Tuesday, 18 March 2014

18th March :

18th March / Tuesdayh

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities in many countries around the world.

Cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, High Point-North Carolina, Austin-Texas, London-Kashi, San Jose-Madurai, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Canada, New York-Varanasi, Coimbatore Dhyanapeetam, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Dhyanapeetam-Hosur, Newfoundland-Canada, Johorbahru-Tiruchendur, Indrani-New Jersey, Mettur Dhyanapeetam, Toronto-Kailasam, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Ohio-Prayag, Toronto-Canada, Redondo Beach-California, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Seattle-Chidambaram, Singapore-Singapuram, Ohio-Ma Shivananda, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Charlotte-Srisailam, Doncaster-UK, Nithyananda Nagar-Tiruvannamalai, Oman-Sivagangai, Seremban-Sivakasi, Slovakia, Kulim-Tiruttani, Winston-Salem-North Carolina.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

I welcome all the devotees who have gathered in Mettur Dhyanapeetam for the Kalpataru.

Today, I will continue to expand on the Space of Advaitha. 

Listen!  Please listen!  Either you can keep your inner-space powerful, fulfilled, joyful, or keep yourself in utter poverty, dull, depressed, constantly in conflict, fighting with everyone, finding fault with everyone, accusing everyone: ‘This person is not right!  That person is not right!  That person is not right!’  It is up to you how you can keep your inner-space.

A Thanedar level person is starting his spiritual journey.  If he keeps on accusing, it can be tolerated.  If a Kothari keeps on abusing everyone, he should not be tolerated; he should be reminded and trained.  If a Mahant keeps on abusing everyone, he should be handed over to Kalabhairava!  No....the space you declare for yourself and others.....

I tell you, the space of Advaitha is so powerful – please listen – the space of Advaitha is so powerful, it can solve any problem you carry....and any problem you invent!  Human-beings are the greatest problem-inventors!  See, everything in our society is invented to invent new-new problems!  All our desires, fears, lifestyle, everything, you can see, money, the concept of money, the concept of ownership, everything is invented to invent new-new problems!  It is like, when the kids have to be kept occupied, you give them some playthings....  What do you call it?  There will be a box with multiple colours....  Rubik’s Cube!  I don’t know the name; I didn’t play with all that foolishness!  You completely destroy it (the Rubik’s Cube), and then you try to align it!  What foolishness!  I think in our Gurukul we should ban that.  Why do you first of all invent a problem and then try to find a solution?  Arrey, come on!  We already have multiple problems.  Find solutions for that!  Putting your energy to invent a problem and then finding a solution for it!  Please understand, when you enter into the space of Advaitha, the first thing that will happen is, you will stop inventing problems and you will start continuously solving. 

I tell you, Advaitha will bring surety about you.  The biggest gift of the space of Advaitha is, all your confusions will disappear, you will be sure about what you want to do, what you are and what you want to do.  I tell you, people who honour the space of Advaitha in their life as first priority, when they wake up, they wake up like Eshwara of the Universe, Jagadeeshwara (Lord of the Universe)!  When they live, they live like Jagadeeswara!  They are not only Jagadeeshwaras, they are Jagat Kaaranas (reason/cause for the Universe)!

Please understand, when you are stuck with some pattern and unable to honour the space of Advaitha, that is what I call “Maya” (illusion).  And continuing to honour Advaitha even if you are stuck with some pattern is called “Tapas” (penance).  That is tapas!  I tell you, “the world” is going to be “the world”.  In “my world” if you carry the space of Advaitha and approach “the world”, in “the world” also you will attract exactly people who carry the space of Advaitha towards you. 

I always bless my Swamis, ‘Let you all have disciples exactly like you!’  It is up to them whether to make it as a blessing or a curse!  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  I tell them, ‘You will have disciples exactly like you.  So, now it is up to you whether to make that as a blessing.’  All Mahants, I bless you guys, you will have Kotharis exactly like you!  All Kotharis, I bless you, you will have Thanedars exactly like you!  All Thanedars, I bless you, you will have volunteers exactly like you!  And I am blessing myself, ‘Let me have disciples exactly like me!’  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Now it is up to you whether you make your inner-space more powerful, or you make your idea about “the world”, “my world”, more powerful.  Understand, the “my world” you carry is not your world. 

As I said, Advaitha is neither difficult nor easy.  Believing that Advaitha is easy or difficult is a most foolish thing.  It is like you sitting here and saying, ‘Ganga flowing in Haridwar is the most difficult thing. See, from here we have to walk twenty minutes!  How difficult to get into the Ganga!  Twenty minutes I have to walk!’  You can say that way.  Or, you can say, ‘Ganga flowing in Haridwar is the most easiest thing.  It is just twenty minutes walk!’  Your argument that it is easy or difficult does not make any logical sense, because Ganga flowing in Haridwar is the fact!  I tell you, same way, everyone is you is a fact!  It is a fact!  Everyone is you is a fact!  There is no question of debating, arguing whether the space of Advaitha is right or wrong.  It is the fact!  Understand, whether you achieve that space today, or you achieve that space tomorrow, or you achieve after a few janmas (lifetimes), you HAVE to achieve it!  Because, that is the only most sure thing on the Planet Earth!  The most sure thing in the Universe is the space of Advaitha!  That is why I am telling you, if you start understanding Advaitha, if you understand Advaitha, it will make you more and more sure about you to you.  This whole Inner Awakening is nothing but making your inner-space experience the power of Advaitha.  And Kalpataru is nothing but giving you the glimpse of Advaitha. 

