Tuesday, 14 October 2014

12 Oct 2014

12 oct 2014/Sunday


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha all over the world.  I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Yoga!  It has almost become the word representing India, the great heritage of India and Hinduism.  Especially, after the Prime Minister of India spoke about it in the U.N. (United Nations).  And, I heard a good news and media report: The United Nations is seriously considering to declare a day as “International Yoga Day”!

Yoga!  As usual, with wide practice comes huge dilution.  With customization comes dilution and pollution also.  Today, I am here to remind all of you that a huge following does not necessarily require dilution.  Yoga is designed, developed, shared with the world, not by one individual, but by a group of great enlightened beings who were specimens of all types of human-beings.  Because it was designed by a group of human-beings who represent various possibilities and specimens, they themselves have customized it without diluting it.  The founder and organizer – the word “Vyasa” does not mean “writer” or “author”; it means “editor”, “organizer” – for Yoga, “Vyasa” is Patanjali.  The organizer, editor of the Yoga system is Patanjali.  He is beautifully represented with a snake body.  Means, just like snake’s body, his body is so flexible; that is why he is represented as having a snake’s body. 

It is a group of saints, rishis, sages who created this system.  In that group, all types of human specimens and samples were there.  It means, for ALL of you, they made Yoga. The good news is, you don’t need to dilute it when you are customizing it for yourself.  The good news is, Yoga can be customized.  The best news is, it does not need to be diluted.  I am here standing to declare this message to the world:  The good news: Yoga can be customized.  The great news: It does not need to be diluted.  You can customize it for your office, for your field, for your department, for your purpose, for your need, but you do not need to dilute it or lose the original strength of it. 

It is our heritage.  Yoga is our heritage.  We don’t copyright it, but we will not keep quiet seeing the dilution.  We don’t copy right it.  It belongs to the whole world.  Yoga belongs to the whole world.  I don’t support efforts of copyrighting it, but I strongly support the efforts to protect it without getting diluted.  Customizing should not lead to dilution.  So, this webinar is all about the secrets of Yoga and awakening the true teacher in you.  That true teacher should customize, but not dilute.  You can use your own language-name for the asana (postures), but don’t try to create your own origin for the asana.  For each posture, you can have name in your language – camel posture, cat posture, snake posture, tree posture; we have no problem.  But, please don’t try to create origin also.

And, an important truth you need to know about Yoga: It is not just all about body.  Please understand, it starts with body, but it is not all about body.  Some of the greatest yogis of this country, I had the fortune of sitting at their feet.  Some of the greatest yogis, I met in my life.  Some of the greatest yogis, I had the opportunity to be at their feet in my life.  Please listen!  The next line I am going to utter may shock you.  Some of those greatest yogis whom I had the fortune to touch their feet, forget about their bending and touching their feet, they cannot even bend and touch their own belly!  That is the size of their belly!  Why I am making this statement you need to know.  I wanted you to understand, Yoga starts with body, but Yoga is not all about body.  It is not just body.  It starts with body, but it is something beyond body.  If you think Yoga is all about body, it is like you are having pizza box, but not pizza inside; you are having only the bottle, but not the water inside.  It is not all about body.  Yoga is a system developed for you to reach your peak possibility in your body, mind, emotions, and being level.  And everyone, every human-being should have at least the basic Yoga in your life, the basic Yoga in your life. 

In the modern day, it is unfortunate that there is so much of alterations and misrepresentation.  I tell you, the person who has understood the whole possibility of Yoga from body to consciousness, when he does some changes, he customizes, he does not allow misrepresentation, alteration and purposeful manipulation.  But people who have not seen the depths of Yoga, who just saw some few magazines, books, and attractive websites, a few yoga postures, or learned a little bit of Yoga by the so-called teachers, trekker gurus, who have not seen the depths of Yoga, it is in their hands that Yoga gets altered, misrepresented and manipulated.  That is the very important word I wanted to use.  Because, there are some so-called intellectuals, for their various vested interests, reasons, suddenly they have started telling the world that Yoga is not from India.  I am really shocked!  No, there are modern-day intellectuals; they have gone to the extreme of saying that Yoga is as new as bubble-gum, chewing-gum!  No, this was one of the so-called modern-day intellectuals’ – Meerananda – her statement.  I don’t know whether “she” or “he”, but that person’s statement that Yoga is as new as chewing-gum and it is not from India....  Oh, God!  Is there no limit? 

