Sunday, 23 March 2014

23rd March : REWRITE YOUR FUTURE ( WEBINAR ) & Morning Satsang

23rd March 2014 / Sunday / WEBINAR 

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

          I welcome you all with my love and respects.  I welcome everyone who is sitting with us all over the world with my love and my respects. 

Rewrite Your Future!  First, let us understand, what is the need.  When I see human-beings coming to me in thousands, lakhs, every day, for transformation, I see various types of minds, various types of beings. 

There are some who just run, run, run, run, run, run, active, agitated, workaholic.  No one around them knows why are they running.  After some time, they also forget why are they running!  I call them “boss types”....and “bossy types” also!

There are some who run.  They understand they have struggles, they have problems, but they take their problems for granted.  They take their problems for granted.  They think the problems are part of life, that is the way life is.  I tell you, one of the biggest brain-washing we go through by society is “problems are part of your life”.  When you believe problems are part of your life, you don’t question society’s structure, you don’t question, you are easy to be handled.  You don’t question the system around you.  It is like one lion hypnotized a group of animals – some cows, some deer, some goats, sheep – all of them, and made them believe they are all lions.  His friend asks him, ‘Why are you making them believe they are lions?’  He says, ‘You don’t know!  Only that way they come to me every day one-one to meet me.  So, I get my food!’  Unfortunately, when you are made to believe, when you are brain-washed that problems are part of your life, you behave exactly like the hypnotized cows, deer, goats.  I call this kind of group, this kind of people – usually you land up in this type of mental set-up after forty – I call them “uncle type”.  Their attitude is “It is okay”. 

And there are some who constantly struggle, struggle, struggle.  They struggle, read so many books, attend classes, programs to quit smoking, and try to take gym lessons to lose weight, and spend time with the son to do his Maths, reading, attending seminars, programs about positive thinking, trying to get The Secret, constantly trying to attend to their problems part by part.  But you need to understand, by the time you are in the gym reducing your weight, spending time with your son, and building a fulfilled relationship, thinking positively, and trying to creatively visualize, the smoking which you quit has come back!  By the time you quit your smoking, you stop gymming, your weight is back.  Struggle with so many mental patterns, attending to them one by one by one, this personality development type, I call them “personality development type”.  You will see their bedrooms are filled with all types of books, crystals, photographs, incense, aroma, and what not!

There is another type who decide that, ‘If you involve with life, there will be problems; so better let me withdraw, let me become spiritual!’ – no commitment, no career, no profession, no family, the “trekker yogi” type, the back-packers; just put the backpack, escape into some hill!  Trekker Yogi type!

Please understand, whether you are a “boss type”, “uncle type”, “self-development type”, or a “trekker yogi type”, still a solution is needed!  You may be any one of these type, but still you are struggling.  Please understand, if you are struggling in multiple fronts of your life – in your health, with your wealth, with relationships, your anger, the fulfilment, and when you are struggling in multiple fronts, either you lose, you are a failure, or you win in some fronts; but by the time you win in one front, the other problem is there!

And, one more thing, unfortunately, when you win in one problem, you become so greedy, you try all the other problems should disappear by itself.  So, the fight, struggle with the other problems becomes intense.  So, please understand, whether you win or lose, the struggling pattern itself is a failure.

Whatever may be the type you are, whether you are a “boss type”, “uncle type”, “personality development type”, “trekker yogi type”, first thing you need to know: Rewriting your future is needed!  By struggles you are never going to create the future you wanted.  No one has become a billionaire by begging cent by cent in the street.  No one has transformed their life completely by struggling with pattern by pattern, habit by habit, struggle by struggle. Understand, you have to achieve, you have to rewrite your future!  Whatever may be the way life occurs to you, whatever may be the struggling happening around you, the challenges happening to you, you need to know the basic truth: Struggles and challenges are not occurring to you, you are occurring to challenges and struggles! 

Everyone asks me, ‘What is it that holds me back?  What is it that is holding us back?’ 

Understand, if I have to give a one-word answer to “What is it that is holding us back?”, in one Sanskrit word I will answer: KARMA!  Please understand, this word has become a buzz word now.  The Sanskrit word which has become part of the English dictionary, let me define this word “Karma”:  The hangover of the past which becomes mental pattern in you, repeats itself to keep you in the constant self-challenging, self-struggling lifestyle, is Karma. 

