Thursday, 17 July 2014

Nirahara Samyama - a compilation

(A Compilation from Swamiji Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s various Satsanghs)

Satsangh of Monday, 1 July 2013

First time we opened the Nirahara Samyama on one-way and on TV also, because I have added a Kriya which can directly support people to practice the Nirahara Samyama.  It is like kindling of the Kundalini energy, awakening of the Kundalini energy without my physical presence, without my directly looking into them and initiating.  For that, I have developed a Kriya.  So, with this Kriya they will be able to practice; wherever they are, they will be able to practice the Nirahara Samyama. 

Nirahara Samyama is not fasting.  And it is neither feasting.  Unfortunately, your everyday life itself has become feasting!  Nirahara Samyama is neither feasting nor fasting.  It is, step by step, slowly, slowly, awakening your bio-intelligence, bio-memory to produce energy directly from space, to produce energy directly from space.  Listen!  So, step by step, slowly, slowly, we awaken your bio-memory which has the intelligence to produce energy directly from the air, sunlight and trees and space.  Through a proper Kriya, it is possible!  Let me give you the clear step by step instruction.

First, today, we start this Nirahara Samyama.  Today and tomorrow, next forty-eight hours, means, till day-after-tomorrow morning satsangh, you will not take any solid food, but you will continue to have some juices – buttermilk, water, juices.  Till 3rd July morning satsangh, Wednesday morning satsangh, you will not have any solid food.  First, we are taking that component out of your system.  And the Kriya which you are going to learn now, you will do it continuously every day morning once and evening once.  It is just twenty-one minutes Kriya, not more than that.  You can do once in the morning, once in the evening.  And any time you feel tired or fatigue, or any sickness, feeling sick, dehydrated, you should start eating, break the Samyama; you should start eating; you should not be continuing out of will.  You should not continue the Nirahara Samyama out of will. 

Please listen!  Nirahara Samyama should happen in you with the right context.  When you create energy, when you create intelligence, when you create enough energy in your bio-memory, bio-intelligence, automatically the food intake should reduce.  So, be very clear.  Today onwards I am giving you the Kriya to awaken your intelligence and reduce the food intake.  But for some reason if the Samyama has not started happening in you, means if you are feeling too hungry, fatigue, you should not be continuing the Nirahara Samyama. 

And every night before going to sleep, you should continuously do completion at least one hour.  Completion with all the past incompletions which makes you powerless, which makes you experience conflicts, contradictions. 

So, understand these simple instructions.   

If you are feeling tired or dehydrated, immediately you should break the Samyama.  You should also have a water bottle filled with water.  Continuously once in an hour, when you feel your mouth is dry, you should sip water, you should drink water, keep yourself without being dehydrated.  Because, first two days, more than tiredness, you will feel powerless.  You always associated food with power.  So you need food.  You should cross all your psychological drama.  It is literally like how kids do drama with the parents, your body and mind will do drama with you.  You will have to cross all those dramas.

So, I will move to the Kriya now. 

Please listen!  Listen!  The Kriya has two components: Visualizing and breathing.  Please listen!  Both you are expected to do simultaneously.  Visualizing is as if you inhale through each of your pores of your body and produce energy directly from the air, from the space, like a banyan tree.  Please listen, feel, cognize you have become like a banyan tree.  Like how a banyan tree, using the whole body, through each leaf, a banyan tree breathes, each leaf produces food, same way visualize you are breathing through your whole body, and just like banyan tree your bio-intelligence is producing food directly from the breeze, from the space, from the breeze, from the space.  So understand, this is the visualization.

Breathing process is: Inhale through both nostrils and the mouth.  And hold as long as you can, as long as you are comfortable, by closing both the nostrils and the mouth.  Listen!  Don’t try to hold for a long time.  No!  Hold as long as you are comfortable by closing the nostrils and the mouth.  When you feel you can’t hold any more, slowly exhale, slowly exhale through the nostrils. 

Listen!  Let me show you!

Inhale through the mouth and the nostrils.  And hold by closing the nostrils and the mouth as long as you can.  Then slowly exhale through the nostrils by closing the mouth.  While you are doing this, continuously cognize you are Bidadi Kalpavruksha, banyan tree.  Through each pore of your being you are inhaling the energy, processing it and assimilating it and releasing the unnecessary air.  Means, producing energy and food directly from the air. 

