12 Sep 2014/Friday
There was no live satsangh telecast today. Recorded satsangh of Saturday, 26 April 2014 – “BE IN THE SPACE OF PERPETUAL COMPLETION” (http://www.nithyananda.org/ video/be-space-perpetual- completion#gsc.tab=0 ) – was telecast.
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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||
I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Kotharis, Thanedars, Shrimahants, Mahants, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, Janashree TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities in many countries around the world.
Cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing: Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Nithyananda University-Paris, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Ohio-Prayag, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Varanasi, Upland-California, Singapore-Singapuram, Seattle-Chidambaram, Seremban-Sivakashi, Toronto-Kailasam, San Jose-Madurai, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Oklahoma-Somanatham, St. Louis-Tirumala, Nithyananda Nagar-Tiruvannamalai, Jorpati-Nepal, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Houston-Kalahasti, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, New Zealand-Adi Arunachalam, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Port Washington-New York, Scottsdale-Arizona, High Point-North Carolina, Abu Dhabi, London-Kashi, Indrani-New Jersey, Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Avathipalayam, Dakota Dunes, Paris-Kalighat, Johns Creek-Georgia, Brampton-Canada, Toronto-Downtown.............. .......
I welcome you all with my love and blessings.
I welcome all the devotees who are sitting in Seremban-Sivakashi for Kalpataru Darshan. Blessings to all of them!
Ma Premayananda and Chidambarananda, blessings on the anniversary! With all the auspiciousness, you will be with me, I will be with you! Blessings! Mahant Premayananda!
Yes....I will move to today’s satsangh.
Today I will expand on Completion, the Perpetual Completion. How you can bring yourself to the Perpetual Completion. Please understand, this is one of the very important words I am introducing to all of you. Listen! The Perpetual Completion.....
There are many beautiful words I have introduced to you to lead you to wordlessness. Those words are what I call Maha Vaakyaas, the Vaakyaas which lead you to beyond Vaakyaas. The word which leads you to beyond words is Maha Vaakyaa.
Mookaambika in Karnataka, she is the embodiment of Vaak Shakithi, Maha Vaakyaa. So, all the Acharyas, when they give Maha Vaakyaa to somebody, they will have to bring them to Mookaambika, because she is the Vaak Devi, Lord of Vaak Shakthi. She is the Devi of Vaak. So, bowing down to her, I introduce one more word to all of you which will lead you to wordlessness.
Listen! There are many words I introduced to you. If you cognize them, it will lead you to wordlessness. Like, “Unclutching”, “Upanishad”, “Completion”. And, so, today, I am introducing this word – Perpetual Completion. Already I have spoken about it. But, formally, today, I want to introduce and expand on this concept of Perpetual Completion, how you can keep yourself in the space of Perpetual Completion.
First thing, you deciding and declaring you will be in the space of Perpetual Completion. I tell you, when you are in the space of Perpetual Completion, everything is beautiful, everything will look beautiful! I don’t know what examples to give. Again I will go back to my same plant.
Even yesterday, I told one Mahant who was walking with me to take a photograph of the plant dropping the flowers and put it in Facebook. I don’t know whether they put it. Even yesterday....
Everything will be....you will feel everything is so beautiful, blissful, inside you, outside you.
Let me define Perpetual Completion. I don’t want to go to some other subject, because, if I talk about the glory of Perpetual Completion, I may miss initiating you into the process of Perpetual Completion. So, let me come back to the process of this Perpetual Completion.
First thing, you decide and declare, ‘I am in the space of Completion. I decide to reside in the space of Completion forever, and I am going to be in the space of Perpetual Completion.’ The moment you declare, your declaration to yourself is the bridge on which now everything can start getting built. That is the foundation. First of all, you need to be convinced within you that you want to be in the space of Completion.
Sometimes, these so-called devotees or disciples who are very cunning, they will do some stupid things, and then, before I question them, they will try to get my sympathy by acting very depressed, low, dull, and sending me constantly messages, ‘I feel like you are avoiding me.’ Yes, I am avoiding you! Get lost!’ HAHAHAHAHAHA! They will be sending the message, ‘You are avoiding me!’ So, what is the purpose? They think I will come out and say, ‘No, no, no, I am not avoiding you. Don’t worry.’ They will try to make me clear, my stand about them, which I never do! If you are in the space of Completion, you will know my default strategy towards everybody is infinite compassion and love. But whenever you try to get it spelt out by me, you are trying to get a rubber-stamp of sanction for the stupidity you have done, which I am not ready. See, I have a default cognition of love for the space of your Completion, not for your stupidity. But you do some stupid things and try to get my rubber-stamp so that you can continue to do the same stupid things. And try to send, ‘mamamamamamamamamamama’ this kind of messages. And, ‘I don’t know why you are avoiding me.’ These kind of messages are usually to make me come out and say, ‘No, I am not avoiding you.’ They will come and stand in Sarvadarshan or in Kalpataru Darshan and give a letter: ‘I think you are avoiding me.’ I never make my stand very clear.
