15th April 2014 / Tuesday
Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya
Vandhey Guru
Paramparaam ||
I welcome all the devotees,
disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars who
are sitting with us all over the world at this time through Nithyananda TV,
Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way
video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities, in many countries
around the world.
Cities sitting with us in two-way
video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Toronto-Kailaam,
Singapore-Singapuram, Varanasi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai,
Charlotte-Srisailam, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Seremban-Sivakasi, xxxxxx-Sabarimalai,
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Oman-Sivagangai, China-Rose Li, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda
Nagar-Tiruvannamalai, Winston-Salem-North Carolina.....................
I welcome all of you with my love
and respects.
Today, VISHU! The first day of the Malayalam Calendar! So, I give all my blessings to all the
devotees from Kerala, and for all the people of Kerala, Malayalis, my love and
blessings. Let this New Year be
auspicious to all of you and all of us!
Blessings! Vishu Dhina
Yes....I will expand on Advaitha,
Advaitha Sathya, Living Enlightenment.
Please understand, when you have
described your identity, when you describe consciously how you want to be and
ask your teamily to support you, give you the input, what all the incompletions
you may have to complete, and after the teamily gives the input if you also
work with it and complete all the incompletions you are carrying.
Please understand, I am giving
you some of the examples so that you can be very practical and very
precise. Please listen, I will give you
some of the most practical hints.
See, for example, if you want
always people should perceive you as a loving, caring, joyful being, the first
thing you need to complete is, you may be having a deep non-trusting
attitude. Listen! In the heart if you carry the non-trusting
attitude, naturally, neither you will be comfortable with people, nor people
will be comfortable with you. So, first
thing you need to do is completing with the non-trusting attitude and building
up the ability to trust. May be, if you
tell your whole teamily that this is where you need to do Completion, your
whole teamily will be constantly reminding you.
Teamily is nothing but the
embodiment of Guru surrounding you from all corners. Listen!
Teamily is nothing but embodiment of Guru surrounding you from all
corners, constantly reminding you. If
you always want to be perceived as a loving, caring, blissful being, you have a
deep incompletion about trusting others, if you tell this to everyone, share
this with your whole teamily, your whole teamily will be constantly helping you
to separate and see your insecurity and the real, actual threat
possibility. Many times, if the threat
possibility is even very small, because of your insecurity you cannot trust,
your teamily can constantly help you to separate these two. And, I tell you, only when you separate these
two, you make a successful right strategy even for your security. When you are constantly agitated about the
cockroach, you allow the scorpion in your bed!
Because, constantly, you are frightened about the cockroach, you are too
busy in protecting you from the cockroach, you allow the cobra and scorpion in
your bed! They both are sitting there to
receive you! When you separate the real
possibility of threat and your incompletion, insecurity superimposed, these two
separate, listen, listen, only then, only then even the security will be
better. The whole teamily will help you,
support you, constantly remind you. That
is why the teamily. But, I am very
clear, I don’t want anybody other than your teamily to know your
incompletions. An onlooker or a person
on the street can exploit you constantly.
I don’t want that. The teamily
should be a loving space for you to grow.
I tell you, some of the
moments of my life was when I was serving Arunagiri Yogishwara,
Yogi, and a great sadhu in Ramakrishna Mission, Swami Gautamananda. Of
course, Swami Gautamananda will never even
imagine I will still be carrying so much of love and reverence and
respect for
him in my heart, but, the time I served him, I got an insider’s view of a
powerful sadhu’s life. Understand, he
was not an ordinary sannyasi of the Ramakrishna Order; he was one of the
Trustees. Ramakrishna Mission has only
eleven Trustees, and he was one, and a senior Trustee. I think he now
even gives initiation. In Ramakrishna Mission, only one or two
people are allowed to give initiation in the whole Order. He is one of
the two-three who give
initiation, Mantra Deeksha. So, such a
top-level sadhu. When I had the
possibility to see his life very closely....Wow! I tell you, the amount
of integrity and purity
with the whole day spent, the amount of integrity and purity used even
to take
administrative decisions of the organization, not just the personal
even the administrative decisions of the organization! I tell you, as
long as we remain pure, we
retain our integrity even in our administrative decisions, we will
continue to
Please understand, Hinduism never
existed based on the definitions of the West, but we existed in our own way and
will continue to exist in our own way.
Sanatana Hindu Dharma will continue to exist as long as we carry
integrity and purity even in our administrative decisions. See, whenever somebody becomes big in their
life..... For example, one guy, when he
is forty-five, he becomes CEO of the Company.
The time he was an ordinary Manager, or Deputy Manager reporting to
Manager, that time he always remembers with lot of pain: how he has to run
around getting tea, tiffin, breakfast for his seniors, and how he has to
report. Always the CEOs remember, at
least mostly, when they were in the bottom rung of the ladder, that period,
with a lot of pain and not that comfortable.