Do this Kriya every morning twenty-one minutes, evening twenty-one minutes.  For “The Samyama” (now renamed as Nirahara Samyama Level-4) also do this same Kriya. 

So, every night all the root-patterns related to food and other root-patterns you feel whole day, other patterns you feel whole day, you should sit and complete with it, complete with it. 

So now, with this, we will start the Nirahara Samyama Level-1.  So, with this, we will start the Nirahara Samyama Kriya.  Viewers of Sadhna TV can continue watching Nithyananda TV live.  You can switch to Nithyananda TV live, or you can just sit and do the Kriya.  I am guiding from here and connecting with all of you.  You have to do the Kriya twenty-one minutes morning and evening.

Please sit straight!  Close your eyes. 

Sadhna TV and Lotus TV viewers can move to to see the Nithyananda TV. 

So, now sit straight!  Close your eyes!  Cognize you have become Bidadi Kalpavruksha, huge banyan tree, and inhale through both the nostrils and mouth.  Hold the breath inside you as long as you can, and exhale slowly when you can’t hold the air any more.

I bless you all with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching.  Let all our bio-memories be intensely awakened and produce the energy directly from space, living health, bliss and enlightenment.  Namah Shivaya!


Satsangh of Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Listen, all the Nirahara Samyama participants have to understand these few basic rules and regulations.  You cannot use your will power to be Nirahari.  You only can use your conscious power to be Nirahari. 

What is the meaning of “will power” and “conscious power”?  With will power, there will always be struggle.  With conscious power there will never be any struggle. 

Understand, if you use will power and fast, it will just be fasting.  You may lose weight.  In the dream you may feel that you are feasting.  In the dream, you will have dream that you are feasting, eating.  You can have tea, coffee, no problem.  Only liquids you can have.  Only in the first level I want to remove solids from your patterns.  If you remove solids, lot of items related to pride, taste will be removed.  So, remove the solid food.  That itself will help you to clear many of the patterns.

Please understand, the first 48 hours, remove solids food from your life.  That is enough.  One more important thing.  When the stomach does not have the work of digesting, digestion, it will release so many restless patterns in you.  That is why, first working on removing the solid food from your system.  Yesterday, today, and till tomorrow morning, no solid food.  You can have any amount of liquids like juice, coffee, tea, buttermilk.  But not alcohol!  You can’t justify that is also liquid.  No!  No!  So, whole day, continuously do completion.  Every irritation, agitation you feel, powerlessness you feel, do completion. 

Every moment you feel powerless……  Please understand, when you start the Nirahara Samyama, you will not feel tiredness first.  You will feel powerlessness first.  Because it is more psychological.  It is not physical.  It is more psychological.  You will only feel powerlessness.  Food is always associated with power for you.  So understand, complete, complete, complete with all the powerless feeling.

Go on completing, completing, completing.  Even if there is mountains of incompletions in front of you, you can complete.  I know, sometimes you feel there are mountains of incompletions in front of you.  You are afraid to look at life.  I tell you, it is possible.  Completion is possible.  Understand, the junior civilizations – Egyptians, Greek; the latest civilizations – European civilizations; modern civilizations – the western civilizations; these civilizations are filled with food because they have not found the depths of life.  Please understand, when you live for quite a long time, you will discover a lot of great truths related to life.  That is why Vedic tradition carries so much of depth.  Arrey, we are sitting on Planet Earth for a long time!  We know how to eat, we know how to breathe, we know how to wear, we know how to give birth in the best way, we know how to die in the best way, because we are sitting here since ages!  We are not newcomers.  We are the senior-most civilization.  When you come newly to a city or place, many things you need to learn from the people who are already settled there.  So, we are the people who are settled here since ages.  I am not talking, please understand, I am not talking out of any arrogance or pride, or I am not even talking because I am born in Vedic civilization.  No!  I am just stating some truths, simple facts.  Our guys knew how to fly 170 years before the Wright Brothers!  In Mumbai, India, one Hindu Pundit made the aircraft as per the descriptions from Vedic tradition and flew 4 kms, means, a little more than 2 miles!  So, please understand!  But, unfortunately, we are not propagandists.  That is where the problem is.  We go on doing research and development.

