20th March 2014 / Thrusday
Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya
Vandhey Guru
Paramparaam ||
I welcome all the devotees,
disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars who
are sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Lotus TV,
Janashree TV, Sadhna TV, Eshwar TV, and two-way video-conferencing having
Nayana Deeksha in many cities, in many countries around the world.
The cities sitting with us in
two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Ohio-Prayag, Los
Angeles-Arunachalam, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Singapore-Singapuram,
Johorbahru-Tiruchendur, Downtown-California, Toronto-Kailasam, Seattle-Chidambaram,
Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Charlotte-Srisailam, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Toon Moon-Hong
Kong, Houston-Kalahasti, San Jose-Madurai, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Dakota Dunes,
High Point-North Carolina, Bangalore-North, London-Kashi, New Jersey Centre,
Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Nithyananda
Dhyanapeetam-Hosur, Chitalapakkam-Chennai, Pavizhakundru-Tiruvannamalai,
Kulim-Tiruttani, Oman-Sivagangai..............
So, with my love and respects, I
welcome all of you.
I will continue to expand on the
Space of Advaitha.
Please understand, no other
civilization, no other country, no other group of human-beings had the guts and
courage to make and amend the laws based on the human experience. Please understand, all laws, all regulations,
all rules, were always binding the man also who made it. That is why, whenever the Constitutions are
declared, the Constitution writers are also bound by it once it is
declared. Some people have tried
cunningly to keep themselves out. They
call it by so many names. The Top Three
people have immunity. You give different
titles – Premier, President, Prime Minister – you give all these kind of titles
and try to keep yourself above the Constitution. All I am talking is from the society’s angle,
please understand.
I am going to speak about the
great space of Advaitha from various angles.
Today, I am speaking from the angle of society, because today’s Inner
Awakening program I am going to make a group experience Advaitha. A “group” means, literally specimens from all
over the world! They are there from all
backgrounds! From all backgrounds – background,
front ground, right ground, left ground, and no ground! All are there! So, only if you understand a little bit about
society and the importance of Advaitha from the social angle, you will know why
I am asking you to, why I am inspiring you, why I am making you to experience
Advaitha. And, I tell you, Advaitha is
the only philosophy. Even the word
“philosophy” is too small. Advaitha is
the only fact, truth, which can be experienced globally!
And I also want to put this on
record, when I use the word “Advaitha”, I am not excluding Dvaitha and Visishta
Advaitha. The beauty and greatness of
Advaitha is, it is all-inclusive. As an
Advaithi, I can comfortably bow down to Ramanuja, Madhwa, Venkateshwara,
Krishna. I can comfortably bow down to
Buddha, Mahaveera, all the ten Sikh gurus.
I can comfortably bow down to the great Keenaram Baba of Aghori
Peetha. I can comfortably bow down to
Gorakshnatha, Matsyendranatha, Adi Natha.
Please understand, when I say “Advaitha”, I am saying all-inclusive
truths, all-inclusive facts.
I command my disciples, you will
not exclude even in future the different various stages of Advaitha. You will not exclude them or fight with
them. You will remember them, all of
that is various stages of Advaitha.
So, listen! No philosophy, no law, whether it is based on
Communism, Maoism, Marxism, Anarchism, Hippism, Capitalism, Corporatism,
Democracy, Secularism, whatever “ism” it may be, all “isms” bind man, including
the man who made it, understand? Only
the principle of Advaitha, this is the only law of life which liberates even
the man who practices it, understand? All
the laws and “isms” bind even the man who made it. Practice it...come on...over! It is life-imprisonment only, because it is
not based on fact; it is based on vested interests.