But, I tell you, I remember my early days with so much of comfort, love,
respect, reverence, and the great lessons I learned from this great sadhu. Even while doing the administration, even the
administrative decisions where he has to choose, he will tell me, ‘Hey, Guru
Maharaj (Shri Ramakrishna) says he can give up everything, but not Sathya
(truth). So, let us stand by that and
take decision.’ I used to think in those
days that people only preach, but when it comes to their administrative
decisions, they will see what is practical.
But, never I have seen Swami Gautamanandaji taking any decision based on
the idea of practicality. He will always
be spiritual in his decision. Which is
right as per Dharma, he will only look into that. I tell you, it really, really, really helped
me constantly to align myself.
Please understand, if you see
somebody constantly aligning themselves to Dharma around you, you will be
inspired constantly to align yourself to Dharma. This is the whole theme of teamily. Now, when I look back, I see that without
even having this concept of teamily, I already, automatically had all this kind
of ambience and teachings in my life. I
was looking back thinking who were my teamily who put me in Advaitha, who
always reminded me to be in the space of Advaitha. When I look back, all my acharyas, teachers,
gurus with whomever I got to spend time, all of them acted as a teamily,
reminding me, starting from Annamalai Swamigal, Arunagiri Yogishwara,
Kuppammal, Raghupathi Yogi. I can say, I
never had a single guru; I had a teamily as my Guru! My teamily was my Guru! All of them have contributed so much in me
stabilizing myself into the space of Advaitha.
Arunagiri Yogishwara, he supported me in a totally different level, the
level of bio-memory. Raghupathi, he
supported me in the very core of the body, the level of the physical Completion
with the body. Kuppammal, she supported me
in Vedanta, the Vedic mind. Each one of
them supported me from one space.
Annamalai Swamigal gave that Advaitha Anubhooti, Advaithic
Authenticity in administration. I tell
you, I don’t have any problem, I will not restrain myself to praise him,
I have seen so many Mathadhipathis, Peethadhipathis, Adheenams, Guru
Mahasannidhanams, Gurus, leaders, who administrate an organization.
But, while even when they are administrating,
the amount of integrity to what they believe! You see, what they
believe is highest or not,
we don’t need to bother; that will automatically grow till
enlightenment, and
grow, grow, grow, expand; but whatever they believe, being authentic to
that. In this scale if I see, I can
never compare anybody with Gautamanandaji.
He is altogether a different class!
He will go to the extreme of how a person got the money which he donates
to the organization; to that extent he will go!
If he sees that person’s business and personal decision-making
cognition, his lifestyle, or business decisions are immoral, he will not
that money. He will not accept from
them. He will say, ‘No!’ Even if he is told, ‘No, it was not
he will say very clearly, ‘I don’t bother about law; I bother about
Dharma!’ He will not touch anything immoral. Even if the money comes
from a person who has
not earned it in a moral way, if he gets the tip or some information, he
say, ‘No! Reject!’ That kind of integrity in every step! Hats off to
their integrity and strength
which they infused into me.
I tell you, the teamily
constantly remind you to get into the space of powerfulness. Because of
that attitude, the kind of power
he commanded on himself and others....Wow!
The grace with which he lived!
When I was serving him, he must be about sixty-five or seventy. At that
age, the kind of power he had over
his mind or his body! Night till two o’clock,
he will be sitting and doing japa; means, repeating mantra, the ishta
mantra! And the command over his body! At that age, I have seen, he
will run and do
Sirshasana (Head Stand)! He will run and
just stand upside down! At that age...the
command over his body and the command he had over his mind!
I tell you, when you are
integrated and authentic in your decisions, when you are integrated and
authentic in your every-day thinking....
Please understand, if you separate your spiritual decision and public
life decision....no, then you won’t experience strength. But, your spiritual decision and public life
decision, both if you integrate, if you put integrity and authenticity into
that, the command over your body and mind you will have, and the powerfulness
you will enjoy over your body and mind!
I tell you, when I look back, the
way my teamily supported me, moulded me, I tell you, having a teamily is having
a living Master twenty-four hours around you, literally living with the
Master! Sometimes, even Master feels
bored, ‘Alright, what to tell! Okay...it
is okay...I will tell him later on.’ But
the teamily has so many mouths, they will never be tired, they will go on
telling you! HAHAHAHAHAHA! That is the power of teamily!
Understand, the teamily can
support you and stabilize you in the space of Advaitha in all directions. It can make you feel powerful in every
level. The way Arunagiri Yogishwara
contributed, he made the whole Cosmos as my teamily!
Yesterday we had a very funny
incident. We were having a teamily
dinner at night. Suddenly we got a call
from Tiruvannamalai, ‘A gas cylinder is leaking and anytime it will burst! There are many gas cylinders around that
cylinder. Already the tent is
burning. And, if it bursts, it will be a
disaster!’ I blew from here, ‘Foooooo....!’ And, next moment, Mahant Jyotika calls and says,
‘As if somebody blew, the fire got put out!’