Please understand, there are tons and tons of definitions on Karma.  Here I am defining to you from a very practical sense, straight:  The past hangover in your present, destroying the future, is what I call “Karma”.   

Karma is responsible for holding you back.  Please understand, it is because of Karma you are not realizing your peak possibility, you are not able to rewrite your future.  The first thing you need to know is, it is you who created the Karma!  Your present life, your story which is happening now is scripted by you in the past.  The totality of all your past actions is the present.  The total result of all your past actions is the present.  The good news is, you can change the present and cause a new future.  The great news is, because you wrote the present, you can rewrite the future!  So, first you need to look in at: What is Karma?  Who wrote it?  Why you wrote it?  How you wrote it? When you wrote it?

People ask me many times, ‘Swamiji, if I wrote it, why did I write poverty in my life?’ 

Look in.  Many times you don’t want to take the responsibility of wealth because wealth brings tremendous responsibility.  When you don’t want to take the responsibility, naturally you write your life with less responsibility.  The side-effect will be less wealth!  Understand, you need to get the context and sub-text of why you wrote what you wrote.....the context and sub-text of why you wrote what you wrote.

I have seen thousands and thousands of cancer patients.  I have helped thousands of cancer patients to walk out of their disease.  I was a partner in co-creating health for them.  I was a partner in co-creating the reality of life for them.  I tell you, from my experience, when I study the inner-space, the karmic pattern of all cancer patients, I always see, at least twenty-five to thirty times, strongly they have decided to leave the world, they don’t want to live in this world!  Please understand, in your extreme ecstasy and the deep depression, your complete being will be available for you for programming.  Your complete being will be integrated and listening to your decisions, to your words, to your command.  At those moments of extreme ecstasy or extreme depression, the words you utter get recorded into the innermost cognition of your being; it becomes the bio-energy of your life. 

When your innermost being is available to you, if you decide to leave the life, leave the body, if you again and again program yourself not to live in this body any more, live this life any more, it can be because you don’t want to live here, or you finished what for you came; it can be from any context.  There are many enlightened beings who left the body due to cancer.  Means, they have decided that they have done their job.  Of course, normal beings, due to the inability and the impossibility, when you decide strongly to leave the world, not to live, that suicidal pattern becomes the seat or the source of cancer.  So, please understand, once the cancer happens, people ask me, ‘Why did I write this kind of life?’  But, if you look back, you have your own reason.   

Now, the first thing we need to do to rewrite our future, we need to look in why we wrote the way we wrote our life which is occurring now, why we wrote the way it is happening to us now, why we have put ourselves in this struggling pattern, in this struggling way of living.  Actually, if you look in and start understanding why you put yourself in this space, you will understand the hidden cost, hidden pay-off of every struggle you are having.  I tell you, unless you find why you wrote what you wrote, you cannot rewrite.  When I say you wrote the life you are having now, I have a good news for you: You can REWRITE the future!  The great news is, in spite of the amount of challenges, difficulties, struggles you are facing, in spite of your past actions, you CAN REWRITE the future! 

Please understand, in life, rewriting your future needs your decision, not your actions.  Actions are immaterial, secondary.  You need to understand why you wrote what you wrote and complete with this karmic pattern.  You also need to know the karmic baggage, karmic pattern does not become voluminous because of your actions, it becomes heavy because of your decisions.  Please understand, the karma, struggles, the patterns, incompletions, all these don’t become heavy, difficult, because of the volume or the amount of actions you did, or the number of times the actions have been repeated, it becomes heavy because of the decisions you made.  The good news is, now if you just change the decision, you can get rid of this karmic pattern.  Thousand years a room may be in darkness, but it is not going to take a thousand more years to light the room.  Just one matchstick is enough, one candle is enough; the room is lit spontaneously, immediately!  So, it is possible, because, karma is not accumulated due to your actions, it is accumulated due to your decisions. 

