Tuesday, 25 March 2014

25th March

25th March 2014 / Tuesday

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam |

I welcome you all with my love and respects.  I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, who are sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities, in many countries around the world.

The cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Avathipalayam, Newfoundland-Canada, Indrani-New Jersey, London-Kashi, New York-Varanasi, Paris-Home Temple, High Point-North Carolina, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Dhyanapeetam-Hosur, Houston-Kalahasti, Toon Moon-Hong Kong, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Johor Bahru-Malaysia, Seremban-Malaysia, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Seattle-Chidambaram, Scarborough-Canada, Singapore-Singapuram, Toronto-Kailasam, Ohio-Prayag, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Ohio-Ma Shivananda, San Jose-Madurai, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Varanasi, Oman-Sivagangai, Sungai Petani-Malaysia-Pazhamudhirsolai, Coimbatore Nithyananda Sangha.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Today, I wanted to expand on “LIVING”. 

Please understand, whatever may be the truth you feel as highest, you feel as best – sometimes it can be the pure space of Advaitha, sometimes it can be the highest revelation, sometimes it can be Dwaitha, sometimes it can be Visishta Advaitha – whatever may be the truth you think is the highest truth, it will have its effect on you only when you start living it. 

There is no truth which is higher or lower, please understand.  It is your ability to live it which makes it useful or not.  There is no truth which is higher or lower; it is your ability to live it, which makes it useful or not.  When you don’t have the ability to live it, and you fail, you go on blaming that that truth is not higher truth.  It can be as simple as repetition of some spiritual syllable, God or Guru’s name, or as highest as being in the space of pure Advaitha.  Whatever it may be, please listen, it is your ability to live it which enriches you.

You all heard for the last twenty days – I think only now you are remembering (that twenty days have already passed) – so many things, not just words, got literally drilled, experientially so many different, different, different, different understandings, cognitive shift, clicks, experiences, truths.  Please understand, only when you start living them, only when you start living them, they become reality.

Please understand, you might have struggled, suffered, spent money, time, energy, finally passed the driving test and got Driving Licence, but it will be useful to you only if you are regularly driving.  Getting the Driving Licence itself can be a great achievement if you are driving regularly.  If not, it cannot be considered as a great achievement.  Inner Awakening Certificate is the Driving Licence for life!  Guaranteed, foolproof, even planets give way!  Please understand, but you have to continuously LIVE it! 

For example, if you have a problem with your sleep, not having or too much having, sit with yourself, spend a little time and have your own session, Inner Awakening session for yourself.  Find the incompletions which are responsible for why you developed this pattern.  Spend some time and contemplate.  Complete with those patterns.  May be, your strong belief that you cannot do Yoga by waking up morning 4 o’clock, or the strong hatred towards physically moving your body, a strong desire for laziness, or the pattern of not wanting to do anything, that may be the reason.  You think, find the reason, complete with it.  You will see, next day, morning 4 o’clock you are automatically awake!    

Use all the principles.  Use all the truths.  One more thing:  All the core important truths have already been made as part of your bio-memory.  They will stick their neck out and stand up whenever you make any important decisions in your life.  Those powerful spiritual strategies will stand.  But, listen, don’t deny in the name of practicality.  Don’t deny in the name of convenience.  Don’t deny any of the spiritual strategies when it happens in you for convenience.  No!  Be very clear, once you are convinced, you will live the spiritual truths.  If it is not practical, you will dig out what is practical, but there will not be a gap between your spiritual understanding and day-to-day practical.  That is what I call “LIVING”! 

“Living” has nothing to do with following some hard and strict rule.  Wherever you can, pull the truth into your thinking.  Wherever you can, pull them into your strategizing.  But there should not be any gap between your convictions about life and the way you operate.  Not having gap between your convictions and your day-to-day life is what I call “LIVING”!

Human-beings don’t suffer because they don’t get to LISTEN to the truths.  (Human-beings suffer not because they don’t get to listen to the truths).  They suffer because they don’t LIVE the truths.  So, be very clear, the whole emphasis is on LIVING.  And, because I emphasize, don’t think it is difficult.  You always feel that anything repeatedly told, emphatically told, is very difficult.  No!  Some of the easiest things only we need to emphasize, because that is what is taken for granted.  The easiest things we have to emphasize so much, what to do?

Living!  Living!  Living!  When you pull these great truths into you and start living them.....  If you drive regularly, getting a Driving Licence becomes an important turning point in your life.  Same way, if you live all these truths, attending Inner Awakening becomes a very important turning point in your life. 

Align yourself, again and again and again, to INTEGRITY.  Don’t be greedy about if you come back to Integrity once, twice, and you should be ever on that space.  It will be great if you can.  But if you fall, don’t become powerless, don’t get into the space of powerlessness.

Again and again, align your thinking to AUTHENTICITY.  See very clearly: Are you functioning towards the best Inner Image by constantly developing liberated thinking?  Liberated thinking means your thinking should not have or lead you towards powerlessness.  Constantly your thinking should be leading you to being in a powerful space.  Are you constantly working towards your best Inner, Outer, Others’, and Life images? 

Again and again, whatever may be, remember, YOU are RESPONSIBLE, because you are the source of everything.  You are responsible, because you are the source of everything.  Being in this throne (on which Swamiji is sitting) itself is not an achievement unless it is used every day by the right person.  The right person has to LIVE it.  Only then, making this throne becomes historical, important.  Same way, every day you have to LIVE the truths which have gone inside.  Truths are very shy guests; if you live them, pamper them, they start living with you, celebrate you, enjoy you.  If you don’t live them, if you show you are not happy with them, if you don’t attend to them, they just go through the back door; understand, they just move out through the back door.  LIVE it every moment. 

