12th May 2014 / Monday
Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||
I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing.
Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing: Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Nithyananda University-Paris, Oklahoma-Somanatham, San Jose-Madurai, St. Louis-Tirumala, Peethadeeshwaris Training Centre-Salem, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda Nagar-Tiruvannamalai, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Ohio-Prayag, Charlotte-Srisailam, Houston-Kalahasti, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Toronto-Kailasam, Washington DC-Sripuram, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Seattle-Chidambaram, Austin, Port Washington-New York, Kastav-Croatia, Gyaneshwor-Nepal, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Jorpati-Nepal, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, High Point-North Carolina, Dakota Dunes, Calgary-Amarnath, Hong Kong, Kulim-Tiruttani, Singapore-Singapuram, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Colorado Springs-USA, Halifax-Canada................ .....
I welcome all of you with my love and respects.
Today, very important! The twelfth day of Meenakshi Brahmotsavam! Vishnu, the Kallazhagar, comes to Vaigai River to liberate Manduka Maharshi, the great rishi who was in the form of a frog. And, even though we don’t have a separate deity of Vishnu here, let us bow down to Meenakshi and Sundareshwara.
Twelfth day of Inner Awakening! From today we will be entering into the process of creating a new reality for yourself and others. All these days we were working intensely on Completion. Completion is drilled into your muscle-memory, bio-memory, bio-energy, in every level. I am so happy that the whole batch is really successful. Now we will move to the process of creation.
Today, I will expand on Living Advaitha further homeworks. I already gave the teamily the homeworks related to creating your new reality, sharing it with your whole teamily. The further step: Visualize and plan for creating everyone’s reality and share that with that person. In your teamily if there are twenty-one people, all the other twenty persons’ reality. Do it very sincerely. Please understand, let your sincerity not make you serious and take away your joy. And the same way, let your joy not take away your sincerity and make you a “life joker”. Understand, let your sincerity not take away your joy and make you serious; let your joy not take away your sincerity and make you superficial. Depth in your joy is Bliss. Depth in your joy is Bliss. Please understand, let your joy not take away your sincerity and make you superficial. Let your sincerity not take away your joy and make you too serious. Finally, the whole thing boils down again to one statement – whether your joy or sincerity make you more and more powerful.
Every day, every moment, your joy should be making you more and more powerful. Your sincerity should be making you more and more powerful. You coming to terms with the truth of your natural joy, your natural depth, is what I call “Living Advaitha”. Please understand, naturally, as a swabhaava (innate nature), you are a person filled with joy, you are a person filled with depth, grounded. Coming to terms with the reality, completing with all the other wrong beliefs inserted into your system.
Listen! When you start causing others’ reality, means, when you start thinking how you can cause the reality of each member of your teamily, two things will happen in you: Your depth will increase, and your ability to be joyful will increase; the powerless moments of your life will start shrinking and disappearing.
Please listen! The more and more you plan, you visualize, you decide to cause others’ reality, the more and more time, energy, intelligence you put to cause others reality, the more and more depth will happen to you, your joy will become more and more strong. Means, your ability to be joyful, excited, will become more and more strong, your love will move from Radha Krishna to Gita Krishna. Understand, both of them had love, no doubt. But the love of Gita Krisna has its own depth. I am not underestimating the love of Radha Krishna. But, all I am trying to tell you is, the depth of the love of Gita Krishna is amazing. Your ability to love, your ability to be joyful will increase. Your taste will get more and more mature, understand? Maturity of taste is what I call “growth in life”.
If you start enjoying, if you start your life by enjoying the senses, all these simple joys, nothing is wrong; I am not against it. Till the last day of your life, have all the sensual pleasures. Who says no? But, if your taste has not matured, then something is seriously wrong. Your joy, your excitement, your taste, should go through the process of getting matured. Your powerlessness, the quality and quantity of you feeling powerlessness should shrink day by day. I tell you, this whole thing happens by one method: When you start sincerely deciding to cause others’ reality!
Please listen! Yesterday I was having a very serious discussion with one of my Mahants. She was saying, ‘Swamiji, during the college times, I had some very violent passion to achieve something. With that one goal I aligned my whole life; everything went! Now that purpose is missing.’
Please understand, the purpose based on the smaller context of your life can always be found easily available in every street. Glass stone jewellery is available in every street; but diamond jewellery is not available in every street. Purpose based on the larger context, the Advaithic context, when you discover the purpose itself, it will be fulfilled, understand.
