Sunday, 14 September 2014

29 August 2014

29 August 2014/Friday


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Lotus TV, Sadhna TV, two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

Cities sitting with us having Nayana Deeksha: Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda Nagar-Tiruvannamalai, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Nithyananda University-Los Angeles, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Seattle-Chidambaram, St. Louis-Tirumala, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Hosur, Kubeshni-South Africa, San Jose-Madurai, Scottsdale-Arizona, High Point-North Carolina, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Houston-Kalahasti, New York-Varanasi, Gyaneshwor-Nepal, Bangalore-Malleshwaram, Phoenix-Kanchipuram, Indrani-New Jersey, Winnipeg-Canada, Ohio-Prayag, London-Kashi, Nithyananda University-Paris, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Kastav-Croatia, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, ..... Springs-New Jersey, Singapore-Singapuram, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Toronto-Kailasam, Oman-Sivagangai, Port Washington-New York, Megha Sharma-New Jersey...........

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today, Ganesha Chathurthi, Vinayaka Chathurthi, the day Maha Ganapathi, Ganesha, happened from the very bio-memory and muscle-memory of Mahadevi, Parvathi! 

And, today, Ganesha is gracing us on his favourite vehicle, Mooshika. 

Nithyananda Sangha all over the world is celebrating.  Here, in Bidadi, we are offering hundreds of naivedhyams for Ganesha, all his favourite items!  Let Maha Ganapathi bless all of us!

Ganesha is the embodiment of Completion.  That is why we offer our respects and prayers first to him before starting any ritual, worship, anything. 

All the ashrams are celebrating. 

Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad is offering a huge naivedhya to Maha Ganapathi.

And Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi is celebrating Ganesha Chathurthi with Ganesha.

And Chennai-Tiruvanmiyur is celebrating beautifully Ganesha Chathurthi.

And Hosur, Dhyanapeetam-Hosur is offering twenty-one naivedhyams to Ganesha.

Various temples are celebrating Ganesha Chathurthi in their own way.

And Gurukul kids are rolling in the mud, sand, and making images of Ganesha. 

And Ganesha is also made in laddoo (a sweet dish) as naivedhyam to himself!  So he can say that:

|| Poornamadhah Poornamidham Poornaath Poornamudhachyathey ||

 || पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते ||

[Completeness is that, Completeness is this,
From Completeness comes forth Completeness]

And when Ganesha eats his laddoo, he can say:

 || Brahmaarpanam Brahma Havir Brahmaagnau Brahmanaa Hutam ||

 || ब्रह्मार्पणं ब्रह्म हविर ब्रह्माग्नौ ब्रह्मणा हुतम् ||

Means:  “Who eats is same, What is eaten is same, The eating act is same, Everything is one and the same.”

Ganesha is Lord of Completion.  He always remains in the space of Completion.  That is why he can easily be pleased.  He can easily be pleased.  It is like he is “Ashutosha” – “very easily pleased” – just like his father.  Very powerful like his mother, very powerful like his mother, easily pleased like his father.  He removes all the incompletions.  He removes all the incompletions.  He brings Completion. 

Hyderabad has nine feet Ganesha in the temple, and is offering 108 naivedhyams.  Now I am telling you guys, all the obstacles for Hyderabad Sangha to happen will go away!  It will all become Completion now by the grace of Ganesha.  A beautiful Nithyananda Sangha in Hyderabad will happen!  Blessings! 

Anywhere you do puja to Ganesha, immediately Mahadeva happens.  And, by the grace of Ganesha, everything goes well.

Today I wanted to expand on two important truths in life.  Please understand, the first truth: Allowing incompletions to exist is literally declaring that you yourself don’t want your life in your control.  Please understand, ALLOWING THE INCOMPLETIONS TO EXIST IN YOU IS YOU DECLARING THAT YOU DON’T WANT YOUR LIFE UNDER YOUR CONTROL.  You say, ‘No, no, let life happen whatever.  I cannot take the responsibility.  I cannot keep it under my control.’  No!  Listen!  Please listen!  The utter irresponsibility, utter irresponsibility.....!

