There was no live satsangh today. Recorded satsangh of Saturday, 17 May 2014 – “MAKE POWERFULNESS YOUR RELIGION” – delivered at Varanasi, was played.
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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||
I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, sitting with us all over the world at this time through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha all over the world.
Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing: New York-Varanasi, Jorpati-Nepal, High Point-North Carolina, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, San Diego-Tirualavai, Gyaneshwor-Nepal, Scottsdale-Arizona, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Ohio-Shivananda, Nithyananda Nagar-Tiruvannamalai, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Nithyananda University-Paris, Singapore-Singapuram, Toronto-Kailasam, San Jose-Madurai, Charlotte-Srisailam, Penang-Tirupparamkundram, UCLA-California, St. Louis-Tirumala, Seattle-Chidambaram, Klang-Malaysia, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Peethadeshwari’s Training Centre-Salem, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Winston-Salem-North Carolina, Brampton-Canada, Halifax-Canada, Vishweshwarananda-New York, London-Kashi...........
I welcome all of you with my love and respects.
Today I will expand on Living Advaitha.
The Inner Awakening participants are going through, for the last two days, an intense process of initiation into Living Advaitha, understand? Of course, today we are going to continue. I have seen, whenever I initiate people into this Living Advaitha process, even after spending continuous twelve hours into the process, they are fresh, alive, energetic! How many of you, when you went back yesterday you were not tired after spending twelve hours in the process? Do you know, you cannot sit more than ten minutes in front of one channel which is spending crores to get your attention? Within ten minutes....DAMAAL! Your remote control....tatak! Over! After spending twelve hours in the process.....fresh, alive! I tell you, that is the power of Advaitha!
I wanted you to know the deeper principles about Advaitha. Life starts when you decide to cause others’ reality. Because, the real you, please listen, the real you is everyone around you, you included. But what you cognize as you is your deep-rooted pain patterns and incompletions. How much ever you try to decorate, perfume, scent, garland, you are trying to do all this to the pain you of you, the incompletion you of you. But the more you are going to remember about the incompletion you of you, and identify you as the incompletion you of you, and cognize the incompletion you of you, what are you doing? You are trying to perfume the drainage! Trying to perfume the sewage tank! So, the first shift is required, first action is required, not in your doing, but in your cognition. See, that is why I tell you, one important truth.... Please understand, these few important truths, catch it, so that I will bring you to the conclusion. First truth: What you remember as you, the pain part of you only you remember as you. You cognize yourself only your incompletions as you. But, the actual you is, all the people around you put together. Third, because what you cognize as you is only the deep-rooted pain patterns and incompletions of you, how much ever you try to perfume it, scent it, even put Kashi chandan on it and garland it, do whatever, the moment you open, what comes out? Ughh! You put a silk cloth.
See, we saw in the Manikarnika Ghat how they brought those dead bodies with those shining clothes and amazing garlands. If you don’t open and see, you may even suspect they are bringing some temple deity. Am I right? You see from the distance and you don’t know it is a dead body. You may think it is a temple deity the way they put those shining clothes all around. And the garland, perfume, scent! That is exactly what you are doing! What you perceive as you, you going on trying to do make-up to that. That will never bring Completion and powerfulness with you. Shift your energy to what is YOU. Shift your energy to what is YOU.
Listen! The real you is all the people with whom your life is involved, all the lives who are involved with you, all these put together is you. When you shift, when the cognitive shift happens, all of them are you, you are them. Suddenly, your joy, your pain, your life, your goal, your purpose, your right, your wrong, your dharma, your adharma, everything gets rewritten. That rewriting is what I call “Rewriting your Future”! You rewrite your future full of powerfulness. Understand one thing, some parts of what you call as your life, you may be resisting. Some parts of what you call as your life, you may be accepting. But, be very clear, whether you resist or accept, no powerlessness! Don’t allow powerlessness! No question of powerlessness! Always being powerful is my religion, understand. Love, compassion, all that will start happening in you from the right context. Love, compassion, non-violence, by itself cannot become a religion. Love, compassion, non-violence, from the right context only can become a religion.
