23th May 2014/Friday
Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||
I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, who are sitting with us all over the world at this time through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha all over the world.
I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.
Today I wanted to share some of the important revelations which happened in Varanasi-Ananda Vana Inner Awakening.
Please understand, all the traditional Vedic sciences, whether it is Astrology, or Vaastu, or Numerology, or Gemmology, or Ayurveda, to find the solution for you, the precise solution, you have to work with that specialist for around six months. Please understand, let me give you an example. An ayurvedic specialist doctor, if he works with you for six months like trial and error, trial and error, trial and error, studying your naadi, giving some cleansing medicines, then further studying your naadi, giving some more strong dose, I tell you, as a specialist in Ayurveda, I tell you, I am telling you the trade secret, the business secret, it takes full six months of trial and error and feedback to completely, thoroughly catch the problem and give you the medicine and cure you.
Same way, in Astrology, he (the astrologer) has to produce and share some things with you, then see how your life goes, get the feedback. In this trial and error, if your astrologer for six months works with you, he will get the precise grip of your energy-flow, because no astrological time recording your birth time, place, the precision will not be there; especially the “gochara” (gochara = the movement of the planets through the Rashis, signs of the zodiac), where the ratio-based calculations need to be done, even if there is a precise time and place, the ratio-based calculations will always lose a little. So, six months working with you will help the astrologer to predict exactly and help you. That is why in Vedic tradition, always the astrologer, doctor, all these will be “family” – family astrologer, family doctor – because he has already worked with you, he knows now the precise chart of you.
Same way, Gemmology. The gems you need to wear, the colour and size and shape, with six months working he will be able to precisely guide you and catch what is good for you.
I tell you, even with the science of Living Advaitha if you live for six months, in six months you will precisely catch what needs to be done to you, how you need to practice it, understand? One good thing with Advaitha, you don’t need anybody else. The dhamma itself, the principles themselves master you, help you to master yourself. Just for two things only you need Guru: To release you whenever you are stuck in impossibility – ‘Advaitha does not work for me. This philosophy does not work for me.’ – when you are stuck in that, to release you from that, Guru is required. Or if you are tired, bored, at that moment Guru is required. If you manage these two, you don’t need a Guru; then straightaway Advaitha is independently intelligent enough to lead you to the space of Completion, powerfulness. The six months of polishing yourself, organizing yourself, drilling yourself, that is why when you come to the Inner Awakening second time, you catch it. I have always seen people, first time if the transformation is hundred times what they were before and after, second time it is million times! Not two-hundred times, but million times, before and after! Because, they catch it!
See, when you work six months, drill, drill, drill, drill, drill, do Completion whenever you are stuck with impossibilities, clear the patterns, make you understand, analyze, contemplate, ‘yes-no, no-yes, no-no-no-no-no, yes-yes-yes-yes-yes, yes-yes no-no’, when you go through all these, your biology starts vibrating with Advaitha. Understand, even your precise biology starts celebrating Advaitha. Your biology celebrating Advaitha is all we want. Your biology celebrating Advaitha is all we want. Listen! I just wanted to repeat this one statement: Your biology celebrating Advaitha.
Yesterday we had a beautiful session with a few Shrimahants, Mahants – Ganga Upanishad, Upanishad on the banks of the Ganga. I was telling, ‘Whenever a teaching is shared, if you feel resistance, anger, victimized – ‘Why only to me?’ – if you treat the teaching as a medicine, you will not be enriched by it, you will not enrich others with it. But whenever you celebrate the teachings, means, waiting for it to land on you – ‘When will it be for me?’ – so, celebrating immediately, you will be enriched by it, you will be enriching others through it.
“Teaching”, “God”, “Child” – all the three only live in a place where they are celebrated. If you don’t celebrate a child, it won’t live in that place. If you don’t celebrate God, his presence will not be there. If you don’t celebrate teaching, it does not enrich you. Teaching enriches the people who celebrate it. God graces the people who celebrate his presence. Children give love where they are celebrated, understand.