Anyhow, as a proud inheritor of this great Yogic tradition – I will go one step further; no one can sue me for that – as “custodian” of the Yogic knowledge, I represent Yogic tradition here, and I wanted to tell the whole world: customizing is accepted, but not manipulation, misrepresentation or alterations.  Please understand, here I am using the word “custodian”, not in the sense of patenting or owning as the West understands, as the western world understands, but, I mean I am using the word “custodian” or “guardian” to maintain its purity.  Because, it is like so many people have done so many dramas with Idly and Dosa and made so many varieties, when the original villager from a Tamil Nadu village where Idly and Dosa is a lifestyle, when he comes and sells Idly and Dosa, he has to clear so many misconceptions about it.  Exactly the same has happened about Yoga.  I have not even come to sell Yoga here; I have come to tell about Yoga. 

When you learn Yoga in an altered, misrepresented, manipulated form, that is the worst thing that can happen to you and your life.  You go for taking treatment for your disease, and due to the wrong treatment you die!  How bad it is!  At least, without treatment you would have lived a little more time!  Due to the wrong treatment you die.  That is exactly what happens when you learn from the wrong source, altered, misrepresented, and manipulated.  First I have to clear these misrepresentations; only then I can present the authentic Yoga as it is with the original verses.  Please understand, this is the definition I wanted to give you, this is the scale all of you should use.  Every movement you are asked to do, whether it is standing up and doing namaskar, or inhaling and exhaling, or some visualization or verbalization, whatever action, the moment you enter into the Yoga Studio, until you leave the Yoga Studio, whatever action you are asked to perform, ask for the original Sanskrit reference, verse for those actions.  The teacher should be capable of giving you the original reference in the original Sanskrit language, quoting the original text.  

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The whole system I call it with the name “Nithya Yoga”.  Means, “Eternal Yoga”. 

With this original reference, every action you do should be from that Yogic text, age-old, timeless, eternal Yogic text.  It should be authentic.  If your teacher is not able to give the reference of the original Yogic text and its original translation, translation can be in the language you speak, but the original Yogic text should be given in the language in which it is written – Sanskrit.  Please understand, for every action, if they are able to give the original text and you are asked to do, it is great.  Then the person, your Yogic teacher can be trusted.  He or she can even customize it for your need.  But if the teacher is not passing this examination of being able to give the original Sanskrit verses and the source book name with its translation, then you are learning misrepresented, altered, manipulated Yoga.  You are in a danger zone!  Just escape and run away as early as possible.  I am giving the scale.  I think, maybe, I removed a few million Yoga business people from their business through this clear definition!  May be a few million who are doing business with Yoga lost their job with this definition!  I am bold enough, courageous enough to tell you, don’t do anything I say unless I give you the original text reference and the original verse from the original Yogic text. 

There are authentic Yogic literature thousands of years old, like Hatha Yoga Pradeepika, Pranayama Paddhathi, Laya Yoga Pradeepika, Yoga Sutra, Yoga Shaastra Tattwa Kaumudi, and Hatha Yoga Kaumudi....at least forty great books....Gheranda Samhita.....the original Yogic texts are available, authentic translations done by the great translators like Sathyananda Saraswathi, and published by very authentic publishers like The Lonavala Yoga Institute, the original verses with the original texts are available to the world now.  We are not in the same situation of the 1960s and before the 1960s where the original texts were never translated into English and never made available to everyone; so, whatever these gurus teach, only that is Yoga.  We are not in that situation now, don’t worry.  The original texts and the translations are available to the world.  So, whoever wants to teach Yoga, take the responsibility to give the original verses in Sanskrit and give the translations.  You can learn about Islam in your language, but if you want to study about Islam, you have to go to the original language.  You can learn about Yoga in your language, but if you want to study about Yoga, you have to have at least a little Sanskrit, and, especially, if you want to teach Yoga, you should know basic Sanskrit and you should quote the original verses. 

The unique contribution, the uniqueness of Nithya Yoga is its authenticity....its authenticity.  No action you are asked to do is without the reference from the original text.  Teachers are given freedom only for permutation and combination, not to create new steps, please understand.  Yogic system gives freedom to teachers only for permutation and combination as per their experience and expertise, but not the freedom to create original steps.  The teachers have the freedom to plan which pranayama can be next to which pranayama, which asana can be next to which asana; that much freedom you have; but not to create a new asana, create a new pranayama.  No, I read in some website, suddenly they have developed a posture – Crucifixion Asana!  Why don’t you do Crucifixion Pranayama?  Means, not breathing!  You have no right to create new postures.  Please don’t do this.  You should not be doing it.  See, I am not against any religion or any religious tradition, but don’t manipulate and misrepresent our Yogic tradition; that is all I am saying.  Don’t manipulate this great Yogic tradition. 