I have seen people who escape from life try to show compassion and non-violence just because they feel powerless to face the conflicts. They feel completely powerless to face the conflicts. Please listen! When you feel powerless to face the conflicts, life again and again brings that same mirror and shows to you. Understand, which part of your face you don’t like or are attached too much to, you will see only that part in the mirror again and again. How many of you understand what I am saying? Which part of you, either you are too attached to or don’t like, you will see only that part again and again when you look at the mirror. So, anything which you don’t like, resist, makes you powerless. Same way, anything to which you are attached, again makes you powerless because of the innate fears attachment brings. If you are attached to some parts of you, you will be afraid that the size, shape, colour, dimension may change in course of aging, or accident, or through some reason. So, whatever you are attached to or you don’t like, you will see your eyes will be only always on that part when you look at the mirror.
Your life is a mirror. Please understand, your life is a mirror. If you allow anything to make you powerless, if you allow anything to make you powerless, that will be constantly shown to you as a mirror. If you feel powerless to handle your spouse and family and run away to some other lifestyle – sometimes divorce, sometimes Sannyas – whatever lifestyle you opt for or choose by feeling powerless, I guarantee you, you will see ten people exactly like your spouse, and you will be forced to work with those people. You will see, if you run away from your employer, from your boss, twenty-five bosses exactly like them, and you will be forced to work under them and report to all of them. Understand, it is not the mirror’s mistake that you are all the time seeing the nose which you don’t like; it is YOUR mistake, you have given too much attention to it. When somebody else sees their face in the mirror, they don’t see the nose all the time. Because you don’t like your nose, you see as if your whole face is just appendix of your nose; you won’t feel like your face has nose, you will feel like your nose has face! Because you don’t like something, resist something, all the time you are on it. Same way, if you like something and are afraid of losing it, all the time you will be there on it.
Sometimes people like the fact that they are fair. In India, this fair complexion is unfair complexion! The most unfair complexion with which still India is suffering is this fair complexion. This foolish, stupid idea came down from the British that “white” is associated with intelligence, beauty! HAHAHAHAHA! Poor fellows! No, really I am telling you! How many hundreds of thousands of marriages are either not made or break just because of this fair idea you know? The root pattern with which the whole of India is suffering is this fair skin! Marriages are made or not made, lost or broken, just by this one skin....skin colour! When you are too attached to your skin colour, the moment you see the mirror, you will only be on your skin colour, because you are afraid of losing it.
Do you know one thing? In the whole world, India is the largest market for this stupid fairness cream! Only in India all this stupidity – “Get fair in four weeks” – all this stupidity is sold. I can make you fair in four minutes: Just apply ash, that’s all! HAHAHAHAHA! All over your body! Why four weeks! Take ash and apply it on your whole body and you are fair, that’s all! No, this stupid colour complexion! See, at least in the West people are clear that if you are white you are white, if you are black you are black. But only in India this black tries to become white! No other country suffers with this stupidity. I am not saying in other countries the discrimination is not there. White is white, black is black, there is a lot of discrimination, fight, all that is there. But only in India you will find this unique stupidity, the peak of stupidity, the black trying to become white! Not just one day, two days, but throughout life! Throughout life!
One of my devotees, she is in the cine field, a make-up artiste and all that. I still remember, some of my ashramites, for me to appear in some satsangh and TV shows, they approached her saying, ‘Can you make Swamiji a little more fair? Do some jaadhoo, do some magic and make Swamiji a little fair! In front of the camera he looks a little dark.’ She laughed and said, ‘Swamiji’s skin is the best skin colour I have seen!’ When I heard this conversation, I started laughing!
I tell you, the Completion and powerfulness that you carry about what you are makes you graceful. I tell you, that sets the fashion trend! Fashion trend is not walking on the ramp; it is walking with grace! I am telling you, anything to which either you are too attached or too resistant will always be seen by you in the mirror. Same way, in your life, anything to which you are too attached or too resistant will always be reminded by your life. But I have good news for you: The too attached, too resisting, can be completed. And I have best news for you: It can be done today! It is not that difficult, I tell you. It is not that difficult. All you need to do is, the logic which convinces you about your powerlessness, the inevitability of your powerlessness, you need to..... See, when you build the logic which strongly makes you believe the inevitability of your powerlessness – ‘Anyhow, any one day I will have to lose the colour of my skin.’, or, ‘One day I will have to lose my health.’, ‘One day all my wealth will have to be lost.’, ‘I think I am not qualified to have all my wealth. One day it will be taken away.’, ‘I think I am not qualified to have my freedom. One day it will be taken away.’, I think this person is too good for my life. So, he cannot be part of my life.’ – when you have this kind of strong belief of your inevitable powerlessness.... See, you build the logic which makes you believe your powerlessness is inevitable. That is where the crime starts, understand. Just poke holes in those arguments that your powerlessness is inevitable; I tell you, you are free! Now you will be liberated! Liberation is nothing but poking holes in the arguments that your powerlessness is inevitable.