Six months working with Living Advaitha, working with Living Enlightenment. Actually, now I am going to develop more and more books. For all traditional scriptures, I am going to write commentary which I have already started writing for many books, but some more books... Why you know? Because, for six months, you should just be soaked in the thoughts of Living Advaitha through various books and satsanghs and discourses. I have to produce the material to entertain you, engage you for six months. Of course, I have already produced material to engage you for six lives! But I am going to produce some more material precisely on this same Advaithic thought-trend which is like “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series – ‘Living Enlightenment for Pregnant Mothers”, “Living Enlightement for Ladies to Start Living”, “Living Enlightenment for Kids who want to Go to School”, Living Enlightenment for Kids who don’t want to Go to School”, “Living Enlightenment for Teenagers”, “Living Enlightenment for Adolescent Kids”, “Living Enlightenment for Youth”. Like this I just want to produce one-hundred-and-eight series and also write commentaries on all our major scriptures, all the Shad Darshan books, science of Living Enlightenment, aphorisms of Living Enlightenment, technology of Living Enlightenment.
You will be busy, especially after Inner Awakening you will be busy. After Inner Awakening, you need to be really, really busy. Inner Awakening is like you give birth to yourself. Next six months you have to be busy in Completion with yourself, Completion with others, enriching, causing. That six months you have to set the highest standard for yourself. That six months you have to set an amazing standard for yourself. That six months you have to set a beautiful space for yourself in your bio-memory, handling fears, guilt, rejection, acceptance, powerfulness, anger, violence, joy, bliss, handling all that. When you are living Advaitha, living enlightenment, just like the ayurvedic doctor who can precisely help you if you work with him for six months, just like the astrologer who can precisely help you if you work with him for six months, just like the numerologist who can precisely help you if you work with him for six months, just like the Vaastu Consultant who can precisely help you if you work with him for six months, Living Advaitha will be able to precisely help you, enlighten you, liberate you, awaken you, if you work with it for six months. Al I am asking is, allow six months without being stuck with the conclusion of impossibility. Don’t conclude ‘impossible’, don’t conclude ‘not possible’, don’t conclude ‘boredom’, don’t conclude ‘tiredness’, don’t conclude boredom as the result, don’t conclude tiredness as the result, don’t conclude impossibility as the result. Tiredness, boredom, impossibility, don’t stop there. Whenever you are hit, be very clear, even if you feel it is a huge stone, you can melt it, you can melt it, you can melt it. Melting it, ability to melt it! Whenever you feel impossibility, whenever you feel tiredness or boredom, look into it, work with it, decide to melt it down, decide to burn that incompletion away.
Mahadeva has five faces:
· Sadyojaatham;
· Tatpurusham;
· Eeshaanam;
· Vaamadevam; and
· Aghoram.
The people to whom he taught through the face of Sadyojaatham – Advaithis, through the face of Tatpurusham – Shaivites, through the face of Vaamadevam – Vaama maargis, through the face of Eeshaanam – Yogis, through the face of Aghoram – Aghoris, to whom he teaches through the sixth face, the formless form, that is his sixth face – Adho Mukham – to whom he teaches through the sixth face, they are the followers of living Master, because his formless form assumes the form of the Guru. All incarnations are his sixth face. Tatpurusham, Sadyojaatham, Vaamadevam, Aghoram, Eeshaanam and Adho Mukham. His presence personified are the people of sixth face, understand? The people of the sixth face achieve it very quickly because they have a living bio-memory available to them, not just dead books. Whether Aghori path, or Vaama maarga, or Shaiva, or Yoga, or Advaitha, everything has to be made alive only by the Adho Mukha, the living Master. Whether you are a refrigerator, washing-machine, mixie, grinder, dish-washer, everything has to be powered by electricity. So, whether it is Vaamadeva, Tatpurusha, Sadyojaatham, Aghoram, or Eeshaanam, everything has to be lit by living Master, the Adho Mukha, understand.