Please understand, there is a
vested interest! All Constitutions are
made, all the forefathers of all Constitutions had something as ulterior motive
– may be the country’s infrastructure should grow end of the day – some motive
they had, some ulterior motive. But the
visionaries of Advaitha, the Smritikaras of Sanatana Dharma, Manu, even
Daksha...! Please understand, you should
never under-estimate Daksha just because of his notion about Mahadeva and just
because he fought with Mahadeva for some period. Actually, after he transformed, he lived for
quite a long time in Varanasi, meditating on Mahadeva as a devotee of
Mahadeva! So, even Daksha Prajapati, all
their Smritis if you see, Yajnavalkya, Manu, the Smritis they compiled, the
Dhamma, the Dharma which was developed by these great visionaries, please
listen, these visionaries did not have any vested interests, including the idea
of creating a large, huge infrastructure where their descendants will sing
their glory continuously! No! They never had any vested interests. They only know, ‘Let’s make the
understandings about the fact as practical as possible and as simple as
possible. That’s all!
All over the world, without any
rule or regulation being taught, or without being told, whatever you
spontaneously start picking up and living, is Dhamma. Please understand, all over the world,
without being taught or being told, which you spontaneously pick up and live,
is Dharma. I am repeating. Dharma is nothing but making the nature the
basic fact, the basic truths remembered in your every-day life. Actually, end of the Inner Awakening, you
will understand the greatest truth: you have not learned anything, and nothing
can be taught! You are only made to be
in tune with the fact, with the existing truth.
All over the world, without being taught, or without being told, which
you spontaneously pick up and live, is Dharma.
Like, when you know if somebody hurts you it pains you, and you decide
not to hurt others, it is Dharma. When
you know that in the morning the Sun rises, so your body is fresh, you jump up,
wake up, get ready, fresh, active, alive, and when the Sun sets you feel that
now it is time to retire, you put your body to rest, this is Dharma.
Understand, tuning the subtleties
of the truth into your mind, and tuning your mind to the subtleties of the
truth, is “Tapas”. Tuning your mind into
the subtleties of the truth, the Advaithic space! Tuning the truth into the
subtleties of your mind, and tuning your mind into the subtleties of the truth,
is “Tapas”.
Please listen, tuning your mind
to the subtleties of the truth is “Tapas”.
Tuning the subtleties of the truth to your mind is “Miracle”. When truth commands your mind and takes over,
that is “Spiritual Practice”. When your
mind commands the truth and takes over, it is “Siddhis”, miracle powers.
The space of Advaitha, social
laws based on the Advaithic space, it liberates even the person who practices
it, because it came from the liberated consciousness. Be very clear, who are the visionaries’ of the
laws and bye-laws and social laws you are practicing, be very careful about it;
because, the laws and bye-laws you are living are going to lead you towards the
goal with which the visionaries coined those rules. That is why I am telling you, O my dear ones,
with tremendous friendliness and love I am telling you, the purest lifestyle,
impossible to be exploited, no one can exploit you with this lifestyle directly
or indirectly, is Advaitha. There are
some countries’ systems, like this Capitalism, may be the founders, the
visionaries may not be exploiting you, but they themselves are exploited by the
foolish concepts and non-real principles, untrue ideas. But, I tell you, Advaitha, the space of
Advaitha is the law of life which came from the most beautiful inner-space,
because the system can neither be used to exploit others, nor the people who
created it were getting exploited by something else.
I tell you, the only system which
gives liberation to the preacher and the practitioner, to the preacher and the
practitioner, the only system which gives liberation to the preacher and the
practitioner, is Advaitha! The more and
more you practice, the more and more liberation! When you have a problem, we don’t call them
even as “problems”, we call them as “incompletions”. Understand, the word “incompletion” means, we
already give you a guarantee you can come out of it! Even when you address your problems, it is addressed
in such a way, you are given the confidence!
