Sunday, 14 September 2014

7 Sep 2014

7 Sep 2014/Sunday


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

Today mainly I wanted to remind everyone of you, whether you are Inner Awakening graduate, or Living Advaitha Process participant, or new visitor, beginner, about the Perpetual Completion, means, perpetually practicing what you believe is the highest method for your Completion.

In the initial level, you may believe that just repeating the name of a god or guru, or just listening to these great words, or bhajan, kirtan, that can be leading you to Perpetual Completion.  May be, after some time, you start believing more meditation or creating a space will lead you to Perpetual Completion.  Then you believe constantly completing, dropping all incompletions may lead you to Perpetual Completion.  Whatever you may believe, at one time you may feel just living, just remembering you, the real you, keeps you in the space of Perpetual Completion.  I tell you, the man who has completed with the unnecessary self-created – I am using chosen words – “unnecessary, self-created incompletion-based operating cognition”, a long word, “self-created incompletion-based operating cognition”, you may think, ‘If this one problem is solved, I am free from all the problems and incompletions.’  But, before the problem is solved, because you operate from the cognition of incompletion, you already created another ten!  Another ten problems are already in the waiting list!

Please understand, liberating yourself from operating from the cognition of incompletion is what is the most powerful, important, very important, most powerful process, method, for Perpetual Completion.  The accent and slang always remains one with the language.  Perpetual Completion remains one with Advaitha Sathya, understand?  The accent or slang comes along when you express a language.  Perpetual Completion always expresses if you live in the Advaitha Sathya.  Whatever you think as the technique for Advaitha Sathya, for Complete Completion, constantly practice that.  If you think that Inner Awakening is the way, attend the program.  If you think Living Advaitha Process is the way, do it.  Doing it!  (break in connectivity........)

So understand, raise yourself by constantly practicing what you think will help you to lead to Perpetual Completion.  It can be as simple as repeating a sacred word, or as deep as completing with yourself, with your Self-Denial. 

The original sin is Self-Denial.  Self-Denial, Self-Blackmailing, Self-Hatred, and Self-Doubt.  The original sin is Self-Denial.  Getting out of it, completing with it, getting out of it, completing with can happen sometimes as simple as repeating “Shiva” “Shiva” you will be out of Self-Denial.  Sometimes even such simple, what you think as simple practice, remembrance, “Shiva, Shiva, Shiva”, you are out of Self-Denial!  Sometimes you have to sit and write pages after pages after pages, and understand, exactly locate the incident where the Self-Denial started growing, and complete with them and be free.  Yes, whether it is just as simple as repeating the sacred word, or as deep as doing Completion with your Self-Denial, whatever you think, please do it.  Doing it!  Deciding strongly to be always in the space of Completion, always in the space of Completion!

All the Living Advaitha Process participants all over the world, I am talking to all of you, please do your homework.  Take it very sincerely.  That is the reason these two weeks you are given time, this weekend classes have been postponed.  Please do sincerely!  Do it sincerely!  Do sincerely!  Do it sincerely!

Bring Completion!  Bring Perpetual Completion!  Bring Completion!  Bring Perpetual Completion!

Today we have long sessions again for the Inner Awakening participants.  Today we are going to be working on creating the new reality.  One of the most sincere batches I have seen, this batch I am working with.  No, really!  The kind of effort they are putting from their side is wonderful.  I am doing what needs to be done from my side.  So we are really co-creating the miracles. 

Yes....  So, with this, I will move to the next step – Dial-the-Avatar process.  I will pick up a few calls.  Then.....


So, with this, I will move to Kalpataru Darshan next for the participants in Bidadi and Los Angeles.  Los Angeles also will have Kalpataru Darshan today. 

So, my blessings!  I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!


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