The power of karma is, till you don’t make the right decision, it has nothing to do with your action.  You may be living with certain karmic patterns for the last thirty years, forty years.  I tell you, with the right decision, understanding, you will be free from it NOW, you can walk out of its impact on your body and mind NOW!  But, you need to look into the source why you wrote what you wrote, and complete with that source karmic pattern, the root karmic pattern, the source samskara pattern, the source vasana pattern.  All these are different Sanskrit words to explain the same meaning, the different mental patterns, different thought patterns. 

Please understand, unless you look into the source of your thought pattern – why you wrote what you wrote – neither positive thinking nor creative visualization will help you.  It is like, if a beggar is asked to do positive thinking, what will he do?  He may start thinking, ‘Any house I go and stand, I will be given whatever food I want, whatever clothes I want.  So, I will come every day only to three-four houses and get all I want.’  That is all he can think!  That is all he can stretch himself!  If a beggar is asked to do positive thinking, this is where he will land up; and, even there, one part of him will be reminding him about his past, how he was kicked out in a few houses, how he was thrown out in a few places!  He will be struggling.  First thing, he will be struggling even in positive thinking.  Second thing, even if he is successful, his positive thinking level itself will be only this much.  He needs to know he can change his decision of perceiving himself as a beggar.  He does not need to be a beggar;  for that he needs to look in and see why he decided about himself as a beggar, why he wrote about him as he wrote.  You need to look into your decision about you.  When your decision about you changes, when your relationship with you changes, when your relationship with others changes, when the way you perceive about you changes, only then any positive thinking, any creative visualization can be of any help to you.

I have seen people coming and telling, ‘Swamiji, many times this positive thinking, creative visualization, nothing works for me!’  I tell them, ‘Not many times, it will NEVER work for you!’  Because, your level of positive thinking will be YOUR level, your positive thinking will be YOUR positive thinking!  The first thing you need to do is changing the decision about you. 

I always tell people, ‘You don’t need to do different things for success.  You need to do things differently for success!’

One of the important truths, the sacred secret you need to know is why so many of this positive thinking, creative visualization, all this does not work.  You need to complete with the karmic pattern you are carrying.  You need to change the decisions about how you perceive you.  Only then you will even understand what is real positive thinking, what is real creative visualization.  Only then they will even make meaning, they will make sense to you, the transformation becomes permanent, eternal, the transformation lasts in you.  If you go to the source of your karma – why you wrote the way you wrote, why you wrote what you wrote as you and as your life, then start changing it.  Please understand, if you know why you wrote what you wrote, changing your future takes simple writing; simply you can achieve what you want, whether it is in the front of health, or wealth, or fulfilling relationships, or feeling sure about you!  That (feeling sure about you) is one of the important components of life. 

The whole humanity is suffering with identity crisis.  The whole humanity is suffering with identity crisis.  You are not sure about you.  You yourself don’t know what you want!  Especially this consumeristic lifestyle, anything which appears in front of you in larger than life size, you want that, you jump for it.  Without knowing the context and sub-text, you ask for it.  When it happens in your life, you repent for it!  Not being sure about you, this is what I call “SDHD” – Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial.  The whole humanity is suffering with SDHD.  Being sure about you is joy!  Being sure about who you are to you is “joy”!  Being sure about who you are to others is relationship, “successful relationship”.

The first thing.....first thing that your understanding, your inner-space, your being should grasp is, you need to rewrite the future.  Second, it is possible!  Third, you need to look into why you wrote the way you wrote.  When you know YOU wrote, you simply know you can REWRITE!  You made the decision which got programmed into your bio-energy.  You can awaken your bio-energy again and rewrite your decisions.  Awakening your bio-energy and rewriting your decision is what I call in Sanskrit “Kundalini Awakening”.  Awakening your bio-energy, your inner potential energy and rewriting your future is what I call “Kundalini Awakening”.  Inner Awakening program does that.  The program is all about awakening your inner potential energy, your bio-energy, and removing what you wrote in the past, rewriting your future. 

I tell you, for transformation you don’t need to change your actions, you don’t need to add or delete some actions into your routine; you just need to change your decision, you just need to change your strategy, you just need to change your perception.  After that, some actions may change, may not change, but you don’t need to worry.  There won’t be any struggle.  It is just your perception that needs to change, your perception that needs to be altered.  It is possible!  You can look in and find how you started the self-doubting pattern in you which has stolen your happiness. 