Nithya Yoga is the complete authentic form of Yoga from its source.  Every small action, including the way you open your Yoga Mat and roll it back, ask me, I will give you the reference from the original text, original Yogic scriptures, the verse, and the translation.  That is the uniqueness of Nithya Yoga.  And Nithya Yoga is created for the purpose of Completion – Completion with your body, Completion with your mind, Completion with your being, Completion with your consciousness.  That is what is missing in many other form of Yoga in the world.  As a yogi by birth, trained in all dimensions of Yoga from birth by great yogis, here I stand to save the Yoga tradition in all its original and pure form. 

Knowledge is free to practice and get benefit, but knowledge cannot be free to misrepresent and manipulate.  We Indian yogis believe that is knowledge is free for you to practice and benefit.  That is why the whole Nithya Yoga, Vinyasa, Pranayama, Kriya, everything is available free of cost in our website.  I think we have the largest source for Yogic knowledge in the Internet.  We have the largest knowledge resource for Yoga in the Internet, and I am happy about it.  And I also commit with you guys, I will continue to go on uploading and offering freely more and more Yogic secrets and knowledge in the Internet, freely for all of you to study, practice, benefit, and enjoy, experience.  But please don’t misrepresent, manipulate. 

If you want to be a teacher of Yoga, please take a little time out of your life, be responsible to learn from the source and the language, body-language, lifestyle, and then start sharing it with the world in its authentic form.  Everyone is trying to claim that their form is authentic.  That is why the best way to prove or define what is authenticity........

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For various Yoga, meditation processes, for everything I am giving you the authentic source, the original Yogic text, from the original Yogic scriptures, and their translation.  See, claiming that it is your invention was fashionable till the advent of Nithyananda!  The so-called trekker gurus made “your invention” as fashionable.  Stop!  Enough!  Enough!  Enough is enough!  Now, quoting the original source is fashionable.  That is one of the unique contributions of Nithyananda’s advent!  Whenever your teacher, guru, tries to talk, ask him, ‘First give us the original reference.  If it is your invention, you use it on you, not on us.  Don’t use us as guinea pigs!  Give us original authentic verses. 

Please understand, Yoga has given certain “adhikaara”.  “Adhikaara” means, “authority” and “rights” to people who are teaching.  And, I am all supporting to use those adhikaaraas, those authority when you teach.  But don’t go beyond the authority, adhikaara given to you by the Yogic scriptures.  Yogic scriptures give the adhikaara, authority to teachers to develop their own permutations and combinations.  And we accept the mastery of the Masters.  Their expertise naturally gives them the clarity and understanding to develop new permutations and combinations.  But stop with that!  Don’t try to be originator!  Don’t try to play the game of “my invention”!  Stop it!  This “my invention” theory is great for Science, but not for the traditional lifestyle related, especially conscious related knowledge.  It is the unnecessary, unfortunate confusion of the glory associated with invention being misused by a few manipulators who are trying to fish in muddy waters.  Then there is a confusion.  Trying to fish in muddy water, dirty water.  Please understand, all confusions in the Yoga field have been created by these so-called inventors. 

Please understand, all the people who are interested in practicing Yoga, I wanted to tell all of you with my deep concern for all of you, don’t waste your time and later feel manipulated, cheated, brainwashed, mesmerised.  Before you start, the moment your Yoga teacher or master or guru says, ‘Namasthe’, ask them, ‘Please give the reference for this “Namasthe” posture.  Give the original verse from the original scripture where this “namasthe” originated.’  Ask them!  Then start, then continue.  Don’t think most of the western teachers will not know.  I will tell you the secret: Most of the Indian teachers also do not know!  Whether it is an Indian or westerner is not the question.  His origin in no way matters for Yoga.  Does he know the origin of Yoga, only matters.  Understand, his origin in no way matters for Yoga.  Does he know the origin of Yoga, only matters.  Let every asana, every kriya, let everything be given with the original Sanskrit verse, with the original scripture name.  Your teacher has the adhikaara to create permutation and combination.  He does not have the adhikaara, the right to create a new set of postures or new set of breathing technology, or new methodology of doing any action or visualization. 

I have already started revolution of authentic references.  So-called gurus, teachers, who are not able to do, they are trying to attack me.  All the attack I am going through is because, due to the revolution I started, many of them are losing their business!  Because, I am shaking many people’s business by bringing this new tradition of original tradition!  Let us do acid wash of authentic scriptures!  The moment a Nithya Yogi tells you, ‘Inhale through right, exhale through left’, he knows why he is telling you, and he can give you the original quote from the original scripture, Yogic scripture with the verse number and the translation, word by word meaning.  For that you need a guru.  Guru is required to keep the authenticity alive, to allow the customization, but not to allow the misrepresentation and manipulation. 