Listen! The Cosmic Court is fairer than the country’s court. Even in the country’s court, without doubt, somebody has to prove you have committed the crime. Even if there is sufficient doubt, the benefit of doubt has to be given to you; you cannot be punished. Same way, in the Cosmic Court, even if you poke holes in the logic you built – the inevitability of your powerlessness..... Please understand, the logic which makes you believe your powerlessness is inevitable is “Maya”, delusion. “Yama ithi Maya”. Which is not there, but which goes on making you feel powerless is “Maya”. Your strong belief, cognition about the inevitability of your powerlessness, if you know just to poke holes in that argument, that is all, it will just collapse, because your inner-space does not that easily believe, accept you are powerless. See, by your nature you remember your powerfulness. That is why constantly in your inner-space you feel you are going to live forever. Even though some of the religions teach you that you have only one life, when you take decisions your basic cognition is as if you are going to exist forever. I tell you, your basic cognition is right! You ARE going to exist forever! Like your food and pharmaceutical industries have collaborated, you are served by the food industry which does not care about your health, your health is attended by the health industry which doesn’t care about your food, or both of them have a very cunning strategy collaboration.
I have seen in the villages this is done in a very simple way. When the Christians want to convert Hindus – it is done in every village – one fellow will go like a Hindu sadhu, dressed up like a Hindu Sannyasi, and he will do some magic, very cheap magic, like they will catch a small rat and put it in a big coconut inside and leave the coconut. When the rat jumps, the coconut will move this way, that way. So that fellow will tell you, ‘See ghost!’ When this guy is doing the show, suddenly some three-four revolutionary, honest, authentic Christian preachers will enter the scene and break the coconut and defame this “Hindu sannyasi” who is their partner to take away the authenticity of Hinduism and Hindu sannyasis. This happens in so many villages! This happens in Karnataka villages, I have seen! What a cunning strategy! What a cunning strategy! I tell you, that is exactly the way the food industry and health industry work internationally, globally.
In Madhya Pradesh I have seen this kind of a drama. See, I experienced this drama when I was doing my yatra. But, recently I read, even in Osho’s time this was being done. I was shocked! In 1995, almost twenty years ago, in 1995, when I was doing my yatra, I was doing Narmada Parikrama, means going around the Narmada, a lot of tribal villages I have to cross. In one tribal village, I saw one Christian preacher. I don’t which diocese he belongs to. He brought one Rama statue and one Jesus statue. The Rama statue is made out of metal, and the Jesus statue is made out of wood, but both he painted almost like same. No one can make out that they are made of different material. Those simple villagers, he calls them and says, ‘See, you all believe in Rama. See what happens when I put Rama in water.’ He put the Rama statue in the water. It is made of metal; naturally it will drown. Then he says, ‘See what happens when I put my god, Jesus, in the water.’ And he puts the Jesus statue in the water. The Jesus statue is made out of wood; it will float. I also went to the show. I was staying outside the centre of the village where he was doing this show. First I could not understand. I thought maybe this guy has some siddhi, he has some power. Because we are too innocent, either we think it is some extraordinary spiritual power, or we think we don’t understand. We never abuse, or we never suspect cunningness, at least from religious people. So, because of that, I could not understand. I also didn’t think that he will go so cheap and so low. Surely, Christ himself does not need this kind of cheap Witnesses! I tried to touch the deity and see, but he was not allowing anybody to touch it. But I spent some little time and looked. I got the idea the way he lifted. When he lifted the statue from water, the way his muscles responded, I saw the Rama statue was heavy, and this Jesus statue was very light. I understood....got the thread. Immediately I told him, ‘See in your country only “jala pareeksha” (test by water). In our country, “agni pareeksha” (test by fire)! Let us put it in fire and check! See, in your country only “jala pareeksha”; you walk on the water and prove you are an incarnation or not. In our country we walk in fire and prove whether we are pure or not! So, in our country “agni pareeksha”! Come on! Let us put both in the fire!’ That fellow ran away! He ran away!
