Sunday, 14 September 2014

22 August 2014

22 August 2014/ Friday


There was no live satsangh today.  Recorded satsangh of Monday, 19 May 2014 – “CELEBRATE THE UNKNOWN PART OF YOU” – was played.

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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Nithyananda Nagar-Tiruvannamalai, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda Nagar-Rajapalayam, Toronto-Kailasam, Kulim-Tiruttani, Houston-Kalahasti, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Brahmasukhi gurukul kids-Bangalore, San Jose-Madurai, Washington DC-Sripuram, Ohio-Prayag, Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Seattle-Chidambaram, Charlotte-Srisailam, Mukthananda-Seattle, Kajang-Malaysia, Penang-Tirupparamkundram, Peethadeeshwari’s Training Centre-Salem, Ohio-Ma Shivananda, Wendy Scott-Australia, New York-Varanasi, Jorpati-Nepal, San Diego-Tirualavai, Mill Valley-Vairavan Koil, Sun Prairie-Wisconsin, London-Kashi, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Philip Island-Australia, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Vishweshwarananda-Varanasi...........

Today is Vishweshwarananda’s birthday!  Vishweshwarananda, birthday blessings!  With all the auspiciousness you will be with me, I will be with you!  Blessings!

Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Port Washington-New York...........

Blessings for Shri Gopal ji in Sun Prairie-Wisconsin two-way video-conferencing!  Blessings!

Nithyananda University-Paris...........

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Today I will expand on Living Advaitha from Ananda Vana. 

Just now we all went and had Kalabhairava darshan and back from Kalabhairava Temple.  This temple is the “Moola” Bhairava Temple; means, the first Kalabhairava Temple.  When Kalabhairava “happened” to teach a lesson to Brahma and removed Brahma’s ego, he cut the head of Brahma, the fifth head, and the skull got stuck in his hand.  So, he comes to Annapurni.  Annapurni puts so much food the skull was satisfied, and it gets detached from the hand of Mahadeva.  So, Kalabhairava sits in Varanasi and blesses the whole world.  This is the “Moola” Bhairava Temple.  Today all the Inner Awakening participants and all of us went to have darshan of “Moola” Bhairava Temple.  Kalabhairava is “Moola” Bhairava, first temple.  And from here the tradition of worshipping Kalabhairava has spread all over the world.

“Nithyam Adwitheeyam”!  In Kalabhairava Ashtakam there is a beautiful verse!  “Always in the space of Advaitha”!  “Nithyam Adwitheeyam Ishta Daivatham Niranjanam”!  Eternally established in Advaitha, Nithya Advaitha!

Today I will expand on Living Advaitha, the Nithya Advaitha. 

Please understand, it is very unfortunate we believe the spiritual experience can happen on its own.  Please understand, spiritual experience can happen on its own, like Ramana Maharshi says, if you stop disturbing.  You go on disturbing, but you expect the spiritual experience to happen on its own.  All our spiritual practice, all our spiritual practice is just stopping the stopping the experience.  Listen!  Stopping the stopping of the experience!  Stopping the self-abusal we do to ourselves, stopping the losing of the spiritual experience we do to ourselves, understand.

I was just contemplating when I heard that stotra in the Kalabhairava Temple – “Nityam Adwitheeyam” – how the Advaitha becomes “nithya”, eternally existing truth.  Please understand, if you look in, you will understand, even while you are coming across with your so-called fears, powerlessness, right, wrong, that is why all the strategies you make as if you are going to be here forever, owning the land itself.  The concept of owning the land or property or some assets, wealth, arises from the strong belief that you are going to exist forever.  I tell you, please understand, step by step if you intranalyze what I am saying, you will get the exact truth. 

There is part of you which is consciousness, constantly making you feel the qualities of consciousness as your own.  Unfortunately, there is a part of you which does not have the qualities of consciousness completely – means, your infrastructure.  Please understand, because you are living in your house, your house should not start feeling it is independent intelligence.  But if your house starts behaving as if it is independent intelligence, it is wrong cognition.  Same way, because consciousness is residing in your body, if your body starts behaving itself as an independent intelligence, then wrong cognition.  Body is intelligent as long as the consciousness resides in it, as long as it supports the expression of consciousness through it.