This NIrahara Samyama is an age-old method of bringing health to your body.  During the NIrahara Samyama, drink water the moment you wake up and brush the teeth.  Drink water before you go to bed.  Continuously, once in one hour, half an hour, sit with a glass of water.  You may feel, ‘Continuously I have to run to the rest-room!’  That is okay!  That is okay!  All your organs will be awakened, fresh, cleansed.  In Hindu tradition, we call it “vratha”.  Almost in all families, at least one person will be this vratha-obsessed person.  Monday for Shiva, Tuesday for Muruga, Wednesday for ourselves! If you don’t find any god, come on, let us do for ourselves!  And Thursday for Guru, Friday for Devi, Saturday for Surya!  But, I tell you, always in my experience I found these vratha-obsessed people are very healthy.  Really!  My grandmother!  I have seen many people in my life who are this vratha-obsessed.  It is from that I got the basis for the Nirahara Samyama.  Then I developed it as a proper process through the help of Hatha Yoga Pradeepika and Patanjali Yoga Sutra and the Vedic literatures. 

One of the powerful results of Nirahara Samyama is it awakens your Kundalini Shakthi.  I tell you, this Nirahara Samyama is one of the greatest gifts, my contribution to the world, clearly a systematized, easy process which is available from time immemorial with Hindu tradition.  But I organized it very clearly with the yoga process and right context.  I sincerely request and recommend Nirahara Samyama for healing many disorders and diseases.  First level is more like preparing your body and mind.

Understand, Nirahara Samyama will awaken many powers which you never even thought you have had.  It will awaken your memory power.  You may think how not eating can awaken memory power?  Because, it will release all the restlessness you carry, agitation you carry, anger you carry, resistance you carry.  When you complete with all that, you will have so much of inner space, you will have memory power!  So, so many extraordinary powers you carry inside you will be released with Nirahara Samyama.  That is all for now on Nirahara Samyama!


Satsangh of Thursday, 1 August 2013

Please understand, I want to take a few minutes to explain about this Nirahara Samyama, the importance of Nirahara Samyama. 

One of the biggest disorders human-beings are facing is over-eating and over-sex.  Over-food and over-sex!  I tell you, over-sex does not create any big physical disorders, but over-food, over-eating straightaway destroys your health!

I am not promoting over-sex!  I am very clear, please understand!  All I am trying to tell you is, over-eating is worse than over-sex.  The whole of humanity is suffering from this one big problem, this one big disorder of over-eating.

Human-beings are the only species suffering from over-eating.  Even if a lot of flesh is available, the tiger will never have all and over-eat, the lion will never have all and over-eat!  Even if the whole forest is available, the elephant will never have all, over-eat!  But, unfortunately, human-beings always suffer with over-eating.  And, all of you need to know, more number of people die due to obesity than due to malnutrition.  More number of people die on Planet Earth due to over-eating than without food!

I can say, just like famine where food scarcity happens, in the modern day, scarcity of the knowledge of right eating happens.  Obesity is nothing but knowledge-scarcity, knowledge-famine, not knowing what do you really need, not knowing why do you really need, not knowing what is really necessary.

I was explaining about Nirahara Samyama. 

One of the biggest psychosomatic disorders which humanity is suffering from is over-eating.  Please understand, over-eating is a pattern, over-eating is a habit, just because human-beings feel incomplete in some dimension of their life.  Food is nothing but trying to complete the incompletions which you carry in some other field.  If you are incomplete in your relationships, in your greed for money, in your sexual desires, in your powerless feeling, experiencing vengeance and anger, when you try to take revenge, you try to complete through eating.  So, over-eating, as far as I am concerned, is a psychological disorder which becomes a physiological disorder also.  Over-eating is a psychological disorder which becomes physiological disorder also.

The importance of Nirahara Samyama, first level Samyama, second level Samyama, and third level Samyama, is not to deny energy supply to your body through food.  I awaken your intelligence, so that you can complete with all your food-related patterns.  You complete them by going through the completion process, not by dumping food into you. 

