27th March 2014 / Thursday
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Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya
Vandhey Guru
Paramparaam ||
I welcome all of you with my love
and respects. I welcome all the
devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis,
Thanedars sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, Lotus TV,
Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana
Deeksha in many cities in many countries around the world.
The cities sitting with us
through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Dakota Dunes,
Houston-Kalahasti, Chicago-Srirangam, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, San Jose-Madurai,
Ohio-North Carolina, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi,
Jenkintown-Pennsylvania, London-Kashi, Bangalore-North, Dubai-Vaidyanatham,
Jorpati-Nepal, Seremban-Sivakashi, Peethadeeshwari’s Training Centre-Salem, High
Point-North Carolina, Nithyanandeshwara Hindu Temple-Charlotte,
Seattle-Chidambaram, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Ohio-Ma Shivananda,
Singapore-Singapuram, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Ohio-Prayag,
Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Toronto-Kailasam, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Guadalajara-Mexico,
Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Coimbatore Dhyanapeetam, Doncaster-UK, Oman-Sivagangai,
Sungai Petani-Pazhamudhircholai, Hong Kong.....................
I welcome all of you with my love
and blessings.
Come on! Today, again, the journey starts towards the
next Inner Awakening!
I will expand on some of the basic
truths about “LIVING”; means, pulling these principles into life, tuning our
strategies with these truths. It is like
a journey with the Ganga. Please
understand, the moment you are here automatically for the morning satsangh, you
know Inner Awakening has started! You
are all here in the morning automatically!
Please understand, Inner Awakening is a pure spiritual awakening to your
reality, being sure about what you want.
You need to know, one of the
important truths is, all this Theology Light does not work for life. I have seen so many Theology Light gurus;
means, ‘smile’, ‘be happy’, ‘blow your nose seven times’...! Theology Light means, attending to problems
as individual problems and having solutions.
I call them only as Theology Light gurus. Theology Light is not Theology Right, be very
clear! Okay....it may give you that
“feel good” feeling for a few days, but it is not eternally attending to the
problem, eternally attending to life. Please
understand, you have to know, Theology Light people always associate difficulty
with Theology Right, because they never got the Theology right! That is why they started living and teaching
Theology Light.
I tell you, as the Guru of
Theology Right who got it, it is not difficult.
Whether it is a problem or a solution, it should be looked at
holistically. Theology Light is not
going to solve life. As I said, it may
give you a little “feel good” feeling, excitement, like Positive Thinking,
Creative Visualization, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, How to Win
Friends and Influence People in your life, this kind of books, this kind of
people, the Self Help, Personality Development, please understand. But, they will never be able to give you a
cognitive shift. Theology Right gives
you the cognitive shift. Theology Light
gives you intellectual coating. I am not
the guru who paints you with a new coat.
I am the guru who scrapes even the base and cleans the whole thing!
Living! Living!
Living tirelessly without boredom, constantly your very thinking should
be flowing with Authenticity, your very talking should be flowing with
Integrity, your words – internal, external – should be completely in tune with
Integrity, your thinking flow should be continuously with Authenticity. The way you feel about life should be
continuously responsible; you should know very clearly in your feeling you are
the source of everything; in that feeling you should know you are responsible
for everything. Continuously your
feeling should be filled with Responsibility.
Your living should be constantly Enriching you and others.
I will tell you the secret: Only for the initial days, it may look like
you need to change some of the actions, routine, day-to-day life and all that;
but, soon, you will find the change in the decision. First of all, even if there is a change in
action, you don’t struggle or suffer with it.
Second, many places you may not even need change in action. Change in thinking is what I teach; change in
action may happen as a sub-text. The
context of my teaching is change in thinking, decision-making; the sub-text may
be change in actions, change in act, its side-effects may be change in the
acts. But, the original context with
which I am teaching, the context I am expecting you to operate from is changing
your decision.
There should not be anything in
your life which makes you powerless.
Iron out your whole day. Nothing,
nothing, nothing can make you powerless.
Nothing can make you powerless.
Anything which makes you powerless, don’t accept, don’t resist. For example, if you are afraid of becoming
poor, if you are afraid of getting married, if you are afraid of death, if you
are afraid of getting into prison, that somebody may put you into prison, if
you are afraid of taking Sannyas, whatever may be the fear, don’t accept, don’t
get married. Please listen, if you have
fear about poverty or Sannyas or marriage or prison or death or whatever, don’t
accept that option. Same way, don’t go
on resisting that option by remembering.