The self-doubting pattern is life imprisonment!  If you look in, at some part of life, when you were young you would have convinced every one about you some way, but you yourself don’t believe you exist in that way.  When there is a gap between how you perceive you and how you project you to others, when you are especially successful in convincing others, making others believe the way you project you, unfortunately when you are successful in convincing others about your outer identity, the way you project you to them, you start building self-doubt in you.  ‘Everyone believes I am this, but inside I am not.  Then what am I?’  The self-doubt takes away your happiness, steals your happiness once for all from you.  After that, you may be adding, deleting, any number of actions, any number of positive thinking, any number of creative visualization, but nothing, nothing will work for you!  Understand, only when you get to the bottom of it, root of it, and see the karmic pattern of self-doubt in a very conducive spiritual ambience, in the protected, loving, caring, supportive ambience of the Master’s presence, energy field, and complete with the root karmic patterns, the root thought patterns, you awaken yourself to yourself and you can just rewrite. 

Please understand, don’t take up any transformation method which asks you to struggle more.  When you plan to stop worrying, that becomes the eleventh worry, one more worry!  Already you have ten worries, now you have one more worry – how to stop worrying!  Transformation can never happen by struggle.  It can only happen by knowledge, wisdom, understanding, just changing your decision about you.  When you complete with your self-doubting karmic pattern, when you complete with your self-hatred karmic pattern, when you complete with your self-denial karmic pattern, your decision about you changes, your perception about you changes.  When your relationship with you changes, when your relationship with others changes, naturally you cause your reality and that of everyone who is involved in your change your reality and that of everyone who is involved in your reality.    

Understand, whether it is love or wealth, relationship....  For example, in the relationships, you always want an open, honest, sincere relationship.  But you are always afraid of opening.  You are scared of vulnerability.  You are scared of being open, because you give access to the other person to the inner-most corners of your heart, the core of you.  One side you are scared of the opening, vulnerability, she may hurt you, she may exploit you.  Because of the fear of being vulnerable, scared of being open, you keep yourself closed.  One side you go on imagining a sincere, open, honest relationship, on the other side you go on keeping yourself closed.  And you need to know, if you are closed, naturally you will reproduce the same space in the other person.  Only when you look in and change your decision, being open does not need to make you powerless, being open does not need to make you powerless, you will be open, but not vulnerable.  You will be available, but not vulnerable. 

Sometimes people ask me, ‘Swamiji can you give an example about self-denial?’

Please understand, self-denial is sealing any great possibility in your life, strongly believing, ‘This is what is my life.  Nothing great can happen to me!’  If anything great comes near your breathing space, feeling, ‘It looks too good to be true!  Can this happen to me?  No, no, may be this will work for others, not for me.’  If you think, ‘Rewriting the future and all this will may be work for somebody else....may be for my next door person, near one, dear one.  My mother-in law is a very sincere person; it will work for her.  My father-in-law is a very sincere person; it will work for him.  Even my son is a very integrated person; it may work for him.  But it is too good to be true for me.’, this is self-denial.  Constantly denying any higher possibility, constantly denying any transformation or possibility, is what I call self-denial karmic pattern. 

Whether it is health, wealth, clarity, success, happiness, enlightenment, whatever you want, please understand, all you need to do is change the decisions, change your thinking to liberated thinking, decide to rewrite the future.  Rewriting the future is not a huge task, please understand.  It is simple, but you have to do it.  I don’t want to say it is easy.  I don’t want to say it is difficult.  It is not difficult, but you have to do it.  Usually, the moment you hear the word “it is difficult”, you start resisting, you become powerless.  The moment you hear the word “it is easy”, you accept and you become lazy.  So, I neither want to use the word “difficult”, nor want to use the word “easy”.  One thing I want to assure you, it is not difficult, but you have to do it.  It is possible!  It is possible!

