10 oct 2014/Friday
Kirtans are for you to involve. See, actually the words she (the lead singer) is using are simple words. If you remove your mental blockage – ‘Oh, I don’t know this word. This is Sanskrit.’ – you can just listen once and repeat. All the satsanghis all over the world, the Kirtan is introduced not for you to sit brooding over something at that time; it is introduced for you to sing and purify your Vaak. Only when you utter those words, you will internalize those meanings and your Kundalini will be activated, and you will have the real benefit.
Kirtan is for activating your Kundalini Shakthi, making your Kundalini Shakthi awakened by the proper idea, concept and music put together. So, all the ashramites, Kotharis, Thanedars, Mahants, Brahmacharis, for whom life is a full-time spiritual practice.... See, if the participants (Inner Awakening participants) are not able to sing, I can understand; they are new to it; they are completely new to this whole culture and atmosphere. But, for the people for whom this is the life, please get out of your “babudom”, which is the word used by Ramakrishna for the arrogant, insensitive fellows who will not get involved in any of the spiritual practices, spiritual activities, happenings. He will call them “babus”, who don’t get involved in anything. And he has a lot more words for them which I am not going to tell now!
See, what she is singing, it is only maximum twenty words, and every stanza has only two words – “Bhaavaya Bhaavaya Nithyanandoham”, “again and again cognize, cognize, I am Nithyananda”. The words she is using are not difficult. So, please involve yourself, repeat, sing, visualize, cognize, go with the whole flow, live it. Only then your Kundalini will be awakened through this Kirtan. Kirtan is sung here not for you to be sitting at that time and brooding over your incompletions.
So, from tomorrow, before the Nithya Kirtan also, there will be a Declaration of Completion just like for Pada Puja. And the Nithya Kirtan team, you guys have to first sync, you guys also have to see whether everybody else is in sync. Don’t sing to pass the time. Don’t take this as a punishment. First of all, you have that joy, and decide to radiate that joy, and see to it that the whole group is involved. If the group is not involved, stop it.....stop, remind them, ask them to be part of it. It is the whole process of awakening the Kundalini Shakthi. With the right cognition and music when you sing, the cognition gets deeper than your emotional layer and awakens your Kundalini Shakthi.
Let Kirtan be out of a lot of joy, not out of the work mood. Let it be out of deep cognition of Completion and joy.
We will start.....!
Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||
I welcome all of you with my love and respects.
I would like to say just a few words today. The importance of Nithya Kirtan, I will expand on it.
Please understand, Kirtan is one of the oldest processes for Kundalini awakening in Vedic tradition, as old as Jnanasambandhar! Means, older than Adi Shankara! Because, Jnanasambandhar sings in his verse:
ஆடி பாடி அண்ணாமலை கை தொழ
ஓடி போம் நமது உள் வினைகளே
“Aadi Paadi Annamalai Kai Thozha,
Oadi Pom Namadhu Ull Vinaigaley”
“If you dance and sing the great name of Arunachaleshwara and worship him,
all the incompletions and Karma in your inner-space will disappear, run away!”
Older than this, there are references in the Upanishads, where, in the joy of enlightenment, Rishis sing,
हा वु हा वु हा वु
अहमन्नादो अहमन्नादो आहमन्नादः
haaaa vu haaaa vu haaaa vu
ahamannaadho ahamannaadho ahamannadhaah
(Taittriya Upanishad, Chapter 3, Bhrigu Valli, Section 10)
Rishis sing and dance in the ecstasy of enlightenment and Kundalini awakening.
Kirtan is one of the important spiritual practices for Kundalini awakening. The person who is leading the Kirtan should be responsible to be in the space of Completion and bliss, and radiate that in his words, eyes, body-language, and whole being, and make the whole group experience that. That is the definition of the person who is leading the Kirtan. People who are participating should cognize those words with the meaning and sing from your very being and experience the same state of consciousness described in those words and radiate the joy, not just from your words, but also from your eyes, face, the whole body-language. The whole area should experience that Advaithic Oneness and the Kundalini awakening! That is the definition of Kirtan. That is the way Kirtan should be.