There is a beautiful story:

In some Indian village festival they were taking the temple deity on a donkey for procession.  In North Indian villages that habit is there.  In South India, they carry the deities on be precise, bullocks.  In the North, there is a habit in villages still on the donkeys they carry; because in the North the Utsava Moorthis are very light....smaller and very light.  In the South, the Utsava Moorthis are heavy, the “procession deities” are very heavy in the South.  In the North, still the habit is there, they will carry it on a donkey, and sometimes on a horse; there are some places.....on elephants.  So, whatever animals they have in that region, they carry. 

One day the temple procession was going on, on a donkey the deity was kept and it was taken around, and everyone in the village was offering flowers, showing arathi, incense, worshipping the deity on the donkey.  Suddenly the donkey thought, ‘Oh, I think from yesterday I have become enlightened.  Otherwise why the whole village is worshipping me?’  In the first street he thought, ‘What happened to this place?  Usually they beat me and drive me out.  Sometimes these kids put crackers on my tail.  But today these fellows are worshipping me!’  In the second street the same thing happens; he saw the worshipping.  He becomes a little egoistic.  In the third street he has gone crazy.  When he was walking in the fourth street, he thought, ‘I think I have become enlightened two days ago!’  The moment he came to the conclusion, he decided, ‘Why should I carry this statue on me?’  He just shook and dropped the deity.  Then you know what would have happened!  He had his real puja from the whole village!

Understand, the donkey is worshipped as long as it carries the deity.  Your body is great as long as it remembers it carries the super-consciousness and it strategizes itself as the infrastructure to express the super-consciousness, not as an impediment to your super-consciousness.  The body and mind should be a beautiful tool for you to express the glory of consciousness.  Temperamental mind and temperature body tampers with the conscious expression.  Please understand, temperamental mind and temperature increased in the body due to the temperamental mind, constantly tampers with the expression of your consciousness.  Be powerful, but not temperamental.  Be powerful, but not temperamental. Take spontaneous decision, but not temperamental.  Understand, there is a difference between spontaneous decision and temperamental decision.  Let your decisions be spontaneous, let your decisions be strong, let your decisions be powerful, let your decisions be intelligent.

I will give you the examples of spontaneous and temperamental decision.  Spontaneous decisions are from the cognition you are consciousness.  Temperamental decisions are from the inability to handle the situation.  When your body starts thinking it is eternal due to the existence of consciousness, you behave in a stupid way.  When your consciousness gives you the feeling you are eternal, when your consciousness gives you the feeling that you are ever existing, remember, in that context the “you” is not body and mind.  You is you!  You is you, not yours!  Don’t mistake yours as you.  Yours is not you. You is inclusive of yours.  Yours is not you.  You is inclusive of yours.  All yours put together and something more is you.  But all yours cannot equate to you.  You is you.  It is very unfortunate, if you think yours is you.  Your body, mind, everything is part of you, all that inclusively is you, but that does not mean your body and mind is you.  When you strategize, the confidence given to you that you are going to exist eternally, the confidence comes from the context of “you are the consciousness”.  But, but if you take that confidence and separate from the context, and from the context you have the body, mind, you start using, you become the worst strategist in your life, you end up like the donkey with the deity. 

The most unfortunate thing is yours becoming enemy of you.  It is like you give birth to your kid, bring up the kid thinking he is going to be a support for your life.  Suddenly, after he grows up, he becomes your first enemy.  That is exactly the stupidity we will be committing if we start behaving as if our body and mind is consciousness.  Because, please understand, if your body and mind starts using the confidence of the consciousness, it is like children using the influence of the parents without becoming responsible like the parents.  That is why all these rich-family kids are always spoilt brats, because they get the power and access of the consciousness.  They get the power and access to the power and wealth of the father, but don’t become responsible like the father. 

If your body and mind behaves that it is eternal, or it strategizes thinking it is, it will end up where the spoilt brats end.  Understand, the confidence which constantly oozes in you that you are eternal should be cherished, encouraged, enjoyed from the context you are consciousness.  When you encourage and strengthen and enrich the context that you are consciousness, the “Nithya Adwitheeyam”, the eternal Advaitha becomes lifestyle in you, and even your body and mind starts falling in tune with it.  Even a donkey can start understanding it is carrying the temple deity and that is why it is respected, and it will start doing that job very responsibly. 