Knowing that whatever you want is already part of you is the Science of Artha, acquiring.  Listen!  Knowing that whatever you do should be from the space of Advaitha is Dharma.  Knowing that whatever you want to acquire is already part of your inner-space is the Science of Artha.  Knowing that every person in your life you want to have, every person you want to have in your life is already part of you is Kama, the Science of Kama.  And knowing that everything is you is the Science of Moksha.  I tell you, Kama does not mean just having lust or sexual desires fulfilled.  Even the desire to have a friend, even the desire to have a good brother, even the desire to have a good mother, the desire to have a good relationship with your father, desire to have a good son, good daughter, everything is Kama only!  Please understand, having a good mother completes you so much, even if you have a spouse, you will radiate so much of friendliness with him or her.  Same way, having a good father completes you so much, even with your wife or husband you will radiate so much of friendliness. Friendliness is the smell of Advaitha!

Understand, I tell you, the space of Advaitha is the source of all the great things in the Planet Earth.  The founder of Homoeopathy was a great enlightened being.  He was an Advaithi.  All the plants, herbs spoke to him and they revealed to him what for they can be used, what disease they can cure, and he recorded.  Otherwise it is impossible to record and do R&D (research and development) on so many thousands of herbs and medicines.  Same way, all our siddhas, the Ayurveda science!  Where were the labs?  Where were the R&D methods?  It is the power of Advaitha!  The plants revealed their glory and their quality and what for they can be used, what diseases they can heal, and the siddhas and rishis they recorded it.  Whether it is Indian dance, Indian music, Indian medicine, Indian way of dressing, Indian sex, Indian entertainment, Indian architecture, Indian cooking, Indian way of eating, Indian way of sleeping, everything, I tell you , is from the space of Advaitha.  The way we solve conflicts, the way we create law, the way we create rules, the way we create understanding, the way we create organizations, the way we create our religious lifestyle, the way we create our beliefs, the way we create our Sanatana Sangha, everything, everything is based on the space of Advaitha. 

I tell you, O my dear ones, with tremendous love I tell you, don’t be agitated to practice Advaitha.  And, remember, my love is so powerful, it comes from Advaitha.  Allow it to sink in your life.  When it comes back to me, by that time it would have made you an Advaithi!  Love OF the Master engulfs you, fills you, completes you, and raises you to the space of Advaitha, and comes back as love FOR the Master.  So, just wait; allow my love to sink in you.  When a Master’s love, love OF the Master is showered on you, suddenly you feel that nothing in the world matters anymore; matter does not matter anymore; you feel you are on top of the world; everything is forgotten!  That is what I call “Visishta Advaitha”.  Means, you feel that everything is part of you, you are part of everything.  And then, when the love FOR the Master starts in you, you feel in the world there is nothing else other than you and the Master, nothing else matters!  When the circle is complete, you understand there is no you and the Master; you be the Master!

I tell you, Advaitha is the fact, is the truth.  Fighting with Advaitha is utter foolishness!  Saying, ‘No, no, no...that cannot be practiced...’, is utter ignorance!  Today or tomorrow you HAVE to land up only in that space.  Already you postponed enough for janmas (many lifetimes)!  Landing up in the space of Advaitha, now don’t postpone any more.  No need to waste life.  All success happens from Advaitha.  All failures are happening from the fighting with Advaitha.  The space of Advaitha is a simple fact.  I don’t even want to use the word “truth”, because it is loaded with so much of meaning.  I just want to say, it is a simple “fact”.

I will go on defining the space of Advaitha for the next few more days, because this is the subject I am working on with all the Inner Awakening participants.  Now I am teaching them the science of making what you want as reality.  Advaitha in practice is the science of making what you want as reality.  Advaitha in thinking is clarity.  If you have an advaithic approach towards yourself, that will make you understand you will become too sure about what you want, understand?  Being sure about what you want will remove all powerlessness from your life.  It will make you so powerful, it will bring so much success.  Not only everything you touch, everything people touch in your name also will become successful!  Taking your name, anything people touch will become successful!  The space of Advaitha is so powerful, anybody who takes your name and touches any work, they will be successful!

Cognizing your life and decisions based on just these few truths, these few facts, is what I call “Space of Advaitha”.  Everything is you.  Whether you call everything is a joy addition to you, whether you call everything is a problem added to you, whether you feel everything is lead in your life to further you, or a load to your life to stop you from furthering – listen – whether you feel everything which comes around you, the people, things, situations, everything is a lead happening in your life to further you, expand you, make you successful, or you feel everything coming around your life is a load happening, both are Advaitha!  Understand, whether you feel life is a lead or a load, Advaitha is a fact!  If you understand everything is you, naturally you will work now in the space of, ‘Then I am responsible.  How can I make everything around me as a lead instead of as a load?’ 

