18th July2014 / Friday
Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||
I welcome all of you with My love and respects.
Today, 27th Inner Awakening, 4th day, 24th eN Genius, 4th Day, Nirahara Samyama level 2, 1st day, THE Samyama, 4th day.
In Inner Awakening we are going to work on a very important component of human beings, which should not be important component, but becomes important- that is the pain patterns. Understand, burning the root pattern is very important so that it doesn’t grow more and more, but, Completing with all other patterns are also very important. Like, the results of the pain pattern, results of the root patterns caused. For example, the main cause of the pain pattern is your life; your life itself is the main cause of the root pattern; the main cause is the way you live life. And these pain patterns are like a small, small, small side-effects. Not only you need to Complete with the root pattern, you have you complete with even the pain patterns which are side effects and after effects. If you complete with the root pattern, you can be sure it will not repeat itself again in your life. But... Listen. But, the many side effects of root pattern already created in your body, they also need to be completed.
For example, because of root pattern, so many permanent damages are done to your body and mind. For example, diabetes, high blood pressure, constant restlessness. All these has become part of your lifestyle, even if you burn the root pattern, these permanent damages done to your lifestyle, like diabetes, depression, all these will go away only when you work on all the pain patterns created by root patterns all these years which you entertained. See, once you burn the root pattern, it’ll not come back in your life. But what about all these damages done to your body? Those are called pain patterns. You have to Complete with every pain pattern which is the ripple effect of the root pattern in you. That is what we are going to do today. The good news is, it can be done; the best news is, I am going to assist you. I’ll make it happen! But I tell you, the moment you complete with all these various pain patterns, so many things which you thought permanent disorders will just melt down. Diabetes, high blood pressure, all these allopathy says permanent because they don’t know the solution, and at one level, they know the solution, they don’t want people to know. See when your body is the income source for the pharmaceutical industries, why will they cure you? It’s like you go to an engineer and try to expect he will serve you food; no. even that can be considered as a innocence, but if you expect pharmaceutical companies to cure you, it is absolute stupidity. Understand, in India medicine was always non-profit, from the beginning. In My villages, I have seen, the doctor will never get paid, but whenever the harvest happens, he will get his share. Three share maracca per acre land; anyone who owns acre, and barber gets one share; the musician from the temple, one share. Understand, Indian doctors get paid only if you are healthy; they don’t get paid if you are sick. So naturally his interest is keeping you healthy! In those days, he gets his income if you are kept healthy. Now if you fall sick only he has money; then, what do you think? He is not a Paramahamsa who doesn’t want anything. He wants his car, house, money, money to pay to the doctors when he falls sick! Understand. Medical care and education, both, were never pay-service in Vedic lifestyle; in Vedic tradition. Both were done by the voluntary contribution. So that both’s purity can be kept.
Anyhow, whatever western medical methods have taught you, permanent conditions can just melt down and heal itself just by this Completing with all the pains. It’ll be almost like a so much of pus will be taken out of you, so much Completion will happen. Already I know, so many of you feel so much of load has been taken out of your heart. Today, the process is so powerful, once you Complete this Completion with pain patterns, we call this Samskara Daharana Kriya, after today, from tomorrow, you don’t need to sit and do Completion, just your decision, you will be Complete! If you can be in the space of Completion just by decision, you are Living Enlightenment! Understand? If you need to sit and do the process, relive and relieve, you are a seeker. If you are able to achieve the spontaneous completion, and the incompletions do not come back, you are free! If you live in this space, you are Living Enlightenment. Understand. That is why this Samskara Dahana Kriya, burning the pain patterns, are very important. Samskara Dahana Kriya is very, very important. I tell you, so many things which terrorizes you in your life, so many things which terrorized you in your life, will not even have place in your life, you won’t even remember them in your life once you complete these pain samskaras. Once you complete with all the pain patterns, with all the pain samskaras, once the Samskara Dahana Kriya is done, today, whole day you will be completing! Completion whole day! Once you do this process, once the process happens, you will see, simply you will see, so many things which were terrorizing your life earlier will not even have meaning. If you are terrorized seeing the photograph of snake, even if you see the snake in the front, there won’t be panic attack. Actually, snake is terrorized by you. Please understand, the poisonous snakes cannot release the poison through their teeth unless they are terrorized! See, it is not always prepared to inject poison; only when they are terrorized, it can just bite and inject the poison! A snake which is not terrorized cannot even release venom. If you observe when they take out the venom for medical purposes, how they take it out, and videos of snake really biting somebody, you will see the difference. So, snake is terrorized by you. If you are not terrorized by it you will understand, you go your way, it goes it’s way, it’s a shy animal; all the stories you’ve created snake will take revenge, all the village stories of stories.
Listen, so many things which terrorizes you, which can terrorize you, which was terrorizing you, will just become meaningless once you complete Samskara Dahana Kriya, so understand, Samskara Dahana Kriya is literally ironing out your inner space from the beginning. This technique is one of the most powerful techniques from Shiva’s teachings to Devi. Such an absolutely powerful technique, which can make you so alive, powerful. Actually, people come and tell me Swamiji I forgot not that I am struggling, I just forgot some of my 20, 15 years of addictions! Not just smoking and drinking, there were some addictions, like unless you read the news paper, you cannot go 1-2-3, the psychological addictions, people come and tell me, and this psychologically constantly connecting the life happenings and the symbols you see in the front. People think if you see the person in black dress, or black cat, the things will not work out. The black cat is not so intelligent to appear in front of you and give you the warning signal. If black cat could do that, let us worship black cat! If black cat is crossing you, black cat is crossing you. An animal is in search of his food. Why are you attributing so much to black cat.