Please understand, by the time you resist, you already visualized that
which you are resisting and half of your power has gone to the visualization,
and you are in the space of powerlessness.
From powerlessness when you resist, be very clear, it is only going to
be a failure.
I have always seen, the
who resists marriage, before he wakes up he is already married! The
fellow who resists poverty, before he
wakes up he is already poor! The fellow
who resists jail, before he wakes up he is already in jail! The fellow
who resists death, before he wakes
up he is already dead! The fellow who
resists jail, before he wakes up he is already in jail! Don’t resist
and don’t accept. Please understand, when you have to drop the
towards marriage, one part of you is already frightened, ‘Oh, so, that
means, you
want me to accept marriage?’ No! Nobody will come to marry you, don’t
worry! HAHAHAHAHAHA! It is not that marriage is that easy! And same
way, nobody is ready to give Sannyas to
you, don’t worry! It is not that Sannyas
is that easy! And nobody is going to put
you in jail, don’t worry! So much of money
who will spend on your food and taking care of you? And nobody is going
to put you in poverty, don’t
worry! Nobody has the time to conspire against
you and put you in poverty....! No!
Understand, whatever you are
afraid of, when you don’t resist them, when you don’t accept them, the inner
circuit with which you built is revealed to you. You need to know the circuit to know which
switch is connected to which equipment and to repair any wrong connection. All powerlessness is a wrong connection in
your inner circuit. Wrong connection
means, fuse will go (blown fuse), that’s all!
All your depression is nothing but fuse has gone in you. Means, some wrong connection; fuse has
So, understand, most of the time
things which you resist, you think it is almost waiting at your door; if you
fall asleep, he will enter slowly and he will be in your bed! Whether it is poverty, or marriage, or prison,
or Sannyas, or death, whatever you are afraid of....! I have not told everything....I have only
given a few examples which I heard people say they are afraid of. I can give you a thousand examples, a million
examples of things which you are afraid of.
There are some who are afraid of waking up in the morning. No....I know!
There are some who are afraid of going to bed early in the evening. They wake up so tired, and go to bed so fresh!
It means what? Wrong connection! The psychological routine and physiological
route is not connected with Completion.
Waking up fresh from the space of Advaitha, going to bed just to fall
into the space of Advaitha; means,
physiological routine and psychological routine is circuited with Completion
There are only two kinds of
people on Planet Earth: Those whose
Physiological Circuit and Psychological Circuit is connected with
Completion. And, those whose connection
is with incompletion. That’s all!
I tell you, every night, before
falling asleep, sit and do Completion with whatever you are experiencing. If you are experiencing tiredness, complete
with it. If you are experiencing
boredom, complete with it. If you are
experiencing fear, feeling scared, complete with it. In a few days, you will see, your biological
clock and psychological clock have synchronized. When both are synchronized, certain energy is
released in you. The synergy that happens
is what I call Kundalini Shakthi – the synergy of the biological clock and the
psychological clock. When your mind
touches your body, you know the oneness you are feeling, the non-dualness you
are feeling is only becoming perception.
When the psychological clock disappears into the physiological clock,
you know, the oneness you are feeling, the non-dualness you are feeling, you
are resting into it.
I tell you, even in our
all the responsible Swamis and all responsible people, I have seen, it
invariably always from their dedication to Completion. There is nobody,
not a single fellow whom I
know in our Sangha, among our devotees, or in the circle which I am
seeing –
means, at least a few lakh people – there is nobody who is efficient,
but not
in the space of Completion, who is complete and not efficient.
“Completion” is, connecting the biological
and psychological clock with the proper circuit. If you wake up in the
morning tired, and lie
down in the bed at night fresh, awake, there is something seriously
wrong in
the biological and psychological clock connection. Night, before
falling asleep, Complete. And, one more thing, don’t be afraid of
insomnia! That is one of the biggest
problems humanity faces. When you lie
down and don’t fall asleep, you may be having the fear, ‘I think I am
having insomnia.
I am not able to sleep.’, and all that. The fear of insomnia is worse
than the real
insomnia! As I always said, the fear of
snake is worse than the snake bite itself!
One of the doctor disciples, she
was telling me, ‘Swamiji, there are a lot of “dry deaths” in the water-related
accidents.’ Means, the person has fallen
into the water. But, water has not gone
into his system and choked his lungs.
