Friday, 21 March 2014

21st March:

21st March 2014 /  Friday

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, Swamis from the various Orders, various traditions, who are sitting with us all over the world and in Haridwar at this moment, through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Sadhna TV, Janashree TV, Eshwar TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities, in many countries around the world.

The cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Paris-Home Temple, London-Kashi, Talahassee-Florida, Bogota-Colombia, Highlands-North Carolina, Johor Baharu-Tiruchendur, Santa Fe-New Mexico, Indrani-New Jersey, Monterrey-Kedarnath, New York-Varanasi, Warrington-UK, Sirkazhi Dhyanapeetam, Port Washington-New York, Klang-Malaysia, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Charlotte-Srisailam, San Jose-Madurai, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Redondo Beach-California, Ohio-Prayag, Toronto-Kailasam, Toronto-Canada, St. Louis-Tirumala, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Singapore-Singapuram, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Island Creek-North Carolina, Ma Muktha, Dhyanapeetam-Hosur, Camus-Hong Kong, High Point-North Carolina, Dakota Dunes, Bangalore-Ravi’s house, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Houston-Kalahasti, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Devon-UK, Oman-Sivagangai, Arunagiri Yogishwara’s Temple in Tiruvannamalai, Slovakia, Hollywood, Winston-Salem-North Carolina.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

I will continue to expand on the Space of Advaitha, and the Science of Coming to Terms with Reality.

Please understand, I don’t want to use the word “achieving Advaitha”.  No!  “Coming to terms with the reality”, that is the exact word I want to use.  I don’t want to use the word “discovering truth”.  Unfortunately, English addresses only in the language of verb all the spiritual truths, because, the originators of that language didn’t know you can never “achieve” truth.  So, many of the original Sanskrit words of experiencing Advaitha can never be translated into English.  So, I don’t want to use words like “achieving the truth”, “reaching the truth”.  No!  There is no verb involved in truth, please understand!  There is no verb, action involved in truth.  Any action involved may be after truth or before truth.  Truth itself has no action involved, please understand.  So, “coming to terms with the reality”, that is the exact word I will use.  Coming to terms with the reality!  Coming to terms with the truth!

Listen!  Come to the space of listening!

There are some people who, whenever a truth is revealed, take this as a truth till proven false.  There are some people who take it as false till proven true. 

Listen!  Listen!  Whenever a truth is revealed, there are some people who perceive it as the truth till it is proven as false.  There are some people who take it as false till it is proven true.  Listen!  I am not saying some category is right, the first category is right, or the second category is wrong.  No!  All I am saying is, the first category gets to enjoy the living presence of an incarnation and his Leela.  The second category always has to live with the dead photographs, deities, statues, pictures (of a departed Master). 

Listen!  When some truth is revealed, there are some people who take it as truth till proven false.  And there are some people who take it as false till proven true.  The first category gets to enjoy the living presence of the Master, enlightened being, an incarnation, and his Leela.  The second category, by the time it is proven, established, known, by the time it is proven as truth, unfortunately the Master has left the body....and you hang on to the photographs, statues (of the departed Master).  Please understand, don’t miss this time!  DON’T MISS THIS TIME!  Prepare your inner-space.

Please listen!  Now, the next important truth.  Krishna says beautifully in the Gita: ‘Whoever knows the context of my actions get my inner-space!’  If you try to find the reasons for my actions, you will only get into the inability.  Inability always makes you powerless.  And if anything makes you powerless, you become angry towards it.  Please understand, whoever analyzed the reason for my action always fall into powerlessness.  Try to get the context of my action, not the reason. Context is always the space of Advaitha.  When you have patience to get the context of my action, not only you just rise in love with me, you become me!    

Listen!  Listen!  Whenever a truth is declared, the person who looks at it with tremendous sincerity, trust, and takes it as truth till proven false gets to enjoy the presence of the Master, the life around the Master, the joy of celebrating his breathing space, the joy of rejuvenating himself in his breathing space. 