The first step to start rewriting the future: Stop struggling.  Means, I am not saying accept everything in your life.  No!  Acceptance leads to laziness, resistance leads to powerlessness.  All your resistance leads you to powerlessness, makes you feel powerless.  Don’t feel powerless.  Neither acceptance nor resistance.  Just see what IS, and decide, ‘Let me handle it.’  See what IS, and decide, ‘Let me handle it.’  When you stop struggling, you create the space for transformation.  It is neither a long process nor a difficult process.  It is simply how you wrote in your past, the present.  Unfortunately, you wrote it unconsciously.  So you don’t know how you wrote.  Now you are going to write consciously.  It is as simple as your autograph.  Please understand, at least, let your life carry your signature.  The man, the person who rewrites his future, his signature becomes autograph!  When your rewrite your future, your signature becomes autograph!  If you are flowing with the default future, your signature continues to remain as a signature. 

Understand, rewriting your future is possible.  Creating your reality is possible.  Especially if you have an enlightened being as a co-creator, not only it is possible, it is fun too!  The liberation becomes celebration also!  Liberation is just not liberation, it is celebration also!  In every step, life becomes extraordinary expansion of creativity, extraordinary explosion of energy.  Rewriting your future is possible and it is available.  The science is available to you.  Neither creative visualization nor positive thinking can rewrite your future.  Only the science of awakening to yourself, the science of inner awakening, seeing why you wrote the way you wrote, and completing those karmic patterns, and rewriting the way you want your future.  The right perception about you, the right perception about others, naturally makes your reality and causes others’ reality who are involved in your life.  

So, the truths I wanted to present in front of you:

You need transformation, you need to rewrite the future.  It is possible.  Look in how you wrote what you wrote.  Look into the karmic pattern of your past, and it can be changed drastically, spontaneously, immediately, and you can reprogram your bio-energy by awakening it safely in a loving, caring, supportive ambience of Master’s presence and rewrite your future.  It is not a long process as we are made to believe, brainwashed by the society.  It is possible to rewrite your future NOW!  

With this, I invite Ma Viroopa to share something very important.  I am now handing over the stage to Ma Viroopa who is going to share something very important with all of you.  Please do provide your listening.  Thank you!

------------End of Satsang------

23rd march / Sunday morning message

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects.  I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities, in many countries around the world, and in Haridwar.

I also welcome all the sadhus from the various traditions, sampradayas, mutts (monastery), ashrams, akhadas, and the participants of Kalpataru, for today’s Nithya Satsangh.

The cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: High Point-North Carolina, Newfoundland Acadia University, Dakota Dunes, London-Kashi, Miami, Wellington-New Zealand, Seattle-Chidambaram, Mississauga-Canada, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, San Diego-Tirualavai, New York-Varanasi, Port Washington-New York, Mulund-Mumbai, Killinocchi-Ilangai, Santa Fe-New Mexico, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Scarborough-Canada, Mattakalappu-Ilangai, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Singapore-Singapuram, Toronto-Kailasam, Washington DC-Sripuram, Ohio-Prayag, St. Louis-Tirumala, Oklahoma-Somanatham, San Jose-Madurai, Houston-Kalahasti, Charlotte-Srisailam, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Nithyananda Nagar-Tiruvannamalai, Johor Bahru-Tiruchendur, Slovakia, Winston-Salem-North Carolina, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Melbourne-Australia, Oman-Sivagangai, Auckland-New Zealand....................

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

My blessings and support to the Astro World Exhibition in Mumbai.  It is a beautiful work!  The VSD Exhibitions and media organization is doing it.  “ASTROOWORLD 2014”, will give a chance to experience and get acclimatized with these sciences that people have always been interested in, but never been able to experience them.  It will bring the best of mystic gurus in the sciences, including Past Life Regression, Face Reading, Tarot Card Reading, Vaastu Shaastra, Aura Readers, Angel Card Readers, Instant Astrologers, and more.  My blessings to the Astro World, Astro World Exhibition! 

The subtle sciences were always questioned and abused by buffaloes.  The materialistic dirt which is covering Planet Earth too much, promoted by corporatism and India’s pseudo-secularism, India’s “sickularism”, goes on abusing all these subtle sciences. 

See, a very funny thing: If you wear a “bagwa”, the “kaavi”, and do healing, it is “superstitious!  And the Anti-Superstition Law will jump on you!  But, if you wear a Cross and do “prayer healing”, or healing, it is “modern”, “spiritual”!  What kind of an idea the “sickular” media is spreading in this country!