Nithya Yoga is in its original, pristine, pure, authentic form.  Nithya Yoga awakens Yogic power and helps us to fulfil the reality we wish to experience.  I tell you, in its pure, authentic form, Yoga is not just related to body; it can awaken your Kundalini Shakthi and give you miraculous powers, extraordinary powers.  It can just give you extraordinary powers.  Especially when it is practiced directly by the guidance and in the presence of the enlightened yogis and in their energy field like our banyan tree.  And I also wanted to tell all the Yoga teachers, you are all doing a great job of raising the consciousness of the planet.  My only request is, don’t allow your greed and fear to enter into your system.  Go for the original authentic source.s  Even you might have been mislead and manipulated.  Even for you to get rid of your doubts, go back to the original source.  And, thanks to great Yoga institutes for translating and making all the knowledge available with the original verse and the English translation!  Gheranda Samhita, Kumbhaka Paddhathi, Pranayama Paddhathi, all of them are available now completely with the translation.  Take from those sources.  And if you want your originality, your brand to be established, then have your own permutation and combination.  Go only that much.  But do not go to manipulate the original actions, kriyas, Yoga, asanas themselves.  If you are limiting yourself to the adhikaara given to you by the Yogic scriptures, you are a great contributor to the rise of the Yogic consciousness, to the rise of the Yoga consciousness.

And, I also made this as a rule for our Sangha: Whether it is a tradition, ritual, a Puja, or a Homa, or  Yoga, or a Pranayama, or a Kriya, the original verses from the original scriptures should be followed as it is.  The originality should be retained as it is.  It is after the advent of Nithyananda, originality became fashionable.  Invention theories are no more fashionable.  If you have invented, please do it for yourself, in your private room.  If it is original as per the authentic Yogic scriptures, then bring it to the dais, stage, and classroom.  Earlier, the trend was: “Original for your personal practice, and inventions for the classroom”.  Now, I am changing it, reversing it: “Original for classrooms.  Your inventions, keep it for yourself; do it where you want.”  You want to use it in your personal room or....up to you.  But for the classroom, for the public consumption, only the original, authentic scriptures, and the original translation, the original verses, only that should be used.  Let the authenticity be the scale to measure.  Let the authentic references of the scriptures be the scale to measure the originality of the system and the gurus and teachers.

Please understand, I wanted to briefly explain about this Nithya Yoga Teachers Training.  This Teachers Training is all about teaching you how to customize Yoga without misrepresenting, manipulating, or altering the original verses, the original actions, the original truths as it is.  Please understand, here you are given the original verses, actions, as it is, and given the knowledge, you are given the knowledge how the permutation and combination can be developed.  If you want to have something of your own brand, you are free to do it, you are welcome to do it.  Hinduism gives you such vast freedom, each guru can create his own brand, but still the original authenticity of Hinduism remains in its original authenticity.  We are such vast!  Every teacher can create his own version, but still the tradition remains virgin; in its virgin, pristine purity, it remains.  The Nitha Yoga Teachers Training gives you that knowledge, how to keep and retain the original tradition in its pristine, virgin purity, and create your own permutation and combination and build your brand and share it with the world. 

See, your desire for building your own brand is acknowledge, accepted, respected, revered in Vedic tradition, as long as you don’t manipulate the original scriptures.  And, you don’t need to leave your father who gives you so much of joy and freedom!  He only tells you not to destroy yourself.  Other than that, he gives you complete freedom.  You don’t need to leave that kind of father.  You may need to leave a father who does not appreciate your aspirations, your creativity, who does not accept you expressing your originality.  Only those fathers you need to leave.  And you don’t need to leave your father who appreciates your aspirations, who appreciates your originality, who appreciates your creativity, who gives you the space for you to demonstrate your creativity.  Nithya Yoga Teachers Training is all about encouraging your creativity and exploring energy without you manipulating, misrepresenting the original tradition. 

I am creating a brand new Yoga teacher who knows the language and body-language of Yoga, who knows the language and body-language of Yoga.  Understand, you have the freedom for permutation and combination, but do not change the original action.  Vedic tradition is clear: You can sit on the floor, have a banana leaf and eat.  You can sit on the chair, have a dining table, and have a plate and eat.  But eat only through the mouth!  The permutation-combinations are great, and we appreciate, we accept, we celebrate, we enjoy it; but do not touch the original source, do not touch the original verses, do not touch the original scriptures.  And, for every action you demand your disciple to do, give the original reference of the original authentic scripture. 