Understand, all over the world, crores of people get to have one drop of Ganga water in their mouth or on their head every day.  That can never be equated to people who live in Haridwar, who dip into the Ganga morning till night.  You cannot equate that.  So, all over the world, everybody gets the morning satsangh in two-way video-conferencing; but you cannot equate it to the people who get to see Him (the Master) the moment He comes out of the room, in the lift, or the moment He comes into the class-room, or the moment he has his breakfast.  People who drink the Ganga water staying somewhere else, don’t know the beautiful moods of the Ganga; whether there is a silent regular flow, or heavy gush, they don’t know the mood of the Ganga, and they can never imagine the Ganga, please understand.  They may be able to see some photographs, they may be able to visualize from the photographs, but they can never get the Ganga. 

So, understand, when you take the truths as true till proven false – it will never be proven false, don’t worry! – when you take that side, you get to celebrate His presence constantly, His being constantly.  Taking the Ganga water as a sacred purifier, a few drops, is different.  Eating, drinking, taking bath, living in the breeze of the Ganga, sitting with the Ganga for peace, all that is totally different, understand!  Taking a few drops of Ganga into the mouth for sacred reasons, may be you are getting the utility value of the Ganga.  But, when you eat, drink, take bath, even for silence and peace sit with the Ganga, you are pampered...!  How Bhishma was brought up by Ganga, you are being brought up like Bhishma by Ganga.  So, listen, blessed are those who take the first category!  The second category is okay, but unfortunately, by the time any truth is proven as true, accepted by a large number of human-beings as truth, the origin of the truth becomes stone or picture!  You don’t get to taste the truth when it is hot as a hot-meal!

Understand, I don’t know for how many thousands of years the future generation is going to enjoy all these morning satsanghs, Nithya Satsanghs, but you guys are the people who enjoy it as a hot breakfast, hot meal served on your table! They may all enjoy it as a tinned food, but you are enjoying it as a direct hot meal served on your dining table! 

Listen!  The space of Advaitha can be straightaway experienced.  I am giving you a very simple process, straightaway experience, in just trying to find the context of the Master’s action if you are living around him.  Stop violence, stop vengeance, stop thinking he is biased.  Remember, he is a pure mirror!  Not just a mirror in which you are mirroring, but the mirror in which your creation also is mirroring!  Listen!  In the ordinary mirror, you only see you. Even though the objects around you are also reflected, you never see them, because you are too obsessed with you!  But that mirror is unfortunately dead.  It will not call you or speak to you or tell you, ‘Hey, you are forgetting to look at so many things around you which I am mirroring. You are only looking at you in me.  The attention you are giving to the details of you, even one-hundredth of that you are not giving to the details of yours!’  The Master is a living mirror!  He calls out, ‘Hey, look at everything around you!’  I am not saying don’t look at you in me.  Master is a living mirror.  From this context, understanding, from this cognition, look, try to understand the context from which the Master is operating.  I tell you, you will achieve the space of Advaitha just in a few days! 

Trying to find the reason for Master’s actions is the job of a critic, Maoist media-house’s job.  Why do you want to get into that?  That is the job of anti-Hindu, anti-spiritual media-houses.  Don’t try to get the reason for Master’s actions.  Try to get the context of Master’s actions.  The person who tries to get the context of my action is “Devotee”.  Who got the context of my action is Me!  Anybody who gets the context of my action, please understand, you get Sameepya Mukthi.  The moment you get the context of my action, you get Sameepya Mukthi.  Till then, you may be around me, I will be tolerating you, because I don’t want to give up on people.  Being around me cannot be Sameepya Mukthi till you get the context from which I am operating.  But, I tell you, when you get the context from which I am operating, all your problems will be solved, you will experience the same inner-space as Krishna declared in the Gita.  He is very clear!  ‘If you know the context from which I am operating, you will be liberated!’  Because, it is so simple to replicate the context in you, it is so beautiful, there is no difficulty.

As I said, the statement of truth is statement of truth.  In the morning the Sun rises in the East.  Where you see the Sun, that only we call as East.  When he rises, that only we call as morning.  But, without knowing the context if you start fighting, ‘Why should be not rise in the West?  Why should he not come once in a while in the evening?’, you can continue the fight for these stupid atheists are doing.  How the stupid materialists are doing, how the stupid anti-spiritual fellows are doing, you can live like that.  No problem.  They go on talking the same foolish logic.  From the time of Charvaka to Ramaswamy – E.V. Ramaswamy, I am talking about! 