May be it is unholy nexus between the health industry and food industry. How the unholy nexus between the health industry and the food industry costs your whole life, please understand, your whole life, same way, the unholy nexus of your powerlessness and your resistance, when you resist, it makes you powerless, when you become powerless you resist more. The unholy nexus of powerlessness and resistance, if you resist something in your life, it makes you powerless just by remembrance! How Arunachala can put you in powerfulness just by remembrance – “Smaranaath Arunachalam!” By remembrance you are put in powerfulness! There are some things in life, because of your resistance, just by remembrance it puts you in powerlessness. Because it puts you in powerlessness, you resist more. When you resist more, it puts you in more powerlessness. There are some things, just by remembrance liberates you! There are some things, just by remembrance puts you in bondage! The good news is, the process you are going through, through this you can clearly identify what puts you in powerlessness just by remembrance. Your “Maya”, what makes you powerless just by remembrance, even if it is not there, your “Maya”, you will diagnose it just by going through this process. Second, the great news: You can complete it today!
Understand, Completion is decision to get rid of this pattern and not to entertain it again consciously. That is all is Completion, understand? Your conscious decision to get rid of this pattern, complete with it, and not to entertain it consciously again. And, you don’t even need to worry about it if it repeats unconsciously, because, your life is made up of consciousness from the moment you are initiated. From the moment you start intranalyzing, your life is made up of consciousness. I am redefining, I am defining and redefining and refining the definition of Completion: Completion is your decision to get rid of that pattern and never to let that overpower you consciously. For example, the tiredness pattern. You take the decision, ‘I am completing with it and dropping.’ And you take the decision, ‘Consciously, I am not going to allow it to overpower me.’ After two days, without remembering the decision you took, if you feel tired and fall asleep, don’t worry. Then you wake up. Maximum only once or twice that pattern can play this kind of game. The moment consciousness is brought in as a player, no one else can be a hero on the stage.
I tell you honestly, not with any pride or arrogance, many of these traditional functions where these Swamis and Mathadhipathis and Peethadhipathis sit, they are always afraid of getting me onto the stage; because, the moment I get on the stage, for various reasons, some reason, I become the centre of attraction! Whether right or wrong, or good or bad, or acceptance or resistance, or controversy or conflict, I become the centre of attraction, they all lose their attention, lose the attention they get. Next time onwards, nobody calls me! HAHAHAHAHA! I am not telling this as my pride or as my bad time.
I tell you, really I tell you, the truth about life is, even if there is accusation about you, even the defamation, wrong, bad, negative ideas about you is not cherished if you are not charismatic. This is a law of life, I am telling you! There are so many Hindu gurus whose morphed photos are there in the Internet; but nothing you will have views more than hundred. In my case you don’t even need to morph; you just say “Nithyananda Video” and put any crap, you will have ten million views in one month! You put any crap! That is what all these guys are doing for the last three-four years.
You need to know, one Christian organisation is having a website called “Nithyananda.in”. I thought, ‘Why have they registered our website?’ When I clicked I saw, “Nithyananda Jesus”. And, exactly all the words we use! It is literally, exactly like our website! First there is Nithyananda. If you click, then it describes about Jesus. Then Kumbha Mela. If you click....the actual word “Kumbha Mela”! If you click, it shows about baptism! When we tried to contact that organization they said, ‘The “Nithyananda” word is so popular, we cannot miss without encashing on it!’ And some of their photographs of their churches, you won’t find any difference, it looks exactly like temples from outside!
Recently in Tamil Nadu they started carving granite statue for Jesus and doing arathi to Jesus! And offering saree to Mary! Like this all the tradition of Mariamman! Doing archana! Yes! I have seen!
Anyhow, all I am trying to tell you guys is, the space from which you operate, if that is powerfulness, anything thrown at you, you know how to use it! Anything thrown at you, you know how to use it! Suddenly your enemy will feel so powerless, because anything you throw at him, he is using it! That is what I did to my enemies. They are so powerless now! ‘What is this? You throw defamation, he somehow converts it into popularity! Anything you throw at him!’