Many times people feel, ‘Before the spiritual life, I had a drive. But, now, with the spiritual understanding, my drive has suddenly disappeared.’
Please understand, it is not disappearing. Your thinking has gone through a cognitive shift based on the larger context. Your desires, your life, your fears, your greed, your powerfulness, your powerlessness, your pain, your pleasure, everything is getting re-written based on the larger context. Based on the larger context, everything is getting rebuilt. Suddenly you will see, the idea of pain has no more power over you, the idea of joy can never make you powerless. I tell you, this cognitive shift, the cognitive shift is the most important thing.
Sometimes my disciples resist so much about this cognitive shift and taking up a new understanding. Please understand, in new understanding, only your cognition needs to change; you don’t need to take up more work, more responsibility and all that. Because your cognition has changed, automatically you will take thousand times more work, more responsibility. But you never wanted the cognitive shift, because, with the cognitive shift, you may just sacrifice you.
I tell you, the joy of sacrifice, from my experience! The moment you decide that you will sacrifice, understand, the moment you decide you will sacrifice, you don’t need to sacrifice, you become sacred, everyone sacrifices for you, you are showered by the Cosmos! The person who holds the space of decision to sacrifice is showered by the whole Cosmos, understand? Whether you decide to sacrifice your wealth, your time, your energy, your beliefs, your violence, whatever you sacrifice!
Let me define “Sacrifice”. Putting the decision of causing others’ reality ahead of your decision to cause your reality is “Sacrifice”. If your hands are used to cause others’ reality first, before causing your reality, if that becomes first priority of your hands, your hands are sacrificed. I am giving the definition. Same way, your love, your compassion, your time, your talents, your treasure, your energy, your intelligence. I tell you, all of you are given energy; that is why I could initiate you to heal others. When you decide to sacrifice your energy to others, whatever is given to you, simply you are flooded with it – more and more energy!
I will give you one simple game: Just decide, for twenty-one days whoever you see, bless them. You will get Vaak Siddhi! Please understand, it is not a joke! With my Integrity and Authenticity, keeping Kaalabhairava as a witness I am telling you! I am talking from Ananda Vana! Cosmically I am responsible for whatever I am saying in Ananda Vana, understand? If you utter a word in the street in front of a few beggars, you are not going to be held responsible. And if you utter the same word in front of a media camera, you are going to be held responsible by the media. If you utter the same word in front of a court, in front of a judge, you will be held by the court responsible for the words you utter. I am uttering this word in the Cosmic Court, Ananda Vana, keeping Kaalabhairava as a witness! I am responsible for what I am uttering, understand!
Just twenty-one days, decide, whoever comes to your memory, bless them! Whoever you remember, bless them. Don’t bother about whether your blessing will become reality or not. Go on blessing them: ‘Whatever they want in their life, let it become reality’. Or whatever you want to bless, go on blessing them. ‘Let him have health! Let him have wealth! Let his life be blissful!’ Go on blessing. Just twenty-one days try this. Whoever you remember, bless them. I tell you, you will get Vaak Siddhi, because you are sacrificing your powers! I commit with you, you will have Vaak Siddhi! Just go on blessing. You don’t know the power of your Vaak! Whoever you meet, give them a good word, whether you meet them physically or psychologically. Sometimes, while sitting, you will remember people. Even people you remember, you are meeting them psychologically. Bless them: ‘Alright, let good happen to you! Let good happen to you!’
When you go on causing others’ reality, whatever part of you that you are using for causing others’ reality becomes sacred, and you are showered with more energy, more intelligence, more talent, more powerfulness, more joy, all the auspiciousness more and more. “Just only by sacrifice, immortality is attained.”
So, I am defining sacrifice. If causing others’ reality becomes more important priority than causing your own, it is called “sacrifice”. Anybody who thinks, ‘Causing others’ reality is more important than my own reality’, he becomes part of my Sangha. I am very clear, my Sangha should be made only out of thyaagis; because, Mahadeva is “Thyagaraja”, eternal thyaagi, who has decided to cause everyone’s reality, who has sacrificed everything joyfully. Please understand, not with a big sigh, not with big suffering; but who has sacrificed everything joyfully, Thyagaraja! Because, he knows the secret of life, the law of life! The ultimate strategy planning for the law of life is: Go on causing others’ reality. When you go on causing others’ reality, you will be living dhamma, you will be naturally made to live dhamma, you will take decisions based on dhamma, you will take decisions based on great dharma. Thyagaraja, whose first priority has become causing others’ reality....whose first priority has become causing others’ reality.
