13th April 2014 / Sunday
Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||
I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, Eshwar TV, Janashree TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in so many countries all over the world.
The cities sitting with us having Nayana Deeksha, gathered for today’s Kalpataru Darshan: New York-Varanasi, Yoga Den-California, Khar Road-Mumbai. I welcome all the three cities for Kalpataru Darshan.
The cities sitting with us: Seremban-Sivakasi, Toronto-Kailasam, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Washington DC-Sripuram, Seattle-Chidambaram, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, San Jose-Madurai, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Singapore-Singapuram, Ohio-Prayag, Charlotte-Srisailam, Varanasi, Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Nithyananda University-Paris, Simi Valley-California, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Guadeloupe-Rameswaram, San Diego-Tirualavai, High Point-North Carolina, Toon Moon-Hong Kong, Bogota-Colombia, Jorpati-Nepal, New Zealand-Adi Arunachalam, China-Rose Li, Olympia-Washington, Selayang-Malaysia, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Melbourne-Australia, Charlotte-Srisailam, Madurai Dhyanapeetam, St. Louis-Tirumala, Houston-Kalahasti, London-Kashi, Minot-North Dakota, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Ottawa-Canada, Doncaster-UK, Colorado Springs-USA................... ..
I welcome all of you with my love and blessings!
Today is one of the most auspicious days in Hindu Tradition – the grand marriage day! Almost all the great historical marriages which happened in Hindu religion, including that of Mahadeva and Parvathi, Mahadeva and Parvathi, Subramanya and Devasena, Andal and Rangamannar, Narayana and Komalavalli, Rama and Sita, all these marriages happened today.
And, as part of the Panguni Utthiram celebrations, Subramanya is gracing with Valli and Devasena on Suvarna Mayura Vaahana.
We will start the satsangh.
I will expand on the power of Authenticity.
Please listen! It is Authenticity which makes you a man. Neither the birth nor the growth of your body, or the growth of your wealth makes you a man. It is Authenticity which makes you a man.
Please listen!
All suffering, all suffering – when I say “all”, I mean capital letters “A-L-L” – all suffering is because you forget your identity again and again and again. All the good things are showered on you when you become authentic. Again and again aligning yourself to Authenticity is “Tapas”.
From yesterday, so many participants of Living Advaitha process, participants of Living Advaitha process have started posting in Facebook about their inner-image, outer-image, others-image and life-image.
Please listen! “Inner-image” is the idea you carry about yourself inside you. “Outer-image” is the way you project yourself. And “others-image” is how others perceive you, for which you are responsible. “Life-image” is how you perceive others and life.
Please listen!
Inner-image....inner-image is the idea you carry about yourself. Outer-image is the way you project you to others. Life-image is how you perceive about others and life. Others-image is how others perceive you, for which you are responsible.
Please listen!
So many participants who are participating in the Living Advaitha process, the teamily process through Facebook, have posted. I wanted you to understand this one thing: When you are putting your inner-image and outer-image, don’t try to describe in just one word. Some of you have described it as “Shivoham”, “Shivoham”, “Shivoham”, “Shivoham” for all the four! Understand, what do you know about Shiva? Describe the inner-image, inner-image you wanted to have. Even if you defined it overall under the title “Shivoham”, describe what you understand as “Shivoham”, because now whatever you describe as your inner-image, anything other than that if it is sitting inside you, it has to be completed and dropped. So, the article title can be “Shivoham”, but the article has to be written in a detailed way.
When you write inner image = Shivoham, describe the detailed qualities, what do you think as Shiva? Please listen! You will not know Shiva as on now, but at least pen down what you think as Shiva; let us complete all the incompletions other than your perception of Shiva. For example, if you perceive Shiva as all-powerful, all-knowing, always compassionate, so now you have to complete with your ignorance, powerlessness, all-powerlessness, all-ignorance, and all-violence. You have to complete and drop them. Then don’t think you will get only those three qualities of Shiva. Once you finish completing with all the incompletions, all the qualities of Mahadeva which you imagined and not imagined will break open as if the floodgates have been opened inside your system.
Understand the purpose for which I am asking you to describe the inner-image, outer-image, others-image and life-image. I am describing every single technical term for the convenience of the people who came today for the satsangh first time, or the people who are coming for the Kalpataru Darshan today in Khar Road-Mumbai, New York-Varanasi, and Yoga Den-California. Mainly for the convenience of Kalpataru participants I am describing every single technical term. Please listen! Please understand! All Kalpataru participants don’t shut your door, don’t shut your listening! ‘Oh, he is talking something which is a continuity of the earlier satsangh. I cannot understand anyhow. I will just sit here and spend the time and go.’ No! Don’t shut your listening. Please keep your listening open. I am uttering every word to a beginner, and I am detailing every technical term, I am expanding on every technical term.
