Friday, 30 May 2014

30th May

30th May 2014 / Friday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with My love and respects. _/|\_

Today I wanted to continue to expand on Advaithic Activism: the only solution for planet earth! Any activism from the context other than Advaitha, will lead to violence and destruction; please listen. Listen. Any, I mean any, activism; I have seen all types of activists. Any activism which is not from the context of Advaitha- means, the experience of non-duality- listen- experience of non-duality- only from the experience of non-duality the right kind of activism gets awakened. Otherwise even the service activists, the people who tend to do, try to do, social service, end up creating such a big mess in people’s life; end up in creating such a big mess in people’s life. In the name of service activism, I have seen people end up in creating such big mess; not ordinary, big mess. 

Human life, human life is so precious; listen. It should not be wasted in any action out of ignorance. The context for the life should be set based on the Truth, not based on your temporary mood swings. I’ve always seen people doing permanent damage to their life because they’re temporarily upset. Many people who leave the sangha, I have seen, they permanently damage their life possibility just because they’re temporarily upset. Understand? Just because they’re temporarily upset. Breaking marriages, breaking the families, breaking important, vital, parts of life; breaking the guru-disciple relationship. Listen: breaking the guru-disciple relationship. I have seen people doing all these things they take such a strong self-damaging, self-destroying, permanent decisions just because they’re temporarily upset. When I uttered this word, I saw many of our ashramites eyes just got lit up! Few days before, to a group of Mahant, Sri Mahant, I uttered this word: taking permanently damaging decisions because you are temporarily upset. They said, “Swamiji, this one teaching would have solved, saved, hundreds of lives! Just this one clarity: do not permanently damage your life because you are temporarily upset! Just this one message if you had put on the gate, in the outgoing side, anybody before leaving, they understood this one teaching... they would not have damaged their life so badly.” Listen: this teaching is not just for the people who are in my sangha; the whole world. 

This is for the whole world. So many times, you make the decisions which is permanently damaging your life just because you’re temporarily upset. Listen. Don’t do this. Don’t make the permanently damaging decisions because you are temporarily upset.

All the decisions should be based on the Truth of non-duality.

Let authenticity be the cognition from which you make decision. Let authenticity be the cognition from which you make decisions. Listen. Listen to this Truth. Let your temporary mood-swings not be the source of your decision. See, all the major damaging decisions in your life you took when you had the temporary upset. But, because you took the decision, you have to go with the major decision you took. Many economical decision, many life-collapsing decisions, many business-collapsing decisions, many of those decisions you took which damaged your life and continues to damage your life because you’re temporarily upset. Don’t make major decisions when you’re temporarily upset. When you are temporarily upset, always your mind makes you believe, tends to make you believe, your inauthenticity is okay. No. No. Your inauthenticity is not okay! It is not okay. It is not okay. 

Your decisions, your decisions based on inauthenticity is not okay and you made to believe by your own self that your decisions based on your inauthenticity is okay is one more inauthenticity. Understand? It’s like one criminal certifying the other criminal. Don’t take any major decision in the life when you’re temporarily upset. Again and again and again, align yourself to the session of authenticity. Sit with yourself and decide to be more and more authentic. Yesterday’s failure does not mean today you need to continue to be inauthentic. No! Understand, as many times as you failed, so many times you tried. The number of times you fell, is always one less than the times you stood up. Yes. Life will fail you when you are not up to it; but, will never kill you. It doesn’t shut the doors, it keeps the possibility open, it keeps the possibility available. 

Understand, constantly, constantly demanding authenticity from yourself is Living Advaitha! See, your temporary upset mood swings go on suggesting to you to compromise on your decisions. It suggests you to go on compromise on the way you think and the way you live. A non-compromising, listen, non-compromising, non-compromising authenticity. Let Me define Authenticity once more for the sake of the visitors, viewers, who come newly: the inner image, how you feel about you inside, outer image, how you show you to others, other’s image, how others perceive you, and life image, how you perceive life and others, when all these four are in tune, you are Authentic! Making the decisions, aligning your thinking, more and more making yourself available, reducing the complications, keeping it simple, keeping all these three simple, sorry all these four simple, inner image, outer image, others image and life image and all your thinking, action, everything, keeping it aligned, keeping it straight; listen. Listen. That is Authenticity! That is Authenticity. 

Authenticity, listen, authenticity is all about awakening yourself to the non-dual Truth. Awakening yourself to Advaitha! The ideas you carry about you, the way you project you, the way the world perceives you, the way you perceive the world, these four; aligning these four to this basic Truth is Living Advaitha. Aligning these four to your reality is Advaitha. Understand, demand Authenticity from you, from your thinking, from your action. If you demand authenticity from you, your life becomes a spiritual practice. If life demands authenticity from you, it is called suffering. When you don’t demand Authenticity from you, life WILL demand it! Life will take it out of you! Because, whether you look towards east or not, sun rises in the east! If you look towards it, automatically that is called authenticity, spiritual practice. If somebody forces, tiurns your head towards the east, that is called suffering. Life will force you to become Authentic. That is a qwuality of life. Demand authenticity from yourself.

Somebody asked me, “Swamiji doesn’t seem to be the amount of time you are putting energy; it doesn’t seem Ramakrishna or Ramana Maharishi did this, so many gurus, it doesn’t seem to be they all struggled so much.” LIsten. They all were trying to create few enlightened beings to keep the stream alive. Here I am trying to create an enlightened ocean! I am trying to create an enlightened civilization! You guys may clap, but only I know the weight on the shoulder, and these very people who clap, when they do not live, clapping is not going to take the responsibility; only living, if you live non-dual consciousness, if you live Advaitha, that is the only way you can reduce My work. 

Living Advaitha is not withdrawing; it is flowing! Just by not doing, not doing, not doing, not doing, not doing this, not doing this, not doing this, Advaitha does not become Life. It is by tremendous doing the things that need to be done, Advaitha becomes lifestyle in you. Not by not-doing, but by right-doing, Advaitha becomes Activism in you! That is why I’m using the word Advaithic Activism. Authenticity is not not doing, non-doing of Advaitha; it is all about doing Advaitha! 

Authenticity, Integrity. Hare, I am telling you, when you are awakened, so many amazing powers and possibilities are available to you! When you are not awakening those powers and possibility, means you do not believe in what I am saying. Understand? You don’t believe. If you believe, you will naturally be trying to demand those possibilities from you Understand? Demand authenticity from you! Demand all those possibilities from you. Demanding Authenticity from you is Advaithic Activism. Demanding Authenticity from you is Advaithic Activism.

(Swamiji is now giving the essence of today's Morning Message in Hindi!)

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