The power of incompletion is such, it deludes you so much, you literally believe you really cannot contain your own life, or contain yourself.  See, just because you are temporarily upset, you go on taking decisions which permanently damage you.  That is the most difficult part of life, please understand.  Just because you are temporarily upset, you go on making decisions which permanently damage you.  And, the incompletions are such they will never let you grow. 

It is like somebody was asked, ‘What is your age?’ 

He said, ‘Twenty-two.’ 

The person who asked the question said, ‘What?!!  For the last five years you are telling the same thing!’

This fellow said, ‘Yes, yes, I don’t change my words!’


Many times, not changing your words is like not growing.  Not changing your cognition means, not growing.  Listen!  Not changing your cognition means, not growing.  It is so unfortunate, it is really, really unfortunate that you feel incompletions are really, really true.  The problem is, when the delusion happens, when the incompletion attacks you, when the panic attack happens, you really feel incompletions are true.  That is the problem.  When the dust-storm, sandstorm happens, you really feel you cannot do anything.  You are paralysed, you are crippled.....temporarily; but, you feel it is eternal, please understand.

Suffering, the quality of suffering is, even if it is temporary, It will give you the experience it is going to be there on you eternally.  You won’t find the end of the tunnel.  You won’t find the other side of the tunnel.  You will feel, ‘Oh, it is going somewhere.....’ and, gone!  Same way, bliss, when you experience it completely without Self-Doubt – ‘Will this bliss be with me or go away?’ – that gives you the experience it will be with you forever, eternally.  Understand, anything you experience at this moment intensely gives you the experience of eternity. 

Understand, so many qualities attributed to Ganesha are qualities of Completion.  These incompletions, they just totally imbalance you.  Constantly decide you will be in the space of Completion.  Completions means COMPLETION!  No question of powerlessness.  No question of powerlessness.  Everything you do, everything you do should be from powerfulness, from the space of Completion.  First thing you need to do in your life is bringing Completion.

Last two years I am repeating this same word, still I am not bored about it!  Still I feel I have to repeat!  Because, it has brought so much good to everyone.  It has brought so much of good to so many people.  For every problem, everyone in the ashram now knows the solution.  Whether they practice it or not is secondary.  Whether they do it or not is secondary.  At least they know that this is the solution.  Now they may flare up, vomit, bite.  But, after ten minutes, when they cool down, the first thing, they know the solution is Completion. 

I tell you the secret of life: Even if you are struggling, once your inner-space starts believing Completion is the solution, you are liberated!  Don’t worry!  Because, during the time of death, all your incompletions will become irrelevant.  You cannot carry your petty fights with everyone when you go through the thrall of death.  At that time, you will have only two choices: whether to believe the cognition of Completion, or cognition of incompletion.  Means, whether the incompletions with which you lived are true or not.  That is the only decision  which decides whether you are going to be liberated or not.

Please understand, if you believe your brother is really angry with you, your sister really abuses you, your neighbour is really planning some conspiracy against you, when you strongly believe that, you come back, you take one more birth!  Or, if you feel, ‘No, no, no, no, no, those things are not at all real things.  My Completion only is the real thing.  If I am complete, they all won’t have impact on me.  If I am incomplete, only then they will have impact on me.  So, the first thing to be attended, the first priority is my Completion.’, if you have that cognition, simply you will have enlightenment!  I can be hundred percent sure, based on this scale, our Nithyananda Nagara is already an enlightened city!  By the grace of Ganesha, everyone in the ashram hundred percent knows, yes, it is not always they are in the space of Completion.  Even many staff who come and go, not only the people who reside here, the Gurukul kids, Krama Brahmacharis, Kotharis, Thanedars, volunteers, Mahants, not only people who reside, but even people who come and go, all of them know one thing: We may become powerless, we may fall into guilt, we may fall into incompletion, we may fall into fight, we may fall into one-thousand incompletions, no doubt, but we all know the solution; that is COMPLETION!  So, any problem, it has nothing to do with THERE, it has something to do with HERE.  It has nothing to do with THERE, it has something to do with HERE!  Everyone knows that!  Actually, even if that cognition settles in you, now your liberation is only a question of days, time, but it is guaranteed!  It is guaranteed!  Because, when the situation changes.....

