Friday, 18 April 2014

18th April :

18th April 2014 / Friday

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, sitting with us all over the world.

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

I will expand on “Getting Comfortable with Completion”.

Listen!  Still I am going to take two more days for you guys to lead you guys into Completion, because still you need to have a little more time, energy, understanding about all your incompletions.  But, before that, I wanted to share this very important idea with you – “Getting Comfortable with Completion”.

Snehamayi has requested she wants time for the weekend to do the Completion.  See, when a devotee invokes the gods, goddesses in the Homa, it is a request.  When an incarnation sits, in his presence if the Homa is done, it is an order!  Simply, everybody obeys!  Same way, when Snehamayi requests, it is order; simply I will obey!  HAHAHAHAHAHA!  She requests weekend also to do the Completion.’s done! 

So, I postpone the Completion to Monday.  Till then you guys have time to discover all your incompletions and get it all out. 

Let me expand on this truth – “Getting Comfortable with Completion”.  Listen!

How the space of Completions feels, how your every-day activity from that space is so enchanting.  Listen, “enchanting”, that is the word I will use.  “Enchanting”!  Please understand, when you get comfortable with the space of Completion, simply anybody who sees you will be enchanted by you, because you are closer to them than their own soul.  Please understand, everyone loves their soul because of the space of Completion the soul gives, the space of the Completion experience the soul provides.  Please understand, if you enchant people, if you enchant.....

Listen!  The enchanting is done in so many ways.  If you have a beautiful body, people can be enchanted.  Or, if you have an amazing entertaining habit, attitude, like telling jokes or the great ideas about life, or music, dance, these also can be entertaining.  But, all that is only a depreciation asset.  Your beauty cannot enchant people for a long time.  It is a depreciation asset.  Your singing ability or your knowledge, your wit, intelligence, may be that can be appreciation asset, but that also is only limited to one life.  But, if you carry the space of Completion, it is actually exponentially appreciating asset.  You will be the source of Completion for thousands of people.  You will just be enchanting.  Please understand, that enchanting will be like Krishna’s enchanting, Mahadeva’s enchanting.  Even in Krishna’s case, only the Gopas and Gopikas were enchanted.  In Mahadeva’s case, bhoota, pretha, pishacha, whatever exists around, all of existence was enchanted!

Now let me give the exact technique of how to get comfortable with Completion.  Listen!  You need to spend a few days on it; only then you will get the knack.  It is not a separate action; it is a simple decision. 

Listen!  The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad beautifully says, ‘The Soul, Self, is dearer to one’s Self than his most beloved son, wealth, and anything and everything else.’  Listen!  That is why if you fall into the river with your money suitcase and your son, you first save yourself.  Then only you think of your son or your suitcase, bag, whatever.  Because, if you are there, you can have money and one more son.  Anyhow....

Listen!  Getting comfortable with your Completion!  Whole day, constantly try to be in the space of Completion.  Whenever an agitation happens, incompletion happens, take a few minutes, go to the bathroom, lock yourself, and do Completion and come out.  So, decide, decide!  Getting comfortable with Completion will remove the layers and layers of thinking which is away from reality.  Please understand, many times you can see in your life, if you are doing some work, suddenly when the layers of thinking engulfs you, you are removed from reality.  After a few minutes, you wake up, ‘Oh, where am I?’  Especially when you are working on the computer, cooking, sitting in the CEO Chair of the office.  Being moved away from the reality due to incompletion.  Listen! That should be completely completed.  First two-three days, if you try, you will see all the restlessness completely gets settled; you will start feeling very comfortable with your space of Completion.  Not only that, you will get a taste of how in the space of Completion itself you can operate.  You can talk, walk, work, think, do everything.  How the knowledge to operate the body and mind from the space of Completion gets awakened, you can see.

Please listen!  Operating from the space of Completion means you getting very comfortable in your day-to-day life with Completion.  Actually, I wanted the youth of this country to learn that only.  If the youth of this country learn to live in the space of Completion, the whole country will be blessed.  That is why, today, we are organizing the Youth Sabha in Coimbatore Dhyanapeetam.  I welcome all the youth in Coimbatore Dhyanapeetam to learn the process of Completion and get comfortable with it. 

It is Completion, the process of Completion, the knowledge of Completion, process of Completion, the knowledge of Completion, that makes you a man, that makes you a person.  Understand, we will conquer the world by being the source of Completion to the world, never by wealth nor by terrorism; understand, neither by conversion nor by terrorism!  We will be unique and successful by being the source of Completion for the whole universe.  I myself, personally, neither believe in conversion nor believe in terrorism.  Terrorism is violent conversion.  Conversion is psychological terrorism.  Psychological terrorism is conversion, physical conversion is terrorism; that’s all!  I don’t believe in both.  I want the youth of this country to be the source of Completion for the whole world.  When you go all over the world for a job, accept the job, the work; nothing wrong!  Great!  But carry the Science of Completion and be the source of Completion for millions of people, understand. 