I am very clear, in our Sangha, whether it is Yoga, or Puja, or Homa, any ritual, the acharya who is conducting, whether it is Yogacharya, or Pujacharya, or Dhyanacharya, the acharya who is conducting should give the original reference of the scriptures, the verse in original Sanskrit, and the verse number and the scripture name, at any time on demand!  Just like India has a law of Right to Information (RTI) Act, I am declaring a new law in our Sangha: the Right To Information of the Source (RTIS) Act.  Anybody who follows me, who comes to any of my temples, ashrams, schools, colleges, centres, run by our Sangha, I will give you the freedom and right: you have the right, right to information of the original source.  You have to ask, and the acharya who is conducting has to give.  The RTIS will retain the pristine purity.  Right To Information of the Source, I tell you, this is going to be a revolutionary law, a revolutionary right for all the students of Hinduism all over the world which I am implementing, and literally creating peer pressure for every major Hindu organization to implement. 

And, I declare now, all our centres, ashrams, temples, schools, colleges, at the entrance you should have a board about this RTIS:


Only those who are intelligent and capable and courageous enough to declare this RTIS as an official statement of their organization should be considered as a Hindu organization.  Everyone else is a cult.  This is the definition of Hindu Organization.  Whatever you teach, practice, be bold and intelligent enough to give the original reference.

I request all my followers, you need to know the original source.  So, all the acharyas in all our temples, all our ashrams, all our schools, colleges, centres, all of you now need to study our website thoroughly and you need to know the original reference.  Because, all the Yoga techniques, Kriya techniques we are teaching, Vinyasa and Kriya and the Krama we are teaching, everything has the original Sanskrit verse reference with its translation; and the Pujas, Homas, everything we are teaching has the original Sanskrit verses and its translation, references, made available in our website. 

So, for all our teachers, Nithya Yoga teachers, now it is your responsibility to know the original and answer when your students ask.  At least you need to know where what is available in our website, so that when your students ask, you can guide them directly and show the original source as it is.  I don’t undermine, disrespect the creativity of the Yoga teachers, but your creativity in no way can disturb the authenticity.  Creativity and authenticity, when it goes hand in hand, integrated together, that is the best form of teaching.  Acharya = “Aa Charathi” – “One who lives the authentic, Yogic lifestyle as it is.”

And, I have some questions about Nithya Yoga Teachers Training.  Mahant Ma Jnanatma will read out those questions.  These are from various disciples, devotees, collected, and I will answer them, I will try to answer them as short as possible.  And I wanted to complete with all of you for extending this webinar, because, the ideas and truths I am sharing with you is close to my heart; it is my passion.  So, I cannot be bound by time when it comes to my passion, and I HAVE to protect Sanatana Dharma, I HAVE to keep it authentic.  It is my life mission.  I HAVE to define.  See, I have to define the scale which is universally accepted, and walk through the scale and prove my authenticity first, and encourage more and more people to walk through that scale and continue to retain the authenticity of the scale as per the scriptures. 

See, whenever there is confusion about what is right and what is wrong, the vaadha-prathivaadha and khandana-mandana, prashna-utthara, the question and answer, and argument, debate, whenever it starts on the Vedic tradition, the reference for the solution was always the original authentic scriptures.  That is the Constitution based on which we come to the conclusion, judgement, decision.  So, this is the age-old habit and lifestyle.  Anywhere we have a problem, we come to the original scriptures for the solution.  And whoever does not accept the original scriptures as the best Constitution, the authority, they cannot be called as Vaidhikas or Yogis.  Change your brand.  Be bold like U.G. Krishnamurthy or J. Krishnamurthy.  Don’t call yourself Yogi or Vaidhik.  If you call yourself Yogi or Vaidhik, come on, this is the scale, aapta pramaana, asha pramaana.  The scriptures, the original scriptures are the scale.  Let us come back to it. 

Again and again, Vivekananda says, ‘Let us drink the original Upanishadic nectar again and again, strengthen ourselves, align ourselves to it.’  If we have questions and debate about Yoga, let us align ourselves to the Yogic Upanishads and the Yogic scriptures.  If we have questions and doubts about the lifestyle, let us align ourselves to Manu who is the Lifestyle teacher.  If we have questions, doubts, debates about Sannyasa, let us align ourselves to the Sannyasa Upanishad.  If we have questions about how to run a spiritual institution, religious institution, organization, let us align ourselves to Shankaracharya who created the Aamnaaya Paddhathi.  Let us align ourselves to the original scriptures.  Let us align ourselves to the original verses.  Originality should become fashionable.  I tell you, if you have confusion about how to do a ritual, let us align ourselves to any one Aagama.  We have so many Aagamas.  You choose any one Aagama; we don’t have a problem.  Choose Sadhana, Kaamika, whatever, Uttara Kaamika, whatever Aagama you want, choose; you have the freedom.  But once you choose the Aagama, be aligned to that.  Once you choose the Paddhathi – we have tons of Paddhathis available – once you choose the Paddhathi, be authentic to it.