Please listen! When you describe your inner-image should be like Shiva, what you think as Shiva, describe that. Somebody wrote their inner-image should be like eternally enlightened. Yes, great! What you describe as eternally enlightened, write your definition. Why you know? If you describe some two-three qualities which you think as enlightenment quality, or Shiva’s quality, and complete with all the incompletions and drop, really the floodgates of Shiva’s energy will open in your system! Understand? You may describe Shiva as all-knower, all-powerful, omnipresent. Shiva himself may be having thousand qualities. You may be describing only three qualities. But those three qualities, whatever incompletions you have about those three qualities, if you complete and drop them, don’t think only those three qualities will open up in you; it will open the floodgates where all the qualities of Mahadeva will start expressing through you! Because....listen to this logic: There is a huge dam. There are now dams which are one kilometre in length. In the modern-day, even twenty kilometres length dams we are building. Even if it is one kilometre length dam, to release the whole flood water you don’t need to break the whole one kilometre dam. Just poke one hole into the dam. One hole is enough. The whole flood will destroy the dam and come out. Same way, if you poke one hole into your thick ignorance, the “apasmara” in your thick forgetfulness.....
Understand, there is a beautiful Upanishad in our Vedic Tradition where the Guru was asked by a disciple, a disciple asked the Guru, ‘Why don’t you initiate everyone into the great truth of Advaitha – “You are the Ultimate”?’
The Guru says, ‘People won’t understand.’
The disciple says, ‘No, no, no, no, no....’
The Guru says, ‘Alright, sit next to me .’
He then calls all the demons, the asuras, and gives them the Advaithic Upanishad – “You are the Ultimate”. Immediately they went back to the Asura Loka and described, ‘We are everything! Eat, drink and be merry! And destroy everybody else!’
The Guru then calls the human-beings. He says, ‘You are the Ultimate!’ He gives them the Advaithic Upanishad. They come to Planet Earth and say, ‘Come on, enjoy! We are the Ultimate! Have pleasure! Pleasure is life! Pleasing the body is the goal!’
The Guru then calls the matured beings and says, ‘You are the Ultimate!’ They sit in Samadhi and get enlightened!
Understand, sometimes the same truth, if you don’t live it with Authenticity, can be dangerous. If you live with Authenticity, one truth is enough to completely make you enlightened. The truth about death, either it can make you more and more dharmic and enlightened, or it can make you more and more greedy and lusty. You can say, ‘Anyhow I am going to die. Why unnecessarily waste life? Let me meditate and get enlightened!’ You can also say, ‘Anyhow I am going to die. Why waste life? Come on, womanize, drink, enjoy all pleasures!’ Same truth with Authenticity works in a different way; without Authenticity works in a different way.
Yesterday, one of my Mahants came and reported to me that one girl wanted to be a sannyasini; she is behaving abusively with everyone, beating the Mahant. He came and reported to me.
I asked, ‘Why...what happened? Psychiatric case?’
This Mahant who came and reported to me said, ‘Yes, Swamiji, there is a strong idea that whatever is said and done you will never send anybody out, you won’t give up!’
I said, ‘This “I won’t give up, I won’t send anybody out”, should be actually a strength for that person to dedicate the whole life to build the Sangha, serve the society. Instead, the same thing has become, “I can abuse anybody and do anything I want; I won’t be sent out”!’
See, without Authenticity, “You are the Ultimate” can make you a demon. Without Authenticity, the spiritual strength or the spiritual teachings given to you can make you a demon. Only with Authenticity, it makes you enlightened, understand.
The basic quality for life is Authenticity. The first and foremost quality for life to start in you is Authenticity. So,
· Describe what is your inner-image; elaborate in a detailed way.
· And, describe what is your outer-image in an elaborate, detailed way – how you want to project you.
· Describe others-image – how people should perceive you.
· Describe the life-image – how you want to experience life and others.
Describe all these four elaborately, because, as elaborately as you describe, it will be easy for you to find the incompletions. Because, from today you are going to enter into the next step. Till today morning I have given you the time to finish the Completion with the whole teamily. Please listen, today’s homework I am describing. From today, the next few days.....actually, today itself you should complete in a very detailed way your inner-image, outer-image, others-image, life-image. And circulate that with your teamily and each person in your teamily. Suggest what all the incompletions you have to complete to achieve this identity, this authentic identity.
Listen, I am giving you an example. For example, if you describe, ‘All-knowing is my inner-image’, so now the incompletions you are having is your ignorance, why you entertained ignorance. Ignorance is always made to look as cute in the name of innocence, which is not right. But, society, to keep you under its control celebrates your ignorant side. Please understand, whenever I walk into the Gurukul, the first thing I will remind them is, your ignorance is not celebrated here. One kid, all the time she will be confused whether to be here or go back to the house. And she will always think that I will tolerate her ignorance. I will say, ‘No! Now tell, do you want to be here or go back? You can go back tomorrow. Now I will call your parents and send you back!’ She will say, ‘No, no, no...I don’t want to go back.’