Understand, you should find out what medicine a doctor prescribes for
his own family, kith and kin. Only that
medicine you should trust, because his heart, the love is involved. So, naturally, he will be very sensitive
about what he is giving. Same way,
please listen, you should find out, any great teachers, what is the philosophy
they are giving for their close near and dear ones. Understand, with tremendous love, with
integrity and authenticity I tell you all, you are all my near and dear
Please listen! Live, practice, preach the principles, the
truth of the space of Advaitha. I tell
you, if I take one more birth, “if” – I am not planning – “if” I take one more
birth, the only thing I will decide to remember is, if I again create my body
the only thing I will remember is, let it be based on Advaitha. Because, whenever a Master leaves his body,
if he wants to take one more birth, he has to leave an automatic program,
automated program, the auto-pilot system, kind of a Yantra, kind of a program,
because once he becomes one with the Cosmos, he will not be reminded. So, like an alarm clock, the reminder, he has
to leave something. Our Banyan Tree (in
Bidadi ashram) is what I left in the last birth as the alarm clock, reminder; that
holds the program. I tell you, my
reminder (in this birth) is live and radiate the space of Advaitha.
I tell you, just because
we are
made to believe some ideas, we have been exploited by various vested
– the capitalistic media, the consumeristic society – because we have
exploited, infused with the poison, with various sources, don’t think
the space
of Advaitha is difficult. How many ever
hoardings you may put, you cannot cover the Surya, the Sun. All these
big-big consumerism, capitalism, sickularism...... In India, we do not
practice secularism; we
practice “sickularism”! What a cunning
interpretation these fellows are giving for secularism in India...Oh,
God! Actually, secularism is created by the people
who are sick of the Church and the dirt, the crime activities organized
religions commited on humanity. THEY
created secularism. But, such an
unfortunate thing, in India secularism is being used to promote the same
organized religion against which secularism was evolved! The founding
fathers of the secularistic
principles will commit suicide a million times if they see the way
is practiced in India! Anyhow...
Listen! Listen to this great truth! All these philosophies, Communism, Marxism,
Maoism, Terrorism, Sickularism, all these “isms” are just a few big-big
billboards put up. Billboards cannot
hide the Surya, the Sun. Advaitha is
Surya, not billboard!
Understand, it is like the
Computer was invented to save your time.
And where it landed all of you know!
Same way, your anger was invented to protect yourself by the fear. But, finally, where your anger leads
you? Understand, why, first of all, the
anger pattern was entertained by you?
Because, your fear told you that only through anger you can protect
yourself, defend yourself. Like how the
Computer was invented to save time, and finally the Computer is the product
with which we waste time! The largest
amount of time of humanity is now on Computer!
Understand, when I am on Facebook, I am on my JOB! But, when you are on Faceboook, you are NOT
on your job, understand! So, don’t
follow me! Don’t think, ‘Swamiji is also
on Facebook all the time’. Yes! But I am on my job, reaching out to you
all! If your only job is reaching out to
me, then you can be all the time on Facebook with me. You have to understand the context and the
action are both aligned. Otherwise,
don’t just align the action without aligning the context. That is the big problem.
I have seen in
Mission many sadhus telling me. They smoke.
If you ask, ‘Why are you smoking?’ ‘No....Vivekananda smoked!’ No!
The context is totally different! Don’t imitate the action without
knowing the
context. A personality like Vivekananda
or Ramakrishna, if they are smoking, they are just settling into the
body; so
they need something. But, in your case,
you don’t need to settle into the body.
If you smoke, you may settle into the ground, in your tomb!
I have seen my own Master
closely, the great Yogi, Yogi Ram Surat Kumar.
He used to tell that the beedi, the village cigarette which he smokes,
helps him settle into the body. But that
does not mean he did not suffer. He
suffered! He suffered with Cancer! He did not have pain, because he is a
yogi. But he used to tell me, when he
was going through the period of cancer – I think four-and-a-half years he went
through it – he used to tell me, ‘I used the wrong anchor to hold the
body! You don’t use this anchor!’ I told him, ‘Yes, Maharaj.’ I am very happy. Because, once he tried to give a beedi to me,
but I didn’t receive it. I used to have
a guilt about it (about having refused to receive it). But, then, finally, I completed, because he
himself said, ‘Don’t use this wrong anchor!’