I have seen in my hometown, the temple elephant.  Now the elephant is no more; it has died.  But I have seen that elephant will behave so softly, so softly, peacefully with people!  I have seen with my own eyes, one kid has fallen at the feet of the elephant.  Actually that elephant was walking in the temple procession.  One small kid has gone to have the blessings.  After the elephant blessed and he was walking, the kid has exactly fallen at the feet.  If that guy puts the feet down now, the kid will be crushed.  I have seen that elephant stand like that without putting that feet down at least full two minutes till the parents came and picked up the kid!  And even after that he was not sure that the kid has been removed completely; so he walks backside at least three-four feet.  He makes sure the kid is safe.  Only after seeing the kid with his own eyes he was comfortable.  What I am describing, thousands were witness.  In 1987, during the temple festival, this happened.

Even the donkey can pick up the intelligence that it is the deity on his back which is worshipped and respected, and it can fall in tune.  So, even your body and mind can pick up the intelligence that it is the eternal feeling from the consciousness, so, let us be tuned to that and celebrate that and enjoy the consciousness of the eternal.  Son can be tuned, realizing the wealth and power he has is because of his father’s responsibility.  ‘Let me also become responsible like him and become a strength for the parents.’  I have both: responsible kids and spoilt brats, both.  I tell you that from my own experience.  I have tons of spoilt brats who use my power, strength, influence, sometimes even wealth, and never take my responsibility.  And I also have tons of responsible kids who know, ‘This power, wealth, influence, spiritual power, everything is because of the responsibility Swamiji has taken.  Let me also be part of it.’  And I have tons of kids who are in-between, oscillating.  Sometimes they think they should become responsible, sometimes they think, ‘No, no, no, no, no!’

I tell you, the more and more your body and mind feels the feeling of eternity is from your consciousness, the context of consciousness, I tell you, when the context of consciousness is allowed to sink in your system, even your bio-memory, muscle-memory, mind, body, everything becomes more and more responsible to radiate that eternity, to radiate that “Nithya” (eternal).  The moment your body and mind starts radiating that “Nithya”, life becomes “Nithya Ananda”.  “Nithya Ananda” is nothing but your “Anithya” (ephemeral) component starts becoming responsible like “Nithya” component.  See, you have both components – “Nithya” and “Anithya” – eternal and ephemeral.  If your ephemeral components become responsible like the eternal components of you....  For the sake of describing, I am describing even the eternal part of you as component of you.  But the eternal component is YOU.  It is not part of you; that IS YOU.  “Nithyam Adwitheeyam”!  The eternal part of you is you.

Your body and mind, if it remembers the eternal component of you, the consciousness, and starts falling in tune with that continuously, Living Advaitha becomes guaranteed.

In Kalabhairava Stotra, there is a beautiful line: “Shaanthaaya Namaha, Shaantha Jana Priyaaya Namaha”! He is the lover of the peaceful people.  “O Lord, the Peaceful”, and “O Lover of the Peaceful People”!  And he is the most terrorizing god!  When he lands, the way he is!  But, I tell you, the centre is always eternal peace!  I can see, even when he lands in the body, the periphery only is shaken; the centre is eternal peace – “Shanthaaya”.  If your body and mind grasp the quality of the context of eternity from the context of eternity, understand, the context of eternity from the context of eternity, not the context of eternity from the context of time..... 

Listen!  Context of eternity from the context of time is like past, present, future, forever.  Here, when I say ‘context of eternity from the context of eternity’, even the concept of time is forgotten.  As long as you measure eternity from the context of time, it is not a complete understanding of eternity.  If Kaala is measured by Kaala, you don’t understand Kaala completely!  Kaala is beyond Kaala and Akaala.  Kaala is beyond Kaalakaala!  Nithya is beyond Nithya Anithya, which can be grasped by your mind.  The real Kaala is beyond Kaala Akaala, which can be grasped by your mind.  So, don’t even try to understand consciousness from the context of your body and mind.  Understand, it is beyond the possibilities of your body and mind.  When you understand it is beyond the possibilities of your body and mind, the eternal meditation on consciousness will happen. 

Please understand, anything which you understand as too big, you just get soaked into it, you just get relaxed into it, you just disappear into it.  I have always seen, whenever I get questions from people, ‘Swamiji, how is it that when you walk, wherever you go, travel, people are following you and tons of people just leave everything and come away to be with you?’  Please understand, now I am telling you the business secret.  No, I cannot give the word “business secret”, may be “trade secret”.  Even the word “trade secret” may not be right.  “Service secret”!  “Service secret”, understand!  I know very clearly who is going to come away with me; means, who is following, who is not going to.  The moment I see that their being has grasped that I am impossible to be measured by their body and mind, I just know they are going to be with me.  And, I tell you, I am not even saying you should come with me.  Who wants you?  I don’t want you!  I already have enough people with whom I have to work and train them.   ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­If you have fear of me, I have fear of you, don’t worry!  If you have love for me, I have love for you, understand. 

