intranalyzing, just one method may not be sufficient or quick enough to make the Complete Completion happen in you. That is why I am saying, all the tools available, all the methodology available in Vedic tradition, I have combined all of them, all the best things, and created this process called Life Bliss Meditation. I wanted the whole world to know, in this meditation only the permutation combination is my contribution. The other tools are themselves from Vedic tradition. Every step is from traditional Yogic, Vedic scriptures. I experienced it in my life, and I am sharing it.
This meditation is like a dose of happiness for you every day, understand. Every day when you infuse happiness in you, you achieve bliss, and you also need to know, there is no method to directly jump into bliss other than infusing happiness every day. It is like eternal happiness only becomes bliss. When the happiness settles in you as a layer after layer after layer, it becomes bliss. This meditation, the Life Bliss Meditation, Nithya Dhyaan, is equal to every-day happiness dose. And it also brings you back every day to your original living enlightenment space, the amount of energy, intelligence, clarity it brings.
The person who creates a formula to recreate the outer world experience is a “scientist”. The person who creates a formula to reproduce the inner world experience is an “enlightened being”. The person who creates a process to mirror the ultimate neuron activities in his system is an “incarnation”. Please understand, Nithya Dhyaan is not just an ordinary kriya, it is not an ordinary meditation process. Even though I used tools from various yogic, Vedic Sampradayas, the permutation combination was such, it is organized in such a way that it is not an ordinary kriya or yoga or just pranayama. Like there are some medicines; if they are used separately, the effect is different; if they are used by combining, the effect is different. Because I combined all of them, the permutation combination was such, it is no more an ordinary technique or process or kriya; it is the ultimate alchemy to mirror the neuron activities of an incarnation.
An incarnation’s neuron activities are nothing but perpetual Completion, perpetual non-duality, perpetual ultimate possibility, perpetual possibility, perpetual non-doing. Listen! Please understand, I am using the word “non-doing”. The perpetual possibility is directly connected to perpetual non-doing. Please listen! Sometimes the perpetual non-doing happens because of your strong decision that nothing is possible. But, here, the non-doing I am talking about is because you are established in possibility. A non-doer who is established in perpetual possibility is living enlightenment. The non-doership of Ramana Maharshi can never be equated to the non-doership of a beggar in the street or a lazy man. The restful awareness which yogic scriptures, Vedic Upanishads describe happens by being in the perpetual space of possibility. I can say, this Kriya which I am presenting, is the most powerful, most practical methodology, most powerful, most practical methodology to grow the enlightened consciousness in you, the space of perpetual possibility in you, whether it is in the field of health, the field of relationships, the field of wealth, the field of mental peace, above all, feeling sure about yourself.
Please understand, in the modern day, one of the biggest crises human-beings are facing is identity crisis. Probabilities are open, but brain is not prepared to experience possibility. Please listen! In the next few years, our next generation kids are going to have the choice: the moment they grow up, they will have the choice of which country to live in, which language to speak, which religion to follow, which gender to be! All probabilities are going to be open for our next generation. Please understand, it can be a great possibility if our consciousness is prepared. If not, great calamity! Because, when the choices go on increasing without you being sure about what you are, what you want, just the choices can kill you!
I have seen dilemma killing people! Dilemma kills more number of people than bondage, understand. The problem in the modern-day...modern-day, slavery is not bondage; it is dilemma. Dilemma is much, much worse than any slavery. The root cause of dilemma is “not being sure of yourself”. Please understand, Happiness is “being sure about you for a few moments”. Bliss is “being sure about you forever”! If I am asked what will be the first thing I want to attend on Planet Earth, I won’t say “health”, I won’t say “mental health”, I won’t even say “spreading enlightenment”, I will say “helping human-beings to be sure about themselves”! This meditation, this process – Nithya Dhyaan, Life Bliss Meditation – first helps you to be sure about you. It helps you to be sure about you. What you want, what you want to become.......
(break in connectivity at this point.........)
It is the choices which are responsible for depression terrorism which the West is suffering. Please understand, this is the word I will use – “depression terrorism”. It is terrorism; creating a lifestyle where people will be depressed is terrorism, which is being practiced in many of the so-called developed countries. People are just kept in the mode of eating and shopping.