Anyhow, so listen. It’s funny sometimes, how people think. If they see somebody early morning with a shaved head, somebody will be shaving them. In Indian villages, and the great cities like New York, the most superficial cities ever formed are New York and London; the Indian villages superstitions are better, they have other reason. So many highly built buildings will not have 13th floor even now in London, am I right? What stupidity! What this poor 13 has done? After 12, automatically he comes; before 14, he has to come. What poor thing he has done, other than being next to the 12? All these superstitious thinkings with which you are caught you won’t even remember them after you complete with this, the pain body, you will be liberated from them. You are laughing about this black cat, number 13, especially friday falls on the 13 half of London will not come out of the house; no, I tell you, now we are laughing, but the people suffering with that pattern, so much of torture and creativity is lost, and one more thing, once you start believing the black cat will bring bad things to you, you will wait for it and connect it and curse that stupid cat who has gone in front of you. Actually, because he saw you, he did not get food. That is the truth.
One king, he believes his barber is inauspicious omen for him, bad omen. So one day by mistake, the moment he woke up, through the window he saw his barber. That’s all, he ordered the soldiers “cut the head of this barber, kill this fellow,” and they went and told the barber, “the king saw you first, feels he will have a bad day, he wants to kill you.” The barber says, “I also saw the king first thing, for him bad things may come; but me, bad is coming- what is happening?” This bad omen thought trend is a bondage and psychological torture. How many of you have secretly like this some of the thought trend about the bad omen. See actually this is a big, very big bondage on you, once you do the Samskara Dahana Kriya it’ll be forgotten. Relax. LIberation from this bad omen thought trend is one of the very important liberation human beings need, but no educated man talks about it, because talking about it is “stupid, foolish,” but inside, you go on connecting all this. This thought trend of connecting the omens and happenings is one of the very big bondage thought trend. Now not only you will be liberated, you will forget you had this thought trend. Some people tell Me, Swamiji, I forgot I had this!
Even statistics show people who believe in bad luck will have more accidents on Friday the 13th. What is this bad omen? It is nothing but subconsciously avoiding responsibility for our actions. You make mistakes, but because morning you saw this stupid black cat, he is blamed for all the mishaps.
Understand, this thought trend of good and bad omens, they, this thought trend of good and bad omens, connecting your omens and life happenings, and addiction, both are from the same root, understand. You may be surprised, all addictions are nothing but you believing they will give you the feel good feeling, that’s all. Most of the time you smoke, drink, thinking it will give you the feel good feeling. I’ll define addiction: when you smoke, you will not find some great pleasure, but when you don’t smoke, you will feel a great emptiness. I tell you all addictions, and this mental setup of connecting the omens and life happenings, both are from the same thought trend.
When you do this Samskara Daharana Kriya you will understand. Sometimes the Indian villages look much better in omens and superstitions than these so-called developed countries. I really had a shock when I heard there won’t be 13th floor in London, if the Friday is 13th all the traffic will be empty, and all these London dailies will be full of black magic magicians. “Ghosts can be driven by phone!” I have people who can be driven anybody by phone, what ghosts? When I saw even in New York, every 6th board or 7th board will be what the Psychic with the big eye, neon light, shining “Psychic Readings.” And I read a legal case, a doctor has done an MRI on a psychic and she lost the ability, and she sued and got the money! It’s really funny; she sued and got the money! All funny things. I really had a cultural shock when I saw all this. Then only I understood, it is nothing to do with education, it has something to do with the human thought trend. If you carry the incompletions this thought trend is going to continue. Go on trying to avoid the straight understanding of responsibility, and trying to drop the responsibility on something- the cat running, the rat running... if your wife ran away, it is because of you, not the cat running. No really! And you go on attributing it to the cat; the cat did not elope with your wife!
Please understand, sometimes it is really paralyzing your decision making abilities; absolutely shaking your thought trend, it leads to lot of panic attacks, paralysis in your thinking. All this, not only you will be free from this addictions, it’ll be forgotten when you Complete with all these pain patterns; it’ll be forgotten! Actually I wanted this Kriya to be done first, that’s why I decided not even to accept Pada Puja today, I want you guys to go through some more cleansing, then if you sit at the feet, 100% My neuron activities will mirror in your brain. If you don’t go through this Kriya the mirroring will only be 80%, but if you go through this Samskara Daharana Kriya, it’ll be 100%. Your whole brain becomes so alive, superconscious, ready to mirror the cosmic neuron activity. If you look at the others, neuron activity only will be active; where you bought this sari, where you bought this jewellery? If you look at the master, (reception lost...)
(... reception back)
Essence of Today’s Satsang, what I wanted to convey to all of you, do Samskara Dahana Kriya once in a while,even if you have Completed Inner Awakening, in your own house, choose maybe once a month or twice a month, based on your lifestyle, if your lifestyle is accumulating more stress, then once a month, if your lifestyle is not like that, then once in 2 months, decide, then dedicate 2-3 hours to do it, this can whatever incompletions, pain patterns you can remember, pen down, get somebody, sit with then, complete, and if you can’t catch, get the mirror, that’s all. You always have one more person with mirror, talk to him, complete with that person- at least once in 2 months, do this Samskara Dahana Kriya, it’ll do so much good to you. That’s all is the essence of today’s satsang. We’ll move to Kalpataru Process.
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