Please be very clear, now I am making my stand very clear once for all. Eternally I carry the space of love and compassion, acceptance for your Completion side. And, forever, how much ever cunning games you try to play, plan, I will not support your incompletion! I will not support your stupidity! Don’t every try to get recognition for your incompletion from me. No! I am not the Master for it.
Listen! Many times people don’t actually look for Completion. They just look for attention and consolation from me for their stupidity. Stop being stupid! Even if I accept, your incompletion is not going to keep quiet; it is going to destroy you. The problem is, if I tolerate your incompletion, later on when your incompletion destroys you, you will put the blame on me. ‘I am your disciple. You didn’t teach me. You let me down.’ Oh, God, when I tried to hold you up, what did you do? You dig into the hole of incompletion and now you come up with new-new theories.
So, the essence of what I am trying to tell you is, please listen, whether you get my rubber-stamp or don’t get my rubber-stamp, Completion is going to save you. Whether you get my rubber-stamp or don’t get my rubber-stamp, incompletion will destroy you. So, your decision to be in the space of Completion is a primary requirement, preliminary step, first foundation. Everyone is getting it? Because, only after you decide to declare, listen, only after you decide to declare Completion with yourself and with others, life starts! Life starts! And it does not need any other spiritual practice other than simple declaration. You may say, ‘No, no, incompletions will come back.’ Alright then Completion also bring it back; that’s all! ‘No, it is like eternal war.’ Who does the last act wins the war! That’s all! See, winning the war is nothing, it is simple. Who does the last act wins the war! So, I know the act to be done for winning the war. And, one more thing: Completion has your support. Incompletion does not have your direct support; it only has your indirect support; means, you can only steal from you.
There was a fellow who was running a separate shop stealing from our housekeeping. But, stealing from our housekeeping if you are running a shop, how long can you have the supply? As long as we are unaware! The moment we become aware, the supply will be stopped and the shop will be closed! Your incompletion shop is also like stealing from the housekeeping and running a shop. So, the moment they become aware, your supply will stop. Please be very clear, the moment you declare consciously you are going to support the space of Completion, the energy supply for incompletions will drastically drop down! It will drastically drop down!
The first thing: You deciding and declaring you will be in the space of Complete Completion.
Second step! Listen, listen, please listen....very important step! I think Bala Sants are not sitting in the space of listening. Please listen, because this is a very important initiation! Perpetual Completion is nothing but perpetually remembering that Completion is easy and you declared for it. Listen! Perpetual Completion, that is what....
These few words if you just listen, that is enough! After that, you can go back to your sleeping state!
Listen! Perpetual Completion is nothing but understanding that Completion is easy and you opted for it. That’s all!
See, there are seven different energy fields for liberation:
Thiruvaroor: Anybody who is born there, they get liberation. The energy field is designed in such a way, if you are born or reborn there, you are liberated.
Kashi: The energy field is designed in such a way, if you just die there, you get liberation.
Chidambaram: The energy field is designed in such a way, if you go and have darshan there, you will get liberation.
So these different energy fields have liberation programmed with different actions. I am from the energy field which is programmed in such a way that just by remembrance it liberates you! That is why you will see, all the technical design, everything, will be just remembrance based. Whether it is Ananda Gandha, Unclutching, Completion, Perpetual Completion, you don’t need to practice; there is no need for any practice. Smaranaath Arunachalam! Just by remembrance liberation is there! All the spiritual practices I teach, all the truths I am sharing, you will see, finally everything boils down to only remembrance; it will never boil down to any doing. I am not a Doing Guru. I am a Remembrance Guru. I am a Guru who teaches you remembrance, the smaranaa. Because I am embodiment of that energy field which is programmed, hardwired to liberate anybody just by remembrance. Please understand, just remembrance!
Completion is easy and you opted for it; that is all, that is all is Perpetual Completion! Completion is easy; I opted for it. Completion is easy; I chose it. Completion is easy; I want it. Completion is easy; I am it! That’s all!
I wanted all of you to be in the space of Perpetual Completion for the next few days, understand? This Perpetual Completion, actually you don’t need much time for this concept to sink in you. Simply it can be done. May be, you can tell your teamily with whom you share your life, food, bed, fun, suffering, pleasure, pain, you can tell your teamily, inform your teamily by declaring, ‘Perpetual Completion is easy. I am deciding for it!’ You can inform all of them. So, they will remind you. When you are in the space of incompletion, they will remind you, they will tell you. They will tell you.
