Sunday, 14 September 2014

28 August 2014

28 August 2014/Thursday


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha all over the world.

The cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Grasse-France, Ohio-Ma Shivananda, Ravensburg-Germany, Toronto-Kailasam, Newfoundland-Canada, Enriching Temple-Bidadi, St. Louis-Tirumala, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, High Point-North Carolina, Ohio-Prayag, Indrani-New Jersey, Singapore-Singapuram, Seattle-Chidambaram, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Jorpati-Nepal, Houston-Kalahasti, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Los Angeles-Hollywood, Phoenix-Kanchipuram, Island Creek-North Carolina, Nithyananda Nagar-Tiruvannamalai, Warrington-UK, London-Kashi, Amersfoort-Netherlands, Dakota Dunes, Hebbal-Bangalore, San Jose-Madurai, North Carolina, Scottsdale-Arizona, Austin-Texas, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Stratford-Connecticut, Kathmandu-Nepal, Oman-Sivagangai, Winston-Salem-North Carolina...........

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today, Ganesha Chathurthi, Vinayaka Chathurthi Brahmotsava ninth day!  Maha Ganapathi is gracing all of us on Suvarna Hamsa Vaahana.  Means, the Golden Hamsa Vaahana.  Hamsa is a mythological bird in Vedic tradition representing the highest enlightened being.  Hamsa bird is used as a symbol of enlightened being.  Ganesha is gracing all of us on the symbol of enlightened being, Hamsa Vaahana.

Today, Samskaara Dahana Kriya!  Tomorrow we will have Root Pattern. 

I wanted, today, all over the world, all the devotees, disciples, everyone to do Samskaara Dahana Kriya.  I already initiated the process of doing Samskaara Dahana Kriya for the last few days till the next forty-eight days.  Now, especially today, I wanted all over the world all the devotees, disciples to do Samskaara Dahana Kriya.

I will continue to expand on the same subject I was expanding on yesterday – how Completion makes you experience, makes you feel clearly about what you are, who is your opponent, where is the enmity happening, the reason for enmity.

Please understand, the BIGGEST DELUSION you need to handle in life is “THERE IS SOMETHING OTHER THAN YOU”.  Everything which exists is you!  If you feel there is something other than you, that is delusion.  Handling the delusion is very important.  For that you need to know “what or whom you feel as other than you”, and why you feel “that or them as other than you”. 

Please understand, if a bamboo is thrown in the Ganga, and that bamboo is floating, it seems, it looks like Ganga has become two now – right side, left side.  But Ganga never became two.  The bamboo makes Ganga look like two.  It is always your enmity that makes your conscious Ganga to look like “you” and “other”.  Listen!  So, if you do Completion deeper and deeper and discover what and who you feel as other, and why you feel as other, whom you feel as your opponent or enemy or other, and why you feel, the whole thing will boil down to your root pattern.  Please understand, the whole thing will boil down to your root pattern.  It will boil down to your root pattern.  Listen!  Listen deeply!  This is the principle through which you can experience Advaitha.  Doing more and more Completion with your desperation and anxiety, doing more and more Completion with your desperation and anxiety, doing more and more Completion with your desperation and anxiety!  The good news is, all the thoughts which can be completed just by one more thought of “you need to complete”.....

Listen!  There are some thoughts in you which can be completed just by one more thought that you “have to complete”.  There are some emotions in you which can be completed only by sitting in the Completion Process and re-living using the mirror, going through the Completion Process.  The thoughts which can be completed just by mere will that you “have to complete”, only they cause desperation and anxiety.  Desperation and anxiety is caused only by casual thoughts.  That is why I am telling you, desperation and anxiety are not the main villains.  They are ordinary foot-soldiers.  It is the root patterns, root patterns, listen, root patterns which you need to complete.  They are the main villains.  The root patterns which you need to complete are the real villains.  Your anxiety and desperation are not the real villains.  They are just superficial.  I wanted these two lines to sink into you.  I wanted you to contemplate on it. 

Listen!  Desperation and anxiety is created by ordinary foot-soldier patterns which don’t have strong existence in you, the casual passer-by thoughts.  The deepest delusions, deepest delusions like “you exist separately from something”, or “something exists separately from you”, those kind of delusions which is the source of the root cause of your birth itself, only those patterns are villains, direct villains with whom you have to fight.

When you complete the desperation and anxiety, three things will happen to you:

·         First, you will know what you are.  You will become sure about you.    
·         Second, you will know who is your enemy.
·         Third, you will understand why you feel enmity towards him or he feels enmity towards you. 

The moment you understand why you feel enmity towards him or he feels enmity towards you, listen, the moment you understand why you feel enmity towards them and they feel enmity towards you....... 

Listen now!  You always feel enmity towards anybody because they may cause some suffering.  But the worst thing is, YOU will only be causing that suffering to you by constantly being afraid of that suffering which is never going to be caused to you in your life!  Listen!  You will be afraid!  This is one of the greatest revelations of Advaitha Sathya.  When you diagnose why you are afraid of your opponents, your enemies, that reason – may be you are afraid they may snatch all your wealth, you are afraid they may kill you, you are afraid they may put you in prison, you are afraid they may take away all your relationships, your family members, you are afraid they may just take away your mental peace, whatever is the fear you are afraid of – listen, it is actually, due to that fear, you will be torturing you more than your enemy torturing you!  When you complete with that, the reason for the enmity will melt down.  In whose inner-space the reason for enmity has melted down, he is called “Sadhu”.  Sadhu means, “the person in whose inner-space the reason for enmity has melted down, has been completed, the reason for the fears has been completed”. 