And, all our temples, our ashrams, you will receive soon the RTIS statement, very clearly, dharmically, and legally worded.  You have Right To Information of the Source.  We will give you the clear titles, names of the scriptures, Paddhathi, tradition we follow, and you have a right to question us.  You have a right to request us to administer those original scriptures as it is.  We are here only to administer.  We are here only to administer.  We are not here to manipulate or misrepresent.  And when you administer with its authenticity, I tell you, you will experience unimaginable siddhis, extraordinary powers!  And, I wanted to put this on record: All the extraordinary powers and enlightenment, I achieved by following the original authentic scriptures, and not by any of the inventions and interventions.  All my gurus were original, authentic-source-based, scripture-based teachers, and I am proud about it!  And I declare, I will continue to be that!  And I wanted my Sampradaya, the Nithyananda Sampradaya Sannyasis, Brahmacharis, gurukul kids, Balasants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, to stand by this truth.  I achieved everything by the authentic scriptures, and I support, promote the authentic scriptures as they are.  And, I also declare, all my disciples have to stand by it as it is.  Even for building our temple, understand?  What amount of Haritaki needs to be added, what kind of stone needs to be used, I am not changing one inch of scriptures.  The size, direction, measurement, everything, I am bringing the original Aagama as it is, the shaastraas as it is.  I wanted all over the world that same tradition to be followed in our Sampradaya as it is.  “AS IT IS” is our mantra!  RTIS is the right we ensure.  That is the Quality Statement we are ensuring.  This is the Quality Statement: “Right To Information of the Source”.  Just like our government has the Right To Information Act, I think all religious organizations should have RTIS – Right To Information of the Source Act.

Now I will answer your questions which are put, read out by Mahant Ma Nithya Jnanatmananda.


Ma Jnanatma: The first question we have received, ‘If I am a teacher, what is the best way to enrich and get students, who are interested in just the exercises and work-out, to start appreciating the deeper mystical aspects of Yoga?’

Swamiji:  This is a practical question from a Yoga teacher: ‘If I am a teacher, what is the best way to enrich and get students, who are interested in just the exercises or workout, to start appreciating the deeper mystical aspects of Yoga?’

See, if you are using the physical aspects of Yoga, the exercise form, workout form, as the brand to reach out to the students, it is perfectly alright; nothing wrong.  The best way is, your body itself should be able to demonstrate all those postures authentically.  Your body should be flexible, your body should be able to do it where the student feels ‘Wow!’  If he is interested in the mystical aspects, he may listen to your words.  But if he is interested only in the physical aspects, he will expect you to physically do it and show.  Then you yourself should be a “practicing teacher” everyday.  You cannot afford to have a fifty-four inch belly; you need to have a fifty-four inch chest!  So, understand, if you are interested to promote the physical aspects of Yoga, then you have to be doing every day by yourself.  Only then you can teach the physical aspects of Yoga.  And I am not against teaching the workout or the exercises, the physical aspects of Yoga to make people interested in the mystical aspects.  I am okay, and I am encouraging it.  I want it to be promoted to get people interested in the mystical aspects of Yoga.


Jnanatma: The next question: ‘What are “siddhis”?  And how can authentic Yoga practice help develop siddhis?’

Swamiji: First thing, “siddhi” means “ripe”.  When your body, mind, emotions, consciousness, get ripe, it can perform something which other bodies, minds, emotions, consciousness cannot perform.  That is what is called “siddhi”.  “Siddhis” are the ripening of your body, mind, consciousness, and psychology, and emotions, by the systematic spiritual practice.  When the ripening happens, you perform something which others cannot perform.  That is what is “siddhi”.  Please understand, they are real!  They are real! 

And you are also asking, ‘How can authentic Yoga help develop siddhis?’  You can see, visible in front of your eyes.  Start practicing Nithya Yoga.  In a week you will see you are able to physically, mentally, perform which others cannot perform, who are living around you, who don’t do Nithya Yoga.  I tell you, the siddhis can be initially as simple as your physical flexibility to your mental stability.  Normally, you have physical stability and mental flexibility, means mental instability.  And this will be reversed to physical flexibility and mental stability.  It can be starting as simple as this, and leading you to telepathy, teleportation, and what not!  So, it can be as simple as your ability,  physical and mental, to as deeper as siddhis like telepathy, teleporting.


Jnanatma: The next question: ‘I am currently a Yoga teacher, but struggling financially.  I want to make Yoga my life’s work.  Can you give me some spiritual advice on how to clear my financial obstacles and create abundance through my Yoga teaching?’