She again called, ‘No....again now it is burning!’ I said, ‘Don’t worry! Earlier I spoke with Agni (God of Fire), now
I am relating to Vaayu (Wind God). The
gas cylinder will will be defused. Don’t
worry! It will be settled!’ In a few seconds, the fire got put off, and
the gas got defused!
Please understand, I
don’t want
to term this as miracle. The moment I
term this as a miracle, I already put impossibility into you. No! I
only term this as a teamily power. The
whole Cosmos can be your teamily. I just
related with fire and Vaayu, ‘You are my co-creators. What I am
creating is for you. What you are doing is for me. We are
co-creators.’ Simply, the whole thing got settled, that’s
all! See, if I say this is a miracle, I
will put you in powerlessness. And, I
never commanded Agni or Vaayu. Victory
happens by commanding; success happens by reminding! I just reminded
them, ‘We are co-creators.’ That’s all!
Understand, victory happens by commanding; success happens by
reminding. In success, co-creation and
co-existence. I just reminded them, ‘We
are co-creators.’
After the teamily dinner,
somebody was asking me some question. I
said, ‘That is why you have to be part of the teamily; you get to see this kind
of intimate miracle scenes!’
Miracle.....alright, because of no other word, I am using that word; again
I may not want to use that word. The
intimate expression of powers you will see as an insider, when you see all this
as an insider, your trust on this Advaithic principle will just multiply; it
will shoot the roof....beyond the roof!
Even if you try to say, ‘No, he may be having some power, not
enlightenment.’, your heart will say, ‘No!
You are cheating yourself! Don’t
be in denial.’
There are a bunch of
ex-devotees. They have all started
saying, ‘No, no, no....’, because they have seen this kind of power
game, power
play, energy game, synergy plays around me.
They started saying, ‘No, no.....maybe he has powers, but he is not
enlightened.’ What is the difference
between powers and enlightenment, do you know?
Come on, tell me! What do you
know? You neither know what is power,
nor know what is enlightenment, and you try to differentiate between
two! You fools who are abusing, or fools
who were abusing, ‘He has powers, but not enlightenment...’, I am really
them, ‘What do you know? What is the
meaning of “having powers”, and what is the meaning of “having or not
enlightenment”?’ It is like saying, ‘Oh....the
right side of Mars, he may be knowing, but not the left side.’ What do
you know which side of Mars, where it
is, what it is? Both you don’t
know! ‘See, in the Sun, in the centre
core, there is one part; maybe he is knowing that part; but the next
side, that
he may not be knowing’! What do you know
which is the centre part of the Sun? It
is like you are sitting and arguing about both zones which you don’t
know! Then you can only be called with one word – “Stupid”! Please
listen – “Stupid”! Pffffttt!
Trying to use the words which you don’t know! Anyhow....now I am
demystifying the whole
science. If you have command over the
other persons or elements, it is power.
If you have the space of co-creation with all the elements and others,
it is energy, it is enlightenment, which can never be taken away from
you. You don’t command them, you just remind them,
that’s all; immediately they get aligned!
The teamily will always support
you to be in the space of Advaitha.
Please understand, I really wanted the whole Sangha to take up
sincerely, the science of Teamily. Go on
expanding your teamily everywhere.
Today’s homework:
You will continue to find all the
incompletions you need to complete to become your authentic self, your
authentic inner-image, outer-image, others-image, and life-image.
So, you will continue to do this
homework today. I tell you, this process
is such a powerful process, you will never be able to complain, ‘Oh, I did this
technique for so many years. I blew my nose
up and down, down and up so many years.
Nothing happened to me.’ No! With this, it will never be like that. The technique is so powerful, the process is
so powerful, do it, you will see the result!
This process is like me: It cannot keep quiet! It is too big to keep quiet!
So, today’s homework:
You will continue to list out all
the incompletions you need to complete to have authentic inner-image,
outer-image, others-image, life-image.
So, with this, I will move to the
Kalpataru process. All the participants
who came for Kalpataru in Tirunelveli and all over the world, please pen down. The one thought you want to cause as reality,
and all the incompletions, impossibilities, doubts around that thought, start
penning down.
(After a few
Yes....now please sit
straight. Let us create the space. Whatever impossibilities, incompletions,
doubts, fears you have, complete and drop them.
And, hold on to the space for what you want to cause as reality. Whatever you want to cause as reality, hold
on to the space for it. Hold the space
for it. Namah Shivaya!
I bless you all! The space you created, let it become
reality! The visualization you created,
let it become reality! Thathaasthu!
We will start the darshan for the
participants in Bidadi, and then we will move to Tirunelveli.
I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity,
Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss,
Nithyananda! Thank you!
___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________

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