Support of teamily may be highly helpful for you for the smaranaa, for the remembrance, for the first few days. After that, even teamily may not be required, because your own inner-space will start reminding you. First few days, smaranaa! First few days, smaranaa, reminding! First few days, smaranaa, reminding! First few days, the teamily will be of big support for you for this smaranaa, remembrance. And, then, after a few days, the self-remembrance will become a natural space in you. You may not need teamily supporting you. You yourself may be able to have that space of Perpetual Completion. Actually, by telling your teamily, you can even make them understand, enrich them about this Perpetual Completion.
Please listen! Enriching is not marketing, be very clear. If you think enriching is marketing, you are wrong. Enriching means making people understand the great possibility they have through these spiritual principles. It is not begging, ‘Please, please come for Inner Awakening. Please, please come for this programme.’ No! Enriching means making people understand the greatest possibility waiting for them. It is not marketing.
I have a few lines about marketing:
1. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say, ‘I am very rich. Marry me!’ – That is “Direct Marketing”.
2. You are at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous girl. One of your friends goes up to her and pointing at you says, ‘He's very rich. Marry him.’ – That is “Advertising”.
3. You are at a party and see a gorgeous girl. She walks up to you and says, ‘You are very rich! Can you marry me?’ – That is “Brand Recognition”.
4. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say, ‘I am very rich. Marry me!’ She gives you a nice hard slap on your face. – That is “Customer Feedback”.
5. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say, ‘I am very rich. Marry me!’ And she introduces you to her husband. – That is “Demand and Supply Gap”.
6. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and before you say, ‘I am rich. Marry me!’, your wife arrives! – That is “Restriction from Entering New Markets”.
So, enriching is not marketing. Enriching is making people around you understand the great possibility they have, the great possibility they have. And, actually, by enriching your teamily, you are creating a beautiful, conscious ambience, in which you want to live. You are creating a conscious ambience.
Please listen! You create, you design your house as you want. You design your car as per your choice. You design everything, but you forget the conscious feeling in which you want to live. You forget designing that. Enriching is consciously designing and transforming the field in which you want to live.
Enriching is not marketing. Enriching is making a person understand the greatest possibility available for him, the greatest reality available for him; that’s all!
So, today, the punch-line for all of you is: “Perpetual Completion is possible and I decide for it!” Simple remembrance, that’s all!
If you have to be born to get liberated, only the few people who are born in Thiruvaroor will get liberated. And your birth is already over! What can you do?
And, if you have to do some spiritual practice in some place, all may not be able to go and do, all may not have time; so many things.
And, if you have to die in Varanasi, only then liberation, many of us don’t know when is our death; we cannot just be sitting in Varanasi and waiting! And the place is also not that big. If the whole world population starts going to Varanasi, what will happen to Varanasi? People there already will die immediately! Even though it is a Mukthi Kshethra, the place is too small. The whole world cannot be liberated.
And, having the darshan in Chidambaram, even that, if you are handicapped and cannot travel, you cannot be liberated.
The only universal liberation place is Arunachala. Just remember from wherever you are! From wherever you are, the moment you remember, liberation is guaranteed! Smaranaath Arunachalam! Smaranaath Arunachalam!
If you are born in Thiruvaroor, you can have liberation. If you have darshan of Chidambaram, liberation. If you die in Kashi, liberation. There is a big list. If you remember Arunachala, liberation. Even if you remember the person who remembers Nithyananda Nagara, liberation! Even if you remember my devotee, you remember me! I am too strong! That is why, even these so-called fellows who hate me are suffering that they are not able to forget me. I know there are tons of people who are suffering just because they are not able to forget me! They try their best. What to do? Even if you remember a devotee who remembers me, liberation for you! There are so many who have never seen me. Just by seeing our devotee and remembering them, they get into the space of Completion! They learn about Completion! Whether you are born, have darshan, or die, or remember, here even if you remember the devotee who remembers, liberation!
So, with this, I will move to Dial-the-Avatar calls.
DIAL-THE-AVATAR IN PROGRESS.....................
Alright! I will start the Kalpataru process.
Whoever is here for Kalpataru Darshan in Bidadi and all over the world, Seremban-Sivakashi, please pen down one desire you want to make into reality, and all the incompletions you have around that thought. Pen down both. The thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions, doubts, impossibilities you want to complete. The thought you want to cause as reality, and the impossibilities, doubts you have around the thought you want to cause as reality, please pen down both. Listen once more! The thought you want to cause as reality, pen down that. Next, all the impossibilities, doubts, incompletions you have about that thought, pen down that.
(After a few minutes.....................)
Please sit straight. Close your eyes. Complete with all the incompletions, doubts, impossibilities you carry and drop them. Hold on to the space you want to create. If you want health, see you are already healthy. If you want wealth, see you are already wealthy. Let the space you hold be in this moment. Namah Shivaya!
Thathaasthu! I bless you all! The space you created, let it become reality! The visualization you held, let it become reality! Thathaasthu!
We will start the darshan for the participants in Bidadi. Then we will move to Seremban-Sivakashi.
Now I will bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!
___________________ END OF SATSANGH ___________________
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