Just like Nithya Yoga, Nithya Kriya, is part of our morning life, now I am adding Nithya Kirtan also as part of our life. Morning Nithya Yoga, Nithya Kriya.... Some kriyas you do even before coming to Nithya Yoga, like Nethi, and cleaning the eyes, Jala Basthi, enema, enema is “Jala Basthi” in Yogic terms. So, Nithya Kriya first, then Nithya Yoga, then Nithya Pranayama....already, in the Nithya Yoga it (pranayama) comes, then Nithya Puja, then Nithya Kirtan, then Nithya Satsangh. In the evening, Nithya Homa in all our temples. At night, Nithya Poornathwa Kriya, the every-day Completion process, and then fall into Nithya Samadhi! That’s all! What a life to live! What more you can ask for! What more you can ask for! Morning starting with Nithya Kriya, Nithya Yoga, Nithya Puja, Nithya Kirtan, then Nithya Satsangh. Evening, Nithya Homa and Nithya Poornathwa Kriya, Nithya Samadhi. This is the life with Nithyananda!
In all our temples, just if you guys practice this one, that is enough....that is enough; you will be living and enriching the Vedic tradition completely in all its dimensions! I have not left anything. I have given you everything from the Vedic tradition. All the best things of the Vedic tradition are made available to you just by this Nithya Kriya, Nithya Yoga, Nithya Puja, Nithya Kirtan, and Nithya Satsangh, Nthya Homa, Nithya Poornathwa Kriya, Nithya Samadhi. If you enjoy all this and live all this, that is enough; you will be living and radiating Sanatana Hindu Dharma! Not too much at all! Just this routine is enough! Anybody who participates in this routine is a “Devotee”; anybody who can lead all this routine is a “Mahant”; that’s all! And the place where this happens becomes our “Temple”.
I wanted temple-based Schools, temple-based Anna Dhaan, charity, temple-based Monastery, sannyas training, temple-based Spiritual Teaching, classes, programmes, spiritual courses, just temple-based everything! Temple is the centre, and everything happening around it. In a large scale, this dharma is to be lived. At least ten-thousand Gurukuls centred on ten-thousand temples.... centred on ten-thousand temples! Please listen! Temple, Gurukul, temple-based festivals, ceremonies, rituals, culturals, temple-based lifestyle! You should have at least ten-thousand temples where ten-thousand Vidyalayas, schools function, and at least one lakh sannyasis, all over the world. That is revival of Sanatana Hindu Dharma! That is revival of Sanatana Hindu Dharma!
My hope is on NRIs in USA. My hope lies with you all. It is the NRIs in USA, my hope lies with you all. It is you guys who have seen the hollowness of materialism, emptiness of anything which distracts you from Vedic tradition, and hypocrisy of all the philosophies which is hijacking you. You have seen all that. That is why NRIs are more closer to Sanatana Hindu Dharma, Non-Residential Indians (NRIs) are more closer to the core of India than Residential Non-Indians, RNIs. My hope lies with NRIs. It is only through you guys this Sanatana Hindu Dharma is going to be revived. It IS going to be revived! We WILL revive it! We WILL revive it!
Every village should have a temple-based school, place to do Anna Dhaan, and where this knowledge is taught, shared with everyone, where Yoga, Puja, Kirtan, Kriya, Satsangh, everything is conducted, where the Science of Enlightenment is taught, lived, the Science of Completion is practiced, preached, the Science of Completion is lived, Living in Advaitha is happening! Let us DO it! Let us DO it! THAT is our mission! THAT is our life! LET US DO IT! That is the purpose of temples all over the world. That is the purpose of ashrams all over the world. That is the purpose of everything – reviving Sanatana Hindu Dharma and living it!
With this, I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!
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