Swamiji: The one and only solution is to bring authenticity.  Decide to bring authenticity.  Decide the way you teach will become authentic.  And, the age-old system, we have answered this problem ten-thousand years before!  A Yogic teacher is authorised to raise all his basic needs by Madhukari Bhiksha.  We have solved this problem ten-thousand years before!  You have a right to ask people to support you, because you have dedicated your life to teach this Yoga and spiritual tradition.  Understand, all my Mahants, all my Kotharis, all my Thanedars are courageously going around and making their ashram or centre or temple or gurukul self-sustaining by Madhukari Bhiksha.  Please understand, not only they are making themselves self-sustaining, they are doing Annadhaan, sharing!  I am so happy, I wanted to tell you, none of the ashrams, temples, Nithyananda Sangha is running are asking or taking any financial support from me or the headquarters!  They are all running!  And I give you the same technique:  Be bold enough and courageous enough, non-egoistic enough, complete enough, to request people, ‘I am teaching Yoga authentically.  I am sharing my time and energy to help people to live this science.  So I am authorized to request your support, people’s support, public support, financial support to sustain myself.’  You are dharmically authorized.  The Hindu Dharma supports you. 

Please understand, all teachers are Brahmanas in Vedic tradition.  A Brahmana and Sannyasi is authorised to live by Madhukari Bhiksha.  Be bold enough to live by Madhukari Bhiksha!  And this will also help you to reach out to people.  When you go for bhiksha, naturally people will ask you, ‘Who are you?  What are you?’  You will have a beautiful opportunity to enrich people.  Tell them to come for class.  I tell you, my first class, first time when I started teaching is not in 2001 as you think; it is 1999 on the banks of the Ganga in Howrah, in the month of, I think, October and November, in 1999.  First time I started teaching Ishavasya Upanishad on the banks of Ganga, in the place called Telkal Ghat in Howrah, in Kolkata.  This was exactly what I started.  The shaastraas allow us to go for Madhukari Bhiksha.  Morning every day I will go for Madhukari Bhiksha.  While I go for Madhukari Bhiksha, I will distribute the black and white pamphlets printed and given to me by one of our devotees, and, in the evening, whoever is there, I will start my Ishavasya Upanishad class. 

So, we have a solution from the Vedic tradition for your problem.  I tell you, this is the most authentic solution!  Start, you will see miracles happening in your life!  And I didn’t need to go for bhiksha after ten days.  By the tenth day, I had enough of people sitting and listening and supporting my needs.  So, I didn’t need to go for bhiksha.  Have the courage to go.  The day you have Completion, you don’t need to go.  As long as you have the incompletion, you may need to go.  The day you have Completion, you may not need to go.  That’s all!



Jnanatma: The next question: ‘I am already an experienced teacher with my own practice which I developed.  Will Nithya Yoga interfere, or will Nithya Yoga supplement my own practice?’

Swamiji: Nithya Yoga will interfere and collapse your business!  Please don’t do it!  I am warning you.  Because you are saying, ‘I am already an experienced teacher with my own practice which I developed.’  “Which I developed”!  No!  No!  Nooo!  If you developed only the permutation and combination, which I doubt, if you developed only the permutation and combination, means, Vinyasa Krama, you can just become part of Nithya Yoga.  You are welcome.  But if you develop your own practice, the actions, Kriya and Yoga, I don’t think Nithya Yoga will suit you.  You may have to drop whatever you call as Yoga and pick up the authentic Yoga, Nithya Yoga.  And Nithya Yoga can never supplement anybody’s practice!  Elephant is too big to be hidden in the hut!  Elephant is too big to be hidden in the hut!  So, understand, Nithya Yoga can never be covered or kept under the carpet or be supplement to any other types or methods or system. 

See, if you are following the original verses, scriptures, and only develop the permutation and combination, you are already a Nithya Yogi; we don’t have a problem.  If you are not following the scriptures, you need to drop whatever you are doing and align yourself to Yoga first.  If you are not following any scriptures, please do not even call what you are having as “Yoga practice”.  You call it as “Pilates”, “Boom-Boom”, “Doom-Doom”, “Jim Jim”, “Doom-Doom”....we don’t have any problem!  And, “Dum Dum”, “Bum Bum”....!  But if you are calling it as Yoga, give us the reference with the source, the Yogic scriptures.  Otherwise, change your board to “Jim Jim Pilates”!  We don’t have problem.  But if it is Yoga, align, align to the scriptures.  Align to the scriptures.  If you are not following the scriptures, Nithya Yoga will not only interfere, it will demolish your business.  Relax!


Jnanatma: The next question I have: ‘I am currently teaching.  Can you share some spiritual advice on how I can be a more powerful impact on my students’ life with what I am already doing?’