All these subtle sciences have always been abused by the so-called secular mainstream media.  But, now we may be minorities, but we have started gathering and voicing out to live our freedom.  Arrey, if I enjoy the Rudraksha, I will wear it, I will promote it!  What is the problem?  Why are you “sickular” fellows promoting so many false lies?  You promote, after all the struggle if you marry a girl, and then you give the title “happily ever after they lived”!  Who lived happily tell me?  And you go on promoting all these lies!  More people live happily ever after, after wearing this Rudraksha which we promote, than what you promote!  All these foolish things are being told as “lifestyle”, and the real things are told as “superstition”!  This is the delusion, the Kali Yuga! 

I am so happy that Astro World people boldly brought all these sciences to be presented to human-beings to enrich their lives.  I bless the efforts of Astro World, and I also request them to do this exhibition in all cities of India.  My complete support and blessings are there, and we should also form a body which defends our rights to practice what we believe, defends our rights to live what we believe.  Thank you Astro World!

I will enter into today’s satsangh. 

First, I wanted to announce to all of you, today night, Indian Standard Time (IST) 10:30 pm, you have a beautiful webinar – “Rewrite Your Future”.  It is going to be a one-and-a-half hours’ nectar shower. Anybody wants to rewrite your future, be here by 10:15 pm IST. 

And, today, Inner Awakening participants also, you guys will have in the noon a little break of two hours to rest so that you can enjoy the webinar.  You don’t have to be sleeping (during the webinar) J !  Today, Inner Awakening participants, you guys are going to have two darshans: Healing Initiation and Energy Darshan.  Two darshans!  And two-hour rest in the noon time. 

Now, I will enter into the satsangh.

Please listen!  Please come to the space of listening!

Life is for what you want to get in your life.  Please listen!  Life is for what you want to get in your life.  Constantly we believe life is against what we want to get in our life.  Listen!  Life is for what you want to get in your life.  Life is not against what you want to get in your life.  All you need to do is look into what makes you believe life is against what you want to get.  Understand, when life is happening in you, it is not happening because it hates you, it is happening because it loves you!  Please understand, so the basic truth about life is, life is for what you want to get.  Anything which does not fit with this statement, anything which makes you suspect, doubt, believe, come to the conclusion, cognize, analyze, internalize that life is against what you want to get in your life needs to be completed.  Whatever makes you believe that life is against what you want in life, you need to complete with it. 

Rewriting your future is just the science, science of experiencing your future as you want.  Please listen!  The first step you need to know is, why you wrote what you wrote, how you wrote what you wrote, when you wrote what you wrote.  The life you are experiencing now, you need to be very clear, YOU wrote it!  If you say, ‘No, no, no....somebody else wrote it!’, it can be a very nice idea to become powerless and never do anything, but it can never be the truth of life.  You go on creating ideas with vested interest which you want to believe, so that you don’t need to do anything to change it.  It is like sitting in the Indian tea-stall and talking about the weather!  You don’t need to do anything (about the weather)!  You don’t need to do anything!  Don’t engage in the ideas, concepts, where you don’t need to do anything.  Once you blame that somebody else wrote it, it is sealed.  After that, you don’t need to think.  But it is not true.  Please understand, the good news is, YOU wrote it, nobody else.  The best news is, you can REWRITE it!  Understand, the good news is, YOU wrote it.  The best news is, you can REWRITE it!

Sometimes you may be doing the right things your whole life, but even if you are doing the right things, now catch the right context.  Doing the right things from the right context is where life becomes complete, understand?  Sometimes, accidentally your business makes you do the right things, your family makes you do the right things, your bringing up makes you do the right things, the society structure makes you do the right things; but, all that is not complete.  When you do the right things from the right context, I tell you, you will just know the whole future can be written by you! 

Please understand, in my life, I always align my thoughts; problems get solved by themselves!  I do not solve any problems.  I solve my inner infrastructure, I align my inner-space; the problems just solve themselves! 

Rewrite your future with tremendous confidence.  The first thing you need to know is: Rewriting your future is not difficult, but you have to do it.  It is very easy, but you have to do it.  It does not even consist of actions, it consists of decisions.  Rewriting your future does not consist of your actions, it consists of your decisions.  It just consists of your decisions.  Decisions you take after the intelligence of why you wrote what you wrote, how you wrote what you wrote, when you wrote what you wrote which you are experiencing as your life now.  Please understand, I am giving you one of the very important secrets why positive thinking and creative visualization do not work for you.  All your positive thinking and creative visualization is YOUR positive thinking, YOUR creative visualization.  You already suffered with all the symptoms, difficulties, damages done to you with your incompletions as present. 