I tell you, I wanted to tell you very clearly with Integrity, it is not my part, it is the simple decision I made that I will always be powerful, no powerlessness inside. This is the very important secret. Just catch it! Whatever may come, I will not allow powerlessness inside! I will not allow powerlessness inside me! When you don’t allow powerlessness inside you, anything that happens from outside, even if it is earthquake, it only awakens your Kundalini! Understand, whether it is emotional quake or earthquake, it only awakens your Kundalini!
Not for any pride or arrogance, I can tell you with the simple clear objective way, neutral way, with Integrity I can tell you, there is no other Hindu Guru who has gone through so much of scrutiny, public scrutiny and defamation than me! The amount of public scrutiny I went through, and the defamation I went through, the lies loaded on me, and the way I survived, if you think I am a miracle, the secret of miracle is this, catch it: NEVER ALLOW POWERLESSNESS INSIDE YOU! That’s all!
There were many political leaders who went through different defamations and stood up; that is one thing. In the religious field, at least in the Hindu religious field, in the modern day, I tell you, no other Guru has gone through so much of public scrutiny and so much of abusal, so much of defamation, and stood back, stood up, conquering, winning in this whole game!
So, understand, if you think even my rivals agree my existence is a miracle, because the way they planned, conspired and executed, they could never think I will again be sitting in the throne and talking, if even my rivals agree, people who cherish enmity towards me, conspirators, agree I am a miracle, I want to tell them, ‘If you want to know the secret of me, I am revealing it to you, I am revealing it to you as a gift, take it: NEVER ALLOW POWERLESSNESS INSIDE YOU!’
I tell you, from the context of powerfulness, everything you do will be with so much of love and compassion.
In yesterday’s session I was sharing with the participants of Inner Awakening. The true compassion, when you identify it, the first thing that happens to you is, you will be so empowered, you will feel so sure about you. When you decide to cause others’ reality, only then you will understand what you are. Till then, what you think as you is only the deep pain patterns and incompletions of you. It may look very paradoxical. Life is as it is. Just because your ignorant logic cannot capture it, your ignorance logic tries to capture the life always as a straight line. But the truth of life is paradoxical, what you call as paradoxical, the first paradox. When you try to cause others’ reality, you will even realize what you are. You will understand the different spare-parts and organs of you, their functions, their qualities, capabilities, abilities, much better when you decide to cause others’ reality.
I tell you, during the period of study, means, the first eighteen years.... In those days, the first twenty-one years was the study period. Now, I can say, average eighteen years....or twenty-one years. The first twenty-one years of your study period, in Vedic tradition we call it “brahmacharya”. I tell you, this abusive, anti-Hindu media, they are propagating that I am forcing the kids to be in the state of brahmacharya like a regimental training in the first twenty-one years. These fools don’t understand that even to have a better married life, that first twenty-one years of brahmacharya is most essential! I am not making them Sannyasis. Krama Brahmacharya – the first twenty-one years, not being abused, or physically losing yourself with the very temperamental, temporary emotional ups and downs and powerlessness. In the West, they call it “puppy love”. Puppy love or dummy love, whatever!
See, psychologically not prepared to take the responsibility, emotionally not ready to handle the relationships, but using or misusing your own and the other person’s body will lead to a very strong pain pattern related to sex which will destroy your married life. That is why our rishis, till the person psychologically grows, emotionally matures, wanted the body not to be used or misused. That is why this first twenty-one years of brahmacharya with vows of not touching the other person and all that.
Listen! How much ever we try to put it under the carpet, not talk about it, let us be very honest. Listen! How many of you are still suffering with the patterns of use and misuse and abuse of your body before the age of twenty-one? Raise your hand! Who is responsible for all this? The paid media! The bloody propaganda against the Hindu Gurukul system! Arrey! I am not giving Sannyas! I have not given Sannyas to all my gurukul kids! But that brahmacharya as per the Vedic tradition will be useful whether they take Sannyas or get married. Till they emotionally become mature to make decisions, psychologically capable of handling the other person’s intentions, consciously becoming capable of handling love, lust, sex, good, bad, the baggages which come with it, and the expectation which comes with it, the responsibilities which come with it, the commitment which comes with it, till you are clear about all that, not using or misusing or abusing your body and the other body is one of the greatest socially good practices our Vedic rishis have created. It is good for the society.