See, as a child itself you should not entertain this dilemma which is the root of ignorance. In our Gurukul, dilemma should never be allowed or celebrated. Even if you make a decision that you are going back....great! But decide! Because, decision moves the wheel of life. Indecisiveness keeps you stuck. Feeling stuck is adharma! Moving is dharma! Anywhere in life when you feel stuck, it is adharma. Whether you are a kid or grown up, ignorance should not be celebrated.
So, you will have to find all the root of the ignorance in you and complete with that. If you declare yourself as all-compassionate, always for all compassionate, then you will have to be finding out all the incompletions like anger, violence, and complete with them. So, the teamily....each one in the teamily will help the other person to find their incompletions based on their declaration.
So, today, from today onwards, within the next few days, you should send your declaration about your inner-image, outer-image, others-image and life-image to your whole teamily. And, please understand, in your teamily if you have twenty-one people, other than you it will be twenty persons, you will have to study the declarations of each one, spend time on it, put your intelligence on it, and help the person to discover all the incompletions they have to achieve this identity, to reach this identity.
First time ever on the Planet Earth, such a massive mass-level awakening process is happening, understand. Advaitha was always a solo game. First time becoming a Rock Band! It was always a solo game – a flute in the remote forest, or a veena in the innermost sanctuary of the temple, or a mild string instrument in some corner. Understand, first time it is becoming chorus lifestyle! I am disproving the theory that mass awakening is not possible. I happened, I am happening for mass awakening! Understand, I am making the process as simple as it can be, and as powerful as it should be, as truthful as it is. As simple as it can be, as powerful as it should be, as truthful as it is!
Please listen! So, from today, the next few days, the homework is: You will send a detailed authentic description about your inner-image, outer-image, others-image, and life-image. I will describe these technical terms once more.
· Inner-image is the idea you carry about you.
· Outer-image is the idea you project about you to others.
· Life-image is the way you perceive others and life.
· Others-image is how others perceive you, for which you are responsible.
Pen down these four as elaborately as possible. Send it to me in my Facebook wall. Again, I am seeing a few people inboxing me saying that they are not able to put it on my wall. Please understand, my settings are open, and anyone can put anything on my wall. That is the way I kept my settings. See, I am a philosophy-based being. I am not a geography-based being, understand? Philosophy-based beings will always be open and democratic. That is why I am saying, Bharat is not just geography; it is philosophy! Wherever Bharat is lived, it is Bharat! Wherever Bharat is lived, it is Bharat! We are not a geography-based religion; we are a philosophy-based religion. We are not a geography-based lifestyle; we are a philosophy-based lifestyle. Of course, I strongly wanted to defend geography also. I don’t want geography to be lost. But I wanted all the nationalists to know, just defending geography is like protecting the body by holding the breath of the man. If you hold the breath of the man and defend him, you will have only a dead body! Just defending geography is not going to be useful in any way. Defend geography and philosophy. I am an open, democratic being. Anybody can post in my wall. So, don’t inbox me. Send your message, send your authenticity definition to my Facebook and circulate it to your teamily, whoever you chose as your teamily, and ask them to guide you to complete with all the incompletions and align yourself to Authenticity. Align yourself to Authenticity! Please listen!
So, understand, from today, next few days, this should be the homework. You should also help every person in your teamily to find out their inauthenticity and incompletions. You should also get the help of your teamily members to find your inauthenticities and incompletions.
So, with this, I will move to the Kalpataru process after a small break.
SMALL BREAK.....................
We will start the Kalpataru process.
Khar Road-Mumbai, where the Kalpataru is happening, and New York-USA, Yoga Den-California-USA, all the three cities where Kalpataru is happening, and, Bidadi, whoever has assembled here for Kalpataru Darshan, please pen down one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions you have about that thought becoming reality. Please pen down both. Please start penning down both. Take a few minutes to start writing one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions around that thought, about that thought, impossibility, incompletions around that thought, about that thought, and pen down all that. Pen down both.
(After a few minutes.....................)
Yes....now I will lead you into the Kalpataru process. Before that, one thing I want to add. When you declare your Authenticity, means, inner-image, outer-image, others-image, and life-image, circulate it only with your teamily. Your teamily also should help you to find your incompletions and send it only to you.
Please sit straight. All the Kalpataru participants in Bidadi, Khar Road-Mumbai, New York-Varanasi, Yoga Den-California, sit straight. Close your eyes. Complete with all the incompletions one by one and drop them. Hold on to the space you want to create as reality. Whatever you want to cause as reality, hold on to that. If you want health, visualize it is now already there, you are healthy. If you want wealth, visualize it is there already, you are wealthy. Whatever you want to achieve, hold on to that visualization now. Namah Shivaya!
I bless you all! The space you created, let it become reality! The visualization you held, let it became reality! Thathaasthu!
We will now have darshan for all the participants who came in Bidadi........
I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, NIthyananda! Thank you!
___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________
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