See, the life which you are experiencing now, all the difficulties, damages, why it is there for you?  Because there are so many incompletions in you!  Without knowing why you created the incompletion, how you created the incompletion, and when you created these thought-patterns and completing them, any positive visualization you create, any positive thinking you do, any creative visualization you do, is it going to work?  No!  It never gets you anywhere!  It may get you nowhere!  It never gets you anywhere!  It may get you nowhere!  Understand, that is why no positive thinking, no creative visualization leads you anywhere.  May be, by fluke, one or two things may catch.  But, that is not the science.  Here I am giving you the science, the healing from the Vedic Tradition.  Understand the science.

First, you have to get why you wrote what you wrote.  Why you wrote what you wrote?  How you wrote what you wrote?  When you wrote what you wrote?  When you have these three clarity, now you know how to rewrite.  Understand, for rewriting your future you don’t need to change your every-day routine; you just need to change your every-day thinking, that’s all!  People are afraid of changing their every-day routine.  You don’t need to do different things, you need to do things differently!  You don’t need to change your actions, routine; you just need to change your thinking! 

As I said, rewriting your future does not consist of actions, it consists of decisions.  It does not consist of actions, it consists of decisions.  You can directly apply this great science, the science of Inner Awakening.  You can see in every-day life, the happiness, the well-being, success in your life and relationships, success in your life, and above all, feeling grounded with life, clarity and purpose of life.  The moment you become sure about you, the tremendous ecstasy, joy you experience, the groundedness you feel, the commitment you feel towards life, the emotional and spiritual well-being, creating life full of joy, enlightenment, wealth realization, you can apply this science in any one of these fields, or all the fields, all the areas of your life, and directly experience.

Listen!  If you have any problems with your physical health, it is just wrong decisions you took about your body and health.  Please understand, I am insisting, it is not wrong actions you took about your body and your health, it is wrong decisions; because, many times, the moment I utter the word “action”, you are afraid, ‘Oh, God!  Now you have to stand upside down, stretch your body to downside dog pose, straight side cat pose, inward-side bull pose!’  No, you don’t need to be afraid of straight side dog pose, upward side bull pose, backward side cat pose, all that!  Just change your decision about how you cognize your body.  The moment you change your decisions about how you cognize your body, health, everything you do becomes Yoga – your sitting, standing, walking...!  Why the few minutes of lying down should be Shavasana, and your whole night sleeping is not Shavasana?  Why the few minutes sitting should be Padmasana, but your whole day sitting cannot be Padmasana?  It is just when you change your decision about how you cognize your body, how you cognize your action, the whole day everything you do becomes Yoga!  And even to do the backward cat pose, upward dog pose, downward bull pose, you will not be afraid!

(break in transmission at this point.....................)

It is the context which always makes actions right or wrong.  From the young age, I cognized Ayurveda is best for my body.  From the young age, I believed I am not going to fall sick at all.  From the young age, I believed, if I feel a little sickness, I know Ayurveda is best.  It is because of my cognition, my decision, the way I decided about me and my body and my health, that works for me.  From the young age, I decided, vegetarian food is best for my body, my health, my lifestyle, it works for me.  Twenty hours a day, I am able to work comfortably!  If I have any problem with the body, just a small simple adjustment in my inner-space and simple adjustment in my food is enough!  Understand, it is your cognition, it is how you perceive.  If that is changed, your decision is changed, you will simply have your health.  Same way wealth: if your decision about wealth is changed, simply wealth is there with you!

Understand, you need to catch this truth.  I am very boldly declaring, and I am very sure about the power of these words: even for wealth you don’t need to change your actions; just change your decisions.  You will see automatically, without even knowing, your actions may or may not change, but you will have wealth.  You will also have intelligence.  You don’t have consistent actions in you as you believe, and you don’t have to be afraid of change!

(break in transmission at this point.....................)

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing the eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!

--------------------- END OF SATSANGH ___________________

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