Thyaaga! I am not promoting thyaaga the way the so-called mass moralists promote – feeling victim mood: ‘Oh, I myself don’t have anything. I have a little handful of rice. I am asked to sacrifice. And if I give this handful of rice, I will reach heaven and all the Deva Kanyas (heavenly virgin damsels) will take care of me.’ No! No!
Listen! Thyaaga as a powerful strategy for life, I am promoting Thyaaga as a powerful strategy for life! The context from which I am talking about Thyaaga is totally different, not as this so-called mass moralistic view, as a mass moral. No! Thyaaga is such a beautiful concept, it should not be promoted from this stupid mass moralistic angle. By promoting it from this stupid mass moralistic angle, the beauty of Thyaaga will be destroyed. I will teach you the beauty of Thyaaga in the next few days. You will understand how Thyaaga makes others’ reality around you and gets you thousand times more than what you want.
Understand, just getting what you want is “heaven”. Making you understand to ask for the right thing and getting you that is “enlightenment”. Just getting what you want is “heaven”. But, making you ask for the right thing and getting that to you is “enlightenment”. Thyaaga leads to enlightenment, not just heaven. These mass moralistic stupid went on and reduced the quality of Thyaaga as a method to reach heaven. No! I will sue them for defaming Thyaaga in the Cosmic Court! Thyaaga should not be reduced to this stupid mass moralistic goody-goody concept. No! Thyaaga is a powerful strategy to make you more mature about what you really want. Thyaaga makes you sure about what you are. Thyaaga makes you really, really, sure about what you are. The mass mind never understands the dharma from its context. When the dharma is understood from the original context, it is called “moksha”. If it is understood from the mass moral context, it is called “moral”. If it is understood from the context of the mass, it is called “moral”. If it is understood from the right context, it is “moksha”.
I tell you, dharma understood from the right context leads to consciousness. Dharma understood from the lower context leads to conscience. I am not promoting Thyaaga from the context of conscience. No! In the next few days, all the Inner Awakening participants will understand the concept of Thyaaga. The only difference between the mass moralistic stupid understanding of Thyaaga and the real understanding of Thyaaga is Completion. When you are Complete, you will understand Thyaaga always keeps you in perpetual Completion. When you don’t understand Completion, Thyaaga is some stupid moral concept to give you the “feel good” feeling – these filthy rich people giving some money to temples and ashrams, calling that as Thyaaga.
Understand, our Sangha is built on real Thyaaga, not by any filthy rich man dropping something in the name of Thyaaga. If a filthy rich man drops something, what it will be? That is why, I tell you, our Sangha is not built on any one fellow’s money or one fellow’s stupid social concept of Thyaaga. That is why, no one can shake it. How many people tried to shake it! All the fellows who tried to shake it were shaken, because it is built on Thyaaga, real sacrifice, from the context of moksha.....moksh!
The essence of today’s satsangh:
Decide to cause others’ reality. Suddenly you will see you will have depth in your joy, depth in your sincerity, feel the powerlessness in your life start melting down.
So, I tell you, when you want to be a leader, YOU should start the Thyaaga first. If you want others to be leaders, wait for them to start, and then reciprocate. Who starts the Thyaaga first becomes leader, understand? If you wait for the others to start, and then you reciprocate, you become a follower. Let your Thyaaga be active sacrifice, not reactive sacrifice. Please understand, if I wait for the disciples to sacrifice and then I decide I will respond, it is reactive sacrifice. I decide, ‘No! I am sacrificing first. Whoever responds, responds; doesn’t respond, it is okay. I am sacrificing from the context of MY enlightenment.’ When I declare that, I become a leader. So, whoever reacts to... Thyaaga is too powerful! People HAVE to react to it! Nothing can be done about it! It is a law of life. It is a law of life.