Understand, when you know everything around you is you, you will have tremendous compassion and sympathy and not to give up on people.  How will you give up on?  You will not even have the arrogance to give up on!  Giving up on is nothing but arrogance!  That Kalabhairava beats left and right, smashes!  Kalabhairava is highly allergic to arrogance.  The moment he sees the arrogant people, he starts sneezing.  His sneeze is thunder....lightning and thunder!  When Kalabhairava sneezes, it is lightning and thunder!  Giving up on others is arrogance, please understand. 

And, I tell you, go on showing love from the context of Advaitha; you will have so much fulfilment, I am telling you!  Even when I act as if I am not showing love, I “act”, so that you just understand, you are told, ‘Hey, you are not doing right things!’  That’s all!  ‘You will have to come to the space of Advaitha!’  That’s all!  Nothing else!

So, understand, when you are a kid, if you go and ask your mom, ‘Give me...give me mom one rupee.  I want to get ice-cream.  I want to buy this...’, your mom will tell, ‘Alright!  Wipe all the doors and windows.  I will give you one rupee.’  How many of you have experienced this in your life?  I have experienced!  If you ask something, she will tell you.  That does not mean your mom hates you and takes work out of you, and only if you work you will be given.  No!  She just wants to teach you something.  She just wants you to understand some principle.  Nothing else!  Otherwise, what she is giving, can you equate it based on what work you have done?  No!  It can never be equated, understand!  She is trying to tell you something, she is trying to make you understand something. 

I tell you, whether my love, or my showing anger, or whatever, I tell you, it is purely just to make you live Advaitha.  With all integrity, I can tell, keeping Kalabhairava as a witness, everything from me, whether it is a loving body language, whatever words....whether it is a loving word or a sharp word, courtesy word or very curt word, past, present, future, anything, anything which comes from me is purely....it has only one meaning: ‘O my dear, live Advaitha!’  That’s all!  Whether you get the word in the satsangh or in the Sangha meeting or in personal interview or in Kalpataru, all my words, with integrity I am telling you, have only one meaning: ‘O my dear, let us live Advaitha!’  That’s all!  And there is no other meaning, there is no other interpretation. 

Building of the Sangha is for Advaitha, to live Advaitha, to radiate Advaitha, to teach Advaitha.  Teaching Advaitha is to live Advaitha.  Living Advaitha is to teach Advaitha.  Everything is you.  Look into you and repair.  I tell you, everything is you.  The good news is, by repairing inside, you can repair everything outside.  The best news is, when you understand everything is you, you need not even repair it.  This “good news”, “bad news” series has to be replaced with a new series called “good news”, “best news”.  I am going to do that now: The “good news”, “best news” series!

Make all the decisions based on Advaitha.  Make all the cognition happen based on Advaitha.  It is the ultimate truth of Advaitha Sathya.  Everything needs to be done in the “my world”; then, automatically, “the world” responds.

So, I can tell you with all my integrity and authenticity, everything that comes out of me is just straightaway asking you, making you to live Advaitha.  And, I tell you, that is the only space where you will find rest, you will find success, you will find Completion, you will find fulfilment.

So, understand, you have been cheated, you missed it so badly!  So, I tell you, if you have received Advaitha from me, you have received the best things you can receive from me and the world!  If you have missed Advaitha from me, you have missed very badly from me, and received from the Cosmos!  So, receive Advaitha; that is the best thing I am secretly hiding. 

Understand, one of my biggest miracles.....  To a few people I was talking one day and asking them, ‘What do you think is my biggest miracle?’  Somebody said, ‘Oh, this whole Sangha is your miracle!’  Somebody said, ‘The way you heal people is miracle!’  Somebody said, ‘All this materialization which you are doing is miracle!’  But, I tell you, in this Information Age still I am keeping this as a secret; here you can get advaithic experience is the biggest miracle!  Still the world does not know you can get the best here!  How much ever you try to tell the world, nobody listens, you see!  Keeping that greatest, valuable thing secretly, and giving it only to the qualified people, that is the biggest miracle.  So, understand, the most valuable thing you can get from me is the Space of Advaitha.  Now I am giving; please receive it and live it. 

With this, I will move to the Kalpataru Darshan.

All the participants who have gathered all over the world for Kalpataru Darshan....in Mettur and in Haridwar, please sit straight.  Take a paper and pen.  Pen down one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions, doubts, fears, impossible cognitions you have around that thought.  Pen down both.  Please listen!  The thought you want to cause as reality, and all the doubts, impossibilities, hangovers, residues, the incompletions you have about that thought, pen down both.

(After a few minutes.....................)

Sit straight.  Create the space for what you want to cause as reality.  Complete with all the incompletions and drop it.  Visualize that what you want to cause as reality has already become real.


I bless you all!  The space you created, let it become reality!  The thought you visualized, let it become reality!

We will have the darshan first for all the participants who have come to Haridwar.  Then we will have darshan for Mettur Dhyanapeetam.


I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, and Causing the eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________

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