Nirahara Samyama first level, second level, third level, teaches your body to eat only for your hunger, not for your anger.  Feed your body only for your hunger, not for your anger.  Feed your body to become powerful, not out of powerlessness.

Understand, in the Nirahara Samyama, I am initiating you and educating you and making you experience different mystical powers.  One, first thing, by making you to do completion with all your food patterns and food-related patterns……in the Nirahara Samyama, the first thing you do is completion with food patterns and food-related patterns.  Do completion.  You will start eating only for hunger, not out of anger or any other powerlessness.  You eating due to any other powerlessness leads you to more and more suppression, leads you to more and more suffering.  Don’t eat out of powerlessness.  Don’t eat out of anger.  Don’t eat out of suffering.  Don’t eat out of vengeance.  Don’t eat out of any incompletions.

First thing I wanted you to learn about Nirahara Samyama is, many of your incompletions related to food, food patterns and patterns related to food make you obese.  Above all, understand, obese people always lose self-respect for themselves.  They lose confidence about themselves.  First thing I am trying to do is bring completion into all your food patterns, food habits, patterns related to food.  In the next level of completion, I am trying to awaken your innate intelligence to create energy directly, your innate intelligence to create energy directly from space.

Understand, just by completing with all your food patterns…..if you are brought up in poverty, or if you are brought up….if you carry patterns like your brothers or sisters have been given more preference in the common sharings in the house like sweets, food……  All Indian middle-class families will have this pattern.  The upper middle-class families will have obesity, because food is freely available.  The middle-class people will have the pattern of being deprived of food; and when they become rich, the first thing they do is eat, eat, eat, eat, eat…..!  It is so unfortunate!  It is so unfortunate!

In every school, we should teach the science of completing with food patterns.  Being in completion with food habits, being in completion with food-related patterns, we can save humanity from obesity and obesity-related disorders and obesity-related deaths.  Please understand, on Planet Earth, more people have died out of over-eating than for want of food! 

You may think, ‘What is this Swamiji?  Only famines killed millions of people!’

I tell you, other than the famine period deaths, all deaths are related to over-eating!  All other deaths, whether you die out of heart diseases, anything other than the famine period deaths, are due to over-eating!  There are recently-published articles in “The Telegraph” newspaper which say obesity is killing three times as many people as malnutrition!  Please understand, obesity is now killing triple the number of people who die from malnutrition!  Every year, thirty lakh (30,00,000) people die out of obesity!  Thirty lakh – three million – die out of obesity all over the world!  Can you imagine?!!

You cannot stop over-eating till you complete with all the incompletions, patterns related to food.  I tell you, this completing with the food patterns and patterns related to food is ten times more effective than any intestine surgery!  And no cost, no side-effect, most easy!  This will be more effective, powerful than any intestine surgery!  Even in intestine surgeries, after sometime you start dumping, dumping, dumping, and you die in that incompletion with food-patterns.  You die with incompletions with food patterns.  Listen!  This is a very important thing you need to know.  The starvation deaths are much, much, much less – only 33% of obesity deaths! 

Continuously you have to complete with the food patterns and food-related patterns.  Complete with food patterns and food-related patterns.  That completion is enough and will automatically heal you.  You will be in the space where you will eat only what is required.  You will be able to eat only what is required.  Listen!  You will only be able to eat what is required.  This is the best weight-loss technique – no side-effect….and permanent!  Permanent, and no side-effect!

Nirahara Samyama is a very powerful process to help you complete with all the food-related patterns.  So, today, by initiating all of you into the first level of Nirahara Samyama, the first thing I want to tell you all is, from today start completing with all the food-related patterns, with all the food patterns and food-related patterns.

So, this first level, second level, third level Nirahara Samyama is mainly to reduce the over-eating, unnecessary food being supplied to the body and becoming a load on the body.  When you complete with the patterns related to food and food-related patterns, the unnecessary load put on the body will be reduced.

Nirahara Samyama is a powerful process to awaken your Kundalini energy also. 