Swamiji: Listen!  One and only instruction: Whatever you are doing, try to find the original source, the scriptural references for it.  ‘Raise your right leg, move your right hand’.  Go back, which Samhita, which original Yogic scripture, which verse tells you to do that action.  Get that original reference, and share it with your students.  That will make an authentic impact.  ‘Inhale through your mouth, exhale through your nostrils.’  Immediately, see which book, the original Yogic scripture gives you this instruction.  Get the original verse, and give the reference, and make them do.  This is the best authentic impact you will do on your students.  Whether it is Ayurveda, Siddha, Yoga, Puja, or Homa, I am very clear, the authentic verses are the deciding judges, authentic scriptures are the source.  Even after a long time after I am gone – I cannot go; that is different – I want people to remember that I happened to revive the original scriptures as it is.  You have the freedom to customize, permutation-combination, but no right to interpolate, interfere, manipulate the original actions and Kriyas.



Jnanatma: The next question: ‘I am interested in Nithya Yoga.  But I am afraid, many of my students won’t relate with gurus or Hindu concepts.  What is the solution?’

Swamiji: Your fear is the only problem; nothing else.  With the advent of Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the concept of not relating to Hinduism but trying to do Yoga, is outdated!  People have become intelligent.  They have started asking for the source, original reference.  People are no more interested in trekker gurus who kept trekking, and Pilates, “Jim-Jim”, “Joom-Joom”, and Yoga.  People are tired of all this.  People are tired of all this.  Understand, if you are saying, ‘I am afraid my students may not relate to gurus and Hindu concepts...’, you are losing your business.  Secretly check out what they are doing.  Just see their laptop.  They will be searching and googling my website!  They will be watching my YouTube satsanghs!  If you are thinking that your students may not relate to gurus and Hindu concepts, you are outdated, old, you are in the sixties, 1960s.  Please come back to 2014!  Wake up!  With my advent, the Hindu phobia is over, guru phobia is over!  Don’t have the fear that your disciples, your students may be Hindu phobic.  No!  First of all, you Complete with that fear, incompletion of Hindu phobia and guru phobia, and you will simply see your students are already googling, studying Hindu concepts and many concepts from gurus.  If you are not teaching them as early as possible, be very clear, you are not fashionable, you are losing your students, you are losing ground! 

Please understand, it is just because of your own fear you may not be attracting a large number of students waiting to learn from the original source.  You will see now in the modern-day, people are looking towards the original source and authentic sources.  They are no more interested in learning from teachers who are guru phobic, Hindu phobic.  Arrey, Yoga itself is a concept and truth from Hinduism.  The moment you say ‘I am interested in Nithya Yoga, but I am afraid many of my students won’t relate with gurus and Hindu concepts....’, you slept during 1968, and you are dreaming till 1978.  Wake up!  1978, January 1 is born!  Hindu phobia is gone!  1978, January 1 is born, and Hindu phobia is gone!  Don’t talk from 60s; talk from 2014.  Talk from 2014!  So, understand, wake up and google a little bit!  Guru phobia, Hindu phobia is gone!  Arrey, the persecution which happened on me and my success proves Hindu phobia is gone international, guru phobia is gone international!  I am her to proclaim, declare the age of authentic Hindu renaissance, Hindu gurus’ renaissance, and declaration of death of guru phobia and Hindu phobia, Hindu Guru phobia.



Jnanatma: The next question: ‘I want to come to the Teachers Training, but I am tight on time and money.  How do I ask the universe to align everything for me to get there?’

Swamiji: Simple truth is: Sit and declare your intention to yourself and the Cosmos.  Second, go to Nithya Yoga website and fill your Intention Form.  That’s all!  Just these two:  Sit and declare your intention to yourself and the Cosmos.  Go to the Nithya Yoga website and fill the Intention Form.  Rest is my job!  Once you do these two – sitting and declaring your intention to yourself and the Cosmos, and filling the Intention Form – sit back and relax and enjoy the journey.  Making the journey happen is my job.  Come on!  Let us do it!  Let us make it happen!  


Thank you guys for being here for this beautiful webinar and taking time off to be around me.  And, it is amazing!  I enjoyed!  More than all of you, I enjoyed, I enjoyed being with you guys and telling you the truth as it is.  Telling you the truth as it is!  

Many people try to bulldoze me for my authenticity.  But they don’t know that THE PERSON WHO IS SITTING ON THE BULL CAN NEVER BE BULLDOZED!  So, the message for them is, ‘Relax please!  No bullying!  No bulldozing!  Relax!’  

So, thank you guys!  I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

---- END OF WEBINAR ----

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