Listen! How much ever we try to put it under the carpet, not talk about it, let us be very honest. Listen! How many of you are still suffering with the patterns of use and misuse and abuse of your body before the age of twenty-one? Raise your hand! Who is responsible for all this? The paid media! The bloody propaganda against the Hindu Gurukul system! Arrey! I am not giving Sannyas! I have not given Sannyas to all my gurukul kids! But that brahmacharya as per the Vedic tradition will be useful whether they take Sannyas or get married. Till they emotionally become mature to make decisions, psychologically capable of handling the other person’s intentions, consciously becoming capable of handling love, lust, sex, good, bad, the baggages which come with it, and the expectation which comes with it, the responsibilities which come with it, the commitment which comes with it, till you are clear about all that, not using or misusing or abusing your body and the other body is one of the greatest socially good practices our Vedic rishis have created. It is good for the society.
The unholy nexus of psychologists and media, like we have food industry and pharmaceutical industry, the psychologists and media unholy nexus, constantly the movies showing that puppy love is something to be explored and celebrated, is stupidity. I don’t want to get into it too much now. But I wanted to tell you, all the powerlessness related to your body, your love.... See, a person who gets wounded psychologically before the age of twenty-one due to the immature patterns of considering infatuation as love, loses the ability to love forever! Forever your love will be corrupted! You don’t understand that paradox. The first twenty-one years of brahmacharya makes you a great wife and great husband. Your ability to give and receive love becomes amazing. Your ability to be mature, grow....
Some of the paradoxical things, what you call as paradoxical, is the truth of life. Like, brahmacharya trains you to be a great husband. The anti-Hindu media is not ready to believe that, because their concept is: Expertise comes by experience. Our concept is: Perfection comes by knowledge, the proper knowledge and preservation. If we can make all the parents understand that all the patterns, powerlessness you suffer in the field of love, relationships, trust, all the powerlessness you suffer in the field of love, relationships, powerlessness, comes because your body is used or misused or abused before twenty-one, means, before you become emotionally ready to handle life. When you use your own body or others’ body, it becomes such strong pattern, you suffer with it for your whole life. If you are a father or mother, understand this: Be responsible towards your kids. Let them take Krama Brahmacharya at least till twenty-one years of age.
What a stupidity in this country: Even to drive and vote we have age limit! Why can’t we make the age limit for handling relationships? Is it more cheaper than driving and voting? Understand, your relationships are cheaper than driving! I am not telling, your Government is telling! How come we have age limit for driving and voting, but not for handling relationships? And how come we have a licence process, the exams you need to pass through for driving, but you don’t need to be educated at all for handling relationships? Because, still we are under the stupid British concepts of love, life.
Please understand, we lost the concepts of love, life, lust, relationships, sex, everything from the Vedic tradition three-hundred years before. Thousand years before, the civilization which invaded us was teaching that killing somebody’s husband and marrying that girl as the fourteenth wife is called love! I am talking about Shah Jahan and Mumtaz. And, when that lady died, you immediately marry her sister because the sister looks like her! And you call this stupidity as love! This is what, O Bharat, you are celebrating as symbol of Love! Please wake up for god’s sake! Get back to, wake up to the truths of life!
Bramacharya for the first twenty-one years may look very suppressive, inhuman, the way the anti-Hindu media projects....inhuman! Then what about the whole life these poor fellows are suffering with those patterns created before twenty-one years, and the wounds created, because of the wounds the inability, they become handicapped, the ability to love is lost, the ability to trust is lost. What about all the suffering caused because of that? Who is responsible for that?
As the living representative of the Vedic tradition, I wanted to very strongly remind all of you, the whole humanity, please get back to the original brahmacharya, grihastha, vanaprastha, sannyasa, ashrama dharma promoted by our great rishis. The ashrama dharma, I know the moment I utter the word “ashrama dharma”, immediately, ‘Nithyananda promotes varnashrama dharma!’ What is wrong? At least that kept us as the oldest living civilization, oldest living civilization! What do you think kept us as the oldest living civilization? It is the fabric of varnashrama dharma!