See, in the first level, second level and third level Nirahara Samyama, you can drink liquids like buttermilk, milk, juices, as much as you want.  Just don’t give the job of digestion, means, grinding, chewing to your teeth, tongue and your stomach.  This will make you recognize your food-related patterns and food-related engrams.  This will make you recognize your food-related root-patterns. 

Please come to this Nirahara Samyama, because it will bring health to you, it will bring completion in you, it will awaken the Kundalini energy in you.  The Kundalini energy in your system will be awakened through this Nirahara Samyama.

With this, I will guide you into the Nirahara Samyama.  See, today, tomorrow, we will be doing the Samyama, till the day-after-tomorrow morning.  Means, first level Samyama is only forty-eight hours.  You can drink a lot of juices, milk and any liquid. 

The second level Nirahara Samyama will be seven days.

Third level will be eleven days.

The Samyama instructions are the same:

·         Every day, continuously do completion, morning and evening, especially before going to bed, with all the food-related patterns and food patterns. 
·         Never miss the satsangh.  Please come to the satsangh every day.
·         And you have to attend the satsangh and do the Nirahara Samyama Kriya.

Satsangh of Friday, 2 August 2013

I will expand on some more things about Nirahara Samyama.

·         First thing, please understand, if you have any illness, I sincerely recommend you consult your doctor, your physician, before taking up this Nirahara Samyama. 

·         If you are already underweight, your BMI (Body Mass Index) level is lower than what it should be, you should not be doing this NIrahara Samyama.

·         But, if your haemoglobin level is low, you can do this Samyama.  Please understand, when I am making this statement, I am really responsible, because many people’s haemoglobin level became normal through Nirahara Samyama.  Because, this Kriya and this process awakens the method of absorbing prana into your system.

Satsangh of Sunday, 4 August 2013

All the people who already have problems with their BMI ratio (Body Mass Index ratio), who are underweight, malnourished, you should not be doing this Samyama.  Others can do this Samyama.  This Samyama mainly aims at reducing the food which you eat due to psychological reasons, not physiological reasons. 

So, thousands of people have joined from all over the world to do this Nirahara Samyama! 

Understand, Nirahara Samyama is mainly to awaken your intelligence. 

The first effect will be, you will stop eating psychologically.  You will eat only what is required for the body.  You have two types of eating: physiological eating and psychological eating.  Just because of psychological reasons you will start eating.  That will be stopped.  That is the first effect.

The second effect is, your bio-memory will be awakened to the extreme and extent where, please listen, you will start producing food directly from space!  It is possible! 


Satsangh of Friday, 27 September 2013

Nirahara Samyama is a very powerful Kriya described in Hatha Yoga shaastraas to awaken your Kundalini energy and produce energy directly from space.  Please listen!  Producing energy directly from space and bringing energy, health to your body, directly from space, without depending on any food intake!  Through proper visualization and Kriya, awakening your Kundalini energy, through that creating enough energy for you to live.

So, the first step: Cognize you have become Bidadi Kalpavriksha.  Means, our Bidadi Banyan Tree, how the tree produces energy directly from the air and ether, space, while meditating on that, by meditating on that, awakening the same capability in you, awakening that same bio-memory in you, so that your bio-memory also can create, your bio-memory also can create energy directly from space. 

Please listen!  Along with the cognition, do this Kriya: Inhale through both the nostrils and the mouth simultaneously with the visualization as if the whole Banyan Tree is inhaling, as if your whole body is inhaling.  Hold as long as you can comfortably, and exhale through both the nostrils as slowly as you can.

Please understand, I will also be supporting you by awakening your Kundalini energy.  Wherever you are, you can do this Kriya for twenty-one minutes.  Read all the rules and regulations of the Nirahara Samyama.  Don’t stop eating completely immediately.  Take liquids like juices, milk. 

The first level is only two days.  Means, forty-eight hours.  Then we will give a break.  You will eat regular food.

And second level is seven days.  Then you will have a break and eat.

Third level is eleven days. 

Step by step preparing your body and mind to produce energy directly from space. 

This Samyama is not fasting, please listen.  It is not depriving food to your body, but it is awakening the alternative path of energy in your body, awakening the alternative method to create energy in your body. 

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