Let your thinking become liberated thinking.  Let your thinking become liberated thinking.  Understand, when your regular thinking becomes liberated thinking, you feel so much of powerfulness!  Every....actually, every visualization gives you so much of confidence and power, because, anything you visualize simply becomes reality, you visualize only things which become reality!  Anything you visualize simply becomes reality; you visualize only things which will become reality! 

AUTHENTICITY in your thinking!  Understand....the liberated thinking.  Let me give a precise definition of “Liberated Thinking”: Constantly, the excited, celebrated, cherished, feeling rich and affluent – in Sanskrit we have a word, “Sarva Mangala”, “always auspicious” – that experience is what I call “Liberated Thinking”.  Your very thinking will be constantly moving in the direction where you are feeling powerful, and moving towards more and more feeling powerful.  Feeling powerful, moving towards the space of more and more feeling powerful.  You yourself will know the false insecurities you feel in the name of “warning”, impossibilities you entertain in the name of “creating space”; all these you yourself will know clearly from inside.  You know what is incompletion, you know how to complete it.  Life will move as simple and as smooth.  Life will move in a joyous, extremely happy way.  And, neither expect now that life is going to be very difficult, nor expect life is going to be easy.  Actually, it is going to be blissful!  The word “easy” is too small.  The word “easy” is too small; don’t cherish that word.  That word will be broken even if you have one small fight.  Don’t allow that word.  It is going to be very easy, but you have to DO it.  It is going to be very simple, but you have to DO it.  It is just simply changing a few decisions about you!  It is simply changing a few decisions about you to you.  It is simply changing some of your perceptions.  Go on causing your reality, and people who are involved in your life, their reality.  Go on causing your reality, and people who are involved in your life, their reality. 

So, understand, bring AUTHENTICITY into your thinking, bring INTEGRITY into your words, bring RESPONSIBILITY into your feeling; you will automatically be living enlightenment, you will automatically be ENRICHING!  You will be living enlightenment! 

Understand, the biggest enemy you may face in your life is “Vasanas”.  Your thinking will go on fantasizing you should live enlightenment.  Your day-to-day actions will go on working completely in the opposite direction.  Your decisions have to really, really change!  The actions will automatically follow, but decisions getting changed is very important.  When the decisions change, life becomes the experience of joy.  When the decisions change, actions may or may not change, but it becomes experiential.  Actually, most of the time, it is your decisions which need to change, it is your context which needs to change.  Most of the times, it is your experience which needs to change. 

So, I request all of you, it is neither difficult nor easy; but you have to DO it!  It is just tuning the instrument.  Nothing, but tuning the instrument to a certain frequency, understand; that’s all.  How tuning or changing the channel, tuning the channel is neither very difficult nor easy, it is a simple technique, go on tuning your thinking to Authenticity.  See: ‘Is my thinking leading me to the highest Inner Image?  Is it leading me to the highest Outer Image?  Is it leading me to the highest Life’s Image?  Is it leading me to the highest Other’s Image?’  Just go on and on and on.  Always think about your thinking and align your thinking to Authenticity.  “Shraddhaavaan Labhathey Vijnaanam”!  “The person who is established in Authenticity, experiences the true wisdom, enlightenment”!  Align your thinking to Authenticity, again and again.  LIVE Authenticity.  Please understand, Authenticity will become reality only by LIVING it!  INTEGRITY will become reality only by LIVING it! 

Yesterday I gave you all the initiation of Vaak Siddhi.  It will be there with you only as long as you LIVE Integrity.  If you align yourself, again and again, to Integrity, this Vaak Siddhi will be there with you and you can use it whenever you want.  You can use it whenever you want.  Please understand, when you respect the words, words honour you, because words are the expression of Consciousness.  If you abuse them, they will abuse you.  If you honour them, they will honour you.  The moment birth is given, a child is an independent intelligence.  The moment words are uttered, it becomes independent intelligence. 

Understand, bring constantly Authenticity into your thinking, into your living, because, it is LIVING that is going to decide.  It is LIVING that is going to decide the effect of the inner awakening in you.  Please understand, it is your LIVING that is going to decide the impact of this program on you....the effect of this programme on you!  Either you can make this as an enlightening experience, not just a turning point, but a “take off” point in your life!  I will never say Inner Awakening is a “turning point”; it is a “take off” point!  Because, you are going to be a star in the Cosmos!  You are not a flight taking off to land somewhere.  No!  You are a star launched into the Cosmos!  But, it is your LIVING it which is going to decide whether the Inner Awakening was a launching experience or not.  Because, YOU have to live it; no one else can do that for you.  It is good, fortunately, that YOU have to live your life.  It is with YOU!  Good!  Celebrate about it!  Don’t think, ‘Why?  He himself can do that also!’  Then what are YOU going to do?  If I live your life, then what are YOU going to do?  

LIVE!  LIVE!  LIVE!  It is living, LIVING which makes the Inner Awakening as a launching experience!

With this, I will move to the Kalpataru process.  

All the participants of Kalpataru in Avathipalayam and in Haridwar, please pick up your paper and pen.  Pen down one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions, doubts, impossibilities you have around that thought.  Pen down both.

(After a few minutes.....................)

Sit straight.  Create a space for the reality you want to cause.  Complete all the incompletions you have.  Complete and drop them.  And, hold the space for what you want to achieve.  Visualize what you want to achieve as reality now, this moment.  Hold on to that space and that visualization.


I bless you all!  The space you created, let it become reality!  The visualization you created, let it become reality!

We will have Kalpataru Darshan in Haridwar first.  Then we will go for darshan to Avathipalayam Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam.

With this, I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing the eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________

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