Please understand, being sure about yourself is the most important thing in life. Above all, experiencing the space of enlightenment. I will describe this word “enlightenment” as “living in the space of perpetual possibility”. First, I need to assure you, with integrity and authenticity I am telling you, perpetual possibility is possible. Because you constantly experience, you are brainwashed, you believe impossibility; because, the moment man starts believing impossibility, he will start demanding his rights. The man who believes everything is possible cannot be controlled, manipulated. Society wants you to believe strongly the idea of impossibility so that you can be manipulated, you can be controlled, you can be controlled, you can be manipulated. So, please understand, the first and foremost thing a human-being should do to himself is being sure about himself, being sure about you, and understanding that living in perpetual possibility is possible, living in perpetual possibility is possible, perpetual possibility, perpetual Completion, perpetual Upanishad, perpetual living enlightenment is possible. This is what I call the DNA of the great enlightened Masters. That programming can grow in you through this Life Bliss Meditation, Nithya Dhyaan!
Please understand, yesterday I was expanding on the DNA of the Masters, enlightened Masters from Buddha to J. Krishnamurthy. I was expanding on the DNA of enlightened Masters. Today, what I am sharing with you all, this Life Bliss Meditation, Nithya Dhyaan, will give you the experience of that DNA of enlightened beings! And, this process, when it is done every day, makes the DNA of enlightenment grow in your system. You will experience the restful awareness, the experience of non-doing among all your doing. Please understand, when I say “non-doing”, I don’t mean lying down lazily; I mean enjoying the restful awareness of non-doing amidst doing everything!
Nithya Dhyaan is like coming to terms with reality. Please understand, constantly we try to build our life on doing from the context of delusion. Please understand, whether doing or non-doing, if it is from the context of delusion, it will lead to more and more incompletion, you will be moved away from reality. Whether doing or non-doing, when it is from the context of reality, you will be more and more complete. From the context of reality if you are in the space of doing or non-doing, whether you are in the space of doing or non-doing, you will become more and more complete. This meditation, Nithya Dhyaan, Life Bliss Meditation, is like an every-day happiness dose, leads you to Complete Completion with yourself, makes you a source of Completion with others. Whoever you meet in your life, they will all experience you as a source of their Completion. Whoever you meet, you will go on completing all of them, leading all of them into the space of Completion.
The essence of today’s Webinar, what I wanted to convey:
Please do this meditation process which I am going to teach you now, the Kriya which I am going to teach you now, which mirrors the ultimate neuron activities, the ultimate neuron activities of an incarnation in your brain. Do this process at least once a day. It is just forty-two minutes. I tell you, these forty-two minutes will not be an expenditure; it will only be an investment for you; because, it is like every day upgrading yourself to the peak possibility, perpetual Completion, perpetual possibility. I will be leading you all into the process in the next few minutes. Before that I want you to understand the power of this process which leads you to perpetual Completion, the perpetual restful awareness, perpetual fulfilment, perpetual Upanishad.
So, get ready, make yourself comfortable. I will start this Nithya Dhyaan, the ultimate meditation process to help you to mirror the neuron activities of the peak possibility.
Before entering into the meditation, San Jose temple, I welcome the Honourable Teresa Cox, Business Advisor for the State of California. I welcome you to our temple. Thank you for coming. Thank you for coming. And hope you find joy in our community. And thank you for having our temple in your place. I welcome and hope you enjoy our hospitality. Snehamayi, please take her around. And thank you for being here, Honourable Teresa Cox.
We will now move to the meditation process.
Life Bliss Meditation is the meditation process which creates perpetual Completion in your system. I will give you a few minutes; please settle down and adjust yourself, make yourself comfortable. Then I will lead you step by step.
Yes! The first step, please understand, the first step of the process is “CHAOTIC BREATHING”. Means, awakening and raising the prana, life energy level in your body to its peak possibility. It is a most dynamic aspect. You can put your hand on the hip and start breathing as deeply as possible and as powerfully as possible. It is like hyperventilating; that’s all; nothing else; hyperventilating you. Use your whole body to breathe.