I tell you, six months work with Living Advaitha, Living Enlightenment. Especially the way I presented it to you guys, I have not left the other faces – Sadyojaatha, Tatpurusha, Eeshaanam, Vaamadeva, Aghora. I have taken the essence of Mahadeva’s teachings through all the five faces and given life to it. If you read the books related to Advaitha, suddenly you will realize you know everything experientially just by Inner Awakening! If you take up books on Yoga and study it, suddenly you will know that you know everything experientially through the Inner Awakening! If you take up Eeshaana – the Science of Yoga, Tat Purusham – the Science of Shaivism, and study, suddenly you will realize that you know everything experientially just by Inner Awakening! If you study Vaama maarga and Aghora, you will know the essence of these you already got in Inner Awakening experientially! So, understand, all the five major systems of Shaivism, branches of Shaivism, I have electrified, made it alive, as the living representative of the Adho Mukha. Sometimes it is addressed as Ajo Mukha, means, “unborn”, the presence. As the living representative of the presence, I tell you guys, live this Advaitha for six months, especially the brand of Advaitha I teach in Inner Awakening. It is the essence of Tat Purusha, Sadyojaatha, Eeshaana, Vaamadeva, Aghora, the essence of all the five faces of Mahadeva, electrified, made alive by the sixth face of Mahadeva, especially in Varanasi where Mahadeva is available in all the six forms.
So, be very clear, when you live Advaitha six months, it just gives you the knack of finding solution for every problem. It is like your “Book of Heart” opens by itself whenever you have a problem. Your Book of Heart opens by itself whenever you have a problem! Whenever you have a problem you don’t have to run for a solution; the solution opens itself in your heart. The solution opens itself in your heart.
Tat Purusham, Aghoram, Eeshaanam, Vaama Devam, Sadyojaatham! Because Brahma also has five heads, Brahma, stupid fellow, suddenly started thinking he has become Mahadeva! Just because you also have two hands and one head, two eyes, or visible two eyes, two hands like me, you start thinking you have become me. If you become me, I am so happy. Not because you start thinking you have become me; you will become me by the power of Completion and Living Advaitha. But if you start thinking you have become me, that is stupidity. This Brahma becomes “loosu”, he goes crazy thinking he has become Mahadeva. Instead of raising the power of Completion and achieving the state, he started hankering for the status. And that stupidity has gone to the extreme. This foolish Brahma has put his eyes on his own mother – Parvathi! Devi is Jagat Janani! This Brahma is born out of Vishnu’s navel; so he is the son of Vishnu. And Devi is the sister of Vishnu; so she is almost like an aunt to Brahma. And, ultimately, Devi is Jagat Janani (Mother of the Universe); so she is mother. This fellow Brahma thought, ‘I am also equivalent to Mahadeva. So why not I get Parvathi?’ He thought everyone who becomes Indra gets Indrani (consort of Indra). Like that, he put his eye on Parvathi (consort of Mahadeva). Then one ray of Mahadeva, just one light, one ray of Mahadeva comes out and cuts his (Brahma’s) fifth head and makes him as four-headed. Then Brahma realizes that just because he is in the same form, it does not mean he is the same. That one act, that one ray of Mahadeva only is Kaalabhairava.