Listen!  Listen!  Try to get the context from which the Master is operating.  Even the few moments of your life with him, the few moments you spend around him, try to get the context.  You will experience liberation!

The Sun rises in the morning in the East.  There is no question of debate or acceptance you can make out of this statement.  Please listen!  There is no question of debate or acceptance you can make out of this statement.  You can neither have a debate nor come to a conclusion.  If you are having debate, judgment, conclusion out of this statement, all the fellows who debated for, against, who gave judgement, all are fools, because the simple truth cannot be debated, it has to be understood from the context, that is all!  Same way, if you try to find a reason for my action, you can go on debating, arguing.  But, end of the day, you would have only wasted your time!  And the same foolishness will be repeated, humanity will repeat: when they (the Masters) are alive, throwing stones at them; when they have gone, making stone temples for them! 

People, very few are that mature to have the hot, fresh breakfast.  When you get the context of the Master’s action, you get the same inner-space.  Please understand, even if you have love based on finding reason for my action, it will not be permanent, because I don’t hold on to any reason, but I hold to one context consistently.  If you look at it from the angle of reasons, I will always be inconsistent.  By the time you settle with one reason, I smash it with Gadhaayudha (Gadha = Mace; Ayudha = Weapon); not even with bow and arrow, but with Gadha, the mace!

Listen!  As far as reason is concerned, I will never be consistent.  But as far as the context is concerned, I will always be consistent.  From the moment I assumed this body, till the moment I am going to leave this body, my context will be consistent, but my reason will be inconsistent.  If you try to build your love or hatred based on the reasons you discover, the reasons you find behind my actions, you will be terrorized!  That is the right word I will use.  You will neither be able to hate me nor able to love how the Indian media is suffering!  The whole Indian media, they can neither love me nor hate me!  They can neither “get” me, nor (be) “for” me, and cannot “for-get” me!  Neither “for” nor “get” or “forget”!  Because my actions have only context, they don’t have reason.

So, understand, getting the context is very easy.  Approach it with the clarity it is true, even before you think of starting a debate on it.  Approach it like how you will approach this statement: “Sun rises in the morning in the East”; how you will approach that statement.  Don’t ask for reasons.  Try to look into the context.  The side from which you are seeing the Sun rise, we call that as “East”.  The time when you see him rise, we call that as “morning”.  Understanding that is context.  Understand the context of the statement.  If you try to go on, ‘Why not in the West?  Why not in the evening?  I heard in some places he rises only at noon!  Some places he rises only in the evening!’  Please understand, you can even have some argument, a very valid argument: ‘No!  One day I sat with the Video Camera.  I saw him rise only at 12 o’clock!’  Fool!  That day was cloudy!  So, when you try to argue with reason, logic – listen – reason, logic, arguments, evidences, even if you come to the conclusion that the statement is true after all the reasonings of this, this, this, this, this, your conclusion is foolishness, because you came to the conclusion due to wrong reason, not by understanding the right context.  Only when you come to the conclusion by understanding the right context, you are established in the truth forever!  Understand, when you come to the conclusion by understanding my context, you are established in that space forever, because you will know that is the best space to be in.  That is the space you are in.  Better to know it is best.    

Even if you think you have spent ten years around me, if you don’t know the context from which I am operating, I will be new to you, you will not be able to think you got me, you won’t be able to rest knowing you know me!  Anything you think you know me is your stupidity!  You might have spent just a few minutes or a few hours with me; but if you catch my context, you know me!  Understand, now I am revealing the context from which I am operating.  Krishna says, ‘Unless I reveal it, you won’t get it!’  Same way, I am revealing it.  Listen!  I operate clearly from the context of the space of Advaitha!  The bliss you radiate does all the fortunate things which happen around you.

Understand, in every step of your life, through every action in your life, every moment of your life, every space you carry in your life, the space you carry every moment of your life, let everything be from the context of Advaitha, from the context of the pure space of non-duality.  I am not saying that in the space of Advaitha everyone is equal.  That is wrong!  Everyone is unique!  Neither equality means friendliness, nor uniqueness means dividing, violence.  You always think equality is friendliness.  It is the media brainwashing done to you – “equality means love and friendliness; uniqueness means hatred, division, violence”.  No!  Uniqueness comes from tremendous friendliness is Advaitha.  The truth of uniqueness realized without hatred or dividing is Advaitha.  But, unfortunately, in Communism and some of the communalisms, the hatred of dividing and ruling is used in the name of equality.  The context is hatred, dividing and ruling; but the action is equal.  Understand, the context should be tremendous friendliness, the understanding should be “everyone is unique”. 