Be an active Thyaagi. Don’t wait for somebody else to start and then you will react to it. When you do that, you will be a “Follower Thyaagi”, never a “Leader Thyaagi”. A man who decides to become a “Leader Thyaagi” is “Mahant”. A leader is an active Thyaagi who decided to cause sacrifice for everyone. That is why Mahadeva, Kalpataru, he goes on giving whatever you ask. He HAS to, because that is his quality. Whenever you go and ask Mahadeva anything, he HAS to give! He cannot say, ‘No’! Because, he is an active Thyaagi, declared active Thyaagi! See, just like when I sit and declare ‘I will give’ in Kalpataru Darshan, I HAVE to give! That is his outer image. Till he gives the lemon you asked, he HAS to be available to the Planet Earth, understand! Even if you asked for lemon, because he is a declared Thyaagi, till he makes it happen for you, whether it is lemon or bhang or paan, the moment you asked him, till it is caused for you, he cannot withdraw or retire; he has to be available to Planet Earth; because, he is a declared Thyaagi, Thyaagaraja!
I tell you, every boon I give in Kalpataru, till I make it reality, I have to make myself available to Planet Earth. The moment I utter a word, I give you that word, I HAVE to make it as reality. Till every boon I make it as reality, I have to continue to radiate my Thyaaga through this body, through this form. I have to retain this form till I make every boon into reality, understand. It is not a joke! The words uttered in Kalpataru Darshan are not a joke; they are Cosmic Contract signed by me for which I HAVE to make myself available till I make all that into reality. I have to retain this form and go on causing the boons I gave, the Cosmic Contracts I signed. And especially Inner Awakening participants, you guys have twenty-two such contracts with me which I have signed! Twenty-two darshans! So, each darshan what for I am giving? It is a Cosmic Contract I am signing with you. So, I HAVE to make myself available till I make all the twenty-two contracts into reality for all of you. So, I have to again and again and again be available as an active Thyaagi. But it is not a load as you think, as you perceive. Because I have given completely everything, I have dissolved myself into Thyaaga, the Cosmos takes this form, assumes thousands and thousands of the same form, and goes on fulfilling every word uttered. It is like Krishna gave commitment to all the gopikas, sixteen-thousand gopikas, that he will dance with them. Just to fulfil that commitment, Cosmos takes sixteen-thousand Krishna forms and dances with each gopika, doing rasaleela!
Same way, every Cosmic Contract I sign in Kalpataru Darshan or initiation, the Cosmos takes this form and fulfils the contract, the reality you have been blessed with. The reality you asked as a boon from this energy, the reality you want to have as life which you ask me as a boon, if I bless ten-thousand people, this form takes ten-thousand forms and goes on fulfilling it. That is why, thousands of devotees come and report, ‘I saw you appearing in my house and giving darshan. I saw you blessing me here. I saw your presence.’
Somebody asked me in the Kalpataru Darshan, ‘I should come down whenever you come down and be around you and enjoy your Leela.’
I told that person, ‘Then start blessing everyone in my name. Means, whoever asks you anything, commit with them that Swamiji will do it, Swamiji’s energy will make it happen. When you commit, you commit in my name. Means, now both of us are involved in that Cosmic Contract. So, naturally, I also have to fulfil because I gave you the Power of Attorney to commit. You also have to come with me every time, because you also committed.’
This is what Ramakrishna described as “Ishwara Kotis”. People who have committed to cause the reality of others along with an incarnation, those beings come down again and again as a part of the Leela, drama, to see, enjoy, experience the Leela of the incarnation. All the GPA (General Power of Attorney) holders who have signed along with the Master in the Cosmic Contract only come down again with him to be part of his Leela.
With this, I will move to the Kalpataru process.
All the participants who came to have Kalpataru Darshan in Ananda Vana and Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, please take a paper and pen. Pen down the one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the doubts, fears, incompletions you have about causing that reality. Pen down both.
(After a few minutes.....................)
Yes! Now sit straight. Complete with all the incompletions, doubts you have and hold the space for what you want to cause as reality. Namah Shivaya! If you want to cause health as your reality, see you are already healthy. If you want to cause wealth as reality, see you are wealthy. Whatever you want to cause as reality, hold the space for that.
Thathaasthu! I bless you all! The space you carry, let it become reality! The thought you carry, let it become reality! The visualization you held on, let it become reality! Thathaasthu! Thathaasthu! Thathaasthu!
Jaipur, Prem Jain, birthday blessings!
Vishnu, Houston, Houston-Kalahasti, Vishnu, blessings! Birthday blessings! With all the auspiciousness you will be with me, I will be with you! Blessings!
Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, blessings for the Nithyananda Bala Vidyalaya, for all the kids, blessings! Be blissful!
I will finish the Dial-the-Avatar calls, and then come to Kalpataru Darshan for Ananda Vana and Vancouver.
I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!
___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________
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