Sometimes, people have so much of arrogance, they think if they leave me I am going to miss them!  Understand, if you don’t want me in your life, before you decided I have decided I don’t want you in my life. That is why you even feel that you don’t want me in your life.  Before you saw me, I saw you!  Before you love me, I started loving you!  Before you leave me, I left you!  Understand?  Before you saw me, I saw you!  Before you started loving me, I started loving you!  Before you left me, I left you!  Be very clear!  It is life!  It is life! 

Understand this truth.  Remember, the eternal component of you, the conscious component of you, is beyond the possibility of any defining by your body and mind.  See, the moment you understand your body and mind cannot define you, beyond possibility, your body and mind just falls in love with consciousness, because you always fall in love with something which is far more greater than you.  If you are able to perceive, if you are able to understand it, I can say, when your unknown part of you is understood as far beyond your comprehension, you just fall in love with you. 

Celebrating the unknown component of you is “Religion”, being frightened by the unknown component of you is “Atheism”, understand?  Celebrating the unknown component of you, the Nithya, is “Religion”.  All religions celebrate the unknown part of you, consciousness. Being frightened of the unknown component of you is “Atheism”.  All atheistic traditions ask you to forget about the unknown part of you by denying it, because it feels too much to grasp the unknown.  I tell you, when you celebrate the unknown, you know how to love the unknown.  Falling in love with the unknown, celebrating the unknown, making your body and mind understand the conscious component of you is beyond your grasp, all this is one and the same, various sides of Living Advaitha.  You putting your whole energy trying to forget the unknown is “Atheism”.  Trying to celebrate the known is “Materialism”.  Trying to fool people by neither celebrating the unknown nor celebrating the known is “Communism”.  At least the Advaithis celebrate the unknown, materialists celebrate the known.  The Communists celebrate none.  Neither they celebrate the known nor they celebrate the unknown!

I tell you, Communism is the best belief for the stupidest mind!  I am not supporting Capitalism or Corporatism, please be very clear.  When I criticize Communism, don’t ever mistake I support Corporatism or Capitalism.  I support only Responsibilism.  Whoever takes responsibility, enjoys what for they are worthy of, that’s all.  Because, Corporatism is not what I am supporting.  Corporates are not loyal to anybody, anything other than their profits which comes from sucking other’s lives.  Many times they are insensitive to even lives when it comes to their profits.  How the Communists become insensitive to lives when it comes to power.  Communists become insensitive to life when it comes to power, Corporates become insensitive when it comes to the question of profit.  So, I am neither supporting Communism nor supporting Corporatism, I am supporting Responsibilism.  Neither the person who doesn’t take responsibility should be enjoying, nor the person who is taking responsibility should be sucking the whole thing in the name of Corporatism and Capitalism.  The person who takes responsibility should educate everyone to take responsibility.  Communism is like, whether you take responsibility or not, at least in theory they try to tell everyone everything belongs to you. 

No, I have seen so many Communist fellows.  In the road they go in the auto, taxi.  But the moment they reach the airport.....chartered plane!  From one place to another place they go by chartered plane, and in the road they go by auto, because in the air you won’t be able to see them!

Listen!  Please listen!  Let your body and mind absorb the context of eternity from the context of eternity, the qualities of consciousness from the context of consciousness.  You yourself spend a little time with you.  Even though you see every day so many people dying, how come you have such a strong faith you are not going to die?  Because you are not going to die, understand the truth!  Your faith is not wrong.  It is wrong only when you use it in the wrong context.  You may change body and mind, but you are not going to die.  The experience you are going to exist forever is true.    Don’t question that.  Question the misunderstanding.  It is like, when I tell people, ‘Drop smoking.’, they drop me!  Same way only, don’t question the experience of eternity.  Don’t say, ‘I am not going to be eternally alive.’  My idea of “I am not going to be eternally alive” is stupid.  No!  Question only the context which you think as you when you feel are eternal or ephemeral.  Question the idea you are body and mind, not the idea you are eternal. 