If you look at all my actions from the context of Advaitha, not only you will experience tremendous love, you will just get absorbed into that love and experience the space of Nithyanandoham!  Knowing the context from which I am operating, please understand, the moment you know, it becomes yours!  The moment you know, it becomes yours!  All inexhaustible, secret wealth, the moment you know its source, it becomes yours!  Understand, the space of Advaitha which I am carrying is not only secretly kept in my heart, it is inexhaustible wealth.  So, the moment you know where it is, it is yours!  If there is undeclared wealth secretly kept somewhere, whoever knows it, it belongs to them.  And if it is inexhaustible, how many ever number of people get to know it, it becomes theirs.  So, understand, I have kept this great wealth of Advaitha secretly in my heart, and it is inexhaustible.  The moment you get to know it is there, it becomes yours!  It becomes yours! 

So, catch the context of my action, not the reason.  Not the reason, but the context.  If you are waiting to believe till it is proven as truth, you cannot believe even the Sun rises in the East in the morning.  Even that statement you will be waiting: ‘May be it will be proven as false tomorrow, who knows?’  You will be eternally waiting!  Waiting for Godot!  (  You will be waiting, waiting, waiting....!  If you understand it now, you will start using that in your life.  When you know the Sun rises in the East in the morning, you will start planning for your life based on that strategy. 

Understand, Advaitha is the Sathya based on which you should start planning for your life, you should start strategizing for your life.  It is not something to be experienced when you are old, retired.  It is so unfortunate, people always say, ‘When I become old, and all my responsibilities are over, when I retire, I will attend meditation program, spiritual program.  I will go to Rishikesh-Haridwar, sit in a calm place and chant “Rama Rama Rama”.’  Understand, Advaitha is not retirement plan; it is life strategy plan!  Understand, Advaitha is not retirement plan, it is your “career dating” plan!  Before you start your career, before you start planning for your dating, get the context of Advaitha, because you need Advaitha before you even start your career and dating!  Advaitha is not retirement plan, it is the alphabet you need to learn in your life.  Blessed are those who learn in our Gurukul “A for Advaitha, B for Bhakthi”!  

Understand, getting the context of Advaitha, realizing the space of Advaitha!  When you get the context from which I am operating, you will experience the same Advaitha.  Even in the Kalpataru Darshan, understand, only from the context of Advaitha the Kalpataru is made into reality.  When you ask for a boon, the energy which is me and you is awakened in the zone which you feel as you; that is Kalpataru!  Understand, the energy which is me and you will be awakened in the zone where you feel as you; that is Kalpataru!  

The energy which is you and me awakened, and you made to experience you and me, is Inner Awakening!  

The energy which is you and me, awakened in the zone which you feel as you, is Kalpataru.  The energy which is you and me, awakened in you and me, and you made to feel the “you-me”, is Inner Awakening!  The zone of “you-me” is very unique.  That is Inner Awakening.  Awakening you to the zone of “you-me”, is Inner Awakening.  

So, understand the context from which even Kalpataru Darshan is given!  

Whether I do puja or I receive the puja, give boon or receive gifts from you all, teach or radiate, give initiation or respect, give Energy Darshan or spiritual experience, whatever I am doing is purely from the context of Advaitha.  Understand that; you will get the space of Advaitha in you!

With this, I will move to the Kalpataru process.

All the participants who have come for Kalpataru Darshan from all over the world and in Haridwar, please pick up your paper and pen.  Pen down one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the doubts, fears, incompletions you have about causing that thought as reality.  Pen down these two.

(After a few minutes.....................)

Now sit straight.  Close your eyes.  Create the space for what you want to cause as reality.  Complete all the incompletions you have and drop it.  Hold on to the space to achieve what you want to achieve.  Visualize what you want to achieve already is reality.  Hold on to that visualization.  Hold on to that space.  Namah Shivaya!


I bless you all!  The space you created, let it become reality!  The thought you visualized, let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!

With this, I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing the eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!

___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________

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