Each act of Mahadeva is worshipped as one deity, one God. His act of cutting the head of Daksha is Veerabhadra. His act of cutting the head of Brahma is Kaalabhairava. So, each one of his acts becomes one deity. His act of appearing as the pure light for Vishnu and Brahma, that is Linga, “Lingodhbhava”; that form only is worshipped as Linga. So, each act by him becomes one deity. When he liberated Chandra (the Moon) from the curse of Daksha and gave him Saameepya Mukthi, that form is worshipped as Chandrashekhara, Somanatha. The Shiva Linga worshipped by Chandra and through which he got liberation, that temple is near Tiruvarur (in Tamil Nadu). After liberation, the Saameepya Mukthi he received, the temple he built is Gujarat Somanath. Otherwise, the Shiva Linga which he worshipped and through which he got liberation from his curse and got Saameepya Mukthi is in Tirvarur. There is a beautiful temple on the banks of the Odampokki river in Tiruvarur. That temple only is where Chandra worshipped Mahadeva and had liberation from the curse of Daksha and achieved Saameepya Mukthi. Once he achieved Saameepya Mukthi, he wanted to build a temple out of gratitude with all the grandeur to show his glory. That is why he built Somanath Temple. But there was an element of the idea that he wanted to show his glory. That is why the temple has to be broken sixteen times. Like sixteen kalaas (potencies), each time one kalaa of his ego is broken. Now the temple which remains is purely Mahadeva’s; all the contribution of Chandra has gone. Now it stands just by the glory of Mahadeva, not as the glory of Chandra. That is why Somanath Temple has to go through sixteen invasions. You guys may be thinking why it has to go through so many invasions? Because the builder (Chandra) has a little arrogance of his own, incompletion of his own!
In Vedic tradition, everything has to be done out of Completion. Still the right people with the right Completion has not yet happened; that is why the Bidadi Temple has still not happened. You will see the moment a few people with the space of Completion come and start, simply the temple will happen! Of course, my space of Completion only will create and hold; but I want even as my hands whom I am using should be in the space of Completion. That is how I wanted the temple to be. Only then, even in the level of worker, work, incompletion does not exist. The temple should not just be standing on a stone, it should be standing on the space of Completion. It should be glorified because it is built on the space of Completion, whether it is Bidadi Temple or Bidadi campus. That is why I told Vishwakarma, ‘You build it.’, and he has taken it up and he has really taken it up! He is getting the architect, he is getting the engineer, he is getting everyone, and he is doing it!
Understand, live Advaitha for six months. Live Advaitha for six months. (break in connectivity on NTV at this point......)
My hope is my kids only. They will come up! They will be able to hold the space of Advaitha and they will be an amazing inspiration. Then Bidadi will become like Ananda Vana, most fascinating city in the world where people live in Advaitha so powerfully. The whole Bidadi, I wanted the whole Bidadi to be Niraharis, Gudaakeshaas: they eat just as a celebration; they rest or sleep once in a while as a celebration; that’s all! ‘Because it is Bidadi Teamily Dinner, let us all eat. Today Inner Awakening programme is over; so, let us all sleep.’ Like that. Food and sleep should become a casual celebration, not a bound routine.
The essence of today’s satsangh:
Live Advaitha, live Advaitha, live Advaitha at least for six months to get a hang of it...to get a hang of it...to get a hang of it.
Inner Awakening is over, but still a lot of participants are here enjoying Varanasi. Today we may go to our Guru Gaddhi when we find time. But I don’t want to stop you guys. Whoever is here, whoever has the fortune, whenever we leave, if we leave, we will inform you and invite a few of you. But don’t be waiting, because we may not go, and even if we go we may not invite you. So, you carry on with your routine. If you are here, if you are fortunate, you can see the Guru Gaddhi, that’s all.
With this, I will move to the Kalpataru process.
The people who have come for Kalpataru Darshan in Ananda Vana and Montreal-Canada, please sit straight. Take paper and pen. Pen down one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions, powerlessness you have around that thought. Pen down both.
(After a few minutes...........)
Now let us move to the process. Please sit straight. Complete with all the incompletions and drop. Hold the space for what you want to create as reality. Means, whatever you want to cause, visualize that as the reality now! Namah Shivaya!
Thathaasthu! Thathaasthu! I bless you all! The visualization you hold, let it become reality! The space you created, let it become reality! Thathaasthu!
Tallahassee Florida, Priya Nayaki and Shakthidharan, anniversary blessings! Let both of you guys live happily, blissfully! I will be with you, you will be with me! Blessings!
So, with this we will start our Kalpataru Darshan in Varanasi, Ananda Vana. After that we will move to Montreal, Canada.
I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!
___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________
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