When Yudhishtira was questioned by an Yaksha, the answer by Dharmaraja, Yudhishtira – because Yudhishtira is son of Dharmaraja, he is also called Dharmaraja – Yudhishtira answers the Yaksha who is actually his own father, Dharmaraja, who comes in disguise and questions him in Mahabharata.  In Mahabharata, an Yaksha asks Yudhishtira, ‘What is the most surprising thing?’  Yudhishtira answers, ‘After seeing every day people dying, still human-beings feeling they are going to be eternal, is the most surprising thing on Planet Earth!’  I wanted all of you to know, may be Yudhishtira knows dharma, but he does not know moksha!

I tell you, even knowing so many people are dying every day, still you feel you are going to be eternal, means there is a part of you which is eternal.  What you see every day dying is body and mind.  That part is going to die even in you, but not you.  So soak yourself in the clarity of eternity.  Don’t question that belief.  Even if you question, you will never be able to stop believing that you are going to be here eternally.  Even if you suppress eating in the whole day, at night in the dream you will be feasting.  Same way, even if you start believing that you are not eternal, in the dream you will feel you are eternal.  You are eternal is the truth!  If you try to apply that in the wrong context, the context is wrong, not the truth.  Because you got electrocuted, electricity is not wrong.  You used the wrong context.  So electricity is not responsible if you got electrocuted; you using it in the wrong context is the reason.  Blessed are those who learn the right context from a young age. 

That is why whenever I see my gurukul kids, I am so happy for them.  They have the best life, I tell you!  They have the life much better than me, because even when I was getting trained by my gurus, I didn’t have a clear future defined for me by my gurus.  They were already old. They know I know they will not be alive when I grow up.  One of my gurus, Vibhootanandapuri, I have seen, she will go house to house, door to door, for building the first ashram she built for me.  Door to door, house to house!  Actually, she had some of her followers; means, to whom she has given Sri Vidya initiation.  She was an elderly sannyasini.  So people will go to her for counselling, Sri Vidya initiation.  She is well known for her Vaak Siddhi and healing powers.  So, whoever got healed by her Vaak Siddhi, she will go to them and ask them to keep a handful of rice.  She will keep that for a few months and then sell it and collect the money and build an ashram for me, my first ashram.  I asked her, ‘Why are you doing this in this old age?’  She said, ‘No, no, I will not be here for a long time.  So, when I go, you need a shelter.  I know you will bring thousands, but I should leave at least one shelter for you.’  Exactly the same spot where I became enlightened, where I got enlightenment experience, just near that rock she built the first ashram for me.  She said, ‘I cannot do much, but I will do at least this one small roof.’  I said, ‘What will I do with this roof?  I don’t even have a latrine, bathroom there!’  She was laughing!  ‘Alright, whatever I can do, I will do.’  I tell you, but of course, she gave me million times more than any property or ashram.  Now it is more of sentimental value.

I tell you, my gurukul kids have better life than me, because,

·         One, I am young. 

·         Second, I am very clear about their future and vision.  And not only I have made the internal infrastructure for them, I made even the external infrastructure for them to be what they should be, what they are.  By the time these kids grow up and sit as Mahants, each one will have one saamrajya (empire) to teach this Vedic tradition to the world.

Catch the truth from the right context.  Catch the truth from the right context.  Catch the truth from the right context is the essence of today’s satsangh.  Let your body and mind be soaked into the truth you are eternal.  Only when your body and mind tries to misuse the truth, question the context; don’t try to question the truth itself.  If you question the truth, you are mistaking.  Question the context, not the truth.  If your body and mind becomes responsible, radiating the qualities of the eternal consciousness.....right and great!  If your body and mind become arrogant, abusive, thinking it is eternal, question the context, that is all!

With this, I will move to the Kalpataru process. 

All the participants who have come for Kalpataru Darshan in Ananda Vana-Varanasi, and Mill Valley-Vairavan Koil, and all over the world, please pick up paper and pen.  Pen down one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions, doubts, fears, you have around that thought. Pen down both.

(After a few minutes...........) please sit straight.  Complete with all the incompletions you hold and drop them.  Hold the space for what you want to cause as reality.  Namah Shivaya!

KALPATARU MEDITATION.....................

Thathaasthu!  I bless you all!  The space you held, let it become reality!  The visualization you held, let it become reality!  Thathaasthu!  Thathaasthu!  Thathaasthu!

We will have Kalpataru Darshan for the people in Ananda Vana, and for the Mill Valley-Vairavan Koil, and then SMKT meeting.

I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!


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