I tell you, by the time your body crosses different phases of life, so many incompletions become irrelevant.  See, all the incompletions you develop because your toy car was taken away by your brother or sister, or things related to your toffee, toy, hanky, all that now becomes irrelevant.  If you move from one country to another country, the temperature maintaining system of that country becomes irrelevant to you.  Even the furniture becomes irrelevant to you. Same way, when you move from this body, all incompletions will become irrelevant to you.  But, at that time, you will be given only one choice: Do you believe all the incompletions are because of the outside external things, or you believe all the problems are because of internal.  The moment you say, ‘No, it is because of internal.’, then you are liberated!  Then you don’t need to come once more; you don’t need to come back to Planet Earth to fight with the fellow who fought with you, you don’t need to go back and spit on the fellow who spat on you, you don’t need to go back to pour hot water on the fellow who poured hot water on you, you don’t have to come back for all this stupidity.  You can be given a place in Tapa Loka or Sathya Loka where you need to sit and internalize on the sathyas, the truths.  Just if you are given two years, three years time in the Sathya Loka, and allowed to do Completion, you will complete it and be liberated; that’s all!  If you believe it is THERE, then you are told, ‘Alright, go back.  Whatever you need to do, do that and come back.’  If you keep a pet and do surgery, then you will come back; you will be a pet for your pet; and that guy will do the same surgery you did to him.  The moment you think it is external, naturally you will be asked to go back.  ‘Alright, you complete and come back.’  The moment you say, ‘No, no, it is all internal, I know.’, then they will say, ‘Alright, there is an apartment complex called Sathya Loka.  Go and sit.  You will be given whatever is required to do Completion.’  And other people who are doing Completion, they are all there around you.  Tapo Loka.  You will have their inspiration, their support.  Form teamily along with Agasthya, Brighu, Vyasa, Suka.  Form a teamily with them and go through the Completion process and get liberated; that’s all! 

Understand, what becomes your basic cognition is very important.  That is why I am telling you.  See, for example, you are in South America.  You may build ten-thousand houses for yourself.  You may build a full city for yourself in South America.  But if you move out of that country, the whole city is useless for you.  But if you make international currency, may be that will be useful wherever you go.  So, the first priority should be international currency, so that wherever you go it will be useful for you.  I am not saying don’t build a city, but it should be second priority.  Understand, same way, when you are in this Planet Earth, the international currency you need to earn is the cognition of Completion, because, wherever you go that will be useful for you.  I am not saying don’t make money, I am not saying don’t make a family for yourself, I am not saying don’t make health, a beautiful career, a beautiful name, I am not saying don’t make all that; but, first priority should be to make the cognition of Completion, so that your liberation is guaranteed! 

And, I tell you, if you strongly believe Completion is the solution, anything you strongly believe will be acting inside you, even while you are asleep.  See, if you strongly believe food is necessary for the body, even if you don’t eat, in the dream you will be eating, because that cognition will be alive to keep the body alive.  In the dream you will be having a huge feast.  So, understand this logic.  If you just strongly believe that Completion, Completion is the one and only space you can be alive in, you should be alive, Completion is the solution, so even in the dream, even while you are asleep, that cognition will be alive and burning away all the incompletions, completing all the incompletions.  So, without even you going through the Completion process, you will complete tons and tons of incompletions.  That is why sometimes faith plays such a powerful role, belief plays such a powerful role, it does so much to you. 