I am continuing from yesterday’s satsangh ( ).  I request all the devotees to watch today’s and yesterday’s satsanghs together; then you will understand how, step by step, simply Completion can lead you to Advaitha Sathya.  I know this is going above your head if you are new to satsangh.  I am trying to verbalize abstract principles.  I am trying to verbalize abstract principles.

The more and more your reason for enmity gets completed, the more and more the enemy becomes powerless.  Listen!  Because, for example, if your enemy knows your wealth getting snatched away is the way you can be tortured, he will do only that.  But, suddenly, if you renounce everything and become a Sadhu and sit under a banyan tree, what will happen?  Your enemy lost his ground!  He cannot do anything!  I am telling you, you don’t even have to become a Sadhu and sit under a banyan tree.  You sit under a banyan tree and do completion with the fear of losing your wealth, that is enough!  He cannot torture you anymore!  All the tortures you experience through your enmity and enemy can be completed.  The Completion does such a powerful thing, such a powerful thing of making your enemy powerless over you.  I am never bothered to die.  That is why my enemies never try to kill me.  Because, they know, even if they kill me, I will assume one more body and come back and do what I need to do!  I will become a martyr!  The biggest mistake they will do is trying to kill me, because that will make me a martyr.  They know whatever I am standing for, the teachings I am giving, everything will become immortal.  Suddenly, the whole thing will have a big authentification!

Listen!  When you don’t have reason to cherish your enmity, your enemy loses power over you.  Because, the “I” and “You”, that gap melts down.  It is no more like a dam.  It just becomes like a small bamboo.  Dam also separates Ganga into “this side” and “that side”.  Small bamboo also separates Ganga into “this side” and “that side”.  Dam is like root pattern.  Small bamboo is like a small passer-by thought.  Don’t allow the dam, the root pattern, to separate your Knowledge Ganga, your experience, the Advaitha Ganga.

More and more and more Samskaara Dahana Kriya, more and more and more Completion will melt down your desperation and anxiety patterns.  Second thing, it will make you understand who is your enemy, why enmity.  Third thing, it will make the strength of the enmity to go down, so you will experience instead of “You” and “I”, “You” and “Me”, the One, the only One, the Oneness.  The gap between “You” and “I” will be removed.  The Oneness!

The Cosmic Oneness, Advaitha Sathya, the Cosmic Oneness, Advaitha Sathya, is experienced just by pure non-violence, understand?  The Advaitha Sathya happens in you by the pure non-violence.

Completion is not just an ordinary process to relieve you from all the stress, just to give you physical and mental peace, physical health.  It is such a powerful process to give you Advaitha Sathya itself!  That is why I am so insistent, I insist so much on doing Completion again and again and again.

Sometimes I wonder, why because of our own delusion we separate ourselves as “I” and “You”, and one part of us cherishing enmity towards the other part of us due to illusory created fear that the other part is going to harm one part which is never going to happen other than this fear.  When I look around, the whole thing seems to be just foolish play again and again and again being played by every human-being.  Especially when I sit and guide participants of Inner Awakening through their root pattern, guide them to find their incompletions, helping them to complete, I just see, all over the world, whatever may be your background, culture, tradition, religion, age, gender, everyone doing this same drama to themselves!  Why?  No answer!  May be, when the kids have a long nail, because there is a long nail, they will play with the nail by folding it.  Why they are playing with their own nail by folding it?  No answer!  Because it is long, and the luxury of having a long nail, they will be playing with it.  Suddenly, when the nail comes out only they will feel the pain and they will feel, ‘Arrey!  Why did I do this?’  I think you started playing this game of “I” and “You” casually, just as a game, playfully.  But suddenly it has become a serious game.  It is like your right hand and left hand playfully started fighting with swords, having two swords, and both hands were playfully fighting with each other to check which hand is more strong.  Suddenly, you even forgot that they both are part of you, and they very seriously started cutting each other!

There were two disciples for a guru.  One day the guru told both of them to press one-one leg.  One disciple was pressing the right leg; another one was pressing the left leg.  Both of them suddenly looked into each other’s eyes.  This fellow (the first disciple) had one thought looking at the other fellow (the other disciple), ‘So you are trying to do seva more!  See now how nicely I will press!’  He pressed strongly.  Seeing this fellow press strongly, the other fellow thought, ‘What?  So you think you will get a good name from the guru now!’  So, he starts pressing more strongly than the other fellow.  Seeing this, the other fellow starts pressing even more strongly.  That poor guru!  He starts shouting out in pain, ‘Ouch!  Ow! Ow!’  Suddenly, this fellow got angry, very serious, ‘How dare you challenge me!  See my power!’  and pressing with all his strength, he just broke the leg of the guru!  The other fellow retorted, ‘You can make only a single fracture.  See here now!  And, ‘Craack!’, he broke and took out the other leg of the guru!  Understand!  And that poor guru!  HAHAHAHAHAHA!  The poor guru started wailing, ‘I didn’t do anything else other than telling you guys to press my feeeeet......’  HAHAHAHAHAHA!  No, this is exactly what you are doing to yourself!  This is exactly what you are doing to yourself!  Understand?  This is exactly what you are doing to yourself!

Do more and more Completion to integrate all the broken parts of your life.

With this, I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!


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