One of the mistakes, flaws, I won’t even accept as mistakes done by the system, but forced upon the system, and blown out of proportion, used to destroy the system. That is what has happened to the Vedic varnashrama dharma. Sometimes I feel, ‘Why am I born in the Forward community? That is why I am not able to promote varnashrama dharma.’ If I am born in the so-called lower caste it would have been so easy for me to stand for the varnashrama dharma. It is so powerful, socially successful methodology! All the abusals imposed on that dharma, if it is removed, I tell you, that is the best lifestyle any human-beings can design for themselves and for others! Just because somebody gave a few hundred rupees to vote, there was some money movement, you cannot say the whole democracy is wrong and dump the democracy system. Same way, just because some so-called upper caste person has disrespected some so-called lower caste person, you can’t say the whole system is a failure. Corruption needs to be addressed, not the system needs to be thrown out. It is so unfortunate, we threw out the system.
Sometimes I think, because people question me, ‘Because you are born and brought up in the so-called society’s “upper caste”, you are promoting varnashrama dharma!’ No! I have a right to speak about varnashrama dharma, because hundreds and hundreds and thousands of so-called lower castes, I made them as sannyasis, and made them sit equivalent to me, and raised them in the so-called varna level, understand! I have made Brahmins touch the feet of my sannyasis who are from the so-called lower castes, because our system allows elevation, evolution from one varna to another, one ashrama to another. Understand, the system is not banning the evolution of varna or ashrama. Varna or ashrama is the utility division, not water-tight compartments. There are tons of the so-called lower varna people who are worshipped in temples with their statues established! The whole sixty-three Nayanmars in all the Shiva temples you see in Tamil Nadu, the sixty-three Shaiva saints, I can tell you, easily, at least in one-thousand temples their statues are worshipped! At least, the main four will be there. How many do you think in these sixty-three are so-called upper caste, Brahmins, Shaiva Brahmins? Hardly a handful! I am giving you one example.
But I know and I am confident and I am happy about one thing. Already India has started facing the depression, the stark reality of depression of matchbox-house apartment system, the small-small families, the great gift of western lifestyle to Indian modern-day cities, the small families, and the apartment system, and not knowing what is going on in the next apartment and who is staying in the next apartment, all in the name of privacy. Indians have started feeling and seeing the stark reality of depression it causes. Soon, they will have to get back to the original lifestyle of varnashrama. I really wanted to establish communities where this varnashrama dharma becomes user-friendly version, the user-friendly version of varnashrama dharma is kept alive, the possibility for graduating different varnas, ashramas, to the next, next, next levels.
A deep, intelligent insight into your life, into the paradox of pattern, powerfulness, powerlessness, what you resist persists, life should neither be resisted nor accepted. Understand, acceptance makes you lazy, resistances makes you powerless. Neither resisting nor accepting is the strategy for life. Neither resisting nor accepting is the strategy for life. Realizing the reality of life by this one secret, always be powerful, always be powerful! That is the essence of today’s satsangh. When you are powerful, you will go on causing others’ reality, you will have the ability to speak into others’ listening.
The essence of today’s satsangh: GO ON CAUSING OTHERS’ REALITY.
And, with this, I will move to the Kalpataru process.
All the participants who came for Kalpataru Darshan in Ananda Vana and St. Louis and everywhere, all over the world, please sit straight. Close your eyes. Spend a few seconds to identify the one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the doubts, incompletions and fears you have around that thought, and pen down both.
(After a few minutes...........)
Now please sit straight. Complete with all the incompletions you have and drop them. Hold the space for what you want to cause as reality. Hold on to the space for what you want to cause as reality now. Namah Shivaya!
Thathaasthu! The space you created, let it become reality! The visualization you created, let it become reality!
I bless all the participants who have gathered in the University of California, Los Angeles, for the Kalpataru Darshan! I bless all of you who have gathered in UCLA-California! Whatever space you created, let it become reality! Whatever visualization you held on, let it become reality! Thathaasthu!
We will move to the Dial-the-Avatar calls. Then we will have Kalpataru Darshan for all the participants who have gathered in Ananda Vana, Varanasi, here, and to all the participants who have gathered in St. Louis.
I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!
___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________
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