English is not a language; it is a culture.  Completion is not just a technique; it is a culture; it is a heritage!  English is not just a language.  If you pick that language, your accent, your dress, everything will be different!  Same way, Completion is not just a technique; it is a heritage, great cultural heritage.  Once you pick it up, the way you use it, the way you walk, the whole thing will be different!  The way you talk, walk, the whole thing will be different!  Getting comfortable with the space of Completion means, trying whole day to be in the space of Completion even when you are reading, writing, working, talking, planning, using your time or misusing your time or abusing your time, whatever you may be doing, getting more and more comfortable, getting more and more comfortable with your Completion.  Getting more and more comfortable with the space of Completion is all we need, that is all we want, understand?

So, today, this is the only thing I wanted to share with you all.  Spend more and more time to get comfortable with the space of Completion, because getting comfortable with the space of Completion is like pilot drill.  Whenever we drill an object, the pilot drilling will be done.  For a few millimetres, they will try to put a drill bit into the object and take it out.  It is called a pilot drill.  They will see whether the drill bit goes straight into the object, is the drill bit guided properly into the object.  These are all a few lessons of engineering once in a while I remember.  This getting comfortable with the space of Completion is like the pilot drill.  Once you get a little comfortable with the space of Completion, then burning all your incompletions and permanently establishing you in the space of Completion is my job.  It is easy for me, very easy.  See, now because you are so comfortable with incompletion and impossibilities, I am not able to remove you out of it.  Most of you don’t know why you have to be removed out of it.  If I just make you understand the space of Completion and a little comfortable with the space of Completion, then burning all your incompletions and establishing you in the space of Completion is such an easy task, such an easy thing.  It is like once your organs are comfortable with diabetes, you will never be able to get out of diabetes. 

Please understand, you can have any disease, but not diabetes!  You can tolerate any disease, but don’t ever tolerate or get comfortable with diabetes.  Even heart disease is okay, blood pressure is okay, because your organs cannot get comfortable with blood pressure.  But with diabetes, your organs get comfortable.  Then, getting out of it is impossible, because your intestines, your kidneys, your brain, your nervous system, all of them who are not directly involved with the disease also will ask for the experience of diabetes. 

Getting comfortable with incompletion is just like getting comfortable with diabetes: too dangerous!  Never allow it!  Do whatever it takes; get out of diabetes.  Do whatever it takes; get out of incompletion.  I tell you, anything is okay, but not diabetes.  Of course, not herpes!  Don’t get comfortable with incompletion.

Now, I will lead you into the space of Kalpataru by introducing the Kalpataru process.  Listen!

Sit for a few minutes.  Pen down one desire, thought, you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions, impossibilities, doubts you have around that thought.  Please pen down.  This is the first step.

The second step is, complete with all the fears, impossibilities, doubts, incompletions.  Drop them.  And hold onto the space of what you want to create as reality.  For example, if you want health, see the health is there already in you.  If you want wealth, see you are wealthy, wealth has already happened in you.  Hold that visualization.  Hold that space.  You will see all the incompletions melt down and you are able to experience what you want to cause as reality.

Now please start penning down all the incompletions.  One thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions, doubts, impossibilities around that thought.  Please start.

(After a few minutes.....................)

Please sit straight.  Close your eyes.  Complete with all the incompletions you have, and create a space for what you want to cause as reality.  Whatever you want to cause as reality, create a space for it.  Namah Shivaya!


Thathaasthu!  I bless you all!  The space you created, let it become reality!  The thought you created, let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!

I have two announcements:

One, when I said, if you guys won’t cross 311 in the May Inner Awakening, I won’t wear turban, that created a lot of fear.  I don’t want you guys to work through fear.  I want you guys to work through inspiration.  So, I withdraw these words.  Whether you make or not, I am going to wear the turban.  That is one.  Second, I will make you guys do 311 just out of inspiration and intelligence and energy!  That is the first announcement. 

Second, if you are not a Thanedar or Kothari or Mahant, don’t send me personal messages.  If you don’t have time for me, I don’t have time for you!  Be very clear!  There are so many unnecessary messages, wasting my time!  There are so many people who have added me in some teams, groups and all that.  Either you remove me, or I will dismantle the whole team.  Because, I wanted all my Facebook friends to be my real friends – like Draupadi and Krishna – real Sakha!  I will also stand by them always and protect them.  And, same way, the amount of love and commitment Draupadi had for Krishna!  Wow!  Unimaginable!  Same way Arjuna!  Arjuna and Draupadi, they are the best couple, had such an amazing bhaava of friendliness with Krishna.  Both of them are so committed, and Krishna also was so responsible for them. 

Sunday morning – third announcement – Sunday morning we have a special satsangh – screening of “How to Cause your Inner Awakening” Webinar.  Means, “How to Cause your Inner Awakening” webinar will be played.  And, I will intervene once in a while and add whatever I want to add.  And I will even take your calls and questions on Inner Awakening program.  20th April, Sunday morning.  Don’t miss the opportunity!  That’s it!

Now, I will finish the Kalpataru Darshan for all the participants in Bidadi, then Coimbatore, then we will move to Coimbatore.

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH __________________

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