No! His lungs are dry, everything
is dry. But, just because of the fear,
he gets a heart attack and dies! She
says, ‘Swamiji, one of the studies says, in more than 80% of the deaths due to
snake bites, the poison never enters the brain and locks and chokes the
body. Just because of fear that they are
bitten by a snake they die!’ When you do
the post-mortem, you see that the poison has not mixed with the blood, the
poison has not gone into the brain, the poison has not caused the death. Most of the snakes are poison-less; that is
another one funny thing! So, the fear of
In India, there is a
group of
doctors, all over the country, not just in one State, constantly
about this impotency. The advertisement
is written in such an intelligent way, anyone who reads it will feel he
impotent! Eleven o’clock night
advertisement in all the TV channels, in all the magazines, yellow
journals! The advertisement lines will be so tricky,
anyone who reads it will be tricked and doubt that they are impotent!
‘Are you using three times a day? Are you losing interest with your
partner? Are you losing interest in life? Are you above thirty-five,
forty?’ They will put such lines, that every fellow
who reads that advertisement will feel he is impotent! The moment you
get the fear you are
impotent......gone! Now you invest your
income, your salary there! Like in the U.S.,
how these psychiatric drugs are advertised in the TV: ‘Are you feeling
thinking you are tired morning and evening?
Are you feeling bored night ten o’clock?
Are you having kinee pain after walking twenty miles a day? Is your
hair standing straight?’ They will ask such questions! ‘Then it is
confirmed that you may have some
“xxxxxxxx”!’ – new name/disease which they have discovered recently.
‘Contact your doctor immediately! CALL NOW!
CALL NOW! CALL NOW!’ The survey report says, “....79% of the
deaths may be associated with this disease.’
One of the symptoms will be, ‘Are you all the time feeling like lying
down in the bed?’ Then, when you go to
the research paper and see, it says, ‘Yes, 80% of the people die while
they are
lying in the bed’! That is the
connection with the advertisement and the death! It is so technically
put into your system!
First thing, stop this
resistance. Resistance keeps you as a
child, immature, ungrown. Please
understand, every time you remember a snake and allow the fear of the
snake to
fill you, you are just biting yourself like a snake bite, please
understand! So, neither accept nor
reject or resist. Sit and look in how
you did this wiring inside you. Means,
for example, if you are constantly afraid of marriage, first look in:
Who put this fear of marriage? When it started? If you are constantly
afraid of poverty, look
in and see: Who put this fear of poverty in you and when it started?
There are fifty common
of stress. If I read, you guys will be
shocked! (Swamiji reads out a few
symptoms) After reading just fifteen
symptoms, how many of you think you already have stress? I want to
raise both my hands! No, understand, first, the moment you resist
something, you have become a victim. If
you are afraid of death, I am not saying commit suicide. But don’t go
on allowing the fear to be living
inside you. I am not saying that if you
are afraid of marriage, get married.
No! I am not saying that if you
are afraid of Sannyas, take Sannyas; if you are afraid of jail, go into
prison. No! All I am saying is, stop acceptance, stop
resisting. Tell yourself, ‘Fool! I don’t have to be all the time
In Tamil Nadu there is a
bunch of
blackmailing media fellows. They
constantly appear wherever I go in public and try to harass me and try
create controversial things. They will
constantly ask me, ‘What is your opinion about this? What is your
opinion about that?’ I told them once, ‘I am a sadhu. I don’t need to
have opinion about
everything. Only you fellows survive on opinion,
you thrive on opinion. Only you fellows
need to have an opinion about everything.
I don’t need to have an opinion about everything.’ The moment I said
that, they started talking
among themselves, ‘He is very intelligent! You can’t catch him!’
Because, the moment you give any opinion, they
will use it against you! If I give any
opinion about any group, they will instigate that group to start
fighting with
me. And they will have news! News has use for them, not for me! The
moment I said, ‘I don’t need to have an
opinion about everything. I am a sadhu.’,
they said, ‘This fellow is very intelligent! You can’t exploit him!’
Your mind is a
journalist. It stretches the mike towards
you and asks, ‘What is your opinion about marriage? What is your
opinion about Sannyas? What is your opinion about snake bite? What is
your opinion about poverty?’ If you say, ‘I don’t have an opinion. I
don’t care about it.’, it will ask you, ‘How
you don’t care about snake bite?’ Don’t
you understand you are talking to a fool?
Don’t do that mistake. He will
get you into trouble.