The belief and faith, it just drastically reduces the effort you need to put.  It takes away the time you need to waste.  You don’t need to waste time if you believe Completion is the solution.  If you believe strongly that Completion is the solution, you will complete hundred incompletions in two seconds!  If you don’t believe, you may have to practice, practice, practice; to burn hundred incompletions it may take two years!  But if you strongly believe, even during the sleeping time, when you fall asleep also, your inner-space will go on be working and complete, complete, complete, complete, complete with all your incompletions! 

From this scale, I can tell you, Nithyananda Nagara, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi is already an enlightened city!  Because, when you leave the body, simply all these incompletions will simply become irrelevant!  What is your incompletion?  Stupid!  ‘This fellow took away my cellphone’, ‘My chappal is missing’, ‘I have not completed my project’, ‘My Mahant is all the time questioning me’, or, ‘How can I cheat my Thanedar?’, or, ‘How can I cheat my Kothari and escape?’, or, ‘How can I all the time brag in front of Swamiji that I am doing so much and so much is in my plate?’  See, all your incompletions are too insignificant.  Just a simple situation change, they will become irrelevant to you!  Even if I transfer you from one campus to another campus, the whole thing becomes irrelevant.  Even if you are transferred from one campus to another campus, the whole thing becomes irrelevant. 

So, really, I tell you honestly, what is your basic belief, that decides where you are heading.  See, when your basic belief is towards Completion, even if you have ten-thousand incompletions, I am not afraid of you at all, I don’t feel your life will be lost, you will be a waste.  No!  I know it may take time, a little time.  But, because your basic belief is for Completion, finally you will be liberated.  I am afraid of people whose basic belief is not towards Completion.  Those kind of people, even if they have only two incompletions, I am afraid of them, because, they may take two-hundred janmas (births) to get out of their incompletions because they don’t believe that Completion is the solution.  See, once you believe Completion is the solution, even in your deep sleep you will be going on completing.  Sometimes you may complete even all the ten-thousand incompletions in one night!  And, early morning, when you wake up, you are established in Perpetual Completion, you are enlightened! 

It is your faith, belief in Completion that supports you so much, that enriches you so much.  Completion not only should be practiced, it should be believed also.  But, actually, if you practice Completion even for two-three days, your faith on Completion will increase, because, you will know how your incompletions are melting down, how good you feel, how happy you feel.  You need to believe sugarcane is sweet till you have a taste.  Once you taste it, you don’t need to believe it after that.  The experience strengthens that faith, faith takes you to deeper experience.  Completion also should be experienced the same way.  The experience of Completion should strengthen your faith in Completion, your faith in Completion should strengthen your experience in Completion, one feeding the other, one feeding the other, one feeding the other, one feeding the other.  The virtuous circle is started.  Virtuous circle starts by one feeding the other. 

On this great day of Ganesha Chathurthi, let us all decide we will strongly start believing Completion.  Not just practicing, but believing also.  Let us believe the power of Ganesha, Completion, and let us believe, let us have faith that is the only solution.  When you have deep faith on Completion, every night, even in the deep sleep and dream state, you will complete tons of incompletions.  Any day you may just wake up as enlightened!  You will wake up and say: ‘लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु’ ‘Lokaa Samasthaa Sukhino Bhavanthu’ (“May all the beings in all the worlds become happy”).

Your faith in Completion burns away thousands of incompletions even if you sit for two minutes for Completion.  So, your belief and faith in Completion, in the space of Completion, is very important for you to experience Complete Completion.

Belief in Completion, faith in the space of Completion, is what is the essence of today’s satsangh.  Faith in the space of Completion, belief in the space of Completion.

With this, I will move to the Dial-the-Avatar calls. 

Having faith and belief in the space of Completion is my Ganesha Chathurthi message for all of you.


With this, I bless you all!  Let us all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!


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