So, understand, know the context
before you do the action.
I tell you, bring the context of
Advaitha; everything you do will be right!
Everything you do will be right!
And even if it is not right now, Advaitha has the power of
self-purification! It goes on purifying
you! The beauty of Advaitha is, whenever
you sit alone, it constantly helps you to do Completion, Completion, Completion,
and more and more and more you are aligned to the highest truths!
Advaitha is like an
Indian wife:
she may fight with you, but she will never leave you! Understand, she
may constantly threaten you...act! Of course, now it has reduced; that
different. The village Indian mother, I
have seen, sometimes the sons will beat the mother; not as a kid, but
after growing up! The mother will be
working in the fields, coming and feeding this fellow, her own son. He
is twenty-five or thirty years old. He is lying on the cot outside the
house all
the time. And this fellow will steal the
remaining money from the mother and drink and come back and beat the
mother. Even then, she will not kick
that fellow out of the house. ‘Okay, my
son....’ She will continue to feed him
and keep him in the house...and wait for him to evolve and understand.
Understand, the
philosophy of
Advaitha is like my Indian village mother: it will never give up on
you! Advaitha will never give up on you! Even if you bring the worst
failures to
Advaitha, it will digest, digest, digest, digest, clear, clear, clear,
and make you powerful, successful, and cause your peak potential as
reality! Cause your peak potential as
reality! How the best Ayurvedic diet
becomes completely energy in your body – I am being given by one of my
Atmapoorani, she is giving me Ayurvedic diet for the last one month. Ma
Atmapoornananda! I tell you, whatever I take – I take very
less quantity, quantity has reduced drastically; but whatever I take, I
see, the whole thing becomes energy in the body! I wanted her to guide
all our Annalayas all
over the world. Please listen, Advaitha
is exactly like Ayurvedic diet. The
whole thing will become energy in your system.
The whole thing will become energy in your system!
My dear ones, whether you are
having the best moments of your life or the worst moments of your life, you are
having the peak joys of your life or survival threat of your life, I tell you,
live Advaitha, make decisions based on Advaitha. I tell you, you will win the game and you
will be successful in the game!
If I teach people how to
strategize using Advaithic truths, I feel my mission is achieved. The great principles, the truths of Advaitha,
if I know I have helped at least a few people to make those principles as
reality – how to do business strategy from the space of Advaitha, how to do war
strategy, fighting strategy, defence strategy from the space of Advaitha, how
to do strategy for individual wealth-creation or society’s wealth-creation from
the space of Advaitha, how to experience fulfilment in the individual
relationships and the peak in the collective relationship, enthusiasm and
excitement in the national mood from the space of Advaitha – if I can share
these strategies with people, if I make these strategies practical, I will feel
my mission is accomplished! Because,
truth is the most practical strategy! A
straight line is the shortest distance between any two points. A straight line is the shortest distance
between any two points. Truth is the
best strategy for any situation.
Shakunis may look like winners, but will never be, in the end!
Please understand, the ability to
drop the past, restart your life newly, comes to you by Advaitha. I have always seen, the people who trust the
Advaithic truths have the self-healing capabilities very quickly! I have seen some of my Swamis: any hurt, in
the next one or two days they will be ready, up and alive! I have seen some of my own Swamis: once they
are down, down! It will take almost like
ten days, thirteen days! If they don’t
have the introduction to the principles of Advaitha, or applying it to their
day-to-day thinking, the recovery times take days and months. If they have the principles of Advaitha, the
recovery time will be so beautiful! And,
when they don’t have the Advaithic principles in their inner-space, sometimes
they don’t even recover, they just disappear, miss! Whenever I see our Swamis recover, I am very
happy. ‘Yes! These guys are digesting Advaitha!’