The first step is just seven minutes. If you want, you can sit on your heels with knees and feet together in Vajrasan, or you can sit comfortably; but use your whole body and breathe! Use your whole body and breathe! I can demonstrate by myself. See here (Swamiji demonstrates). Use your whole body and breathe as deeply as possible and as powerfully as possible, but as comfortably as possible. Let your whole body become alive! Let the hyperventilation happen in you. Please be sincere as much as you can. Do it as long as you are comfortable. If you have high blood-pressure, do it mildly, comfortably. Others do it sincerely, authentically.
(After seven minutes.......)
Now move to the next step: “INTENSE HUMMING”. Sit in the same way. Either sit on your knees or sit comfortably. Hum as intensely as possible. Let your whole awareness be on the humming sound. It is almost like if you put your mouth into an empty vessel and create a vibration how it will be, same way. Hum as intensely as possible. Let your whole body vibrate with that humming sound: MMMMmmmmmmmmmm.....!!! Hum as sincerely as possible, as intensely as possible. Hum as intensely as possible. Do it as sincerely as possible, as loudly as possibly, as deeply as possible.
(After seven minutes.......)
(Lost connectivity at this point, just before the next step of the meditation – “CHAKRA AWARENESS”, putting awareness on the Chakras or the seven major Energy Centres. Lost connectivity for the first Chakra, the Root Chakra, Muladhara. So I have used my own words for the first chakra.)
Visualize yourself as a powerful light in the Root Chakra (Muladhara) at the base of your spine. (my own words as I lost connectivity on NTV).
(After a minute.......)
Visualize yourself as a powerful light in the spleen area (Swadishtana Chakra).
(After a minute.......)
See yourself in your navel centre as a powerful light (Manipura Chakra).
(After a minute.......)
Now bring your awareness to the Heart Centre, centre of the heart (Anahata Chakra). Visualize yourself as a powerful light.
(After a minute.......)
Now bring your awareness to the Throat Centre, Vishuddhi Chakra.
(After a minute.......)
Now bring your awareness to the Third Eye between both the eyes, Ajna Chakra. See yourself as a powerful light on the Third Eye.
(After a minute.......)
Bring your awareness to the Crown Centre, the top of your head, the Sahasrara Chakra. See yourself as a light on the Crown Centre.
(After a minute.......)
With my Integrity and Authenticity, I bless you all! Let you all experience Kundalini awakening! Namah Shivaya! Namah Shivaya!
Now just relax. Sit in the space of “UNCLUTCHED”. Decide to yourself you will sit in the space of perpetual Completion. Any incompletion that comes up, complete and drop them. Be in the space of perpetual Completion. Any doubt, fear, powerlessness comes up in you, unclutch.
(After some minutes.......)
I bless you all and initiate all of you. Let your Kundalini Shakthi be intensely awakened! Let your brain mirror the neuron activities of an incarnation, the peak possibility! Namah Shivaya! Namah Shivaya! Namah Shivaya!
I bless you all! Let you all experience the Complete Completion with yourself and others! Let you all be the space of perpetual Completion! Let you all be the space of perpetual possibility! Let you all be the space of perpetual living enlightenment! Let you all be the space of perpetual living Advaitha!
I request every one of you, please practice this Life Bliss Meditation every day. Guiding music is available for free download in our website. You can download this music with voice-guided....guided CD is available in our website for free download. I request all of you to download this guided-meditation CD from our website and practice this meditation every day and experience happiness dose, dose of happiness in your life.
San Jose-Madurai....they celebrated Meenakshi’s marriage today and offering twenty-one Naivedhyams. I accepted! San Jose Sangha, I accepted Naivedhyam!
And San Diego-Tirualavai, Sundar, birthday blessings!
With this I will start giving the Kalpataru Darshan for all participants in Ananda Vana.
I bless you all! After the Kalpataru Darshan in Ananda Vana, we have the Kalpataru Darshan for Mumbai West participants also. Mumbai West will have the Kalpataru Darshan.
So, now, with this, I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!
___________________ END OF SATSANGH/WEBINAR ___________________
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