All the time you are made to give
some opinion and you are exploited with further questions because of the
opinion. No! You don’t need to! You don’t need to! All you need to understand very clearly is,
you neither need to accept nor need to resist, because any stand you take, you
will again become powerless now.
Sit and think: how do
you make
the circuit? The fellows who have taken
Sannyas out of powerlessness are failures.
The fellows who have not taken Sannyas out of resistance are
failures. You neither need to take nor
avoid. But, see: When did you develop this fear? Who put that fear in
you? When did you start developing this fear? Complete with it and
relax and be powerful; that
is all! All the time be powerful is the
religion of Hindus. Always be powerful
is the tradition of Sanatana Hindu Dharma.
It is neither giving you the instruction to get married nor not to get
married. Sanatana Dharma is neither
suppression nor licentiousness. It teaches
you Swadharma; means, doing what you want from the space of
powerfulness. Being always in the space of powerfulness and
operating from the space of powerfulness is what I call Swadharma.
Understand, Sanatana Hindu Dharma teaches
Swadharma. Sanatana Hindu Dharma teaches
Swadharma. It neither teaches you
Grihastha nor teaches you Sannyas or teaches you Playboy life. It
teaches you Swadharma. Be powerful about what you are. Be powerful
about what you stand for. Be powerful about what you want to do for.
That’s all!
Be very powerful about what you are, what you stand for, and what you
to do; that’s all. Let there not be
powerlessness between these three. Over!
Swadharma is life. Swadharma is experience. Swadharma is enlightenment. Actually, if you are afraid of snake, death,
marriage, poverty, Sannyas, whatever, if you sit without accepting, without
rejecting, and look into you and see: ‘When this fear started in me? How I started developing this fear?’,
suddenly you will start laughing at your fears which foolishly you built as a circuit
in which you are caught. It is like the
net you built, you are struggling with it, because you enjoy struggle. All the time being in struggle makes you feel
you are great, which is not required, which is not true.
The essence of today’s satsangh:
Swadharma is always being in the
space of powerfulness with what you are, what you stand for, what you want to
do. Don’t allow powerlessness in all
these three. Be always powerful in all
these three. That is what is Swadharma. Your Swadharma is what Sanatana Dharma
teaches you. Live your Swadharma is what
is my teaching to you. Neither you need
to take Sannyas nor you need to get married, or you need to be in poverty, or
you need to be committing suicide. Don’t
accept, don’t resist. Look into your
powerlessness – why you built what you built – and complete with it. That is all!
That is all! Laugh at your
fear. The moment you laugh at your fear,
your fear loses its power over you; it becomes powerless. That is why your enemies cannot tolerate your
laughter! That is why all my enemies
have just disappeared! The only thing which
destroyed them is my laughter. I didn’t
do anything. I just kept on
laughing! The burning they experienced,
the powerlessness they experienced, they just collapsed!
Shankara conquered all his
enemies by argument, with logic.
Vivekananda conquered all his enemies just by laughing at them, not
bothered. Ramanuja conquered all his
enemies by outliving them; he just started living one-hundred-and-fifty years;
all his enemies they died when they were fifty, sixty, seventy....and he went
on living; he just conquered them by outliving them! I am going to do all the three,
understand? Shankara conquered them by
debates, arguments, his logical strength.
Vivekananda conquered them by laughing at them, making them
powerless. Ramanuja conquered them by
outliving them. I am going to do all the
three, understand! Logic, Laughter,
Longevity! Logic, Laughter, Longevity –
through all the three “Ls”, I am going to make them lifeless, I am going to
conquer them, understand! They collapse
by themselves. I don’t need to do
So, the essence of today’s
Live your Swadharma. All the fears you develop about things which you
resist, you will understand, it is just foolishness. It is just foolishness!
And, I bless you all!
We will move to the Kalpataru process.
All the participants who have
come for Kalpataru all over the world, please take a paper and pen. Pen down one thought you want to cause as
reality, and pen down all the incompletions, impossibilities you have around
that thought you want to cause as reality.
(After a few
Complete with all the
incompletions and drop them. Hold on to
the space to create what you want as reality.
Visualize what you want is reality now.
Hold on to that space.
I bless you all: The space you
created, let it become reality! The
visualization you created, let it become reality! Thathaasthu!
We will have Kalpataru Darshan for
all the participants in Haridwar. Then we
will have the SMKT Meeting, the Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars meeting.
I bless you all: Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity,
Responsibility, Enriching and Causing the eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!
___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________
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