Understand, recover only
based on
Advaithic principles. Don’t recover
using any other principles. If you
recover using any other principles, it will be equivalent to using
alcohol and
waking up. Anything else will become
addictive. Only Advaitha will become
adhesive. Have the right adhesive with
life. “Adhesive” means, which “joins” you. If you have become bits and
pieces, have the
right adhesive to join you, integrate you.
Have the right adhesive. If you
use anything other than Advaitha, it will become addictive. Don’t!
Don’t! Women, pleasure, money,
name and fame, all these also can wake you up from depression, from
contexts, from different contexts. ‘If I
am lying down all the time, who will make money for me? How will I
enjoy these pleasures?’ That also will wake you up. But, that will
only become addictive, I tell
you. Let only Advaitha recover you. Let only Advaitha be the
adhesive. That is why it has “Ad”vaitha already in the
front – “Ad”hesive!
I tell you, in sannyas life, you
cannot make use of anything else to recover.
Here, only Advaitha can be used as a recovery.
I tell you, when you recover
based on Advaitha, you will have so much of healing inside, you will never
again become powerless. Recovery through
Advaitha is not temporary recovery, it leads to permanent cure! Depression is a symptom, delusion is the
disease. If you use anything else and
recover, you may reduce the symptom, but not the disease itself. But with Advaitha, you will destroy the
symptom and the disease, both! The more
and more you recover, the disease also will disappear, because Advaitha treats
you, heals you, cures you to the core of you!
Listen! Advaitha.....let your whole thinking be based
on the space of Advaitha. As I said,
your inner-space is an independent organ.
You may not be able to cut and see it through physiological
surgery. But that does not mean it does
not exist. The physiological surgery may
not show this organ in your body, but it exists! Your inner-space – “Manaha” – is a different dimension,
with different inner parts. “Buddhi”,
individual consciousness reflection, “Chittha”, so many of these components
exist in that organ, “Manaha”. If that
“Manaha” is filled with Advaithic thinking more and more, without even you
knowing you will recover, I tell you.
You may have in one corner of the mind the thought that you need money,
you need this relationship, you need this joy, this pleasure. But that may not be the main purpose, main
reason for your recovery. If you are recovering,
the main reason, the first reason is Advaitha! That is enough! You have already started practicing liberated thinking!
I can name a long list
of people
in our Sangha for whom I am very happy about them. I am very happy
about them, because of the
way they recovered. I can see your
inner-space more than you can see! In a
way that is a good news. In a way, that
is a bad news! In a way, that is good
news. And, in a way, that is the best
news! No, really! I can list a huge number of people who
recovered using the space of Advaitha.
Sometimes directly they knowing, sometimes without even knowing!
Because they constantly heard these truths
from me, it has gone into their deeper logic.
I can see each country’s screen (countries attending the satsangh via
video-conference) and name the people, taka, taka, taka, taka, taka! So
many names I can say! I am so happy for you guys that so much of
recovery has happened in so many of you based on Advaitha. And, I bless
you guys, you will all
completely recover based on this great space of Advaitha. With all my
love, sincerity, integrity and
authenticity, I bless you all, you guys will recover, completely be
healed from
the disease and symptoms, the disease of delusion and symptom of
just through the space of Advaitha! And
whenever people fall down, I can see what is happening. And when they
recover, I can see what is
happening. Whenever I see the Advaithic
component is playing a more powerful part in their recovery, I am so
happy for
their recovery.
The recovery of
Chidambarananda.....I can name one by one.
These are all Advaithic-based recoveries. And Ma Muktha....Ma Muktha is
one of the best
examples of Advaithic-based recovery. I
always used to feel, ‘Will she recover?
Will she recover?’ So nice! She recovered more than the disease! She
recovered too much now! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! She has recovered so much, she
can make others
recover now! She has recovered so much,
she has become a doctor now. She can
help others recover. Even
Atmadayaki. She also knows where I did
surgery. And I also know. But I neither told her directly, nor she
knows directly! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And she understood, and so
beautifully she recovered! I tell you, neither I directly confront you
and tell you, nor you want to directly confront me and ask. Something
goes on and you recover! That is the beauty of the Advaithic
state! Then the great recovery of the
Malaysia hero and heroine, Ma Nirantara and Shri Nirantara!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And the great recovery of Supriyananda! All these are
great Advaithic recoveries. Ma Anupamananda! All these are Advaithic
recoveries. Even Ma Shivananda, Advaithic recovery. Balananda!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! These all I can
name a few.....the Advaithic recoveries. Why I am naming them you
know? Because, you can talk to them and get some tips
on how to recover based on Advaitha when you are really facing
something, how
the surgery is done without you going to the operation table, without
you even
seeing the doctor sometimes physically, because for Advaithic surgery
you don’t
need to be physically near the Master, near the Master Surgeon!
Understand, the space of Advaitha!
Actually, in any surgery, they have to
cut open you, remove the tumour, and give you the medicine, and take care that
the post-operative recovery phase is taken care. But, in the space of Advaitha, nothing needs
to be done; I just have to poke your Ananda Gandha and open that Advaithic space! That is the self-medicated, self-healing,
self-recovery energy. That itself does
the chemotherapy to your tumour, and that itself heals, and that itself does
the post-operative recovery! You are
just up, alive, jumping! You become a
doctor and poke others’ Ananda Gandha.
By the time you are out of the hospital, you become a doctor! Now you know how to poke others’ Ananda
Please understand,
please listen,
even if you have forgotten all the words, that is okay. Just listen to
this one line: Constantly keep yourself fulfilled based on
the principles of Advaitha. Constantly
keep yourself excited, active, alive, creative, just based on the
principles of
Advaitha. Constantly keep you in the
space of Completion through Advaitha.
Everyone is you. All the best things you have is because of
you. All the wrong things you have is
because of you. Attend to everyone as
you attend to you. Any unawareness,
unconsciousness in attending to others, arrogance, abusal in attending to
others means you have same arrogance, abusal in attending to you! If you are speaking into your listening, you
will be able to speak into others’ listening.
If you are speaking into others’ listening, you will be able to speak
into your own listening. Learn to speak
into your listening. That is the easy training
to speak into others’ listening. These
are the essence of Advaithic space, one thought-trend of Advaithic space.
I will continue...continue to
expand in further sessions.
When Advaitha recovers you, you
become such a beautiful being with whom even the Master wants to live,
understand! When Advaitha recovers you,
when you recover through Advaitha, even the Master wants to live with you, not
just you want to live with you!
I am not saying falling
is right
or falling is wrong. All I am saying,
standing up again based on Advaitha is the right thing. Recovering
again based on the principles of
Advaitha is the right thing to be done.
Completion itself is nothing but aligning yourself to the Advaithic
Even Completion should be used with the context
of bringing you back into the space of Advaitha. If you do Completion,
ultimately you will fall
into the Advaithic space. But, even when
you start practicing, you should keep the context of Advaitha. The
context of Advaitha is required. The context of Advaitha is the base.
With this, I will move to the next
step of the morning satsangh – Kalpataru process.
Please understand, pick up your paper
and pen. Pen down one thought you want to
cause as reality, and the doubts, impossibilities, incompletions you have towards
causing that thought. Please pen down these
two taking a few minutes.
(After a few minutes.....................)
Sit straight. Close your eyes. Create the space for what you want to cause as
reality. Complete with all the incompletions
and drop it. Hold on to the space you want
to cause as reality. Visualize what you want
to cause is present now, real. Hold on to
the space. Namah Shivaya!
I bless you all! The space which you created, let it become reality!
The visualization which you created, let
it become reality! My blessings!
Blessings for Ma Durga in Singapore-Singapuram!
Blessings for the workshop you are going
to conduct! My blessings! I am with you!
Blessings for all of you! I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity,
Responsibility, Enriching and Causing the eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!
___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________
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